Index ¶
- Constants
- type Address
- type BCDBadDigitError
- type BCDOverflowError
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Close()
- func (c *Client) ReadBits(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte, readCount uint16) ([]bool, error)
- func (c *Client) ReadBytes(memoryArea byte, address uint16, readCount uint16) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Client) ReadClock() (*time.Time, error)
- func (c *Client) ReadString(memoryArea byte, address uint16, readCount uint16) (string, error)
- func (c *Client) ReadWords(memoryArea byte, address uint16, readCount uint16) ([]uint16, error)
- func (c *Client) ResetBit(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte) error
- func (c *Client) SetBit(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte) error
- func (c *Client) SetByteOrder(o binary.ByteOrder)
- func (c *Client) SetTimeoutMs(t uint)
- func (c *Client) ToggleBit(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte) error
- func (c *Client) WriteBits(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte, data []bool) error
- func (c *Client) WriteBytes(memoryArea byte, address uint16, b []byte) error
- func (c *Client) WriteString(memoryArea byte, address uint16, s string) error
- func (c *Client) WriteWords(memoryArea byte, address uint16, data []uint16) error
- type Header
- type IncompatibleMemoryAreaError
- type ResponseTimeoutError
- type Server
Constants ¶
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const ( // CommandCodeMemoryAreaRead Command code: IO memory area read CommandCodeMemoryAreaRead uint16 = 0x0101 // CommandCodeMemoryAreaWrite Command code: IO memory area write CommandCodeMemoryAreaWrite uint16 = 0x0102 // CommandCodeMemoryAreaFill Command code: IO memory area fill CommandCodeMemoryAreaFill uint16 = 0x0103 // CommandCodeMultipleMemoryAreaRead Command code: IO memory area multiple read CommandCodeMultipleMemoryAreaRead uint16 = 0x0104 // CommandCodeMemoryAreaTransfer Command code: IO memory area transfer CommandCodeMemoryAreaTransfer uint16 = 0x0105 // CommandCodeParameterAreaRead Command code: Parameter area read CommandCodeParameterAreaRead uint16 = 0x0201 // CommandCodeParameterAreaWrite Command code: Parameter area write CommandCodeParameterAreaWrite uint16 = 0x0202 // CommandCodeParameterAreaClear Command code: Parameter area clear CommandCodeParameterAreaClear uint16 = 0x0203 // CommandCodeProgramAreaRead Command code: Program area read CommandCodeProgramAreaRead uint16 = 0x0301 // CommandCodeProgramAreaWrite Command code: Program area write CommandCodeProgramAreaWrite uint16 = 0x0302 // CommandCodeProgramAreaClear Command code: Program area clear CommandCodeProgramAreaClear uint16 = 0x0303 // CommandCodeRun Command code: Set operating mode to run CommandCodeRun uint16 = 0x0401 // CommandCodeStop Command code: Set operating mode to stop CommandCodeStop uint16 = 0x0402 // CommandCodeCPUUnitDataRead Command code: CPU unit data read CommandCodeCPUUnitDataRead uint16 = 0x0501 // CommandCodeConnectionDataRead Command code: connection data read CommandCodeConnectionDataRead uint16 = 0x0502 // CommandCodeCPUUnitStatusRead Command code: CPU unit status read CommandCodeCPUUnitStatusRead uint16 = 0x0601 // CommandCodeCycleTimeRead Command code: cycle time read CommandCodeCycleTimeRead uint16 = 0x0620 // CommandCodeClockRead Command code: clock read CommandCodeClockRead uint16 = 0x701 // CommandCodeClockWrite Command code: clock write CommandCodeClockWrite uint16 = 0x702 // CommandCodeMessageReadClear Command code: message read/clear CommandCodeMessageReadClear uint16 = 0x0920 // CommandCodeAccessRightAcquire Command code: access right acquire CommandCodeAccessRightAcquire uint16 = 0x0c01 // CommandCodeAccessRightForcedAcquire Command code: accress right forced acquire CommandCodeAccessRightForcedAcquire uint16 = 0x0c02 // CommandCodeAccessRightRelease Command code: access right release CommandCodeAccessRightRelease uint16 = 0x0c03 // CommandCodeErrorClear Command code: error clear CommandCodeErrorClear uint16 = 0x2101 // CommandCodeErrorLogRead Command code: error log read CommandCodeErrorLogRead uint16 = 0x2102 // CommandCodeErrorLogClear Command code: error log clear CommandCodeErrorLogClear uint16 = 0x2103 // CommandCodeFINSWriteAccessLogRead Command code: FINS write access log read CommandCodeFINSWriteAccessLogRead uint16 = 0x2140 // CommandCodeFINSWriteAccessLogWrite Command code: FINS write access log write CommandCodeFINSWriteAccessLogWrite uint16 = 0x2141 // CommandCodeFileNameRead Command code: file name read CommandCodeFileNameRead uint16 = 0x2101 // CommandCodeSingleFileRead Command code: file read CommandCodeSingleFileRead uint16 = 0x2102 // CommandCodeSingleFileWrite Command code: file write CommandCodeSingleFileWrite uint16 = 0x2103 // CommandCodeFileMemoryFormat Command code: file memory format CommandCodeFileMemoryFormat uint16 = 0x2104 // CommandCodeFileDelete Command code: file delete CommandCodeFileDelete uint16 = 0x2105 // CommandCodeFileCopy Command code: file copy CommandCodeFileCopy uint16 = 0x2107 // CommandCodeFileNameChange Command code: file name change CommandCodeFileNameChange uint16 = 0x2108 // CommandCodeMemoryAreaFileTransfer Command code: memory area file transfer CommandCodeMemoryAreaFileTransfer uint16 = 0x210a // CommandCodeParameterAreaFileTransfer Command code: parameter area file transfer CommandCodeParameterAreaFileTransfer uint16 = 0x210b // CommandCodeProgramAreaFileTransfer Command code: program area file transfer CommandCodeProgramAreaFileTransfer uint16 = 0x210b // CommandCodeDirectoryCreateDelete Command code: directory create/delete CommandCodeDirectoryCreateDelete uint16 = 0x2115 // CommandCodeMemoryCassetteTransfer Command code: memory cassette transfer (CP1H and CP1L CPU units only) CommandCodeMemoryCassetteTransfer uint16 = 0x2120 // CommandCodeForcedSetReset Command code: forced set/reset CommandCodeForcedSetReset uint16 = 0x2301 // CommandCodeForcedSetResetCancel Command code: forced set/reset cancel CommandCodeForcedSetResetCancel uint16 = 0x2302 // CommandCodeConvertToCompoWayFCommand Command code: convert to CompoWay/F command CommandCodeConvertToCompoWayFCommand uint16 = 0x2803 // CommandCodeConvertToModbusRTUCommand Command code: convert to Modbus-RTU command CommandCodeConvertToModbusRTUCommand uint16 = 0x2804 // CommandCodeConvertToModbusASCIICommand Command code: convert to Modbus-ASCII command CommandCodeConvertToModbusASCIICommand uint16 = 0x2805 )
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const ( // EndCodeNormalCompletion End code: normal completion EndCodeNormalCompletion uint16 = 0x0000 // EndCodeServiceInterrupted End code: normal completion; service was interrupted EndCodeServiceInterrupted uint16 = 0x0001 // EndCodeLocalNodeNotInNetwork End code: local node error; local node not in network EndCodeLocalNodeNotInNetwork uint16 = 0x0101 // EndCodeTokenTimeout End code: local node error; token timeout EndCodeTokenTimeout uint16 = 0x0102 // EndCodeRetriesFailed End code: local node error; retries failed EndCodeRetriesFailed uint16 = 0x0103 // EndCodeTooManySendFrames End code: local node error; too many send frames EndCodeTooManySendFrames uint16 = 0x0104 // EndCodeNodeAddressRangeError End code: local node error; node address range error EndCodeNodeAddressRangeError uint16 = 0x0105 // EndCodeNodeAddressRangeDuplication End code: local node error; node address range duplication EndCodeNodeAddressRangeDuplication uint16 = 0x0106 // EndCodeDestinationNodeNotInNetwork End code: destination node error; destination node not in network EndCodeDestinationNodeNotInNetwork uint16 = 0x0201 // EndCodeUnitMissing End code: destination node error; unit missing EndCodeUnitMissing uint16 = 0x0202 // EndCodeThirdNodeMissing End code: destination node error; third node missing EndCodeThirdNodeMissing uint16 = 0x0203 // EndCodeDestinationNodeBusy End code: destination node error; destination node busy EndCodeDestinationNodeBusy uint16 = 0x0204 // EndCodeResponseTimeout End code: destination node error; response timeout EndCodeResponseTimeout uint16 = 0x0205 // EndCodeCommunicationsControllerError End code: controller error; communication controller error EndCodeCommunicationsControllerError uint16 = 0x0301 // EndCodeCPUUnitError End code: controller error; CPU unit error EndCodeCPUUnitError uint16 = 0x0302 // EndCodeControllerError End code: controller error; controller error EndCodeControllerError uint16 = 0x0303 // EndCodeUnitNumberError End code: controller error; unit number error EndCodeUnitNumberError uint16 = 0x0304 // EndCodeUndefinedCommand End code: service unsupported; undefined command EndCodeUndefinedCommand uint16 = 0x0401 // EndCodeNotSupportedByModelVersion End code: service unsupported; not supported by model version EndCodeNotSupportedByModelVersion uint16 = 0x0402 // EndCodeDestinationAddressSettingError End code: routing table error; destination address setting error EndCodeDestinationAddressSettingError uint16 = 0x0501 // EndCodeNoRoutingTables End code: routing table error; no routing tables EndCodeNoRoutingTables uint16 = 0x0502 // EndCodeRoutingTableError End code: routing table error; routing table error EndCodeRoutingTableError uint16 = 0x0503 // EndCodeTooManyRelays End code: routing table error; too many relays EndCodeTooManyRelays uint16 = 0x0504 // EndCodeCommandTooLong End code: command format error; command too long EndCodeCommandTooLong uint16 = 0x1001 // EndCodeCommandTooShort End code: command format error; command too short EndCodeCommandTooShort uint16 = 0x1002 // EndCodeElementsDataDontMatch End code: command format error; elements/data don't match EndCodeElementsDataDontMatch uint16 = 0x1003 // EndCodeCommandFormatError End code: command format error; command format error EndCodeCommandFormatError uint16 = 0x1004 // EndCodeHeaderError End code: command format error; header error EndCodeHeaderError uint16 = 0x1005 // EndCodeAreaClassificationMissing End code: parameter error; classification missing EndCodeAreaClassificationMissing uint16 = 0x1101 // EndCodeAccessSizeError End code: parameter error; access size error EndCodeAccessSizeError uint16 = 0x1102 // EndCodeAddressRangeError End code: parameter error; address range error EndCodeAddressRangeError uint16 = 0x1103 // EndCodeAddressRangeExceeded End code: parameter error; address range exceeded EndCodeAddressRangeExceeded uint16 = 0x1104 // EndCodeProgramMissing End code: parameter error; program missing EndCodeProgramMissing uint16 = 0x1106 // EndCodeRelationalError End code: parameter error; relational error EndCodeRelationalError uint16 = 0x1109 // EndCodeDuplicateDataAccess End code: parameter error; duplicate data access EndCodeDuplicateDataAccess uint16 = 0x110a // EndCodeResponseTooBig End code: parameter error; response too big EndCodeResponseTooBig uint16 = 0x110b // EndCodeParameterError End code: parameter error EndCodeParameterError uint16 = 0x110c // EndCodeReadNotPossibleProtected End code: read not possible; protected EndCodeReadNotPossibleProtected uint16 = 0x2002 // EndCodeReadNotPossibleTableMissing End code: read not possible; table missing EndCodeReadNotPossibleTableMissing uint16 = 0x2003 // EndCodeReadNotPossibleDataMissing End code: read not possible; data missing EndCodeReadNotPossibleDataMissing uint16 = 0x2004 // EndCodeReadNotPossibleProgramMissing End code: read not possible; program missing EndCodeReadNotPossibleProgramMissing uint16 = 0x2005 // EndCodeReadNotPossibleFileMissing End code: read not possible; file missing EndCodeReadNotPossibleFileMissing uint16 = 0x2006 // EndCodeReadNotPossibleDataMismatch End code: read not possible; data mismatch EndCodeReadNotPossibleDataMismatch uint16 = 0x2007 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleReadOnly End code: write not possible; read only EndCodeWriteNotPossibleReadOnly uint16 = 0x2101 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleProtected End code: write not possible; write protected EndCodeWriteNotPossibleProtected uint16 = 0x2102 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleCannotRegister End code: write not possible; cannot register EndCodeWriteNotPossibleCannotRegister uint16 = 0x2103 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleProgramMissing End code: write not possible; program missing EndCodeWriteNotPossibleProgramMissing uint16 = 0x2105 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleFileMissing End code: write not possible; file missing EndCodeWriteNotPossibleFileMissing uint16 = 0x2106 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleFileNameAlreadyExists End code: write not possible; file name already exists EndCodeWriteNotPossibleFileNameAlreadyExists uint16 = 0x2107 // EndCodeWriteNotPossibleCannotChange End code: write not possible; cannot change EndCodeWriteNotPossibleCannotChange uint16 = 0x2108 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeNotPossibleDuringExecution End code: not executeable in current mode during execution EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeNotPossibleDuringExecution uint16 = 0x2201 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeNotPossibleWhileRunning End code: not executeable in current mode while running EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeNotPossibleWhileRunning uint16 = 0x2202 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInProgram End code: not executeable in current mode; PLC is in PROGRAM mode EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInProgram uint16 = 0x2203 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInDebug End code: not executeable in current mode; PLC is in DEBUG mode EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInDebug uint16 = 0x2204 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInMonitor End code: not executeable in current mode; PLC is in MONITOR mode EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInMonitor uint16 = 0x2205 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInRun End code: not executeable in current mode; PLC is in RUN mode EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeWrongPLCModeInRun uint16 = 0x2206 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeSpecifiedNodeNotPollingNode End code: not executeable in current mode; specified node is not polling node EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeSpecifiedNodeNotPollingNode uint16 = 0x2207 // EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeStepCannotBeExecuted End code: not executeable in current mode; step cannot be executed EndCodeNotExecutableInCurrentModeStepCannotBeExecuted uint16 = 0x2208 // EndCodeNoSuchDeviceFileDeviceMissing End code: no such device; file device missing EndCodeNoSuchDeviceFileDeviceMissing uint16 = 0x2301 // EndCodeNoSuchDeviceMemoryMissing End code: no such device; memory missing EndCodeNoSuchDeviceMemoryMissing uint16 = 0x2302 // EndCodeNoSuchDeviceClockMissing End code: no such device; clock missing EndCodeNoSuchDeviceClockMissing uint16 = 0x2303 // EndCodeCannotStartStopTableMissing End code: cannot start/stop; table missing EndCodeCannotStartStopTableMissing uint16 = 0x2401 // EndCodeUnitErrorMemoryError End code: unit error; memory error EndCodeUnitErrorMemoryError uint16 = 0x2502 // EndCodeUnitErrorIOError End code: unit error; IO error EndCodeUnitErrorIOError uint16 = 0x2503 // EndCodeUnitErrorTooManyIOPoints End code: unit error; too many IO points EndCodeUnitErrorTooManyIOPoints uint16 = 0x2504 // EndCodeUnitErrorCPUBusError End code: unit error; CPU bus error EndCodeUnitErrorCPUBusError uint16 = 0x2505 // EndCodeUnitErrorIODuplication End code: unit error; IO duplication EndCodeUnitErrorIODuplication uint16 = 0x2506 // EndCodeUnitErrorIOBusError End code: unit error; IO bus error EndCodeUnitErrorIOBusError uint16 = 0x2507 // EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBUS2Error End code: unit error; SYSMAC BUS/2 error EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBUS2Error uint16 = 0x2509 // EndCodeUnitErrorCPUBusUnitError End code: unit error; CPU bus unit error EndCodeUnitErrorCPUBusUnitError uint16 = 0x250a // EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBusNumberDuplication End code: unit error; SYSMAC bus number duplication EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBusNumberDuplication uint16 = 0x250d // EndCodeUnitErrorMemoryStatusError End code: unit error; memory status error EndCodeUnitErrorMemoryStatusError uint16 = 0x250f // EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBusTerminatorMissing End code: unit error; SYSMAC bus terminator missing EndCodeUnitErrorSYSMACBusTerminatorMissing uint16 = 0x2510 // EndCodeCommandErrorNoProtection End code: command error; no protection EndCodeCommandErrorNoProtection uint16 = 0x2601 // EndCodeCommandErrorIncorrectPassword End code: command error; incorrect password EndCodeCommandErrorIncorrectPassword uint16 = 0x2602 // EndCodeCommandErrorProtected End code: command error; protected EndCodeCommandErrorProtected uint16 = 0x2604 // EndCodeCommandErrorServiceAlreadyExecuting End code: command error; service already executing EndCodeCommandErrorServiceAlreadyExecuting uint16 = 0x2605 // EndCodeCommandErrorServiceStopped End code: command error; service stopped EndCodeCommandErrorServiceStopped uint16 = 0x2606 // EndCodeCommandErrorNoExecutionRight End code: command error; no execution right EndCodeCommandErrorNoExecutionRight uint16 = 0x2607 // EndCodeCommandErrorSettingsNotComplete End code: command error; settings not complete EndCodeCommandErrorSettingsNotComplete uint16 = 0x2608 // EndCodeCommandErrorNecessaryItemsNotSet End code: command error; necessary items not set EndCodeCommandErrorNecessaryItemsNotSet uint16 = 0x2609 // EndCodeCommandErrorNumberAlreadyDefined End code: command error; number already defined EndCodeCommandErrorNumberAlreadyDefined uint16 = 0x260a // EndCodeCommandErrorErrorWillNotClear End code: command error; error will not clear EndCodeCommandErrorErrorWillNotClear uint16 = 0x260b // EndCodeAccessWriteErrorNoAccessRight End code: access write error; no access right EndCodeAccessWriteErrorNoAccessRight uint16 = 0x3001 // EndCodeAbortServiceAborted End code: abort; service aborted EndCodeAbortServiceAborted uint16 = 0x4001 )
Data taken from Omron document Cat. No. W342-E1-15, pages 155-161
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const ( // MessageTypeCommand Command message type MessageTypeCommand uint8 = iota // MessageTypeResponse Response message type MessageTypeResponse uint8 = iota )
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const ( // MemoryAreaCIOBit Memory area: CIO area; bit MemoryAreaCIOBit byte = 0x30 // MemoryAreaWRBit Memory area: work area; bit MemoryAreaWRBit byte = 0x31 // MemoryAreaHRBit Memory area: holding area; bit MemoryAreaHRBit byte = 0x32 // MemoryAreaARBit Memory area: axuillary area; bit MemoryAreaARBit byte = 0x33 // MemoryAreaCIOWord Memory area: CIO area; word MemoryAreaCIOWord byte = 0xb0 // MemoryAreaWRWord Memory area: work area; word MemoryAreaWRWord byte = 0xb1 // MemoryAreaHRWord Memory area: holding area; word MemoryAreaHRWord byte = 0xb2 // MemoryAreaARWord Memory area: auxillary area; word MemoryAreaARWord byte = 0xb3 // MemoryAreaTimerCounterCompletionFlag Memory area: counter completion flag MemoryAreaTimerCounterCompletionFlag byte = 0x09 // MemoryAreaTimerCounterPV Memory area: counter PV MemoryAreaTimerCounterPV byte = 0x89 // MemoryAreaDMBit Memory area: data area; bit MemoryAreaDMBit byte = 0x02 // MemoryAreaDMWord Memory area: data area; word MemoryAreaDMWord byte = 0x82 // MemoryAreaTaskBit Memory area: task flags; bit MemoryAreaTaskBit byte = 0x06 // MemoryAreaTaskStatus Memory area: task flags; status MemoryAreaTaskStatus byte = 0x46 // MemoryAreaIndexRegisterPV Memory area: CIO bit MemoryAreaIndexRegisterPV byte = 0xdc // MemoryAreaDataRegisterPV Memory area: CIO bit MemoryAreaDataRegisterPV byte = 0xbc // MemoryAreaClockPulsesConditionFlagsBit Memory area: CIO bit MemoryAreaClockPulsesConditionFlagsBit byte = 0x07 )
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const DM_AREA_SIZE = 32768
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Address ¶
type Address struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Address A full device address
type BCDBadDigitError ¶
type BCDBadDigitError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BCDBadDigitError) Error ¶
func (e BCDBadDigitError) Error() string
type BCDOverflowError ¶
type BCDOverflowError struct{}
func (BCDOverflowError) Error ¶
func (e BCDOverflowError) Error() string
type Client ¶
Client Omron FINS client
func (*Client) ReadBits ¶
func (c *Client) ReadBits(memoryArea byte, address uint16, bitOffset byte, readCount uint16) ([]bool, error)
ReadBits Reads bits from the PLC data area
func (*Client) ReadString ¶
ReadString Reads a string from the PLC data area
func (*Client) SetByteOrder ¶
Set byte order Default value: binary.BigEndian
func (*Client) SetTimeoutMs ¶
Set response timeout duration (ms). Default value: 20ms. A timeout of zero can be used to block indefinitely.
func (*Client) WriteBytes ¶
WriteBytes Writes bytes array to the PLC data area
func (*Client) WriteString ¶
WriteString Writes a string to the PLC data area
type Header ¶
type Header struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Header A FINS frame header
type IncompatibleMemoryAreaError ¶
type IncompatibleMemoryAreaError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (IncompatibleMemoryAreaError) Error ¶
func (e IncompatibleMemoryAreaError) Error() string
type ResponseTimeoutError ¶
type ResponseTimeoutError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ResponseTimeoutError) Error ¶
func (e ResponseTimeoutError) Error() string
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