Plugin scenario

Standalone scenario

Data Plane
Data Flow
The traffic from a consumer app to a managed service will be routed via an Istio sidecar proxy, an Istio egress gateway and an Istio ingress gateway.
- The Istio sidecar proxy captures all traffic originating in the application container.
- For each managed service, there is a K8s service that consumer apps can address.
- For TCP traffic with the IP of a K8s service, the sidecar originates TLS with the Istio provided certificate and <service-name>.<producer-id> (e.g. pinger.istio.cf.sapcloud.io) as SNI to the egress gateway on port 443.
- The egress gateway terminates TLS presenting the Istio provided certificate.
- The egress gateway originates TLS with a certificate subject alternative name (SAN) set to a global cluster identifier (the consumer id) and <service-name>.<producer-id> as SNI.
- The traffic is routed via the public internet.
- The Istio ingress gateway terminates TLS with a certificate SAN set to a global cluster identifier (the producer id)
- The Istio ingress gateway routes traffic with correct SAN and SNI host to the service instance.
Configuration Resources
Consumer Side
- A ServiceEntry: One Kubernetes service for the consumer to address (one per endpoint) defines a virtual IP, which is used to distinguish dispatch services on the sidecar.
- One VirtualService on mesh: route from the sidecar to the egress gateway (destinationSubnets points to the VIP of the kubernetes service (1) created in the cluster).
- A DestinationRule sets up mTLS Istio-mutual between sidecar and egress gateway, sets SNI to . so that the request can be dispatched on the egress gateway.
- A Gateway on egress gateway port 443 describes listener on egress gateway and is configured to use the default certificates for (Istio-)mutual TLS
- Another VirtualService on egress gateway: routes traffic to the provider public endpoint <service-name>.<system-domain>1. This is the public endpoint visible on internet on AWS an elastic load balancer (e.g. pinger.istio.cf.dev01.aws.istio.sapcloud.io).
The host name used will be resolved via a wildcard DNS entry (here: *.istio.cf.dev01.aws.istio.sapcloud.io).
- A DestinationRule sets up mTLS with the provider public endpoint, sets SNI to <service-name>.<producer-id> so that the request can be dispatched on provider side. Moreover, the expected SAN is set to .
1) Note that system-domain and provider-id/producer-id are equal in our scenario (istio.cf.<landscape-domain>).
Provider Side
- A Gateway to set up mTLS with consumer clusters, configures own certificate, requires client certificate.
- A VirtualService the dispatches on SNI to the correct ServiceEntry
- A ServiceEntry that describes the endpoint on which the real service is reachable.
Control Plane
The user request to create/bind/unbind/delete a service is routed through a chain of open service broker proxy implementations.
- The consumer side Istio broker proxy adds Istio metadata to the request.
- The Service Fabrik creates services/bindings.
- The provider side Istio broker proxy adds Istio metadata to the response.
- Both Istio broker proxies configure Istio to setup routing according to the above data plane description.
Binding Service

1 Credentials
"credentials": { "host": "my-cf-service",
"port": 1234,
"uri": "http://my-cf-service:1234"
2 Credentials and Endpoints
"credentials": { "host": "my-cf-service",
"port": 1234,
"uri": "http://my-cf-service:1234"
"endpoints": [
{ "host": "my-cf-service", "port": 1234 }
3 Call adapt_credentials
"credentials": { "host": "my-cf-service",
"port": 1234,
"uri": "http://my-cf-service:1234"
"endpoint_mappings": [
"source": { "host": "my-cf-service", "port": 1234 },
"target": { "host": "my-k8s-service", "port": 6789 }
4 Translated Credentials
"credentials": { "host": "my-k8s-service",
"port": 6789,
"uri": "http://my-k8s-service:6789"
Install pre-commit hook:
The hook will
cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../hooks/pre-commit pre-commit
Forward all requests to the service fabrik.
Steps to deploy:
cf push istio-broker
- Delete the service fabrik broker (There might be some services, that have to be deleted before).
cf delete-service-broker service-fabrik-broker
- Create a new service broker with the credentials of the service fabrik and the URL of the pushed app. The credentials are found in deployments/service-fabrik/credentials.yml as credentials.broker.user and credentials.broker.password.
cf create-service-broker istio-broker <user> <password> https://istio-broker.cfapps.<landscape-domain>
cf create-security-group istio-broker-service-fabrik sec_group.json
cf marketplace
Steps to validate
cf service-brokers
cf create-service postgresql v9.4-dev mydb
cf delete-service mydb
curl https://istio-broker.cfapps.<landscape-domain>/info
Integration tests
Running the integration tests in a k8s cluster requires setting up a cloudfoundry back-end with a separate example broker. In order to get detailed information on how to do this, please open an issue.