SmallStack Fleet Manager.
The fleet-manager daemon manages a fleet of
Hypervisors and the Virtual Machines running on
them. Please read the
SmallStack design document to
understand the architecture.
Status page
The fleet-manager provides a web interface on port 6977
which shows a status
page, links to built-in dashboards and access to performance metrics and logs.
If fleet-manager is running on host myhost
then the URL of the main
status page is http://myhost:6977/
. An RPC over HTTP interface is also
provided over the same port.
fleet-manager is started at boot time, usually by one of the provided
init scripts. The fleet-manager process is baby-sat by the init
script; if the process dies the init script will re-start it. It may be stopped
with the command:
service fleet-manager stop
which also kills the baby-sitting init script. It may be started with the
service fleet-manager start
There are many command-line flags which may change the behaviour of
fleet-manager but many have defaults which should be adequate for most
deployments. Built-in help is available with the command:
fleet-manager -h
RPC access is restricted using TLS client authentication. fleet-manager
expects a root certificate in the file /etc/ssl/CA.pem
which it trusts to sign
certificates which grant access to methods. It trusts the root certificate in
the /etc/ssl/IdentityCA.pem
file to sign identity-only certificates.
It also requires a certificate and key which grant it the ability to manage
Hypervisors. These should be in the files
and /etc/ssl/fleet-manager/key.pem
The vm-control utility may be used to create,
modify and destroy VMs.
The hyper-control utility is used to perform
administrator tasks on Hypervisors.