Overview ¶
* Copyright 2020-2021 the original author( * * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * </p>
* Copyright 2020-2021 the original author( * * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * </p>
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AddRuleIns(ruleKey string, r *Rule)
- func BootTime() time.Time
- func CurrentNode() string
- func Initialize(configPath string) error
- func IsFollower() bool
- func IsLeader() bool
- func LeaderNode() string
- func RuleInsExist(ruleKey string) bool
- func RuleInsTotal() int
- func RuleKey(schema string, table string) string
- func RuleKeyList() []string
- func SetLeaderFlag(flag bool)
- func SetLeaderNode(leader string)
- type Cluster
- type Config
- func (c *Config) DestAddr() string
- func (c *Config) DestStdName() string
- func (c *Config) Destination() string
- func (c *Config) IsCluster() bool
- func (c *Config) IsEls() bool
- func (c *Config) IsEtcd() bool
- func (c *Config) IsExporterEnable() bool
- func (c *Config) IsKafka() bool
- func (c *Config) IsMQ() bool
- func (c *Config) IsMongodb() bool
- func (c *Config) IsRabbitmq() bool
- func (c *Config) IsRedis() bool
- func (c *Config) IsReserveRawData() bool
- func (c *Config) IsRocketmq() bool
- func (c *Config) IsScript() bool
- func (c *Config) IsZk() bool
- func (c *Config) ZkClusterDir() string
- func (c *Config) ZkElectedDir() string
- func (c *Config) ZkElectionDir() string
- func (c *Config) ZkNodesDir() string
- func (c *Config) ZkPositionDir() string
- func (c *Config) ZkRootDir() string
- type EsMapping
- type Rule
Constants ¶
const ( RedisGroupTypeSentinel = "sentinel" RedisGroupTypeCluster = "cluster" // update or insert UpsertAction = "upsert" )
const ( RedisStructureString = "String" RedisStructureHash = "Hash" RedisStructureList = "List" RedisStructureSet = "Set" RedisStructureSortedSet = "SortedSet" ValEncoderJson = "json" ValEncoderKVCommas = "kv-commas" ValEncoderVCommas = "v-commas" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type Cluster ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Target string `yaml:"target"` // 目标类型,支持redis、mongodb Addr string `yaml:"addr"` User string `yaml:"user"` Password string `yaml:"pass"` Charset string `yaml:"charset"` SlaveID uint32 `yaml:"slave_id"` Flavor string `yaml:"flavor"` DataDir string `yaml:"data_dir"` DumpExec string `yaml:"mysqldump"` SkipMasterData bool `yaml:"skip_master_data"` Maxprocs int `yaml:"maxprocs"` // 最大协程数,默认CPU核心数*2 BulkSize int64 `yaml:"bulk_size"` FlushBulkInterval int `yaml:"flush_bulk_interval"` SkipNoPkTable bool `yaml:"skip_no_pk_table"` RuleConfigs []*Rule `yaml:"rule"` LoggerConfig *logs.Config `yaml:"logger"` // 日志配置 EnableExporter bool `yaml:"enable_exporter"` // 启用prometheus exporter,默认false ExporterPort int `yaml:"exporter_addr"` // prometheus exporter端口 EnableWebAdmin bool `yaml:"enable_web_admin"` // 启用Web监控,默认false WebAdminPort int `yaml:"web_admin_port"` // web监控端口,默认8060 Cluster *Cluster `yaml:"cluster"` // 集群配置 // ------------------- REDIS ----------------- RedisAddr string `yaml:"redis_addrs"` //redis地址 RedisGroupType string `yaml:"redis_group_type"` //集群类型 sentinel或者cluster RedisMasterName string `yaml:"redis_master_name"` //Master节点名称 RedisPass string `yaml:"redis_pass"` //redis密码 RedisDatabase int `yaml:"redis_database"` //redis数据库 RedisTls bool `yaml:"redis_tls"` //redis是否开启tls RedisCaCrt string `yaml:"redis_ca_crt"` RedisClientCrt string `yaml:"redis_client_crt"` RedisClientKey string `yaml:"redis_client_key"` // ------------------- ROCKETMQ ----------------- RocketmqNameServers string `yaml:"rocketmq_name_servers"` //rocketmq命名服务地址,多个用逗号分隔 RocketmqGroupName string `yaml:"rocketmq_group_name"` //rocketmq group name,默认为空 RocketmqInstanceName string `yaml:"rocketmq_instance_name"` //rocketmq instance name,默认为空 RocketmqAccessKey string `yaml:"rocketmq_access_key"` //访问控制 accessKey,默认为空 RocketmqSecretKey string `yaml:"rocketmq_secret_key"` //访问控制 secretKey,默认为空 // ------------------- MONGODB ----------------- MongodbAddr string `yaml:"mongodb_addrs"` //mongodb地址,多个用逗号分隔 MongodbUsername string `yaml:"mongodb_username"` //mongodb用户名,默认为空 MongodbPassword string `yaml:"mongodb_password"` //mongodb密码,默认为空 // ------------------- RABBITMQ ----------------- RabbitmqAddr string `yaml:"rabbitmq_addr"` //连接字符串,如: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/ // ------------------- KAFKA ----------------- KafkaAddr string `yaml:"kafka_addrs"` //kafka连接地址,多个用逗号分隔 KafkaSASLUser string `yaml:"kafka_sasl_user"` //kafka SASL_PLAINTEXT认证模式 用户名 KafkaSASLPassword string `yaml:"kafka_sasl_password"` //kafka SASL_PLAINTEXT认证模式 密码 // ------------------- ES ----------------- ElsAddr string `yaml:"es_addrs"` //Elasticsearch连接地址,多个用逗号分隔 ElsUser string `yaml:"es_user"` //Elasticsearch用户名 ElsPassword string `yaml:"es_password"` //Elasticsearch密码 ElsVersion int `yaml:"es_version"` //Elasticsearch版本,支持6和7、默认为7 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type EsMapping ¶
type Rule ¶
type Rule struct { Schema string `yaml:"schema"` Table string `yaml:"table"` OrderByColumn string `yaml:"order_by_column"` ColumnLowerCase bool `yaml:"column_lower_case"` // 列名称转为小写 ColumnUpperCase bool `yaml:"column_upper_case"` // 列名称转为大写 ColumnUnderscoreToCamel bool `yaml:"column_underscore_to_camel"` // 列名称下划线转驼峰 IncludeColumnConfig string `yaml:"include_columns"` // 包含的列 ExcludeColumnConfig string `yaml:"exclude_columns"` // 排除掉的列 ColumnMappingConfigs string `yaml:"column_mappings"` // 列名称映射 DefaultColumnValueConfig string `yaml:"default_column_values"` // 默认的字段和值 // #值编码,支持json、kv-commas、v-commas;默认为json;json形如:{"id":123,"name":"wangjie"} 、kv-commas形如:id=123,name="wangjie"、v-commas形如:123,wangjie ValueEncoder string `yaml:"value_encoder"` ValueFormatter string `yaml:"value_formatter"` //格式化定义key,{id}表示字段id的值、{name}表示字段name的值 LuaScript string `yaml:"lua_script"` //lua 脚本 LuaFilePath string `yaml:"lua_file_path"` //lua 文件地址 DateFormatter string `yaml:"date_formatter"` //date类型格式化, 不填写默认2006-01-02 DatetimeFormatter string `yaml:"datetime_formatter"` //datetime、timestamp类型格式化,不填写默认RFC3339(2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00) ReserveRawData bool `yaml:"reserve_raw_data"` // 保留update之前的数据,针对KAFKA、RABBITMQ、ROCKETMQ有效 // ------------------- REDIS ----------------- //对应redis的5种数据类型 String、Hash(字典) 、List(列表) 、Set(集合)、Sorted Set(有序集合) RedisStructure string `yaml:"redis_structure"` RedisKeyPrefix string `yaml:"redis_key_prefix"` //key的前缀 RedisKeyColumn string `yaml:"redis_key_column"` //使用哪个列的值作为key,不填写默认使用主键 // 格式化定义key,如{id}-{name};{id}表示字段id的值、{name}表示字段name的值 RedisKeyFormatter string `yaml:"redis_key_formatter"` RedisKeyValue string `yaml:"redis_key_value"` // key的值,固定值 // hash的field前缀,仅redis_structure为hash时起作用 RedisHashFieldPrefix string `yaml:"redis_hash_field_prefix"` // 使用哪个列的值作为hash的field,仅redis_structure为hash时起作用 RedisHashFieldColumn string `yaml:"redis_hash_field_column"` // Sorted Set(有序集合)的Score RedisSortedSetScoreColumn string `yaml:"redis_sorted_set_score_column"` RedisKeyColumnIndex int RedisKeyColumnIndexs []int RedisHashFieldColumnIndex int RedisHashFieldColumnIndexs []int RedisSortedSetScoreColumnIndex int RedisKeyTmpl *template.Template // mysql 一条数据转化成 redis hash 的方式: // 1(""(空||不设置)).默认 key:{column:json{}} // 一下两种是改造的 // 2(todo).key:{column1:v1,column2:v2,...} RedisHashTransformationMode string `yaml:"redis_hash_transformation_mode"` // ------------------- ROCKETMQ ----------------- RocketmqTopic string `yaml:"rocketmq_topic"` //rocketmq topic名称,可以为空,为空时使用表名称 // ------------------- MONGODB ----------------- MongodbDatabase string `yaml:"mongodb_database"` //mongodb database 不能为空 MongodbCollection string `yaml:"mongodb_collection"` //mongodb collection,可以为空,默认使用表(Table)名称 // ------------------- RABBITMQ ----------------- RabbitmqQueue string `yaml:"rabbitmq_queue"` //queue名称,可以为空,默认使用表(Table)名称 // ------------------- KAFKA ----------------- KafkaTopic string `yaml:"kafka_topic"` //TOPIC名称,可以为空,默认使用表(Table)名称 // ------------------- ES ----------------- ElsIndex string `yaml:"es_index"` //Elasticsearch Index,可以为空,默认使用表(Table)名称 ElsType string `yaml:"es_type"` //es6.x以后一个Index只能拥有一个Type,可以为空,默认使用_doc; es7.x版本此属性无效 EsMappings []*EsMapping `yaml:"es_mappings"` //Elasticsearch mappings映射关系,可以为空,为空时根据数据类型自己推导 // --------------- no config ---------------- TableInfo *schema.Table TableColumnSize int IsCompositeKey bool //是否联合主键 DefaultColumnValueMap map[string]string PaddingMap map[string]*model.Padding LuaProto *lua.FunctionProto LuaFunction *lua.LFunction ValueTmpl *template.Template }