
v0.0.0-...-350e131 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 13, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 34 Imported by: 14




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This section is empty.


func Asset

func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error)

Asset loads and returns the asset for the given name. It returns an error if the asset could not be found or could not be loaded.

func AssetDir

func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error)

AssetDir returns the file names below a certain directory embedded in the file by go-bindata. For example if you run go-bindata on data/... and data contains the following hierarchy:


then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"} AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"} AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}.

func AssetInfo

func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)

AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name. It returns an error if the asset could not be found or could not be loaded.

func AssetNames

func AssetNames() []string

AssetNames returns the names of the assets.

func MustAsset

func MustAsset(name string) []byte

MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error. It simplifies safe initialization of global variables.

func RestoreAsset

func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error

RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory

func RestoreAssets

func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error

RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively


type ApiResponse

type ApiResponse struct {
	Success bool   `json:"success"`
	Token   string `json:"token"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

type Factory

type Factory interface {
	Name() string
	New(params map[string][]string) (Slave, error)

type HtermPrefernces

type HtermPrefernces struct {
	AltGrMode                     *string                      `hcl:"alt_gr_mode" json:"alt-gr-mode,omitempty"`
	AltBackspaceIsMetaBackspace   bool                         `hcl:"alt_backspace_is_meta_backspace" json:"alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace,omitempty"`
	AltIsMeta                     bool                         `hcl:"alt_is_meta" json:"alt-is-meta,omitempty"`
	AltSendsWhat                  string                       `hcl:"alt_sends_what" json:"alt-sends-what,omitempty"`
	AudibleBellSound              string                       `hcl:"audible_bell_sound" json:"audible-bell-sound,omitempty"`
	DesktopNotificationBell       bool                         `hcl:"desktop_notification_bell" json:"desktop-notification-bell,omitempty"`
	BackgroundColor               string                       `hcl:"background_color" json:"background-color,omitempty"`
	BackgroundImage               string                       `hcl:"background_image" json:"background-image,omitempty"`
	BackgroundSize                string                       `hcl:"background_size" json:"background-size,omitempty"`
	BackgroundPosition            string                       `hcl:"background_position" json:"background-position,omitempty"`
	BackspaceSendsBackspace       bool                         `hcl:"backspace_sends_backspace" json:"backspace-sends-backspace,omitempty"`
	CharacterMapOverrides         map[string]map[string]string `hcl:"character_map_overrides" json:"character-map-overrides,omitempty"`
	CloseOnExit                   bool                         `hcl:"close_on_exit" json:"close-on-exit,omitempty"`
	CursorBlink                   bool                         `hcl:"cursor_blink" json:"cursor-blink,omitempty"`
	CursorBlinkCycle              [2]int                       `hcl:"cursor_blink_cycle" json:"cursor-blink-cycle,omitempty"`
	CursorColor                   string                       `hcl:"cursor_color" json:"cursor-color,omitempty"`
	ColorPaletteOverrides         []*string                    `hcl:"color_palette_overrides" json:"color-palette-overrides,omitempty"`
	CopyOnSelect                  bool                         `hcl:"copy_on_select" json:"copy-on-select,omitempty"`
	UseDefaultWindowCopy          bool                         `hcl:"use_default_window_copy" json:"use-default-window-copy,omitempty"`
	ClearSelectionAfterCopy       bool                         `hcl:"clear_selection_after_copy" json:"clear-selection-after-copy,omitempty"`
	CtrlPlusMinusZeroZoom         bool                         `hcl:"ctrl_plus_minus_zero_zoom" json:"ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom,omitempty"`
	CtrlCCopy                     bool                         `hcl:"ctrl_c_copy" json:"ctrl-c-copy,omitempty"`
	CtrlVPaste                    bool                         `hcl:"ctrl_v_paste" json:"ctrl-v-paste,omitempty"`
	EastAsianAmbiguousAsTwoColumn bool                         `hcl:"east_asian_ambiguous_as_two_column" json:"east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column,omitempty"`
	Enable8BitControl             *bool                        `hcl:"enable_8_bit_control" json:"enable-8-bit-control,omitempty"`
	EnableBold                    *bool                        `hcl:"enable_bold" json:"enable-bold,omitempty"`
	EnableBoldAsBright            bool                         `hcl:"enable_bold_as_bright" json:"enable-bold-as-bright,omitempty"`
	EnableClipboardNotice         bool                         `hcl:"enable_clipboard_notice" json:"enable-clipboard-notice,omitempty"`
	EnableClipboardWrite          bool                         `hcl:"enable_clipboard_write" json:"enable-clipboard-write,omitempty"`
	EnableDec12                   bool                         `hcl:"enable_dec12" json:"enable-dec12,omitempty"`
	Environment                   map[string]string            `hcl:"environment" json:"environment,omitempty"`
	FontFamily                    string                       `hcl:"font_family" json:"font-family,omitempty"`
	FontSize                      int                          `hcl:"font_size" json:"font-size,omitempty"`
	FontSmoothing                 string                       `hcl:"font_smoothing" json:"font-smoothing,omitempty"`
	ForegroundColor               string                       `hcl:"foreground_color" json:"foreground-color,omitempty"`
	HomeKeysScroll                bool                         `hcl:"home_keys_scroll" json:"home-keys-scroll,omitempty"`
	Keybindings                   map[string]string            `hcl:"keybindings" json:"keybindings,omitempty"`
	MaxStringSequence             int                          `hcl:"max_string_sequence" json:"max-string-sequence,omitempty"`
	MediaKeysAreFkeys             bool                         `hcl:"media_keys_are_fkeys" json:"media-keys-are-fkeys,omitempty"`
	MetaSendsEscape               bool                         `hcl:"meta_sends_escape" json:"meta-sends-escape,omitempty"`
	MousePasteButton              *int                         `hcl:"mouse_paste_button" json:"mouse-paste-button,omitempty"`
	PageKeysScroll                bool                         `hcl:"page_keys_scroll" json:"page-keys-scroll,omitempty"`
	PassAltNumber                 *bool                        `hcl:"pass_alt_number" json:"pass-alt-number,omitempty"`
	PassCtrlNumber                *bool                        `hcl:"pass_ctrl_number" json:"pass-ctrl-number,omitempty"`
	PassMetaNumber                *bool                        `hcl:"pass_meta_number" json:"pass-meta-number,omitempty"`
	PassMetaV                     bool                         `hcl:"pass_meta_v" json:"pass-meta-v,omitempty"`
	ReceiveEncoding               string                       `hcl:"receive_encoding" json:"receive-encoding,omitempty"`
	ScrollOnKeystroke             bool                         `hcl:"scroll_on_keystroke" json:"scroll-on-keystroke,omitempty"`
	ScrollOnOutput                bool                         `hcl:"scroll_on_output" json:"scroll-on-output,omitempty"`
	ScrollbarVisible              bool                         `hcl:"scrollbar_visible" json:"scrollbar-visible,omitempty"`
	ScrollWheelMoveMultiplier     int                          `hcl:"scroll_wheel_move_multiplier" json:"scroll-wheel-move-multiplier,omitempty"`
	SendEncoding                  string                       `hcl:"send_encoding" json:"send-encoding,omitempty"`
	ShiftInsertPaste              bool                         `hcl:"shift_insert_paste" json:"shift-insert-paste,omitempty"`
	UserCss                       string                       `hcl:"user_css" json:"user-css,omitempty"`

type InitMessage

type InitMessage struct {
	Arguments string `json:"Arguments,omitempty"`
	AuthToken string `json:"AuthToken,omitempty"`

type KubeConfigRequest

type KubeConfigRequest struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	KubeConfig string `json:"kubeConfig"`

type KubeTokenRequest

type KubeTokenRequest struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	ApiServer string `json:"apiServer"`
	Token     string `json:"token"`

type Options

type Options struct {
	Address              string           `hcl:"address" flagName:"address" flagSName:"a" flagDescribe:"IP address to listen" default:""`
	Port                 string           `hcl:"port" flagName:"port" flagSName:"p" flagDescribe:"Port number to liten" default:"8080"`
	PermitWrite          bool             `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	EnableBasicAuth      bool             `hcl:"enable_basic_auth" default:"false"`
	Credential           string           `` /* 148-byte string literal not displayed */
	CredentialFile       string           `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	EnableRandomUrl      bool             `hcl:"enable_random_url" flagName:"random-url" flagSName:"r" flagDescribe:"Add a random string to the URL" default:"false"`
	RandomUrlLength      int              `hcl:"random_url_length" flagName:"random-url-length" flagDescribe:"Random URL length" default:"8"`
	EnableTLS            bool             `hcl:"enable_tls" flagName:"tls" flagSName:"t" flagDescribe:"Enable TLS/SSL" default:"false"`
	TLSCrtFile           string           `hcl:"tls_crt_file" flagName:"tls-crt" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL certificate file path" default:"~/.gotty.crt"`
	TLSKeyFile           string           `hcl:"tls_key_file" flagName:"tls-key" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL key file path" default:"~/.gotty.key"`
	EnableTLSClientAuth  bool             `hcl:"enable_tls_client_auth" default:"false"`
	TLSCACrtFile         string           `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */
	IndexFile            string           `hcl:"index_file" flagName:"index" flagDescribe:"Custom index.html file" default:""`
	TitleFormat          string           `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */
	EnableReconnect      bool             `hcl:"enable_reconnect" flagName:"reconnect" flagDescribe:"Enable reconnection" default:"false"`
	ReconnectTime        int              `hcl:"reconnect_time" flagName:"reconnect-time" flagDescribe:"Time to reconnect" default:"10"`
	MaxConnection        int              `hcl:"max_connection" flagName:"max-connection" flagDescribe:"Maximum connection to gotty" default:"0"`
	Once                 bool             `hcl:"once" flagName:"once" flagDescribe:"Accept only one client and exit on disconnection" default:"false"`
	Timeout              int              `hcl:"timeout" flagName:"timeout" flagDescribe:"Timeout seconds for waiting a client(0 to disable)" default:"0"`
	PermitArguments      bool             `` /* 181-byte string literal not displayed */
	Preferences          *HtermPrefernces `hcl:"preferences"`
	Width                int              `hcl:"width" flagName:"width" flagDescribe:"Static width of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"`
	Height               int              `hcl:"height" flagName:"height" flagDescribe:"Static height of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"`
	WSOrigin             string           `` /* 188-byte string literal not displayed */
	Term                 string           `hcl:"term" flagName:"term" flagDescribe:"Terminal name to use on the browser, one of xterm or hterm." default:"xterm"`
	TokenExpiresDuration int              `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */

	TitleVariables map[string]interface{}

func (*Options) Validate

func (options *Options) Validate() error

type RedisOptions

type RedisOptions struct {
	UseRedisTokenCache string `` /* 164-byte string literal not displayed */
	// host:port address.
	Addr string `hcl:"redis_addr" flagName:"redis-addr" flagDescribe:"redis conntect host:port address." default:""`
	// Use the specified Username to authenticate the current connection
	// with one of the connections defined in the ACL list when connecting
	// to a Redis 6.0 instance, or greater, that is using the Redis ACL system.
	Username string `hcl:"redis_user" flagName:"redis-user" flagDescribe:"redis conntect user name." default:""`
	// Optional password. Must match the password specified in the
	// requirepass server configuration option (if connecting to a Redis 5.0 instance, or lower),
	// or the User Password when connecting to a Redis 6.0 instance, or greater,
	// that is using the Redis ACL system.
	Password string `hcl:"redis_vpassword" flagName:"redis-password" flagDescribe:"redis conntect user password." default:""`

	// Database to be selected after connecting to the server.
	DB int `hcl:"redis_db" flagName:"redis-db" flagDescribe:"redis database to be selected after connecting to the server.." default:"0"`

	// Maximum number of socket connections.
	// Default is 10 connections per every CPU as reported by runtime.NumCPU.
	PoolSize int `hcl:"redis_pool_size" flagName:"redis-pool-size" flagDescribe:"redis timeout for socket writes." default:"1"`
	// Minimum number of idle connections which is useful when establishing
	// new connection is slow.
	MinIdleConns int `` /* 161-byte string literal not displayed */
	// Connection age at which client retires (closes) the connection.
	// Default is to not close aged connections.
	MaxConnAge time.Duration `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */

RedisOptions contain whether use redis and redis connection options

func (*RedisOptions) Convert

func (ro *RedisOptions) Convert() *redis.Options

Convert RedisOptions to redis-go Options

func (*RedisOptions) Validate

func (ro *RedisOptions) Validate() error

type RunOption

type RunOption func(*RunOptions)

RunOption is an option of Server.Run().

func WithGracefulContext

func WithGracefulContext(ctx context.Context) RunOption

WithGracefulContext accepts a context to shutdown a Server with care for existing client connections.

type RunOptions

type RunOptions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RunOptions holds a set of configurations for Server.Run().

type Server

type Server struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Server provides a webtty HTTP endpoint.

func New

func New(factory Factory, options *Options, redisOptions *RedisOptions) (*Server, error)

New creates a new instance of Server. Server will use the New() of the factory provided to handle each request.

func (*Server) Run

func (server *Server) Run(ctx context.Context, options ...RunOption) error

Run starts the main process of the Server. The cancelation of ctx will shutdown the server immediately with aborting existing connections. Use WithGracefulContext() to support graceful shutdown.

type Slave

type Slave interface {

	Close() error

Slave is webtty.Slave with some additional methods.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL