OpenFaaS Cloud
Managed OpenFaaS for teams

The high-level workflow for the OpenFaaS Cloud CI/CD pipeline.

OpenFaaS Cloud introduces an automated build and management system for your Serverless functions with native integrations into your source-control management system whether that is GitHub or GitLab.
With OpenFaaS Cloud functions are managed through typing git push
which reduces the tooling and learning curve required to operate functions for your team. As soon as OpenFaaS Cloud receives a push event
from git
it will run through a build-workflow which clones your repo, builds a Docker image, pushes it to a registry and then deploys your functions to your cluster. Each user can access and monitor their functions through their personal dashboard.
- Portable - self-host or use the hosted Community Cluster (SaaS)
- Multi-user - use your GitHub/GitLab identity to log into your personal dashboard
- Automates CI/CD triggered by
git push
(also known as GitOps)
- Onboard new git repos with a single click by adding the GitHub App or a repository tag in GitLab
- Immediate feedback on your personal dashboard and through GitHub Checks or GitLab Statuses
- Sub-domain per user or organization with HTTPS
- Runtime-logs for your functions
- Fast, non-root image builds using buildkit from Docker
- Raspberry Pi support - this is out of scope, since OpenFaaS Cloud is for professional use
The dashboard page for a user:

The details page for a function:

KubeCon video

KubeCon: OpenFaaS Cloud + Linkerd: A Secure, Multi-Tenant Serverless Platform - Charles Pretzer & Alex Ellis
Blog posts
Roadmap & Features
See the Roadmap & Features
Get started
You can set up and host your own OpenFaaS Cloud or apply for access to the hosted Community Cluster.
Option 1: Expert installation
OpenFaaS Ltd provides expert installation and support for OpenFaaS Cloud. You can bring your own infrastructure, or we can install and configure OpenFaaS Cloud for your accounts on a managed cloud.
Get started today
Option 2: Automated deployment (self-hosted)
You can set up your own OpenFaaS Cloud with authentication and wildcard certificates using ofc-bootstrap in around 100 seconds using the ofc-bootstrap tool.
This method assumes that you are using Kubernetes, have a public IP available or are using the inlets-operator, and have a domain name. Some basic knowledge of how to setup a GitHub App and GitHub OAuth App along with a DNS service account on DigitalOcean, Google Cloud DNS, Cloudflare or AWS Route53.
A developer install is also available via this blog post, which disables OAuth and TLS. You will still need an IP address and domain name.
Deploy with: ofc-bootstrap
The OpenFaaS Community Cluster is a hosted version of OpenFaaS Cloud for community use and for evaluation. The Community Cluster is currently offered free of charge.
Getting help
For help join #openfaas-cloud on the OpenFaaS Slack workspace. If you need commercial support, contact