
v0.0.6 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 22, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0


RESO Syndication

RETS syndication in Go

The attempt is to meet 2012-03 compliance.

Based on the

and Chris Ridenour's work mapping syndication (

Find us at

	in := ioutil.NopCloser(...)
	parser := xml.NewDecoder(in)
	listings := Listings{}

	// minidom isnt necessary but its crazy useful for massive streams
	md := minidom.MiniDom{
			StartFunc: func(start xml.StartElement) {
				switch start.Name.Local {
					attrs := map[string]string{}
					for _, v := range start.Attr {
						attrs[v.Name.Local] = v.Value
					listings.ListingsKey = attrs["listingsKey"]
					listings.Version = attrs["version"]
					listings.VersionTimestamp = attrs["versionTimestamp"]
					listings.Language = attrs["lang"]
			// quit on the the xml tag
			EndFunc: minidom.QuitAt("Listings"),
	err := md.Walk(parser, "Listing", ToListing(func(l Listing, err error) error {
		// .... process the listing here
		return err




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func ToListing

func ToListing(each EachListing) func(io.ReadCloser, error) error

ToListing creates an adapter to be used with something that walks a large stream and segments it into smaller doms


type Address

type Address struct {
	// Indicates the preference order within all
	// the ContactMethods. The highest preference
	// is 0.
	PreferenceOrder int `xml:" preference-order"`
	// Indicates the preference order within all
	// the Addresses. The highest preference is 0.
	AddressPreferenceOrder int `xml:" address-preference-order"`
	// Provide a category for the address.
	// Possible values:
	// Display
	// Mailing
	// Shipping
	// Billing
	// Legal
	// Tax
	// Other
	Category OtherChoice `xml:" category"`
	// The FullStreetAddress is a text representation of
	// the address with the full civic location as a single entity.
	// It may optionally include any of City, StateOrProvince,
	// PostalCode and Country.
	FullStreetAddress string `xml:" FullStreetAddress"`
	// Civic Address Fields
	// May only contain civic fields or BoxNumber element
	// Text field that uniquely locates a building on a given
	// street. House numbers may have fractional or alphabetic
	// modifiers. This is the first component in a street
	// address.
	StreetNumber *string `xml:" StreetNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field containing the direction that follows the
	// house number and precedes the street name in an address.
	// The format may be either an abbreviation, such as "NE" or
	// "N.E" or the full direction, "Northeast".
	StreetDirPrefix *string `xml:" StreetDirPrefix,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field containing the name of the street in an
	// address.  This may follow the house number or, if
	// applicable, the street direction prefix. It precedes the
	// street suffix. for example, in the address
	// "123 Main St.", "Main" is the street name.
	StreetName *string `xml:" StreetName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field describing the street type in an address. This
	// field follows the street name and precedes the street
	// direction suffix. A street suffix may be formatted as
	// either an  abbreviation or full name. Examples include:
	// Road, Rd., Avenue, Ave., etc.
	StreetSuffix *string `xml:" StreetSuffix,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field containing the direction that follows the
	// street suffix in an address. The format may be either an
	// abbreviation, such as "NE" or "N.E" or the full
	// direction, "Northeast".
	StreetDirSuffix *string `xml:" StreetDirSuffix,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Any additional elements needed to form the address
	StreetAdditionalInfo *string `xml:" StreetAdditionalInfo,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Use the BoxNumber element to contain address location information
	// not covered by the Civic Address.
	// May only contain if without the civic fields above
	// A container at a central mailing location, where the
	// incoming mail of a person or legal entity is held until
	// picked up by the person or legal entity. Also known as
	// a post office box.
	BoxNumber *string `xml:" BoxNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field containing the number or portion of a larger
	// building or complex. Unit Number should appear following
	// the street suffix or, if it exists, the street suffix
	// direction, in the street address. Examples are:
	// "APT G", "55", etc.
	UnitNumber *string `xml:" UnitNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The city, township, municipality, etc. portion of the
	// physical, legal or mailing address for a property,
	// person, etc.
	City *string `xml:" City,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text field containing either the accepted postal
	// abbreviation or the full name for one of the 50 U.S.
	// states or 13 Canadian provinces/territories.
	State *string `xml:" StateOrProvince,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// In the United states, the postal code (ZIP code) the
	// basic postal code format consists of five numerical
	// digits and may include a five digit ZIP+4 code that
	// allows delivery of a piece of mail to be even more
	// accurately defined. In Canada, the postal code is a six
	// character alpha-numerical code defined and maintained by
	// Canada Post Corporation for mail processing
	// (sorting and delivery).
	PostalCode *string `xml:" PostalCode,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The group of addresses to which the USPS assigns the
	// same code to aid in mail delivery. For the USPS, these
	// codes are 9 digits: 5 numbers for the ZIP Code, one
	// letter for the carrier route type, and 3 numbers for the
	// carrier route number.
	CarrierRoute *string `xml:" CarrierRoute,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The territory of nation or state included in a person or
	// property's legal or mailing address.
	Country *string `xml:" Country,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates the level of privacy for this information. Creation of
	// this attribute inspired by the need to provide this level of
	// privacy information for contact nformation: phone, email,
	// address, and the like.
	// Possible values:
	// Public
	// Agent/Member
	// MLS
	Privacy *string `xml:" privacyType,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Address for a property

type AlternatePrice

type AlternatePrice struct {
	// The list price for the property.
	// Where range pricing is used, the higher of the two prices.
	ListPrice PriceWithFrequency `xml:"AlternateListPrice"`
	// Where range pricing is used, the lower price of the range
	ListPriceLow *PriceWithFrequency `xml:"AlternateListPriceLow,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

AlternatePrice is a secondary price type in a different currency

type Area

type Area struct {
	// Area measurement units.
	// Possible values:
	// sqaureFoot
	// squareYard
	// acre
	// squareCentimeter
	// squareMeter
	// hectare
	// unknown
	// Defaults to squareFoot.
	Units string `xml:" areaUnits,attr"`
	// The source of the measurement.
	// Possible values:
	// Appraisal
	// Builder
	// Measured
	// Public Records
	// Unknown
	// Other
	Source string `xml:" measurementSource,attr"`
	// Area inherits from a nullable decimal in XSD.
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

Area is a measurement in a two (of five) dimensions

type Business

type Business struct {
	// Name of the business. Required.
	Name string `xml:"Name"`
	// An identifier from the providing system.
	ID *string `xml:"BusinessId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Phone number as a string, no specific format enforced.
	Phone *string `xml:"Phone,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Fax number as a string, no specific format enforced.
	Fax *string `xml:"Fax,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Email address as a string no specific format enforced.
	Email *string `xml:"Email,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// URL for the company website. Format is enforced.
	Website *string `xml:"WebsiteURL,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Logo *string `xml:"LogoURL,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Address for the business.
	Address        *Address `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	AdditionalInfo *string  `xml:"BusinessAdditionalInformation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Business ...

type Characteristics

type Characteristics struct {
	// Possible values:
	// Barbeque or Grill
	// Coffee System
	// Coffee System - Rough in
	// Cooktop
	// Cooktop - Electric
	// Cooktop - Electric 2 burner
	// Cooktop - Electric 6 burner
	// Cooktop - Gas
	// Cooktop - Gas 2 burner
	// Cooktop - Gas 5 burner
	// Cooktop - Gas 6 burner
	// Cooktop - Gas Custom
	// Cooktop - Induction
	// Cooktop - Induction 2 burner
	// Cooktop - Induction 6 burner
	// Dishwasher
	// Dishwasher - Drawer
	// Dishwasher - Two or more
	// Dryer
	// Dryer - Dual fuel
	// Dryer - Electric 110V
	// Dryer - Electric 220V
	// Dryer - Gas
	// Dryer - Gas rough in
	// Freezer
	// Freezer - Compact
	// Freezer - Upright
	// Garbage Disposer
	// Ice Maker
	// Microwave
	// Oven
	// Oven - Convection
	// Oven - Double
	// Oven - Double Electric
	// Oven - Double Gas
	// Oven - Gas
	// Oven - Gas 3 wide
	// Oven - Self-Cleaning
	// Oven - Steam
	// Oven - Twin
	// Oven - Twin Electric
	// Oven - Twin Gas
	// Oven - Twin Gas 3 wide
	// Oven - Twin Mixed
	// Range
	// Range - Built In
	// Range - Dual
	// Range - Dual 6 burner
	// Range - Dual 8 burner
	// Range - Dual 10 burner
	// Range - Electric
	// Range - Gas
	// Range - Gas 6 burner
	// Range - Gas 8 burner
	// Range - Gas 10 burner
	// Range - Induction
	// Range - Other
	// Rangetop - Electric
	// Rangetop - Electric 2 burner
	// Rangetop - Electric 6 burner
	// Rangetop - Gas
	// Rangetop - Gas 2 burner
	// Rangetop - Gas 4 burner compact
	// Rangetop - Gas 6 burner
	// Rangetop - Gas 8 burner
	// Rangetop - Gas 10 burner
	// Rangetop - Gas Custom
	// Rangetop - Induction
	// Rangetop - Induction 2 burner
	// Rangetop - Induction 6 burner
	// Refrigerator
	// Refrigerator - Bar
	// Refrigerator - Built-in
	// Refrigerator - Built-in With Plumbing
	// Refrigerator - Drawer
	// Refrigerator - Side by Side
	// Refrigerator - Undercounter
	// Refrigerator - Wine Storage
	// Refrigerator - With Plumbing
	// Trash Compactor
	// Vacuum System
	// Vacuum System - Rough in
	// Vent Hood
	// Vent Hood 6 burner
	// Vent Hood 8 burner
	// Vent Hood 10 burner
	// Warming Drawer
	// Washer
	// Washer - Front load
	// Washer - Steamer
	// Washer - Top load
	// Washer/Dryer Combo
	// Washer/Dryer Stack
	// Water - Filter
	// Water - Instant Hot
	// Water - Purifier
	// Water - Softener
	// None
	// Other
	Appliances []OtherChoice `xml:"Appliances>Appliance,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Description of the architectural design of the property listed.
	// Possible values:
	// A Frame
	// Art Deco
	// Bungalow
	// Cape Cod
	// Colonial
	// Contemporary
	// Conventional
	// Cottage
	// Craftsman
	// Creole
	// Dome
	// Dutch Colonial
	// English
	// Federal
	// French
	// French Provincial
	// Georgian
	// Gothic Revival
	// Greek Revival
	// High Rise
	// Historical
	// International
	// Italianate
	// Loft
	// Mansion
	// Mediterranean
	// Modern
	// Monterey
	// Mountain
	// National
	// Neoclassical
	// New Traditional
	// Prairie
	// Pueblo
	// Queen Anne
	// Rambler
	// Ranch
	// Regency
	// Rustic
	// Saltbox
	// Santa Fe
	// Second Empire
	// Shed
	// Shingle
	// Shotgun
	// Spanish
	// Spanish Eclectic
	// Split Level
	// Stick
	// Tudor
	// Victorian
	// Other
	ArchitectureStyle *OtherChoice `xml:"ArchitectureStyle,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has an attic.
	HasAttic *bool `xml:"HasAttic,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has a barbecue area.
	HasBarbecueArea *bool `xml:"HasBarbecueArea,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has a basement.
	HasBasement *bool `xml:"HasBasement,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The number of units in the building listed.
	BuildingUnitCount *int `xml:"BuildingUnitCount,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed is ready for cable.
	IsCableReady *bool `xml:"IsCableReady,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has one or more ceiling fans.
	HasCeilingFan *bool `xml:"HasCeilingFan,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Number of the floor the listed condominium is located on.
	CondoFloorNum *int `xml:"CondoFloorNum,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of all the types of cooling system the listed property has.
	// Possible values:
	// Attic Fan
	// Ceiling Fan(s)
	// Central A/C
	// Central Evaporative
	// Central Fan
	// Chilled Water
	// Dehumidifiers
	// Dessicant Cooler
	// Evaporative
	// Heat Pumps
	// Partial
	// Radiant Floor
	// Radiant Floor Ground Loop
	// Refrigerator/Evaporative
	// Solar A/C-Active
	// Solar A/C-Passive
	// Wall Unit(s) A/C
	// Wall Unit(s) Evaporative
	// Window Unit(s) A/C
	// Window Unit(s) Evaporative
	// Zoned A/C
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	CoolingSystems []OtherChoice `xml:"CoolingSystems>CoolingSystem,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has one or more decks.
	HasDeck *bool `xml:"HasDeck,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has disabled access ramps,
	// elevators, or the like.
	HasDisabledAccess *bool `xml:"HasDisabledAccess,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has a dock.
	HasDock *bool `xml:"HasDock,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has a doorman.
	HasDoorman *bool `xml:"HasDoorman,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has double pane windows.
	HasDoublePaneWindows *bool `xml:"HasDoublePaneWindows,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the property listed has an elevator.
	HasElevator *bool `xml:"HasElevator,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of types of exterior covering or adornment on the home.
	// Possible values:
	// Adobe
	// Aluminum Siding
	// Asbestos
	// Asphalt
	// Block
	// Board and Batten
	// Brick
	// Brick Veneer
	// Brick and Wood
	// Cedar Siding
	// Comb
	// Composition
	// Composition Shingles
	// Concrete
	// Concrete Block
	// EIFS
	// Fiberglass
	// Glass
	// Hardboard
	// Log
	// Log Siding
	// Masonite
	// Masonry
	// Metal
	// Metal Siding
	// Poured Concrete
	// Shingles (Not Wood)
	// Stone
	// Stone Veneer
	// Stucco
	// Stucco - Synthetic
	// Tile
	// Tilt-up (Pre-Cast Concrete)
	// Vinyl Siding
	// Wood
	// Wood Shingle
	// Wood Siding
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	ExteriorTypes []OtherChoice `xml:"ExteriorTypes>ExteriorType,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the listed property has a fireplace.
	HasFireplace *bool `xml:"HasFireplace,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of floor coverings.
	// Possible values:
	// Bamboo
	// Brick
	// Carpet
	// Carpet - Full
	// Carpet - Partial
	// Concrete
	// Concrete - Bare
	// Concrete - Painted
	// Cork
	// Drainage
	// Engineered Wood
	// Glass
	// Granite
	// Hardwood
	// Laminate
	// Linoleum
	// Load Restriction
	// Marble
	// Parquet Wood
	// Rough-in
	// Slate
	// Soft Wood
	// Solid Wood
	// Specialty
	// Specialty Concrete
	// Tile
	// Tile - Ceramic
	// Tile - Porcelain
	// Tile - Stone
	// Tile or Stone
	// Vinyl
	// Wood
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	FloorCoverings []OtherChoice `xml:"FloorCoverings>FloorCovering,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not a garden is located on the listed property.
	HasGarden *bool `xml:"HasGarden,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the listed property has gated entry.
	HasGatedEntry *bool `xml:"HasGatedEntry,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the listed property has a greenhouse.
	HasGreenhouse *bool `xml:"HasGreenhouse,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// All the types of heating in use.
	// Possible values:
	// Butane Gas
	// Coal
	// Electric
	// Geothermal
	// Kerosene
	// Natural Gas
	// Oil
	// Passive Heat Pump
	// Passive Solar
	// Pellet
	// Propane Gas
	// Solar
	// Solar Panel
	// Wood
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	HeatingFuels []OtherChoice `xml:"HeatingFuels>HeatingFuel,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Types of heating system.
	// Possible values:
	// Central Furnace
	// Electric Air Filter
	// Fireplace
	// Fireplace - Insert
	// Floor Furnace
	// Floor Wall
	// Forced Air
	// Geothermal
	// Gravity Air
	// Gravity Hot Water
	// Heat Pump
	// Hot Water
	// Hot Water Radiant Floor
	// Humidifier
	// Pellet Stove
	// Radiant
	// Radiant Ceiling
	// Radiant Floor
	// Radiator
	// Solar Active
	// Solar Passive
	// Solar Active and Passive
	// Space Heater
	// Steam
	// Stove
	// S-W Changeover
	// Wall Unit
	// Zoned
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	HeatingSystems []OtherChoice `xml:"HeatingSystems>HeatingSystem,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more hot tubs or spas.
	HasHotTubSpa *bool `xml:"HasHotTubSpa,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has an intercom.
	Intercom *bool `xml:"Intercom,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more jetted bath tubs.
	HasJettedBathTub bool `xml:"HasJettedBathTub,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has a lawn.
	HasLawn *bool `xml:"HasLawn,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Legal description.
	LegalDescription *string `xml:"LegalDescription,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates that the property has a secondary suite or Mother-in-law suite.
	HasMotherInLaw *bool `xml:"HasMotherInLaw,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property is new construction.
	IsNewConstruction *bool `xml:"IsNewConstruction,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates the number of floors for the property.
	NumFloors *string `xml:"NumFloors,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates the number of parking spaces for the property.
	NumParkingSpaces *int `xml:"NumParkingSpaces,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of all the types of parking available for the property.
	// Possible values:
	// Alley
	// Assigned
	// Boat
	// Built-in
	// Carport
	// Commercial
	// Covered
	// Driveway
	// Fee
	// Fenced
	// Garage
	// Garage - Attached
	// Garage - Detached
	// Gated
	// Golf Cart
	// Guest
	// Heated
	// Leased
	// Mechanics
	// Mixed
	// Meter
	// Off Alley
	// Offsite
	// Off Street
	// On Street
	// Open
	// Oversized
	// Owned
	// Parking Lot
	// Parking Structure
	// Paved or Surfaced
	// Pole
	// Porte-Cochere
	// Pull-through
	// Ramp
	// RV
	// Secured
	// Side Apron
	// Side by Side
	// Special Needs
	// Stacked
	// Tandem
	// Tuck-Under
	// Unassigned
	// Underground/Basement
	// Unimproved
	// Valet
	// Workshop
	// Zoned Permit
	// Unknown
	// Other
	// None
	ParkingTypes []OtherChoice `xml:"ParkingTypes>ParkingType,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more patios.
	HasPatio *bool `xml:"HasPatio,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more ponds.
	HasPond *bool `xml:"HasPond,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more pools.
	HasPool *bool `xml:"HasPool,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more porches.
	HasPorch *bool `xml:"HasPorch,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of the type of roofing materials at the property.
	// Possible values:
	// Aluminum
	// Asbestos
	// Asphalt
	// Built-up
	// Clay Tile
	// Composition Shingle
	// ?Concrete?
	// Concrete Tile
	// Copper
	// Corrugated Metal
	// Green
	// ?gypsum?
	// Masonite or Cement Shake
	// Membrane
	// Metal
	// Shingle (Not wood)
	// Slate
	// Solar Panel
	// Standing Seam Steel
	// Steel
	// Tar and Gravel
	// Thatched
	// Tile
	// Urethane
	// Wood Shake
	// Wood Shingle
	// Unknown
	// Other
	RoofTypes []OtherChoice `xml:"RoofTypes>RoofType,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates the number of rooms.
	RoomCount *int `xml:"RoomCount,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Collection of rooms in the property.
	// Possible values:
	// Atrium
	// Attic-Finished
	// Attic-Unfinished
	// Basement
	// Basement-Finished
	// Basement-Unfinished
	// Bedroom
	// Bonus Room
	// Breakfast Nook
	// Breakfast Room
	// Crafts Room
	// Den
	// Dining Room
	// Eat-In Kitchen
	// Efficiency
	// Enclosed Patio
	// Family Room
	// Florida Room
	// Formal Dining Room
	// Foyer
	// Full Bath
	// Game Room
	// Great Room
	// Guest House
	// Guest Room
	// Half Bath
	// In-Law Suite
	// Kitchen
	// Kitchenette
	// Laundry Closet
	// Laundry Room
	// Library
	// Living Room
	// Loft
	// Master Bathroom
	// Media Room
	// Mudroom
	// Music Room
	// Office
	// One-Quarter Bath
	// Patio
	// Photo Lab
	// Recreational Room
	// Sauna
	// Servant Quarters
	// Sitting Room
	// Solarium
	// Storage
	// Studio
	// Study
	// Sunroom
	// Theatre
	// Three-Quarter Bath
	// Utility
	// Walk-In Closet
	// Walk-In Pantry
	// Wok Kitchen
	// Workshop
	// Unknown
	// Other
	Rooms []OtherChoice `xml:"Rooms>Room,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more
	// RV Parking spot or area.
	HasRVParking *bool `xml:"HasRVParking,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more saunas.
	HasSauna *bool `xml:"HasSauna,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has a security system.
	HasSecuritySystem *bool `xml:"HasSecuritySystem,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more skylights.
	HasSkylight *bool `xml:"HasSkylight,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more sports court.
	HasSportsCourt *bool `xml:"HasSportsCourt,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more sprinkler system.
	HasSprinklerSystem *bool `xml:"HasSprinklerSystem,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property a vaulted ceiling.
	HasVaultedCeiling *bool `xml:"HasVaultedCeiling,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of the various view types from the property.
	// Possible values:
	// Airport
	// Average
	// Bluff
	// Bridge
	// Canyon
	// City
	// Desert
	// Forest
	// Golf Course
	// Harbor
	// Hills
	// Lake
	// Marina
	// Mountain
	// None
	// Ocean
	// Panorama
	// Park
	// Ravine
	// River
	// Territorial
	// Valley
	// Vista
	// Unknown
	// Water
	// Other
	ViewTypes []OtherChoice `xml:"ViewTypes>ViewType,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property is on the waterfront: ocean or lake.
	IsWaterfront *bool `xml:"IsWaterfront,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the property has one or more wet bars.
	HasWetBar *bool `xml:"HasWetBar,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A description of what the owner loves about the property.
	WhatOwnerLoves *string `xml:"WhatOwnerLoves,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Is the property wired for high tech purposes:
	// home network, speaker system, etc.
	IsWired *bool `xml:"IsWired,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates the year the property received updates.
	YearUpdated *int `xml:"YearUpdated,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Allow for value/description pair as an open bucket
	// for extensibility. This allows addition of features,
	// remarks, etc.
	AdditionalInfo []ValueDescription `xml:"AdditionInformation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Characteristics ...

type Community

type Community struct {
	// Text field containing the name of a particular area of
	// land laid out and divided into lots, blocks, and building
	// sites, and in which public facilities are laid out, such as
	// streets, alleys, parks, and easements for public utilities.
	// Types of subdivisions include common interests (condominiums),
	// planned developments, time-share projects,
	Subdivision *SecureString `xml:" Subdivision,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The collection of schools for a given property.
	Schools []School `xml:" Schools>School,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The name of the development, neighborhood or
	// association in which the property is located.
	Name *SecureString `xml:" CommunityName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Text description of the common amenities offered to residents
	// in a common interest where a major percentage of the residents
	// in each household are 55 or older. May include items such as:
	// assisted living, senior center, etc.
	SeniorCommunity *SecureString `xml:" SeniorCommunity,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Structures      []Structure   `xml:" ExistingStructures>ExistingStructure,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Community describes the area around the house, including schools

type EachListing

type EachListing func(Listing, error) error

EachListing listens to a function that walks listings

type Expense

type Expense struct {
	Category string              `xml:"ExpenseCategory,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Value    *PriceWithFrequency `xml:"ExpenseValue,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Expense ...

type License

type License struct {
	// The values that a license may take. These licenses
	// are typically issued by the State or Province where
	// the person is practising. See Licensing.xsd for more.
	// Possible values:
	// Real Estate Broker
	// Salesperson
	// Auctioneer
	// Certified General Appraiser
	// Certified Residential Appraiser
	// Licensed Appraiser
	// Registered Appraiser
	// Leasing Agent
	// Mortgage Broker
	// Apprentice Inspector
	// Licensed Inspector
	// Registered Inspector
	// Property Management
	// Rental Property Management
	// Unknown
	// Other
	Category OtherChoice `xml:"LicenseCategory"`
	// The License Number.
	LicenseNumber SecureString `xml:"LicenseNumber"`
	// A string representing the jurisdiction
	// that the license issuing body is located.
	Jurisdiction SecureString `xml:"Jurisdiction"`
	// The license issuing body State.
	State *string `xml:"StateOrProvince,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// DateTime when the license began being valid
	Start *SecureDateTime `xml:"LicenseStartDateTime,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// DateTime when the license expires
	Expiration *SecureDateTime `xml:"LicenseExpirationDateTime,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// DateTime when the license was transferred
	Transfer *SecureDateTime `xml:"LicenseTransferDateTime,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

License is a professional license

type Listing

type Listing struct {

	// The address for the property.
	Address Address `xml:"Address"`
	// The listed price for the property.
	ListPrice PriceWithFrequency `xml:"ListPrice"`
	// When the listing uses range pricing, the lower of the two list
	// prices for the property. Not required.
	ListPriceLow *PriceWithFrequency `xml:"ListPriceLow,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of alternate list prices for the property. Each listed
	// price for the property is provided in a different currency.
	// The currency type is in the currency code attribute.
	// Wherever possible, the ISO 4217 standard currency code values
	// should be used.
	AlternatePrices []AlternatePrice `xml:"AlernatePrices,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The URL for the original listing.
	ListingURL string `xml:"ListingURL"`
	// Name of the listing provider
	ProviderName string `xml:"ProviderName"`
	// URL of the listing provider
	ProviderURL string `xml:"ProviderURL"`
	// The source of the listing information
	// Possible values:
	// Aggregator
	// Broker
	// Franchiser
	// HomeBuilder
	// Member
	// MLS
	// Owner
	// Publisher
	// Unknown
	// Other
	ProviderCategory OtherChoice `xml:"ProviderCategory"`
	// Email address to use for lead management.
	LeadRoutingEmail string `xml:"LeadRoutingEmail"`
	// The total number of bedrooms. For listings with no home on the
	// property, such as a lot or land, this element should have the
	// value of 0. When no information is available on Bedrooms, the
	// value should be empty.
	Bedrooms int `xml:"Bedrooms"`
	// The total number of bathrooms. For listings with no home on the
	// property, such as a lot or land, this element should have the
	// value of 0. When no information is available on Bedrooms, the
	// value should be empty.
	Bathrooms int `xml:"Bathrooms"`
	// Primary type of the listed property.
	// Possible values:
	// Residential
	// Lots And Land
	// Farm And Agriculture
	// MultiFamily
	// Commercial
	// Common Interest
	// Rental
	// Other
	PropertyType OtherChoice `xml:"PropertyType"`
	// Secondary type of the listed property.
	// Possible values:
	// Apartment
	// Boatslip
	// Cabin
	// Condominium
	// Deeded Parking
	// Duplex
	// Farm
	// Manufactured Home
	// Mobile Home
	// Own Your Own
	// Quadruplex
	// Single Family Attached
	// Single Family Detached
	// Stock Cooperative
	// Townhouse
	// Timeshare
	// Triplex
	// Other
	PropertySubType OtherChoice `xml:"PropertySubType"`
	// The identifier for the listing generated by the feed
	ListingKey string `xml:"ListingKey"`

	// The category of the listing.
	// The values are:
	// Purchase
	// Lease
	// Rent
	ListingCategory *string `xml:"ListingCategory,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The status of the listing.
	// The values are:
	// Active
	// Cancelled
	// Closed
	// Expired
	// Pending
	// Withdrawn
	// This element is optional. If absent, the listing is assumed to be "Active".
	ListingStatus *string `xml:"ListingStatus,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Extensible:  Information related to the visibility
	// of the listing on the internet, visibility
	// of certain items in the listing on the
	// internet, and the permission to place
	// signage on the property. Information
	// related to how the listing is allowed
	// to be marketed as a part of the
	// agreement between the seller and the
	// agent. VOW information is included in this common
	// type.
	MarketingInformation *MarketingInformation `xml:"MarketingInformation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of photos for the property.
	Photos []Media `xml:"Photos>Photo,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether or not the address may be publicly disclosed.
	DiscloseAddress *bool `xml:"DiscloseAddress,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates if the listing is a short sale.
	ShortSale *bool `xml:"ShortSale,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// This is a longer description of the listing.
	Description *string `xml:"ListingDescription,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The MLSId is the identifier for the MLS.
	MLSId *string `xml:"MlsId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The string name for the MLS.
	MLSName *string `xml:"MlsName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The MlsNumber is the identifier for the property within the MLS.
	MLSNumber *string `xml:"MlsNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Total livable square feet of the listed property.
	LivingArea *Area `xml:"LivingArea,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Size of the lot. Attributes contain the units and measurement source
	LotSize *Area `xml:"LotSize,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Year the property was constructed.
	YearBuilt *int `xml:"YearBuilt,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Date the property was listed.
	ListingDate *string `xml:"ListingDate,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Container for the miscellaneous details about the listed property.
	Characteristics Characteristics `xml:"DetailedCharacteristics"`
	// When it was last modified
	// Example: 2007-03-11T12:00:00-05:00
	ModificationTimestamp *SecureDateTime `xml:"ModificationTimestamp,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

	// An item for tracking the listing. May be a URI, for example.
	TrackingItem *string `xml:"TrackingItem,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A short title for the listing. Examples may be "Lovely Cape Cod in Downtown".
	Title *string `xml:"ListingTitle,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A total count for  the full bathrooms on the property. Full bath
	// generally includes sink, toilet, shower and bath, but may have
	// other local definitions
	FullBathrooms *int `xml:"FullBathrooms,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A total count of the three-quarter bathrooms on the property.
	// Three-quarter bathrooms contain a sink, toilet and either a shower
	// (most common definition) or bath but not both.
	ThreeQuarterBathrooms *int `xml:"ThreeQuarterBathrooms,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A total count of the half bathrooms on the property.
	// Half bathrooms contain a sink and toilet.
	HalfBathrooms *int `xml:"HalfBathrooms,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A total count of the one-quarter bathrooms on the property.
	// One-quarter bathrooms contain a sink.
	OneQuarterBathrooms *int `xml:"OneQuarterBathrooms,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A total count for all the partial bathrooms on the property. Partial bath
	// includes one quarter, one half, three quarter baths.
	PartialBathrooms *int `xml:"PartialBathrooms,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// If the property is in some  form of foreclosure, this field provides a
	// value for the type of foreclosure.
	// Possible values:
	// Notice of Default (Pre-Foreclosure)
	// Lis Pendens (Pre-Foreclosure)
	// Notice of Trustee Sale (Auction)
	// Notice of Foreclosure Sale (Auction)
	// REO - Bank Owned
	// Foreclosure - Other
	// Other
	ForeclosureStatus *OtherChoice `xml:"ForeclosureStatus,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of all the participants in a listing.
	Participants []Participant `xml:"ListingParticipants>Participant,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of all the virtual tours for a listing.
	VirtualTours []Media `xml:"VirtualTours>VirtualTour,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of all the videos for a listing.
	// Does not include virtual tours or photos.
	Videos []Media `xml:"Videos>Video,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The collection of offices associated with the listing.
	Offices []Office `xml:"Offices>Office,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The brokerage for the listing.
	Brokerage *Business `xml:"Brokerage,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The franchise for the listing.
	Franchise *Business `xml:"Franchise,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The builder of the listing.
	Builder *Business `xml:"Builder,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The property manager for the listing.
	PropertyManager *Business `xml:"PropertyManager,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The information about the geographic location of the property.
	Location *Location `xml:"Location,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of all the open houses for a property.
	OpenHouses []OpenHouse `xml:"OpenHouses>OpenHouse,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of all the taxes reported for a property.
	Taxes []Tax `xml:"Taxes>Tax,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

	// In the case of the Other annotation, the value (description)
	// is contained in the attribute of the element
	Expenses []Expense `xml:"Expenses>Expense,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The disclaimer string for a specific listing
	Disclaimer SecureString `xml:"Disclaimer"`

Listing is a top level element for sharing a single listing.

type Listings

type Listings struct {
	// The unique id, or key for this collection of listings.
	ListingsKey string `xml:"listingsKey,attr"`
	// The version number for this schema.
	Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
	// The fully formatted version number.
	VersionTimestamp string `xml:"versionTimestamp,attr"`
	// The language used. Defaults to US English.
	Language string `xml:"lang,attr"`

	// Zero or more listings is contained within the item type.
	Listings []Listing `xml:"Listing"`
	// The disclaimer string for the collection of listings
	Disclaimer SecureString `xml:"Disclaimer"`

Listings is a top level element for sharing a collection of listings.

type Location

type Location struct {
	Latitude           *string    `xml:"Latitude,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Longitude          *string    `xml:"Longitude,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Elevation          *string    `xml:"Elevation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	MapCoordinate      *string    `xml:"MapCoordinate,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Directions         *string    `xml:"Directions,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	GeocodeOptions     *string    `xml:"GeocodeOptions,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	County             *string    `xml:"County,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	StreetIntersection *string    `xml:"StreetIntersection,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	ParcelID           *string    `xml:"ParcelId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Community          *Community `xml:"Community,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A string of the amenites found in the community
	CommunityAmenities *string `xml:"CommunityAmenities,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The mailing address of the community.
	CommunityAddress *Address `xml:"CommunityAddress,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The total number of floors in the building.
	TotalNumFloors *int `xml:"TotalNumFloors,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The civic building code zoning type
	Zoning *string `xml:"Zoning,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A string of the amenites found in the building of the listing
	BuildingAmenities *string `xml:"BuildingAmenities,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The total number of units in the building of the listing
	BuildingUnitCount *int `xml:"BuildingUnitCount,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Neighborhood the property is located in
	Neighborhoods []Neighborhood `xml:"Neighborhoods>Neighborhood,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Location ...

type MarketingInformation

type MarketingInformation struct {
	// The seller agreed to permit the listing
	// to be marketed on the internet.
	PermitInternet *SecureBoolean `xml:" PermitInternet,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The seller agreed to permit the property address
	// to be displayed on the internet.
	PermitAddress *SecureBoolean `xml:" PermitAddressOnInternet,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The seller agreed to permit the
	// display of image(s) of the property
	// on the internet.
	PermitPicture *SecureBoolean `xml:" PermitPictureOnInternet,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The seller agreed to permit a for-sale
	// sign on the property and asserts the
	// right to provide that permission.
	// This may be constrained by local
	// rules or home-owner rules.
	PermitSign *SecureBoolean `xml:" PermitSignOnProperty,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A for-sale sign is on the property.
	HasSign *SecureBoolean `xml:" HasSignOnProperty,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the listing may be displayed.
	PermitVOW *SecureBoolean `xml:" VOWEntireListingDisplay,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the listing address may be displayed.
	PermitAddressVOW *SecureBoolean `xml:" VOWAddressDisplay,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the listing approximated valuation may be displayed.
	PermitValuationVOW *SecureBoolean `xml:" VOWAutomatedValuationDisplay,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether consumer comments may be displayed.
	PermitCommentsVOW *SecureBoolean `xml:" VOWConsumerComment,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

MarketingInformation contains items related to the contract between the selling agent and the owner. These indicators are used to determine the visibility of the listing on the internet, visibility of address on the internet, visibility of the photo on the internet, and whether the property has a sign. Additional elements may be others discovered in the future.

type Media

type Media struct {
	// The last time that the media was modified.
	ModificationTimestamp *SecureDateTime `xml:"MediaModificationTimestamp,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Url of the media file. Required.
	URL string `xml:"MediaURL"`
	// The display caption for this photo. It is intended
	// to be a short title for the media.
	Caption *string `xml:"MediaCaption,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A narrative description of the media element.
	Description *string `xml:"MediaDescription,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Zeroth (0) element is the preferred photo by convention
	OrderNumber *int `xml:"MediaOrderNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A placeholder for a classification of the media item
	// Examples: Elevation (exterior), Interior, Community,
	// View, Plan, Plat
	// The purpose is to allow the media items (photos)
	// to be grouped.
	// Optional because it is not widely available.
	Classification *string `xml:"MediaClassification,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Media represents either a photo, video or other type of media file

type Neighborhood

type Neighborhood struct {
	Name        *string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Description *string `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Neighborhood has a name and optional description

type Office

type Office struct {
	// A unique identifier for the office.
	Key string `xml:"OfficeKey"`
	// The well-known identifier for the
	// office. It is not necessarily the
	// key field for the office.
	ID          string       `xml:"OfficeId"`
	Level       *string      `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	OfficeCodes []OfficeCode `xml:"OfficeCode,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The name of the office.
	// For example, "Le Page Westside"
	Name          *string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	CorporateName *string `xml:"CorporateName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	BrokerID      *string `xml:"BrokerId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The identifier for the main office of any type of group of offices
	MainOfficeID   *string            `xml:"MainOfficeId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Phone          *string            `xml:"PhoneNumber,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Fax            *string            `xml:"Fax,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Addresss       *Address           `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Email          *string            `xml:"OfficeEmail,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Website        *string            `xml:"Website,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	AdditionalInfo []ValueDescription `xml:"OfficeAdditionalInformation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Office ...

type OfficeCode

type OfficeCode struct {
	// The identifier for the office.
	// It should permit unique identification of
	// office within the system
	ID string `xml:"OfficeCodeId"`
	// A description of the code. This could identify the
	// system that the code comes from or any other
	// purpose to assist in describing the code identifer
	Desription *string `xml:"OfficeCodeDescription,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

OfficeCode is an application defined encoding for the office.

type OpenHouse

type OpenHouse struct {
	Date        string  `xml:"Date"`
	StartTime   *string `xml:"StartTime,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	EndTime     *string `xml:"EndTime,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Description *string `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Appointment *bool   `xml:"AppointmentRequiredYN,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

OpenHouse ...

type OtherChoice

type OtherChoice struct {
	// Description only to be used when Value is "Other"
	Description *string `xml:"otherDescription,attr" json:",omitempty"`
	// Value of the other choices
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

OtherChoice is to be used within enumerations requiring the presence of an attribute descriptor. This attribute is called otherDescription and should only be used in the case of the enum having the value of "Other".

func (*OtherChoice) GetValue

func (oc *OtherChoice) GetValue() string

GetValue ...

func (*OtherChoice) MarshalJSON

func (oc *OtherChoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON ...

type Participant

type Participant struct {
	// A unique identifier for the participant.
	Key string `xml:"ParticipantKey"`
	// The well-known identifier for the
	// participant. It is not necessarily the
	// key field for the participant.
	ID *string `xml:"ParticipantId,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// List of participant codes
	Codes []ParticipantCode `xml:"ParticipantCode,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// First Name
	FirstName *string `xml:"FirstName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Last Name
	LastName *string `xml:"LastName,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Role
	Role *string `xml:"Role,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Primary phone number
	PrimaryPhone *string `xml:"PrimaryContactPhone,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Office Phone
	OfficePhone *string `xml:"OfficePhone,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Mobile Phone
	MobilePhone *string `xml:"MobilePhone,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Email
	Email *string `xml:"Email,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Fax
	Fax *string `xml:"Fax,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Website
	Website *string `xml:"WebsiteURL,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Photo
	Photo *string `xml:"PhotoURL,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Address
	Address *Address `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// A collection of licenses for the participant
	Licenses []License `xml:"Licenses>License,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Allow for value/description pair as an open bucket for extensibility.
	AdditionalInfo []ValueDescription `xml:"ParticipantAdditionalInformation,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

Participant represents a party in the deal. Different from Participants.xsd/ParticipantType

type ParticipantCode

type ParticipantCode struct {
	// The identifier for the participant code
	ID string `xml:"ParticipantCodeId"`
	// A description of the code. This could identify the
	// system that the code comes from or any other
	// purpose to assist in describing the code identifer
	Description *string `xml:"ParticipantCodeDescription,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

ParticipantCode is an application defined coding for the participant

type PriceWithFrequency

type PriceWithFrequency struct {
	// The currencyPeriod attribute indicates that the price is repeated
	// at the frequency indicated. The absence of the attribute indicates
	// a one-time payment.
	// Possible values:
	// Daily
	// Week
	// Bi-Weekly
	// Month
	// Bi-Monthly
	// Quarterly
	// Semi-Annually
	// Annually
	// Seasonal
	Frequency string `xml:" currencyPeriod,attr,omitempty"`
	// The NAR Information Security Guidelines class.
	// Possible values: Public, Confidential, Secret
	// Default: Confidential
	SecurityClass string `xml:" isgSecurityClass,attr,omitempty"`

	// This document uses the three character ASCII currency code
	// values defined in ISO 4217.
	// Default: USD
	Currency string `xml:" currencyCode,attr,omitempty"`
	// Price inherits from a nullable decimal in XSD.
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

PriceWithFrequency ... For attributes that start with a XML namespace, use the URL of the namespace to avoid compilation errors

eg. xmlns:commons="" commons:isgSecurityClass will become `xml:" isgSecurityClass,attr"`

type School

type School struct {
	// The name of the school.
	Name *string `xml:" Name,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The type of school in question.
	// Examples include Middle, Junior High,
	// etc.
	Category *OtherChoice `xml:" SchoolCategory,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// The district that a school is in.
	// A school may only belong to a single
	// district.
	District *SecureString `xml:" District,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Further information about the school.
	Description *string `xml:" Description,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

School in the given property's area.

type SecureBoolean

type SecureBoolean struct {
	// The NAR Information Security Guidelines class.
	// Possible values: Public, Confidential, Secret
	// Default: Confidential
	SecurityClass string `xml:" isgSecurityClass,attr"`
	// Boolean value
	Value bool `xml:",chardata"`

SecureBoolean is a boolean element with an isgSecurityClass attribute.

type SecureDateTime

type SecureDateTime struct {
	// The NAR Information Security Guidelines class.
	// Possible values: Public, Confidential, Secret
	// Default: Confidential
	SecurityClass string `xml:" isgSecurityClass,attr"`
	// DateTime inherits from a nullable datetime in XSD
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

SecureDateTime is a datetime element with an isgSecurityClass attribute.

type SecureString

type SecureString struct {
	// The NAR Information Security Guidelines class.
	// Possible values: Public, Confidential, Secret
	// Default: Confidential
	SecurityClass string `xml:" isgSecurityClass,attr"`
	// Inherits from xs:string
	Value string `xml:",chardata"`

SecureString ... Disclaimer is text that serves as a negation or limitation of the rights under a warranty given by a seller to a buyer.

type Structure

type Structure struct {

Structure ... TODO: Implement structure from RETSCommon.xsd

type Tax

type Tax struct {
	Year        *int   `xml:"Year,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	Amount      string `xml:"Amount"`
	Description string `xml:"TaxDescription"`

Tax ...

type ValueDescription

type ValueDescription struct {
	// Value is an optional string
	Value *string `xml:"Value,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`
	// Description is an optional string
	Description *string `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:",omitempty"`

ValueDescription is a common pair of elements

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