Prometheus exporter for Vitastor - Open Source Software-Defined Storage
Installation and Usage
To run the exporter, you need to run the binary somewhere where etcd is available (for example, on the monitor node).
If you run the exporter on a node where the vitastor.conf
config is available in the standard path (/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf
), just run the binary without any parameters, it will take the necessary parameters from there:
user@host bin % vitastor-exporter
If you want to run it without vitastor.conf, you can pass parameters to excutable:
user@host bin % vitastor-exporter --help
Usage of ./vitastor-exporter:
-etcd-url string
Comma-separated list of etcd urls. WARNING: setting that param will override --vitastor-conf. Default: empty
-metrics-path string
Path to expose metrics. Default: /metrics (default "/metrics")
-port int
Port to expose metrics. Default: 8080 (default 8080)
-vitastor-conf string
Path to vitastor.conf (to obtain etcd connection params). Default: /etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf (default "/etc/vitastor/vitastor.conf")
-vitastor-prefix string
Etcd tree prefix for Vitastor cluster info. Default: /vitastor (default "/vitastor")