Use the XDCC protocol to download, organize, and track anime using an IRC client.
🪛 Installation
Ensure that the requsite directories exist and are writable by the user running the application.
mkdir xdcc && cd xdcc
mkdir -p config/trackers
mkdir downloads
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elfshot/go-xdcc/main/config/config.yaml.example -o config/config.yaml -s
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elfshot/go-xdcc/main/docker-compose.yaml.example -o docker-compose.yaml -s
chown 1000:1000 -R config && chown 1000:1000 downloads
chmod 766 -R config && chmod 766 downloads
docker-compose up -d
Note: The above commands assume that the application is running as user 1000:1000.
⚠️ An appropriate config.yaml file must be created in the config directory.
⚙️ Example config.yaml
maxDownloads: 3 # Max number of downloads at once- 3 is the recommended max
preferedBots: ["Ghouls|Arutha", "ARUTHA-BATCH|1080p", "ARUTHA-BATCH|720p", "CR-HOLLAND|NEW", "CR-ARUTHA|NEW"] # List of bots to prefer | This order is the order in which packs will be sourced from
preferedFormat: "1080p" # 1080p, 720p, 480p
downloadDir: "./downloads" # (Leave as-is for docker instances) Directory to download to
#boundIp: "" # (Optional [auto-binds to first available IP]) IP to bind to for DCC TCP connections
downloadInterval: 30 # Time in minutes between searching for new downloads
crcCheck: always # Options: always, resume | Leave blank ("") or don't include line for never
bufferSizeMB: 2 # 2MB byte buffers | lower = more cpu usage & time, higher = more ram usage
skipOrganization: false # When true, will not organize files into folders and will leave them in the download directory with their original names | Negates "season", "noRangeShift", and "fileName" options in tracker configs
maxDlRetries: 3 # Max number of times to retry a download before giving up
server: "irc.rizon.net"
serverPort: 6697
channelName: "#nibl"
closeConnectionMins: 5 # Time in minutes of an idle irc connection before closing it
maxWaitIrcCycles: 25 # Max number of irc cycles to wait for a download to start before erroring
maxTcpIdleTime: 60 # Maximum number of seconds for a TCP connection to idle before aborting a transfer
NIBL Bots should be used to find the prefered bots. The names should be copied over exactly.
🔍 Example tracker config
Tracker config files must be placed in the config/trackers directory.
searchName: Dr. Stone
fileName: Dr. Stone
season: 1
episodeRange: [ 1,24 ]
searchName: One Piece
fileName: One Piece
season: 1
episodeRange: [ 1024,1500 ]
noRangeShift: true
Parameter |
Usage |
searchName |
The name to search for. Should be as appears on NIBL |
fileName |
The name to use for the downloaded anime's folder |
season |
The season number |
episodeRange |
The range of episodes to download. These values are inclusive and absolute values will be shifted such that the first number in the range is episode 1 of the season |
noRangeShift |
If true, the episode range will not be shifted to start at episode 1 of the season. Use this to simply download a select range of episodes of an anime |
Note: When "skipOrganization" is true, "fileName", "season", and "noRangeShift" are ignored.
TheTVDB should be used to determine the season number, episode ranges, and file name.
NIBL should be used to determine the search name.
Any tracker files in the subdirectories of config/trackers will be ignored.
🐳 Example docker-compose.yaml
version: "3.8"
image: "ghcr.io/elfshot/goxdcc:main"
working_dir: /xdcc
container_name: "goxdcc"
# Use network mode to attach a VPN or proxy container as DDC connections are not encrypted
# network_mode: "container:<container hosting network name or id | No arrows>"
user: 1000:1000
limits: # Absolute limits
cpus: '1.5' # 1.5 cores
reservations: # Minimum resources
memory: 100M
- ./config:/xdcc/config:rw
- ./downloads:/xdcc/downloads:rw
restart: unless-stopped
tty: true
stdin_open: true
test: ./go-xdcc test
interval: 60s
timeout: 4s
retries: 2
max-size: 10m # Max log file size (10m, 50m, 1g, ...)
Note: The health check is not required, but is recommended to ensure that the application is running correctly. Use in combination with docker-autoheal to automatically restart the container if it fails.