Search StackOverflow and view answers (minus comments) in Vim. Using Google CustomSearch apis. So I don't have to leave the terminal and keyboard to copy & paste from StackOverflow. 🙊

go install
stackovimflow install-vim
You need a Google CustomSearch API key to use this plugin.
You can get one from Google CustomSearch.
Set the following environment variables to configure the plugin.
export GCS_API_KEY=your-api-key
export GCS_CX=your-cse-id
# optional proxy setup
export GCS_HTTP_PROXY=your-proxy
export GCS_HTTPS_PROXY=your-proxy
# put this in your .bash_profile or equivalent
function sos() {
stackovimflow search $@ | vim -
sos your question as if you are searching on StackOverflow
If you want to see some code block syntax highlight, add the following to your .vimrc
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['html', 'js=javascript', 'golang=go', 'go', 'rust', 'java', 'bash']
It first load the top 5 results in a vim buffer with filetype soi. When you press <CR>
it will open the selected answer in a new buffer with filetype somd.
In a somd, you can press <CR>
to copy the code block to system clipboard when you are inside a ```code block``` or `code block`.
Use <C-j>
to enlarge the somd window.
Use <C-k>
to shrink the somd window.
Use <C-n>
to jump to next answer.
Use d
to navigate down by half-page.
Use u
to navigate up by half-page.
Use q
to close the buffer..