Overview ¶
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Package aiven provides a client for using the Aiven API.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ContactEmailFromStringSlice(emails []string) *[]*ContactEmail
- func GetUserAgentOrDefault(userAgent string) string
- func IsAlreadyExists(err error) bool
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func PointerToString(s *string) string
- func ToStringPointer(s string) *string
- func Version() string
- type APIResponse
- type AWSPrivatelinkHandler
- func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string, principals []string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
- func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string, principals []string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- type AWSPrivatelinkRequest
- type AWSPrivatelinkResponse
- type AccessControl
- type Account
- type AccountAuthenticationListResponse
- type AccountAuthenticationMethod
- type AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate
- type AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate
- type AccountAuthenticationResponse
- type AccountAuthenticationsHandler
- func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Create(accountId string, a AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
- func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Delete(accountId, authId string) error
- func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Get(accountId, authId string) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
- func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) List(accountId string) (*AccountAuthenticationListResponse, error)
- func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Update(accountId, accountAuthMethID string, a AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
- type AccountResponse
- type AccountTeam
- type AccountTeamInvite
- type AccountTeamInvitesHandler
- type AccountTeamInvitesResponse
- type AccountTeamMember
- type AccountTeamMemberResponse
- type AccountTeamMembersHandler
- type AccountTeamMembersResponse
- type AccountTeamProject
- type AccountTeamProjectsHandler
- func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Create(accountId, teamId string, p AccountTeamProject) error
- func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId, projectName string) error
- func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) List(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamProjectsResponse, error)
- func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Update(accountId, teamId string, p AccountTeamProject) error
- type AccountTeamProjectsResponse
- type AccountTeamResponse
- type AccountTeamsHandler
- func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Create(accountId string, team AccountTeam) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
- func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId string) error
- func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Get(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
- func (h AccountTeamsHandler) List(accountId string) (*AccountTeamsResponse, error)
- func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Update(accountId, teamId string, team AccountTeam) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
- type AccountTeamsResponse
- type AccountsHandler
- func (h AccountsHandler) Create(account Account) (*AccountResponse, error)
- func (h AccountsHandler) Delete(id string) error
- func (h AccountsHandler) Get(id string) (*AccountResponse, error)
- func (h AccountsHandler) List() (*AccountsResponse, error)
- func (h AccountsHandler) Update(id string, account Account) (*AccountResponse, error)
- type AccountsResponse
- type AssociateStaticIPRequest
- type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse
- type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionUpdateRequest
- type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionsResponse
- type AzurePrivatelinkHandler
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove(project, serviceName, privatelinkConnectionId string) error
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet(project, serviceName string, connID *string) (*AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse, error)
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionUpdate(project, serviceName, privatelinkConnectionId string, ...) error
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList(project, serviceName string) (*AzurePrivatelinkConnectionsResponse, error)
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string, r AzurePrivatelinkRequest) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Refresh(project, serviceName string) error
- func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string, r AzurePrivatelinkRequest) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
- type AzurePrivatelinkRequest
- type AzurePrivatelinkResponse
- type Backup
- type BackupAdditionalRegion
- type BackupConfig
- type BillingGroup
- type BillingGroupHandler
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) AssignProjects(id string, projects []string) error
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Create(req BillingGroupRequest) (*BillingGroup, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Delete(id string) error
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Get(id string) (*BillingGroup, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) GetInvoice(id, invoiceNumber string) (*BillingGroupInvoiceResponse, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) GetProjects(id string) ([]string, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListAll() ([]BillingGroup, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListInvoices(id string) (*BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListLines(id, invoiceNumber string) (*BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse, error)
- func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Update(id string, req BillingGroupRequest) (*BillingGroup, error)
- type BillingGroupInvoice
- type BillingGroupInvoiceLine
- type BillingGroupInvoiceResponse
- type BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse
- type BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse
- type BillingGroupListResponse
- type BillingGroupProject
- type BillingGroupProjectsResponse
- type BillingGroupRequest
- type BillingGroupResponse
- type CAHandler
- type CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse
- type Card
- type CardListResponse
- type CardsHandler
- type ClickhouseCurrentQueriesResponse
- type ClickhouseCurrentQuery
- type ClickhouseDatabase
- type ClickhouseDatabaseHandler
- func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Create(project, service, database string) error
- func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Delete(project, service, database string) error
- func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Get(project, service, database string) (*ClickhouseDatabase, error)
- func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse, error)
- type ClickhouseDatabaseRequest
- type ClickhouseQueryColumnMeta
- type ClickhouseQueryHandler
- type ClickhouseQueryRequest
- type ClickhouseQueryResponse
- type ClickhouseUser
- type ClickhouseUserHandler
- func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Create(project, service, name string) (*ClickhouseUserResponse, error)
- func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Delete(project, service, uuid string) error
- func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Get(project, service, uuid string) (*ClickhouseUser, error)
- func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListClickhouseUserResponse, error)
- func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) ResetPassword(project, service, uuid, password string) (string, error)
- type ClickhouseUserPrivilege
- type ClickhouseUserRequest
- type ClickhouseUserResponse
- type ClickhouseUserRole
- type Client
- type ConnectionInfo
- type ConnectionPool
- type ConnectionPoolsHandler
- func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Create(project string, serviceName string, req CreateConnectionPoolRequest) (*ConnectionPool, error)
- func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, poolName string) error
- func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Get(project, serviceName, poolName string) (*ConnectionPool, error)
- func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*ConnectionPool, error)
- func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Update(project string, serviceName string, poolName string, ...) (*ConnectionPool, error)
- type ConsumerGroup
- type ContactEmail
- type CreateConnectionPoolRequest
- type CreateDatabaseRequest
- type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentRequest
- type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest
- type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse
- type CreateFlinkApplicationRequest
- type CreateFlinkJobRequest
- type CreateFlinkJobResponse
- type CreateKafkaACLRequest
- type CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest
- type CreateKafkaTopicRequest
- type CreateProjectInvitationRequest
- type CreateProjectRequest
- type CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest
- type CreateServiceIntegrationRequest
- type CreateServiceRequest
- type CreateServiceUserRequest
- type CreateStaticIPRequest
- type CreateStaticIPResponse
- type CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest
- type CreateVPCRequest
- type Database
- type DatabaseListResponse
- type DatabasesHandler
- func (h *DatabasesHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateDatabaseRequest) (*Database, error)
- func (h *DatabasesHandler) Delete(project, service, database string) error
- func (h *DatabasesHandler) Get(projectName, serviceName, databaseName string) (*Database, error)
- func (h *DatabasesHandler) List(project, service string) ([]*Database, error)
- type DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type DeleteStaticIPRequest
- type DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse
- type DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse
- type ElasticSearchACL
- type ElasticSearchACLConfig
- type ElasticSearchACLResponse
- type ElasticSearchACLsHandler
- type ElasticsearchACLRequest
- type ElasticsearchACLRule
- type Error
- type FlinkApplicationDeployment
- type FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Cancel(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Create(project, service, applicationId string, ...) (*CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Delete(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Get(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) List(project, service, applicationId string) (*ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Stop(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
- type FlinkApplicationHandler
- func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Create(project string, service string, req CreateFlinkApplicationRequest) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Delete(project string, service string, applicationID string) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Get(project string, service string, applicationID string) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) List(project string, service string) (*FlinkApplicationListResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Update(project string, service string, applicationID string, ...) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
- type FlinkApplicationListResponse
- type FlinkApplicationQueryHandler
- func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) CancelJob(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) (*CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Create(project, service, applicationId string, req CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest) (*CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Delete(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) error
- func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Get(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) (*GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) List(project, service, applicationId string) (*ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
- type FlinkApplicationVersion
- type FlinkApplicationVersionCreateInput
- type FlinkApplicationVersionHandler
- func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Create(project string, service string, applicationID string, ...) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Delete(project string, service string, applicationID string, ...) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Get(project string, service string, applicationID string, ...) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Validate(project string, service string, applicationID string, ...) (*ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
- type FlinkApplicationVersionRelation
- type FlinkJobHandler
- func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateFlinkJobRequest) (*CreateFlinkJobResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Get(project, service string, req GetFlinkJobRequest) (*GetFlinkJobResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkJobHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListFlinkJobResponse, error)
- func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Patch(project, service string, req PatchFlinkJobRequest) error
- func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Validate(project, service string, req ValidateFlinkJobRequest) (*ValidateFlinkJobResponse, error)
- type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionApproveRequest
- type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse
- type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse
- type GCPPrivatelinkHandler
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove(project, serviceName, connID string, ...) error
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet(project, serviceName string, connID *string) (*GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse, error)
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse, error)
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Refresh(project, serviceName string) error
- func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
- type GCPPrivatelinkResponse
- type GenericFlinkApplicationResponse
- type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest
- type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse
- type GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse
- type GetFlinkJobRequest
- type GetFlinkJobResponse
- type GetServicePlanPricingResponse
- type GetServicePlanResponse
- type IntegrationEndpointType
- type IntegrationType
- type KafkaACL
- type KafkaACLHandler
- func (h *KafkaACLHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaACLRequest) (*KafkaACL, error)
- func (h *KafkaACLHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, aclID string) error
- func (h *KafkaACLHandler) Get(project, serviceName, aclID string) (*KafkaACL, error)
- func (h *KafkaACLHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*KafkaACL, error)
- type KafkaACLResponse
- type KafkaConnector
- type KafkaConnectorConfig
- type KafkaConnectorPlugin
- type KafkaConnectorResponse
- type KafkaConnectorStatus
- type KafkaConnectorStatusResponse
- type KafkaConnectorTask
- type KafkaConnectorTaskStatus
- type KafkaConnectorsHandler
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Create(project, service string, c KafkaConnectorConfig) error
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Delete(project, service, name string) error
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) GetByName(project, service, name string) (*KafkaConnector, error)
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) List(project, service string) (*KafkaConnectorsResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Status(project, service, name string) (*KafkaConnectorStatusResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Update(project, service, name string, c KafkaConnectorConfig) (*KafkaConnectorResponse, error)
- type KafkaConnectorsResponse
- type KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler
- type KafkaListTopic
- type KafkaSchemaConfig
- type KafkaSchemaConfigResponse
- type KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse
- type KafkaSchemaRegistryACL
- type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler
- func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest) (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
- func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, aclID string) error
- func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Get(project, serviceName, aclID string) (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
- func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
- type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLResponse
- type KafkaSchemaSubject
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersion
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersions
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse
- type KafkaSchemaSubjects
- type KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse
- type KafkaSchemaValidateResponse
- type KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Add(project, service, name string, subject KafkaSchemaSubject) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Delete(project, service, name string, versions error
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Get(project, service, name string, version int) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetConfiguration(project, service, subjectName string) (*KafkaSchemaConfigResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetVersions(project, service, name string) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) List(project, service string) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) UpdateConfiguration(project, service, subjectName, compatibility string) (*KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse, error)
- func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Validate(project, service, name string, version int, subject KafkaSchemaSubject) (bool, error)
- type KafkaTopic
- type KafkaTopicConfig
- type KafkaTopicConfigResponse
- type KafkaTopicConfigResponseBool
- type KafkaTopicConfigResponseFloat
- type KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt
- type KafkaTopicConfigResponseString
- type KafkaTopicResponse
- type KafkaTopicTag
- type KafkaTopicsHandler
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaTopicRequest) error
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Delete(project, service, topic string) error
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Get(project, service, topic string) (*KafkaTopic, error)
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) List(project, service string) ([]*KafkaListTopic, error)
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Update(project, service, topic string, req UpdateKafkaTopicRequest) error
- func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) V2List(project, service string, topics []string) ([]*KafkaTopic, error)
- type KafkaTopicsResponse
- type KafkaV2TopicsResponse
- type ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse
- type ListClickhouseUserResponse
- type ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse
- type ListFlinkJobResponse
- type ListStaticIPResponse
- type MaintenanceUpdate
- type MaintenanceWindow
- type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler
- func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Create(project, service string, req MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest) error
- func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Delete(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string) error
- func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Get(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse, error)
- func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) List(project, service string) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse, error)
- func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Update(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string, ...) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse, error)
- type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest
- type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse
- type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse
- type ModifyServiceUserRequest
- type MySQLParams
- type NewServiceIntegration
- type NodeState
- type OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse
- type OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest
- type OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler
- func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Enable(project string, service string, req OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
- func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Get(project string, service string) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
- func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) UpdatePassword(project string, service string, ...) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
- type OpenSearchSecurityPluginUpdatePasswordRequest
- type OrganizationHandler
- type OrganizationInfo
- type OrganizationMemberInfo
- type OrganizationUserGroupHandler
- func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Create(orgID string, req OrganizationUserGroupRequest) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
- func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Delete(orgID, userGroupID string) error
- func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Get(orgID, userGroupID string) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
- func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) List(orgID string) (*OrganizationUserGroupListResponse, error)
- func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Update(orgID, userGroupID string, req OrganizationUserGroupRequest) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
- type OrganizationUserGroupListResponse
- type OrganizationUserGroupMember
- type OrganizationUserGroupMemberRequest
- type OrganizationUserGroupMemberUserInfo
- type OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler
- type OrganizationUserGroupMembersListResponse
- type OrganizationUserGroupRequest
- type OrganizationUserGroupResponse
- type OrganizationUserHandler
- type OrganizationUserInfo
- type OrganizationUserInvitationAddRequest
- type OrganizationUserInvitationInfo
- type OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler
- type OrganizationUserInvitationsList
- type OrganizationUserList
- type Partition
- type PatchFlinkJobRequest
- type PostgresParams
- type ProgressUpdate
- type Project
- type ProjectCAResponse
- type ProjectEvent
- type ProjectEventLogEntriesResponse
- type ProjectIntegrationEndpointTypesResponse
- type ProjectIntegrationTypesResponse
- type ProjectInvitation
- type ProjectInvitationsAndUsersListResponse
- type ProjectListResponse
- type ProjectResponse
- type ProjectServiceTypesResponse
- type ProjectUser
- type ProjectUsersHandler
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteInvitation(project, email string) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUser(project, email string) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUserOrInvitation(project, email string) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) Get(project, email string) (*ProjectUser, *ProjectInvitation, error)
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) Invite(project string, req CreateProjectInvitationRequest) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) List(project string) ([]*ProjectUser, []*ProjectInvitation, error)
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateInvitation(project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUser(project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest) error
- func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUserOrInvitation(project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest) error
- type ProjectsHandler
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) Create(req CreateProjectRequest) (*Project, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) Delete(project string) error
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) Get(project string) (*Project, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) GetEventLog(project string) ([]*ProjectEvent, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) IntegrationEndpointTypes(project string) ([]IntegrationEndpointType, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) IntegrationTypes(project string) ([]IntegrationType, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) List() ([]*Project, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) ServiceTypes(project string) (map[string]ServiceType, error)
- func (h *ProjectsHandler) Update(project string, req UpdateProjectRequest) (*Project, error)
- type ReplicationFlow
- type Response
- type SAMLFieldMapping
- type Service
- type ServiceComponents
- type ServiceFeatures
- type ServiceIntegration
- type ServiceIntegrationEndpoint
- type ServiceIntegrationEndpointListResponse
- type ServiceIntegrationEndpointResponse
- type ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Create(project string, req CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Delete(project, endpointID string) error
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Get(project, endpointID string) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) List(project string) ([]*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Update(project string, endpointID string, req UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
- type ServiceIntegrationListResponse
- type ServiceIntegrationResponse
- type ServiceIntegrationsHandler
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Create(project string, req CreateServiceIntegrationRequest) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Delete(project, integrationID string) error
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Get(project, integrationID string) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) List(project, service string) ([]*ServiceIntegration, error)
- func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Update(project string, integrationID string, req UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
- type ServiceListResponse
- type ServicePlan
- type ServiceResponse
- type ServiceTagsHandler
- type ServiceTagsRequest
- type ServiceTagsResponse
- type ServiceTask
- type ServiceTaskHandler
- type ServiceTaskRequest
- type ServiceTaskResponse
- type ServiceType
- type ServiceTypesHandler
- type ServiceUser
- type ServiceUserResponse
- type ServiceUsersHandler
- func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateServiceUserRequest) (*ServiceUser, error)
- func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Delete(project, service, user string) error
- func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Get(project, serviceName, username string) (*ServiceUser, error)
- func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*ServiceUser, error)
- func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Update(project, service, username string, update ModifyServiceUserRequest) (*ServiceUser, error)
- type ServicesHandler
- func (h *ServicesHandler) Create(project string, req CreateServiceRequest) (*Service, error)
- func (h *ServicesHandler) Delete(project, service string) error
- func (h *ServicesHandler) Get(project, service string) (*Service, error)
- func (h *ServicesHandler) List(project string) ([]*Service, error)
- func (h *ServicesHandler) Update(project, service string, req UpdateServiceRequest) (*Service, error)
- type StaticIP
- type StaticIPsHandler
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Associate(project, staticIPID string, req AssociateStaticIPRequest) error
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Create(project string, req CreateStaticIPRequest) (*CreateStaticIPResponse, error)
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Delete(project string, req DeleteStaticIPRequest) error
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Dissociate(project, staticIPID string) error
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Get(project, staticIPID string) (*StaticIP, error)
- func (h *StaticIPsHandler) List(project string) (*ListStaticIPResponse, error)
- type StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse
- type Token
- type TransitGatewayVPCAttachment
- type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler
- type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentRequest
- type UpdateConnectionPoolRequest
- type UpdateFlinkApplicationRequest
- type UpdateKafkaTopicRequest
- type UpdateProjectRequest
- type UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest
- type UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest
- type UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest
- type UpdateServiceRequest
- type UserConfigSchema
- type VPC
- type VPCListResponse
- type VPCPeeringConnection
- type VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Create(project string, vpcID string, req CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Delete(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC string) error
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeering(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC string, peerRegion *string) error
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC, peerResourceGroup string, ...) error
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Get(project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeering(project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string, ...) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup(project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string, ...) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) List(project, vpcID string) ([]*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
- type VPCsHandler
- type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse
- type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionStatementError
- type ValidateFlinkJobRequest
- type ValidateFlinkJobResponse
Constants ¶
const ( UpdateOperationResetCredentials = "reset-credentials" UpdateOperationSetAccessControl = "set-access-control" )
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrNoResponseData is uses when there is no data available in the response. ErrNoResponseData = errors.New("no response data available") // ErrInvalidHost is used when the provided host is formatted incorrectly. ErrInvalidHost = errors.New("host wasn't specified in the correct format: `hostname:port`") )
Functions ¶
func ContactEmailFromStringSlice ¶ added in v1.5.8
func ContactEmailFromStringSlice(emails []string) *[]*ContactEmail
ContactEmailFromStringSlice creates []*ContactEmail from string slice
func GetUserAgentOrDefault ¶ added in v1.2.0
GetUserAgentOrDefault configures a default userAgent value, if one has not been provided.
func IsAlreadyExists ¶ added in v1.5.11
IsAlreadyExists returns true if the error message and error code that indicates that entity already exists
func IsNotFound ¶ added in v1.5.8
IsNotFound returns true if the specified error has status 404
func PointerToString ¶ added in v1.8.0
func ToStringPointer ¶ added in v1.5.13
ToStringPointer converts string to a string pointer
Types ¶
type APIResponse ¶
type APIResponse struct { Errors []Error `json:"errors,omitempty"` Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
APIResponse represents a response returned by the Aiven API.
func (APIResponse) GetError ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (r APIResponse) GetError() error
GetError returns the first error from API Response, if any
type AWSPrivatelinkHandler ¶ added in v1.5.13
type AWSPrivatelinkHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSPrivatelinkHandler is the client that interacts with the AWS Privatelink API on Aiven.
func (*AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string, principals []string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Create creates an AWS Privatelink
func (*AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
Delete deletes an AWS Privatelink
func (*AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Get retrieves an AWS Privatelink
func (*AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *AWSPrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string, principals []string) (*AWSPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Update updates an AWS Privatelink
type AWSPrivatelinkRequest ¶ added in v1.5.13
type AWSPrivatelinkRequest struct {
Principals []string `json:"principals"`
AWSPrivatelinkRequest holds the parameters to create a new or update an existing AWS Privatelink.
type AWSPrivatelinkResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type AWSPrivatelinkResponse struct { APIResponse AWSServiceID string `json:"aws_service_id"` AWSServiceName string `json:"aws_service_name"` State string `json:"state"` Principals []string `json:"principals"` }
AWSPrivatelinkResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the AWS Privatelink.
type AccessControl ¶ added in v1.5.11
type AccessControl struct { M3Group *string `json:"m3_group"` RedisACLCategories []string `json:"redis_acl_categories"` RedisACLCommands []string `json:"redis_acl_commands"` RedisACLKeys []string `json:"redis_acl_keys"` RedisACLChannels []string `json:"redis_acl_channels"` PostgresAllowReplication *bool `json:"pg_allow_replication"` }
func (AccessControl) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (ac AccessControl) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements a custom marshalling process for AccessControl where only null fields are omitted
type Account ¶ added in v1.5.0
type Account struct { Id string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"account_name"` OwnerTeamId string `json:"account_owner_team_id,omitempty"` CreateTime *time.Time `json:"create_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime *time.Time `json:"update_time,omitempty"` BillingEnabled bool `json:"account_billing_enabled,omitempty"` TenantId string `json:"tenant_id,omitempty"` PrimaryBillingGroupId string `json:"primary_billing_group_id,omitempty"` IsAccountOwner bool `json:"is_account_owner,omitempty"` ParentAccountId string `json:"parent_account_id,omitempty"` OrganizationId string `json:"organization_id,omitempty"` }
Account represents account
type AccountAuthenticationListResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AccountAuthenticationListResponse struct { APIResponse AuthenticationMethods []AccountAuthenticationMethod `json:"authentication_methods"` }
AccountAuthenticationListResponse represents account list of available authentication methods API response
type AccountAuthenticationMethod ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountAuthenticationMethod struct { AccountID string `json:"account_id"` AuthenticationMethodEnabled bool `json:"authentication_method_enabled"` AuthenticationMethodID string `json:"authentication_method_id"` AuthenticationMethodName string `json:"authentication_method_name"` AuthenticationMethodType string `json:"authentication_method_type"` AutoJoinTeamID string `json:"auto_join_team_id"` CreateTime *time.Time `json:"create_time"` DeleteTime *time.Time `json:"delete_time"` SAMLAcsURL string `json:"saml_acs_url,omitempty"` SAMLCertificate string `json:"saml_certificate,omitempty"` SAMLCertificateIssuer string `json:"saml_certificate_issuer,omitempty"` SAMLCertificateNotValidAfter string `json:"saml_certificate_not_valid_after,omitempty"` SAMLCertificateNotValidBefore string `json:"saml_certificate_not_valid_before,omitempty"` SAMLCertificateSubject string `json:"saml_certificate_subject,omitempty"` SAMLDigestAlgorithm string `json:"saml_digest_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLEntityID string `json:"saml_entity_id,omitempty"` SAMLFieldMapping *SAMLFieldMapping `json:"saml_field_mapping,omitempty"` SAMLIdpLoginAllowed bool `json:"saml_idp_login_allowed,omitempty"` SAMLIdpURL string `json:"saml_idp_url,omitempty"` SAMLMetadataURL string `json:"saml_metadata_url,omitempty"` SAMLSignatureAlgorithm string `json:"saml_signature_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLVariant string `json:"saml_variant,omitempty"` State string `json:"state"` UpdateTime *time.Time `json:"update_time"` }
AccountAuthenticationMethod response object for AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate
type AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate struct { AuthenticationMethodName string `json:"authentication_method_name"` AuthenticationMethodType string `json:"authentication_method_type"` AutoJoinTeamID string `json:"auto_join_team_id,omitempty"` SAMLCertificate string `json:"saml_certificate,omitempty"` SAMLDigestAlgorithm string `json:"saml_digest_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLEntityID string `json:"saml_entity_id,omitempty"` SAMLFieldMapping *SAMLFieldMapping `json:"saml_field_mapping,omitempty"` SAMLIdpLoginAllowed bool `json:"saml_idp_login_allowed,omitempty"` SAMLIdpURL string `json:"saml_idp_url,omitempty"` SAMLSignatureAlgorithm string `json:"saml_signature_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLVariant string `json:"saml_variant,omitempty"` }
AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate request object for AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate
type AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate struct { AuthenticationMethodEnabled bool `json:"authentication_method_enabled,omitempty"` AuthenticationMethodName string `json:"authentication_method_name"` AutoJoinTeamID string `json:"auto_join_team_id,omitempty"` SAMLCertificate string `json:"saml_certificate,omitempty"` SAMLDigestAlgorithm string `json:"saml_digest_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLEntity string `json:"saml_entity_id,omitempty"` SAMLFieldMapping *SAMLFieldMapping `json:"saml_field_mapping,omitempty"` SAMLIdpLoginAllowed bool `json:"saml_idp_login_allowed,omitempty"` SAMLIdpURL string `json:"saml_idp_url,omitempty"` SAMLSignatureAlgorithm string `json:"saml_signature_algorithm,omitempty"` SAMLVariant string `json:"saml_variant,omitempty"` }
AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate request object for AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate
type AccountAuthenticationResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountAuthenticationResponse struct { APIResponse AuthenticationMethod AccountAuthenticationMethod `json:"authentication_method"` }
AccountAuthenticationResponse represents account an available authentication method API response
type AccountAuthenticationsHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountAuthenticationsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountAuthenticationsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Account Authentications
func (AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Create(accountId string, a AccountAuthenticationMethodCreate) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
Create creates an account authentication method
func (AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Delete(accountId, authId string) error
Delete deletes an account authentication method
func (AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Get(accountId, authId string) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
Get returns a list of all available account authentication methods
func (AccountAuthenticationsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) List(accountId string) (*AccountAuthenticationListResponse, error)
List returns a list of all available account authentication methods
func (AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountAuthenticationsHandler) Update(accountId, accountAuthMethID string, a AccountAuthenticationMethodUpdate) (*AccountAuthenticationResponse, error)
Update updates an account authentication method empty fields are omitted, acts like PATCH
type AccountResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountResponse struct { APIResponse Account Account `json:"account"` }
AccountResponse represents a Account response
type AccountTeam ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeam struct { AccountId string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` Id string `json:"team_id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"team_name"` CreateTime *time.Time `json:"create_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime *time.Time `json:"update_time,omitempty"` }
AccountTeam represents account team
type AccountTeamInvite ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamInvite struct { AccountId string `json:"account_id"` AccountName string `json:"account_name"` InvitedByUserEmail string `json:"invited_by_user_email"` TeamId string `json:"team_id"` TeamName string `json:"team_name"` UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` CreateTime *time.Time `json:"create_time,omitempty"` }
AccountTeamInvite represents account team invite
type AccountTeamInvitesHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamInvitesHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountTeamInvitesHandler Aiven go-client handler for Account Invites
func (AccountTeamInvitesHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.2
func (h AccountTeamInvitesHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId, userEmail string) error
Delete deletes a list of all available account invitations
func (AccountTeamInvitesHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamInvitesHandler) List(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamInvitesResponse, error)
List returns a list of all available account invitations
type AccountTeamInvitesResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamInvitesResponse struct { APIResponse Invites []AccountTeamInvite `json:"account_invites"` }
AccountTeamInvitesResponse represents account team list of invites API response
type AccountTeamMember ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamMember struct { UserId string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` RealName string `json:"real_name,omitempty"` TeamId string `json:"team_id,omitempty"` TeamName string `json:"team_name,omitempty"` UserEmail string `json:"user_email,omitempty"` CreateTime *time.Time `json:"create_time,omitempty"` UpdateTime *time.Time `json:"update_time,omitempty"` }
AccountTeamMember represents an account team member
type AccountTeamMemberResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamMemberResponse struct { APIResponse Member AccountTeamMember `json:"member"` }
AccountTeamMemberResponse represents a account team member API response
type AccountTeamMembersHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamMembersHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountTeamMembersHandler Aiven go-client handler for Account Team Members
func (AccountTeamMembersHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamMembersHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId, userId string) error
Delete deletes an existing account team member
func (AccountTeamMembersHandler) Invite ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamMembersHandler) Invite(accountId, teamId, email string) error
Invite invites a team member
func (AccountTeamMembersHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamMembersHandler) List(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamMembersResponse, error)
List returns a list of all existing account team members
type AccountTeamMembersResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamMembersResponse struct { APIResponse Members []AccountTeamMember `json:"members"` }
AccountTeamMembersResponse represents account team members API response
type AccountTeamProject ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamProject struct { ProjectName string `json:"project_name,omitempty"` // team type could be one of the following values: admin, developer, operator amd read_only TeamType string `json:"team_type,omitempty"` }
AccountTeamProject represents account team associated project
type AccountTeamProjectsHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamProjectsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountTeamProjectsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Account Team Projects
func (AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Create(accountId, teamId string, p AccountTeamProject) error
Create creates account team project association
func (AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId, projectName string) error
Delete deletes account team project association
func (AccountTeamProjectsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) List(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamProjectsResponse, error)
List returns a list of all existing account team projects
func (AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamProjectsHandler) Update(accountId, teamId string, p AccountTeamProject) error
Update updates account team project association
type AccountTeamProjectsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamProjectsResponse struct { APIResponse Projects []AccountTeamProject `json:"projects"` }
AccountTeamProjectsResponse represents account team list of associated projects API response
type AccountTeamResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamResponse struct { APIResponse Team AccountTeam `json:"team"` }
AccountTeamResponse represents account team API response
type AccountTeamsHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountTeamsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Account Teams
func (AccountTeamsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Create(accountId string, team AccountTeam) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
Create creates an account team
func (AccountTeamsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Delete(accountId, teamId string) error
Delete deletes an account team
func (AccountTeamsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Get(accountId, teamId string) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
Get retrieves an existing account team by account and team id`s
func (AccountTeamsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamsHandler) List(accountId string) (*AccountTeamsResponse, error)
List returns a list of all existing account teams
func (AccountTeamsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountTeamsHandler) Update(accountId, teamId string, team AccountTeam) (*AccountTeamResponse, error)
Update updates an account team
type AccountTeamsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountTeamsResponse struct { APIResponse Teams []AccountTeam `json:"teams"` }
AccountTeamsResponse represents account list of teams API response
type AccountsHandler ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Accounts
func (AccountsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountsHandler) Create(account Account) (*AccountResponse, error)
Create creates new account
func (AccountsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountsHandler) Delete(id string) error
Delete deletes an existing account by id
func (AccountsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountsHandler) Get(id string) (*AccountResponse, error)
Get retrieves account by id
func (AccountsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountsHandler) List() (*AccountsResponse, error)
List returns a list of all existing accounts
func (AccountsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (h AccountsHandler) Update(id string, account Account) (*AccountResponse, error)
Update updates an existing account
type AccountsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.0
type AccountsResponse struct { APIResponse Accounts []Account `json:"accounts"` }
AccountsResponse represents Accounts (list of accounts) response
type AssociateStaticIPRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AssociateStaticIPRequest struct {
ServiceName string `json:"service_name"`
AssociateStaticIPRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/static-ips/<static-ip>/association
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse struct { APIResponse PrivateEndpointID string `json:"private_endpoint_id"` PrivatelinkConnectionID string `json:"privatelink_connection_id"` State string `json:"state"` UserIPAddress string `json:"user_ip_address"` }
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionUpdateRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionUpdateRequest struct {
UserIPAddress string `json:"user_ip_address"`
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionsResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type AzurePrivatelinkConnectionsResponse struct { APIResponse Connections []AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse }
type AzurePrivatelinkHandler ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AzurePrivatelinkHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzurePrivatelinkHandler is the client that interacts with the Azure Privatelink API on Aiven.
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove(project, serviceName, privatelinkConnectionId string) error
ConnectionApprove approves an Azure Privatelink connection
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet(project, serviceName string, connID *string) (*AzurePrivatelinkConnectionResponse, error)
ConnectionGet retrieves a Azure Privatelink connection. This is a convenience function that fetches all connections and filters by ID because the API does not support fetching by ID. It fetches all connections and filters by ID and returns a fake 404 if nothing is found.
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionUpdate ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionUpdate(project, serviceName, privatelinkConnectionId string, req AzurePrivatelinkConnectionUpdateRequest) error
ConnectionUpdate updates an Azure Privatelink connection
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList(project, serviceName string) (*AzurePrivatelinkConnectionsResponse, error)
ConnectionApprove approves an Azure Privatelink connection
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string, r AzurePrivatelinkRequest) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
Create creates an Azure Privatelink
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
Delete deletes an Azure Privatelink
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
Get retrieves an Azure Privatelink
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Refresh ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Refresh(project, serviceName string) error
Refresh refreshes an Azure Privatelink
func (*AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *AzurePrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string, r AzurePrivatelinkRequest) (*AzurePrivatelinkResponse, error)
Update updates an Azure Privatelink
type AzurePrivatelinkRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AzurePrivatelinkRequest struct {
UserSubscriptionIDs []string `json:"user_subscription_ids"`
AzurePrivatelinkRequest holds the parameters to create a new or update an existing Azure Privatelink.
type AzurePrivatelinkResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type AzurePrivatelinkResponse struct { APIResponse AzureServiceAlias string `json:"azure_service_alias"` AzureServiceID string `json:"azure_service_id"` Message string `json:"message"` State string `json:"state"` UserSubscriptionIDs []string `json:"user_subscription_ids"` }
AzurePrivatelinkResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Azure Privatelink.
type Backup ¶
type Backup struct { BackupTime string `json:"backup_time"` BackupName string `json:"backup_name"` DataSize int `json:"data_size"` StorageLocation string `json:"storage_location"` AdditionalRegions []*BackupAdditionalRegion `json:"additional_regions"` }
Backup represents an individual backup of service data on Aiven
type BackupAdditionalRegion ¶ added in v1.8.0
BackupAdditionalRegion represents a remote region where the backup is synchronized
type BackupConfig ¶ added in v1.8.0
type BackupConfig struct { FrequentIntervalMinutes int `json:"frequent_interval_minutes"` FrequentOldestAgeMinutes int `json:"frequent_oldest_age_minutes"` InfrequentIntervalMinutes int `json:"infrequent_interval_minutes"` InfrequentOldestAgeMinutes int `json:"infrequent_oldest_age_minutes"` Interval int `json:"interval"` MaxCount int `json:"max_count"` RecoveryMode string `json:"recovery_mode"` }
BackupConfig represents a backup config.
type BillingGroup ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroup struct { BillingGroupRequest Id string `json:"billing_group_id"` }
BillingGroup represents an billing group
type BillingGroupHandler ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BillingGroupHandler is the client that interacts with billing groups on Aiven
func (*BillingGroupHandler) AssignProjects ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) AssignProjects(id string, projects []string) error
AssignProjects assigns projects to the billing group
func (*BillingGroupHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Create(req BillingGroupRequest) (*BillingGroup, error)
Create creates a new project.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Delete(id string) error
Delete removes the given billing group.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Get(id string) (*BillingGroup, error)
Get returns gets the specified billing group.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) GetInvoice ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) GetInvoice(id, invoiceNumber string) (*BillingGroupInvoiceResponse, error)
GetInvoice gets the specified invoice for the billing group.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) GetProjects ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) GetProjects(id string) ([]string, error)
GetProjects retrieves a list of assigned projects
func (*BillingGroupHandler) ListAll ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListAll() ([]BillingGroup, error)
ListAll retrieves a list of all billing groups
func (*BillingGroupHandler) ListInvoices ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListInvoices(id string) (*BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse, error)
ListInvoices lists invoices for the billing group.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) ListLines ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) ListLines(id, invoiceNumber string) (*BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse, error)
ListLines lists invoice lines for the billing group's invoice.
func (*BillingGroupHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *BillingGroupHandler) Update(id string, req BillingGroupRequest) (*BillingGroup, error)
Update modifies the specified billing group with the given parameters.
type BillingGroupInvoice ¶ added in v1.33.0
type BillingGroupInvoice struct { // BillingGroupId is the billing group ID. BillingGroupId string `json:"billing_group_id"` // BillingGroupName is the billing group name. BillingGroupName string `json:"billing_group_name"` // BillingGroupState is the billing group state. BillingGroupState string `json:"billing_group_state"` // Currency is the currency of the invoice. Currency string `json:"currency"` // DownloadCookie is the authentication cookie for downloading the invoice. DownloadCookie string `json:"download_cookie"` // GeneratedAt is the time when the invoice was generated. GeneratedAt *string `json:"generated_at,omitempty"` // InvoiceNumber is the invoice number. InvoiceNumber string `json:"invoice_number"` // PeriodBegin is the start of the billing period. PeriodBegin string `json:"period_begin"` // PeriodEnd is the end of the billing period. PeriodEnd string `json:"period_end"` // State is the state of the invoice. State string `json:"state"` // TotalIncVAT is the total amount including VAT. TotalIncVAT string `json:"total_inc_vat"` // TotalVAT is the total amount excluding VAT. TotalVATZero string `json:"total_vat_zero"` }
BillingGroupInvoice is the structure of the billing group invoice.
type BillingGroupInvoiceLine ¶ added in v1.33.0
type BillingGroupInvoiceLine struct { // CloudName is the name of the cloud. CloudName *string `json:"cloud_name,omitempty"` // CommitmentName is the name of the commitment. CommitmentName *string `json:"commitment_name,omitempty"` // Description is the human-readable description of the line. Description string `json:"description"` // LinePreDiscountLocal is the line amount before discount in local currency. LinePreDiscountLocal *string `json:"line_pre_discount_local,omitempty"` // LineTotalLocal is the line total in local currency. LineTotalLocal *string `json:"line_total_local,omitempty"` // LineTotalUSD is the line total in USD. LineTotalUSD string `json:"line_total_usd"` // LineType is the type of the line. LineType string `json:"line_type"` // LocalCurrency is the local currency. LocalCurrency *string `json:"local_currency,omitempty"` // ProjectName is the name of the project. ProjectName *string `json:"project_name,omitempty"` // ServiceName is the name of the service. ServiceName *string `json:"service_name,omitempty"` // ServicePlan is the name of the service plan. ServicePlan *string `json:"service_plan,omitempty"` // ServiceType is the type of the service. ServiceType *string `json:"service_type,omitempty"` // Tags is the list of tags. Tags *string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // TimestampBegin is the start of the line. TimestampBegin *string `json:"timestamp_begin,omitempty"` // TimestampEnd is the end of the line. TimestampEnd *string `json:"timestamp_end,omitempty"` }
BillingGroupInvoiceLine is the structure of the billing group invoice line.
type BillingGroupInvoiceResponse ¶ added in v1.33.0
type BillingGroupInvoiceResponse struct { APIResponse // Invoice is the invoice. Invoice BillingGroupInvoice `json:"invoice"` }
BillingGroupInvoiceResponse is the response from Aiven for the billing group invoice.
type BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse ¶ added in v1.33.0
type BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse struct { APIResponse // Lines is the list of invoice lines. Lines []BillingGroupInvoiceLine `json:"lines"` }
BillingGroupListInvoiceLinesResponse is the response from Aiven for the billing group invoice lines.
type BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse ¶ added in v1.33.0
type BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse struct { APIResponse // Invoices is the list of invoices. Invoices []BillingGroupInvoice `json:"invoices"` }
BillingGroupListInvoicesResponse is the response from Aiven for the billing group invoices.
type BillingGroupListResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupListResponse struct { APIResponse BillingGroupList []BillingGroup `json:"billing_groups"` }
BillingGroupListResponse is the response from Aiven from a list of billing groups.
type BillingGroupProject ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupProject struct { AvailableCredits string `json:"available_credits"` EstimatedBalance string `json:"estimated_balance"` ProjectName string `json:"project_name"` }
BillingGroupProject is assigned billing group project response
type BillingGroupProjectsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupProjectsResponse struct { APIResponse Projects []BillingGroupProject `json:"projects,omitempty"` }
BillingGroupProjectsResponse is the response from Aiven for the billing group projects
type BillingGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupRequest struct { BillingGroupName string `json:"billing_group_name,omitempty"` AccountId *string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` CardId *string `json:"card_id,omitempty"` VatId *string `json:"vat_id,omitempty"` BillingCurrency *string `json:"billing_currency,omitempty"` BillingExtraText *string `json:"billing_extra_text,omitempty"` BillingEmails []*ContactEmail `json:"billing_emails,omitempty"` Company *string `json:"company,omitempty"` AddressLines []string `json:"address_lines,omitempty"` CountryCode *string `json:"country_code,omitempty"` City *string `json:"city,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` ZipCode *string `json:"zip_code,omitempty"` CopyFromBillingGroup *string `json:"copy_from_billing_group,omitempty"` }
BillingGroupRequest is the request from Aiven for the billing group endpoints.
type BillingGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type BillingGroupResponse struct { APIResponse BillingGroup *BillingGroup `json:"billing_group"` }
BillingGroupResponse is the response from Aiven for the billing group endpoints.
type CAHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CAHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CAHandler is the client which interacts with the Projects CA endpoint on Aiven.
type CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse FlinkApplicationDeployment }
CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment/<deployment_id>/cancel
type CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse struct { APIResponse Details string `json:"details"` Canceled bool `json:"canceled"` }
CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse Aiven API response PATCH<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/query/<query_id>/cancel_job
type Card ¶
type Card struct { Brand string `json:"brand"` CardID string `json:"card_id"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` ExpMonth int `json:"exp_month"` ExpYear int `json:"exp_year"` Last4 string `json:"last4"` Name string `json:"name"` ProjectNames []string `json:"projects"` }
Card represents the card model on Aiven.
type CardListResponse ¶
type CardListResponse struct { APIResponse Cards []*Card `json:"cards"` }
CardListResponse is the response for listing cards.
type CardsHandler ¶
type CardsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CardsHandler is the client that interacts with the cards endpoints on Aiven.
func (*CardsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *CardsHandler) Get(cardID string) (*Card, error)
Get card by card ID. The ID may be either last 4 digits of the card or the actual ID
func (*CardsHandler) List ¶
func (h *CardsHandler) List() ([]*Card, error)
List returns all the cards linked to the authenticated account.
type ClickhouseCurrentQueriesResponse ¶ added in v1.20.0
type ClickhouseCurrentQueriesResponse struct { APIResponse Queries []ClickhouseCurrentQuery }
ClickhouseCurrentQueriesResponse aiven go-client clickhouse current queries response
type ClickhouseCurrentQuery ¶ added in v1.20.0
type ClickhouseDatabase ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseDatabaseHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseDatabaseHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClickhouseDatabaseHandler aiven go-client handler for Clickhouse Databases
func (*ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Create(project, service, database string) error
Create creates a ClickHouse job
func (*ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Delete(project, service, database string) error
Delete deletes a ClickHouse database
func (*ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) Get(project, service, database string) (*ClickhouseDatabase, error)
Get gets a ClickHouse database
func (*ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) List ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse, error)
List gets a list of ClickHouse database for a service
type ClickhouseDatabaseRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseDatabaseRequest struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
ClickhouseDatabaseRequest Aiven API request<project>/service/<service_name>/clickhouse/db
type ClickhouseQueryColumnMeta ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseQueryHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseQueryHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClickhouseQueryHandler aiven go-client handler for Clickhouse Queries
func (*ClickhouseQueryHandler) CurrentQueries ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (h *ClickhouseQueryHandler) CurrentQueries(project, service string) (*ClickhouseCurrentQueriesResponse, error)
CurrentQueries list current queries
func (*ClickhouseQueryHandler) Query ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseQueryHandler) Query(project, service, database, query string) (*ClickhouseQueryResponse, error)
Query creates a ClickHouse job
type ClickhouseQueryRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseQueryResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseQueryResponse struct { APIResponse Meta []ClickhouseQueryColumnMeta Data []interface{} }
ClickhouseQueryResponse aiven go-client clickhouse query response
type ClickhouseUser ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseUser struct { Name string `json:"name"` Password string `json:"password"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` UUID string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` Roles []ClickhouseUserRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` Privileges []ClickhouseUserPrivilege `json:"privileges,omitempty"` }
type ClickhouseUserHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseUserHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClickhouseUserHandler aiven go-client handler for Clickhouse Users
func (*ClickhouseUserHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Create(project, service, name string) (*ClickhouseUserResponse, error)
Create creates a ClickHouse job
func (*ClickhouseUserHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Delete(project, service, uuid string) error
Delete deletes a ClickHouse user
func (*ClickhouseUserHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) Get(project, service, uuid string) (*ClickhouseUser, error)
Get gets a ClickHouse user
func (*ClickhouseUserHandler) List ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListClickhouseUserResponse, error)
List gets a list of ClickHouse user for a service
func (*ClickhouseUserHandler) ResetPassword ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ClickhouseUserHandler) ResetPassword(project, service, uuid, password string) (string, error)
type ClickhouseUserPrivilege ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseUserRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseUserRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ClickhouseUserRequest Aiven API request<project>/service/<service_name>/clickhouse/user
type ClickhouseUserResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ClickhouseUserResponse struct { APIResponse User ClickhouseUser `json:"user"` }
ClickhouseUserResponse Aiven API response
type ClickhouseUserRole ¶ added in v1.8.0
type Client ¶
type Client struct { APIKey string Client *http.Client UserAgent string Projects *ProjectsHandler ProjectUsers *ProjectUsersHandler CA *CAHandler CardsHandler *CardsHandler ServiceIntegrationEndpoints *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler ServiceIntegrations *ServiceIntegrationsHandler ServiceTypes *ServiceTypesHandler ServiceTask *ServiceTaskHandler Services *ServicesHandler ConnectionPools *ConnectionPoolsHandler Databases *DatabasesHandler ServiceUsers *ServiceUsersHandler KafkaACLs *KafkaACLHandler KafkaSchemaRegistryACLs *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler KafkaSubjectSchemas *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler KafkaGlobalSchemaConfig *KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler KafkaConnectors *KafkaConnectorsHandler KafkaMirrorMakerReplicationFlow *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler ElasticsearchACLs *ElasticSearchACLsHandler KafkaTopics *KafkaTopicsHandler VPCs *VPCsHandler VPCPeeringConnections *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler Accounts *AccountsHandler AccountTeams *AccountTeamsHandler AccountTeamMembers *AccountTeamMembersHandler AccountTeamProjects *AccountTeamProjectsHandler AccountAuthentications *AccountAuthenticationsHandler AccountTeamInvites *AccountTeamInvitesHandler TransitGatewayVPCAttachment *TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler BillingGroup *BillingGroupHandler AWSPrivatelink *AWSPrivatelinkHandler AzurePrivatelink *AzurePrivatelinkHandler GCPPrivatelink *GCPPrivatelinkHandler FlinkJobs *FlinkJobHandler FlinkApplications *FlinkApplicationHandler FlinkApplicationDeployments *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler FlinkApplicationVersions *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler FlinkApplicationQueries *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler StaticIPs *StaticIPsHandler ClickhouseDatabase *ClickhouseDatabaseHandler ClickhouseUser *ClickhouseUserHandler ClickHouseQuery *ClickhouseQueryHandler ServiceTags *ServiceTagsHandler Organization *OrganizationHandler OrganizationUser *OrganizationUserHandler OrganizationUserInvitations *OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler OrganizationUserGroups *OrganizationUserGroupHandler OrganizationUserGroupMembers *OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client represents the instance that does all the calls to the Aiven API.
func NewMFAUserClient ¶ added in v0.0.2
NewMFAUserClient creates a new client based on email, one-time password and password.
func NewTokenClient ¶
NewTokenClient creates a new client based on a given token.
func NewUserClient ¶
NewUserClient creates a new client based on email and password.
func SetupEnvClient ¶ added in v1.8.0
SetupEnvClient creates a new client using the provided web URL and token in the environment. This should only be used for testing and development purposes, or if you know what you're doing.
type ConnectionInfo ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ConnectionInfo struct { CassandraHosts []string `json:"cassandra"` ElasticsearchURIs []string `json:"elasticsearch"` ElasticsearchUsername string `json:"elasticsearch_username"` ElasticsearchPassword string `json:"elasticsearch_password"` KibanaURI string `json:"kibana_uri"` OpensearchURIs []string `json:"opensearch"` OpensearchDashboardsURI string `json:"opensearch_dashboards_uri"` OpensearchPassword string `json:"opensearch_password"` OpensearchUsername string `json:"opensearch_username"` GrafanaURIs []string `json:"grafana"` InfluxDBURIs []string `json:"influxdb"` InfluxDBDatabaseName string `json:"influxdb_dbname"` InfluxDBUsername string `json:"influxdb_username"` InfluxDBPassword string `json:"influxdb_password"` KafkaHosts []string `json:"kafka"` KafkaAccessCert string `json:"kafka_access_cert"` KafkaAccessKey string `json:"kafka_access_key"` KafkaConnectURI string `json:"kafka_connect_uri"` KafkaRestURI string `json:"kafka_rest_uri"` SchemaRegistryURI string `json:"schema_registry_uri"` PostgresParams []PostgresParams `json:"pg_params"` PostgresReplicaURI string `json:"pg_replica_uri"` PostgresStandbyURIs []string `json:"pg_standby"` PostgresURIs []string `json:"pg"` RedisPassword string `json:"redis_password"` RedisSlaveURIs []string `json:"redis_slave"` RedisURIs []string `json:"redis"` FlinkHostPorts []string `json:"flink"` MySQLURIs []string `json:"mysql"` MySQLParams []MySQLParams `json:"mysql_params"` MySQLReplicaURI string `json:"mysql_replica_uri"` MySQLStandbyURIs []string `json:"mysql_standby"` }
ConnectionInfo represents the Service Connection information on Aiven.
type ConnectionPool ¶
type ConnectionPool struct { ConnectionURI string `json:"connection_uri"` Database string `json:"database"` PoolMode string `json:"pool_mode"` PoolName string `json:"pool_name"` PoolSize int `json:"pool_size"` Username string `json:"username"` }
ConnectionPool represents a PostgreSQL PGBouncer connection pool on Aiven
type ConnectionPoolsHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ConnectionPoolsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConnectionPoolsHandler is the client which interacts with the connection pool endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ConnectionPoolsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Create( project string, serviceName string, req CreateConnectionPoolRequest, ) (*ConnectionPool, error)
Create new connection pool entry.
func (*ConnectionPoolsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, poolName string) error
Delete removes the specified connection pool entry.
func (*ConnectionPoolsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Get(project, serviceName, poolName string) (*ConnectionPool, error)
Get a specific connection pool.
func (*ConnectionPoolsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*ConnectionPool, error)
List returns all the connection pool entries for a given service.
func (*ConnectionPoolsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ConnectionPoolsHandler) Update( project string, serviceName string, poolName string, req UpdateConnectionPoolRequest, ) (*ConnectionPool, error)
Update a specific connection pool with the given parameters.
type ConsumerGroup ¶ added in v0.0.2
ConsumerGroup is the group used in partitions.
type ContactEmail ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ContactEmail struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
ContactEmail represents either a technical contact or billing contact.
type CreateConnectionPoolRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateConnectionPoolRequest struct { Database string `json:"database"` PoolMode string `json:"pool_mode"` PoolName string `json:"pool_name"` PoolSize int `json:"pool_size"` Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
CreateConnectionPoolRequest are the parameters used to create a connection pool entry.
type CreateDatabaseRequest ¶
type CreateDatabaseRequest struct { Database string `json:"database"` LcCollate string `json:"lc_collate,omitempty"` LcType string `json:"lc_ctype,omitempty"` }
CreateDatabaseRequest contains the parameters used to create a database.
type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentRequest ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentRequest struct { Parallelism int `json:"parallelism,omitempty"` RestartEnabled bool `json:"restart_enabled,omitempty"` StartingSavepoint string `json:"starting_savepoint,omitempty"` VersionID string `json:"version_id"` }
CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment
type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse FlinkApplicationDeployment }
CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment
type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest struct { JobTTL int `json:"job_ttl"` MaxRows int `json:"max_rows"` Sinks []struct { CreateTable string `json:"create_table"` IntegrationID string `json:"integration_id"` } `json:"sinks"` Sources []struct { CreateTable string `json:"create_table"` IntegrationID string `json:"integration_id"` } `json:"sources"` Statement string `json:"statement"` }
CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/query
type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse struct { APIResponse QueryID string `json:"query_id"` }
CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/query
type CreateFlinkApplicationRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CreateFlinkApplicationRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` ApplicationVersion *FlinkApplicationVersion `json:"application_version,omitempty"` }
CreateFlinkApplicationRequest is the request to create a Flink Application. POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application
type CreateFlinkJobRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type CreateFlinkJobRequest struct { JobName string `json:"job_name,omitempty"` Statement string `json:"statement"` TablesIds []string `json:"table_ids"` }
CreateFlinkJobRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job
type CreateFlinkJobResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type CreateFlinkJobResponse struct { APIResponse JobName string `json:"job_name"` JobId string `json:"job_id"` }
CreateFlinkJobResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job
type CreateKafkaACLRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateKafkaACLRequest struct { Permission string `json:"permission"` Topic string `json:"topic"` Username string `json:"username"` }
CreateKafkaACLRequest are the parameters used to create a Kafka ACL entry.
type CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest struct { Permission string `json:"permission"` Resource string `json:"resource"` Username string `json:"username"` }
CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest are the parameters used to create a Kafka Schema Registry ACL entry.
type CreateKafkaTopicRequest ¶ added in v0.0.2
type CreateKafkaTopicRequest struct { CleanupPolicy *string `json:"cleanup_policy,omitempty"` MinimumInSyncReplicas *int `json:"min_insync_replicas,omitempty"` Partitions *int `json:"partitions,omitempty"` Replication *int `json:"replication,omitempty"` RetentionBytes *int `json:"retention_bytes,omitempty"` RetentionHours *int `json:"retention_hours,omitempty"` TopicName string `json:"topic_name"` Config KafkaTopicConfig `json:"config"` Tags []KafkaTopicTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
CreateKafkaTopicRequest are the parameters used to create a kafka topic.
type CreateProjectInvitationRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateProjectInvitationRequest struct { UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` MemberType string `json:"member_type"` }
CreateProjectInvitationRequest are the parameters to invite a user to a project
type CreateProjectRequest ¶
type CreateProjectRequest struct { BillingAddress *string `json:"billing_address,omitempty"` BillingEmails *[]*ContactEmail `json:"billing_emails,omitempty"` BillingExtraText *string `json:"billing_extra_text,omitempty"` CardID *string `json:"card_id,omitempty"` Cloud *string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` CopyFromProject string `json:"copy_from_project,omitempty"` CountryCode *string `json:"country_code,omitempty"` Project string `json:"project"` AccountId *string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` TechnicalEmails *[]*ContactEmail `json:"tech_emails,omitempty"` BillingCurrency string `json:"billing_currency,omitempty"` VatID *string `json:"vat_id,omitempty"` UseSourceProjectBillingGroup bool `json:"use_source_project_billing_group,omitempty"` BillingGroupId string `json:"billing_group_id,omitempty"` AddAccountOwnersAdminAccess *bool `json:"add_account_owners_admin_access,omitempty"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` }
CreateProjectRequest are the parameters for creating a project.
type CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest struct { EndpointName string `json:"endpoint_name"` EndpointType string `json:"endpoint_type"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"` }
CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest are the parameters to create a Service Integration Endpoint.
type CreateServiceIntegrationRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateServiceIntegrationRequest struct { DestinationService *string `json:"dest_service,omitempty"` DestinationEndpointID *string `json:"dest_endpoint_id,omitempty"` DestinationProject *string `json:"dest_project,omitempty"` IntegrationType string `json:"integration_type"` SourceService *string `json:"source_service,omitempty"` SourceProject *string `json:"source_project,omitempty"` SourceEndpointID *string `json:"source_endpoint_id,omitempty"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"` }
CreateServiceIntegrationRequest are the parameters to create a Service Integration.
type CreateServiceRequest ¶
type CreateServiceRequest struct { Cloud string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` GroupName string `json:"group_name,omitempty"` MaintenanceWindow *MaintenanceWindow `json:"maintenance,omitempty"` Plan string `json:"plan,omitempty"` ProjectVPCID *string `json:"project_vpc_id"` ServiceName string `json:"service_name"` ServiceType string `json:"service_type"` TerminationProtection bool `json:"termination_protection"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"` ServiceIntegrations []NewServiceIntegration `json:"service_integrations"` DiskSpaceMB int `json:"disk_space_mb,omitempty"` StaticIPs []string `json:"static_ips,omitempty"` }
CreateServiceRequest are the parameters to create a Service.
type CreateServiceUserRequest ¶
type CreateServiceUserRequest struct { Username string `json:"username"` Authentication *string `json:"authentication,omitempty"` AccessControl *AccessControl `json:"access_control,omitempty"` }
CreateServiceUserRequest are the parameters required to create a ServiceUser.
type CreateStaticIPRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CreateStaticIPRequest struct {
CloudName string `json:"cloud_name"`
CreateStaticIPRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/static-ips
type CreateStaticIPResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type CreateStaticIPResponse struct { APIResponse StaticIP }
CreateStaticIPResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/static-ips
type CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest struct { PeerCloudAccount string `json:"peer_cloud_account"` PeerVPC string `json:"peer_vpc"` PeerRegion *string `json:"peer_region,omitempty"` PeerAzureAppId string `json:"peer_azure_app_id,omitempty"` PeerAzureTenantId string `json:"peer_azure_tenant_id,omitempty"` PeerResourceGroup string `json:"peer_resource_group,omitempty"` UserPeerNetworkCIDRs []string `json:"user_peer_network_cidrs,omitempty"` }
CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest holds the parameters to create a new peering connection.
type CreateVPCRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateVPCRequest struct { CloudName string `json:"cloud_name"` NetworkCIDR string `json:"network_cidr"` PeeringConnections []*VPCPeeringConnection `json:"peering_connections"` }
CreateVPCRequest holds the parameters to create a new VPC.
type Database ¶
type Database struct { DatabaseName string `json:"database_name"` LcCollate string `json:"lc_collate,omitempty"` LcType string `json:"lc_ctype,omitempty"` }
Database represents a database type on Aiven.
type DatabaseListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type DatabaseListResponse struct { APIResponse Databases []*Database `json:"databases"` }
DatabaseListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing databases.
type DatabasesHandler ¶
type DatabasesHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DatabasesHandler is the client which interacts with the Aiven database endpoints.
func (*DatabasesHandler) Create ¶
func (h *DatabasesHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateDatabaseRequest) (*Database, error)
Create creates a database with the given parameters.
func (*DatabasesHandler) Delete ¶
func (h *DatabasesHandler) Delete(project, service, database string) error
Delete removes the specified database.
type DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse FlinkApplicationDeployment }
DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response DELETE<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment/<deployment_id>
type DeleteStaticIPRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DeleteStaticIPRequest struct {
StaticIPAddressID string `json:"static_ip_address_id"`
DeleteStaticIPRequest Aiven API request DELETE<project>/static-ips/<static_ip_address_id>
type DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse struct { GenericFlinkApplicationResponse ApplicationVersions []FlinkApplicationVersion `json:"application_versions"` CurrentDeployment FlinkApplicationDeployment `json:"current_deployment"` }
DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse is the detailed response for Flink Application requests. GET /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id} POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application PUT /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id} DELETE /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}
type DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse struct { GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Version int `json:"version"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"` }
DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse is the detailed response for Flink Application Version requests. GET /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version/{application_version_id} POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version DELETE /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version/{application_version_id}
type ElasticSearchACL ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticSearchACL struct { Rules []ElasticsearchACLRule `json:"rules"` Username string `json:"username"` }
ElasticSearchACL represents a ElasticSearch ACLs entry
type ElasticSearchACLConfig ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticSearchACLConfig struct { ACLs []ElasticSearchACL `json:"acls"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` ExtendedAcl bool `json:"extendedAcl"` }
ElasticSearchACLConfig represents a configuration for Elasticsearch ACLs
func (*ElasticSearchACLConfig) Add ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (conf *ElasticSearchACLConfig) Add(acl ElasticSearchACL) *ElasticSearchACLConfig
Add appends new ACL to already existing Elasticsearch ACLs config
func (*ElasticSearchACLConfig) Delete ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (conf *ElasticSearchACLConfig) Delete(acl ElasticSearchACL) *ElasticSearchACLConfig
Delete subtracts ACL from already existing Elasticsearch ACLs config
type ElasticSearchACLResponse ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticSearchACLResponse struct { APIResponse ElasticSearchACLConfig ElasticSearchACLConfig `json:"elasticsearch_acl_config"` }
ElasticSearchACLResponse Aiven API response<project>/service/<service_name>/elasticsearch/acl
type ElasticSearchACLsHandler ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticSearchACLsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ElasticSearchACLsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Elastisearch ACLs
func (*ElasticSearchACLsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (h *ElasticSearchACLsHandler) Get(project, service string) (*ElasticSearchACLResponse, error)
Get gets all existing Elasticsearch ACLs config
func (*ElasticSearchACLsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (h *ElasticSearchACLsHandler) Update(project, service string, req ElasticsearchACLRequest) (*ElasticSearchACLResponse, error)
Update updates Elasticsearch ACL config
type ElasticsearchACLRequest ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticsearchACLRequest struct {
ElasticSearchACLConfig ElasticSearchACLConfig `json:"elasticsearch_acl_config"`
ElasticsearchACLRequest Aiven API request<project>/service/<service_name>/elasticsearch/acl
type ElasticsearchACLRule ¶ added in v1.3.0
type ElasticsearchACLRule struct { Index string `json:"index"` Permission string `json:"permission"` }
ElasticsearchACLRule represents a ElasticSearch ACLs Rule entry
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Message string `json:"message"` MoreInfo string `json:"more_info"` Status int `json:"status"` }
Error represents an Aiven API Error.
type FlinkApplicationDeployment ¶ added in v1.18.0
type FlinkApplicationDeployment struct { CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"` ID string `json:"id"` JobID string `json:"job_id"` LastSavepoint string `json:"last_savepoint"` Parallelism int `json:"parallelism"` RestartEnabled bool `json:"restart_enabled"` StartingSavepoint string `json:"starting_savepoint"` Status string `json:"status"` VersionID string `json:"version_id"` }
shared fields by some responses
type FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler ¶ added in v1.18.0
type FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler aiven go-client handler for Flink Application Deployments
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Cancel ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Cancel(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*CancelFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
Cancel cancel the Flink of a Flink deployment
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Create(project, service, applicationId string, req CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentRequest) (*CreateFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
Create creates a Flink deployment
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Delete(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*DeleteFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
Delete deletes a Flink deployment
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Get(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
Get gets a Flink deployment
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) List ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) List(project, service, applicationId string) (*ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
List lists all Flink deployments
func (*FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Stop ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationDeploymentHandler) Stop(project, service, applicationId, deploymentId string) (*StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse, error)
Stop cancel the Flink of a Flink deployment
type FlinkApplicationHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type FlinkApplicationHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlinkApplicationHandler is the client which interacts with the Flink Application.
func (*FlinkApplicationHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Create( project string, service string, req CreateFlinkApplicationRequest, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
Create is the method to create a Flink Application.
func (*FlinkApplicationHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Delete( project string, service string, applicationID string, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
Delete is the method to delete a Flink Application.
func (*FlinkApplicationHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Get( project string, service string, applicationID string, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
Get is the method to get a Flink Application.
func (*FlinkApplicationHandler) List ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) List( project string, service string, ) (*FlinkApplicationListResponse, error)
List is the method to list Flink Applications.
func (*FlinkApplicationHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationHandler) Update( project string, service string, applicationID string, req UpdateFlinkApplicationRequest, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationResponse, error)
Update is the method to update a Flink Application.
type FlinkApplicationListResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type FlinkApplicationListResponse struct { APIResponse Applications []GenericFlinkApplicationResponse `json:"applications"` }
FlinkApplicationListResponse is the response for listing Flink Applications. GET /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application
type FlinkApplicationQueryHandler ¶ added in v1.18.0
type FlinkApplicationQueryHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlinkApplicationQueryHandler aiven go-client handler for Flink Application Queries
func (*FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) CancelJob ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) CancelJob(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) (*CancelJobFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
CancelJob cancel the Flink job of a Flink query
func (*FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Create(project, service, applicationId string, req CreateFlinkApplicationQueryRequest) (*CreateFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
Create creates a Flink query
func (*FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Delete(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) error
Delete deletes a Flink query
func (*FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) Get(project, service, applicationId, queryId string) (*GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
Get gets a Flink query
func (*FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) List ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationQueryHandler) List(project, service, applicationId string) (*ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse, error)
List lists all Flink queries
type FlinkApplicationVersion ¶ added in v1.18.0
type FlinkApplicationVersion struct { Sinks []FlinkApplicationVersionCreateInput `json:"sinks"` Sources []FlinkApplicationVersionCreateInput `json:"sources"` Statement string `json:"statement"` }
type FlinkApplicationVersionCreateInput ¶ added in v1.18.0
type FlinkApplicationVersionHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type FlinkApplicationVersionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlinkApplicationVersionHandler is the client which interacts with the Flink Application Version.
func (*FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Create( project string, service string, applicationID string, req GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
Create is the method to create a Flink Application Version.
func (*FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Delete( project string, service string, applicationID string, applicationVersionID string, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
Delete is the method to delete a Flink Application Version.
func (*FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Get( project string, service string, applicationID string, applicationVersionID string, ) (*DetailedFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
Get is the method to get a Flink Application Version.
func (*FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Validate ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkApplicationVersionHandler) Validate( project string, service string, applicationID string, req GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest, ) (*ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse, error)
Validate is the method to validate a Flink Application Version.
type FlinkApplicationVersionRelation ¶ added in v1.8.0
type FlinkApplicationVersionRelation struct { CreateTable string `json:"create_table,omitempty"` IntegrationID string `json:"integration_id,omitempty"` }
FlinkApplicationVersionRelation is the relation between a Flink Application Version and an Integration.
type FlinkJobHandler ¶ added in v1.7.0
type FlinkJobHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FlinkJobHandler aiven go-client handler for Flink Jobs
func (*FlinkJobHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateFlinkJobRequest) (*CreateFlinkJobResponse, error)
Create creates a flink job
func (*FlinkJobHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Get(project, service string, req GetFlinkJobRequest) (*GetFlinkJobResponse, error)
Get gets a flink job
func (*FlinkJobHandler) List ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (h *FlinkJobHandler) List(project, service string) (*ListFlinkJobResponse, error)
List lists a flink job
func (*FlinkJobHandler) Patch ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Patch(project, service string, req PatchFlinkJobRequest) error
Patch patches a flink job
func (*FlinkJobHandler) Validate ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *FlinkJobHandler) Validate(project, service string, req ValidateFlinkJobRequest) (*ValidateFlinkJobResponse, error)
Validate validates a flink job
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionApproveRequest ¶ added in v1.32.0
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionApproveRequest struct {
UserIPAddress string `json:"user_ip_address"`
GCPPrivatelinkConnectionApproveRequest holds the request parameters for approving a GCP Privatelink connection.
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse ¶ added in v1.26.0
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse struct { APIResponse PrivatelinkConnectionID string `json:"privatelink_connection_id"` State string `json:"state"` UserIPAddress string `json:"user_ip_address"` PSCConnectionID string `json:"psc_connection_id"` }
GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse is a response with a GCP Privatelink connection details.
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse ¶ added in v1.26.0
type GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse struct { APIResponse Connections []GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse }
GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse is a response with a list of GCP Privatelink connections.
type GCPPrivatelinkHandler ¶ added in v1.26.0
type GCPPrivatelinkHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPPrivatelinkHandler is the client that interacts with the Aiven GCP Privatelink API.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionApprove( project, serviceName, connID string, req GCPPrivatelinkConnectionApproveRequest, ) error
ConnectionApprove approves a GCP Privatelink connection.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionGet( project, serviceName string, connID *string, ) (*GCPPrivatelinkConnectionResponse, error)
ConnectionGet retrieves a GCP Privatelink connection. This is a convenience function that fetches all connections and filters by ID because the API does not support fetching by ID. It fetches all connections and filters by ID and returns a fake 404 if nothing is found.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) ConnectionsList( project, serviceName string, ) (*GCPPrivatelinkConnectionsResponse, error)
ConnectionApprove approves a GCP Privatelink connection.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Create(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Create creates a GCP Privatelink.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Delete(project, serviceName string) error
Delete deletes a GCP Privatelink.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Get(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Get retrieves a GCP Privatelink.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Refresh ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Refresh(project, serviceName string) error
Refresh refreshes a GCP Privatelink.
func (*GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (h *GCPPrivatelinkHandler) Update(project, serviceName string) (*GCPPrivatelinkResponse, error)
Update updates a GCP Privatelink.
type GCPPrivatelinkResponse ¶ added in v1.26.0
type GCPPrivatelinkResponse struct { APIResponse State string `json:"state"` GoogleServiceAttachment string `json:"google_service_attachment"` }
GCPPrivatelinkResponse is a response with a GCP Privatelink details.
type GenericFlinkApplicationResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GenericFlinkApplicationResponse struct { APIResponse ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"` UpdatedBy string `json:"updated_by"` }
GenericFlinkApplicationResponse is the generic response for Flink Application requests. GET{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application
type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest struct { Statement string `json:"statement,omitempty"` Sinks []FlinkApplicationVersionRelation `json:"sinks,omitempty"` Sources []FlinkApplicationVersionRelation `json:"sources,omitempty"` }
GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest is the generic request for Flink Application Version requests. POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version/validate
type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse struct { APIResponse GenericFlinkApplicationVersionRequest }
GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse is the generic response for Flink Application Version requests.
type GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse FlinkApplicationDeployment }
GetFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment/<deployment_id>
type GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse struct { APIResponse // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetFlinkApplicationQueryResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/query/<query_id>
type GetFlinkJobRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type GetFlinkJobRequest struct {
JobId string `json:"job_id"`
GetFlinkJobRequest Aiven API request GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job/<job_id>
type GetFlinkJobResponse ¶ added in v1.7.0
type GetFlinkJobResponse struct { APIResponse Name string `json:"name"` JID string `json:"jid"` IsStoppable bool `json:"isStoppable"` Duration int `json:"duration"` Now int `json:"now"` EndTime int `json:"end-time"` StartTime int `json:"start-time"` MaxParallelism int `json:"maxParallelism"` State string `json:"state"` Plan struct { JID string `json:"jid"` Name string `json:"name"` Nodes []struct { Description string `json:"description"` Id string `json:"id"` Operator string `json:"operator"` OperatorStrategy string `json:"operator_strategy"` OptimizerProperties interface{} `json:"optimizer_properties"` Parallelism int `json:"parallelism"` } `json:"nodes"` } `json:"plan"` StatusCounts struct { Canceled int `json:"CANCELED"` Canceling int `json:"CANCELING"` Created int `json:"CREATED"` Deploying int `json:"DEPLOYING"` Failed int `json:"FAILED"` Finished int `json:"FINISHED"` Initializing int `json:"INITIALIZING"` Reconciling int `json:"RECONCILING"` Running int `json:"RUNNING"` Scheduled int `json:"SCHEDULED"` } `json:"status-counts"` Timestamps struct { Canceled int `json:"CANCELED"` Canceling int `json:"CANCELING"` Created int `json:"CREATED"` Deploying int `json:"DEPLOYING"` Failed int `json:"FAILED"` Finished int `json:"FINISHED"` Initializing int `json:"INITIALIZING"` Reconciling int `json:"RECONCILING"` Running int `json:"RUNNING"` Scheduled int `json:"SCHEDULED"` } `json:"timestamps"` Vertices []interface{} `json:"vertices"` }
GetFlinkJobResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/proxy/v1/jobs/<job_id>
type GetServicePlanPricingResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetServicePlanPricingResponse struct { APIResponse BasePriceUSD string `json:"base_price_usd"` ExtraDiskPricePerGBUSD string `json:"extra_disk_price_per_gb_usd"` }
GetServicePlanPricingResponse Aiven API request GET<project>/pricing/service-types/<service_type>/plans/<service_plan>/cloud/<cloud>
type GetServicePlanResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type GetServicePlanResponse struct { APIResponse DiskSpaceCapMB int `json:"disk_space_cap_mb"` DiskSpaceMB int `json:"disk_space_mb"` DiskSpaceStepMB int `json:"disk_space_step_mb"` }
GetServicePlanResponse Aiven API request GET<project>/service-types/<service_type>/plans/<service_plan>
type IntegrationEndpointType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type IntegrationEndpointType struct { EndpointType string `json:"endpoint_type"` ServiceTypes []string `json:"service_types"` Title string `json:"title"` UserConfigSchema UserConfigSchema `json:"user_config_schema"` }
IntegrationEndpointType represents an integration endpoint type.
type IntegrationType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type IntegrationType struct { DestDescription string `json:"dest_description"` DestServiceTypes []string `json:"dest_service_types"` IntegrationType string `json:"integration_type"` SourceDescription string `json:"source_description"` SourceServiceTypes []string `json:"source_service_types"` UserConfigSchema UserConfigSchema `json:"user_config_schema"` }
IntegrationType represents an integration type.
type KafkaACL ¶ added in v1.0.0
type KafkaACL struct { ID string `json:"id"` Permission string `json:"permission"` Topic string `json:"topic"` Username string `json:"username"` }
KafkaACL represents a Kafka ACL entry on Aiven.
type KafkaACLHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type KafkaACLHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaACLHandler is the client which interacts with the Kafka ACL endpoints on Aiven.
func (*KafkaACLHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *KafkaACLHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaACLRequest) (*KafkaACL, error)
Create creates new Kafka ACL entry.
func (*KafkaACLHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *KafkaACLHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, aclID string) error
Delete deletes a specific Kafka ACL entry.
type KafkaACLResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type KafkaACLResponse struct { APIResponse ACL []*KafkaACL `json:"acl"` }
KafkaACLResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Kafka ACL API.
type KafkaConnector ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaConnector struct { Name string `json:"name"` Config KafkaConnectorConfig Plugin KafkaConnectorPlugin Tasks []KafkaConnectorTask }
KafkaConnector represents Kafka Connector
type KafkaConnectorConfig ¶ added in v1.4.0
KafkaConnectorConfig represents a configuration for Kafka Connectors
type KafkaConnectorPlugin ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaConnectorPlugin struct { Author string `json:"author"` Class string `json:"class"` DocumentationURL string `json:"docURL"` Title string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` Version string `json:"version"` }
KafkaConnectorPlugin represents Kafka Connector Plugin
type KafkaConnectorResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaConnectorResponse struct { APIResponse Connector KafkaConnector }
KafkaConnectorResponse represents single Kafka Connector API response
type KafkaConnectorStatus ¶ added in v1.6.0
type KafkaConnectorStatus struct { State string `json:"state"` Tasks []KafkaConnectorTaskStatus `json:"tasks"` }
KafkaConnectorStatus represents the status of a kafka connector
type KafkaConnectorStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.6.0
type KafkaConnectorStatusResponse struct { APIResponse Status KafkaConnectorStatus `json:"status"` }
KafkaConnectorStatusResponse represents single Kafka Connector API status response
type KafkaConnectorTask ¶ added in v1.4.0
KafkaConnectorTask represents Kafka Connector Task
type KafkaConnectorTaskStatus ¶ added in v1.6.0
type KafkaConnectorTaskStatus struct { Id int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` Trace string `json:"trace"` }
KafkaConnectorTaskStatus represents the status of a kafka connector task
type KafkaConnectorsHandler ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaConnectorsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaConnectorsHandler Aiven go-client handler for Kafka Connectors
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Create(project, service string, c KafkaConnectorConfig) error
Create creates Kafka Connector attached to Kafka or Kafka Connector service based on configuration
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Delete(project, service, name string) error
Delete deletes Kafka Connector by name
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) GetByName ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) GetByName(project, service, name string) (*KafkaConnector, error)
GetByName gets a KafkaConnector by name
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) List(project, service string) (*KafkaConnectorsResponse, error)
List lists all available Kafka Connectors for a service
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) Status ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Status(project, service, name string) (*KafkaConnectorStatusResponse, error)
Get the status of a single Kafka Connector by name
func (*KafkaConnectorsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaConnectorsHandler) Update(project, service, name string, c KafkaConnectorConfig) (*KafkaConnectorResponse, error)
Update updates a Kafka Connector configuration by Connector AuthenticationMethodName
type KafkaConnectorsResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaConnectorsResponse struct { APIResponse Connectors []KafkaConnector }
KafkaConnectorsResponse represents Kafka Connectors API response
type KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler is the client which interacts with the Kafka Schema endpoints on Aiven
func (*KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler) Get(project, service string) (*KafkaSchemaConfigResponse, error)
Get gets a Kafka Schema configuration
func (*KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaGlobalSchemaConfigHandler) Update(project, service string, c KafkaSchemaConfig) (*KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse, error)
Update updates new Kafka Schema config entry
type KafkaListTopic ¶ added in v0.0.2
type KafkaListTopic struct { CleanupPolicy string `json:"cleanup_policy"` MinimumInSyncReplicas int `json:"min_insync_replicas"` Partitions int `json:"partitions"` Replication int `json:"replication"` RetentionBytes int `json:"retention_bytes"` RetentionHours *int64 `json:"retention_hours,omitempty"` State string `json:"state"` TopicName string `json:"topic_name"` }
KafkaListTopic represents kafka list topic model on Aiven.
type KafkaSchemaConfig ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaConfig struct {
CompatibilityLevel string `json:"compatibility"`
KafkaSchemaConfig represents Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration options
type KafkaSchemaConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaConfigResponse struct { APIResponse CompatibilityLevel string `json:"compatibilityLevel"` }
KafkaSchemaConfigResponse represents the response from Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration endpoint
type KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse ¶ added in v1.4.2
type KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse struct { APIResponse KafkaSchemaConfig }
KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse represents the PUT method response from Aiven Kafka Schema Configuration endpoint
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACL ¶ added in v1.8.0
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACL struct { ID string `json:"id"` Permission string `json:"permission"` Resource string `json:"resource"` Username string `json:"username"` }
KafkaSchemaRegistryACL represents a Kafka Schema Registry ACL entry on Aiven.
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler is the client which interacts with the Kafka Schema Registry ACL endpoints on Aiven.
func (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaSchemaRegistryACLRequest) (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
Create creates new Kafka Schema Registry ACL entry.
func (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Delete(project, serviceName, aclID string) error
Delete deletes a specific Kafka Schema Registry ACL entry.
func (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) Get(project, serviceName, aclID string) (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
Get gets a specific Kafka Schema Registry ACL.
func (*KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) List ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *KafkaSchemaRegistryACLHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL, error)
List lists all the Kafka Schema Registry ACL entries.
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type KafkaSchemaRegistryACLResponse struct { APIResponse ACL []*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL `json:"acl"` }
KafkaSchemaRegistryACLResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Kafka Schema Registry ACL API.
type KafkaSchemaSubject ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubject struct { Schema string `json:"schema"` SchemaType string `json:"schemaType,omitempty"` }
KafkaSchemaSubject Kafka SchemaS Subject representation
type KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse struct { APIResponse Id int `json:"id"` }
KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse Kafka Schemas Subject API endpoint response representation
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersion ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersion struct { Id int `json:"id"` Schema string `json:"schema"` Subject string `json:"subject"` Version int `json:"version"` SchemaType string `json:"schemaType"` }
KafkaSchemaSubjectVersion Kafka Schema Subject Version representation
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse struct { APIResponse Version KafkaSchemaSubjectVersion `json:"version"` }
KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse Kafka Schemas Subject Version API endpoint response representation
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersions ¶ added in v1.4.2
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersions struct {
Versions []int `json:"versions"`
KafkaSchemaSubjectVersions represents a list of versions
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse ¶ added in v1.4.2
type KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse struct { APIResponse KafkaSchemaSubjectVersions }
KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse represents the response from Aiven Kafka Schema Subject versions endpoint
type KafkaSchemaSubjects ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubjects struct {
Subjects []string `json:"subjects"`
KafkaSchemaSubjects represents a list of Aiven Kafka Schema subjects
type KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse struct { APIResponse KafkaSchemaSubjects }
KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse represents the response from Aiven Kafka Schema Subjects endpoint
type KafkaSchemaValidateResponse ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSchemaValidateResponse struct { APIResponse IsCompatible bool `json:"is_compatible"` }
KafkaSchemaValidateResponse Kafka Schemas Subject validation API endpoint response representation
type KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler ¶ added in v1.4.0
type KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler is the client which interacts with the Kafka Schema endpoints on Aiven
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Add ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Add(project, service, name string, subject KafkaSchemaSubject) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectResponse, error)
Add adds a new kafka Schema
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Delete(project, service, name string, versions error
Delete delete a Kafka Schema Subject versions, of versions parameter is empty it delete all existing versions
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Get(project, service, name string, version int) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionResponse, error)
Get gets a Kafka Schema Subject
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetConfiguration ¶ added in v1.5.8
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetConfiguration(project, service, subjectName string) ( *KafkaSchemaConfigResponse, error)
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetVersions ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) GetVersions(project, service, name string) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectVersionsResponse, error)
GetVersions gets a Kafka Schema Subject versions
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) List ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) List(project, service string) (*KafkaSchemaSubjectsResponse, error)
List gets a list of Kafka Schema Subjects configuration
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) UpdateConfiguration ¶ added in v1.5.8
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) UpdateConfiguration(project, service, subjectName, compatibility string) ( *KafkaSchemaConfigUpdateResponse, error)
UpdateConfiguration updates configuration for Schema Registry subject
func (*KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Validate ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (h *KafkaSubjectSchemasHandler) Validate( project, service, name string, version int, subject KafkaSchemaSubject) (bool, error)
Validate validates Kafka Schema
type KafkaTopic ¶ added in v0.0.2
type KafkaTopic struct { CleanupPolicy string `json:"cleanup_policy"` MinimumInSyncReplicas int `json:"min_insync_replicas"` Partitions []*Partition `json:"partitions"` Replication int `json:"replication"` RetentionBytes int `json:"retention_bytes"` RetentionHours *int `json:"retention_hours,omitempty"` State string `json:"state"` TopicName string `json:"topic_name"` Config KafkaTopicConfigResponse `json:"config"` Tags []KafkaTopicTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
KafkaTopic represents a Kafka Topic on Aiven.
type KafkaTopicConfig ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicConfig struct { CleanupPolicy string `json:"cleanup_policy,omitempty"` CompressionType string `json:"compression_type,omitempty"` DeleteRetentionMs *int64 `json:"delete_retention_ms,omitempty"` FileDeleteDelayMs *int64 `json:"file_delete_delay_ms,omitempty"` FlushMessages *int64 `json:"flush_messages,omitempty"` FlushMs *int64 `json:"flush_ms,omitempty"` IndexIntervalBytes *int64 `json:"index_interval_bytes,omitempty"` MaxCompactionLagMs *int64 `json:"max_compaction_lag_ms,omitempty"` MaxMessageBytes *int64 `json:"max_message_bytes,omitempty"` MessageDownconversionEnable *bool `json:"message_downconversion_enable,omitempty"` MessageFormatVersion string `json:"message_format_version,omitempty"` MessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs *int64 `json:"message_timestamp_difference_max_ms,omitempty"` MessageTimestampType string `json:"message_timestamp_type,omitempty"` MinCleanableDirtyRatio *float64 `json:"min_cleanable_dirty_ratio,omitempty"` MinCompactionLagMs *int64 `json:"min_compaction_lag_ms,omitempty"` MinInsyncReplicas *int64 `json:"min_insync_replicas,omitempty"` Preallocate *bool `json:"preallocate,omitempty"` RetentionBytes *int64 `json:"retention_bytes,omitempty"` RetentionMs *int64 `json:"retention_ms,omitempty"` SegmentBytes *int64 `json:"segment_bytes,omitempty"` SegmentIndexBytes *int64 `json:"segment_index_bytes,omitempty"` SegmentJitterMs *int64 `json:"segment_jitter_ms,omitempty"` SegmentMs *int64 `json:"segment_ms,omitempty"` UncleanLeaderElectionEnable *bool `json:"unclean_leader_election_enable,omitempty"` }
KafkaTopicConfig represents a Kafka Topic Config on Aiven.
type KafkaTopicConfigResponse ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicConfigResponse struct { CleanupPolicy KafkaTopicConfigResponseString `json:"cleanup_policy,omitempty"` CompressionType KafkaTopicConfigResponseString `json:"compression_type,omitempty"` DeleteRetentionMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"delete_retention_ms,omitempty"` FileDeleteDelayMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"file_delete_delay_ms,omitempty"` FlushMessages KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"flush_messages,omitempty"` FlushMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"flush_ms,omitempty"` IndexIntervalBytes KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"index_interval_bytes,omitempty"` MaxCompactionLagMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"max_compaction_lag_ms,omitempty"` MaxMessageBytes KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"max_message_bytes,omitempty"` MessageDownconversionEnable KafkaTopicConfigResponseBool `json:"message_downconversion_enable,omitempty"` MessageFormatVersion KafkaTopicConfigResponseString `json:"message_format_version,omitempty"` MessageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"message_timestamp_difference_max_ms,omitempty"` MessageTimestampType KafkaTopicConfigResponseString `json:"message_timestamp_type,omitempty"` MinCleanableDirtyRatio KafkaTopicConfigResponseFloat `json:"min_cleanable_dirty_ratio,omitempty"` MinCompactionLagMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"min_compaction_lag_ms,omitempty"` MinInsyncReplicas KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"min_insync_replicas,omitempty"` Preallocate KafkaTopicConfigResponseBool `json:"preallocate,omitempty"` RetentionBytes KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"retention_bytes,omitempty"` RetentionMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"retention_ms,omitempty"` SegmentBytes KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"segment_bytes,omitempty"` SegmentIndexBytes KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"segment_index_bytes,omitempty"` SegmentJitterMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"segment_jitter_ms,omitempty"` SegmentMs KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt `json:"segment_ms,omitempty"` UncleanLeaderElectionEnable KafkaTopicConfigResponseBool `json:"unclean_leader_election_enable,omitempty"` Tags []KafkaTopicTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
KafkaTopicConfigResponse represents a Kafka Topic Config on Aiven.
type KafkaTopicConfigResponseBool ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicConfigResponseFloat ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicConfigResponseInt ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicConfigResponseString ¶ added in v1.5.10
type KafkaTopicResponse ¶ added in v0.0.2
type KafkaTopicResponse struct { APIResponse Topic *KafkaTopic `json:"topic"` }
KafkaTopicResponse is the response for Kafka Topic requests.
type KafkaTopicTag ¶ added in v1.5.13
type KafkaTopicsHandler ¶ added in v0.0.2
type KafkaTopicsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KafkaTopicsHandler is the client which interacts with the kafka endpoints on Aiven.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) Create ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateKafkaTopicRequest) error
Create creats a specific kafka topic.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Delete(project, service, topic string) error
Delete deletes a specific kafka topic.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) Get ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Get(project, service, topic string) (*KafkaTopic, error)
Get gets a specific kafka topic.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) List ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) List(project, service string) ([]*KafkaListTopic, error)
List lists all the kafka topics.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) Update ¶ added in v0.0.2
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) Update(project, service, topic string, req UpdateKafkaTopicRequest) error
Update updates a specific topic with the given parameters.
func (*KafkaTopicsHandler) V2List ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *KafkaTopicsHandler) V2List(project, service string, topics []string) ([]*KafkaTopic, error)
V2List lists selected kafka topics using v2 API endpoint.
type KafkaTopicsResponse ¶ added in v0.0.2
type KafkaTopicsResponse struct { APIResponse Topics []*KafkaListTopic `json:"topics"` }
KafkaTopicsResponse is the response for listing kafka topics.
type KafkaV2TopicsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type KafkaV2TopicsResponse struct { APIResponse Topics []*KafkaTopic `json:"topics"` }
KafkaV2TopicsResponse is the response for listing kafka topics specific for API V2 endpoint.
type ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse struct { APIResponse Databases []ClickhouseDatabase `json:"databases"` }
ListClickhouseDatabaseResponse Aiven API response
type ListClickhouseUserResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ListClickhouseUserResponse struct { APIResponse Users []ClickhouseUser `json:"users"` }
ListClickhouseUserResponse Aiven API response
type ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse Deployments []FlinkApplicationDeployment `json:"deployments"` }
ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment
type ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse struct { APIResponse Queries []flinkApplicationQueryBase `json:"queries"` }
ListFlinkApplicationQueryResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/query
type ListFlinkJobResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type ListFlinkJobResponse struct { APIResponse Jobs []struct { ID string `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` } `json:"jobs"` }
ListFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job
type ListStaticIPResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ListStaticIPResponse struct { APIResponse StaticIPs []StaticIP `json:"static_ips"` }
ListStaticIPResponse Aiven API response GET<project>/static-ips
type MaintenanceUpdate ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MaintenanceUpdate struct { Deadline *string `json:"deadline,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` StartAfter string `json:"start_after,omitempty"` StartAt *string `json:"start_at,omitempty"` }
MaintenanceUpdate represents a maintenance needing to be applied on the service.
type MaintenanceWindow ¶ added in v1.1.0
type MaintenanceWindow struct { DayOfWeek string `json:"dow"` TimeOfDay string `json:"time"` Updates []*MaintenanceUpdate `json:"updates,omitempty"` }
MaintenanceWindow during which maintenance operations should take place
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler ¶ added in v1.5.4
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler is the client which interacts with the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 ReplicationFlows endpoints on Aiven.
func (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.4
func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Create(project, service string, req MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest) error
Create creates new Kafka MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows entry.
func (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.5.4
func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Delete(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string) error
Delete deletes a Kafka MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows entry.
func (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.4
func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Get(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse, error)
Get gets a Kafka MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows.
func (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) List ¶ added in v1.5.4
func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) List(project, service string) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse, error)
List gets a Kafka MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows.
func (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.4
func (h *MirrorMakerReplicationFlowHandler) Update(project, service, sourceCluster, targetCluster string, req MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest) (*MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse, error)
Update updates new Kafka MirrorMaker 2 Replication Flows entry.
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest ¶ added in v1.5.4
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest struct {
MirrorMakerReplicationFlowRequest request used to create a Kafka MirrorMaker 2 ReplicationFlows entry.
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse ¶ added in v1.5.4
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse struct { APIResponse ReplicationFlow ReplicationFlow `json:"replication_flow"` }
MirrorMakerReplicationFlowResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 API.
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse ¶ added in v1.5.4
type MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse struct { APIResponse ReplicationFlows []ReplicationFlow `json:"replication_flows"` }
MirrorMakerReplicationFlowsResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Kafka MirrorMaker 2 API.
type ModifyServiceUserRequest ¶ added in v1.5.9
type ModifyServiceUserRequest struct { Operation *string `json:"operation"` Authentication *string `json:"authentication,omitempty"` NewPassword *string `json:"new_password,omitempty"` AccessControl *AccessControl `json:"access_control,omitempty"` }
ModifyServiceUserRequest params required to modify a ServiceUser
type MySQLParams ¶ added in v1.8.0
type MySQLParams struct { DatabaseName string `json:"dbname"` Host string `json:"host"` Password string `json:"password"` Port string `json:"port"` SSLMode string `json:"ssl-mode"` User string `json:"user"` }
MySQLParams represents individual parameters for a MySQL ConnectionInfo
type NewServiceIntegration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type NewServiceIntegration struct { DestinationEndpointID *string `json:"dest_endpoint_id"` DestinationService *string `json:"dest_service"` IntegrationType string `json:"integration_type"` SourceService *string `json:"source_service"` SourceEndpointID *string `json:"source_endpoint_id"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"` }
NewServiceIntegration defines partial set of service integration fields used when passing integration as part of service creation call
type NodeState ¶ added in v1.5.13
type NodeState struct { Name string `json:"name"` ProgressUpdates []ProgressUpdate `json:"progress_updates"` Role string `json:"role"` State string `json:"state"` }
NodeState represents the Node State model on Aiven
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.36.0
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse struct { APIResponse // SecurityPluginAdminEnabled is true if the admin user is defined in the OpenSearch Security Plugin. SecurityPluginAdminEnabled bool `json:"security_plugin_admin_enabled"` // SecurityPluginAvailable is true if the OpenSearch Security Plugin is available. SecurityPluginAvailable bool `json:"security_plugin_available"` // SecurityPluginEnabled is true if the OpenSearch Security Plugin is enabled. SecurityPluginEnabled bool `json:"security_plugin_enabled"` }
OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse is the response when getting the status of the OpenSearch Security Plugin.
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest ¶ added in v1.36.0
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest struct { // AdminPassword is the admin password. AdminPassword string `json:"admin_password"` }
OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest is the request to enable the OpenSearch Security Plugin.
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler ¶ added in v1.36.0
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler is the handler that interacts with the OpenSearch Security Plugin API.
func (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Enable ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Enable( project string, service string, req OpenSearchSecurityPluginEnableRequest, ) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
Enable enables the OpenSearch Security Plugin and sets the password of the admin user.
func (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) Get( project string, service string, ) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
Get gets the status of the OpenSearch Security Plugin.
func (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) UpdatePassword ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (h *OpenSearchSecurityPluginHandler) UpdatePassword( project string, service string, req OpenSearchSecurityPluginUpdatePasswordRequest, ) (*OpenSearchSecurityPluginConfigurationStatusResponse, error)
UpdatePassword updates the password of the admin user.
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginUpdatePasswordRequest ¶ added in v1.36.0
type OpenSearchSecurityPluginUpdatePasswordRequest struct { // AdminPassword is the current admin password. AdminPassword string `json:"admin_password"` // NewPassword is the new admin password. NewPassword string `json:"new_password"` }
OpenSearchSecurityPluginUpdatePasswordRequest is the request to update the password of the admin user.
type OrganizationHandler ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationHandler is the client which interacts with the Organizations API on Aiven.
func (*OrganizationHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationHandler) Get(id string) (*OrganizationInfo, error)
Get returns information about the specified organization.
type OrganizationInfo ¶ added in v1.17.0
type OrganizationInfo struct { APIResponse // ID is the unique identifier of the organization. ID string `json:"organization_id"` // Name is the name of the organization. Name string `json:"organization_name"` // AccountID is the unique identifier of the account. AccountID string `json:"account_id"` // CreateTime is the time when the organization was created. CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` // UpdateTime is the time when the organization was last updated. UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` }
OrganizationInfo is a response from Aiven for a single organization.
type OrganizationMemberInfo ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationMemberInfo struct { APIResponse // UserID is the unique identifier of the user. UserID string `json:"user_id"` // JoinTime is the time when the user joined the organization. JoinTime string `json:"join_time"` // UserInfo is the information of the user. UserInfo OrganizationUserInfo `json:"user_info"` }
OrganizationMemberInfo is a struct that represents a user's membership in an organization.
type OrganizationUserGroupHandler ¶ added in v1.31.0
type OrganizationUserGroupHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationUserGroupHandler is the client which interacts with the Organization Users Groups API on Aiven.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Create(orgID string, req OrganizationUserGroupRequest) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
Create creates Organization User Group.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Delete(orgID, userGroupID string) error
Delete deletes Organization User Group.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Get(orgID, userGroupID string) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
Get returns data about the specified Organization User Group.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupHandler) List ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) List(orgID string) (*OrganizationUserGroupListResponse, error)
List retrieves a list of Organization User Groups.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupHandler) Update(orgID, userGroupID string, req OrganizationUserGroupRequest) (*OrganizationUserGroupResponse, error)
Update updates Organization User Group.
type OrganizationUserGroupListResponse ¶ added in v1.31.0
type OrganizationUserGroupListResponse struct { APIResponse UserGroups []OrganizationUserGroupResponse `json:"user_groups"` }
OrganizationUserGroupListResponse is response structure for the Organization Users Groups Members List API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserGroupMember ¶ added in v1.34.0
type OrganizationUserGroupMember struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` LastActivityTime string `json:"last_activity_time"` UserInfo OrganizationUserGroupMemberUserInfo `json:"user_info"` }
OrganizationUserGroupMember is response element for the Organization Users Group Member List API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserGroupMemberRequest ¶ added in v1.34.0
type OrganizationUserGroupMemberRequest struct { // Operation to perform on the group: Operation string `json:"operation"` // List of user ids to apply with the operation with MemberIDs []string `json:"member_ids"` }
OrganizationUserGroupMemberRequest is request structure for the Organization Users Group Member API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserGroupMemberUserInfo ¶ added in v1.34.0
type OrganizationUserGroupMemberUserInfo struct { UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` State string `json:"state"` JobTitle string `json:"job_title"` Country string `json:"country"` City string `json:"city"` Department string `json:"department"` CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` }
OrganizationUserGroupMemberUserInfo is
type OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler ¶ added in v1.34.0
type OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler is the client which interacts with the Organization Users Group Members API on Aiven.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler) List ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler) List(orgID, userGroupID string) (*OrganizationUserGroupMembersListResponse, error)
List retrieves a list of Organization User Groups.
func (*OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler) Modify ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (h *OrganizationUserGroupMembersHandler) Modify(orgID, userGroupID string, req OrganizationUserGroupMemberRequest) error
Modify modify's a user group's members.
type OrganizationUserGroupMembersListResponse ¶ added in v1.34.0
type OrganizationUserGroupMembersListResponse struct { APIResponse Members []OrganizationUserGroupMember `json:"members"` }
OrganizationUserGroupListResponse is response structure for the Organization Users Groups Members List API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.31.0
type OrganizationUserGroupRequest struct { // Name of the user group UserGroupName string `json:"user_group_name,omitempty"` // Optional description of the user group Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
OrganizationUserGroupRequest is request structure for the Organization Users Groups API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserGroupResponse ¶ added in v1.31.0
type OrganizationUserGroupResponse struct { APIResponse // ID of the user group UserGroupID string `json:"user_group_id"` // Name of the user group UserGroupName string `json:"user_group_name"` // Description of the user group Description string `json:"description"` // Time when the user group was created CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` // Time when the user group was last updated UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` }
OrganizationUserGroupResponse is response structure for the Organization Users Groups API on Aiven.
type OrganizationUserHandler ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationUserHandler is the client which interacts with the Organization Users API on Aiven.
func (*OrganizationUserHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationUserHandler) Delete(id, userID string) error
Delete deletes a single organization user invitation.
func (*OrganizationUserHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationUserHandler) Get(id, userID string) (*OrganizationMemberInfo, error)
Get returns a single organization user invitation.
func (*OrganizationUserHandler) List ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationUserHandler) List(id string) (*OrganizationUserList, error)
List returns a list of all organization user invitations.
type OrganizationUserInfo ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserInfo struct { // UserEmail is the email of the user. UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` // RealName is the real name of the user. RealName string `json:"real_name"` // State is the state of the user. State string `json:"state"` // JobTitle is the job title of the user. JobTitle string `json:"job_title"` // Country is the country of the user. Country string `json:"country"` // Department is the department of the user. Department string `json:"department"` }
OrganizationUserInfo is a struct that represents a user in an organization.
type OrganizationUserInvitationAddRequest ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserInvitationAddRequest struct { // UserEmail is the email of the user to invite to the organization. UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` }
OrganizationUserInvitationAddRequest are the parameters to add an organization user invitation.
type OrganizationUserInvitationInfo ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserInvitationInfo struct { // UserEmail is the email of the user that was invited to the organization. UserEmail string `json:"user_email"` // InvitedBy is the email of the user that invited the user to the organization. InvitedBy *string `json:"invited_by,omitempty"` // CreateTime is the time when the invitation was created. CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` // ExpiryTime is the time when the invitation expires. ExpiryTime string `json:"expiry_time"` }
OrganizationUserInvitationInfo is a response from Aiven for a single organization user invitation.
type OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler is the client which interacts with the Organization Invitations API on Aiven.
func (*OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (h *OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) Delete(id, userEmail string) error
Delete deletes an organization user invitation.
func (*OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) Invite ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) Invite(id string, req OrganizationUserInvitationAddRequest) error
Invite invites a user to the organization.
func (*OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (h *OrganizationUserInvitationsHandler) List(id string) (*OrganizationUserInvitationsList, error)
List returns a list of all organization user invitations.
type OrganizationUserInvitationsList ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserInvitationsList struct { APIResponse // Invitations is a list of organization user invitations. Invitations []OrganizationUserInvitationInfo `json:"invitations"` }
OrganizationUserInvitationsList is a response from Aiven for a list of organization user invitations.
type OrganizationUserList ¶ added in v1.21.0
type OrganizationUserList struct { APIResponse // Users is a list of organization users. Users []OrganizationMemberInfo `json:"users"` }
OrganizationUserList is a response from Aiven for a list of organization users.
type Partition ¶ added in v0.0.2
type Partition struct { ConsumerGroups []*ConsumerGroup `json:"consumer_groups"` EarliestOffset int64 `json:"earliest_offset"` ISR int `json:"isr"` LatestOffset int64 `json:"latest_offset"` Partition int `json:"partition"` Size int64 `json:"size"` }
Partition represents a Kafka partition.
type PatchFlinkJobRequest ¶ added in v1.7.0
type PatchFlinkJobRequest struct {
JobId string `json:"job_id"`
PatchFlinkJobRequest Aiven API request PATCH<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/proxy/v1/jobs/<job_id>
type PostgresParams ¶ added in v1.0.0
type PostgresParams struct { DatabaseName string `json:"dbname"` Host string `json:"host"` Password string `json:"password"` Port string `json:"port"` SSLMode string `json:"sslmode"` User string `json:"user"` }
PostgresParams represents individual parameters for a PostgreSQL ConnectionInfo
type ProgressUpdate ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ProgressUpdate struct { Completed bool `json:"completed"` Current int `json:"current"` Max int `json:"max"` Min int `json:"min"` Phase string `json:"phase"` Unit string `json:"unit"` }
ProgressUpdate state represents the Progress Update model on Aiven
type Project ¶
type Project struct { AvailableCredits string `json:"available_credits"` BillingAddress string `json:"billing_address"` BillingEmails []*ContactEmail `json:"billing_emails"` BillingExtraText string `json:"billing_extra_text"` Card Card `json:"card_info"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` DefaultCloud string `json:"default_cloud"` EstimatedBalance string `json:"estimated_balance"` PaymentMethod string `json:"payment_method"` Name string `json:"project_name"` TechnicalEmails []*ContactEmail `json:"tech_emails"` VatID string `json:"vat_id"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` BillingCurrency string `json:"billing_currency"` CopyFromProject string `json:"copy_from_project"` BillingGroupId string `json:"billing_group_id"` BillingGroupName string `json:"billing_group_name"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` }
Project represents the Project model on Aiven.
func (Project) GetBillingEmailsAsStringSlice ¶ added in v1.5.8
GetBillingEmailsAsStringSlice retrieves BillingEmails converted to string slice
func (Project) GetTechnicalEmailsAsStringSlice ¶ added in v1.5.8
GetTechnicalEmailsAsStringSlice retrieves TechnicalEmails converted to string slice
type ProjectCAResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ProjectCAResponse struct { APIResponse CACertificate string `json:"certificate"` }
ProjectCAResponse is the response from Aiven for project CA Certificate.
type ProjectEvent ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ProjectEvent struct { Actor string `json:"actor"` EventDesc string `json:"event_desc"` EventType string `json:"event_type"` ServiceName string `json:"service_name"` Time string `json:"time"` }
ProjectEvent represents a project event log entry
type ProjectEventLogEntriesResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ProjectEventLogEntriesResponse struct { APIResponse Events []*ProjectEvent `json:"events"` }
ProjectEventLogEntriesResponse is the response from Aiven for project event log entries
type ProjectIntegrationEndpointTypesResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProjectIntegrationEndpointTypesResponse struct { APIResponse EndpointTypes []IntegrationEndpointType `json:"endpoint_types"` }
ProjectIntegrationEndpointTypesResponse is the response from Aiven for listing project integration endpoint types.
type ProjectIntegrationTypesResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProjectIntegrationTypesResponse struct { APIResponse IntegrationTypes []IntegrationType `json:"integration_types"` }
ProjectIntegrationTypesResponse is the response from Aiven for listing project integration types.
type ProjectInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ProjectInvitation struct { UserEmail string `json:"invited_user_email"` InvitingUserEmail string `json:"inviting_user_email"` MemberType string `json:"member_type"` InviteTime string `json:"invite_time"` }
ProjectInvitation represents a user who has been invited to join a project but has not yet accepted the invitation
type ProjectInvitationsAndUsersListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ProjectInvitationsAndUsersListResponse struct { APIResponse ProjectInvitations []*ProjectInvitation `json:"invitations"` ProjectUsers []*ProjectUser `json:"users"` }
ProjectInvitationsAndUsersListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing project invitations and members.
type ProjectListResponse ¶
type ProjectListResponse struct { APIResponse Projects []*Project `json:"projects"` }
ProjectListResponse is the response from Aiven for listing projects.
type ProjectResponse ¶
type ProjectResponse struct { APIResponse Project *Project `json:"project"` }
ProjectResponse is the response from Aiven for the project endpoints.
type ProjectServiceTypesResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ProjectServiceTypesResponse struct { APIResponse ServiceTypes map[string]ServiceType `json:"service_types"` }
ProjectServiceTypesResponse is the response from Aiven for listing project service types.
type ProjectUser ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ProjectUser struct { Email string `json:"user_email"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` MemberType string `json:"member_type"` TeamId string `json:"team_id"` TeamName string `json:"team_name"` BillingContact bool `json:"billing_contact"` AuthMethods []string `json:"auth"` CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` }
ProjectUser represents a user who has accepted membership in a project
type ProjectUsersHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ProjectUsersHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectUsersHandler is the client that interacts with project User and Invitation API endpoints on Aiven
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteInvitation(project, email string) error
DeleteInvitation deletes the given project invitation from Aiven.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUser ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUser(project, email string) error
DeleteUser deletes the given project user from Aiven.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUserOrInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) DeleteUserOrInvitation(project, email string) error
DeleteUserOrInvitation deletes a user or a project invitation, whichever the email address is associated with
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) Get(project, email string) (*ProjectUser, *ProjectInvitation, error)
Get a specific project user or project invitation.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) Invite ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) Invite(project string, req CreateProjectInvitationRequest) error
Invite user to join a project on Aiven.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) List(project string) ([]*ProjectUser, []*ProjectInvitation, error)
List all users and invitations for a given project.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateInvitation( project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest, ) error
UpdateInvitation updates the given project member with the given parameters. NB: The server does not support updating invitations so this is implemented as delete + create
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUser ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUser( project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest, ) error
UpdateUser updates the given project user with the given parameters.
func (*ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUserOrInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ProjectUsersHandler) UpdateUserOrInvitation( project string, email string, req UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest, ) error
UpdateUserOrInvitation updates either a user if the given email address is associated with a project member or project invitation if it isn't
type ProjectsHandler ¶
type ProjectsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProjectsHandler is the client which interacts with the Projects endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ProjectsHandler) Create ¶
func (h *ProjectsHandler) Create(req CreateProjectRequest) (*Project, error)
Create creates a new project.
func (*ProjectsHandler) Delete ¶
func (h *ProjectsHandler) Delete(project string) error
Delete removes the given project.
func (*ProjectsHandler) Get ¶
func (h *ProjectsHandler) Get(project string) (*Project, error)
Get returns gets the specified project.
func (*ProjectsHandler) GetEventLog ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h *ProjectsHandler) GetEventLog(project string) ([]*ProjectEvent, error)
GetEventLog returns project event log entries
func (*ProjectsHandler) IntegrationEndpointTypes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ProjectsHandler) IntegrationEndpointTypes(project string) ([]IntegrationEndpointType, error)
IntegrationEndpointTypes returns all the available integration endpoint types.
func (*ProjectsHandler) IntegrationTypes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ProjectsHandler) IntegrationTypes(project string) ([]IntegrationType, error)
IntegrationTypes returns all the available integration types.
func (*ProjectsHandler) List ¶
func (h *ProjectsHandler) List() ([]*Project, error)
List returns all the available projects linked to the account.
func (*ProjectsHandler) ServiceTypes ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ProjectsHandler) ServiceTypes(project string) (map[string]ServiceType, error)
ServiceTypes returns all the available service types.
func (*ProjectsHandler) Update ¶
func (h *ProjectsHandler) Update(project string, req UpdateProjectRequest) (*Project, error)
Update modifies the specified project with the given parameters.
type ReplicationFlow ¶ added in v1.5.4
type ReplicationFlow struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` OffsetSyncsTopicLocation string `json:"offset_syncs_topic_location,omitempty"` SourceCluster string `json:"source_cluster,omitempty"` TargetCluster string `json:"target_cluster,omitempty"` ReplicationPolicyClass string `json:"replication_policy_class"` SyncGroupOffsetsEnabled bool `json:"sync_group_offsets_enabled"` SyncGroupOffsetsIntervalSeconds int `json:"sync_group_offsets_interval_seconds"` EmitHeartbeatsEnabled bool `json:"emit_heartbeats_enabled"` Topics []string `json:"topics"` TopicsBlacklist []string `json:"topics.blacklist"` }
ReplicationFlow a replication flow entity
type Response ¶ added in v1.4.0
type Response interface {
GetError() error
Response represents Aiven API response interface
type SAMLFieldMapping ¶ added in v1.8.0
type Service ¶
type Service struct { ACL []*KafkaACL `json:"acl"` SchemaRegistryACL []*KafkaSchemaRegistryACL `json:"schema_registry_acl"` Backups []*Backup `json:"backups"` CloudName string `json:"cloud_name"` ConnectionPools []*ConnectionPool `json:"connection_pools"` CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` GroupList []string `json:"group_list"` NodeCount int `json:"node_count"` Plan string `json:"plan"` Name string `json:"service_name"` Type string `json:"service_type"` ProjectVPCID *string `json:"project_vpc_id"` URI string `json:"service_uri"` URIParams map[string]string `json:"service_uri_params"` State string `json:"state"` Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata"` Users []*ServiceUser `json:"users"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config"` ConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo `json:"connection_info"` TerminationProtection bool `json:"termination_protection"` MaintenanceWindow MaintenanceWindow `json:"maintenance"` Integrations []*ServiceIntegration `json:"service_integrations"` Components []*ServiceComponents `json:"components"` Powered bool `json:"powered"` NodeStates []*NodeState `json:"node_states"` DiskSpaceMB int `json:"disk_space_mb"` Features ServiceFeatures `json:"features"` }
Service represents the Service model on Aiven.
type ServiceComponents ¶ added in v1.4.0
type ServiceComponents struct { Component string `json:"component"` Host string `json:"host"` Port int `json:"port"` Route string `json:"route"` Usage string `json:"usage"` Ssl *bool `json:"ssl"` KafkaAuthenticationMethod string `json:"kafka_authentication_method"` }
ServiceComponents represents Service Components which may contain information regarding service components Dynamic/Public DNS records
type ServiceFeatures ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServiceFeatures struct { EnhancedLogging bool `json:"enhanced_logging"` ImprovedTopicManagement bool `json:"improved_topic_management"` ServiceIntegrations bool `json:"service_integrations"` KafkaConnectServiceIntegration bool `json:"kafka_connect_service_integration"` PGAllowReplication bool `json:"pg_allow_replication"` Letsencrypt bool `json:"letsencrypt"` IndexPatterns bool `json:"index_patterns"` Karapace bool `json:"karapace"` KarapaceRest bool `json:"karapace_rest"` KarapaceJSONSchema bool `json:"karapace_json_schema"` KafkaConfigBackupsEnabled bool `json:"kafka_config_backups_enabled"` TopicManagement bool `json:"topic_management"` KafkaStrictAccessCertChecks bool `json:"kafka_strict_access_cert_checks"` KafkaTopicInfo bool `json:"kafka_topic_info"` KafkaConnect bool `json:"kafka_connect"` KafkaMirrormaker bool `json:"kafka_mirrormaker"` KafkaRest bool `json:"kafka_rest"` SchemaRegistry bool `json:"schema_registry"` }
type ServiceIntegration ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegration struct { Active bool `json:"active"` Description string `json:"description"` DestinationProject *string `json:"dest_project"` DestinationService *string `json:"dest_service"` DestinationEndpointID *string `json:"dest_endpoint_id"` DestinationEndpointName *string `json:"dest_endpoint"` DestinationServiceType *string `json:"dest_service_type"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` IntegrationType string `json:"integration_type"` IntegrationStatus map[string]interface{} `json:"integration_status"` ServiceIntegrationID string `json:"service_integration_id"` SourceProject *string `json:"source_project"` SourceService *string `json:"source_service"` SourceEndpointID *string `json:"source_endpoint_id"` SourceEndpointName *string `json:"source_endpoint"` SourceServiceType *string `json:"source_service_type"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config"` }
ServiceIntegration represents a service integration endpoint, like parameters for integration to Datadog
type ServiceIntegrationEndpoint ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationEndpoint struct { EndpointID string `json:"endpoint_id"` EndpointName string `json:"endpoint_name"` EndpointType string `json:"endpoint_type"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config"` EndpointConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"endpoint_config"` }
ServiceIntegrationEndpoint represents a service integration endpoint, like parameters for integration to Datadog
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointListResponse struct { APIResponse ServiceIntegrationEndpoints []*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint `json:"service_integration_endpoints"` }
ServiceIntegrationEndpointListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing service integration endpoints.
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointResponse struct { APIResponse ServiceIntegrationEndpoint *ServiceIntegrationEndpoint `json:"service_integration_endpoint"` }
ServiceIntegrationEndpointResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Service Integration Endpoints API.
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler is the client that interacts with the Service Integration Endpoints API endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Create( project string, req CreateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest, ) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
Create the given Service Integration Endpoint on Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Delete(project, endpointID string) error
Delete the given service integration endpoint from Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Get(project, endpointID string) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
Get a specific service integration endpoint from Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) List(project string) ([]*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
List all service integration endpoints for a given project.
func (*ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationEndpointsHandler) Update( project string, endpointID string, req UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest, ) (*ServiceIntegrationEndpoint, error)
Update the given service integration endpoint with the given parameters.
type ServiceIntegrationListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationListResponse struct { APIResponse ServiceIntegrations []*ServiceIntegration `json:"service_integrations"` }
ServiceIntegrationListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing service integrations.
type ServiceIntegrationResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationResponse struct { APIResponse ServiceIntegration *ServiceIntegration `json:"service_integration"` }
ServiceIntegrationResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Service Integration API.
type ServiceIntegrationsHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ServiceIntegrationsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceIntegrationsHandler is the client that interacts with the Service Integration Endpoints API endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Create( project string, req CreateServiceIntegrationRequest, ) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
Create the given Service Integration on Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Delete(project, integrationID string) error
Delete the given service integration from Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Get(project, integrationID string) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
Get a specific service integration endpoint from Aiven.
func (*ServiceIntegrationsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) List(project, service string) ([]*ServiceIntegration, error)
List all service integration for a given project and service.
func (*ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceIntegrationsHandler) Update( project string, integrationID string, req UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest, ) (*ServiceIntegration, error)
Update the given service integration with the given parameters.
type ServiceListResponse ¶
type ServiceListResponse struct { APIResponse Services []*Service `json:"services"` }
ServiceListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing services.
type ServicePlan ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServicePlan struct { BackupConfig *BackupConfig `json:"backup_config"` MaxMemoryPercent int `json:"max_memory_percent"` NodeCount int `json:"node_count"` Regions interface{} `json:"regions"` ServicePlan string `json:"service_plan"` ServiceType string `json:"service_type"` }
ServicePlan represents a service plan.
type ServiceResponse ¶
type ServiceResponse struct { APIResponse Service *Service `json:"service"` }
ServiceResponse represents the response from Aiven after interacting with the Service API.
type ServiceTagsHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServiceTagsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceTagsHandler is the client which interacts with the Aiven service tags endpoints.
func (*ServiceTagsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ServiceTagsHandler) Get(project, service string) (*ServiceTagsResponse, error)
Get returns a list of all service tags.
func (*ServiceTagsHandler) Set ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ServiceTagsHandler) Set(project, service string, req ServiceTagsRequest) (*ServiceTagsResponse, error)
Set sets service tags with the given parameters.
type ServiceTagsRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
ServiceTagsRequest contains the parameters used to set service tags.
type ServiceTagsResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServiceTagsResponse struct { APIResponse Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` }
ServiceTagsResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing service tags.
type ServiceTask ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ServiceTask struct { CreateTime string `json:"create_time"` Result string `json:"result"` TaskType string `json:"task_type"` Success *bool `json:"success"` SourcePgVersion string `json:"source_pg_version,omitempty"` TargetPgVersion string `json:"target_pg_version,omitempty"` Id string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` }
ServiceTask represents a service task
type ServiceTaskHandler ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ServiceTaskHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceTaskHandler Aiven go-client handler for Service tesks
func (ServiceTaskHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h ServiceTaskHandler) Create(project, service string, r ServiceTaskRequest) (*ServiceTaskResponse, error)
Create creates a bew service task
func (ServiceTaskHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.5.13
func (h ServiceTaskHandler) Get(project, service, id string) (*ServiceTaskResponse, error)
Get retrieves a new service task
type ServiceTaskRequest ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ServiceTaskRequest struct { TargetVersion string `json:"target_version"` TaskType string `json:"task_type"` }
ServiceTaskRequest represents service task request
type ServiceTaskResponse ¶ added in v1.5.13
type ServiceTaskResponse struct { APIResponse Task ServiceTask `json:"task"` }
ServiceTaskResponse represents service task response
type ServiceType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServiceType struct { DefaultVersion string `json:"default_version"` Description string `json:"description"` LatestAvailableVersion string `json:"latest_available_version"` ServicePlans []ServicePlan `json:"service_plans"` UserConfigSchema UserConfigSchema `json:"user_config_schema"` }
ServiceType represents a service type.
type ServiceTypesHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ServiceTypesHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceTypesHandler is the client that interacts with the Service Types API endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ServiceTypesHandler) GetPlan ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ServiceTypesHandler) GetPlan(project, serviceType, servicePlan string) (*GetServicePlanResponse, error)
Get fetches the service plan from Aiven
func (*ServiceTypesHandler) GetPlanPricing ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *ServiceTypesHandler) GetPlanPricing(project, serviceType, servicePlan, cloudName string) (*GetServicePlanPricingResponse, error)
Get fetches the pricing for the service plan from Aiven
type ServiceUser ¶
type ServiceUser struct { Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password"` Type string `json:"type"` AccessCert string `json:"access_cert"` AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` AccessCertNotValidAfterTime string `json:"access_cert_not_valid_after_time"` AccessControl AccessControl `json:"access_control,omitempty"` }
ServiceUser is the representation of a Service User in the Aiven API.
type ServiceUserResponse ¶
type ServiceUserResponse struct { APIResponse User *ServiceUser `json:"user"` }
ServiceUserResponse represents the response after creating a ServiceUser.
type ServiceUsersHandler ¶
type ServiceUsersHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServiceUsersHandler is the client that interacts with the ServiceUsers endpoints.
func (*ServiceUsersHandler) Create ¶
func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Create(project, service string, req CreateServiceUserRequest) (*ServiceUser, error)
Create creates the given User on Aiven.
func (*ServiceUsersHandler) Delete ¶
func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Delete(project, service, user string) error
Delete deletes the given Service User in Aiven.
func (*ServiceUsersHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Get(project, serviceName, username string) (*ServiceUser, error)
Get specific Service User in Aiven.
func (*ServiceUsersHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) List(project, serviceName string) ([]*ServiceUser, error)
List Service Users for given service in Aiven.
func (*ServiceUsersHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.9
func (h *ServiceUsersHandler) Update(project, service, username string, update ModifyServiceUserRequest) (*ServiceUser, error)
Update modifies the given Service User in Aiven.
type ServicesHandler ¶
type ServicesHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServicesHandler is the client that interacts with the Service API endpoints on Aiven.
func (*ServicesHandler) Create ¶
func (h *ServicesHandler) Create(project string, req CreateServiceRequest) (*Service, error)
Create creates the given Service on Aiven.
func (*ServicesHandler) Delete ¶
func (h *ServicesHandler) Delete(project, service string) error
Delete will delete the given service from Aiven.
func (*ServicesHandler) Get ¶
func (h *ServicesHandler) Get(project, service string) (*Service, error)
Get gets a specific service from Aiven.
func (*ServicesHandler) List ¶
func (h *ServicesHandler) List(project string) ([]*Service, error)
List will fetch all services for a given project.
func (*ServicesHandler) Update ¶
func (h *ServicesHandler) Update(project, service string, req UpdateServiceRequest) (*Service, error)
Update will update the given service with the given parameters.
type StaticIP ¶ added in v1.8.0
type StaticIP struct { CloudName string `json:"cloud_name"` IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"` ServiceName string `json:"service_name"` State string `json:"state"` StaticIPAddressID string `json:"static_ip_address_id"` }
StaticIP shared fields by API responses
type StaticIPsHandler ¶ added in v1.8.0
type StaticIPsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StaticIPsHandler aiven go-client handler for static ips
func (*StaticIPsHandler) Associate ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Associate(project, staticIPID string, req AssociateStaticIPRequest) error
func (*StaticIPsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Create(project string, req CreateStaticIPRequest) (*CreateStaticIPResponse, error)
Create creates a static ip
func (*StaticIPsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Delete(project string, req DeleteStaticIPRequest) error
Delete deletes a static ip
func (*StaticIPsHandler) Dissociate ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Dissociate(project, staticIPID string) error
func (*StaticIPsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) Get(project, staticIPID string) (*StaticIP, error)
Get retrieves a Static IP NOTE: API does not support GET /v1/project/{project}/static-ips/{static-ip-id}, need to fetch all, filter by ID and fake a 404 if nothing is found
func (*StaticIPsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.8.0
func (h *StaticIPsHandler) List(project string) (*ListStaticIPResponse, error)
List lists all static ips
type StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse ¶ added in v1.18.0
type StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse struct { APIResponse FlinkApplicationDeployment }
StopFlinkApplicationDeploymentResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/application/<application_id>/deployment/<deployment_id>/stop
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachment ¶ added in v1.5.6
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachment struct { CIDR string `json:"cidr"` PeerCloudAccount string `json:"peer_cloud_account"` PeerResourceGroup *string `json:"peer_resource_group"` PeerVPC string `json:"peer_vpc"` }
TransitGatewayVPCAttachment represents Transit Gateway VPC Attachment
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler ¶ added in v1.5.6
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler is the client that interacts with the Transit Gateway VPC Attachment API on Aiven.
func (*TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler) Update ¶ added in v1.5.6
func (h *TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentHandler) Update( project, projectVPCId string, req TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentRequest, ) (*VPC, error)
Update updates user-defined peer network CIDRs for a project VPC
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentRequest ¶ added in v1.5.6
type TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentRequest struct { Add []TransitGatewayVPCAttachment `json:"add"` Delete []string `json:"delete"` }
TransitGatewayVPCAttachmentRequest holds the parameters to create a new or update an existing Transit Gateway VPC Attachment.
type UpdateConnectionPoolRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type UpdateConnectionPoolRequest struct { Database string `json:"database"` PoolMode string `json:"pool_mode"` PoolSize int `json:"pool_size"` Username *string `json:"username"` }
UpdateConnectionPoolRequest are the parameters used to update a connection pool entry.
type UpdateFlinkApplicationRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type UpdateFlinkApplicationRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
UpdateFlinkApplicationRequest is the request to update a Flink Application. PUT /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}
type UpdateKafkaTopicRequest ¶ added in v0.0.2
type UpdateKafkaTopicRequest struct { MinimumInSyncReplicas *int `json:"min_insync_replicas,omitempty"` Partitions *int `json:"partitions,omitempty"` Replication *int `json:"replication,omitempty"` RetentionBytes *int `json:"retention_bytes,omitempty"` RetentionHours *int `json:"retention_hours,omitempty"` Config KafkaTopicConfig `json:"config"` Tags []KafkaTopicTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
UpdateKafkaTopicRequest are the parameters used to update a kafka topic.
type UpdateProjectRequest ¶
type UpdateProjectRequest struct { Name string `json:"project_name,omitempty"` BillingAddress *string `json:"billing_address,omitempty"` BillingEmails *[]*ContactEmail `json:"billing_emails,omitempty"` BillingExtraText *string `json:"billing_extra_text,omitempty"` CardID *string `json:"card_id,omitempty"` Cloud *string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` CountryCode *string `json:"country_code,omitempty"` AccountId string `json:"account_id"` TechnicalEmails *[]*ContactEmail `json:"tech_emails,omitempty"` BillingCurrency string `json:"billing_currency,omitempty"` VatID *string `json:"vat_id,omitempty"` Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"` AddAccountOwnersAdminAccess *bool `json:"add_account_owners_admin_access,omitempty"` }
UpdateProjectRequest are the parameters for updating a project.
type UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest struct {
MemberType string `json:"member_type"`
UpdateProjectUserOrInvitationRequest are the parameters to update project user or invitation
type UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest struct {
UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"`
UpdateServiceIntegrationEndpointRequest are the parameters to update a Service Integration Endpoint.
type UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest ¶ added in v1.0.0
type UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest struct {
UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config"`
UpdateServiceIntegrationRequest are the parameters to update a Service Integration.
type UpdateServiceRequest ¶
type UpdateServiceRequest struct { Cloud string `json:"cloud,omitempty"` GroupName string `json:"group_name,omitempty"` MaintenanceWindow *MaintenanceWindow `json:"maintenance,omitempty"` Plan string `json:"plan,omitempty"` ProjectVPCID *string `json:"project_vpc_id"` Powered bool `json:"powered"` TerminationProtection bool `json:"termination_protection"` UserConfig map[string]interface{} `json:"user_config,omitempty"` DiskSpaceMB int `json:"disk_space_mb,omitempty"` Karapace *bool `json:"karapace,omitempty"` }
UpdateServiceRequest are the parameters to update a Service.
type UserConfigSchema ¶ added in v1.8.0
type UserConfigSchema struct { Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` Type interface{} `json:"type"` Default interface{} `json:"default"` Required []string `json:"required"` Properties map[string]UserConfigSchema `json:"properties"` AdditionalProperties interface{} `json:"additionalProperties"` Items *UserConfigSchema `json:"items"` OneOf []UserConfigSchema `json:"oneOf"` Enum []interface{} `json:"enum"` Minimum *float64 `json:"minimum"` Maximum *float64 `json:"maximum"` MinLength *int `json:"minLength"` MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength"` MaxItems *int `json:"maxItems"` CreateOnly bool `json:"createOnly"` Pattern string `json:"pattern"` Example interface{} `json:"example"` UserError string `json:"user_error"` }
UserConfigSchema represents a user config schema.
type VPC ¶ added in v1.0.0
type VPC struct { CloudName string `json:"cloud_name"` CreateTime *string `json:"create_time"` NetworkCIDR string `json:"network_cidr"` ProjectVPCID string `json:"project_vpc_id"` State string `json:"state"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` PeeringConnections []*VPCPeeringConnection `json:"peering_connections"` }
VPC holds parameters associated with a Virtual Private Cloud
type VPCListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.0
type VPCListResponse struct { APIResponse VPCs []*VPC `json:"vpcs"` }
VPCListResponse represents the response from Aiven for listing VPCs.
type VPCPeeringConnection ¶ added in v1.0.0
type VPCPeeringConnection struct { CreateTime *string `json:"create_time"` PeerCloudAccount string `json:"peer_cloud_account"` PeerVPC string `json:"peer_vpc"` PeerRegion *string `json:"peer_region"` State string `json:"state"` UpdateTime string `json:"update_time"` StateInfo *map[string]interface{} `json:"state_info"` PeerAzureAppId string `json:"peer_azure_app_id,omitempty"` PeerAzureTenantId string `json:"peer_azure_tenant_id,omitempty"` UserPeerNetworkCIDRs []string `json:"user_peer_network_cidrs,omitempty"` VPCPeeringConnectionType string `json:"vpc_peering_connection_type,omitempty"` PeerResourceGroup *string `json:"peer_resource_group,omitempty"` }
VPCPeeringConnection holds parameters associated with a VPC peering connection
type VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler is the client that interacts with the VPC Peering Connections API on Aiven.
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Create( project string, vpcID string, req CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest, ) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
Create the given VPC on Aiven. when CreateVPCPeeringConnectionRequest.PeerRegion == nil the PeerVPC must be in the same region as the project VPC (vpcID)
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Delete(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC string) error
Delete the given VPC Peering Connection from Aiven.
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeering ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeering(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC string, peerRegion *string) error
DeleteVPCPeering Connection from Aiven. If peerRegion == nil the peering VPC must be in the same region as project VPC (vpcID)
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup ¶ added in v1.5.9
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) DeleteVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup(project, vpcID, peerCloudAccount, peerVPC, peerResourceGroup string, peerRegion *string) error
DeleteVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup deletes a VPC peering connection
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Get ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) Get( project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string, ) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
Get a VPC Peering Connection from Aiven.
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeering ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeering( project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string, peerRegion *string, ) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
GetVPCPeering Connection from Aiven. if peerRegion == nil the peered VPC is assumed to be in the same region as the project VPC (vpcID)
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup ¶ added in v1.5.9
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) GetVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup( project string, vpcID string, peerCloudAccount string, peerVPC string, peerRegion *string, peerResourceGroup *string, ) (*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
GetVPCPeeringWithResourceGroup retrieves a VPC peering connection
func (*VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) List ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCPeeringConnectionsHandler) List(project, vpcID string) ([]*VPCPeeringConnection, error)
List all VPC peering connections for a given VPC.
type VPCsHandler ¶ added in v1.0.0
type VPCsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VPCsHandler is the client that interacts with the VPCs API on Aiven.
func (*VPCsHandler) Create ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCsHandler) Create(project string, req CreateVPCRequest) (*VPC, error)
Create the given VPC on Aiven.
func (*VPCsHandler) Delete ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *VPCsHandler) Delete(project, vpcID string) error
Delete the given VPC from Aiven.
type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse struct { GenericFlinkApplicationVersionResponse ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionStatementError }
ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionResponse is the response for validating a Flink Application Version. POST /project/{project}/service/{service_name}/flink/application/{application_id}/version/validate
type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionStatementError ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionStatementError struct { Message string `json:"message"` Position flinkPosition `json:"position"` }
ValidateFlinkApplicationVersionStatementError is the error for validating a Flink Application Version.
type ValidateFlinkJobRequest ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ValidateFlinkJobRequest struct { Statement string `json:"statement"` TableIDs []string `json:"table_ids"` }
ValidateFlinkJobRequest Aiven API request POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job/validate
type ValidateFlinkJobResponse ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ValidateFlinkJobResponse struct { APIResponse JobValidateError struct { Message string `json:"message"` Position flinkPosition `json:"position"` } `json:"job_validate_error"` }
ValidateFlinkJobResponse Aiven API response POST<project>/service/<service_name>/flink/job/validate
Source Files
- account_authentications.go
- account_team_invites.go
- account_team_members.go
- account_team_projects.go
- account_teams.go
- accounts.go
- api.go
- auth.go
- aws_privatelink.go
- azure_privatelink.go
- billing_group.go
- ca.go
- card.go
- clickhouse_db.go
- clickhouse_query.go
- clickhouse_user.go
- client.go
- connection_pool.go
- database.go
- elasticsearch_acls.go
- error.go
- errors.go
- flink.go
- flink_application.go
- flink_application_deployment.go
- flink_application_query.go
- flink_application_version.go
- flink_job.go
- gcp_privatelink.go
- kafka_acl.go
- kafka_connector.go
- kafka_schema_registry_acl.go
- kafka_schemas.go
- kafka_topic.go
- mirrormaker_replication_flow.go
- opensearch_security_plugin.go
- organization.go
- organization_user.go
- organization_user_group.go
- organization_user_group_members.go
- organization_user_invitations.go
- project.go
- project_user.go
- service.go
- service_integration.go
- service_integration_endpoint.go
- service_tags.go
- service_task_acc.go
- service_types.go
- service_user.go
- static_ips.go
- transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.go
- version.go
- vpc.go
- vpc_peering_connection.go