ClickHouse flamegraph
command line utility for visualizing clickhouse system.trace_log as flamegraph, thanks for original idea
Prepare Clickhouse server
- install
package version 20.6 or higher how described in documentation - enable query_log and sampling profiling in settings on each server in your cluster for example add following files:
create /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/profiling.xml (need server restart to apply changes)
<!-- global profiler enabled only in 24.4+ version -->
<!-- fill system.trace_log for 10 times per second for CPU time -->
<!-- fill system.trace_log for 1 times per second for Real time, it produces too much data now -->
<!-- fill system.trace_log for 1% of memory operations each 4Mb -->
create /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/profiling.xml (config reloaded every 1sec or via SYSTEM CONFIG RELOAD)
<!-- 25 times per second sampling profiler -->
<!-- memory profiling for each query, dump stack trace when 1MiB allocation with query_id not empty
Whenever query memory usage becomes larger than every next step in number of bytes the memory profiler
will collect the allocating stack trace.
Zero means disabled memory profiler.
Values lower than a few megabytes will slow down query processing.
<!-- Small allocations and deallocations are grouped in thread local variable and tracked or profiled only
when amount (in absolute value) becomes larger than specified value.
If the value is higher than 'memory_profiler_step' it will be effectively lowered to 'memory_profiler_step'.
<!-- Collect random allocations and deallocations and write them into system.trace_log with 'MemorySample' trace_type.
The probability is for every alloc/free regardless to the size of the allocation.
Note that sampling happens only when the amount of untracked memory exceeds 'max_untracked_memory'.
You may want to set 'max_untracked_memory' to 0 for extra fine grained sampling. -->
currently clickhouse-flamegraph required perl and for correct work, you can just download latest packages from
Simplest way, but you should skip it, if you care about security ;-)
curl -sL | sudo bash
Linux deb or rpm based distributive, amd64 architecture
PKG_MANAGER=$(command -v dpkg || command -v rpm)
PKG_EXT=$(if [[ "${PKG_MANAGER}" == "/usr/bin/dpkg" ]]; then echo "deb"; else echo "rpm"; fi)
cd $TEMP
echo "$(curl -sL | grep href | grep -E "\\.rpm|\\.deb|\\.txt" | cut -d '"' -f 2)" | sed -e "s/^\\/Slach/https:\\/\\/\\/Slach/" | wget -nv -c -i -
grep $PKG_EXT clickhouse-flamegraph_checksums.txt | sha256sum
${PKG_MANAGER} -i clickhouse-flamegraph*.${PKG_EXT}
MacOS 64bit
brew install wget
cd $TEMP
echo "$(curl -sL | grep href | grep -E "darwin_amd64\\.tar\\.gz|\\.txt" | cut -d '"' -f 2)" | sed -e "s/^\\/Slach/https:\\/\\/\\/Slach/" | wget -nv -c -i -
grep darwin_amd64.tar.gz clickhouse-flamegraph_checksums.txt | sha256sum
tar -xvfz -C /usr/bin clickhouse-flamegraph*darwin_amd64.tar.gz
Windows 64bit
install CYGWIN from setup.exe install following packages:
- wget
- sha256sum
- bash run following script
cd $TEMP
echo "$(curl -sL | grep href | grep -E "windows_amd64\\.tar\\.gz|\\.txt" | cut -d '"' -f 2)" | sed -e "s/^\\/Slach/https:\\/\\/\\/Slach/" | wget -nv -c -i -
grep windows_amd64.tar.gz clickhouse-flamegraph_checksums.txt | sha256sum
tar -xvfz -C /usr/bin clickhouse-flamegraph*windows_amd64.tar.gz
clickhouse-flamegraph [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
--width value width of image (default 1200) (default: 1200)
--height value height of each frame (default 16) (default: 16)
--flamegraph-script value path of if not given, find the script from $PATH [%CH_FLAME_FLAMEGRAPH_SCRIPT%]
--output-dir value, -o value destination path of generated flamegraphs files (default: "./clickhouse-flamegraphs/") [%CH_FLAME_OUTPUT_DIR%]
--date-from value, --from value filter system.trace_log from date in any parsable format, see (default: "2020-10-13 09:55:00 +0500") [%CH_FLAME_DATE_FROM%]
--date-to value, --to value filter system.trace_log to date in any parsable format, see (default: "2020-10-13 10:00:00 +0500") [%CH_FLAME_DATE_TO%]
--query-filter value, --query-regexp value filter system.query_log by any regexp, see [%CH_FLAME_QUERY_FILTER%]
--query-ids value, --query-id value filter system.query_log by query_id field, comma separated list [%CH_FLAME_QUERY_IDS%]
--trace-types value, --trace-type value filter system.trace_log by trace_type field, comma separated list (default: "Real", "CPU", "Memory", "MemorySample") [%CH_FLAME_TRACE_TYPES%]
--clickhouse-dsn value, --dsn value clickhouse connection string, see (default: "http://localhost:8123/default") [%CH_FLAME_CLICKHOUSE_DSN%]
--clickhouse-cluster value, --cluster value clickhouse cluster name from system.clusters, all flame graphs will get from cluster() function, see [%CH_FLAME_CLICKHOUSE_CLUSTER%]
--tls-certificate value X509 *.cer, *.crt or *.pem file for https connection, use only if tls_config exists in --dsn, see for details [%CH_FLAME_TLS_CERT%]
--tls-key value X509 *.key file for https connection, use only if tls_config exists in --dsn [%CH_FLAME_TLS_KEY%]
--tls-ca value X509 *.cer, *.crt or *.pem file used with https connection for self-signed certificate, use only if tls_config exists in --dsn, see for details [%CH_FLAME_TLS_CA%]
--output-format value, --format value accept values: svg, txt (see, json (see, (default: "svg") [%CH_FLAME_OUTPUT_FORMAT%]
--normalize-query, --normalize group stack by normalized queries, instead of query_id, see (default: false) [%CH_FLAME_NORMALIZE_QUERY%]
--debug, --verbose show debug log (default: false) [%CH_FLAME_DEBUG%]
--console output logs to console format instead of json (default: false) [%CH_FLAME_LOG_TO_CONSOLE%]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
- When you can't change
files on server, just addSETTINGS query_profiler_real_time_period_ns=40000000, query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns=40000000
to end of your SQL query. And run following command
clickhouse-flamegraph --dsn=http://clickhouse-server:8123/?allow_introspection_functions=1
- For check all settings in server set properly run following SQL query on your ClickHouse server
SELECT * FROM system.settings WHERE match(name,'introspection|log_queries|profiler|sample') FORMAT Vertical
- implement json format and webhooks
- try implement interactive dashboard with
- try integrate with
There is no documentation for this package.
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.