Ams Push Server

The ams push server is a component that handles the push functionality for the respective
push enabled subscriptions in the argo-messaging-service.
Before you start, you need to issue a valid certificate.
Set Up
Install Golang 1.14
Create a new work space:
mkdir ~/go-workspace
export GOPATH=~/go-workspace
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
You may add the export
lines into the ~/.bashrc
, /.zshrc
or the ~/.bash_profile
file to have GOPATH
environment variable properly setup upon every login.
Get the latest version
go get
Get dependencies(If you plan on contributing to the project else skip this step):
Ams-push-server uses the dep tool for dependency handling.
- Install the dep tool. You can find instructions depending on your platform at Dep.
To build the service use the following command:
go build
To run the service use the following command:
(This assumes that there is a valid configuration file at
./ams-push-server --config /path/to/a/json/config/file
To run the unit-tests:
Inside the project's folder issue the command:
go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
The service depends on a configuration file in order to be able to run.This file contains the following information:
"service_port": 9000,
"certificate": "/path/cert.pem",
"certificate_key": "/path/certkey.pem",
"certificate_authorities_dir": "/path/to/cas",
"ams_token": "sometoken",
"ams_host": "localhost",
"ams_port": 8080,
"verify_ssl": true,
"tls_enabled": true,
"trust_unknown_cas": false,
"log_level": "INFO",
"skip_subs_load": false,
"acl": ["OU=my.local,O=mkcert development certificate"],
"syslog_enabled": false
The port that the service will bind to.
The certificate file which the service will use.
The key to the respective certificate
Directory containing .pem
files that the service will use in order to build the trusted CA pool.
The CA pool will be used to validate the certificates from incoming client requests.
THe argo messaging token that the service will use in order to communicate with ams.NOTE
that the
token MUST
correspond to a push worker user in ams.
The ams http endpoint.
The ams http endpoint port.
Whether or not it should verify the various https
endpoint it targets.
Enable or disable tls support between client and server
Whether or not the service should accept certificates from CAs not found in its trusted CA pool.
(Mainly used for development purposes)
The service will try by default to contact the ams in order to retrieve all active push subscriptions
that are assigned to it and start their push cycles(consume->send->ack)
. This will be done through the its user profile in ams(which is the profile associated with the)
). You can control this behavior and decide whether or not to pre-load any already active subscriptions.
: List of certificate DNs which are allowed to access the service.
: Direct logging of the service to the syslog socket
You can find the configuration template at conf/ams-push-server-config.template
Managing the protocol buffers and gRPC definitions
In order to modify any .proto
file you will need the following
Read on how to install the protoc compiler on your platform here.
Install the go plugin. go get -u
install the go gRPC package. go get -u
Inside api/<version>/grpc
compile. protoc -I proto/ proto/ams.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto