Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccountRegistryCleanupHook(a Asserter)
- func AccountRegistryInitHook(a Asserter)
- func Any[I any](items []I, f func(I) bool) bool
- func AnyKeys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []any
- func BlockIDIntToBase64(blockID int) string
- func CloneMap[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) map[K]V
- func CloneMapWithRule[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, rule func(K, V) (key K, value V, include bool)) map[K]V
- func ClonePointer[T any](in *T) *T
- func CombineQuery(a, b url.Values) url.Values
- func CreateResource[T ResourceManager](a Asserter, base ResourceManager, def MatchedResourceDefinition[T]) T
- func DeleteAccount(a Asserter, arm AccountResourceManager)
- func DerefOrDefault[T any](in *T, def T) T
- func DerefOrZero[T any](in *T) (out T)
- func FirstOrNil[T any](list []T) *T
- func FirstOrZero[T any](list []T) T
- func GeneratePlanFileObjectsFromMapping(mapping ObjectResourceMapping, options ...GeneratePlanFileObjectsOptions) map[PlanFilePath]PlanFileObject
- func GetContentTypeMap(fileExtensions []string) map[string]string
- func GetTypeOrAssert[T any](a Asserter, in any) (out T)
- func GetTypeOrZero[T any](in any) (out T)
- func IsZero[T comparable](in T) bool
- func JoinMap[K comparable, V any](in[K]V) map[K]V
- func Keys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []K
- func ListContains[I comparable](item I, in []I) bool
- func ListOfAny[T any](in []T) []any
- func LoadConfigHook(a Asserter)
- func MapFromTags(val reflect.Value, tagName string, a ScenarioAsserter) map[string]string
- func NamedResolveVariation[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, options map[string]T) T
- func ParentDirDestPathProcessor(DirName string) func(path string) string
- func PtrOf[T any](in T) (out *T)
- func ResolveVariation[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, options []T) T
- func ResolveVariationByID[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, ID string, options []any) T
- func RunAzCopy(a ScenarioAsserter, commandSpec AzCopyCommand) (AzCopyStdout, *AzCopyJobPlan)
- func RunScenarios(t *testing.T, operations Operation, testFromTo TestFromTo, validate Validate, ...)
- func SetIfZero[T comparable](target *T, result T)
- func SetupArmClient(a Asserter)
- func SetupOAuthCache(a Asserter)
- func SizeFromString(objectSize string) int64
- func SizeToString(size int64, megaUnits bool) string
- func TeardownArmClient(a Asserter)
- func TrackResourceCreation(a Asserter, rm any)
- func UploadLogs(a ScenarioAsserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, stderr *bytes.Buffer, logDir string)
- func ValidateContainsError(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, errorMsg []string)
- func ValidateDryRunOutput(a Asserter, output AzCopyStdout, rootSrc ResourceManager, ...)
- func ValidateJobsListOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, expectedJobIDs int)
- func ValidateListOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, ...)
- func ValidateListTextOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, ...)
- func ValidateLogFileRetention(a Asserter, logsDir string, expectedLogFileToRetain int)
- func ValidateMessageOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, message string, shouldContain bool)
- func ValidateMetadata(a Asserter, expected, real common.Metadata)
- func ValidatePlanFiles(sm *ScenarioVariationManager, stdOut AzCopyStdout, expected ExpectedPlanFile)
- func ValidatePropertyPtr[T any](a Asserter, name string, expected, real *T)
- func ValidateResource[T ResourceManager](a Asserter, target T, definition MatchedResourceDefinition[T], ...)
- func ValidateStatsReturned(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout)
- func ValidateTags(a Asserter, expected, real map[string]string)
- func ValidateTimePtr(a Asserter, name string, expected, real *time.Time)
- func WorkloadIdentitySetup(a Asserter)
- type ARMAsyncError
- type ARMAsyncResponse
- type ARMClient
- type ARMExtendedLocation
- type ARMManagedDisk
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) CreateOrUpdate(params ARMManagedDiskCreateOrUpdateParams) (*ARMManagedDiskInfo, error)
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) Delete() error
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) Get() (*ARMManagedDiskInfo, error)
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) GrantAccess(params ARMManagedDiskGrantAccessParams) (*ARMManagedDiskAccessURI, error)
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) ManagementURI() url.URL
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
- func (md *ARMManagedDisk) RevokeAccess() error
- type ARMManagedDiskAccessURI
- type ARMManagedDiskCreateOrUpdateParams
- type ARMManagedDiskCreationData
- type ARMManagedDiskGrantAccessParams
- type ARMManagedDiskInfo
- type ARMManagedDiskPutProperties
- type ARMManagedDiskSku
- type ARMRequestPreparer
- type ARMRequestSettings
- type ARMResourceGroup
- func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) CreateOrUpdate(params ARMResourceGroupCreateParams) (*ARMResourceGroupProvisioningStateOutput, error)
- func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) Delete(forceDeletionTypes *string) error
- func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) GetProperties() (*ARMResourceGroupInfo, error)
- func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) ManagementURI() url.URL
- func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
- type ARMResourceGroupCreateParams
- type ARMResourceGroupInfo
- type ARMResourceGroupProvisioningStateOutput
- type ARMStorageAccount
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) Create(params ARMStorageAccountCreateParams) (*ARMStorageAccountProperties, error)
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) Delete() error
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetKeys() (*ARMStorageAccountListKeysResult, error)
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetProperties(expand []string) (*ARMStorageAccountProperties, error)
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetResourceManager() (*AzureAccountResourceManager, error)
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) ManagementURI() url.URL
- func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
- type ARMStorageAccountCreateParams
- type ARMStorageAccountCreateProperties
- type ARMStorageAccountIdentity
- type ARMStorageAccountKey
- type ARMStorageAccountListKeysResult
- type ARMStorageAccountProperties
- type ARMStorageAccountSKU
- type ARMStorageAccountUserAssignedIdentity
- type ARMSubject
- type ARMSubscription
- type ARMUnimplementedStruct
- type AccessToken
- type AccountResourceManager
- type AccountType
- func (AccountType) Azurite() AccountType
- func (AccountType) Classic() AccountType
- func (AccountType) GCP() AccountType
- func (AccountType) HierarchicalNamespaceEnabled() AccountType
- func (o AccountType) IsBlobOnly() bool
- func (o AccountType) IsManagedDisk() bool
- func (AccountType) LargeManagedDisk() AccountType
- func (AccountType) LargeManagedDiskSnapshot() AccountType
- func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshot() AccountType
- func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshotOAuth() AccountType
- func (AccountType) OAuthManagedDisk() AccountType
- func (AccountType) PremiumBlockBlobs() AccountType
- func (AccountType) PremiumFileShares() AccountType
- func (AccountType) PremiumHNSEnabled() AccountType
- func (AccountType) PremiumPageBlobs() AccountType
- func (AccountType) S3() AccountType
- func (AccountType) Standard() AccountType
- func (AccountType) StdManagedDisk() AccountType
- func (o AccountType) String() string
- type Always
- type Asserter
- type Assertion
- type AzCopyCommand
- type AzCopyEnvironment
- type AzCopyInteractiveStdout
- type AzCopyJobPlan
- type AzCopyOutputKey
- type AzCopyParsedCopySyncRemoveStdout
- type AzCopyParsedDryrunStdout
- type AzCopyParsedJobsListStdout
- type AzCopyParsedListStdout
- type AzCopyParsedStdout
- type AzCopyRawStdout
- type AzCopyStdout
- type AzCopyTarget
- type AzCopyVerb
- type AzCoreAccessToken
- type AzureAccountResourceManager
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountName() string
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountType() AccountType
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) ApplySAS(URI string, loc common.Location, optList ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices() []common.Location
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) GetService(a Asserter, location common.Location) ServiceResourceManager
- func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) ManagementClient() *ARMStorageAccount
- type AzureURIOpts
- type BlobContainerCreateOptions
- type BlobContainerProperties
- type BlobContainerResourceManager
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobContainerCreateOptions)
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetDatalakeContainerManager(a Asserter) ContainerResourceManager
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetMetadata(a Asserter) common.Metadata
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) HasMetadata() PropertiesAvailability
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefix string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, opts *filesystem.CreateOptions)
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions(a Asserter, opts *filesystem.DeleteOptions)
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobFSPathGetPropertiesOptions
- type BlobFSPathResourceProvider
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ContainerName() string
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) CreateParents(a Asserter)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) EntityType() common.EntityType
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Exists() bool
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetPropertiesWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobFSPathGetPropertiesOptions) ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ObjectName() string
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobFSProperties
- type BlobFSServiceResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(containerName string) ContainerResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobObjectCreateOptions
- type BlobObjectGetPropertiesOptions
- type BlobObjectResourceManager
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties, ...)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) GetPropertiesWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobObjectGetPropertiesOptions) ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobProperties
- type BlobServiceResourceManager
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(name string) ContainerResourceManager
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type BlobSignatureValues
- type CommonFilterFlags
- type ConfigReaderError
- func NewConfigReaderError(StructName string) *ConfigReaderError
- func NewConfigReaderErrorEnv(envName string, fieldName string, err error) *ConfigReaderError
- func ReadConfig(config reflect.Value, fieldName string, tag EnvTag) *ConfigReaderError
- func SetValue(fieldName string, val reflect.Value, tag EnvTag) *ConfigReaderError
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) Combine(with *ConfigReaderError)
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) Empty() bool
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) Error() string
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) Finalize() *ConfigReaderError
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) Flatten(parent string) string
- func (c *ConfigReaderError) WrangleAsError() error
- type ContainerProperties
- type ContainerResourceManager
- type CopyFlags
- func (CopyFlags) SerializeKeyValues(in any, a ScenarioAsserter, kvsep, elemsep string) string
- func (CopyFlags) SerializeListingFile(in any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
- func (c CopyFlags) SerializeMetadata(meta any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
- func (c CopyFlags) SerializeTags(tags any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
- type CopyOrSyncCommandResult
- type CopySyncCommonFlags
- type CreateAccountOptions
- type CreateAzCopyTargetOptions
- type DatalakeSignatureValues
- type DryrunAsserter
- type DryrunOp
- type Empty
- type EnvError
- type EnvTag
- type Equal
- type ErrorTier
- type ExpectedPlanFile
- type ExpectedPlanFileBlobData
- type ExpectedPlanFileFileDstData
- type ExpectedPlanFileLocalData
- type ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) AcctKey() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) Count() int
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) GCP() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) Includes(x ExplicitCredentialTypes) bool
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) None() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) OAuth() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) PublicAuth() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) S3() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) SASToken() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) String() string
- func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) With(x ...ExplicitCredentialTypes) ExplicitCredentialTypes
- type FileContainerProperties
- type FileObjectResourceManager
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, props ObjectProperties)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) CreateParents(a Asserter)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) (out ObjectProperties)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) PreparePermissions(a Asserter, p *string) *file.Permissions
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type FileProperties
- type FileServiceResourceManager
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(container string) ContainerResourceManager
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type FileShareCreateOptions
- type FileShareDeleteOptions
- type FileShareResourceManager
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, options *FileShareCreateOptions)
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions(a Asserter, options *FileShareDeleteOptions)
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, targetDir string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) SetProperties(a Asserter, properties *ContainerProperties)
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (s *FileShareResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type FileSignatureValues
- type FormattedAssertion
- type FrameworkAsserter
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Assert(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) AssertNow(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Error(reason string)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Failed() bool
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) GetTestName() string
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) HelperMarker() HelperMarker
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Log(format string, a ...any)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) NoError(comment string, err error, failNow ...bool)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) PrintFinalizingMessage(reasonFormat string, a ...any)
- func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Skip(reason string)
- type GeneratePlanFileObjectsOptions
- type GenericAccountSignatureValues
- type GenericServiceSignatureValues
- type GenericSignatureValues
- type GetResourceOptions
- type GetURIOptions
- type GlobalFlags
- type GlobalInputManager
- func (GlobalInputManager) GetAccountAndKey(accountType AccountType) (string, string)
- func (GlobalInputManager) GetExecutablePath() string
- func (gim GlobalInputManager) GetMDConfig(accountType AccountType) (*ManagedDiskConfig, error)
- func (GlobalInputManager) GetServicePrincipalAuth() (tenantID string, applicationID string, clientSecret string)
- func (GlobalInputManager) GetWorkloadIdentity() (tenantID string, clientID string, token string)
- func (GlobalInputManager) KeepFailedData() bool
- func (gim GlobalInputManager) SetupClassicOAuthCache() error
- func (GlobalInputManager) TestSummaryLogPath() string
- type HelperMarker
- type IsNil
- type JobsShowCommandResult
- type KVPair
- type ListFlags
- type LocalContainerResourceManager
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) URI(o ...GetURIOptions) string
- type LocalObjectResourceManager
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) CreateParents(a Asserter)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
- func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) URI(o ...GetURIOptions) string
- type LocalURIOpts
- type ManagedDiskConfig
- type ManagedDiskGetAccessResponse
- type ManySubscriberChannel
- type MapContains
- type MatchedResourceDefinition
- type MockAccountResourceManager
- func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AccountName() string
- func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AccountType() AccountType
- func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices() []common.Location
- func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) GetService(a Asserter, location common.Location) ServiceResourceManager
- type MockContainerResourceManager
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetResourceTarget(a Asserter) string
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) SetProperties(a Asserter, properties *ContainerResourceManager)
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type MockObjectResourceManager
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type MockServiceResourceManager
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(s string) ContainerResourceManager
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) GetResourceTarget(a Asserter) string
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
- func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
- type MultiStepUploader
- type MultiStepUploaderState
- type NewE2EConfig
- type NilHelperMarker
- type NoError
- type Not
- type OAuthCache
- type ObjectContentContainer
- func NewPartialSparseObjectContentContainer(a Asserter, size int64, dataRanges []Range) ObjectContentContainer
- func NewRandomObjectContentContainer(size int64) ObjectContentContainer
- func NewStringObjectContentContainer(data string) ObjectContentContainer
- func NewZeroObjectContentContainer(size int64) ObjectContentContainer
- type ObjectContentContainerBuffer
- type ObjectProperties
- type ObjectResourceManager
- type ObjectResourceMapping
- type ObjectResourceMappingFlat
- type ObjectResourceMappingFolder
- type ObjectResourceMappingObject
- type ObjectResourceMappingOverlay
- type ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder
- type Operation
- func (Operation) Benchmark() Operation
- func (Operation) Cancel() Operation
- func (Operation) Copy() Operation
- func (Operation) CopyAndSync() Operation
- func (Operation) List() Operation
- func (o Operation) NeedsDst() bool
- func (Operation) Remove() Operation
- func (Operation) Resume() Operation
- func (o Operation) String() string
- func (Operation) Sync() Operation
- type PathTrie
- type PlanFileObject
- type PlanFilePath
- type PropertiesAvailability
- type Range
- type RawFlags
- type RemoteResourceManager
- type RemoteURIOpts
- type RemoveFlags
- type ResourceDefinition
- type ResourceDefinitionContainer
- func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, ...)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
- func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) ShouldExist() bool
- type ResourceDefinitionObject
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, ...)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) Clone() ResourceDefinitionObject
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) ShouldExist() bool
- type ResourceDefinitionService
- func (r ResourceDefinitionService) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, ...)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionService) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
- func (r ResourceDefinitionService) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
- func (r ResourceDefinitionService) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
- func (r ResourceDefinitionService) ShouldExist() bool
- type ResourceManager
- type ResourceTracker
- type ScenarioAsserter
- type ScenarioManager
- type ScenarioPipelineOptions
- type ScenarioVariationManager
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Assert(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) AssertNow(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Cleanup(cleanupFunc func(a ScenarioAsserter))
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) DeleteCreatedResources()
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Dryrun() bool
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Error(reason string)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Failed() bool
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariation(ID string, options []any) any
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariationCallerID() (callerID string)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) HelperMarker() HelperMarker
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) InsertVariationSeparator(sep string)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Invalid() bool
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) InvalidateScenario()
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Log(format string, a ...any)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) NoError(comment string, err error, failNow ...bool)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Skip(reason string)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedAccount(account AccountResourceManager)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedResource(manager ResourceManager)
- func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) VariationName() string
- type ServiceResourceManager
- type SuiteManager
- type SyncFlags
- type TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllAzureS2S() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllDownloads() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllPairs() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllRemove() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllS2S() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesDownAndS2S() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesToOneDest() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllSync() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) AllUploads() TestFromTo
- func (TestFromTo) Other(values ...common.FromTo) TestFromTo
- func (tft TestFromTo) String() string
- type TestResourceFactory
- func (TestResourceFactory) CreateLocalDirectory(c asserter) (dstDirName string)
- func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewContainer(c asserter, publicAccess *container.PublicAccessType, accountType AccountType) (cc *container.Client, name string, rawURL string)
- func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShare(c asserter, accountType AccountType) (fileShare *share.Client, name string, rawSasURL string)
- func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShareSnapshot(c asserter, fileShare *share.Client) (snapshotID string)
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *blobservice.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType) *blobservice.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string, blobName string) *blob.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetContainerURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string) *container.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetDatalakeServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *datalakeservice.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *fileservice.Client
- func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileShareURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string) *share.Client
- type TestResourceNameGenerator
- type TestRunner
- func (t *TestRunner) ExecuteAzCopyCommand(operation Operation, src, dst string, needsOAuth bool, oauthMode string, ...) (CopyOrSyncCommandResult, bool, error)
- func (t *TestRunner) ExecuteJobsShowCommand(jobID common.JobID, azcopyDir string) (JobsShowCommandResult, error)
- func (t *TestRunner) SetAllFlags(s *scenario)
- func (t *TestRunner) SetAwaitOpenFlag()
- func (t *TestRunner) SetTransferStatusFlag(value string)
- type TieredError
- type TieredErrorWrapper
- type TraversalOperation
- type TrieNode
- type Validate
- type Validator
- type VariationDataContainer
- type WindowsAttribute
Constants ¶
const ( ARMStatusSucceeded = "Succeeded" ARMStatusFailed = "Failed" ARMStatusCanceled = "Canceled" ARMStatusInProgress = "InProgress" ARMStatusRunning = "Running" ARMStatusResolvingDNS = "ResolvingDNS" )
const ( PrimaryStandardAcct string = "PrimaryStandard" PrimaryHNSAcct string = "PrimaryHNS" PremiumPageBlobAcct string = "PremiumPageBlob" )
const ( ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionAttach = "Attach" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionCopy = "Copy" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionCopyStart = "CopyStart" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionEmpty = "Empty" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionFromImage = "FromImage" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionImport = "Import" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionImportSecure = "ImportSecure" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionRestore = "Restore" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionUpload = "Upload" ARMManagedDiskCreateOptionUploadPreparedSecure = "UploadPreparedSecure" )
const ( ARMStorageAccountExpandGeoReplicationStats = "geoReplicationStats" ARMStorageAccountExpandBlobRestoreStatus = "blobRestoreStatus" )
const ( ARMStorageAccountKeyPermissionReadOnly = "Read" ARMStorageAccountKeyPermissionFull = "Full" )
const ( AzureManagementResource = "" AzureStorageResource = "" AzureDisksResource = "" )
const AzurePipeline = "AzurePipeline"
Variables ¶
var ( ARMManagedDiskSkuPremiumLrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "Premium_LRS"} ARMManagedDiskSkuPremiumZrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "Premium_ZRS"} ARMManagedDiskSkuStandardSsdLrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "StandardSSD_LRS"} ARMManagedDiskSkuStandardSsdZrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "StandardSSD_ZRS"} ARMManagedDiskSkuStandardLrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "Standard_LRS"} ARMManagedDiskSkuUltraSsdLrs = ARMManagedDiskSku{Name: "UltraSSD_LRS"} )
var ( // SKU names ARMStorageAccountSKUPremiumLRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Premium_LRS", "Premium"} ARMStorageAccountSKUPremiumZRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Premium_ZRS", "Premium"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardGRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_GRS", "Standard"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardGZRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_GZRS", "Standard"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardLRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_LRS", "Standard"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardRAGRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_RAGRS", "Standard"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardRAGZRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_RAGZRS", "Standard"} ARMStorageAccountSKUStandardZRS = ARMStorageAccountSKU{"Standard_ZRS", "Standard"} )
var AccountRegistry = map[string]AccountResourceManager{} // For reusing accounts across testing
AccountRegistry is a set of accounts that are intended to be initialized when the tests start running. Suites and tests should not add to this pool. todo: long-term, support flexible static configuration of accounts.
var EAccountType = AccountType(0)
var OAuthCacheDisabledError = errors.New("the OAuth cache is currently disabled")
var WindowsAttributeStrings = map[WindowsAttribute]string{ WindowsAttributeReadOnly: "R", WindowsAttributeHidden: "H", WindowsAttributeSystemFile: "S", WindowsAttributeArchiveReady: "A", WindowsAttributeNormalFile: "N", WindowsAttributeTemporaryFile: "T", WindowsAttributeCompressedFile: "C", WindowsAttributeOfflineFile: "O", WindowsAttributeNonIndexedFile: "I", WindowsAttributeEncryptedFile: "E", }
var WindowsAttributesByName = map[string]WindowsAttribute{ "R": WindowsAttributeReadOnly, "H": WindowsAttributeHidden, "S": WindowsAttributeSystemFile, "A": WindowsAttributeArchiveReady, "N": WindowsAttributeNormalFile, "T": WindowsAttributeTemporaryFile, "C": WindowsAttributeCompressedFile, "O": WindowsAttributeOfflineFile, "I": WindowsAttributeNonIndexedFile, "E": WindowsAttributeEncryptedFile, }
Reference for File Attribute Constants:
Functions ¶
func AccountRegistryCleanupHook ¶ added in v10.24.0
func AccountRegistryCleanupHook(a Asserter)
func AccountRegistryInitHook ¶ added in v10.24.0
func AccountRegistryInitHook(a Asserter)
func AnyKeys ¶ added in v10.27.0
func AnyKeys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []any
func BlockIDIntToBase64 ¶ added in v10.23.0
BlockIDIntToBase64 functions convert an int block ID to a base-64 string and vice versa
func CloneMap ¶ added in v10.24.0
func CloneMap[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) map[K]V
func CloneMapWithRule ¶ added in v10.27.0
func CloneMapWithRule[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V, rule func(K, V) (key K, value V, include bool)) map[K]V
func ClonePointer ¶ added in v10.27.0
func ClonePointer[T any](in *T) *T
func CreateResource ¶ added in v10.24.0
func CreateResource[T ResourceManager](a Asserter, base ResourceManager, def MatchedResourceDefinition[T]) T
func DeleteAccount ¶ added in v10.24.0
func DeleteAccount(a Asserter, arm AccountResourceManager)
func DerefOrDefault ¶ added in v10.24.0
func DerefOrDefault[T any](in *T, def T) T
func DerefOrZero ¶ added in v10.24.0
func DerefOrZero[T any](in *T) (out T)
func FirstOrNil ¶ added in v10.24.0
func FirstOrNil[T any](list []T) *T
func FirstOrZero ¶ added in v10.24.0
func FirstOrZero[T any](list []T) T
func GeneratePlanFileObjectsFromMapping ¶ added in v10.27.0
func GeneratePlanFileObjectsFromMapping(mapping ObjectResourceMapping, options ...GeneratePlanFileObjectsOptions) map[PlanFilePath]PlanFileObject
func GetContentTypeMap ¶
func GetTypeOrAssert ¶ added in v10.24.0
func GetTypeOrZero ¶ added in v10.24.0
func IsZero ¶ added in v10.24.0
func IsZero[T comparable](in T) bool
func JoinMap ¶ added in v10.28.0
func JoinMap[K comparable, V any](in[K]V) map[K]V
func Keys ¶ added in v10.27.0
func Keys[K comparable, V any](in map[K]V) []K
func ListContains ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ListContains[I comparable](item I, in []I) bool
func LoadConfigHook ¶ added in v10.24.0
func LoadConfigHook(a Asserter)
func MapFromTags ¶ added in v10.24.0
MapFromTags Recursively builds a map[string]string from a reflect.val As it searches recursively through the supplied struct, The tag searched for is `flag:"name,extdata"` All extra data is comma-separated. All flags should be nillable, because zero is always a valid state, and must be distinguishable from unspecified. available extdata: - "default:xyz" Defaults to something non-standard for AzCopy-- E.g. always forcing debug logging - "defaultfunc:SpecialDefault" Calls a `func Default*(a ScenarioAsserter) string` named SpecialDefault on the struct. Asserts if not found. - "serializer:SerializerFunc" Calls a `func Serialize*(value any, a ScenarioAsserter) string` named SerializerFunc on the struct. Asserts if not found. If special characters , or : are for some reason used, \ can be used as an escape.
func NamedResolveVariation ¶ added in v10.27.0
func NamedResolveVariation[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, options map[string]T) T
NamedResolveVariation is similar to ResolveVariation, but instead resolves over the keys in options, and hands back T.
func ParentDirDestPathProcessor ¶ added in v10.27.0
func ResolveVariation ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ResolveVariation[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, options []T) T
ResolveVariation wraps ScenarioVariationManager.GetVariation, returning the variation as the user's requested type, and using the call stack as the ID ResolveVariation doesn't have a type receiver, because the type itself must have a generic type in order for one of its methods to be generic
func ResolveVariationByID ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ResolveVariationByID[T any](svm *ScenarioVariationManager, ID string, options []any) T
ResolveVariationByID is the same as ResolveVariation, but it's based upon the supplied ID rather than the call stack.
func RunAzCopy ¶ added in v10.24.0
func RunAzCopy(a ScenarioAsserter, commandSpec AzCopyCommand) (AzCopyStdout, *AzCopyJobPlan)
RunAzCopy todo define more cleanly, implement
func RunScenarios ¶
func RunScenarios( t *testing.T, operations Operation, testFromTo TestFromTo, validate Validate, requestedCredentialTypesSrc []common.CredentialType, requestedCredentialTypesDst []common.CredentialType, p params, hs *hooks, fs testFiles, destAccountType AccountType, srcAccountType AccountType, scenarioSuffix string)
RunScenarios is the key entry point for declarative testing. It constructs and executes scenarios (subtest in Go-speak), according to its parameters, and checks their results
func SetIfZero ¶ added in v10.24.0
func SetIfZero[T comparable](target *T, result T)
func SetupArmClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func SetupArmClient(a Asserter)
func SetupOAuthCache ¶ added in v10.24.0
func SetupOAuthCache(a Asserter)
func SizeFromString ¶ added in v10.24.0
func SizeToString ¶ added in v10.27.0
func TeardownArmClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func TeardownArmClient(a Asserter)
func TrackResourceCreation ¶ added in v10.24.0
func UploadLogs ¶ added in v10.25.0
func UploadLogs(a ScenarioAsserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, stderr *bytes.Buffer, logDir string)
func ValidateContainsError ¶ added in v10.25.0
func ValidateContainsError(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, errorMsg []string)
func ValidateDryRunOutput ¶ added in v10.27.0
func ValidateDryRunOutput(a Asserter, output AzCopyStdout, rootSrc ResourceManager, rootDst ResourceManager, expected map[string]DryrunOp)
ValidateDryRunOutput validates output for items in the expected map; expected must equal output
func ValidateJobsListOutput ¶ added in v10.27.0
func ValidateJobsListOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, expectedJobIDs int)
func ValidateListOutput ¶ added in v10.25.0
func ValidateListOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, expectedObjects map[AzCopyOutputKey]cmd.AzCopyListObject, expectedSummary *cmd.AzCopyListSummary)
func ValidateListTextOutput ¶ added in v10.25.1
func ValidateListTextOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, expectedObjects map[AzCopyOutputKey]cmd.AzCopyListObject, expectedSummary *cmd.AzCopyListSummary)
func ValidateLogFileRetention ¶ added in v10.28.0
func ValidateMessageOutput ¶ added in v10.28.0
func ValidateMessageOutput(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout, message string, shouldContain bool)
func ValidateMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ValidatePlanFiles ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ValidatePlanFiles(sm *ScenarioVariationManager, stdOut AzCopyStdout, expected ExpectedPlanFile)
ValidatePlanFiles expects an &AzCopyParsedCopySyncRemoveStdout, and validates that the plan files match the expectedFiles.
The ObjectResourceMapping will be flattened. dstPrefix is trimmed from all destination relative paths
In account-wide transfers, containers are simply appended to the path that should be looked for in expectedFiles.
If copying from a sub-directory of an actual root ObjectResourceMapping, ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder features a Trim option.
func ValidatePropertyPtr ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ValidateResource ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ValidateResource[T ResourceManager](a Asserter, target T, definition MatchedResourceDefinition[T], validateObjectContent bool)
func ValidateStatsReturned ¶ added in v10.25.0
func ValidateStatsReturned(a Asserter, stdout AzCopyStdout)
func ValidateTags ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ValidateTimePtr ¶ added in v10.26.0
func WorkloadIdentitySetup ¶ added in v10.27.0
func WorkloadIdentitySetup(a Asserter)
Types ¶
type ARMAsyncError ¶ added in v10.16.1
type ARMAsyncResponse ¶ added in v10.16.1
type ARMAsyncResponse[Props any] struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status string `json:"status"` StartTime string `json:"startTime"` EndTime string `json:"endTime"` PercentComplete float64 `json:"percentComplete"` // Set Properties to a pointer of your target struct, encoding/json will handle the magic. Properties *Props `json:"properties"` Error ARMAsyncError `json:"error"` }
func PerformRequest ¶ added in v10.24.0
func PerformRequest[Props any](subject ARMSubject, reqSettings ARMRequestSettings, target *Props) (armResp *ARMAsyncResponse[Props], err error)
PerformRequest will deserialize to target (which assumes the target is a pointer) If an LRO is required, an *ARMAsyncResponse will be returned. Otherwise, both armResp and err will be nil, and target will be written to.
func ResolveAzureAsyncOperation ¶ added in v10.16.1
func ResolveAzureAsyncOperation[Props any](OAuth AccessToken, uri string, properties *Props) (armResp *ARMAsyncResponse[Props], err error)
ResolveAzureAsyncOperation implements
func (ARMAsyncResponse[Props]) Validate ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (a ARMAsyncResponse[Props]) Validate() bool
type ARMClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMClient struct { OAuth AccessToken HttpClient *http.Client }
var CommonARMClient *ARMClient
func (*ARMClient) ManagementURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (*ARMClient) Token ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ARMClient) Token() AccessToken
type ARMExtendedLocation ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDisk ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDisk struct { *ARMResourceGroup DiskName string }
func (*ARMManagedDisk) CreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) CreateOrUpdate(params ARMManagedDiskCreateOrUpdateParams) (*ARMManagedDiskInfo, error)
func (*ARMManagedDisk) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) Delete() error
func (*ARMManagedDisk) Get ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) Get() (*ARMManagedDiskInfo, error)
func (*ARMManagedDisk) GrantAccess ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) GrantAccess(params ARMManagedDiskGrantAccessParams) (*ARMManagedDiskAccessURI, error)
func (*ARMManagedDisk) ManagementURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) ManagementURI() url.URL
func (*ARMManagedDisk) PrepareRequest ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
func (*ARMManagedDisk) RevokeAccess ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (md *ARMManagedDisk) RevokeAccess() error
type ARMManagedDiskAccessURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskCreateOrUpdateParams ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskCreateOrUpdateParams struct { Location string `json:"location"` ExtendedLocation *ARMExtendedLocation `json:"extendedLocation,omitempty"` Sku *ARMManagedDiskSku `json:"sku,omitempty"` Properties ARMManagedDiskPutProperties `json:"properties"` // Has mandatory field CreationData }
type ARMManagedDiskCreationData ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskCreationData struct { CreateOption *string `json:"createOption"` LogicalSectorSize *uint `json:"logicalSectorSize,omitempty"` // 512-4096; 4096 is default GalleryImageReference ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"galleryImageReference,omitempty"` // ImageDiskReference SecurityDataUri *string `json:"securityDataUri,omitempty"` // ImportSecure SourceResourceId *string `json:"sourceResourceId,omitempty"` // Copy SourceUniqueId *string `json:"sourceUniqueId,omitempty"` // also Copy? SourceUri *string `json:"sourceUri,omitempty"` // Import StorageAccountId *string `json:"storageAccountId,omitempty"` // Required on Import UploadSizeBytes *uint64 `json:"uploadSizeBytes,omitempty"` }
type ARMManagedDiskGrantAccessParams ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskInfo ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskInfo struct { Id string `json:"id"` Location string `json:"location"` ManagedBy string `json:"managedBy"` ManagedByExtended []string `json:"managedByExtended"` Name string `json:"name"` ExtendedLocation ARMExtendedLocation `json:"extendedLocation"` Sku ARMManagedDiskSku `json:"sku"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` Zones []string `json:"zones"` Properties ARMManagedDiskPutProperties `json:"properties"` // Has mandatory field CreationData }
type ARMManagedDiskPutProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMManagedDiskPutProperties struct { CreationData ARMManagedDiskCreationData `json:"creationData"` BurstingEnabled *bool `json:"burstingEnabled,omitempty"` CompletionPercent string `json:"completionPercent"` DataAccessAuthMode *string `json:"dataAccessAuthMode,omitempty"` // AzureActiveDirectory or None DiskAccessId *string `json:"diskAccessId,omitempty"` DiskIOPSReadWrite *uint64 `json:"diskIOPSReadWrite,omitempty"` DiskIOPSReadOnly *uint64 `json:"diskIOPSReadOnly,omitempty"` DiskMBpsReadOnly *uint64 `json:"diskMBpsReadOnly,omitempty"` DiskMBpsReadWrite *uint64 `json:"diskMBpsReadWrite,omitempty"` DiskSizeGB *uint `json:"diskSizeGB,omitempty"` // Mandatory if CreationData.CreateOption is empty Encryption ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"encryption,omitempty"` // todo? EncryptionSettingsCollection ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"encryptionSettingsCollection,omitempty"` HyperVGeneration *string `json:"hyperVGeneration,omitempty"` // V1 or V2 NetworkAccessPolicy ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"networkAccessPolicy,omitempty"` OSType *string `json:"OSType,omitempty"` // "Linux" or "Windows" PublicNetworkAccess *string `json:"publicNetworkAccess,omitempty"` // "Enabled" or "Disabled" PurchasePlan ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"purchasePlan,omitempty"` SecurityProfile ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"securityProfile,omitempty"` SupportedCapabilities ARMUnimplementedStruct `json:"supportedCapabilities,omitempty"` SupportsHibernation *bool `json:"supportsHibernation,omitempty"` Tier *string `json:"tier,omitempty"` // Perf tier does not apply to ultra }
type ARMManagedDiskSku ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMRequestPreparer ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMRequestPreparer interface {
PrepareRequest(settings *ARMRequestSettings)
type ARMRequestSettings ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMRequestSettings struct { Method string PathExtension string Query url.Values Headers http.Header Body interface{} }
func (*ARMRequestSettings) CreateRequest ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMResourceGroup ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMResourceGroup struct { *ARMSubscription ResourceGroupName string }
var CommonARMResourceGroup *ARMResourceGroup // separated in case needed.
func (*ARMResourceGroup) CreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) CreateOrUpdate(params ARMResourceGroupCreateParams) (*ARMResourceGroupProvisioningStateOutput, error)
func (*ARMResourceGroup) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) Delete(forceDeletionTypes *string) error
func (*ARMResourceGroup) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) GetProperties() (*ARMResourceGroupInfo, error)
func (*ARMResourceGroup) ManagementURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) ManagementURI() url.URL
func (*ARMResourceGroup) PrepareRequest ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (rg *ARMResourceGroup) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
type ARMResourceGroupCreateParams ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMResourceGroupCreateParams struct { Location string `json:"location"` // required ManagedBy *string `json:"managedBy,omitempty"` Properties *ARMResourceGroupInfo `json:"properties,omitempty"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
type ARMResourceGroupInfo ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMResourceGroupProvisioningStateOutput ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMResourceGroupProvisioningStateOutput struct {
ProvisioningState string `json:"provisioningState"`
type ARMStorageAccount ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccount struct { *ARMResourceGroup AccountName string }
ARMStorageAccount implements an API to interface with a singular Azure Storage account via the Storage Resource Provider's REST APIs.
func (*ARMStorageAccount) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) Create(params ARMStorageAccountCreateParams) (*ARMStorageAccountProperties, error)
func (*ARMStorageAccount) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) Delete() error
func (*ARMStorageAccount) GetKeys ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetKeys() (*ARMStorageAccountListKeysResult, error)
func (*ARMStorageAccount) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetProperties(expand []string) (*ARMStorageAccountProperties, error)
GetProperties pulls storage account properties; expand uses the above constants
func (*ARMStorageAccount) GetResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) GetResourceManager() (*AzureAccountResourceManager, error)
GetResourceManager should not be called repeatedly; it makes calls to REST APIs and does not cache.
func (*ARMStorageAccount) ManagementURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) ManagementURI() url.URL
func (*ARMStorageAccount) PrepareRequest ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sa *ARMStorageAccount) PrepareRequest(reqSettings *ARMRequestSettings)
type ARMStorageAccountCreateParams ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountCreateParams struct { Kind service.AccountKind `json:"kind"` Location string `json:"location"` Sku ARMStorageAccountSKU `json:"sku"` ExtendedLocation *ARMExtendedLocation `json:"extendedLocation,omitempty"` Identity *ARMStorageAccountIdentity `json:"identity,omitempty"` Properties *ARMStorageAccountCreateProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"` }
ARMStorageAccountCreateParams is the request body for
type ARMStorageAccountCreateProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountCreateProperties struct { AccessTier *blob.AccessTier `json:"accessTier,omitempty"` AllowBlobPublicAccess *bool `json:"allowBlobPublicAccess,omitempty"` AllowCrossTenantReplication *bool `json:"allowCrossTenantReplication,omitempty"` AllowedCopyScope json.RawMessage `json:"allowedCopyScope,omitempty"` AzureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication json.RawMessage `json:"azureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication,omitempty"` CustomDomain json.RawMessage `json:"customDomain,omitempty"` DefaultToOAuthAuthentication *bool `json:"defaultToOAuthAuthentication,omitempty"` DNSEndpointType json.RawMessage `json:"dnsEndpointType,omitempty"` Encryption json.RawMessage `json:"encryption,omitempty"` // todo cpk? ImmutableStorageWithVersioning json.RawMessage `json:"immutableStorageWithVersioning,omitempty"` // todo version level WORM IsHnsEnabled *bool `json:"isHnsEnabled,omitempty"` IsLocalUserEnabled *bool `json:"isLocalUserEnabled,omitempty"` IsNfsV3Enabled *bool `json:"isNfsV3Enabled,omitempty"` IsSftpEnabled *bool `json:"isSftpEnabled,omitempty"` KeyPolicy json.RawMessage `json:"keyPolicy,omitempty"` MinimumTLSVersion *string `json:"minimumTLSVersion,omitempty"` NetworkACLs json.RawMessage `json:"networkAcls,omitempty"` PublicNetworkAccess *string `json:"publicNetworkAccess,omitempty"` // "Enabled" or "Disabled" RoutingPreference json.RawMessage `json:"routingPreference,omitempty"` SASPolicy json.RawMessage `json:"sasPolicy,omitempty"` SupportsHttpsOnly *bool `json:"supportsHttpsOnly,omitempty"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` }
ARMStorageAccountCreateProperties implements a portion of ARMStorageAccountCreateParams.
type ARMStorageAccountIdentity ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountIdentity struct { PrincipalID string `json:"principalId"` TenantID string `json:"tenantId"` Type string `json:"type"` // UserAssignedIdentities map[string]ARMStorageAccountUserAssignedIdentity `json:"userAssignedIdentities"` }
type ARMStorageAccountKey ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountListKeysResult ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountListKeysResult struct {
Keys []ARMStorageAccountKey `json:"keys"`
type ARMStorageAccountProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountProperties struct { ExtendedLocation ARMExtendedLocation `json:"extendedLocation"` ID string `json:"id"` Identity ARMStorageAccountIdentity `json:"identity"` Kind service.AccountKind `json:"kind"` Location string `json:"location"` Name string `json:"name"` Properties struct { AccessTier blob.AccessTier `json:"accessTier"` AccountMigrationInProcess bool `json:"accountMigrationInProcess"` AllowBlobPublicAccess bool `json:"allowBlobPublicAccess"` AllowCrossTenantReplication bool `json:"allowCrossTenantReplication"` AllowSharedKeyAccess bool `json:"allowSharedKeyAccess"` AllowedCopyScope json.RawMessage `json:"allowedCopyScope"` AzureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication json.RawMessage `json:"azureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication"` BlobRestoreStatus json.RawMessage `json:"blobRestoreStatus"` CreationTime string `json:"creationTime"` CustomDomain json.RawMessage `json:"customDomain"` DefaultToOAuthAuthentication bool `json:"defaultToOAuthAuthentication"` DNSEndpointType json.RawMessage `json:"dnsEndpointType"` Encryption json.RawMessage `json:"encryption"` // todo: maybe needed for CPK? FailoverInProgress bool `json:"failoverInProgress"` GeoReplicationStats json.RawMessage `json:"geoReplicationStats"` ImmutableStorageWithVersioning json.RawMessage `json:"immutableStorageWithVersioning"` // todo: needed for testing version-level WORM IsHNSEnabled bool `json:"isHNSEnabled"` IsLocalUserEnabled bool `json:"isLocalUserEnabled"` IsNFSV3Enabled bool `json:"isNfsV3Enabled"` IsSFTPEnabled bool `json:"isSftpEnabled"` IsSKUConversionBlocked bool `json:"isSkuConversionBlocked"` KeyCreationTime json.RawMessage `json:"keyCreationTime"` KeyPolicy json.RawMessage `json:"keyPolicy"` // todo: CPK? LargeFileSharesState string `json:"largeFileSharesState"` // "Enabled" or "Disabled" LastGeoFailoverTime string `json:"lastGeoFailoverTime"` MinimumTLSVersion json.RawMessage `json:"minimumTLSVersion"` NetworkACLs json.RawMessage `json:"networkAcls"` PrimaryEndpoints json.RawMessage `json:"primaryEndpoints"` PrimaryLocation string `json:"primaryLocation"` PrivateEndpointConnections []json.RawMessage `json:"privateEndpointConnections"` ProvisioningState string `json:"provisioningState"` PublicNetworkAccess string `json:"publicNetworkAccess"` // "Enabled" or "Disabled" RoutingPreference json.RawMessage `json:"routingPreference"` SASPolicy json.RawMessage `json:"sasPolicy"` SecondaryEndpoints json.RawMessage `json:"secondaryEndpoints"` // todo: could test azcopy's ability to fail over? SecondaryLocation string `json:"secondaryLocation"` StatusOfPrimary string `json:"statusOfPrimary"` StatusOfSecondary string `json:"statusOfSecondary"` StorageAccountSkuConversionStatus json.RawMessage `json:"storageAccountSkuConversionStatus"` SupportsHTTPSTrafficOnly bool `json:"supportsHttpsTrafficOnly"` } `json:"properties"` Sku ARMStorageAccountSKU `json:"sku"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` Type string `json:"type"` }
type ARMStorageAccountSKU ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMStorageAccountUserAssignedIdentity ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMSubject ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMSubject interface { Token() AccessToken Client() *ARMClient ManagementURI() url.URL }
type ARMSubscription ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (*ARMSubscription) ManagementURI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *ARMSubscription) ManagementURI() url.URL
type ARMUnimplementedStruct ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ARMUnimplementedStruct json.RawMessage
ARMUnimplementedStruct is used to fill in the blanks in types when implementation doesn't seem like a good use of time. It can be explored with "Get", if you know precisely what you want.
func (ARMUnimplementedStruct) Get ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s ARMUnimplementedStruct) Get(Key []string, out interface{}) error
type AccessToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AccountResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AccountResourceManager interface { AccountName() string AccountType() AccountType AvailableServices() []common.Location GetService(Asserter, common.Location) ServiceResourceManager }
AccountResourceManager manages an account.
func CreateAccount ¶ added in v10.24.0
func CreateAccount(a Asserter, accountType AccountType, options *CreateAccountOptions) AccountResourceManager
func GetAccount ¶ added in v10.24.0
func GetAccount(a Asserter, AccountName string) AccountResourceManager
type AccountType ¶
type AccountType uint8
func (AccountType) Azurite ¶ added in v10.22.1
func (AccountType) Azurite() AccountType
func (AccountType) Classic ¶ added in v10.14.0
func (AccountType) Classic() AccountType
func (AccountType) GCP ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) GCP() AccountType
func (AccountType) HierarchicalNamespaceEnabled ¶
func (AccountType) HierarchicalNamespaceEnabled() AccountType
func (AccountType) IsBlobOnly ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (o AccountType) IsBlobOnly() bool
func (AccountType) IsManagedDisk ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (o AccountType) IsManagedDisk() bool
func (AccountType) LargeManagedDisk ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (AccountType) LargeManagedDisk() AccountType
func (AccountType) LargeManagedDiskSnapshot ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (AccountType) LargeManagedDiskSnapshot() AccountType
func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshot ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshot() AccountType
func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshotOAuth ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) ManagedDiskSnapshotOAuth() AccountType
func (AccountType) OAuthManagedDisk ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (AccountType) OAuthManagedDisk() AccountType
func (AccountType) PremiumBlockBlobs ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) PremiumBlockBlobs() AccountType
func (AccountType) PremiumFileShares ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) PremiumFileShares() AccountType
func (AccountType) PremiumHNSEnabled ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) PremiumHNSEnabled() AccountType
func (AccountType) PremiumPageBlobs ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) PremiumPageBlobs() AccountType
func (AccountType) S3 ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (AccountType) S3() AccountType
func (AccountType) Standard ¶
func (AccountType) Standard() AccountType
func (AccountType) StdManagedDisk ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (AccountType) StdManagedDisk() AccountType
func (AccountType) String ¶
func (o AccountType) String() string
type Always ¶ added in v10.27.0
type Always struct{}
Always asserts. It's designed to throw quick errors.
type Asserter ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Asserter interface { NoError(comment string, err error, failNow ...bool) // Assert fails the test, but does not exit. Assert(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any) // AssertNow wraps Assert, and exits if failed. AssertNow(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any) // Error fails the test, exiting immediately. Error(reason string) // Skip skips the test, exiting immediately. Skip(reason string) // Log wraps t.Log with fmt.Sprintf Log(format string, a ...any) // Failed returns if the test has already failed. Failed() bool // HelperMarker returns the associated *testing.T, and if there is none, a NilHelperMarker. HelperMarker() HelperMarker }
func NewFrameworkAsserter ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyCommand ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyCommand struct { Verb AzCopyVerb PositionalArgs []string // Passing a ResourceManager assumes SAS (or GCP/S3) auth is intended. // Passing an AzCopyTarget will allow you to specify an exact credential type. // When OAuth, S3, GCP, AcctKey, etc. the appropriate env flags should auto-populate. Targets []ResourceManager Flags any // check SampleFlags Environment *AzCopyEnvironment // If Stdout is nil, a sensible default is picked in place. Stdout AzCopyStdout ShouldFail bool }
type AzCopyEnvironment ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyEnvironment struct { LogLocation *string `env:"AZCOPY_LOG_LOCATION,defaultfunc:DefaultLogLoc"` JobPlanLocation *string `env:"AZCOPY_JOB_PLAN_LOCATION,defaultfunc:DefaultPlanLoc"` AutoLoginMode *string `env:"AZCOPY_AUTO_LOGIN_TYPE"` AutoLoginTenantID *string `env:"AZCOPY_TENANT_ID"` ServicePrincipalAppID *string `env:"AZCOPY_SPA_APPLICATION_ID"` ServicePrincipalClientSecret *string `env:"AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET"` AzureFederatedTokenFile *string `env:"AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE"` AzureTenantId *string `env:"AZURE_TENANT_ID"` AzureClientId *string `env:"AZURE_CLIENT_ID"` InheritEnvironment bool ManualLogin bool }
func (*AzCopyEnvironment) DefaultLogLoc ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (env *AzCopyEnvironment) DefaultLogLoc(a ScenarioAsserter) string
func (*AzCopyEnvironment) DefaultPlanLoc ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (env *AzCopyEnvironment) DefaultPlanLoc(a ScenarioAsserter) string
type AzCopyInteractiveStdout ¶ added in v10.28.0
type AzCopyInteractiveStdout struct { Messages []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AzCopyInteractiveStdout is still a semi-raw stdout struct.
func NewAzCopyInteractiveStdout ¶ added in v10.28.0
func NewAzCopyInteractiveStdout(a Asserter) *AzCopyInteractiveStdout
NewInteractiveWriter creates a new InteractiveWriter instance.
func (*AzCopyInteractiveStdout) RawStdout ¶ added in v10.28.0
func (a *AzCopyInteractiveStdout) RawStdout() []string
func (*AzCopyInteractiveStdout) String ¶ added in v10.28.0
func (a *AzCopyInteractiveStdout) String() string
type AzCopyJobPlan ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyJobPlan struct{}
AzCopyJobPlan todo probably load the job plan directly? WI#26418256
type AzCopyOutputKey ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyParsedCopySyncRemoveStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyParsedCopySyncRemoveStdout struct { AzCopyParsedStdout JobPlanFolder string LogFolder string InitMsg common.InitMsgJsonTemplate FinalStatus common.ListJobSummaryResponse // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AzCopyParsedDryrunStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyParsedDryrunStdout struct { AzCopyRawStdout Transfers []cmd.DryrunTransfer Raw map[string]bool JsonMode bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AzCopyParsedJobsListStdout ¶ added in v10.27.0
type AzCopyParsedJobsListStdout struct { AzCopyParsedStdout JobsCount int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AzCopyParsedListStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyParsedListStdout struct { AzCopyParsedStdout Items map[AzCopyOutputKey]cmd.AzCopyListObject Summary cmd.AzCopyListSummary // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AzCopyParsedListStdout) InsertObject ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (a *AzCopyParsedListStdout) InsertObject(obj cmd.AzCopyListObject)
type AzCopyParsedStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyParsedStdout struct { Messages []common.JsonOutputTemplate OnParsedLine ManySubscriberChannel[common.JsonOutputTemplate] }
AzCopyParsedStdout is still a semi-raw stdout struct.
func (*AzCopyParsedStdout) RawStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (a *AzCopyParsedStdout) RawStdout() []string
func (*AzCopyParsedStdout) String ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (a *AzCopyParsedStdout) String() string
type AzCopyRawStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
type AzCopyRawStdout struct {
RawOutput []string
AzCopyRawStdout shouldn't be used or relied upon right now! This will be fleshed out eventually. todo WI#26418258
func (*AzCopyRawStdout) RawStdout ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (a *AzCopyRawStdout) RawStdout() []string
func (*AzCopyRawStdout) String ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (a *AzCopyRawStdout) String() string
type AzCopyStdout ¶ added in v10.24.0
func RunAzCopyLoginLogout ¶ added in v10.28.0
func RunAzCopyLoginLogout(a Asserter, verb AzCopyVerb) AzCopyStdout
type AzCopyTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyTarget struct { ResourceManager AuthType ExplicitCredentialTypes // Expects *one* credential type that the Resource supports. Assumes SAS (or GCP/S3) if not present. Opts CreateAzCopyTargetOptions }
func CreateAzCopyTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func CreateAzCopyTarget(rm ResourceManager, authType ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
func TryApplySpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func TryApplySpecificAuthType(rm ResourceManager, cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type AzCopyVerb ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCopyVerb string
const ( AzCopyVerbCopy AzCopyVerb = "copy" AzCopyVerbSync AzCopyVerb = "sync" AzCopyVerbRemove AzCopyVerb = "remove" AzCopyVerbList AzCopyVerb = "list" AzCopyVerbLogin AzCopyVerb = "login" AzCopyVerbLogout AzCopyVerb = "logout" AzCopyVerbJobs AzCopyVerb = "jobs" )
type AzCoreAccessToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzCoreAccessToken struct { Scope string // this is bad design but maybe it's right // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AzCoreAccessToken) CurrentToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (a *AzCoreAccessToken) CurrentToken() string
func (*AzCoreAccessToken) FreshToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (a *AzCoreAccessToken) FreshToken() (string, error)
FreshToken attempts to cleanly get a token.
type AzureAccountResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzureAccountResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountName() string
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AccountType() AccountType
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) ApplySAS ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) ApplySAS(URI string, loc common.Location, optList ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices() []common.Location
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) GetService ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) GetService(a Asserter, location common.Location) ServiceResourceManager
func (*AzureAccountResourceManager) ManagementClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (acct *AzureAccountResourceManager) ManagementClient() *ARMStorageAccount
ManagementClient returns the parent management client for this storage account. If this was created raw from key+name, this will return nil. If the account is a "modern" ARM storage account, ARMStorageAccount will be returned. If the account is a "classic" storage account, ARMClassicStorageAccount (not yet implemented) will be returned.
type AzureURIOpts ¶ added in v10.24.0
type AzureURIOpts struct { // Must be manually specified WithSAS bool // Defaults to a resource-level specific minimally permissioned SAS token. SASValues GenericSignatureValues }
type BlobContainerCreateOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobContainerCreateOptions = container.CreateOptions
type BlobContainerProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobContainerProperties struct { Access *container.PublicAccessType CPKScopeInfo *container.CPKScopeInfo }
type BlobContainerResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobContainerResourceManager struct { Service *BlobServiceResourceManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) CreateWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobContainerCreateOptions)
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) GetDatalakeContainerManager ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetDatalakeContainerManager(a Asserter) ContainerResourceManager
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) GetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetMetadata(a Asserter) common.Metadata
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) GetObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) HasMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) HasMetadata() PropertiesAvailability
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) ListObjects ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefix string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager struct { Service *BlobFSServiceResourceManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) CreateWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, opts *filesystem.CreateOptions)
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions(a Asserter, opts *filesystem.DeleteOptions)
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ListObjects ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobFSPathGetPropertiesOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobFSPathGetPropertiesOptions struct { AccessConditions *file.AccessConditions CPKInfo *file.CPKInfo UPN *bool }
type BlobFSPathResourceProvider ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobFSPathResourceProvider struct { Service *BlobFSServiceResourceManager Container *BlobFSFileSystemResourceManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Canon() string
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ContainerName() string
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) CreateParents ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) CreateParents(a Asserter)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Download ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) EntityType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) EntityType() common.EntityType
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Exists() bool
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetPropertiesWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) GetPropertiesWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobFSPathGetPropertiesOptions) ObjectProperties
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ListChildren ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ObjectName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ObjectName() string
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSPathResourceProvider) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSPathResourceProvider) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobFSProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobFSServiceResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobFSServiceResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) GetContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(containerName string) ContainerResourceManager
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ListContainers ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobFSServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobFSServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobObjectCreateOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobObjectCreateOptions struct { BlockSize *int64 CpkOptions common.CpkOptions }
type BlobObjectGetPropertiesOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobObjectGetPropertiesOptions struct {
CPKOptions common.CpkOptions
type BlobObjectResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobObjectResourceManager struct { Service *BlobServiceResourceManager Container *BlobContainerResourceManager Path string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
Create defaults to Block Blob. For implementation-specific options, GetTypeOrZero[T] / GetTypeOrAssert[T] to BlobObjectResourceManager and call CreateWithOptions
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) CreateWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties, options *BlobObjectCreateOptions)
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Download ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) EntityType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) GetPropertiesWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) GetPropertiesWithOptions(a Asserter, options *BlobObjectGetPropertiesOptions) ObjectProperties
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) ListChildren ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) ObjectName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobProperties struct { Type *blob.BlobType Tags map[string]string BlockBlobAccessTier *blob.AccessTier PageBlobAccessTier *pageblob.PremiumPageBlobAccessTier VersionId *string LeaseState *lease.StateType LeaseDuration *lease.DurationType LeaseStatus *lease.StatusType ArchiveStatus *blob.ArchiveStatus }
type BlobServiceResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobServiceResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) GetContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(name string) ContainerResourceManager
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) ListContainers ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*BlobServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (b *BlobServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type BlobSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type BlobSignatureValues interface {
}BlobSignatureValues makes both account/service signature values generic for output from GenericSignatureValues
type CommonFilterFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type CommonFilterFlags struct { IncludePattern []string `flag:"include-pattern,serializer:SerializeStrings"` ExcludePattern []string `flag:"exclude-pattern,serializer:SerializeStrings"` IncludeRegex []string `flag:"include-regex,serializer:SerializeStrings"` ExcludeRegex []string `flag:"include-regex,serializer:SerializeStrings"` IncludePath []string `flag:"include-path,serializer:SerializeStrings"` ExcludePath []string `flag:"exclude-path,serializer:SerializeStrings"` // Copy/remove only IncludeBefore *time.Time `flag:"include-before,serializer:SerializeTime"` IncludeAfter *time.Time `flag:"include-after,serializer:SerializeTime"` // primarily for testing errors, copy/sync only LegacyInclude []string `flag:"include,serializer:SerializeStrings"` LegacyExclude []string `flag:"exclude,serializer:SerializeStrings"` IncludeAttributes []WindowsAttribute `flag:"include-attributes,serializer:SerializeAttributeList"` ExcludeAttributes []WindowsAttribute `flag:"exclude-attributes,serializer:SerializeAttributeList"` }
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeAttributeList ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeAttributeList(list any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeStrings ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeStrings(list any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeTime ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (CommonFilterFlags) SerializeTime(t any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
type ConfigReaderError ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ConfigReaderError struct { StructName string EnvErrors map[string]EnvError // Mapped by env var name StructureErrors map[string]ConfigReaderError // Mapped by struct name (e.g. E2EAuthConfig) CoreError error }
func NewConfigReaderError ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewConfigReaderError(StructName string) *ConfigReaderError
func NewConfigReaderErrorEnv ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewConfigReaderErrorEnv(envName string, fieldName string, err error) *ConfigReaderError
func ReadConfig ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ReadConfig(config reflect.Value, fieldName string, tag EnvTag) *ConfigReaderError
func SetValue ¶ added in v10.24.0
func SetValue(fieldName string, val reflect.Value, tag EnvTag) *ConfigReaderError
func (*ConfigReaderError) Combine ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) Combine(with *ConfigReaderError)
func (*ConfigReaderError) Empty ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) Empty() bool
func (*ConfigReaderError) Error ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) Error() string
func (*ConfigReaderError) Finalize ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) Finalize() *ConfigReaderError
func (*ConfigReaderError) Flatten ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) Flatten(parent string) string
func (*ConfigReaderError) WrangleAsError ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c *ConfigReaderError) WrangleAsError() error
type ContainerProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ContainerProperties struct { // Used by multiple services, makes sense to have as a general option. // When specified by user: Nil = unspecified/unverified // When returned by manager: Nil = unsupported Metadata common.Metadata // BlobContainerProperties is shared with BlobFS, because they're the same resource and share parameters BlobContainerProperties BlobContainerProperties FileContainerProperties FileContainerProperties }
type ContainerResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ContainerResourceManager interface { ResourceManager ContainerName() string // Create should ignore errors of existing containers. It is expected to attempt to track container creation. Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties) // GetProperties polls container properties. GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties // Delete should ignore errors of nonexistent containers Delete(a Asserter) // ListObjects treats prefixOrDirectory as a prefix when in a non-hierarchical service, and as a directory in a hierarchical service. // The map will be the real path, relative to container root, not to prefix/directory. ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties // GetObject scales up to a target ObjectResourceManager GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager // Exists determines if the container in question exists Exists() bool }
func NewLocalContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewLocalContainer(a Asserter) ContainerResourceManager
type CopyFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type CopyFlags struct { CopySyncCommonFlags FollowSymlinks *bool `flag:"follow-symlinks"` ListOfFiles []string `flag:"list-of-files,serializer:SerializeListingFile"` Overwrite *bool `flag:"overwrite"` Decompress *bool `flag:"decompress"` ExcludeBlobType *common.BlobType `flag:"exclude-blob-type"` BlobType *common.BlobType `flag:"blob-type"` BlockBlobTier *common.BlockBlobTier `flag:"block-blob-tier"` PageBlobTier *common.PageBlobTier `flag:"page-blob-tier"` Metadata common.Metadata `flag:"metadata,serializer:SerializeMetadata"` ContentType *string `flag:"content-type"` ContentEncoding *string `flag:"content-encoding"` ContentDisposition *string `flag:"content-disposition"` ContentLanguage *string `flag:"content-language"` CacheControl *string `flag:"cache-control"` NoGuessMimeType *bool `flag:"no-guess-mime-type"` PreserveLMT *bool `flag:"preserve-last-modified-time"` AsSubdir *bool `flag:"as-subdir"` PreserveOwner *bool `flag:"preserve-owner"` PreserveSymlinks *bool `flag:"preserve-symlinks"` // semi-related WIs for CheckLength present in GlobalFlags (WI#26475473, WI#26475441) // goal would be to test the unhappy case of CheckLength=true by altering after enumeration time CheckLength *bool `flag:"check-length"` S2SPreserveProperties *bool `flag:"check-length"` S2SDetectSourceChanged *bool `flag:"s2s-detect-source-changed"` ListOfVersions []string `flag:"list-of-versions,serializer:SerializeListingFile"` BlobTags common.Metadata `flag:"blob-tags,serializer:SerializeTags"` DisableAutoDecoding *bool `flag:"disable-auto-decoding"` S2SGetPropertiesInBackend *bool `flag:"s2s-get-properties-in-backend"` ADLSFlushThreshold *uint32 `flag:"flush-threshold"` }
CopyFlags is a more exclusive struct including flags exclusi
func (CopyFlags) SerializeKeyValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (CopyFlags) SerializeKeyValues(in any, a ScenarioAsserter, kvsep, elemsep string) string
SerializeKeyValues kvsep = what should be between a key and value elemsep = what should be between two pairs
func (CopyFlags) SerializeListingFile ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (CopyFlags) SerializeListingFile(in any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
func (CopyFlags) SerializeMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c CopyFlags) SerializeMetadata(meta any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
func (CopyFlags) SerializeTags ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (c CopyFlags) SerializeTags(tags any, a ScenarioAsserter) string
type CopyOrSyncCommandResult ¶
type CopyOrSyncCommandResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CopyOrSyncCommandResult) GetTransferList ¶
func (c *CopyOrSyncCommandResult) GetTransferList(status common.TransferStatus, azcopyDir string) ([]common.TransferDetail, error)
type CopySyncCommonFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type CopySyncCommonFlags struct { GlobalFlags CommonFilterFlags Recursive *bool `flag:"recursive"` FromTo *common.FromTo `flag:"from-to"` BlockSizeMB *float64 `flag:"block-size-mb"` PreservePermissions *bool `flag:"preserve-permissions"` // PreserveSMBPermissions refers to explicitly using the classic, deprecated flag, in case we want to validate the warning is spat out. PreserveSMBPermissions *bool `flag:"preserve-smb-permissions"` PreservePOSIXProperties *bool `flag:"preserve-posix-properties"` ForceIfReadOnly *bool `flag:"force-if-read-only"` PutMD5 *bool `flag:"put-md5"` CheckMD5 *common.HashValidationOption `flag:"check-md5"` S2SPreserveAccessTier *bool `flag:"s2s-preserve-access-tier"` S2SPreserveBlobTags *bool `flag:"s2s-preserve-blob-tags"` DryRun *bool `flag:"dry-run"` TrailingDot *common.TrailingDotOption `flag:"trailing-dot"` CPKByName *string `flag:"cpk-by-name"` CPKByValue *bool `flag:"cpk-by-value"` IncludePattern *string `flag:"include-pattern"` IncludeDirectoryStubs *bool `flag:"include-directory-stub"` }
CopySyncCommonFlags is a list of flags with feature parity across copy and sync.
type CreateAccountOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type CreateAccountOptions struct { // ParentResourceGroup overrides CommonARMResourceGroup as a default. // If using a custom resource group, that RG should be automagically cleaned up. // The default RG automatically cleans up when the suite stops running. ParentResourceGroup *ARMResourceGroup // CustomName will be suffixed with the last section of a UUID CustomName *string // ParamMutator is intended for one-off excursions into boilerplate land ParamMutator func(createParams *ARMStorageAccountCreateParams) }
type CreateAzCopyTargetOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type CreateAzCopyTargetOptions struct { // SASTokenOptions expects a GenericSignatureValues, which can contain account signatures, or a service signature. SASTokenOptions GenericSignatureValues Scheme string // The wildcard string to append to the end of a resource URI. Wildcard string }
type DatalakeSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type DatalakeSignatureValues interface {
}DatalakeSignatureValues makes both account/service signature values generic for output from GenericSignatureValues
type DryrunAsserter ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Empty ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Empty struct { // Invert is distinctly different from Not{Empty{}}, in that Not{Empty{}} states "if *any* object is not empty", but Empty{Invert: true} specifies that ALL objects are nonzero Invert bool }
Empty checks that all parameters are equivalent to their zero-values
type EnvTag ¶ added in v10.24.0
type EnvTag struct { EnvName string DefaultValue string Required, MutuallyExclusive bool MinimumRequired uint }
func ParseEnvTag ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Equal ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Equal struct {
Deep bool
Equal checks that all parameters are equal.
type ExpectedPlanFile ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ExpectedPlanFile struct { // todo: if/when data piping changes, re-assess these fields. // validate is a bit dumber than prior tagging systems. The syntax is very rigid. It goes <Name>,<Path> // Path is always from the root of the real header object, regardless of where you are in this test plan file's tree. ForceWrite *common.OverwriteOption `validate:"Force Write,ForceWrite"` ForceIfReadOnly *bool `validate:"Force If Read Only,ForceIfReadOnly"` AutoDecompress *bool `validate:"Auto Decompress,AutoDecompress"` FromTo *common.FromTo `validate:"From-To,FromTo"` Fpo *common.FolderPropertyOption `validate:"Folder Property Option,Fpo"` LogLevel *common.LogLevel `validate:"Log Level,LogLevel"` PreservePermissions *common.PreservePermissionsOption `validate:"Preserve Permissions,PreservePermissions"` PreserveSMBInfo *bool `validate:"Preserve SMB Info,PreserveSMBInfo"` PreservePOSIXProperties *bool `validate:"Preserve POSIX Properties,PreservePOSIXProperties"` S2SGetPropertiesInBackend *bool `validate:"S2S Get Properties in Backend,S2SGetPropertiesInBackend"` S2SSourceChangeValidation *bool `validate:"S2S Source Change Validation,S2SSourceChangeValidation"` DestLengthValidation *bool `validate:"Destination Length Validation,DestLengthValidation"` S2SInvalidMetadataHandleOption *common.InvalidMetadataHandleOption `validate:"S2S Invalid Metadata Handling,S2SInvalidMetadataHandleOption"` BlobFSRecursiveDelete *bool `validate:"BlobFS Recursive Delete,BlobFSRecursiveDelete"` DeleteSnapshotsOption *common.DeleteSnapshotsOption `validate:"Delete Snapshot Option,DeleteSnapshotsOption"` PermanentDeleteOption *common.PermanentDeleteOption `validate:"Permanent Delete,PermanentDeleteOption"` BlobData ExpectedPlanFileBlobData LocalData ExpectedPlanFileLocalData FileData ExpectedPlanFileFileDstData Objects map[PlanFilePath]PlanFileObject }
ExpectedPlanFile todo: autoformat to this, leave manual creation for advanced use cases
func (*ExpectedPlanFile) Clone ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (e *ExpectedPlanFile) Clone() *ExpectedPlanFile
func (*ExpectedPlanFile) Validate ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (e *ExpectedPlanFile) Validate(a Asserter, header *ste.JobPartPlanHeader)
type ExpectedPlanFileBlobData ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ExpectedPlanFileBlobData struct { BlobType *common.BlobType `validate:"Blob Type,DstBlobData.BlobType"` NoGuessMimeType *bool `validate:"Don't Guess MIME Type,DstBlobData.NoGuessMimeType'"` CacheControl *string ContentDisposition *string ContentEncoding *string ContentLanguage *string ContentType *string BlockBlobTier *common.BlockBlobTier `validate:"Block Blob Tier,DstBlobData.BlockBlobTier"` PageBlobTier *common.PageBlobTier `validate:"Page Blob Tier,DstBlobData.PageBlobTier"` PutMd5 *bool `validate:"Put MD5 Data,DstBlobData.PutMd5"` Metadata common.Metadata BlobTags common.BlobTags CpkInfo *bool IsSourceEncrypted *bool CpkScopeInfo *string DeleteDestinationFileIfNecessary *bool }
type ExpectedPlanFileFileDstData ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ExpectedPlanFileFileDstData struct {
TrailingDot *common.TrailingDotOption
type ExpectedPlanFileLocalData ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ExpectedPlanFileLocalData struct { PreserveLastModifiedTime *bool MD5VerificationOption *common.HashValidationOption }
type ExplicitCredentialTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ExplicitCredentialTypes uint8
ExplicitCredentialTypes defines a more explicit enum for credential types as AzCopy's internal definition is very loose (e.g. Anonymous can be public or SAS); accepts the URI as-is. ExplicitCredentialTypes is a set of bitflags indicating intended credential types for a test and available credential types for resources
const EExplicitCredentialType ExplicitCredentialTypes = 0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) AcctKey ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) AcctKey() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) Count ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) Count() int
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) GCP ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) GCP() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) Includes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) Includes(x ExplicitCredentialTypes) bool
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) None ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) None() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) OAuth ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) OAuth() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) PublicAuth ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) PublicAuth() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) S3 ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) S3() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) SASToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) SASToken() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) String ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) String() string
func (ExplicitCredentialTypes) With ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (e ExplicitCredentialTypes) With(x ...ExplicitCredentialTypes) ExplicitCredentialTypes
type FileContainerProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileContainerProperties struct { AccessTier *share.AccessTier EnabledProtocols *string Quota *int32 RootSquash *share.RootSquash }
type FileObjectResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileObjectResourceManager struct { Service *FileServiceResourceManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, props ObjectProperties)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) CreateParents ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) CreateParents(a Asserter)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Download ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) EntityType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) (out ObjectProperties)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) ListChildren ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) ObjectName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) PreparePermissions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) PreparePermissions(a Asserter, p *string) *file.Permissions
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (f *FileObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type FileProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileProperties struct { FileAttributes *string // ChangeTime, though available on the Files service is not writeable locally, or queryable. // We also just do not persist it, even on Files at the moment. // Hence, we do not test ChangeTime. FileCreationTime *time.Time FileLastWriteTime *time.Time FilePermissions *string LastModifiedTime *time.Time }
type FileServiceResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileServiceResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) GetContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(container string) ContainerResourceManager
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) ListContainers ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type FileShareCreateOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileShareCreateOptions = share.CreateOptions
type FileShareDeleteOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileShareDeleteOptions = share.DeleteOptions
type FileShareResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileShareResourceManager struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*FileShareResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
func (*FileShareResourceManager) CreateWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) CreateWithOptions(a Asserter, options *FileShareCreateOptions)
func (*FileShareResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*FileShareResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) DeleteWithOptions(a Asserter, options *FileShareDeleteOptions)
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*FileShareResourceManager) GetObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
func (*FileShareResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*FileShareResourceManager) ListObjects ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, targetDir string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*FileShareResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*FileShareResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*FileShareResourceManager) SetProperties ¶ added in v10.28.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) SetProperties(a Asserter, properties *ContainerProperties)
SetProperties Sets the quota of a file share
func (*FileShareResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*FileShareResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*FileShareResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (s *FileShareResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type FileSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FileSignatureValues interface {
}FileSignatureValues makes both account/service signature values generic for output from GenericSignatureValues
type FormattedAssertion ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FrameworkAsserter ¶ added in v10.24.0
type FrameworkAsserter struct { SuiteName string // todo new naming scheme ScenarioName string VariationName string // todo: do we just go through and use fmt.Sprint on all the objects in the variation in order? // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FrameworkAsserter should only be used for the very roots of the testing framework. It should never be used inside a real test itself.
func (*FrameworkAsserter) Assert ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Assert(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) AssertNow ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) AssertNow(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) Error ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Error(reason string)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) Failed ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Failed() bool
func (*FrameworkAsserter) GetTestName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) GetTestName() string
func (*FrameworkAsserter) HelperMarker ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) HelperMarker() HelperMarker
func (*FrameworkAsserter) Log ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Log(format string, a ...any)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) NoError ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) NoError(comment string, err error, failNow ...bool)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) PrintFinalizingMessage ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) PrintFinalizingMessage(reasonFormat string, a ...any)
func (*FrameworkAsserter) Skip ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (ta *FrameworkAsserter) Skip(reason string)
type GeneratePlanFileObjectsOptions ¶ added in v10.27.0
type GeneratePlanFileObjectsOptions struct { // Morphs the destination path; source is retained as-is. DestPathProcessor func(path string) string // Processors morph objects Processors []func(def *ResourceDefinitionObject) // Filters return true to admit an object to the plan file, Filters []func(def *ResourceDefinitionObject) bool }
type GenericAccountSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GenericAccountSignatureValues struct { Version string // Defaults to HTTPS Protocol blobsas.Protocol // Defaults to now StartTime time.Time // Defaults to 24hr past StartTime ExpiryTime time.Time // Defaults to racwdl, uses blobsas.AccountPermissions, filesas.AccountPermissions, or datalakesas.AccountPermissions Permissions string IPRange blobsas.IPRange // defaults to sco, uses blobsas.AccountResourceTypes, filesas.AccountResourceTypes, or datalakesas.AccountResourceTypes ResourceTypes string }
func (GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsBlob ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsBlob() BlobSignatureValues
func (GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsDatalake ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsDatalake() DatalakeSignatureValues
func (GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsFile ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericAccountSignatureValues) AsFile() FileSignatureValues
type GenericServiceSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GenericServiceSignatureValues struct { // Gets defaulted by the relevant SDK to the SDK version Version string // Protocol defaults to HTTPS. Protocol blobsas.Protocol // StartTime, if unspecified, is this moment. StartTime time.Time // ExpiryTime, if unspecified, is 24 hours from StartTime. ExpiryTime time.Time // SnapshotTime is unused on datalake, but refers to the blob snapshot time or the file share snapshot time. SnapshotTime time.Time // BlobVersion is unique to Blob. BlobVersion string // Permissions should be supplied by calling .String() on any of the below structs. // Blob and Datalake overlap nicely // blobsas.ContainerPermissions blobsas.BlobPermissions // filesas.SharePermissions filesas.FilePermissions // datalakesas.FileSystemPermissions datalakesas.FilePermissions datalakesas.DirectoryPermissions // If zero, defaults to racwdl (read, add, create, write, delete, list Permissions string IPRange blobsas.IPRange Identifier string ContainerName string ObjectName string // DirectoryPath is used on Blob & Datalake, and is intended to limit to a particular subdirectory. // On Files, replaces ObjectName if present. DirectoryPath string CacheControl string ContentDisposition string ContentEncoding string ContentLanguage string ContentType string AuthorizedObjectID string // CorrelationID is used on Blob & Datalake CorrelationID string }
GenericServiceSignatureValues is a generic struct encompassing the possible values for Blob, Files, and Datalake service SAS tokens. Check the comments within the struct for info about defaults or valid values for each service.
func (GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsBlob ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsBlob() BlobSignatureValues
func (GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsDatalake ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsDatalake() DatalakeSignatureValues
func (GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsFile ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vals GenericServiceSignatureValues) AsFile() FileSignatureValues
type GenericSignatureValues ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GenericSignatureValues interface { AsBlob() BlobSignatureValues AsFile() FileSignatureValues AsDatalake() DatalakeSignatureValues }
GenericSignatureValues are a set of signature values that are portable to all 3 Azure storage services and both service and account level SAS. Distinct limitations of these generic values are documented in the struct.
type GetResourceOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GetResourceOptions struct { // Key for AccountRegistry when using account-based systems PreferredAccount *string }
type GetURIOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GetURIOptions struct { RemoteOpts RemoteURIOpts LocalOpts LocalURIOpts AzureOpts AzureURIOpts // The wildcard string to append to the end of a resource URI. Wildcard string }
type GlobalFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type GlobalFlags struct { CapMbps *float64 `flag:"cap-mbps"` TrustedSuffixes []string `flag:"trusted-microsoft-suffixes"` SkipVersionCheck *bool `flag:"skip-version-check"` // TODO : Flags default seems to be broken; WI#26954065 OutputType *common.OutputFormat `flag:"output-type,default:json"` LogLevel *common.LogLevel `flag:"log-level,default:DEBUG"` OutputLevel *common.OutputVerbosity `flag:"output-level,default:DEFAULT"` // TODO: handle prompting and input; WI#26475441 //CancelFromStdin *bool `flag:"cancel-from-stdin"` AwaitContinue *bool `flag:"await-continue,defaultfunc:DefaultAwaitContinue"` }
func (GlobalFlags) DefaultAwaitContinue ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (GlobalFlags) DefaultAwaitContinue(a ScenarioAsserter) string
type GlobalInputManager ¶
type GlobalInputManager struct{}
clearly define all the inputs to the end-to-end tests it's ok to panic if the inputs are absolutely required the general guidance is to take in as few parameters as possible
func (GlobalInputManager) GetAccountAndKey ¶
func (GlobalInputManager) GetAccountAndKey(accountType AccountType) (string, string)
func (GlobalInputManager) GetExecutablePath ¶
func (GlobalInputManager) GetExecutablePath() string
func (GlobalInputManager) GetMDConfig ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (gim GlobalInputManager) GetMDConfig(accountType AccountType) (*ManagedDiskConfig, error)
func (GlobalInputManager) GetServicePrincipalAuth ¶ added in v10.15.0
func (GlobalInputManager) GetServicePrincipalAuth() (tenantID string, applicationID string, clientSecret string)
func (GlobalInputManager) GetWorkloadIdentity ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (GlobalInputManager) GetWorkloadIdentity() (tenantID string, clientID string, token string)
func (GlobalInputManager) KeepFailedData ¶
func (GlobalInputManager) KeepFailedData() bool
func (GlobalInputManager) SetupClassicOAuthCache ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (gim GlobalInputManager) SetupClassicOAuthCache() error
func (GlobalInputManager) TestSummaryLogPath ¶
func (GlobalInputManager) TestSummaryLogPath() string
type HelperMarker ¶ added in v10.25.0
type HelperMarker interface {
HelperMarker handles the fact that testing.T can be sometimes nil, and that we can't indicate a depth to ignore with Helper()
type JobsShowCommandResult ¶
type JobsShowCommandResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type KVPair ¶ added in v10.25.0
type KVPair[K comparable, V any] struct { Key K Value V }
type ListFlags ¶ added in v10.25.0
type ListFlags struct { GlobalFlags MachineReadable *bool `flag:"machine-readable"` RunningTally *bool `flag:"running-tally"` MegaUnits *bool `flag:"mega-units"` Properties *string `flag:"properties"` TrailingDot *common.TrailingDotOption `flag:"trailing-dot"` }
type LocalContainerResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type LocalContainerResourceManager struct {
RootPath string
LocalContainerResourceManager is effectively just the root temp folder for a transfer.
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) GetObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) ListObjects ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*LocalContainerResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalContainerResourceManager) URI(o ...GetURIOptions) string
type LocalObjectResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type LocalObjectResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) CreateParents ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) CreateParents(a Asserter)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Download ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) EntityType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) ListChildren ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) ObjectName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
func (*LocalObjectResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (l *LocalObjectResourceManager) URI(o ...GetURIOptions) string
type LocalURIOpts ¶ added in v10.27.0
type LocalURIOpts struct {
PreferUNCPath bool
type ManagedDiskConfig ¶ added in v10.16.1
type ManagedDiskConfig struct { SubscriptionID string ResourceGroupName string DiskName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ManagedDiskConfig) GetAccess ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (config *ManagedDiskConfig) GetAccess() (*url.URL, error)
func (*ManagedDiskConfig) GetMDURL ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (config *ManagedDiskConfig) GetMDURL() (*url.URL, error)
func (*ManagedDiskConfig) RevokeAccess ¶ added in v10.16.1
func (config *ManagedDiskConfig) RevokeAccess() error
type ManagedDiskGetAccessResponse ¶ added in v10.16.1
type ManySubscriberChannel ¶ added in v10.25.0
type ManySubscriberChannel[T any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ManySubscriberChannel is intended to reproduce the effects of .NET's events. This allows us to *partially* answer the question of how we want to handle testing of prompting in the New E2E framework. Assuming an async version of RunAzCopy eventually exists, one could hook into the relevant AzCopyParsedStdout-extending struct and reply whenever a prompt is given.
func (*ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Message ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m *ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Message(data T)
func (*ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Subscribe ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m *ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Subscribe(target chan<- T)
func (*ManySubscriberChannel[T]) SubscribeFunc ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m *ManySubscriberChannel[T]) SubscribeFunc(target func(T)) (handle chan<- T)
func (*ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Unsubscribe ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m *ManySubscriberChannel[T]) Unsubscribe(target chan<- T)
Unsubscribe will close the target channel, in addition to removing it from this channel's subscribers.
type MapContains ¶ added in v10.25.0
type MapContains[K comparable, V any] struct { TargetMap map[K]V ValueToKVPair func(V) KVPair[K, V] }
MapContains takes in a TargetMap, and multiple KVPair objects, and checks if the map contains all of them.
func (MapContains[K, V]) Assert ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m MapContains[K, V]) Assert(items ...any) bool
func (MapContains[K, V]) MaxArgs ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m MapContains[K, V]) MaxArgs() int
func (MapContains[K, V]) MinArgs ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m MapContains[K, V]) MinArgs() int
func (MapContains[K, V]) Name ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (m MapContains[K, V]) Name() string
type MatchedResourceDefinition ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MatchedResourceDefinition[T ResourceManager] interface { ResourceDefinition // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MockAccountResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MockAccountResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MockAccountResourceManager) AccountName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AccountName() string
func (*MockAccountResourceManager) AccountType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AccountType() AccountType
func (*MockAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) AvailableServices() []common.Location
func (*MockAccountResourceManager) GetService ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockAccountResourceManager) GetService(a Asserter, location common.Location) ServiceResourceManager
type MockContainerResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MockContainerResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, props ContainerProperties)
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) GetObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetObject(a Asserter, path string, eType common.EntityType) ObjectResourceManager
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ContainerProperties
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) GetResourceTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) GetResourceTarget(a Asserter) string
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) ListObjects ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ListObjects(a Asserter, prefixOrDirectory string, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) SetProperties ¶ added in v10.28.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) SetProperties(a Asserter, properties *ContainerResourceManager)
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockContainerResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type MockObjectResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MockObjectResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) ContainerName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ContainerName() string
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Create ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties)
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Delete ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Delete(a Asserter)
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Download ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) EntityType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) EntityType() common.EntityType
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Exists ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Exists() bool
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) GetProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) ListChildren ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) ObjectName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ObjectName() string
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders)
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata)
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties)
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockObjectResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type MockServiceResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MockServiceResourceManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) Account ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Account() AccountResourceManager
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) Canon ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Canon() string
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) GetContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) GetContainer(s string) ContainerResourceManager
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) GetResourceTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) GetResourceTarget(a Asserter) string
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) IsHierarchical() bool
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) Level ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Level() cmd.LocationLevel
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) ListContainers ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ListContainers(a Asserter) []string
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) Location ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Location() common.Location
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) Parent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) Parent() ResourceManager
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ResourceClient() any
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) URI ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes
func (*MockServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MockServiceResourceManager) WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget
type MultiStepUploader ¶ added in v10.24.0
type MultiStepUploader struct { Init func(size int64) error UploadRange func(block io.ReadSeekCloser, state MultiStepUploaderState) error Finalize func() error BlockSize int64 Parallel bool }
func (*MultiStepUploader) GetBlockCount ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MultiStepUploader) GetBlockCount(size int64) int64
func (*MultiStepUploader) UploadContents ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (m *MultiStepUploader) UploadContents(content ObjectContentContainer) error
type MultiStepUploaderState ¶ added in v10.24.0
type NewE2EConfig ¶ added in v10.24.0
type NewE2EConfig struct { E2EAuthConfig struct { SubscriptionLoginInfo struct { SubscriptionID string `env:"NEW_E2E_SUBSCRIPTION_ID,required"` DynamicOAuth struct { SPNSecret struct { ApplicationID string `env:"NEW_E2E_APPLICATION_ID,required"` ClientSecret string `env:"NEW_E2E_CLIENT_SECRET,required"` TenantID string `env:"NEW_E2E_TENANT_ID"` } `env:",required"` Workload struct { ClientId string `env:"servicePrincipalId,required"` FederatedToken string `env:"idToken,required"` TenantId string `env:"tenantId,required"` } `env:",required"` } `env:",required,minimum_required=1"` Environment string `env:"NEW_E2E_ENVIRONMENT,required"` } `env:",required"` StaticStgAcctInfo struct { StaticOAuth struct { TenantID string `env:"NEW_E2E_STATIC_TENANT_ID"` ApplicationID string `env:"NEW_E2E_STATIC_APPLICATION_ID,required"` ClientSecret string `env:"NEW_E2E_STATIC_CLIENT_SECRET,required"` } // todo: should we automate this somehow? Currently each of these accounts needs some marginal boilerplate. Standard struct { AccountName string `env:"NEW_E2E_STANDARD_ACCOUNT_NAME,required"` AccountKey string `env:"NEW_E2E_STANDARD_ACCOUNT_KEY,required"` } `env:",required"` HNS struct { AccountName string `env:"NEW_E2E_HNS_ACCOUNT_NAME,required"` AccountKey string `env:"NEW_E2E_HNS_ACCOUNT_KEY,required"` } `env:",required"` PremiumPage struct { AccountName string `env:"NEW_E2E_PREMIUM_PAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME,required"` AccountKey string `env:"NEW_E2E_PREMIUM_PAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY,required"` } `env:",required"` } `env:",required,minimum_required=1"` } `env:",required,mutually_exclusive"` AzCopyExecutableConfig struct { ExecutablePath string `env:"NEW_E2E_AZCOPY_PATH,required"` AutobuildExecutable bool `env:"NEW_E2E_AUTOBUILD_AZCOPY,default=true"` // todo: make this work. It does not as of 11-21-23 LogDropPath string `env:"AZCOPY_E2E_LOG_OUTPUT"` } `env:",required"` }
var GlobalConfig NewE2EConfig
func (NewE2EConfig) StaticResources ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (e NewE2EConfig) StaticResources() bool
type NilHelperMarker ¶ added in v10.25.0
type NilHelperMarker struct{}
func (NilHelperMarker) Helper ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (NilHelperMarker) Helper()
type NoError ¶ added in v10.24.0
type NoError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoError works like IsNil but only asserts when there is an error, and formats errors
type Not ¶ added in v10.24.0
type Not struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Not inverts the contained Assertion.
type OAuthCache ¶ added in v10.24.0
type OAuthCache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
var ClassicE2EOAuthCache *OAuthCache
var PrimaryOAuthCache *OAuthCache
func NewOAuthCache ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewOAuthCache(cred azcore.TokenCredential, tenant string) *OAuthCache
func (*OAuthCache) GetAccessToken ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o *OAuthCache) GetAccessToken(scope string) (*AzCoreAccessToken, error)
type ObjectContentContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectContentContainer interface { Size() int64 Reader() io.ReadSeeker Clone() ObjectContentContainer MD5() [md5.Size]byte }
func NewPartialSparseObjectContentContainer ¶ added in v10.26.0
func NewPartialSparseObjectContentContainer(a Asserter, size int64, dataRanges []Range) ObjectContentContainer
func NewRandomObjectContentContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewRandomObjectContentContainer(size int64) ObjectContentContainer
func NewStringObjectContentContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewStringObjectContentContainer(data string) ObjectContentContainer
func NewZeroObjectContentContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewZeroObjectContentContainer(size int64) ObjectContentContainer
type ObjectContentContainerBuffer ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectContentContainerBuffer struct {
Data []byte
func (*ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Clone ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (o *ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Clone() ObjectContentContainer
func (*ObjectContentContainerBuffer) MD5 ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (o *ObjectContentContainerBuffer) MD5() [md5.Size]byte
func (*ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Reader ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o *ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Reader() io.ReadSeeker
func (*ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Size ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o *ObjectContentContainerBuffer) Size() int64
type ObjectProperties ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectProperties struct { EntityType common.EntityType HTTPHeaders contentHeaders Metadata common.Metadata LastModifiedTime *time.Time BlobProperties BlobProperties BlobFSProperties BlobFSProperties FileProperties FileProperties }
type ObjectResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectResourceManager interface { ResourceManager EntityType() common.EntityType ContainerName() string ObjectName() string // Create attempts to create an object. Should overwrite objects if they already exist. // It is expected to attempt to track object creation. // It is also expected to create parents, if required. Create(a Asserter, body ObjectContentContainer, properties ObjectProperties) // Delete attempts to delete an object. NotFound type errors are ignored. Delete(a Asserter) // ListChildren will fail if EntityType is not a folder and the service is hierarchical. // The map will be relative to the object. ListChildren(a Asserter, recursive bool) map[string]ObjectProperties GetProperties(a Asserter) ObjectProperties SetHTTPHeaders(a Asserter, h contentHeaders) SetMetadata(a Asserter, metadata common.Metadata) SetObjectProperties(a Asserter, props ObjectProperties) Download(a Asserter) io.ReadSeeker // Exists determines if the object in question exists Exists() bool }
type ObjectResourceMapping ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectResourceMapping interface { // Flatten returns a set of objects, flat mapped, as the root of container space. // "" is the root, or self. This is useful for setting folder properties, or creating single files under folders. Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject }
type ObjectResourceMappingFlat ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectResourceMappingFlat map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject // todo: convert to hierarchical?
func (ObjectResourceMappingFlat) Flatten ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o ObjectResourceMappingFlat) Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject
type ObjectResourceMappingFolder ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectResourceMappingFolder struct { ResourceDefinitionObject Children map[string]ObjectResourceMapping }
func (ObjectResourceMappingFolder) Flatten ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o ObjectResourceMappingFolder) Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject
type ObjectResourceMappingObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ObjectResourceMappingObject ResourceDefinitionObject
func (ObjectResourceMappingObject) Flatten ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (o ObjectResourceMappingObject) Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject
type ObjectResourceMappingOverlay ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ObjectResourceMappingOverlay struct { Base ObjectResourceMapping Overlay ObjectResourceMapping }
ObjectResourceMappingOverlay appends new objects at the same level without modifying the underlying ObjectResourceMapping. Objects in Overlay overwrite objects in Base, so, this can also be used to override an object with custom options.
func (ObjectResourceMappingOverlay) Flatten ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (o ObjectResourceMappingOverlay) Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject
type ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder ¶ added in v10.27.0
type ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder struct { FolderName string Children ObjectResourceMapping }
ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder appends a parent folder to all objects under Children.
func (ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder) Flatten ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (o ObjectResourceMappingParentFolder) Flatten() map[string]ResourceDefinitionObject
type PathTrie ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (*PathTrie[T]) Traverse ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (t *PathTrie[T]) Traverse(traversalFunc func(data *T) TraversalOperation)
type PlanFileObject ¶ added in v10.27.0
type PlanFileObject struct { // Properties defines properties expected to be seen within the plan file. Properties that are not stored in the plan file are not validated. Properties ObjectProperties // ShouldBePresent defaults to TRUE-- In that the object should be a part of the plan file. If set to false, will fail validation if present. Use this to validate filters. ShouldBePresent *bool }
type PlanFilePath ¶ added in v10.27.0
type PlanFilePath struct {
SrcPath, DstPath string
type PropertiesAvailability ¶ added in v10.24.0
type PropertiesAvailability uint8
const ( PropertiesAvailabilityNone PropertiesAvailability = iota PropertiesAvailabilityReadOnly PropertiesAvailabilityReadWrite )
type RemoteResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type RemoteResourceManager interface { ResourceManager // ValidAuthTypes specifies acceptable auth types to use ValidAuthTypes() ExplicitCredentialTypes // DefaultAuthType should return the resource's logical default auth type (e.g. SAS) DefaultAuthType() ExplicitCredentialTypes // WithSpecificAuthType should return a copy of itself with a specific auth type, intended for RunAzCopy WithSpecificAuthType(cred ExplicitCredentialTypes, a Asserter, opts ...CreateAzCopyTargetOptions) AzCopyTarget // ResourceClient attempts to return the native resource client, and should be wrangled by a caller knowing what they're expecting. ResourceClient() any }
type RemoteURIOpts ¶ added in v10.24.0
type RemoteURIOpts struct { // Defaults as https Scheme string }
type RemoveFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type RemoveFlags struct { GlobalFlags CommonFilterFlags Recursive *bool `flag:"recursive"` ForceIfReadOnly *bool `flag:"force-if-read-only"` ListOfFiles []string `flag:"list-of-files"` ListOfVersions []string `flag:"list-of-versions"` DryRun *bool `flag:"dry-run"` FromTo *common.FromTo `flag:"from-to"` PermanentDelete *common.PermanentDeleteOption `flag:"permanent-delete"` TrailingDot *common.TrailingDotOption `flag:"trailing-dot"` CPKByName *string `flag:"cpk-by-name"` CPKByValue *bool `flag:"cpk-by-value"` }
RemoveFlags is not tiered like CopySyncCommonFlags is, because it is dissimilar in functionality, and would be hard to test in the same scenario.
func (RemoveFlags) SerializeListingFile ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r RemoveFlags) SerializeListingFile(in any, scenarioAsserter ScenarioAsserter)
type ResourceDefinition ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceDefinition interface { // DefinitionTarget returns the location level this definition applies at. DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel // GenerateAdoptiveParent is designed for scaling a definition down to a root resource for creation GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition // MatchAdoptiveChild scales a resource of the same level up one level to the real definition level MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition) // ApplyDefinition manages tree traversal by itself. applicationFunctions should realistically be creation of the underlying resource or validation. ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, applicationFunctions map[cmd.LocationLevel]func(Asserter, ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)) // ShouldExist determines whether the resource should exist. // This should be checked in functions called by ApplyDefinition, as it is intended to alter creation and validation behavior. ShouldExist() bool }
ResourceDefinition itself exists to loosely accept the handful of relevant types as a part of CreateResource and ValidateResource.
type ResourceDefinitionContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceDefinitionContainer struct { // ContainerName is overwritten if used as a part of a parent definition ContainerName *string Properties ContainerProperties Objects ObjectResourceMapping // ContainerShouldExist is true unless set to false. Useful in negative validation (e.g. remove) ContainerShouldExist *bool }
func (ResourceDefinitionContainer) ApplyDefinition ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, applicationFunctions map[cmd.LocationLevel]func(Asserter, ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition))
func (ResourceDefinitionContainer) DefinitionTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
func (ResourceDefinitionContainer) GenerateAdoptiveParent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
func (ResourceDefinitionContainer) MatchAdoptiveChild ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
func (ResourceDefinitionContainer) ShouldExist ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionContainer) ShouldExist() bool
type ResourceDefinitionObject ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceDefinitionObject struct { // ObjectName is overwritten if used as a part of a parent definition ObjectName *string ObjectProperties Body ObjectContentContainer // ObjectShouldExist is true unless set to false. Useful in negative validation (e.g. remove) ObjectShouldExist *bool // This is used only to pass the size of the object when making a list of expected objects Size string }
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) ApplyDefinition ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, applicationFunctions map[cmd.LocationLevel]func(Asserter, ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition))
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) Clone ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) Clone() ResourceDefinitionObject
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) DefinitionTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) GenerateAdoptiveParent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) MatchAdoptiveChild ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
func (ResourceDefinitionObject) ShouldExist ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionObject) ShouldExist() bool
type ResourceDefinitionService ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceDefinitionService struct { //Location common.Location // todo do we want/need this? does it make sense? CreateResource currently takes a ResourceManager, which can't target an AccountResourceManager because definitions differ Containers map[string]ResourceDefinitionContainer }
func (ResourceDefinitionService) ApplyDefinition ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionService) ApplyDefinition(a Asserter, target ResourceManager, applicationFunctions map[cmd.LocationLevel]func(Asserter, ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition))
func (ResourceDefinitionService) DefinitionTarget ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionService) DefinitionTarget() cmd.LocationLevel
func (ResourceDefinitionService) GenerateAdoptiveParent ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionService) GenerateAdoptiveParent(a Asserter) ResourceDefinition
func (ResourceDefinitionService) MatchAdoptiveChild ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionService) MatchAdoptiveChild(a Asserter, target ResourceManager) (ResourceManager, ResourceDefinition)
func (ResourceDefinitionService) ShouldExist ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (r ResourceDefinitionService) ShouldExist() bool
type ResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceManager interface { Location() common.Location Level() cmd.LocationLevel // URI gets the resource "URI", either a local path or a remote URL. // This should panic if things fail or make no sense, as a sanity check to the test author. URI(opts ...GetURIOptions) string // Parent specifies the parent resource manager, for the purposes of building a tree. // Can return nil, indicating this is the root of the tree. Parent() ResourceManager // Account specifies the parent account. // Can return nil, indicating there is no associated account Account() AccountResourceManager /*Canon specifies an object's canonical location in the resource tree created by a test. A Canon string is a `/` delimited list of parents up to the final element, representing the resource itself. The format goes <account>/<location>/<container>/<object> For locations where an account does not exist (e.g. local), substitute account with "accountless". e.g. accountless/Local/<tmpdirname>/<object> For flat namespaces, e.g. raw blob, / is ignored past objects, as it gets no more granular. */ Canon() string }
func GetRootResource ¶ added in v10.24.0
func GetRootResource(a Asserter, location common.Location, varOpts ...GetResourceOptions) ResourceManager
GetRootResource differs from CreateResource, in that GetRootResource obtains the lowest possible resource for a particular location This eases the act of getting a base resource for tests that might utilize multiple "kinds" of resources (e.g. Local, Azure) interchangeably. on *Local*, this inherently creates a container. But that's fine, because it's likely to be used.
type ResourceTracker ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ResourceTracker interface { TrackCreatedResource(manager ResourceManager) TrackCreatedAccount(account AccountResourceManager) }
ResourceTracker tracks resources
type ScenarioAsserter ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ScenarioAsserter interface { DryrunAsserter Cleanup(func(a ScenarioAsserter)) }
type ScenarioManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewScenarioManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
func NewScenarioManager(t *testing.T, targetFunc reflect.Value) *ScenarioManager
func (*ScenarioManager) NewVariation ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sm *ScenarioManager) NewVariation(origin *ScenarioVariationManager, id string, setting []any)
func (*ScenarioManager) RunScenario ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sm *ScenarioManager) RunScenario()
type ScenarioPipelineOptions ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ScenarioPipelineOptions struct {
Parallelized *bool
func (*ScenarioPipelineOptions) IsParallel ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (spo *ScenarioPipelineOptions) IsParallel() bool
type ScenarioVariationManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ScenarioVariationManager struct { // Parent refers to the running scenario. Parent *ScenarioManager // VariationData is a mapping of IDs to values, in order. VariationData *VariationDataContainer // todo call order, prepared options // wetrun data CreatedResources *PathTrie[createdResource] CleanupFuncs []func(a ScenarioAsserter) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ScenarioVariationManager manages one specific variation of a scenario.
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Assert ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Assert(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) AssertNow ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) AssertNow(comment string, assertion Assertion, items ...any)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Cleanup ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Cleanup(cleanupFunc func(a ScenarioAsserter))
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) DeleteCreatedResources ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) DeleteCreatedResources()
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Dryrun ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Dryrun() bool
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Error ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Error(reason string)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Failed ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Failed() bool
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariation ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariation(ID string, options []any) any
GetVariation acts as a simple dictionary for IDs to variations. If no variation with the related ID is found
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariationCallerID ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) GetVariationCallerID() (callerID string)
GetVariationCallerID builds a raw caller ID based upon the current call stack. It returns an incremented caller ID (e.g. with the ";calls=n" suffix).
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) HelperMarker ¶ added in v10.25.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) HelperMarker() HelperMarker
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) InsertVariationSeparator ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) InsertVariationSeparator(sep string)
InsertVariationSeparator is mostly used to clean up variation names (e.g. rather than BlobBlobCopy, Blob->Blob_Copy)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Invalid ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Invalid() bool
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) InvalidateScenario ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) InvalidateScenario()
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Log ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Log(format string, a ...any)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) NoError ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) NoError(comment string, err error, failNow ...bool)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) Skip ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) Skip(reason string)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedAccount ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedAccount(account AccountResourceManager)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedResource ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) TrackCreatedResource(manager ResourceManager)
func (*ScenarioVariationManager) VariationName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (svm *ScenarioVariationManager) VariationName() string
type ServiceResourceManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type ServiceResourceManager interface { ResourceManager RemoteResourceManager ListContainers(a Asserter) []string GetContainer(string) ContainerResourceManager IsHierarchical() bool }
type SuiteManager ¶ added in v10.24.0
type SuiteManager struct { Suites map[string]any EarlyRunSuites map[string]any // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SuiteManager) RegisterEarlyRunSuite ¶ added in v10.27.0
func (sm *SuiteManager) RegisterEarlyRunSuite(Suite any)
Early runs do not run in parallel, and run before anything else.
func (*SuiteManager) RegisterSuite ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sm *SuiteManager) RegisterSuite(Suite any)
func (*SuiteManager) RunSuites ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (sm *SuiteManager) RunSuites(t *testing.T)
type SyncFlags ¶ added in v10.24.0
type SyncFlags struct { CopySyncCommonFlags DeleteDestination *bool `flag:"delete-destination"` MirrorMode *bool `flag:"mirror-mode"` CompareHash *common.SyncHashType `flag:"compare-hash"` LocalHashDir *string `flag:"hash-meta-dir"` LocalHashStorageMode *common.HashStorageMode `flag:"local-hash-storage-mode"` // The real flag name is not all that great due to `delete-destination`, but, it works. DeleteIfNecessary *bool `flag:"delete-destination-file"` IncludeRoot *bool `flag:"include-root"` }
type TestFromTo ¶
type TestFromTo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TestFromTo is similar to common/FromTo, except that it can have cases where one value represents many possibilities
func NewTestFromTo ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllAzureS2S ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllAzureS2S() TestFromTo
AllAzureS2S is like AllS2S, but it excludes non-Azure sources. (No need to exclude non-Azure destinations, since AzCopy doesn't have those)
func (TestFromTo) AllDownloads ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllDownloads() TestFromTo
AllDownloads represents the subset of AllPairs that are downloads
func (TestFromTo) AllPairs ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllPairs() TestFromTo
AllPairs tests literally all Source/Dest pairings that are supported by AzCopy. Use this sparingly, because it runs a lot of cases. Prefer AllSourcesToOneDest or AllSourcesDownAndS2S or similar.
func (TestFromTo) AllRemove ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllRemove() TestFromTo
AllRemove represents the subset of AllPairs that are remove/delete
func (TestFromTo) AllS2S ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllS2S() TestFromTo
AllS2S represents the subset of AllPairs that are S2S transfers
func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesDownAndS2S ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesDownAndS2S() TestFromTo
AllSourcesDownAndS2S means use all possible sources, and for each to both Blob and a download to local (except when not applicable. E.g. local source doesn't support download; AzCopy's ADLS Gen doesn't (currently) support S2S. This is a good general purpose choice, because it lets you do exercise things fairly comprehensively without actually getting into all pairwise combinations
func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesToOneDest ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllSourcesToOneDest() TestFromTo
AllSourcesToOneDest means use all possible sources, and test each source to one destination (generally Blob is the destination, except for sources that don't support Blob, in which case, a download to local is done). Use this for tests that are primarily about enumeration of the source (rather than support for a wide range of destinations)
func (TestFromTo) AllSync ¶ added in v10.11.0
func (TestFromTo) AllSync() TestFromTo
func (TestFromTo) AllUploads ¶
func (TestFromTo) AllUploads() TestFromTo
AllUploads represents the subset of AllPairs that are uploads
func (TestFromTo) Other ¶
func (TestFromTo) Other(values ...common.FromTo) TestFromTo
Other is for when you want to list one or more specific from-tos that the test should cover. Generally avoid this method, because it does not automatically pick up new pairs as we add new supported resource types to AzCopy.
func (TestFromTo) String ¶
func (tft TestFromTo) String() string
type TestResourceFactory ¶
type TestResourceFactory struct{}
provide convenient methods to get access to test resources such as accounts, containers/shares, directories
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateLocalDirectory ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateLocalDirectory(c asserter) (dstDirName string)
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewContainer ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewContainer(c asserter, publicAccess *container.PublicAccessType, accountType AccountType) (cc *container.Client, name string, rawURL string)
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShare ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShare(c asserter, accountType AccountType) (fileShare *share.Client, name string, rawSasURL string)
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShareSnapshot ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) CreateNewFileShareSnapshot(c asserter, fileShare *share.Client) (snapshotID string)
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURL ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *blobservice.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURLWithSAS ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobServiceURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType) *blobservice.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobURLWithSAS ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetBlobURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string, blobName string) *blob.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetContainerURLWithSAS ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetContainerURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string) *container.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetDatalakeServiceURL ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetDatalakeServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *datalakeservice.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileServiceURL ¶
func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileServiceURL(accountType AccountType) *fileservice.Client
func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileShareURLWithSAS ¶ added in v10.21.0
func (TestResourceFactory) GetFileShareURLWithSAS(c asserter, accountType AccountType, containerName string) *share.Client
type TestResourceNameGenerator ¶
type TestResourceNameGenerator struct{}
func (TestResourceNameGenerator) GenerateContainerName ¶
func (TestResourceNameGenerator) GenerateContainerName(c asserter) string
type TestRunner ¶
type TestRunner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
encapsulates the interaction with the AzCopy instance that is being tested the flag names should be captured here so that in case they change, only 1 place needs to be updated
func (*TestRunner) ExecuteAzCopyCommand ¶
func (*TestRunner) ExecuteJobsShowCommand ¶
func (t *TestRunner) ExecuteJobsShowCommand(jobID common.JobID, azcopyDir string) (JobsShowCommandResult, error)
func (*TestRunner) SetAllFlags ¶
func (t *TestRunner) SetAllFlags(s *scenario)
func (*TestRunner) SetAwaitOpenFlag ¶
func (t *TestRunner) SetAwaitOpenFlag()
func (*TestRunner) SetTransferStatusFlag ¶
func (t *TestRunner) SetTransferStatusFlag(value string)
type TieredError ¶ added in v10.24.0
type TieredErrorWrapper ¶ added in v10.24.0
type TieredErrorWrapper struct { ErrorTier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TieredErrorWrapper) Tier ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (w TieredErrorWrapper) Tier() ErrorTier
type TraversalOperation ¶ added in v10.24.0
type TraversalOperation uint8
const ( // TraversalOperationContinue continue traversing children TraversalOperationContinue TraversalOperation = iota // TraversalOperationStop stop traversing children TraversalOperationStop // TraversalOperationRemove remove this node from the tree and all children TraversalOperationRemove )
type TrieNode ¶ added in v10.24.0
type TrieNode[T any] struct { Parent *TrieNode[T] Children map[string]*TrieNode[T] Segment string Data *T }
func (*TrieNode[T]) Traverse ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (n *TrieNode[T]) Traverse(traversalFunc func(data *T) TraversalOperation)
type Validate ¶
type Validate uint8
func (Validate) Auto ¶
Auto automatically validates everything except for the actual content of the transferred files. It includes "which transfers did we attempt, and what was their outcome?" AND, if any of the shouldTransfer files specify file properties that should be validated, it validates those too
func (Validate) AutoPlusContent ¶
BasicPlusContent also validates the file content
type Validator ¶
type Validator struct{}
func (Validator) ValidateCopyTransfersAreScheduled ¶
func (Validator) ValidateCopyTransfersAreScheduled(s *scenario, isSrcEncoded bool, isDstEncoded bool, sourcePrefix string, destinationPrefix string, expectedTransfers []*testObject, actualTransfers []common.TransferDetail, statusToTest common.TransferStatus, expectFolders bool)
func (Validator) ValidateRemoveTransfer ¶
func (Validator) ValidateRemoveTransfer(c asserter, isSrcEncoded bool, isDstEncoded bool, sourcePrefix string, destinationPrefix string, expectedTransfers []*testObject, actualTransfers []common.TransferDetail, statusToTest common.TransferStatus)
type VariationDataContainer ¶ added in v10.24.0
type VariationDataContainer struct { Previous *VariationDataContainer Value any // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VariationDataContainer acts like a reverse linked list, sort of like a Context. It, too implements VariationData, if for some reason that's necessary
func (*VariationDataContainer) GetTestName ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vdc *VariationDataContainer) GetTestName() string
func (*VariationDataContainer) Insert ¶ added in v10.24.0
func (vdc *VariationDataContainer) Insert(callerID string, value any) *VariationDataContainer
type WindowsAttribute ¶ added in v10.24.0
type WindowsAttribute uint32
const ( WindowsAttributeReadOnly WindowsAttribute = 1 << iota WindowsAttributeHidden WindowsAttributeSystemFile WindowsAttributeArchiveReady WindowsAttributeNormalFile WindowsAttributeTemporaryFile WindowsAttributeCompressedFile WindowsAttributeOfflineFile WindowsAttributeNonIndexedFile WindowsAttributeEncryptedFile )
func ParseNTFSAttributes ¶ added in v10.24.0
func ParseNTFSAttributes(attr string) (WindowsAttribute, error)
Source Files
- arm.go
- azcopyDebugHelper.go
- config.go
- declarativeHelpers.go
- declarativeResourceAdapters.go
- declarativeResourceManagers.go
- declarativeRunner.go
- declarativeScenario.go
- declarativeTestFiles.go
- declarativeWithPropertyProviders.go
- factory.go
- helpers.go
- managedDisks.go
- newe2e_account_registry.go
- newe2e_arm_client.go
- newe2e_arm_managed_disk.go
- newe2e_arm_resource_group.go
- newe2e_arm_storage_account.go
- newe2e_arm_subscription.go
- newe2e_arm_test_hooks.go
- newe2e_asserter.go
- newe2e_assertions.go
- newe2e_config.go
- newe2e_error_definition.go
- newe2e_generic_wrangling.go
- newe2e_multi_step_uploader.go
- newe2e_oauth_cache.go
- newe2e_object_content.go
- newe2e_object_resource_mapping.go
- newe2e_resource_definitions.go
- newe2e_resource_manager_azstorage.go
- newe2e_resource_manager_getter.go
- newe2e_resource_manager_interface.go
- newe2e_resource_manager_mock.go
- newe2e_resource_managers_blob.go
- newe2e_resource_managers_blobfs.go
- newe2e_resource_managers_file.go
- newe2e_resource_managers_local.go
- newe2e_resource_trie.go
- newe2e_runazcopy_stdout.go
- newe2e_sas_generation.go
- newe2e_scenario_manager.go
- newe2e_scenario_options.go
- newe2e_scenario_variation_manager.go
- newe2e_suite_manager.go
- newe2e_task_azcopy_job_validate.go
- newe2e_task_resourcemanagement.go
- newe2e_task_runazcopy.go
- newe2e_task_runazcopy_login_logout.go
- newe2e_task_runazcopy_parameters.go
- newe2e_task_validation.go
- newe2e_variations.go
- newe2e_workload_hook.go
- runner.go
- scenario_helpers.go
- scenario_os_helpers_for_linux.go
- validator.go
- zz_tests_to_add.go