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Published: Mar 11, 2025 License: MIT



SRouter is a high-performance HTTP router for Go that wraps julienschmidt/httprouter with advanced features like sub-router overrides, middleware support, and generic-based marshaling/unmarshaling.

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  • High Performance: Built on top of julienschmidt/httprouter for blazing-fast O(1) path matching
  • Sub-Router Overrides: Configure timeouts and body size limits at the global, sub-router, or route level
  • Middleware Support: Apply middleware at the global, sub-router, or route level with proper chaining
  • Generic-Based Marshaling/Unmarshaling: Use Go 1.18+ generics for type-safe request and response handling
  • Configurable Timeouts: Set timeouts at the global, sub-router, or route level with cascading defaults
  • Body Size Limits: Configure maximum request body size at different levels to prevent DoS attacks
  • Path Parameters: Easy access to path parameters via request context
  • Graceful Shutdown: Properly handle in-flight requests during shutdown
  • Prometheus Integration: Built-in support for Prometheus metrics
  • Intelligent Logging: Appropriate log levels for different types of events


go get


All dependencies are properly documented with Go modules and will be automatically installed when you run go get

Getting Started

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use SRouter:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a logger
	logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
	defer logger.Sync()

	// Create a router configuration
	routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
		Logger:            logger,
		GlobalTimeout:     2 * time.Second,
		GlobalMaxBodySize: 1 << 20, // 1 MB

	// Create a router
	r := router.NewRouter(routerConfig)

	// Register a simple route
		Path:    "/hello",
		Methods: []string{"GET"},
		Handler: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
			w.Write([]byte(`{"message":"Hello, World!"}`))

	// Start the server
	fmt.Println("Server listening on :8080")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))
Using Sub-Routers

Sub-routers allow you to group routes with a common path prefix and apply shared configuration:

// Create a router with sub-routers
routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
	Logger:            logger,
	GlobalTimeout:     2 * time.Second,
	GlobalMaxBodySize: 1 << 20, // 1 MB
	SubRouters: []router.SubRouterConfig{
			PathPrefix:          "/api/v1",
			TimeoutOverride:     3 * time.Second,
			MaxBodySizeOverride: 2 << 20, // 2 MB
			Routes: []router.RouteConfigBase{
					Path:    "/users",
					Methods: []string{"GET"},
					Handler: ListUsersHandler,
					Path:    "/users/:id",
					Methods: []string{"GET"},
					Handler: GetUserHandler,
			PathPrefix: "/api/v2",
			Routes: []router.RouteConfigBase{
					Path:    "/users",
					Methods: []string{"GET"},
					Handler: ListUsersV2Handler,
Using Generic Routes

SRouter supports generic routes for type-safe request and response handling:

// Define request and response types
type CreateUserReq struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Email string `json:"email"`

type CreateUserResp struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Email string `json:"email"`

// Define a generic handler
func CreateUserHandler(r *http.Request, req CreateUserReq) (CreateUserResp, error) {
	// In a real application, you would create a user in a database
	return CreateUserResp{
		ID:    "123",
		Name:  req.Name,
		Email: req.Email,
	}, nil

// Register the generic route
router.RegisterGenericRoute(r, router.RouteConfig[CreateUserReq, CreateUserResp]{
	Path:        "/api/users",
	Methods:     []string{"POST"},
	RequireAuth: true,
	Codec:       codec.NewJSONCodec[CreateUserReq, CreateUserResp](),
	Handler:     CreateUserHandler,
Using Path Parameters

SRouter makes it easy to access path parameters:

func GetUserHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Get the user ID from the path parameters
	id := router.GetParam(r, "id")
	// Use the ID to fetch the user
	user := fetchUser(id)
	// Return the user as JSON
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
Graceful Shutdown

SRouter provides a Shutdown method for graceful shutdown:

// Create a server
srv := &http.Server{
	Addr:    ":8080",
	Handler: r,

// Start the server in a goroutine
go func() {
	if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
		log.Fatalf("listen: %s\n", err)

// Wait for interrupt signal
quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(quit, os.Interrupt)

// Create a deadline to wait for
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()

// Shut down the router
if err := r.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Router shutdown failed: %v", err)

// Shut down the server
if err := srv.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Server shutdown failed: %v", err)

Advanced Usage

Custom Authentication

The default authentication middleware simply checks for the presence of an Authorization header. You can implement custom authentication by providing your own authentication function:

// Create a custom authentication function
func customAuth(r *http.Request) bool {
	// Get the token from the Authorization header
	token := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
	if token == "" {
		return false
	// Remove the "Bearer " prefix if present
	token = strings.TrimPrefix(token, "Bearer ")
	// Validate the token (e.g., verify JWT, check against database, etc.)
	return validateToken(token)

// Create a middleware that uses the custom authentication function
authMiddleware := middleware.Authentication(customAuth)

// Apply the middleware to a route
	Path:        "/protected",
	Methods:     []string{"GET"},
	RequireAuth: true, // This will use the default auth middleware
	Handler:     ProtectedHandler,
	Middlewares: []common.Middleware{
		authMiddleware, // This will use the custom auth middleware
Custom Error Handling

You can create custom HTTP errors with specific status codes and messages:

// Create a custom HTTP error
func NotFoundError(resourceType, id string) *router.HTTPError {
	return router.NewHTTPError(
		fmt.Sprintf("%s with ID %s not found", resourceType, id),

// Use the custom error in a handler
func GetUserHandler(r *http.Request, req GetUserReq) (GetUserResp, error) {
	// Get the user ID from the request
	id := req.ID
	// Try to find the user
	user, found := findUser(id)
	if !found {
		// Return a custom error
		return GetUserResp{}, NotFoundError("User", id)
	// Return the user
	return GetUserResp{
		ID:    user.ID,
		Name:  user.Name,
		Email: user.Email,
	}, nil
Custom Middleware

You can create custom middleware to add functionality to your routes:

// Create a custom middleware that adds a request ID to the context
func RequestID() common.Middleware {
	return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
		return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			// Generate a request ID
			requestID := uuid.New().String()
			// Add it to the context
			ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "request_id", requestID)
			// Add it to the response headers
			w.Header().Set("X-Request-ID", requestID)
			// Call the next handler with the updated request
			next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

// Apply the middleware to the router
routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
	// ...
	Middlewares: []common.Middleware{
	// ...
Custom Codec

You can create custom codecs for different data formats:

// Create a custom XML codec
type XMLCodec[T any, U any] struct{}

func (c *XMLCodec[T, U]) Decode(r *http.Request) (T, error) {
	var data T
	// Read the request body
	body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return data, err
	defer r.Body.Close()
	// Unmarshal the XML
	err = xml.Unmarshal(body, &data)
	if err != nil {
		return data, err
	return data, nil

func (c *XMLCodec[T, U]) Encode(w http.ResponseWriter, resp U) error {
	// Set the content type
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
	// Marshal the response
	body, err := xml.Marshal(resp)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Write the response
	_, err = w.Write(body)
	return err

// Create a new XML codec
func NewXMLCodec[T any, U any]() *XMLCodec[T, U] {
	return &XMLCodec[T, U]{}

// Use the XML codec with a generic route
router.RegisterGenericRoute(r, router.RouteConfig[CreateUserReq, CreateUserResp]{
	Path:        "/api/users",
	Methods:     []string{"POST"},
	Codec:       NewXMLCodec[CreateUserReq, CreateUserResp](),
	Handler:     CreateUserHandler,
Prometheus Metrics

SRouter provides built-in support for Prometheus metrics:

// Create a Prometheus registry
promRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry()

// Create a router configuration with Prometheus metrics enabled
routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
	// ...
	PrometheusConfig: &router.PrometheusConfig{
		Registry:         promRegistry,
		Namespace:        "myapp",
		Subsystem:        "api",
		EnableLatency:    true,
		EnableThroughput: true,
		EnableQPS:        true,
		EnableErrors:     true,
	// ...

// Create a router
r := router.NewRouter(routerConfig)

// Create a metrics handler
metricsHandler := middleware.PrometheusHandler(promRegistry)

// Create a mux to handle both the API and metrics endpoints
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/metrics", metricsHandler)
mux.Handle("/", r)

// Start the server
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)

Configuration Reference

type RouterConfig struct {
	Logger            *zap.Logger         // Logger for all router operations
	GlobalTimeout     time.Duration       // Default response timeout for all routes
	GlobalMaxBodySize int64               // Default maximum request body size in bytes
	EnableMetrics     bool                // Enable metrics collection
	EnableTracing     bool                // Enable distributed tracing
	PrometheusConfig  *PrometheusConfig   // Prometheus metrics configuration (optional)
	SubRouters        []SubRouterConfig   // Sub-routers with their own configurations
	Middlewares       []common.Middleware // Global middlewares applied to all routes
type PrometheusConfig struct {
	Registry         interface{} // Prometheus registry (prometheus.Registerer)
	Namespace        string      // Namespace for metrics
	Subsystem        string      // Subsystem for metrics
	EnableLatency    bool        // Enable latency metrics
	EnableThroughput bool        // Enable throughput metrics
	EnableQPS        bool        // Enable queries per second metrics
	EnableErrors     bool        // Enable error metrics
type SubRouterConfig struct {
	PathPrefix          string              // Common path prefix for all routes in this sub-router
	TimeoutOverride     time.Duration       // Override global timeout for all routes in this sub-router
	MaxBodySizeOverride int64               // Override global max body size for all routes in this sub-router
	Routes              []RouteConfigBase   // Routes in this sub-router
	Middlewares         []common.Middleware // Middlewares applied to all routes in this sub-router
type RouteConfigBase struct {
	Path        string              // Route path (will be prefixed with sub-router path prefix if applicable)
	Methods     []string            // HTTP methods this route handles
	RequireAuth bool                // Whether this route requires authentication
	Timeout     time.Duration       // Override timeout for this specific route
	MaxBodySize int64               // Override max body size for this specific route
	Handler     http.HandlerFunc    // Standard HTTP handler function
	Middlewares []common.Middleware // Middlewares applied to this specific route
RouteConfig (Generic)
type RouteConfig[T any, U any] struct {
	Path        string               // Route path (will be prefixed with sub-router path prefix if applicable)
	Methods     []string             // HTTP methods this route handles
	RequireAuth bool                 // Whether this route requires authentication
	Timeout     time.Duration        // Override timeout for this specific route
	MaxBodySize int64                // Override max body size for this specific route
	Codec       Codec[T, U]          // Codec for marshaling/unmarshaling request and response
	Handler     GenericHandler[T, U] // Generic handler function
	Middlewares []common.Middleware  // Middlewares applied to this specific route

Middleware Reference

SRouter provides several built-in middleware functions:


Logs requests with method, path, status code, and duration:

middleware.Logging(logger *zap.Logger) Middleware

Recovers from panics and returns a 500 Internal Server Error:

middleware.Recovery(logger *zap.Logger) Middleware

SRouter provides several authentication middleware options:

Basic Authentication
middleware.NewBasicAuthMiddleware(credentials map[string]string, logger *zap.Logger) Middleware


// Create a middleware that uses basic authentication
authMiddleware := middleware.NewBasicAuthMiddleware(
        "user1": "password1",
        "user2": "password2",
Bearer Token Authentication
middleware.NewBearerTokenMiddleware(validTokens map[string]bool, logger *zap.Logger) Middleware


// Create a middleware that uses bearer token authentication
authMiddleware := middleware.NewBearerTokenMiddleware(
        "token1": true,
        "token2": true,
Bearer Token with Validator
middleware.NewBearerTokenValidatorMiddleware(validator func(string) bool, logger *zap.Logger) Middleware


// Create a middleware that uses bearer token authentication with a validator function
authMiddleware := middleware.NewBearerTokenValidatorMiddleware(
    func(token string) bool {
        // Validate the token (e.g., verify JWT, check against database, etc.)
        return validateToken(token)
API Key Authentication
middleware.NewAPIKeyMiddleware(validKeys map[string]bool, header, query string, logger *zap.Logger) Middleware


// Create a middleware that uses API key authentication
authMiddleware := middleware.NewAPIKeyMiddleware(
        "key1": true,
        "key2": true,
    "X-API-Key",  // Header name
    "api_key",    // Query parameter name
Custom Authentication
middleware.Authentication(authFunc func(*http.Request) bool) Middleware


// Create a middleware that uses custom authentication
authMiddleware := middleware.Authentication(
    func(r *http.Request) bool {
        // Custom authentication logic
        return r.Header.Get("X-Custom-Auth") == "valid"

Limits the size of the request body:

middleware.MaxBodySize(maxSize int64) Middleware

Sets a timeout for the request:

middleware.Timeout(timeout time.Duration) Middleware

Adds CORS headers to the response:

middleware.CORS(origins []string, methods []string, headers []string) Middleware

Chains multiple middlewares together:

middleware.Chain(middlewares ...Middleware) Middleware

Adds Prometheus metrics collection:

	registry interface{},
	namespace string,
	subsystem string,
	enableLatency bool,
	enableThroughput bool,
	enableQPS bool,
	enableErrors bool,
) Middleware

Creates a handler for exposing Prometheus metrics:

middleware.PrometheusHandler(registry interface{}) http.Handler

Codec Reference

SRouter provides two built-in codecs:


Uses JSON for marshaling and unmarshaling:

codec.NewJSONCodec[T, U]() *codec.JSONCodec[T, U]

Uses Protocol Buffers for marshaling and unmarshaling:

codec.NewProtoCodec[T, U]() *codec.ProtoCodec[T, U]
Codec Interface

You can create your own codecs by implementing the Codec interface:

type Codec[T any, U any] interface {
	Decode(r *http.Request) (T, error)
	Encode(w http.ResponseWriter, resp U) error

Path Parameter Reference


Retrieves a specific parameter from the request context:

router.GetParam(r *http.Request, name string) string

Retrieves all parameters from the request context:

router.GetParams(r *http.Request) httprouter.Params

Error Handling Reference


Creates a new HTTPError:

router.NewHTTPError(statusCode int, message string) *router.HTTPError

Represents an HTTP error with a status code and message:

type HTTPError struct {
	StatusCode int
	Message    string

Performance Considerations

SRouter is designed to be highly performant. Here are some tips to get the best performance:

Path Matching

SRouter uses julienschmidt/httprouter's O(1) or O(log n) path matching algorithm, which is much faster than regular expression-based routers.

Middleware Ordering

The order of middlewares matters. Middlewares are applied in reverse order, so the first middleware in the list is the outermost (last to execute before the request, first to execute after the response).

Memory Allocation

SRouter minimizes allocations in the hot path. However, you can further reduce allocations by:

  • Reusing request and response objects when possible
  • Using sync.Pool for frequently allocated objects
  • Avoiding unnecessary string concatenation

Setting appropriate timeouts is crucial for performance and stability:

  • Global timeouts protect against slow clients and DoS attacks
  • Route-specific timeouts allow for different timeout values based on the expected response time of each route
Body Size Limits

Setting appropriate body size limits is important for security and performance:

  • Global body size limits protect against DoS attacks
  • Route-specific body size limits allow for different limits based on the expected request size of each route


SRouter uses intelligent logging with appropriate log levels to provide useful information without creating log spam:

  • Error: For server errors (status code 500+), timeouts, panics, and other exceptional conditions
  • Warn: For client errors (status code 400-499), slow requests (>1s), and potentially harmful situations
  • Info: For important operational information (used sparingly)
  • Debug: For detailed request metrics, tracing information, and other development-related data

This approach ensures that your logs contain the right information at the right level:

  • Critical issues are immediately visible at the Error level
  • Potential problems are highlighted at the Warn level
  • Normal operations are logged at the Debug level to avoid log spam

You can configure the log level of your zap.Logger to control the verbosity of the logs:

// Production: only show Error and above
logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()

// Development: show Debug and above
logger, _ := zap.NewDevelopment()

// Custom: show Info and above
config := zap.NewProductionConfig()
config.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)
logger, _ := config.Build()
Metrics and Tracing

SRouter provides built-in support for metrics collection and distributed tracing. You can enable these features by setting the EnableMetrics and EnableTracing flags in the RouterConfig:

routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
    // ...
    EnableMetrics: true,
    EnableTracing: true,
    // ...

When metrics are enabled, SRouter will log detailed information about each request, including:

  • HTTP method and path
  • Status code
  • Response time
  • Response size in bytes

When tracing is enabled, SRouter will log additional information about each request, including:

  • Remote address
  • User agent
  • Request headers
  • Request timing

This information can be used to monitor the performance of your application and identify bottlenecks.

Prometheus Metrics

SRouter also supports Prometheus metrics collection. You can enable this feature by providing a PrometheusConfig in the RouterConfig:

routerConfig := router.RouterConfig{
    // ...
    PrometheusConfig: &router.PrometheusConfig{
        Registry:         promRegistry,
        Namespace:        "myapp",
        Subsystem:        "api",
        EnableLatency:    true,
        EnableThroughput: true,
        EnableQPS:        true,
        EnableErrors:     true,
    // ...

The PrometheusConfig allows you to configure:

  • Registry: The Prometheus registry to use (e.g., prometheus.DefaultRegisterer)
  • Namespace: The namespace for metrics (e.g., "myapp")
  • Subsystem: The subsystem for metrics (e.g., "api")
  • EnableLatency: Whether to collect latency metrics
  • EnableThroughput: Whether to collect throughput metrics (bytes)
  • EnableQPS: Whether to collect queries per second metrics
  • EnableErrors: Whether to collect error metrics

You can expose the Prometheus metrics using the middleware.PrometheusHandler function:

http.Handle("/metrics", middleware.PrometheusHandler(promRegistry))

This will expose the metrics at the /metrics endpoint, which can be scraped by Prometheus.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Path Synopsis
Package codec provides encoding and decoding functionality for different data formats.
Package codec provides encoding and decoding functionality for different data formats.
Package common provides shared types and utilities used across the SRouter framework.
Package common provides shared types and utilities used across the SRouter framework.
Package middleware provides a collection of HTTP middleware components for the SRouter framework.
Package middleware provides a collection of HTTP middleware components for the SRouter framework.
Package router provides a flexible and feature-rich HTTP routing framework.
Package router provides a flexible and feature-rich HTTP routing framework.

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