Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddUserAgent(transport http.RoundTripper, userAgent string) http.RoundTripper
- func BuildUserAgent() string
- func Decrypt(key []byte, cipherText string) string
- func Encrypt(key []byte, plainText string) string
- func SideLoad(request SideLoadRequest, logger SideLogger) error
- type APICredentials
- type APIRequestHeaders
- type AVSResponse
- type AbstractAcknowledgement
- type Acknowledgement
- type AddGatewayMerchantRequest
- type AddTestMerchantRequest
- type Address
- type AggregateBillingLineItem
- type AggregateBillingLineItemStats
- type ApplicationAccount
- type ApprovalResponse
- type Archive
- type AuthorizationRequest
- type AuthorizationResponse
- type BalanceRequest
- type BalanceResponse
- type BankAccount
- type BatchDetailsRequest
- type BatchDetailsResponse
- type BatchHistoryRequest
- type BatchHistoryResponse
- type BatchSummary
- type BooleanPromptRequest
- type BooleanPromptResponse
- type BrandingAsset
- type BrandingAssetRequest
- type BrandingAssetResponse
- type BuyRateLineItem
- type CVMType
- type CancelPaymentLinkRequest
- type CancelPaymentLinkResponse
- type CaptureRequest
- type CaptureResponse
- type CaptureSignatureRequest
- type CaptureSignatureResponse
- type CardMetadata
- type CardMetadataRequest
- type CardMetadataResponse
- type CardType
- type CashDiscountRequest
- type CashDiscountResponse
- type ClearTerminalRequest
- type Client
- func (client *Client) ActivateTerminal(request TerminalActivationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) AddGatewayMerchant(request AddGatewayMerchantRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) AddTestMerchant(request AddTestMerchantRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Balance(request BalanceRequest) (*BalanceResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) BatchDetails(request BatchDetailsRequest) (*BatchDetailsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) BatchHistory(request BatchHistoryRequest) (*BatchHistoryResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) BooleanPrompt(request BooleanPromptRequest) (*BooleanPromptResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) CancelPaymentLink(request CancelPaymentLinkRequest) (*CancelPaymentLinkResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Capture(request CaptureRequest) (*CaptureResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) CaptureSignature(request CaptureSignatureRequest) (*CaptureSignatureResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) CardMetadata(request CardMetadataRequest) (*CardMetadataResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) CashDiscount(request CashDiscountRequest) (*CashDiscountResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Charge(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Clear(request ClearTerminalRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) CloseBatch(request CloseBatchRequest) (*CloseBatchResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Customer(request CustomerRequest) (*CustomerResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) CustomerSearch(request CustomerSearchRequest) (*CustomerSearchResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) DashboardRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, requestTimeout interface{}) error
- func (client *Client) DashboardUpload(path string, request UploadMetadata, reader io.Reader, response interface{}, ...) error
- func (client *Client) DeactivateTerminal(request TerminalDeactivationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteBrandingAsset(request BrandingAssetRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteCustomer(request DeleteCustomerRequest) (*DeleteCustomerResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteMediaAsset(request MediaRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteMerchantPlatforms(request MerchantPlatformRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteQueuedTransaction(request DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest) (*DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteSlideShow(request SlideShowRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteSurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteTestMerchant(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) DeleteToken(request DeleteTokenRequest) (*DeleteTokenResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Enroll(request EnrollRequest) (*EnrollResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) ExpireRouteCache()
- func (client *Client) GatewayGet(path string, responseEntity interface{}) error
- func (client *Client) GatewayPost(path string, requestEntity interface{}, responseEntity interface{}, ...) error
- func (client *Client) GatewayRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, testTx bool, ...) error
- func (client *Client) GetMerchants(request GetMerchantsRequest) (*GetMerchantsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) GiftActivate(request GiftActivateRequest) (*GiftActivateResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) InviteMerchantUser(request InviteMerchantUserRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) LinkToken(request LinkTokenRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) ListQueuedTransactions(request ListQueuedTransactionsRequest) (*ListQueuedTransactionsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Locate(request LocateRequest) (*LocateResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Media(request MediaRequest) (*MediaLibraryResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MediaAsset(request MediaRequest) (*MediaMetadata, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantCredentialGeneration(request MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest) (*MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantInvoiceDetail(request MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest) (*MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantInvoices(request MerchantInvoiceListRequest) (*MerchantInvoiceListResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantPlatforms(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantPlatformsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantProfile(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) MerchantUsers(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantUsersResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Message(request MessageRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) NewTransactionDisplay(request TransactionDisplayRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) PartnerCommissionBreakdown(request PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest) (*PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) PartnerStatementDetail(request PartnerStatementDetailRequest) (*PartnerStatementDetailResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) PartnerStatements(request PartnerStatementListRequest) (*PartnerStatementListResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) PaymentLinkStatus(request PaymentLinkStatusRequest) (*PaymentLinkStatusResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Ping(request PingRequest) (*PingResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Preauth(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) PricingPolicy(request PricingPolicyRequest) (*PricingPolicyResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Reboot(request PingRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) Refund(request RefundRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) RelayRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, testTx bool, ...) error
- func (client *Client) ResendPaymentLink(request ResendPaymentLinkRequest) (*ResendPaymentLinkResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Reverse(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) SendPaymentLink(request PaymentLinkRequest) (*PaymentLinkResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) SlideShow(request SlideShowRequest) (*SlideShow, error)
- func (client *Client) SlideShows(request SlideShowRequest) (*SlideShowResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) SubmitApplication(request SubmitApplicationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) SurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
- func (client *Client) SurveyQuestions(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*SurveyQuestionResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) SurveyResults(request SurveyResultsRequest) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
- func (client *Client) TCDeleteTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) TCEntry(request TermsAndConditionsLogRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsLogEntry, error)
- func (client *Client) TCLog(request TermsAndConditionsLogRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsLogResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TCTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplate, error)
- func (client *Client) TCTemplates(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TCUpdateTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplate) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplate, error)
- func (client *Client) TerminalBranding(request BrandingAssetRequest) (*BrandingAssetResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TerminalStatus(request TerminalStatusRequest) (*TerminalStatusResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) Terminals(request TerminalProfileRequest) (*TerminalProfileResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TermsAndConditions(request TermsAndConditionsRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TextPrompt(request TextPromptRequest) (*TextPromptResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TokenMetadata(request TokenMetadataRequest) (*TokenMetadataResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TransactionHistory(request TransactionHistoryRequest) (*TransactionHistoryResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) TransactionStatus(request TransactionStatusRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) UnlinkToken(request UnlinkTokenRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateBrandingAsset(request BrandingAsset) (*BrandingAsset, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateCustomer(request UpdateCustomerRequest) (*CustomerResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateMerchant(request MerchantProfile) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateMerchantPlatforms(request MerchantPlatform) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateSlideShow(request SlideShow) (*SlideShow, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateSurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestion) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
- func (client *Client) UpdateTransactionDisplay(request TransactionDisplayRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
- func (client *Client) UploadMedia(request UploadMetadata, reader io.Reader) (*MediaMetadata, error)
- func (client *Client) UploadStatus(request UploadStatusRequest) (*UploadStatus, error)
- func (client *Client) Void(request VoidRequest) (*VoidResponse, error)
- type CloseBatchRequest
- type CloseBatchResponse
- type CommandLineArguments
- type ConfigSettings
- type CoreRequest
- type CoreResponse
- type CryptocurrencyResponse
- type Customer
- type CustomerRequest
- type CustomerResponse
- type CustomerSearchRequest
- type CustomerSearchResponse
- type CustomerToken
- type DeleteCustomerRequest
- type DeleteCustomerResponse
- type DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest
- type DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse
- type DeleteTokenRequest
- type DeleteTokenResponse
- type DownloadMetaData
- type EnrollRequest
- type EnrollResponse
- type FirmwareMetadata
- type GetMerchantsRequest
- type GetMerchantsResponse
- type GiftActivateRequest
- type GiftActivateResponse
- type HealthcareGroup
- type HealthcareMetadata
- type HealthcareType
- type HeartbeatResponse
- type InviteMerchantUserRequest
- type InvoiceLineItem
- type InvoicePayment
- type LinkTokenRequest
- type ListQueuedTransactionsRequest
- type ListQueuedTransactionsResponse
- type LocateRequest
- type LocateResponse
- type MediaLibraryResponse
- type MediaMetadata
- type MediaRequest
- type MerchantApplication
- type MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest
- type MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse
- type MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest
- type MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse
- type MerchantInvoiceListRequest
- type MerchantInvoiceListResponse
- type MerchantInvoiceSummary
- type MerchantPlatform
- type MerchantPlatformRequest
- type MerchantPlatformsResponse
- type MerchantProfile
- type MerchantProfileRequest
- type MerchantProfileResponse
- type MerchantUser
- type MerchantUsersResponse
- type MessageRequest
- type Owner
- type PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest
- type PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse
- type PartnerStatementAdjustment
- type PartnerStatementDetailRequest
- type PartnerStatementDetailResponse
- type PartnerStatementDisbursement
- type PartnerStatementLineItem
- type PartnerStatementListRequest
- type PartnerStatementListResponse
- type PartnerStatementSummary
- type PaymentAmounts
- type PaymentLinkRequest
- type PaymentLinkResponse
- type PaymentLinkStatusRequest
- type PaymentLinkStatusResponse
- type PaymentMethod
- type PaymentMethodResponse
- type PingRequest
- type PingResponse
- type PreviousTransaction
- type PricePoint
- type PricingPolicyRequest
- type PricingPolicyResponse
- type PromptType
- type RawPublicKey
- type ReceiptSuggestions
- type RefundRequest
- type RequestAmount
- type ResendPaymentLinkRequest
- type ResendPaymentLinkResponse
- type RoundingMode
- type RouteCache
- type SideLoadRequest
- type SideLogger
- type SignatureFormat
- type SignatureRequest
- type SignatureResponse
- type Slide
- type SlideShow
- type SlideShowRequest
- type SlideShowResponse
- type StatementDeposit
- type SubmitApplicationRequest
- type Subtotals
- type SurveyDataPoint
- type SurveyQuestion
- type SurveyQuestionRequest
- type SurveyQuestionResponse
- type SurveyResultsRequest
- type TerminalActivationRequest
- type TerminalAuthorizationRequest
- type TerminalBalanceRequest
- type TerminalBooleanPromptRequest
- type TerminalCaptureSignatureRequest
- type TerminalCardMetadataRequest
- type TerminalClearTerminalRequest
- type TerminalDeactivationRequest
- type TerminalDeleteQueuedTransactionRequest
- type TerminalEnrollRequest
- type TerminalGiftActivateRequest
- type TerminalListQueuedTransactionsRequest
- type TerminalLocateRequest
- type TerminalMessageRequest
- type TerminalPingRequest
- type TerminalProfile
- type TerminalProfileRequest
- type TerminalProfileResponse
- type TerminalReference
- type TerminalRefundRequest
- type TerminalRoute
- type TerminalRouteResponse
- type TerminalStatusRequest
- type TerminalStatusResponse
- type TerminalTerminalStatusRequest
- type TerminalTermsAndConditionsRequest
- type TerminalTermsAndConditionsResponse
- type TerminalTextPromptRequest
- type TerminalTransactionDisplayRequest
- type TerminalVolume
- type TermsAndConditionsLogEntry
- type TermsAndConditionsLogRequest
- type TermsAndConditionsLogResponse
- type TermsAndConditionsRequest
- type TermsAndConditionsResponse
- type TermsAndConditionsTemplate
- type TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest
- type TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse
- type TextPromptRequest
- type TextPromptResponse
- type TimeoutRequest
- type TokenMetadataRequest
- type TokenMetadataResponse
- type TransactionDisplayDiscount
- type TransactionDisplayItem
- type TransactionDisplayRequest
- type TransactionDisplayTransaction
- type TransactionHistoryRequest
- type TransactionHistoryResponse
- type TransactionStatus
- type TransactionStatusRequest
- type UnlinkTokenRequest
- type UpdateCustomerRequest
- type UpdateMerchantPlatformRequest
- type UpdateMerchantPlatformResponse
- type UploadMetadata
- type UploadStatus
- type UploadStatusRequest
- type VoidRequest
- type VoidResponse
- type WhiteListedCard
Constants ¶
const ( DefaultGatewayHost = "" DefaultDashboardHost = "" DefaultTestGatewayHost = "" DefaultHTTPS = true DefaultRouteCacheTTL = 60 * time.Minute DefaultGatewayTimeout = 20 * time.Second DefaultTerminalTimeout = 2 * time.Minute )
Default client configuration constants.
const ( ConfigDir = "blockchyp" ConfigFile = "blockchyp.json" )
Default filesystem configuration.
const ( ResponseUnknownTerminal = "Unknown Terminal" ResponseTimedOut = "Request Timed Out" )
Clientside response constants.
const ( SignatureFormatNone = "" SignatureFormatPNG = "png" SignatureFormatJPG = "jpg" SignatureFormatGIF = "gif" )
const ( PromptTypeAmount = "amount" PromptTypeEmail = "email" PromptTypePhone = "phone" PromptTypeCustomerNumber = "customer-number" PromptTypeRewardsNumber = "rewards-number" PromptTypeFirstName = "first-name" PromptTypeLastName = "last-name" )
const ( AVSResponseNotApplicable AVSResponse = "" AVSResponseNotSupported = "not_supported" AVSResponseRetry = "retry" AVSResponseNoMatch = "no_match" AVSResponseAddressMatch = "address_match" AVSResponsePostalCodeMatch = "zip_match" AVSResponseAddressAndPostalCodeMatch = "match" )
AVSResponse types.
const ( HealthcareTypeHealthcare = "healthcare" HealthcareTypePrescription = "prescription" HealthcareTypeVision = "vision" HealthcareTypeClinic = "clinic" HealthcareTypeDental = "dental" )
const ( RoundingModeUp = "up" RoundingModeNearest = "nearest" RoundingModeDown = "down" )
RoundingMode types
Variables ¶
var ErrInvalidAsyncRequest = errors.New("async requests must be terminal requests")
ErrInvalidAsyncRequest is returned when a request cannot be called asynchronously.
var ErrNoChange = errors.New("route unchanged")
ErrNoChange is returned when a route refresh does not produce a new route.
var ErrUnknownTerminal = errors.New("unknown terminal")
ErrUnknownTerminal is returned when there is no route to a given terminal.
var Version string
Version contains the version at build time
Functions ¶
func AddUserAgent ¶
func AddUserAgent(transport http.RoundTripper, userAgent string) http.RoundTripper
AddUserAgent adds a user agent header to an http.RoundTripper.
func BuildUserAgent ¶
func BuildUserAgent() string
BuildUserAgent assembles a user agent header for use with requests to the gateway and terminals.
func Decrypt ¶
Decrypt performs AES 256/CBC/PKCS7 decryption on the given cipherText with the given key.
func Encrypt ¶
Encrypt performs AES 256/CBC/PKCS7 encryption on the given plain text with the given key.
func SideLoad ¶
func SideLoad(request SideLoadRequest, logger SideLogger) error
SideLoad loads firmware updates onto a terminal elsewhere on the local network
Types ¶
type APICredentials ¶
type APICredentials struct { APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` BearerToken string `json:"bearerToken"` SigningKey string `json:"signingKey"` }
APICredentials models gateway credentials.
type APIRequestHeaders ¶
type APIRequestHeaders struct { Timestamp string Nonce string BearerToken string APIKey string Signature string }
APIRequestHeaders models the http headers required for BlockChyp API requests.
type AVSResponse ¶
type AVSResponse string
AVSResponse indicates the result of address verification.
type AbstractAcknowledgement ¶
type AbstractAcknowledgement struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string }
AbstractAcknowledgement contains fields which should be returned with standard requests.
func (AbstractAcknowledgement) From ¶
func (r AbstractAcknowledgement) From(raw interface{}) (result AbstractAcknowledgement, ok bool)
From creates an instance of AbstractAcknowledgement with values from a generic type.
type Acknowledgement ¶
type Acknowledgement struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
Acknowledgement contains a basic api acknowledgement.
type AddGatewayMerchantRequest ¶ added in v2.19.0
type AddGatewayMerchantRequest struct { // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Profile is the merchant profile to be boarded. Profile MerchantProfile `json:"profile"` // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` }
AddGatewayMerchantRequest models basic information needed to create a gateway merchant.
type AddTestMerchantRequest ¶
type AddTestMerchantRequest struct { // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DBAName the DBA name for the test merchant. DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // CompanyName is the corporate name for the test merchant. CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` }
AddTestMerchantRequest models basic information needed to create a test merchant.
type Address ¶
type Address struct { // Address1 is the first line of the street address. Address1 string `json:"address1"` // Address2 is the second line of the street address. Address2 string `json:"address2"` // City is the city associated with the street address. City string `json:"city"` // StateOrProvince is the state or province associated with the street // address. StateOrProvince string `json:"stateOrProvince"` // PostalCode is the postal code associated with the street address. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode"` // CountryCode is the ISO country code associated with the street address. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Latitude is the latitude component of the address's GPS coordinates. Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` // Longitude is the longitude component of the address's GPS coordinates. Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` }
Address models a physical address.
type AggregateBillingLineItem ¶ added in v2.17.3
type AggregateBillingLineItem struct { // ID is the line item identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Description provides a basic description of the line item. Description string `json:"description"` // Expandable indicates that a line item has nested information. Expandable bool `json:"expandable"` // Negative indicates the total is a negative number. Negative bool `json:"negative"` // Total is the total for the line item. Total float64 `json:"total"` // TotalFormatted is the currency formatted total for the line item. TotalFormatted string `json:"totalFormatted"` // PerTranFeeRange is the range of count based fees charged for the given // line item. PerTranFeeRange *AggregateBillingLineItemStats `json:"perTranFeeRange"` // TransactionPercentageRange is the range of percentage based fees charged // for the given line item. TransactionPercentageRange *AggregateBillingLineItemStats `json:"transactionPercentageRange"` // DetailLines encapsulated drill down or detail lines. DetailLines []AggregateBillingLineItem `json:"detailLines"` }
AggregateBillingLineItem models low level aggregated and nested data line items.
type AggregateBillingLineItemStats ¶ added in v2.17.3
type AggregateBillingLineItemStats struct { // Min is the min value in the set. Min string `json:"min"` // Avg is the avg value in the set. Avg string `json:"avg"` // Max is the max value in the set. Max string `json:"max"` }
AggregateBillingLineItemStats models statistics for low level aggregation line items.
type ApplicationAccount ¶ added in v2.20.1
type ApplicationAccount struct { // Name is the name of the bank account. Name string `json:"name"` // Bank is the name of the bank. Bank string `json:"bank"` // AccountHolderName is the name of the account holder. AccountHolderName string `json:"accountHolderName"` // RoutingNumber is the routing number of the bank. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber"` // AccountNumber is the account number. AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber"` }
ApplicationAccount models a bank account associated with an application.
type ApprovalResponse ¶
type ApprovalResponse struct { // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string }
ApprovalResponse contains response fields for an approved transaction.
func (ApprovalResponse) From ¶
func (r ApprovalResponse) From(raw interface{}) (result ApprovalResponse, ok bool)
From creates an instance of ApprovalResponse with values from a generic type.
type Archive ¶
type Archive struct { ArchiveIdentifier string `json:"archiveIdentifier"` DownloadURL string `json:"downloadUrl"` Packages []string `json:"packages"` IncrementalURLs []string `json:"incrementalUrls"` }
Archive models a single archive package
type AuthorizationRequest ¶
type AuthorizationRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string `json:"track1,omitempty"` // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string `json:"track2,omitempty"` // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string `json:"pan,omitempty"` // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"` // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string `json:"cardholderName,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string `json:"cvv,omitempty"` // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"` // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool `json:"manualEntry,omitempty"` // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string `json:"ksn,omitempty"` // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string `json:"pinBlock,omitempty"` // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType `json:"cardType,omitempty"` // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // SigFile is a location on the filesystem which a customer signature should // be written to. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat `json:"sigFormat,omitempty"` // SigWidth is the width that the signature image should be scaled to, // preserving the aspect ratio. If not provided, the signature is returned in // the terminal's max resolution. SigWidth int `json:"sigWidth,omitempty"` // DisableSignature specifies whether or not signature prompt should be // skipped on the terminal. The terminal will indicate whether or not a // signature is required by the card in the receipt suggestions response. DisableSignature bool `json:"disableSignature,omitempty"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount,omitempty"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // TransactionID can be used to update a pre-auth to a new amount, sometimes // called incremental auth. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId,omitempty"` // OnlineAuthCode is used to validate online gift card authorizations. OnlineAuthCode string `json:"onlineAuthCode,omitempty"` // Enroll indicates that the payment method should be added to the token // vault alongside the authorization. Enroll bool `json:"enroll,omitempty"` // BypassDupeFilter indicates duplicate detection should be bypassed. BypassDupeFilter bool `json:"bypassDupeFilter,omitempty"` // Description contains a narrative description of the transaction. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // PromptForTip indicates that the terminal should request a tip from the // user before starting the transaction. PromptForTip bool `json:"promptForTip,omitempty"` // CashBackEnabled indicates that cash back should be enabled for supported // cards. CashBackEnabled bool `json:"cashBackEnabled,omitempty"` // CardOnFile indicates that this transaction should be treated as MOTO with // a card on file. CardOnFile bool `json:"cardOnFile,omitempty"` // Recurring indicates that this transaction should be treated as a recurring // transaction. Recurring bool `json:"recurring,omitempty"` // Cit manually sets the CIT (Customer Initiated Transaction) flag. Cit bool `json:"cit,omitempty"` // Mit manually sets the MIT (Merchant Initiated Transaction) flag. Mit bool `json:"mit,omitempty"` // Subscription indicates that this transaction should be treated as a // subscription recurring transaction. Subscription bool `json:"subscription,omitempty"` // PurchaseOrderNumber is the purchase order number, if known. PurchaseOrderNumber string `json:"purchaseOrderNumber,omitempty"` // SupplierReferenceNumber is the supplier reference number, if known. SupplierReferenceNumber string `json:"supplierReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // LineItems is an item to display. Can be overwritten or appended, based on // the request type. LineItems []*TransactionDisplayItem `json:"lineItems"` // AltPrices is a map of alternate currencies and the price in each currency. // Use only if you want to set your own exchange rate for a crypto // transaction. AltPrices map[string]string `json:"altPrices,omitempty"` // Customer contains customer information. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // RoundingMode indicates how partial pennies should be rounded for // calculated values like surcharges. Rounding up is the default behavior. RoundingMode *RoundingMode `json:"roundingMode"` // HealthcareMetadata contains details for HSA/FSA transactions. HealthcareMetadata *HealthcareMetadata `json:"healthcareMetadata,omitempty"` // Cryptocurrency indicates that the transaction should be a cryptocurrency // transaction. Value should be a crypto currency code (ETH, BTC) or ANY to // prompt the user to choose from supported cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency *string `json:"cryptocurrency,omitempty"` // CryptoNetwork is an optional parameter that can be used to force a crypto // transaction onto a level one or level two network. Valid values are L1 and // L2. Defaults to L1. CryptoNetwork *string `json:"cryptoNetwork,omitempty"` // CryptoReceiveAddress can be used to specify a specific receive address for // a crypto transaction. Disabled by default. This should only be used by // sophisticated users with access to properly configured hot wallets. CryptoReceiveAddress *string `json:"cryptoReceiveAddress,omitempty"` // PaymentRequestLabel can optionally add a label to the payment request if // the target cryptocurrency supports labels. Defaults to the merchant's DBA // Name. PaymentRequestLabel *string `json:"paymentRequestLabel,omitempty"` // PaymentRequestMessage can optionally add a message to the payment request // if the target cryptocurrency supports labels. Defaults to empty. PaymentRequestMessage *string `json:"paymentRequestMessage,omitempty"` // SimulateChipRejection instructs the terminal to simulate a post auth chip // rejection that would trigger an automatic reversal. SimulateChipRejection bool `json:"simulateChipRejection,omitempty"` // SimulateOutOfOrderReversal instructs the terminal to simulate an out of // order automatic reversal. SimulateOutOfOrderReversal bool `json:"simulateOutOfOrderReversal,omitempty"` // AsyncReversals causes auto-reversals on the terminal to be executed // asyncronously. Use with caution and in conjunction with the transaction // status API. AsyncReversals bool `json:"asyncReversals,omitempty"` // PassthroughSurcharge is a passthrough surcharge amount. This surcharge // amount will be passed directly to the gateway and is not directly // calculated. PassthroughSurcharge string `json:"passthroughSurcharge,omitempty"` // Healthcare marks a transaction as HSA/FSA. Healthcare bool `json:"healthcare,omitempty"` // HealthcareTotal is the total amount to process as healthcare. HealthcareTotal string `json:"healthcareTotal,omitempty"` // EBTTotal is the total amount to process as ebt. EBTTotal string `json:"ebtTotal,omitempty"` // CardMetadataLookup indicates that this transaction will include a card // metadata lookup. CardMetadataLookup bool `json:"cardMetadataLookup,omitempty"` }
AuthorizationRequest contains an authorization request for a charge, preauth, or reverse transaction.
type AuthorizationResponse ¶
type AuthorizationResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string `json:"authCode,omitempty"` // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string `json:"authResponseCode,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // PartialAuth indicates whether or not the transaction was approved for a // partial amount. PartialAuth bool `json:"partialAuth"` // AltCurrency indicates whether or not an alternate currency was used. AltCurrency bool `json:"altCurrency"` // FSAAuth indicates whether or not a request was settled on an FSA card. FSAAuth bool `json:"fsaAuth"` // CurrencyCode is the currency code used for the transaction. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // RequestedAmount is the requested amount. RequestedAmount string `json:"requestedAmount"` // AuthorizedAmount is the authorized amount. May not match the requested // amount in the event of a partial auth. AuthorizedAmount string `json:"authorizedAmount"` // RemainingBalance is the remaining balance on the payment method. RemainingBalance string `json:"remainingBalance"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount"` // RequestedCashBackAmount is the cash back amount the customer requested // during the transaction. RequestedCashBackAmount string `json:"requestedCashBackAmount"` // AuthorizedCashBackAmount is the amount of cash back authorized by the // gateway. This amount will be the entire amount requested, or zero. AuthorizedCashBackAmount string `json:"authorizedCashBackAmount"` // Confirmed indicates that the transaction has met the standard criteria for // confirmation on the network. (For example, 6 confirmations for level one // bitcoin.) Confirmed bool `json:"confirmed"` // CryptoAuthorizedAmount is the amount submitted to the blockchain. CryptoAuthorizedAmount string `json:"cryptoAuthorizedAmount"` // CryptoNetworkFee is the network level fee assessed for the transaction // denominated in cryptocurrency. This fee goes to channel operators and // crypto miners, not BlockChyp. CryptoNetworkFee string `json:"cryptoNetworkFee"` // Cryptocurrency is the three letter cryptocurrency code used for the // transactions. Cryptocurrency string `json:"cryptocurrency"` // CryptoNetwork indicates whether or not the transaction was processed on // the level one or level two network. CryptoNetwork string `json:"cryptoNetwork"` // CryptoReceiveAddress the address on the crypto network the transaction was // sent to. CryptoReceiveAddress string `json:"cryptoReceiveAddress"` // CryptoBlock hash or other identifier that identifies the block on the // cryptocurrency network, if available or relevant. CryptoBlock string `json:"cryptoBlock"` // CryptoTransactionID hash or other transaction identifier that identifies // the transaction on the cryptocurrency network, if available or relevant. CryptoTransactionID string `json:"cryptoTransactionId"` // CryptoPaymentRequest is the payment request URI used for the transaction, // if available. CryptoPaymentRequest string `json:"cryptoPaymentRequest"` // CryptoStatus is used for additional status information related to crypto // transactions. CryptoStatus string `json:"cryptoStatus"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // WhiteListedCard contains card BIN ranges can be whitelisted so that they // are read instead of being processed directly. This is useful for // integration with legacy gift card systems. WhiteListedCard *WhiteListedCard `json:"whiteListedCard"` // StoreAndForward indicates that the transaction was flagged for store and // forward due to network problems. StoreAndForward bool `json:"storeAndForward"` // Status indicates the current status of a transaction. Status string `json:"status"` // CardMetadata contains details about a payment card derived from its // BIN/IIN. CardMetadata *CardMetadata `json:"cardMetadata,omitempty"` }
AuthorizationResponse contains the response to an authorization request.
type BalanceRequest ¶
type BalanceRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string `json:"track1,omitempty"` // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string `json:"track2,omitempty"` // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string `json:"pan,omitempty"` // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"` // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string `json:"cardholderName,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string `json:"cvv,omitempty"` // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"` // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool `json:"manualEntry,omitempty"` // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string `json:"ksn,omitempty"` // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string `json:"pinBlock,omitempty"` // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType `json:"cardType,omitempty"` // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
BalanceRequest contains a request for the remaining balance on a payment type.
type BalanceResponse ¶
type BalanceResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // RemainingBalance remaining balance on the payment method. RemainingBalance string `json:"remainingBalance,omitempty"` }
BalanceResponse contains the response to a balance request.
type BankAccount ¶
type BankAccount struct { // ID is the account identifier to be used with authorization requests. ID string `json:"id"` // Name is the name of the account. Name string `json:"name"` // Purpose is the purpose of the account. Purpose string `json:"purpose"` // MaskedAccountNumber is the masked account number. MaskedAccountNumber string `json:"maskedAccountNumber"` }
BankAccount models meta data about a merchant bank account.
type BatchDetailsRequest ¶
type BatchDetailsRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // BatchID id for the batch to be retrieved. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` }
BatchDetailsRequest models a request for details about a single batch.
type BatchDetailsResponse ¶
type BatchDetailsResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates that the response came from the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // BatchID batch identifier. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` // EntryMethod entry method for the batch, if any. EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod"` // DestinationAccountID merchant deposit account into which proceeds should // be deposited. DestinationAccountID string `json:"destinationAccountId"` // CapturedAmount is the new captured amount. CapturedAmount string `json:"capturedAmount"` // OpenPreauths preauths from this batch still open. OpenPreauths string `json:"openPreauths"` // TotalVolume is the total volume from this batch. TotalVolume string `json:"totalVolume"` // TransactionCount is the total number of transactions in this batch. TransactionCount int `json:"transactionCount"` // GiftCardsSold is the total volume of gift cards sold. GiftCardsSold string `json:"giftCardsSold"` // GiftCardVolume is the total volume of gift cards transactions. GiftCardVolume string `json:"giftCardVolume"` // ExpectedDeposit is the expected volume for this batch, usually captured // volume less gift card volume. ExpectedDeposit string `json:"expectedDeposit"` // Open flag indicating whether or not the batch is open. Open bool `json:"open"` // OpenDate date and time of the first transaction for this batch. OpenDate time.Time `json:"openDate"` // CloseDate date and time the batch was closed. CloseDate time.Time `json:"closeDate"` // VolumeByTerminal merchant's batch history in descending order. VolumeByTerminal []TerminalVolume `json:"volumeByTerminal"` }
BatchDetailsResponse models a response for details about a single batch.
type BatchHistoryRequest ¶
type BatchHistoryRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // StartDate optional start date filter for batch history. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate optional end date filter for batch history. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // MaxResults max results to be returned by this request. Defaults to the // system max of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for results to be returned. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` }
BatchHistoryRequest models a batch history request.
type BatchHistoryResponse ¶
type BatchHistoryResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates that the response came from the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // StartDate start date if filtered by start date. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate end date if filtered by end date. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // Batches merchant's batch history in descending order. Batches []BatchSummary `json:"batches"` // MaxResults max results from the original request echoed back. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index from the original request echoed back. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // TotalResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. TotalResultCount int `json:"totalResultCount"` }
BatchHistoryResponse models response to a batch history request.
type BatchSummary ¶
type BatchSummary struct { // BatchID batch identifier. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` // EntryMethod entry method for the batch, if any. EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod"` // DestinationAccountID merchant deposit account into which proceeds should // be deposited. DestinationAccountID string `json:"destinationAccountId"` // CapturedAmount is the new captured amount. CapturedAmount string `json:"capturedAmount"` // OpenPreauths is the amount of preauths opened during the batch that have // not been captured. OpenPreauths string `json:"openPreauths"` // CurrencyCode is the currency the batch was settled in. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Open flag indicating whether or not the batch is open. Open bool `json:"open"` // OpenDate date and time of the first transaction for this batch. OpenDate time.Time `json:"openDate"` // CloseDate date and time the batch was closed. CloseDate time.Time `json:"closeDate"` }
BatchSummary models high level information about a single batch.
type BooleanPromptRequest ¶
type BooleanPromptRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // YesCaption is the preferred caption for the 'yes' button. YesCaption string `json:"yesCaption"` // NoCaption is the preferred caption for the 'no' button. NoCaption string `json:"noCaption"` // Prompt is the text to be displayed on the terminal. Prompt string `json:"prompt"` }
BooleanPromptRequest contains a simple yes no prompt request.
type BooleanPromptResponse ¶
type BooleanPromptResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Response is the boolean prompt response. Response bool `json:"response"` }
BooleanPromptResponse contains the response to a boolean prompt request.
type BrandingAsset ¶
type BrandingAsset struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID id used to track a branding asset. ID string `json:"id"` // OwnerID is the id owner of the tenant who owns the branding asset. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId"` // TerminalID is the terminal id if this branding asset is specific to a // single terminal. TerminalID string `json:"terminalId"` // TerminalGroupID is the terminal group id if this branding asset is // specific to a terminal group. TerminalGroupID string `json:"terminalGroupId"` // MerchantID is the merchant id associated with this branding asset. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // OrganizationID is the organization id associated with this branding asset. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationId"` // PartnerID is the partner id associated with this branding asset. PartnerID string `json:"partnerId"` // SlideShowID is the slide show associated with this branding asset, if any. // A branding asset can reference a slide show or media asset, but not both. SlideShowID string `json:"slideShowId"` // MediaID is the media id associated with this branding asset, if any. A // branding asset can reference a slide show or media asset, but not both. MediaID string `json:"mediaId"` // Padded applies standard margins to images displayed on terminals. Usually // the best option for logos. Padded bool `json:"padded"` // StartDate is the start date if this asset should be displayed based on a // schedule. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. StartDate string `json:"startDate"` // EndDate is the end date if this asset should be displayed based on a // schedule. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. EndDate string `json:"endDate"` // DaysOfWeek is an array of days of the week during which a branding asset // should be enabled. Days of the week are coded as integers starting with // Sunday (0) and ending with Saturday (6). DaysOfWeek []time.Weekday `json:"daysOfWeek"` // StartTime is the start date if this asset should be displayed based on a // schedule. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. StartTime string `json:"startTime"` // EndTime is the end date if this asset should be displayed based on a // schedule. Format: MM/DD/YYYY. EndTime string `json:"endTime"` // Ordinal is the ordinal number marking the position of this asset within // the branding stack. Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"` // Enabled enables the asset for display. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Preview if true, the asset will be displayed in the merchant portal, but // not on merchant terminal hardware. Developers will usually want this to // always be false. Preview bool `json:"preview"` // UserID id of the user who created this branding asset, if applicable. UserID string `json:"userId"` // UserName name of the user who created this branding asset, if applicable. UserName string `json:"userName"` // Thumbnail the fully qualified URL of the thumbnail image for this branding // asset. Thumbnail string `json:"thumbnail"` // LastModified is the time and date this asset was last modified. LastModified string `json:"lastModified"` // Notes is a field for notes related to a branding asset. Notes string `json:"notes"` // Editable if true, the API credentials used to retrieve the branding asset // record can be used to update it. Editable bool `json:"editable"` // AssetType is the type of branding asset. AssetType string `json:"assetType"` // OwnerType is the type of user or tenant that owns this asset. OwnerType string `json:"ownerType"` // OwnerTypeCaption is a recommended caption for displaying the owner. Takes // into account multiple organization types. OwnerTypeCaption string `json:"ownerTypeCaption"` // OwnerName is the name of the tenant or entity that owns the branding // asset. OwnerName string `json:"ownerName"` // PreviewImage is the recommended image to be displayed when rendering a // preview of this branding asset. PreviewImage string `json:"previewImage"` // NarrativeEffectiveDates is a compact narrative string explaining the // effective date and time rules for a branding asset. NarrativeEffectiveDates string `json:"narrativeEffectiveDates"` // NarrativeDisplayPeriod is a compact narrative string explaining the // display period for a branding asset. NarrativeDisplayPeriod string `json:"narrativeDisplayPeriod"` }
BrandingAsset models the priority and display settings for terminal media.
type BrandingAssetRequest ¶
type BrandingAssetRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // AssetID id used to track a branding asset. AssetID string `json:"assetId"` }
BrandingAssetRequest models a request to retrieve or manipulate terminal slide shows.
type BrandingAssetResponse ¶
type BrandingAssetResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // OwnerID is the id owner of this branding stack. OwnerID string `json:"ownerId"` // OwnerType is the type of user or tenant that owns this branding stack. OwnerType string `json:"ownerType"` // OwnerName is the name of the entity or tenant that owns this branding // stack. OwnerName string `json:"ownerName"` // LevelName is the owner level currently being displayed. LevelName string `json:"levelName"` // NarrativeTime is a narrative description of the current simulate time. NarrativeTime string `json:"narrativeTime"` // ActiveAsset is the asset currently displayed on the terminal. ActiveAsset BrandingAsset `json:"activeAsset"` // Results enumerates all branding assets in a given credential scope. Results []BrandingAsset `json:"results"` }
BrandingAssetResponse models a branding asset response.
type BuyRateLineItem ¶ added in v2.17.3
type BuyRateLineItem struct { // Description provides a basic description of the line item. Description string `json:"description"` // Volume is the volume related to this line item. Volume float64 `json:"volume"` // VolumeFormatted is the currency formatted volume related to this line // item. VolumeFormatted string `json:"volumeFormatted"` // VolumeRate is the rate on volume charged for this line item. VolumeRate float64 `json:"volumeRate"` // VolumeRateFormatted is the string formatted rate on volume charged for // this line item. VolumeRateFormatted string `json:"volumeRateFormatted"` // Count is the count associated with this line item. Count int64 `json:"count"` // CountRate is the rate per item charged for this line item. CountRate float64 `json:"countRate"` // CountRateFormatted is the string formatted rate per item charged for this // line item. CountRateFormatted string `json:"countRateFormatted"` // RateSummary provides a narrative description of the rate. RateSummary string `json:"rateSummary"` // Total is the total amount for the line item. Total float64 `json:"total"` // TotalFormatted is the string formatted total for the line item. TotalFormatted string `json:"totalFormatted"` }
BuyRateLineItem models a single buy rate calculation line item.
type CancelPaymentLinkRequest ¶
type CancelPaymentLinkRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // LinkCode is the payment link code to cancel. LinkCode string `json:"linkCode"` }
CancelPaymentLinkRequest cancels a pending payment link. Payment links that have already been used cannot be canceled and the request will be rejected.
type CancelPaymentLinkResponse ¶
type CancelPaymentLinkResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
CancelPaymentLinkResponse indicates success or failure of a payment link cancellation.
type CaptureRequest ¶
type CaptureRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID of the previous transaction being referenced. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount,omitempty"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // ShipmentCount indicates the number of shipments the original authorization // will be broken into. ShipmentCount int `json:"shipmentCount"` // ShipmentNumber indicates which shipment this particular capture is for. ShipmentNumber int `json:"shipmentNumber"` }
CaptureRequest contains the information needed to capture a preauth.
type CaptureResponse ¶
type CaptureResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string `json:"authCode,omitempty"` // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string `json:"authResponseCode,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // PartialAuth indicates whether or not the transaction was approved for a // partial amount. PartialAuth bool `json:"partialAuth"` // AltCurrency indicates whether or not an alternate currency was used. AltCurrency bool `json:"altCurrency"` // FSAAuth indicates whether or not a request was settled on an FSA card. FSAAuth bool `json:"fsaAuth"` // CurrencyCode is the currency code used for the transaction. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // RequestedAmount is the requested amount. RequestedAmount string `json:"requestedAmount"` // AuthorizedAmount is the authorized amount. May not match the requested // amount in the event of a partial auth. AuthorizedAmount string `json:"authorizedAmount"` // RemainingBalance is the remaining balance on the payment method. RemainingBalance string `json:"remainingBalance"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount"` // RequestedCashBackAmount is the cash back amount the customer requested // during the transaction. RequestedCashBackAmount string `json:"requestedCashBackAmount"` // AuthorizedCashBackAmount is the amount of cash back authorized by the // gateway. This amount will be the entire amount requested, or zero. AuthorizedCashBackAmount string `json:"authorizedCashBackAmount"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` }
CaptureResponse contains the response to a capture request.
type CaptureSignatureRequest ¶
type CaptureSignatureRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // SigFile is a location on the filesystem which a customer signature should // be written to. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat `json:"sigFormat,omitempty"` // SigWidth is the width that the signature image should be scaled to, // preserving the aspect ratio. If not provided, the signature is returned in // the terminal's max resolution. SigWidth int `json:"sigWidth,omitempty"` // DisableSignature specifies whether or not signature prompt should be // skipped on the terminal. The terminal will indicate whether or not a // signature is required by the card in the receipt suggestions response. DisableSignature bool `json:"disableSignature,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
CaptureSignatureRequest contains a request for customer signature data.
type CaptureSignatureResponse ¶
type CaptureSignatureResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` }
CaptureSignatureResponse contains customer signature data.
type CardMetadata ¶ added in v2.20.1
type CardMetadata struct { // CardBrand is the brand or network of the card (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, // Amex). CardBrand string `json:"cardBrand"` // IssuerName is the name of the financial institution that issued the card. IssuerName string `json:"issuerName"` // L3 indicates whether the card supports Level 3 processing for detailed // transaction data. L3 bool `json:"l3"` // L2 indicates whether the card supports Level 2 processing for additional // transaction data. L2 bool `json:"l2"` // ProductType is the general category or type of the card product. ProductType string `json:"productType"` // ProductName is the specific name or designation of the card product. ProductName string `json:"productName"` // EBT indicates whether the card is an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) // card. EBT bool `json:"ebt"` // Debit indicates whether the card is a debit card. Debit bool `json:"debit"` // Healthcare indicates whether the card is a healthcare-specific payment // card. Healthcare bool `json:"healthcare"` // Prepaid indicates whether the card is a prepaid card. Prepaid bool `json:"prepaid"` // Region is the geographical region associated with the card's issuer. Region string `json:"region"` // Country is the country associated with the card's issuer. Country string `json:"country"` }
CardMetadata contains essential information about a payment card derived from its BIN/IIN.
type CardMetadataRequest ¶ added in v2.20.1
type CardMetadataRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string `json:"track1,omitempty"` // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string `json:"track2,omitempty"` // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string `json:"pan,omitempty"` // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"` // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string `json:"cardholderName,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string `json:"cvv,omitempty"` // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"` // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool `json:"manualEntry,omitempty"` // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string `json:"ksn,omitempty"` // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string `json:"pinBlock,omitempty"` // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType `json:"cardType,omitempty"` // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // Healthcare marks a transaction as HSA/FSA. Healthcare bool `json:"healthcare,omitempty"` }
CardMetadataRequest retrieves card metadata.
type CardMetadataResponse ¶ added in v2.20.1
type CardMetadataResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // CardMetadata contains details about a payment card derived from its // BIN/IIN. CardMetadata *CardMetadata `json:"cardMetadata,omitempty"` }
CardMetadataResponse contains the response to a card metadata request.
type CashDiscountRequest ¶
type CashDiscountRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // RoundingMode indicates how partial pennies should be rounded for // calculated values like surcharges. Rounding up is the default behavior. RoundingMode *RoundingMode `json:"roundingMode"` }
CashDiscountRequest computes the cash discount for a cash discount if enabled.
type CashDiscountResponse ¶
type CashDiscountResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the new calculated total amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is the normal surcharge for a transaction. Will only be returned // if an offsetting cash discount is also returned. Surcharge string `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is the cash discount. Will not be returned in surcharge only // mode. CashDiscount string `json:"cashDiscount"` }
CashDiscountResponse models the results of a cash discount calculation.
type ClearTerminalRequest ¶
type ClearTerminalRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
ClearTerminalRequest contains the information needed to enroll a new payment method in the token vault.
type Client ¶
type Client struct { Credentials APICredentials GatewayHost string DashboardHost string TestGatewayHost string HTTPS bool RouteCache string GatewayTimeout time.Duration TerminalTimeout time.Duration LogRequests bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Client is the main interface used by application developers.
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(creds APICredentials) Client
NewClient returns a default Client configured with the given credentials.
func (*Client) ActivateTerminal ¶
func (client *Client) ActivateTerminal(request TerminalActivationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
ActivateTerminal activates a terminal.
func (*Client) AddGatewayMerchant ¶ added in v2.19.0
func (client *Client) AddGatewayMerchant(request AddGatewayMerchantRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
AddGatewayMerchant adds a live gateway merchant account.
func (*Client) AddTestMerchant ¶
func (client *Client) AddTestMerchant(request AddTestMerchantRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
AddTestMerchant adds a test merchant account.
func (*Client) Balance ¶
func (client *Client) Balance(request BalanceRequest) (*BalanceResponse, error)
Balance checks the remaining balance on a payment method.
func (*Client) BatchDetails ¶
func (client *Client) BatchDetails(request BatchDetailsRequest) (*BatchDetailsResponse, error)
BatchDetails returns the batch details for a single batch.
func (*Client) BatchHistory ¶
func (client *Client) BatchHistory(request BatchHistoryRequest) (*BatchHistoryResponse, error)
BatchHistory returns the batch history for a merchant.
func (*Client) BooleanPrompt ¶
func (client *Client) BooleanPrompt(request BooleanPromptRequest) (*BooleanPromptResponse, error)
BooleanPrompt asks the consumer a yes/no question.
func (*Client) CancelPaymentLink ¶
func (client *Client) CancelPaymentLink(request CancelPaymentLinkRequest) (*CancelPaymentLinkResponse, error)
CancelPaymentLink cancels a payment link.
func (*Client) Capture ¶
func (client *Client) Capture(request CaptureRequest) (*CaptureResponse, error)
Capture captures a preauthorization.
func (*Client) CaptureSignature ¶
func (client *Client) CaptureSignature(request CaptureSignatureRequest) (*CaptureSignatureResponse, error)
CaptureSignature captures and returns a signature.
func (*Client) CardMetadata ¶ added in v2.20.1
func (client *Client) CardMetadata(request CardMetadataRequest) (*CardMetadataResponse, error)
CardMetadata retrieves card metadata.
func (*Client) CashDiscount ¶
func (client *Client) CashDiscount(request CashDiscountRequest) (*CashDiscountResponse, error)
CashDiscount calculates the discount for actual cash transactions.
func (*Client) Charge ¶
func (client *Client) Charge(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
Charge executes a standard direct preauth and capture.
func (*Client) Clear ¶
func (client *Client) Clear(request ClearTerminalRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
Clear clears the line item display and any in progress transaction.
func (*Client) CloseBatch ¶
func (client *Client) CloseBatch(request CloseBatchRequest) (*CloseBatchResponse, error)
CloseBatch closes the current credit card batch.
func (*Client) Customer ¶
func (client *Client) Customer(request CustomerRequest) (*CustomerResponse, error)
Customer retrieves a customer by id.
func (*Client) CustomerSearch ¶
func (client *Client) CustomerSearch(request CustomerSearchRequest) (*CustomerSearchResponse, error)
CustomerSearch searches the customer database.
func (*Client) DashboardRequest ¶
func (client *Client) DashboardRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, requestTimeout interface{}) error
DashboardRequest sends a gateway request with the default timeout.
func (*Client) DashboardUpload ¶
func (client *Client) DashboardUpload(path string, request UploadMetadata, reader io.Reader, response interface{}, requestTimeout interface{}) error
DashboardUpload performs a file upload
func (*Client) DeactivateTerminal ¶
func (client *Client) DeactivateTerminal(request TerminalDeactivationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeactivateTerminal deactivates a terminal.
func (*Client) DeleteBrandingAsset ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteBrandingAsset(request BrandingAssetRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteBrandingAsset deletes a branding asset.
func (*Client) DeleteCustomer ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteCustomer(request DeleteCustomerRequest) (*DeleteCustomerResponse, error)
DeleteCustomer deletes a customer record.
func (*Client) DeleteMediaAsset ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteMediaAsset(request MediaRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteMediaAsset deletes a media asset.
func (*Client) DeleteMerchantPlatforms ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteMerchantPlatforms(request MerchantPlatformRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteMerchantPlatforms deletes a boarding platform configuration.
func (*Client) DeleteQueuedTransaction ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteQueuedTransaction(request DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest) (*DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse, error)
DeleteQueuedTransaction deletes a queued transaction from the terminal.
func (*Client) DeleteSlideShow ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteSlideShow(request SlideShowRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteSlideShow deletes a single slide show.
func (*Client) DeleteSurveyQuestion ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteSurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteSurveyQuestion deletes a survey question.
func (*Client) DeleteTestMerchant ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteTestMerchant(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
DeleteTestMerchant deletes a test merchant account. Supports partner scoped API credentials only. Live merchant accounts cannot be deleted.
func (*Client) DeleteToken ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteToken(request DeleteTokenRequest) (*DeleteTokenResponse, error)
DeleteToken deletes a payment token.
func (*Client) Enroll ¶
func (client *Client) Enroll(request EnrollRequest) (*EnrollResponse, error)
Enroll adds a new payment method to the token vault.
func (*Client) ExpireRouteCache ¶
func (client *Client) ExpireRouteCache()
ExpireRouteCache invalidates the route cache to for testing.
func (*Client) GatewayGet ¶
GatewayGet retrieves a get request from the api gateway.
func (*Client) GatewayPost ¶
func (client *Client) GatewayPost(path string, requestEntity interface{}, responseEntity interface{}, testTx bool) error
GatewayPost posts a request to the api gateway.
func (*Client) GatewayRequest ¶
func (client *Client) GatewayRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, testTx bool, requestTimeout interface{}) error
GatewayRequest sends a gateway request with the default timeout.
func (*Client) GetMerchants ¶
func (client *Client) GetMerchants(request GetMerchantsRequest) (*GetMerchantsResponse, error)
GetMerchants adds a test merchant account.
func (*Client) GiftActivate ¶
func (client *Client) GiftActivate(request GiftActivateRequest) (*GiftActivateResponse, error)
GiftActivate activates or recharges a gift card.
func (*Client) InviteMerchantUser ¶
func (client *Client) InviteMerchantUser(request InviteMerchantUserRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
InviteMerchantUser invites a user to join a merchant account.
func (*Client) LinkToken ¶
func (client *Client) LinkToken(request LinkTokenRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
LinkToken links a token to a customer record.
func (*Client) ListQueuedTransactions ¶
func (client *Client) ListQueuedTransactions(request ListQueuedTransactionsRequest) (*ListQueuedTransactionsResponse, error)
ListQueuedTransactions returns a list of queued transactions on a terminal.
func (*Client) Locate ¶
func (client *Client) Locate(request LocateRequest) (*LocateResponse, error)
Locate returns routing and location data for a payment terminal.
func (*Client) Media ¶
func (client *Client) Media(request MediaRequest) (*MediaLibraryResponse, error)
Media returns the media library for a given partner, merchant, or organization.
func (*Client) MediaAsset ¶
func (client *Client) MediaAsset(request MediaRequest) (*MediaMetadata, error)
MediaAsset returns the media details for a single media asset.
func (*Client) MerchantCredentialGeneration ¶ added in v2.18.5
func (client *Client) MerchantCredentialGeneration(request MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest) (*MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse, error)
MerchantCredentialGeneration generates and returns api credentials for a given merchant.
func (*Client) MerchantInvoiceDetail ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) MerchantInvoiceDetail(request MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest) (*MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse, error)
MerchantInvoiceDetail returns detail for a single merchant-invoice statement.
func (*Client) MerchantInvoices ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) MerchantInvoices(request MerchantInvoiceListRequest) (*MerchantInvoiceListResponse, error)
MerchantInvoices returns a list of merchant invoices.
func (*Client) MerchantPlatforms ¶
func (client *Client) MerchantPlatforms(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantPlatformsResponse, error)
MerchantPlatforms list all merchant platforms configured for a gateway merchant.
func (*Client) MerchantProfile ¶
func (client *Client) MerchantProfile(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
MerchantProfile returns profile information for a merchant.
func (*Client) MerchantUsers ¶
func (client *Client) MerchantUsers(request MerchantProfileRequest) (*MerchantUsersResponse, error)
MerchantUsers list all active users and pending invites for a merchant account.
func (*Client) Message ¶
func (client *Client) Message(request MessageRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
Message displays a short message on the terminal.
func (*Client) NewTransactionDisplay ¶
func (client *Client) NewTransactionDisplay(request TransactionDisplayRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
NewTransactionDisplay displays a new transaction on the terminal.
func (*Client) PartnerCommissionBreakdown ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) PartnerCommissionBreakdown(request PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest) (*PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse, error)
PartnerCommissionBreakdown returns low level details for how partner commissions were calculated for a specific merchant statement.
func (*Client) PartnerStatementDetail ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) PartnerStatementDetail(request PartnerStatementDetailRequest) (*PartnerStatementDetailResponse, error)
PartnerStatementDetail returns detail for a single partner statement.
func (*Client) PartnerStatements ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) PartnerStatements(request PartnerStatementListRequest) (*PartnerStatementListResponse, error)
PartnerStatements returns a list of partner statements.
func (*Client) PaymentLinkStatus ¶ added in v2.15.25
func (client *Client) PaymentLinkStatus(request PaymentLinkStatusRequest) (*PaymentLinkStatusResponse, error)
PaymentLinkStatus retrieves the status of a payment link.
func (*Client) Ping ¶
func (client *Client) Ping(request PingRequest) (*PingResponse, error)
Ping tests connectivity with a payment terminal.
func (*Client) Preauth ¶
func (client *Client) Preauth(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
Preauth executes a preauthorization intended to be captured later.
func (*Client) PricingPolicy ¶ added in v2.17.3
func (client *Client) PricingPolicy(request PricingPolicyRequest) (*PricingPolicyResponse, error)
PricingPolicy returns pricing policy for a merchant.
func (*Client) Reboot ¶
func (client *Client) Reboot(request PingRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
Reboot reboot a payment terminal.
func (*Client) Refund ¶
func (client *Client) Refund(request RefundRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
Refund executes a refund.
func (*Client) RelayRequest ¶
func (client *Client) RelayRequest(path, method string, request, response interface{}, testTx bool, requestTimeout interface{}) error
RelayRequest sends a request to the gateway to be relayed to a terminal.
func (*Client) ResendPaymentLink ¶ added in v2.15.26
func (client *Client) ResendPaymentLink(request ResendPaymentLinkRequest) (*ResendPaymentLinkResponse, error)
ResendPaymentLink resends payment link.
func (*Client) Reverse ¶
func (client *Client) Reverse(request AuthorizationRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
Reverse executes a manual time out reversal.
We love time out reversals. Don't be afraid to use them whenever a request to a BlockChyp terminal times out. You have up to two minutes to reverse any transaction. The only caveat is that you must assign transactionRef values when you build the original request. Otherwise, we have no real way of knowing which transaction you're trying to reverse because we may not have assigned it an id yet. And if we did assign it an id, you wouldn't know what it is because your request to the terminal timed out before you got a response.
func (*Client) SendPaymentLink ¶
func (client *Client) SendPaymentLink(request PaymentLinkRequest) (*PaymentLinkResponse, error)
SendPaymentLink creates and send a payment link to a customer.
func (*Client) SlideShow ¶
func (client *Client) SlideShow(request SlideShowRequest) (*SlideShow, error)
SlideShow returns a single slide show with slides.
func (*Client) SlideShows ¶
func (client *Client) SlideShows(request SlideShowRequest) (*SlideShowResponse, error)
SlideShows returns a collection of slide shows.
func (*Client) SubmitApplication ¶ added in v2.20.1
func (client *Client) SubmitApplication(request SubmitApplicationRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
SubmitApplication submits and application to add a new merchant account.
func (*Client) SurveyQuestion ¶
func (client *Client) SurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
SurveyQuestion returns a single survey question with response data.
func (*Client) SurveyQuestions ¶
func (client *Client) SurveyQuestions(request SurveyQuestionRequest) (*SurveyQuestionResponse, error)
SurveyQuestions returns all survey questions for a given merchant.
func (*Client) SurveyResults ¶
func (client *Client) SurveyResults(request SurveyResultsRequest) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
SurveyResults returns results for a single survey question.
func (*Client) TCDeleteTemplate ¶
func (client *Client) TCDeleteTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
TCDeleteTemplate deletes a single terms and conditions template.
func (*Client) TCEntry ¶
func (client *Client) TCEntry(request TermsAndConditionsLogRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsLogEntry, error)
TCEntry returns a single detailed Terms and Conditions entry.
func (*Client) TCLog ¶
func (client *Client) TCLog(request TermsAndConditionsLogRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsLogResponse, error)
TCLog returns up to 250 entries from the Terms and Conditions log.
func (*Client) TCTemplate ¶
func (client *Client) TCTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplate, error)
TCTemplate returns a single terms and conditions template.
func (*Client) TCTemplates ¶
func (client *Client) TCTemplates(request TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse, error)
TCTemplates returns a list of terms and conditions templates associated with a merchant account.
func (*Client) TCUpdateTemplate ¶
func (client *Client) TCUpdateTemplate(request TermsAndConditionsTemplate) (*TermsAndConditionsTemplate, error)
TCUpdateTemplate updates or creates a terms and conditions template.
func (*Client) TerminalBranding ¶
func (client *Client) TerminalBranding(request BrandingAssetRequest) (*BrandingAssetResponse, error)
TerminalBranding returns the terminal branding stack for a given set of API credentials.
func (*Client) TerminalStatus ¶
func (client *Client) TerminalStatus(request TerminalStatusRequest) (*TerminalStatusResponse, error)
TerminalStatus returns the current status of a terminal.
func (*Client) Terminals ¶
func (client *Client) Terminals(request TerminalProfileRequest) (*TerminalProfileResponse, error)
Terminals returns all terminals associated with the merchant account.
func (*Client) TermsAndConditions ¶
func (client *Client) TermsAndConditions(request TermsAndConditionsRequest) (*TermsAndConditionsResponse, error)
TermsAndConditions prompts the user to accept terms and conditions.
func (*Client) TextPrompt ¶
func (client *Client) TextPrompt(request TextPromptRequest) (*TextPromptResponse, error)
TextPrompt asks the consumer a text based question.
func (*Client) TokenMetadata ¶
func (client *Client) TokenMetadata(request TokenMetadataRequest) (*TokenMetadataResponse, error)
TokenMetadata retrieves payment token metadata.
func (*Client) TransactionHistory ¶
func (client *Client) TransactionHistory(request TransactionHistoryRequest) (*TransactionHistoryResponse, error)
TransactionHistory returns the transaction history for a merchant.
func (*Client) TransactionStatus ¶
func (client *Client) TransactionStatus(request TransactionStatusRequest) (*AuthorizationResponse, error)
TransactionStatus retrieves the current status of a transaction.
func (*Client) UnlinkToken ¶
func (client *Client) UnlinkToken(request UnlinkTokenRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
UnlinkToken removes a link between a customer and a token.
func (*Client) UpdateBrandingAsset ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateBrandingAsset(request BrandingAsset) (*BrandingAsset, error)
UpdateBrandingAsset updates a branding asset.
func (*Client) UpdateCustomer ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateCustomer(request UpdateCustomerRequest) (*CustomerResponse, error)
UpdateCustomer updates or creates a customer record.
func (*Client) UpdateMerchant ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateMerchant(request MerchantProfile) (*MerchantProfileResponse, error)
UpdateMerchant adds or updates a merchant account. Can be used to create or update test merchants. Only gateway partners may create new live merchants.
func (*Client) UpdateMerchantPlatforms ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateMerchantPlatforms(request MerchantPlatform) (*Acknowledgement, error)
UpdateMerchantPlatforms list all merchant platforms configured for a gateway merchant.
func (*Client) UpdateSlideShow ¶
UpdateSlideShow updates or creates a slide show.
func (*Client) UpdateSurveyQuestion ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateSurveyQuestion(request SurveyQuestion) (*SurveyQuestion, error)
UpdateSurveyQuestion updates or creates a survey question.
func (*Client) UpdateTransactionDisplay ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateTransactionDisplay(request TransactionDisplayRequest) (*Acknowledgement, error)
UpdateTransactionDisplay appends items to an existing transaction display. Subtotal, Tax, and Total are overwritten by the request. Items with the same description are combined into groups.
func (*Client) UploadMedia ¶
func (client *Client) UploadMedia(request UploadMetadata, reader io.Reader) (*MediaMetadata, error)
UploadMedia uploads a media asset to the media library.
func (*Client) UploadStatus ¶
func (client *Client) UploadStatus(request UploadStatusRequest) (*UploadStatus, error)
UploadStatus retrieves the current status of a file upload.
func (*Client) Void ¶
func (client *Client) Void(request VoidRequest) (*VoidResponse, error)
Void discards a previous transaction.
type CloseBatchRequest ¶
type CloseBatchRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // BatchID optional batch id. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` }
CloseBatchRequest contains the information needed to manually close a credit card batch.
type CloseBatchResponse ¶
type CloseBatchResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // Batches is a collection of batches closed during the batch close // operation. Batches []BatchSummary `json:"batches"` }
CloseBatchResponse contains the response to a close batch request.
type CommandLineArguments ¶
type CommandLineArguments struct { Type string `args:"type"` //deprecated - use cmd instead Command string `args:"cmd"` ManualEntry bool `arg:"manual"` ConfigFile string `arg:"f"` GatewayHost string `arg:"gateway"` DashboardHost string `arg:"dashboard"` TestGatewayHost string `arg:"testGateway"` Dashboard string `arg:"dashboard"` Test bool `arg:"test"` APIKey string `arg:"apiKey"` BearerToken string `arg:"bearerToken"` SigningKey string `arg:"signingKey"` TransactionRef string `arg:"txRef"` Description string `arg:"desc"` TerminalName string `arg:"terminal"` Token string `arg:"token"` Amount string `arg:"amount"` PromptForTip bool `arg:"promptForTip"` Message string `arg:"message"` TipAmount string `arg:"tip"` TaxAmount string `arg:"tax"` TaxExempt bool `arg:"taxExempt"` CurrencyCode string `arg:"currency"` TransactionID string `arg:"txId"` RouteCache string `arg:"routeCache"` OutputFile string `arg:"out"` SigFormat string `arg:"sigFormat"` SigWidth int `arg:"sigWidth"` SigFile string `arg:"sigFile"` HTTPS bool `arg:"secure"` Version bool `arg:"version"` DisplayTotal string `arg:"displayTotal"` DisplayTax string `arg:"displayTax"` DisplaySubtotal string `arg:"displaySubtotal"` LineItemID string `arg:"lineItemId"` LineItemDescription string `arg:"lineItemDescription"` LineItemPrice string `arg:"lineItemPrice"` LineItemQty string `arg:"lineItemQty"` LineItemExtended string `arg:"lineItemExtended"` LineItemDiscountDescription string `arg:"lineItemDiscountDescription"` LineItemDiscountAmount string `arg:"lineItemDiscountAmount"` Prompt string `arg:"prompt"` PromptType string `arg:"promptType"` YesCaption string `arg:"yesCaption"` NoCaption string `arg:"noCaption"` EBT bool `arg:"ebt"` Debit bool `arg:"debit"` TCAlias string `arg:"tcAlias"` TCName string `arg:"tcName"` TCContent string `arg:"tcContent"` Timeout int `arg:"timeout"` WaitForRemovedCard bool `arg:"waitForRemovedCard"` Force bool `arg:"force"` SigRequired bool `arg:"sigRequired"` CashBackEnabled bool `arg:"cashback"` Enroll bool `arg:"enroll"` EnrollOnly bool `arg:"enrollOnly"` DisableSignature bool `arg:"disableSignature"` CustomerID string `arg:"customerId"` CustomerRef string `arg:"customerRef"` FirstName string `arg:"firstName"` LastName string `arg:"lastName"` CompanyName string `arg:"companyName"` EMailAddress string `arg:"email"` SMSNumber string `arg:"sms"` PAN string `arg:"pan"` ExpiryMonth string `arg:"expMonth"` ExpiryYear string `arg:"expYear"` Subject string `arg:"subject"` AutoSend bool `arg:"autoSend"` OrderRef string `arg:"orderRef"` Query string `arg:"query"` CallbackURL string `arg:"callbackUrl"` Surcharge bool `arg:"surcharge"` CashDiscount bool `arg:"cashDiscount"` PostalCode string `arg:"postalCode"` Address string `arg:"address"` Cashier bool `arg:"cashier"` StartDate string `arg:"startDate"` EndDate string `arg:"endDate"` BatchID string `arg:"batchId"` MaxResults int `arg:"maxResults"` StartIndex int `arg:"startIndex"` Queue bool `arg:"queue"` Async bool `arg:"async"` LogRequests bool `arg:"logRequests"` LinkCode string `arg:"linkCode"` Cryptocurrency string `arg:"crypto"` CryptoNetwork string `arg:"cryptoNetwork"` CryptoReceiveAddress string `arg:"receiveAddress"` Label string `arg:"label"` DBAName string `arg:"dbaName"` PolicyID string `arg:"policyId"` MerchantID string `arg:"merchantId"` TerminalID string `arg:"terminalId"` Code string `arg:"code"` TemplateID string `arg:"templateId"` LogEntryID string `arg:"logEntryId"` QuestionID string `arg:"questionId"` IncludeResponseData bool `arg:"includeResponseData"` QuestionType string `arg:"questionType"` QuestionText string `arg:"questionText"` Enabled bool `arg:"enabled"` Ordinal int `arg:"ordinal"` File string `arg:"file"` UploadID string `arg:"uploadId"` MediaID string `arg:"mediaId"` Name string `arg:"name"` Delay int `arg:"delay"` SlideShowID string `arg:"slideShowId"` AssetID string `arg:"assetId"` JSON string `args:"json"` JSONFile string `args:"jsonFile"` Profile string `args:"profile"` QRCodeBinary bool `args:"qrcodeBinary"` QRCodeSize int `args:"qrcodeSize"` DaysToExpiration int `args:"daysToExpiration"` ResetConnection bool `args:"resetConnection"` RoundingMode string `args:"roundingMode"` Channel string `args:"channel"` Full bool `args:"full"` Archive string `args:"archive"` Dist string `args:"dist"` Incremental bool `args:"incremental"` ChipRejection bool `args:"chipRejection"` OutOfOrderReversal bool `args:"outOfOrderReversal"` AsyncReversals bool `args:"asyncReversals"` CardOnFile bool `args:"cardOnFile"` Recurring bool `args:"recurring"` TestCase string `args:"testCase"` CIT bool `args:"cit"` MIT bool `args:"mit"` Subscription bool `args:"subscription"` PONumber string `args:"po"` SupplierReferenceNumber string `args:"srn"` StatementID string `json:"statementId"` InvoiceID string `json:"invoiceId"` ShipmentNumber int `json:"shipmentNumber"` ShipmentCount int `json:"shipmentCount"` EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod"` DeleteProtected bool `json:"deteleProtected"` Roles string `json:"roles"` Notes string `json:"notes"` Healthcare bool `json:"healthcare"` HealthcareTotal string `json:"healthcareTotal"` EBTTotal string `json:"ebtTotal"` CardMetadataLookup bool `json:"cardMetadataLookup"` CredType string `json:"credType"` }
CommandLineArguments contains arguments which are passed in at runtime.
type ConfigSettings ¶
type ConfigSettings struct { APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` BearerToken string `json:"bearerToken"` SigningKey string `json:"signingKey"` GatewayHost string `json:"gatewayHost"` DashboardHost string `json:"dashboardHost"` TestGatewayHost string `json:"testGatewayHost"` Secure bool `json:"https"` RouteCacheTTL int `json:"routeCacheTTL"` GatewayTimeout int `json:"gatewayTimeout"` TerminalTimeout int `json:"terminalTimeout"` }
ConfigSettings contains configuration options for the CLI.
func LoadConfigSettings ¶
func LoadConfigSettings(args CommandLineArguments) (*ConfigSettings, error)
LoadConfigSettings loads settings from the command line and/or the configuration file.
type CoreRequest ¶
type CoreRequest struct { // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string }
CoreRequest contains core request fields for a transaction.
func (CoreRequest) From ¶
func (r CoreRequest) From(raw interface{}) (result CoreRequest, ok bool)
From creates an instance of CoreRequest with values from a generic type.
type CoreResponse ¶
type CoreResponse struct { // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string }
CoreResponse contains core response fields for a transaction.
func (CoreResponse) From ¶
func (r CoreResponse) From(raw interface{}) (result CoreResponse, ok bool)
From creates an instance of CoreResponse with values from a generic type.
type CryptocurrencyResponse ¶
type CryptocurrencyResponse struct { // Confirmed indicates that the transaction has met the standard criteria for // confirmation on the network. (For example, 6 confirmations for level one // bitcoin.) Confirmed bool // CryptoAuthorizedAmount is the amount submitted to the blockchain. CryptoAuthorizedAmount string // CryptoNetworkFee is the network level fee assessed for the transaction // denominated in cryptocurrency. This fee goes to channel operators and // crypto miners, not BlockChyp. CryptoNetworkFee string // Cryptocurrency is the three letter cryptocurrency code used for the // transactions. Cryptocurrency string // CryptoNetwork indicates whether or not the transaction was processed on // the level one or level two network. CryptoNetwork string // CryptoReceiveAddress the address on the crypto network the transaction was // sent to. CryptoReceiveAddress string // CryptoBlock hash or other identifier that identifies the block on the // cryptocurrency network, if available or relevant. CryptoBlock string // CryptoTransactionID hash or other transaction identifier that identifies // the transaction on the cryptocurrency network, if available or relevant. CryptoTransactionID string // CryptoPaymentRequest is the payment request URI used for the transaction, // if available. CryptoPaymentRequest string // CryptoStatus is used for additional status information related to crypto // transactions. CryptoStatus string }
CryptocurrencyResponse contains response details for a cryptocurrency transaction.
func (CryptocurrencyResponse) From ¶
func (r CryptocurrencyResponse) From(raw interface{}) (result CryptocurrencyResponse, ok bool)
From creates an instance of CryptocurrencyResponse with values from a generic type.
type Customer ¶
type Customer struct { // ID BlockChyp assigned customer id. ID string `json:"id"` // CustomerRef optional customer ref that can be used for the client's // system's customer id. CustomerRef string `json:"customerRef"` // FirstName customer's first name. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // LastName customer's last name. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // CompanyName customer's company name. CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` // EmailAddress customer's email address. EmailAddress string `json:"emailAddress"` // SmsNumber customer's SMS or mobile number. SmsNumber string `json:"smsNumber"` // PaymentMethods model saved payment methods associated with a customer. PaymentMethods []CustomerToken `json:"paymentMethods"` }
Customer models a customer record.
type CustomerRequest ¶
type CustomerRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // CustomerID BlockChyp assigned customer id. CustomerID string `json:"customerId"` // CustomerRef optional customer ref that can be used for the client's // system's customer id. CustomerRef string `json:"customerRef"` }
CustomerRequest models a customer data request.
type CustomerResponse ¶
type CustomerResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Customer the customer record. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` }
CustomerResponse models a customer data response.
type CustomerSearchRequest ¶
type CustomerSearchRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Query search query for customer searches. Query string `json:"query"` }
CustomerSearchRequest models a customer data search request.
type CustomerSearchResponse ¶
type CustomerSearchResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Customers the customer results matching the search query. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` }
CustomerSearchResponse models customer search results.
type CustomerToken ¶
type CustomerToken struct { // Token BlockChyp assigned customer id. Token string `json:"token"` // MaskedPAN masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan"` // ExpiryMonth expiration month. ExpiryMonth string `json:"expiryMonth"` // ExpiryYear expiration month. ExpiryYear string `json:"expiryYear"` // PaymentType payment type. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType"` // Customers models customer records associated with a payment token. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` }
CustomerToken models a customer token.
type DeleteCustomerRequest ¶
type DeleteCustomerRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // CustomerID the ID of the customer to delete. CustomerID string `json:"customerId"` }
DeleteCustomerRequest deletes a customer record.
type DeleteCustomerResponse ¶
type DeleteCustomerResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
DeleteCustomerResponse is the response to a delete customer request.
type DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest ¶
type DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // TransactionRef contains a transaction reference string of the transaction // to delete. Passing `*` will clear all queued transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef"` }
DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest deletes one or all transactions from a terminal queue.
type DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse ¶
type DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
DeleteQueuedTransactionResponse is the response to a delete queued transaction request.
type DeleteTokenRequest ¶
type DeleteTokenRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token the token to delete. Token string `json:"token"` }
DeleteTokenRequest deletes a payment token.
type DeleteTokenResponse ¶
type DeleteTokenResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
DeleteTokenResponse is the response to a delete token request.
type DownloadMetaData ¶
type DownloadMetaData struct { URL string `json:"url"` Packages []string `json:"packages"` IncrementalURLs []string `json:"incrementalUrls"` Acknowledgement }
DownloadMetaData contains data required to download and install an archive.
type EnrollRequest ¶
type EnrollRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string `json:"track1,omitempty"` // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string `json:"track2,omitempty"` // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string `json:"pan,omitempty"` // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"` // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string `json:"cardholderName,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string `json:"cvv,omitempty"` // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"` // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool `json:"manualEntry,omitempty"` // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string `json:"ksn,omitempty"` // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string `json:"pinBlock,omitempty"` // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType `json:"cardType,omitempty"` // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // EntryMethod is the method by which the payment card was entered (MSR, // CHIP, KEYED, etc.). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // Customer customer with which the new token should be associated. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Recurring indicates that this transaction should be treated as a recurring // transaction. Recurring bool `json:"recurring,omitempty"` // Subscription indicates that this transaction and any using this token // should be treated as a subscription recurring transaction. Subscription bool `json:"subscription,omitempty"` // CardMetadataLookup indicates that this transaction will include a card // metadata lookup. CardMetadataLookup bool `json:"cardMetadataLookup,omitempty"` }
EnrollRequest contains the information needed to enroll a new payment method in the token vault.
type EnrollResponse ¶
type EnrollResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string `json:"authCode,omitempty"` // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string `json:"authResponseCode,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // CardMetadata contains details about a payment card derived from its // BIN/IIN. CardMetadata *CardMetadata `json:"cardMetadata,omitempty"` }
EnrollResponse contains the response to an enroll request.
type FirmwareMetadata ¶
type FirmwareMetadata struct { Archives []string `json:"archives"` Packages []string `json:"packages"` Acknowledgement }
FirmwareMetadata models a firmware metadata response
type GetMerchantsRequest ¶
type GetMerchantsRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test indicates whether or not to return test or live merchants. Test bool `json:"test"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` }
GetMerchantsRequest models a request for merchant information.
type GetMerchantsResponse ¶
type GetMerchantsResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates whether or not these results are for test or live // merchants. Test bool `json:"test"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // ResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` // Merchants merchants in the current page of results. Merchants []MerchantProfileResponse `json:"merchants"` }
GetMerchantsResponse contains the results for a merchant list request.
type GiftActivateRequest ¶
type GiftActivateRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
GiftActivateRequest contains the information needed to activate or recharge a gift card.
type GiftActivateResponse ¶
type GiftActivateResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // Approved indicates that the card was activated. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // Amount is the amount of the transaction. Amount string `json:"amount"` // CurrentBalance is the current balance of the gift card. CurrentBalance string `json:"currentBalance"` // CurrencyCode is the currency code used for the transaction. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // PublicKey is the public key of the activated card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // MaskedPAN is the masked card identifier. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` }
GiftActivateResponse contains the response to a gift activate request.
type HealthcareGroup ¶
type HealthcareGroup struct { // Type the type of healthcare cost. Type HealthcareType `json:"type"` // Amount is the amount of this type. Amount string `json:"amount"` // ProviderID the provider ID used for Mastercard and Discover IIAS requests. ProviderID string `json:"providerId"` // ServiceTypeCode the service type code used for Mastercard and Discover // IIAS requests. ServiceTypeCode string `json:"serviceTypeCode"` // PayerOrCarrierID thr payer ID/carrier ID used for Mastercard and Discover // IIAS requests. PayerOrCarrierID string `json:"payerOrCarrierId"` // ApprovalRejectReasonCode the approval or reject reason code used for // Mastercard and Discover IIAS requests. ApprovalRejectReasonCode string `json:"approvalRejectReasonCode"` }
HealthcareGroup is a group of fields for a specific type of healthcare.
type HealthcareMetadata ¶ added in v2.20.1
type HealthcareMetadata struct { // Types is a list of healthcare categories in the transaction. Types []HealthcareGroup `json:"types"` // IIASVerified indicates that the purchased items were verified against an // Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS). IIASVerified bool `json:"iiasVerified"` // IIASExempt indicates that the transaction is exempt from IIAS // verification. IIASExempt bool `json:"iiasExempt"` }
HealthcareMetadata contains fields for HSA/FSA transactions.
type HeartbeatResponse ¶
type HeartbeatResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the heartbeat. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Clockchain is the public key of the clockchain. This is blockchain stuff // that you don't really need to worry about. It is a base 58 encoded and // compressed eliptic curve public key. For the production clockchain, this // will always be: '3cuhsckVUd9HzMjbdUSW17aY5kCcm1d6YAphJMUwmtXRj7WLyU'. Clockchain string `json:"clockchain"` // LatestTick is the hash of the last tick block. LatestTick string `json:"latestTick"` // MerchantPublicKey is the public key for the merchant's blockchain. MerchantPublicKey string `json:"merchantPk"` }
HeartbeatResponse contains the response to a basic API health check. If the security context permits it, the response may also include the public key of the current merchant.
type InviteMerchantUserRequest ¶
type InviteMerchantUserRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. Optional for merchant scoped requests. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // Email is the email address of the user. Email string `json:"email"` // FirstName is the first name of the new user. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // LastName is the last name of the new user. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // Roles an optional array of role codes that will be assigned to the user. // If omitted defaults to the default merchant role. Roles []string `json:"roles"` }
InviteMerchantUserRequest models a request for adding a new user to a merchant account.
type InvoiceLineItem ¶ added in v2.17.3
type InvoiceLineItem struct { // ID is the line item id. ID string `json:"id"` // LineType is the type of line item. LineType string `json:"lineType"` // ProductID is the product id for standard invoices. ProductID string `json:"productId"` // Quantity is the quantity associated with the line item. Quantity int64 `json:"quantity"` // Description is the description associated with the line item. Description string `json:"description"` // Explanation is an alternate explanation. Explanation string `json:"explanation"` // TransactionCount is the transaction count associated with any transaction // based fees. TransactionCount int64 `json:"transactionCount"` // Volume is the transaction volume associated with any fees. Volume float64 `json:"volume"` // VolumeFormatted is the string formatted volume. VolumeFormatted string `json:"volumeFormatted"` // PerTransactionFee is the per transaction fee. PerTransactionFee float64 `json:"perTransactionFee"` // PerTransactionFeeFormatted is the string formatted per transaction fee. PerTransactionFeeFormatted string `json:"perTransactionFeeFormatted"` // TransactionPercentage is the percentage (as floating point ratio) fee // assessed on volume. TransactionPercentage float64 `json:"transactionPercentage"` // TransactionPercentageFormatted is the string formatted transaction fee // percentage. TransactionPercentageFormatted string `json:"transactionPercentageFormatted"` // Price is the quantity price associated. Price float64 `json:"price"` // PriceFormatted is the string formatted price associated with a // conventional line item. PriceFormatted string `json:"priceFormatted"` // PriceExtended is the extended price . PriceExtended float64 `json:"priceExtended"` // PriceExtendedFormatted is the string formatted extended price. PriceExtendedFormatted string `json:"priceExtendedFormatted"` // LineItems is the list of nested line items, if any. LineItems []InvoiceLineItem `json:"lineItems"` }
InvoiceLineItem models a single invoice or merchant statement line item.
type InvoicePayment ¶ added in v2.17.3
type InvoicePayment struct { // ID is the line item id. ID string `json:"id"` // Timestamp is timestamp the payment was authorized. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // TransactionType is the type of disbursement transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // PaymentType is the payment method used to fund the disbursement. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType"` // AuthCode is the auth code associated with credit card payment methods. AuthCode string `json:"authCode"` // MaskedPAN is the masked account number into which funds were deposited. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan"` // Pending indicates that payment is still pending. Pending bool `json:"pending"` // Approved indicates that payment is approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // ResponseDescription is a response description from the disbursement // payment platform, in any. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Amount is the amount disbursed in floating point format. Amount float64 `json:"amount"` // AmountFormatted is the currency formatted form of amount. AmountFormatted string `json:"amountFormatted"` }
InvoicePayment models information about payments against an invoice.
type LinkTokenRequest ¶
type LinkTokenRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token the token to delete. Token string `json:"token"` // CustomerID BlockChyp assigned customer id. CustomerID string `json:"customerId"` }
LinkTokenRequest links a payment token with a customer record.
type ListQueuedTransactionsRequest ¶
type ListQueuedTransactionsRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
ListQueuedTransactionsRequest returns a list of queued transactions on a terminal.
type ListQueuedTransactionsResponse ¶
type ListQueuedTransactionsResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionRefs is a list of queued transactions on the terminal. TransactionRefs []string `json:"transactionRefs"` }
ListQueuedTransactionsResponse contains a list of queued transactions on a terminal.
type LocateRequest ¶
type LocateRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
LocateRequest contains information needed to retrieve location information for a terminal.
type LocateResponse ¶
type LocateResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name assigned to the terminal at activation. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // IPAddress is the local IP address of the terminal. IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"` // CloudRelay indicates whether or not the terminal is running in cloud relay // mode. CloudRelay bool `json:"cloudRelay"` // PublicKey is the terminal's public key. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` }
LocateResponse contains the response to a locate request.
type MediaLibraryResponse ¶
type MediaLibraryResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // ResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` // Pages total number of pages. Pages int `json:"pages"` // CurrentPage page currently selected through paging. CurrentPage int `json:"currentPage"` // Results enumerates all media assets available in the context. Results []MediaMetadata `json:"results"` }
MediaLibraryResponse models a media library response.
type MediaMetadata ¶
type MediaMetadata struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID id used to identify the media asset. ID string `json:"id"` // OriginalFile is the original filename assigned to the media asset. OriginalFile string `json:"originalFile"` // Name is the descriptive name of the media asset. Name string `json:"name"` // Description is a description of the media asset and its purpose. Description string `json:"description"` // Tags is an array of tags associated with a media asset. Tags []string `json:"tags"` // FileURL is the url for the full resolution versio of the media file. FileURL string `json:"fileUrl"` // ThumbnailURL is the url for to the thumbnail of an image. ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnailUrl"` // Video is an identifier used to flag video files. Video bool `json:"video"` }
MediaMetadata models a request to retrieve survey results.
type MediaRequest ¶
type MediaRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MediaID id used to track a media asset. MediaID string `json:"mediaId"` }
MediaRequest models a request to retrieve or manipulate media assets.
type MerchantApplication ¶ added in v2.20.1
type MerchantApplication struct { // InviteCode is the invite code for the merchant. InviteCode string `json:"inviteCode"` // DBAName is the business name your customers know you by (DBA Name). DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // CorporateName is the name of the legal entity you file your taxes under. CorporateName string `json:"corporateName"` // WebSite is the business website. WebSite string `json:"webSite"` // TaxIDNumber is the business tax identification number (EIN). TaxIDNumber string `json:"taxIdNumber"` // EntityType is the type of business entity. EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // StateOfIncorporation is the state where the business is incorporated. StateOfIncorporation string `json:"stateOfIncorporation"` // MerchantType is the primary type of business (e.g., Retail, Service, // etc.). MerchantType string `json:"merchantType"` // BusinessDescription A short description of the products and services sold. BusinessDescription string `json:"businessDescription"` // YearsInBusiness is the number of years the business has been operating. YearsInBusiness string `json:"yearsInBusiness"` // BusinessPhoneNumber is the business telephone number. BusinessPhoneNumber string `json:"businessPhoneNumber"` // PhysicalAddress is the physical address of the business. PhysicalAddress Address `json:"physicalAddress"` // MailingAddress is the mailing address of the business. MailingAddress Address `json:"mailingAddress"` // ContactFirstName is the first name of the primary contact. ContactFirstName string `json:"contactFirstName"` // ContactLastName is the last name of the primary contact. ContactLastName string `json:"contactLastName"` // ContactPhoneNumber is the phone number of the primary contact. ContactPhoneNumber string `json:"contactPhoneNumber"` // ContactEmail is the email address of the primary contact. ContactEmail string `json:"contactEmail"` // ContactTitle is the job title of the primary contact. ContactTitle string `json:"contactTitle"` // ContactTaxIDNumber is the tax identification number (SSN) of the primary // contact. ContactTaxIDNumber string `json:"contactTaxIdNumber"` // ContactDob is the date of birth of the primary contact. ContactDob string `json:"contactDOB"` // ContactDlNumber is the driver's license number of the primary contact. ContactDlNumber string `json:"contactDlNumber"` // ContactDlStateOrProvince is the state that issued the primary contact's // driver's license. ContactDlStateOrProvince string `json:"contactDlStateOrProvince"` // ContactDlExpiration is the expiration date of the primary contact's // driver's license. ContactDlExpiration string `json:"contactDlExpiration"` // ContactHomeAddress is the home address of the primary contact. ContactHomeAddress Address `json:"contactHomeAddress"` // ContactRole is the role of the primary contact in the business. ContactRole string `json:"contactRole"` // Owners List of individuals with 25% or more ownership in the company. Owners []*Owner `json:"owners"` // ManualAccount is the bank account information for the business. ManualAccount ApplicationAccount `json:"manualAccount"` // AverageTransaction is the average transaction amount. AverageTransaction string `json:"averageTransaction"` // HighTransaction is the highest expected transaction amount. HighTransaction string `json:"highTransaction"` // AverageMonth is the average monthly transaction volume. AverageMonth string `json:"averageMonth"` // HighMonth is the highest expected monthly transaction volume. HighMonth string `json:"highMonth"` // RefundPolicy is the refund policy of the business. RefundPolicy string `json:"refundPolicy"` // RefundDays is the number of days after purchase that refunds can be // issued. RefundDays string `json:"refundDays"` // TimeZone is the time zone of the business. TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` // BatchCloseTime is the time when the daily batch should close. BatchCloseTime string `json:"batchCloseTime"` // MultipleLocations Indicates if the business has multiple locations. MultipleLocations string `json:"multipleLocations"` // LocationName is the name of this specific business location. LocationName string `json:"locationName"` // StoreNumber is the store number for this location. StoreNumber string `json:"storeNumber"` // EBTRequested Indicates if the business wants to accept EBT cards. EBTRequested string `json:"ebtRequested"` // FnsNumber is the FNS number issued by the USDA for EBT processing. FnsNumber string `json:"fnsNumber"` // Ecommerce Indicates if the business plans to accept payments through a // website. Ecommerce string `json:"ecommerce"` // DropShipping Indicates if suppliers ship products directly to customers. DropShipping bool `json:"dropShipping"` // CardPresentPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be chip // or swipe. CardPresentPercentage string `json:"cardPresentPercentage"` // PhoneOrderPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be phone // orders. PhoneOrderPercentage string `json:"phoneOrderPercentage"` // EcomPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be e-commerce. EcomPercentage string `json:"ecomPercentage"` // BillBeforeShipmentDays is the number of days before shipment that // customers are charged. BillBeforeShipmentDays string `json:"billBeforeShipmentDays"` // SubscriptionsSupported Indicates if the business plans to process // recurring payments. SubscriptionsSupported string `json:"subscriptionsSupported"` // SubscriptionFrequency is the frequency of recurring payments (if // applicable). SubscriptionFrequency string `json:"subscriptionFrequency"` // SignerName is the full legal name of the person signing the application. SignerName string `json:"signerName"` }
MerchantApplication models a merchant application form to add a merchant account.
type MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest ¶ added in v2.18.5
type MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // DeleteProtected protects the credentials from deletion. DeleteProtected bool `json:"deleteProtected"` // Roles an optional array of role codes that will be assigned to the // credentials. Roles []string `json:"roles"` // Notes free form description of the purpose or intent behind the // credentials. Notes string `json:"notes"` // CredentialType type of credentials to generate, either API or TOKENIZING. // Defaults to API. CredentialType string `json:"credentialType"` }
MerchantCredentialGenerationRequest models a request to generate merchant api credentials.
type MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse ¶ added in v2.18.5
type MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // APIKey is the merchant api key. APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` // BearerToken is the merchant bearer token. BearerToken string `json:"bearerToken"` // SigningKey is the merchant signing key. SigningKey string `json:"signingKey"` // TokenizingKey is the tokenizing key. TokenizingKey string `json:"tokenizingKey"` }
MerchantCredentialGenerationResponse contains merchant api credential data.
type MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // ID is the invoice id. ID string `json:"id"` }
MerchantInvoiceDetailRequest models a request to retrieve detailed merchant invoice information.
type MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID optional start date filter for batch history. ID string `json:"id"` // MerchantID is the id of the merchant associated with the statement. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // CorporateName is the corporate name of the merchant associated with the // statement. CorporateName string `json:"corporateName"` // DBAName is the dba name of the merchant associated with the statement. DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // DateCreated is the date the statement was generated. DateCreated time.Time `json:"dateCreated"` // Status is the current status of the invoice. Status string `json:"status"` // InvoiceType is the type of invoice (statement or invoice). InvoiceType string `json:"invoiceType"` // PricingType is the type of pricing used for the invoice (typically flat // rate or or interchange plus). PricingType string `json:"pricingType"` // Paid indicates whether or not the invoice has been paid. Paid bool `json:"paid"` // GrandTotal is the grand total. GrandTotal float64 `json:"grandTotal"` // GrandTotalFormatted is the string formatted grand total. GrandTotalFormatted string `json:"grandTotalFormatted"` // Subtotal is the subtotal before shipping and tax. Subtotal float64 `json:"subtotal"` // SubotalFormatted is the string formatted subtotal before shipping and tax. SubotalFormatted string `json:"subotalFormatted"` // TaxTotal is the total sales tax. TaxTotal float64 `json:"taxTotal"` // TaxTotalFormatted is the string formatted total sales tax. TaxTotalFormatted string `json:"taxTotalFormatted"` // ShippingCost is the total cost of shipping. ShippingCost float64 `json:"shippingCost"` // ShippingCostFormatted is the string formatted total cost of shipping. ShippingCostFormatted string `json:"shippingCostFormatted"` // BalanceDue is the total unpaid balance on the invoice. BalanceDue float64 `json:"balanceDue"` // BalanceDueFormatted is the string formatted unpaid balance on the invoice. BalanceDueFormatted string `json:"balanceDueFormatted"` // ShippingAddress is the shipping or physical address associated with the // invoice. ShippingAddress *Address `json:"shippingAddress"` // BillingAddress is the billing or mailing address associated with the // invoice. BillingAddress *Address `json:"billingAddress"` // LineItems is the list of line item details associated with the invoice. LineItems []InvoiceLineItem `json:"lineItems"` // Payments is the list of payments collected against the invoice. Payments []InvoicePayment `json:"payments"` // Deposits is the list of merchant settlements disbursed during the // statement period. Deposits []StatementDeposit `json:"deposits"` }
MerchantInvoiceDetailResponse models detailed merchant invoice or statement information.
type MerchantInvoiceListRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type MerchantInvoiceListRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MerchantID optional merchant id for partner scoped requests. MerchantID *string `json:"merchantId"` // InvoiceType optional type to filter normal invoices vs statements. InvoiceType *string `json:"invoiceType"` // StartDate optional start date filter for batch history. StartDate *time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate optional end date filter for batch history. EndDate *time.Time `json:"endDate"` }
MerchantInvoiceListRequest models a request to retrieve a list of partner statements.
type MerchantInvoiceListResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type MerchantInvoiceListResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Invoices is the list of invoices returned by the request. Invoices []MerchantInvoiceSummary `json:"invoices"` }
MerchantInvoiceListResponse models a response to an invoice list request.
type MerchantInvoiceSummary ¶ added in v2.17.3
type MerchantInvoiceSummary struct { // ID is the id owner of the invoice. ID string `json:"id"` // DateCreated is the date the statement was generated. DateCreated time.Time `json:"dateCreated"` // GrandTotal is the grand total. GrandTotal float64 `json:"grandTotal"` // GrandTotalFormatted is the string formatted grand total. GrandTotalFormatted string `json:"grandTotalFormatted"` // Status is the status of the statement. Status string `json:"status"` // InvoiceType identifies the invoice type. InvoiceType string `json:"invoiceType"` // Paid indicates whether or not the invoice had been paid. Paid bool `json:"paid"` }
MerchantInvoiceSummary models basic information about a merchant invoice for use in list or search results.
type MerchantPlatform ¶
type MerchantPlatform struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // ID primary identifier for a given platform configuration. ID string `json:"id"` // Disabled indicates that a platform configuration is disabled. Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // PlatformCode is BlockChyp's code for the boarding platform. PlatformCode string `json:"platformCode"` // Priority is the platform's priority in a multi platform setup. Priority int `json:"priority"` // RegistrationID is an optional field specifying the merchant's card brand // registration record. RegistrationID string `json:"registrationId"` // MerchantID is the merchant's primary identifier. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // AcquirerMid specifies the merchant id assigned by the acquiring bank. AcquirerMid string `json:"acquirerMid"` // Notes free form notes description the purpose or intent behind the // platform configuration. Notes string `json:"notes"` // EntryMethod is the optional entry method code if a platform should only be // used for specific entry methods. Leave blank for 'all'. EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod"` // DateCreated is the date the platform configuration was first created. DateCreated string `json:"dateCreated"` // LastChange is the date the platform configuration was last modified. LastChange string `json:"lastChange"` // ConfigMap is a map of configuration values specific to the boarding // platform. These are not published. Contact your BlockChyp rep for // supported values. ConfigMap map[string]string `json:"configMap,omitempty"` }
MerchantPlatform contains details about a merchant board platform configuration.
type MerchantPlatformRequest ¶
type MerchantPlatformRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // PlatformID is the platform configuration id. PlatformID string `json:"platformId"` }
MerchantPlatformRequest models a request related to a platform configuration.
type MerchantPlatformsResponse ¶
type MerchantPlatformsResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates whether or not these results are for test or live // merchants. Test bool `json:"test"` // Results enumerates merchant platform settings. Results []MerchantPlatform `json:"results"` }
MerchantPlatformsResponse contains the results for a merchant platforms inquiry.
type MerchantProfile ¶
type MerchantProfile struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test indicates that the response came from the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // BankMid is the primary bank mid. BankMid string `json:"bankMid"` // CompanyName is the merchant's company name. CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` // DBAName is the dba name of the merchant. DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // InvoiceName is the name the merchant prefers on payment link invoices. InvoiceName string `json:"invoiceName"` // ContactName is the contact name for the merchant. ContactName string `json:"contactName"` // ContactNumber is the contact number for the merchant. ContactNumber string `json:"contactNumber"` // LocationName is the location name. LocationName string `json:"locationName"` // StoreNumber is the store number. StoreNumber string `json:"storeNumber"` // PartnerRef is the partner assigne reference for this merchant. PartnerRef string `json:"partnerRef"` // TimeZone is the merchant's local time zone. TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` // BatchCloseTime is the batch close time in the merchant's time zone. BatchCloseTime string `json:"batchCloseTime"` // TerminalUpdateTime is the terminal firmware update time. TerminalUpdateTime string `json:"terminalUpdateTime"` // AutoBatchClose flag indicating whether or not the batch automatically // closes. AutoBatchClose bool `json:"autoBatchClose"` // DisableBatchEmails flag indicating whether or not batch closure emails // should be automatically sent. DisableBatchEmails bool `json:"disableBatchEmails"` // PINEnabled flag indicating whether or not pin entry is enabled. PINEnabled bool `json:"pinEnabled"` // CashBackEnabled flag indicating whether or not cash back is enabled. CashBackEnabled bool `json:"cashBackEnabled"` // StoreAndForwardEnabled flag indicating whether or not store and forward is // enabled. StoreAndForwardEnabled bool `json:"storeAndForwardEnabled"` // PartialAuthEnabled flag indicating whether or not partial authorizations // are supported for this merchant. PartialAuthEnabled bool `json:"partialAuthEnabled"` // SplitBankAccountsEnabled flag indicating whether or not this merchant // support split settlement. SplitBankAccountsEnabled bool `json:"splitBankAccountsEnabled"` // StoreAndForwardFloorLimit floor limit for store and forward transactions. StoreAndForwardFloorLimit string `json:"storeAndForwardFloorLimit"` // PublicKey is the blockchyp public key for this merchant. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // Status is the underwriting/processing status for the the merchant. Status string `json:"status"` // CashDiscountEnabled enables cash discount or surcharging. CashDiscountEnabled bool `json:"cashDiscountEnabled"` // SurveyTimeout is the post transaction survey timeout in seconds. SurveyTimeout int `json:"surveyTimeout"` // CooldownTimeout is time a transaction result is displayed on a terminal // before the terminal is automatically cleared in seconds. CooldownTimeout int `json:"cooldownTimeout"` // TipEnabled indicates that tips are enabled for a merchant account. TipEnabled bool `json:"tipEnabled"` // PromptForTip indicates that tips should be automatically prompted for // after charge and preauth transactions. PromptForTip bool `json:"promptForTip"` // TipDefaults three default values for tips. Can be provided as a percentage // if a percent sign is provided. Otherwise the values are assumed to be // basis points. TipDefaults []string `json:"tipDefaults"` // CashbackPresets four default values for cashback prompts. CashbackPresets []string `json:"cashbackPresets"` // EBTEnabled indicates that EBT cards are enabled. EBTEnabled bool `json:"ebtEnabled"` // FreeRangeRefundsEnabled indicates that refunds without transaction // references are permitted. FreeRangeRefundsEnabled bool `json:"freeRangeRefundsEnabled"` // PINBypassEnabled indicates that pin bypass is enabled. PINBypassEnabled bool `json:"pinBypassEnabled"` // GiftCardsDisabled indicates that gift cards are disabled. GiftCardsDisabled bool `json:"giftCardsDisabled"` // TCDisabled disables terms and conditions pages in the merchant UI. TCDisabled bool `json:"tcDisabled"` // DigitalSignaturesEnabled indicates that digital signature capture is // enabled. DigitalSignaturesEnabled bool `json:"digitalSignaturesEnabled"` // DigitalSignatureReversal indicates that transactions should auto-reverse // when signatures are refused. DigitalSignatureReversal bool `json:"digitalSignatureReversal"` // BillingAddress is the address to be used for billing correspondence. BillingAddress Address `json:"billingAddress"` // ShippingAddress is the address to be used for shipping. ShippingAddress Address `json:"shippingAddress"` // Visa indicates that Visa cards are supported. Visa bool `json:"visa"` // MasterCard indicates that MasterCard is supported. MasterCard bool `json:"masterCard"` // AMEX indicates that American Express is supported. AMEX bool `json:"amex"` // Discover indicates that Discover cards are supported. Discover bool `json:"discover"` // JCB indicates that JCB (Japan Card Bureau) cards are supported. JCB bool `json:"jcb"` // UnionPay indicates that China Union Pay cards are supported. UnionPay bool `json:"unionPay"` // ContactlessEMV indicates that contactless EMV cards are supported. ContactlessEMV bool `json:"contactlessEmv"` // ManualEntryEnabled indicates that manual card entry is enabled. ManualEntryEnabled bool `json:"manualEntryEnabled"` // ManualEntryPromptZip requires a zip code to be entered for manually // entered transactions. ManualEntryPromptZip bool `json:"manualEntryPromptZip"` // ManualEntryPromptStreetNumber requires a street number to be entered for // manually entered transactions. ManualEntryPromptStreetNumber bool `json:"manualEntryPromptStreetNumber"` // GatewayOnly indicates that this merchant is boarded on BlockChyp in // gateway only mode. GatewayOnly bool `json:"gatewayOnly"` // BankAccounts bank accounts for split bank account merchants. BankAccounts []BankAccount `json:"bankAccounts"` }
MerchantProfile models a merchant profile.
type MerchantProfileRequest ¶
type MerchantProfileRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. Optional for merchant scoped requests. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` }
MerchantProfileRequest models a request for information about the merchant profile.
type MerchantProfileResponse ¶
type MerchantProfileResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates that the response came from the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // BankMid is the primary bank mid. BankMid string `json:"bankMid"` // CompanyName is the merchant's company name. CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` // DBAName is the dba name of the merchant. DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // InvoiceName is the name the merchant prefers on payment link invoices. InvoiceName string `json:"invoiceName"` // ContactName is the contact name for the merchant. ContactName string `json:"contactName"` // ContactNumber is the contact number for the merchant. ContactNumber string `json:"contactNumber"` // LocationName is the location name. LocationName string `json:"locationName"` // StoreNumber is the store number. StoreNumber string `json:"storeNumber"` // PartnerRef is the partner assigne reference for this merchant. PartnerRef string `json:"partnerRef"` // TimeZone is the merchant's local time zone. TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` // BatchCloseTime is the batch close time in the merchant's time zone. BatchCloseTime string `json:"batchCloseTime"` // TerminalUpdateTime is the terminal firmware update time. TerminalUpdateTime string `json:"terminalUpdateTime"` // AutoBatchClose flag indicating whether or not the batch automatically // closes. AutoBatchClose bool `json:"autoBatchClose"` // DisableBatchEmails flag indicating whether or not batch closure emails // should be automatically sent. DisableBatchEmails bool `json:"disableBatchEmails"` // PINEnabled flag indicating whether or not pin entry is enabled. PINEnabled bool `json:"pinEnabled"` // CashBackEnabled flag indicating whether or not cash back is enabled. CashBackEnabled bool `json:"cashBackEnabled"` // StoreAndForwardEnabled flag indicating whether or not store and forward is // enabled. StoreAndForwardEnabled bool `json:"storeAndForwardEnabled"` // PartialAuthEnabled flag indicating whether or not partial authorizations // are supported for this merchant. PartialAuthEnabled bool `json:"partialAuthEnabled"` // SplitBankAccountsEnabled flag indicating whether or not this merchant // support split settlement. SplitBankAccountsEnabled bool `json:"splitBankAccountsEnabled"` // StoreAndForwardFloorLimit floor limit for store and forward transactions. StoreAndForwardFloorLimit string `json:"storeAndForwardFloorLimit"` // PublicKey is the blockchyp public key for this merchant. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // Status is the underwriting/processing status for the the merchant. Status string `json:"status"` // CashDiscountEnabled enables cash discount or surcharging. CashDiscountEnabled bool `json:"cashDiscountEnabled"` // SurveyTimeout is the post transaction survey timeout in seconds. SurveyTimeout int `json:"surveyTimeout"` // CooldownTimeout is time a transaction result is displayed on a terminal // before the terminal is automatically cleared in seconds. CooldownTimeout int `json:"cooldownTimeout"` // TipEnabled indicates that tips are enabled for a merchant account. TipEnabled bool `json:"tipEnabled"` // PromptForTip indicates that tips should be automatically prompted for // after charge and preauth transactions. PromptForTip bool `json:"promptForTip"` // TipDefaults three default values for tips. Can be provided as a percentage // if a percent sign is provided. Otherwise the values are assumed to be // basis points. TipDefaults []string `json:"tipDefaults"` // CashbackPresets four default values for cashback prompts. CashbackPresets []string `json:"cashbackPresets"` // EBTEnabled indicates that EBT cards are enabled. EBTEnabled bool `json:"ebtEnabled"` // FreeRangeRefundsEnabled indicates that refunds without transaction // references are permitted. FreeRangeRefundsEnabled bool `json:"freeRangeRefundsEnabled"` // PINBypassEnabled indicates that pin bypass is enabled. PINBypassEnabled bool `json:"pinBypassEnabled"` // GiftCardsDisabled indicates that gift cards are disabled. GiftCardsDisabled bool `json:"giftCardsDisabled"` // TCDisabled disables terms and conditions pages in the merchant UI. TCDisabled bool `json:"tcDisabled"` // DigitalSignaturesEnabled indicates that digital signature capture is // enabled. DigitalSignaturesEnabled bool `json:"digitalSignaturesEnabled"` // DigitalSignatureReversal indicates that transactions should auto-reverse // when signatures are refused. DigitalSignatureReversal bool `json:"digitalSignatureReversal"` // BillingAddress is the address to be used for billing correspondence. BillingAddress Address `json:"billingAddress"` // ShippingAddress is the address to be used for shipping. ShippingAddress Address `json:"shippingAddress"` // Visa indicates that Visa cards are supported. Visa bool `json:"visa"` // MasterCard indicates that MasterCard is supported. MasterCard bool `json:"masterCard"` // AMEX indicates that American Express is supported. AMEX bool `json:"amex"` // Discover indicates that Discover cards are supported. Discover bool `json:"discover"` // JCB indicates that JCB (Japan Card Bureau) cards are supported. JCB bool `json:"jcb"` // UnionPay indicates that China Union Pay cards are supported. UnionPay bool `json:"unionPay"` // ContactlessEMV indicates that contactless EMV cards are supported. ContactlessEMV bool `json:"contactlessEmv"` // ManualEntryEnabled indicates that manual card entry is enabled. ManualEntryEnabled bool `json:"manualEntryEnabled"` // ManualEntryPromptZip requires a zip code to be entered for manually // entered transactions. ManualEntryPromptZip bool `json:"manualEntryPromptZip"` // ManualEntryPromptStreetNumber requires a street number to be entered for // manually entered transactions. ManualEntryPromptStreetNumber bool `json:"manualEntryPromptStreetNumber"` // GatewayOnly indicates that this merchant is boarded on BlockChyp in // gateway only mode. GatewayOnly bool `json:"gatewayOnly"` // BankAccounts bank accounts for split bank account merchants. BankAccounts []BankAccount `json:"bankAccounts"` }
MerchantProfileResponse models a response for a single merchant profile.
type MerchantUser ¶
type MerchantUser struct { // Test indicates whether or not these results are for test or live // merchants. Test bool `json:"test"` // ID is the user's primary key. ID string `json:"id"` // FirstName is the user's first name. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // LastName is the user's last name. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // Email is the user's email address. Email string `json:"email"` // Status is the user account status. Status string `json:"status"` // Type is the type of user account. Type string `json:"type"` // Roles is the role codes assigned to this user. Roles []string `json:"roles"` // Locked indicates whether or not this user account is locked. Locked bool `json:"locked"` }
MerchantUser contains details about a merchant user.
type MerchantUsersResponse ¶
type MerchantUsersResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates whether or not these results are for test or live // merchants. Test bool `json:"test"` // Results users and pending invites associated with the merchant. Results []MerchantUser `json:"results"` }
MerchantUsersResponse contains the results for a merchant users list.
type MessageRequest ¶
type MessageRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // Message is the message to be displayed on the terminal. Message string `json:"message"` }
MessageRequest contains a message to be displayed on the terminal screen.
type Owner ¶ added in v2.20.1
type Owner struct { // FirstName is the first name of the owner. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // LastName is the last name of the owner. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // JobTitle is the job title of the owner. JobTitle string `json:"jobTitle"` // TaxIDNumber is the tax identification number (SSN) of the owner. TaxIDNumber string `json:"taxIdNumber"` // PhoneNumber is the phone number of the owner. PhoneNumber string `json:"phoneNumber"` // Dob is the date of birth of the owner in mm/dd/yyyy format. Dob string `json:"dob"` // Ownership is the percentage of ownership. Ownership string `json:"ownership"` // Address is the address of the owner. Address Address `json:"address"` // Email is the email address of the owner. Email string `json:"email"` // SingleLineAddress A single line representation of the owner's address. SingleLineAddress string `json:"singleLineAddress"` // EntityType is the type of entity this owner represents. EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // DlNumber is the driver's license number of the owner. DlNumber string `json:"dlNumber"` // DlStateOrProvince is the state that issued the owner's driver's license. DlStateOrProvince string `json:"dlStateOrProvince"` // DlExpiration is the expiration date of the owner's driver's license. DlExpiration string `json:"dlExpiration"` }
Owner models an individual with 25% or more ownership interest in a company.
type PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // StatementID is the invoice or statement id. StatementID string `json:"statementId"` }
PartnerCommissionBreakdownRequest models a request to retrieve detailed merchant invoice information.
type PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // InvoiceID is the invoice (statement id) for which the commissions were // calculated. InvoiceID string `json:"invoiceId"` // PartnerName is the partner name. PartnerName string `json:"partnerName"` // PartnerStatementID is the partner statement id. PartnerStatementID string `json:"partnerStatementId"` // PartnerStatementDate is the partner statement date. PartnerStatementDate time.Time `json:"partnerStatementDate"` // MerchantID is the merchant id. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // MerchantCompanyName is the merchant's corporate name. MerchantCompanyName string `json:"merchantCompanyName"` // MerchantDBAName is the merchant's dba name. MerchantDBAName string `json:"merchantDbaName"` // GrandTotal is the grand total. GrandTotal float64 `json:"grandTotal"` // GrandTotalFormatted is the currency formatted grand total. GrandTotalFormatted string `json:"grandTotalFormatted"` // TotalFees is the total fees. TotalFees float64 `json:"totalFees"` // TotalFeesFormatted is the currency formatted total fees. TotalFeesFormatted string `json:"totalFeesFormatted"` // TotalDue is the total due the partner for this merchant statement. TotalDue float64 `json:"totalDue"` // TotalDueFormatted is the currency formatted total due the partner for this // merchant statement. TotalDueFormatted string `json:"totalDueFormatted"` // TotalVolume is the total volume during the statement period. TotalVolume float64 `json:"totalVolume"` // TotalVolumeFormatted is the currency formatted total volume during the // statement period. TotalVolumeFormatted string `json:"totalVolumeFormatted"` // TotalTransactions is the total number of transactions processed during the // statement period. TotalTransactions int64 `json:"totalTransactions"` // PartnerResidual is the residual earned by the partner. PartnerResidual float64 `json:"partnerResidual"` // PartnerResidualFormatted is the currency formatted residual earned by the // partner. PartnerResidualFormatted string `json:"partnerResidualFormatted"` // Interchange is the total interchange charged during the statement period. Interchange float64 `json:"interchange"` // InterchangeFormatted is the currency formatted total interchange charged // during the statement period. InterchangeFormatted string `json:"interchangeFormatted"` // Assessments is the total assessments charged during the statement period. Assessments float64 `json:"assessments"` // AssessmentsFormatted is the currency formatted assessments charged during // the statement period. AssessmentsFormatted string `json:"assessmentsFormatted"` // TotalPassthrough is the total of passthrough costs. TotalPassthrough float64 `json:"totalPassthrough"` // TotalPassthroughFormatted is the currency formatted total of passthrough // costs. TotalPassthroughFormatted string `json:"totalPassthroughFormatted"` // TotalNonPassthrough is the total of non passthrough costs. TotalNonPassthrough float64 `json:"totalNonPassthrough"` // TotalNonPassthroughFormatted is the currency formatted total of non // passthrough costs. TotalNonPassthroughFormatted string `json:"totalNonPassthroughFormatted"` // TotalCardBrandFees is the total of all card brand fees. TotalCardBrandFees float64 `json:"totalCardBrandFees"` // TotalCardBrandFeesFormatted is the currency formatted total of all card // brand fees. TotalCardBrandFeesFormatted string `json:"totalCardBrandFeesFormatted"` // TotalBuyRate is the total buy rate. TotalBuyRate float64 `json:"totalBuyRate"` // TotalBuyRateFormatted is the currency formatted total buy rate. TotalBuyRateFormatted string `json:"totalBuyRateFormatted"` // BuyRateBeforePassthrough is the total buy rate before passthrough costs. BuyRateBeforePassthrough float64 `json:"buyRateBeforePassthrough"` // BuyRateBeforePassthroughFormatted is the currency formatted total buy rate // before passthrough costs. BuyRateBeforePassthroughFormatted string `json:"buyRateBeforePassthroughFormatted"` // NetMarkup is the net markup split between BlockChyp and the partner. NetMarkup float64 `json:"netMarkup"` // NetMarkupFormatted is the currency formatted net markup split between // BlockChyp and the partner. NetMarkupFormatted string `json:"netMarkupFormatted"` // hard costs. PartnerNonPassthroughShare float64 `json:"partnerNonPassthroughShare"` // total share of non passthrough hard costs. PartnerNonPassthroughShareFormatted string `json:"partnerNonPassthroughShareFormatted"` // ChargebackFees is the total of chargeback fees assessed during the // statement period. ChargebackFees float64 `json:"chargebackFees"` // ChargebackFeesFormatted is the currency formatted total of chargeback fees // assessed during the statement period. ChargebackFeesFormatted string `json:"chargebackFeesFormatted"` // ChargebackCount is the total number of chargebacks during the period. ChargebackCount int64 `json:"chargebackCount"` // PartnerPercentage is the partner's share of markup. PartnerPercentage float64 `json:"partnerPercentage"` // PartnerPercentageFormatted is the currency formatted partner's share of // markup. PartnerPercentageFormatted string `json:"partnerPercentageFormatted"` // BuyRateLineItems is the list of line items documenting how the total buy // rate was calculated. BuyRateLineItems []BuyRateLineItem `json:"buyRateLineItems"` // RevenueDetails is the list of detail lines describing how revenue was // calculated and collected by the sponsor bank. RevenueDetails []AggregateBillingLineItem `json:"revenueDetails"` // CardBrandCostDetails is the nested list of costs levied by the card // brands, grouped by card brand and type. CardBrandCostDetails []AggregateBillingLineItem `json:"cardBrandCostDetails"` }
PartnerCommissionBreakdownResponse models detailed information about how partner commissions were calculated for a statement.
type PartnerStatementAdjustment ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementAdjustment struct { // ID is the adjustment id. ID string `json:"id"` // Timestamp is the date and time the disbursement was posted to the account. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Description is a description of the adjustment. Description string `json:"description"` // Amount is the amount in floating point format. Amount float64 `json:"amount"` // AmountFormatted is the currency formatted form of amount. AmountFormatted string `json:"amountFormatted"` }
PartnerStatementAdjustment models partner statement adjustments.
type PartnerStatementDetailRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementDetailRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // ID optional start date filter for batch history. ID string `json:"id"` }
PartnerStatementDetailRequest models a request to retrieve detailed partner statement information.
type PartnerStatementDetailResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementDetailResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID optional start date filter for batch history. ID string `json:"id"` // PartnerID is the id of the partner associated with the statement. PartnerID string `json:"partnerId"` // PartnerName is the name of the partner associated with the statement. PartnerName string `json:"partnerName"` // StatementDate is the date the statement was generated. StatementDate time.Time `json:"statementDate"` // TotalVolume is total volume in numeric format. TotalVolume float64 `json:"totalVolume"` // TotalVolumeFormatted is the string formatted total volume on the // statement. TotalVolumeFormatted string `json:"totalVolumeFormatted"` // TransactionCount is the total volume on the statement. TransactionCount int64 `json:"transactionCount"` // PartnerCommission is the commission earned on the portfolio during the // statement period. PartnerCommission float64 `json:"partnerCommission"` // PartnerCommissionFormatted is the string formatted partner commission on // the statement. PartnerCommissionFormatted string `json:"partnerCommissionFormatted"` // PartnerCommissionsOnVolume is the partner commission earned on the // portfolio during the statement period as a ratio against volume. PartnerCommissionsOnVolume float64 `json:"partnerCommissionsOnVolume"` // PartnerCommissionsOnVolumeFormatted is the string formatted version of // partner commissions as a percentage of volume. PartnerCommissionsOnVolumeFormatted string `json:"partnerCommissionsOnVolumeFormatted"` // Status is the status of the statement. Status string `json:"status"` // LineItems is the line item detail associated with the statement. LineItems []PartnerStatementLineItem `json:"lineItems"` // Adjustments is the list of adjustments made against the statement, if any. Adjustments []PartnerStatementAdjustment `json:"adjustments"` // Disbursements is the list of partner disbursements made against the // partner statement. Disbursements []PartnerStatementDisbursement `json:"disbursements"` }
PartnerStatementDetailResponse models a response to retrieve detailed partner statement information.
type PartnerStatementDisbursement ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementDisbursement struct { // ID is the disbursement id. ID string `json:"id"` // Timestamp is date and time the disbursement was processed. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // TransactionType is the type of disbursement transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // PaymentType is the payment method used to fund the disbursement. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType"` // MaskedPAN is the masked account number into which funds were deposited. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan"` // Pending indicates that payment is still pending. Pending bool `json:"pending"` // Approved indicates that payment is approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // ResponseDescription is a response description from the disbursement // payment platform, in any. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Amount is the amount disbursed in floating point format. Amount float64 `json:"amount"` // AmountFormatted is the currency formatted form of amount. AmountFormatted string `json:"amountFormatted"` }
PartnerStatementDisbursement models details about disbursements related to partner statements.
type PartnerStatementLineItem ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementLineItem struct { // ID is the line item id. ID string `json:"id"` // InvoiceID is the invoice id for the underlying merchant statement. InvoiceID string `json:"invoiceId"` // TotalFees is the total fees charged to the merchant. TotalFees float64 `json:"totalFees"` // TotalFeesFormatted is the total fees charge formatted as a currency // string. TotalFeesFormatted string `json:"totalFeesFormatted"` // TotalFeesOnVolume is the total fees charged to the merchant as ratio of // volume. TotalFeesOnVolume float64 `json:"totalFeesOnVolume"` // TotalFeesOnVolumeFormatted is the total fees charged to the merchant as // percentage of volume. TotalFeesOnVolumeFormatted string `json:"totalFeesOnVolumeFormatted"` // MerchantID is the id of the merchant. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // MerchantName is the corporate name of the merchant. MerchantName string `json:"merchantName"` // DBAName is the dba name of the merchant. DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // StatementDate is the date the statement was generated. StatementDate time.Time `json:"statementDate"` // Volume is volume in numeric format. Volume float64 `json:"volume"` // VolumeFormatted is the string formatted total volume on the statement. VolumeFormatted string `json:"volumeFormatted"` // TransactionCount is the total volume on the statement. TransactionCount int64 `json:"transactionCount"` // Interchange is the total interchange fees incurred this period. Interchange float64 `json:"interchange"` // InterchangeFormatted is the currency formatted form of interchange. InterchangeFormatted string `json:"interchangeFormatted"` // InterchangeOnVolume is the total interchange as a ratio on volume incurred // this period. InterchangeOnVolume float64 `json:"interchangeOnVolume"` // InterchangeOnVolumeFormatted is the total interchange as a percentage of // volume. InterchangeOnVolumeFormatted string `json:"interchangeOnVolumeFormatted"` // Assessments is the total card brand assessments fees incurred this period. Assessments float64 `json:"assessments"` // AssessmentsFormatted is the currency formatted form of card brand // assessments. AssessmentsFormatted string `json:"assessmentsFormatted"` // AssessmentsOnVolume is the total card brand assessments as a ratio on // volume incurred this period. AssessmentsOnVolume float64 `json:"assessmentsOnVolume"` // AssessmentsOnVolumeFormatted is the total card brand assessments as a // percentage of volume. AssessmentsOnVolumeFormatted string `json:"assessmentsOnVolumeFormatted"` // PartnerCommission is the commission earned on the portfolio during the // statement period. PartnerCommission float64 `json:"partnerCommission"` // PartnerCommissionFormatted is the string formatted total volume on the // statement. PartnerCommissionFormatted string `json:"partnerCommissionFormatted"` // BuyRate is the total fees charge to the partner due to buy rates. BuyRate float64 `json:"buyRate"` // BuyRateFormatted is the currency formatted form of partner buy rate. BuyRateFormatted string `json:"buyRateFormatted"` // HardCosts refers to card brand fees shared between BlockChyp and the // partner. HardCosts float64 `json:"hardCosts"` // HardCostsFormatted is the currency formatted form of hard costs. HardCostsFormatted string `json:"hardCostsFormatted"` }
PartnerStatementLineItem models line item level data for a partner statement.
type PartnerStatementListRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementListRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // StartDate optional start date filter for batch history. StartDate *time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate optional end date filter for batch history. EndDate *time.Time `json:"endDate"` }
PartnerStatementListRequest models a request to retrieve a list of partner statements.
type PartnerStatementListResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementListResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Statements is the list of statements summaries. Statements []PartnerStatementSummary `json:"statements"` }
PartnerStatementListResponse models results to a partner statement list inquiry.
type PartnerStatementSummary ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PartnerStatementSummary struct { // ID is the id owner of the pricing policy. ID string `json:"id"` // StatementDate is the date the statement was generated. StatementDate time.Time `json:"statementDate"` // TotalVolume is total volume in numeric format. TotalVolume float64 `json:"totalVolume"` // TotalVolumeFormatted is the string formatted total volume on the // statement. TotalVolumeFormatted string `json:"totalVolumeFormatted"` // TransactionCount is the total volume on the statement. TransactionCount int64 `json:"transactionCount"` // PartnerCommission is the commission earned on the portfolio during the // statement period. PartnerCommission float64 `json:"partnerCommission"` // PartnerCommissionFormatted is the string formatted total volume on the // statement. PartnerCommissionFormatted string `json:"partnerCommissionFormatted"` // Status is the status of the statement. Status string `json:"status"` }
PartnerStatementSummary models a basic information about partner statements for use in list or search results.
type PaymentAmounts ¶
type PaymentAmounts struct { // PartialAuth indicates whether or not the transaction was approved for a // partial amount. PartialAuth bool // AltCurrency indicates whether or not an alternate currency was used. AltCurrency bool // FSAAuth indicates whether or not a request was settled on an FSA card. FSAAuth bool // CurrencyCode is the currency code used for the transaction. CurrencyCode string // RequestedAmount is the requested amount. RequestedAmount string // AuthorizedAmount is the authorized amount. May not match the requested // amount in the event of a partial auth. AuthorizedAmount string // RemainingBalance is the remaining balance on the payment method. RemainingBalance string // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string // RequestedCashBackAmount is the cash back amount the customer requested // during the transaction. RequestedCashBackAmount string // AuthorizedCashBackAmount is the amount of cash back authorized by the // gateway. This amount will be the entire amount requested, or zero. AuthorizedCashBackAmount string }
PaymentAmounts contains response details about tender amounts.
func (PaymentAmounts) From ¶
func (r PaymentAmounts) From(raw interface{}) (result PaymentAmounts, ok bool)
From creates an instance of PaymentAmounts with values from a generic type.
type PaymentLinkRequest ¶
type PaymentLinkRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // AutoSend automatically send the link via an email. AutoSend bool `json:"autoSend"` // Enroll indicates that the payment method should be added to the token // vault alongside the authorization. Enroll bool `json:"enroll,omitempty"` // EnrollOnly indicates that the link should be used to enroll a token only. // Can only be used in cashier mode. EnrollOnly bool `json:"enrollOnly,omitempty"` // QrcodeBinary indicates that the QR Code binary should be returned. QrcodeBinary bool `json:"qrcodeBinary,omitempty"` // QrcodeSize determines the size of the qr code to be returned. QrcodeSize int `json:"qrcodeSize,omitempty"` // DaysToExpiration number of days until the payment link expires. DaysToExpiration int `json:"daysToExpiration,omitempty"` // Cashier flags the payment link as cashier facing. Cashier bool `json:"cashier"` // Description description explaining the transaction for display to the // user. Description string `json:"description"` // Subject subject of the payment email. Subject string `json:"subject"` // Transaction transaction details for display on the payment email. Transaction *TransactionDisplayTransaction `json:"transaction"` // Customer contains customer information. Customer Customer `json:"customer"` // CallbackURL optional callback url to which transaction responses for this // link will be posted. CallbackURL string `json:"callbackUrl"` // TCAlias is an alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the // BlockChyp dashboard. TCAlias string `json:"tcAlias"` // TCName contains the name of the Terms and Conditions the user is // accepting. TCName string `json:"tcName"` // TCContent is the content of the terms and conditions that will be // presented to the user. TCContent string `json:"tcContent"` // Cryptocurrency indicates that the transaction should be a cryptocurrency // transaction. Value should be a crypto currency code (ETH, BTC) or ANY to // prompt the user to choose from supported cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency *string `json:"cryptocurrency"` // CryptoNetwork is an optional parameter that can be used to force a crypto // transaction onto a level one or level two network. Valid values are L1 and // L2. Defaults to L1. CryptoNetwork *string `json:"cryptoNetwork"` // CryptoReceiveAddress can be used to specify a specific receive address for // a crypto transaction. Disabled by default. This should only be used by // sophisticated users with access to properly configured hot wallets. CryptoReceiveAddress *string `json:"cryptoReceiveAddress"` // PaymentRequestLabel can optionally add a label to the payment request if // the target cryptocurrency supports labels. Defaults to the merchant's DBA // Name. PaymentRequestLabel *string `json:"paymentRequestLabel"` // PaymentRequestMessage can optionally add a message to the payment request // if the target cryptocurrency supports labels. Defaults to empty. PaymentRequestMessage *string `json:"paymentRequestMessage"` }
PaymentLinkRequest creates a payment link.
type PaymentLinkResponse ¶
type PaymentLinkResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // LinkCode is the payment link code. LinkCode string `json:"linkCode"` // URL is the url for the payment link. URL string `json:"url"` // QrcodeURL is the url for a QR Code associated with this link. QrcodeURL string `json:"qrcodeUrl"` // QrcodeBinary is the hex encoded binary for the QR Code, if requested. // Encoded in PNG format. QrcodeBinary string `json:"qrcodeBinary"` // CustomerID is the customer id created or used for the payment. CustomerID string `json:"customerId"` }
PaymentLinkResponse creates a payment link.
type PaymentLinkStatusRequest ¶ added in v2.15.25
type PaymentLinkStatusRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // LinkCode is the link code assigned to the payment link. LinkCode string `json:"linkCode"` }
PaymentLinkStatusRequest models the request for updated information about a payment link.
type PaymentLinkStatusResponse ¶ added in v2.15.25
type PaymentLinkStatusResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // LinkCode is the code used to retrieve the payment link. LinkCode string `json:"linkCode"` // MerchantID is the BlockChyp merchant id associated with a payment link. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // CustomerID is the customer id associated with a payment link. CustomerID string `json:"customerId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the user's internal reference for any transaction that // may occur. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // OrderRef is the user's internal reference for an order. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // TaxExempt indicates that the order is tax exempt. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // Amount indicates that the amount to collect via the payment link. Amount string `json:"amount,omitempty"` // TaxAmount indicates the sales tax to be collected via the payment link. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // Subject subject for email notifications. Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` // TransactionID id of the most recent transaction associated with the link. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId,omitempty"` // Description description associated with the payment link. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Expiration date and time the link will expire. Expiration *time.Time `json:"expiration,omitempty"` // DateCreated date and time the link was created. DateCreated time.Time `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"` // TransactionDetails line item level data if provided. TransactionDetails *TransactionDisplayTransaction `json:"transactionDetails,omitempty"` // Status is the current status of the payment link. Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // TCAlias alias for any terms and conditions language associated with the // link. TCAlias string `json:"tcAlias,omitempty"` // TCName name of any terms and conditions agreements associated with the // payment link. TCName string `json:"tcName,omitempty"` // TCContent full text of any terms and conditions language associated with // the agreement. TCContent string `json:"tcContent,omitempty"` // CashierFacing indicates that the link is intended for internal use by the // merchant. CashierFacing bool `json:"cashierFacing,omitempty"` // Enroll indicates that the payment method should be enrolled in the token // vault. Enroll bool `json:"enroll,omitempty"` // EnrollOnly indicates that the link should only be used for enrollment in // the token vault without any underlying payment transaction. EnrollOnly bool `json:"enrollOnly,omitempty"` // LastTransaction returns details about the last transaction status. LastTransaction *AuthorizationResponse `json:"lastTransaction,omitempty"` // TransactionHistory returns a list of transactions associated with the // link, including any declines. TransactionHistory []AuthorizationResponse `json:"transactionHistory,omitempty"` }
PaymentLinkStatusResponse models the status of a payment link.
type PaymentMethod ¶
type PaymentMethod struct { // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string }
PaymentMethod contains request details about a payment method.
func (PaymentMethod) From ¶
func (r PaymentMethod) From(raw interface{}) (result PaymentMethod, ok bool)
From creates an instance of PaymentMethod with values from a generic type.
type PaymentMethodResponse ¶
type PaymentMethodResponse struct { // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer }
PaymentMethodResponse contains response details about a payment method.
func (PaymentMethodResponse) From ¶
func (r PaymentMethodResponse) From(raw interface{}) (result PaymentMethodResponse, ok bool)
From creates an instance of PaymentMethodResponse with values from a generic type.
type PingRequest ¶
type PingRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
PingRequest contains information needed to test connectivity with a terminal.
type PingResponse ¶
type PingResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` }
PingResponse contains the response to a ping request.
type PreviousTransaction ¶
type PreviousTransaction struct { // TransactionID is the ID of the previous transaction being referenced. TransactionID string }
PreviousTransaction contains a reference to a previous transaction.
func (PreviousTransaction) From ¶
func (r PreviousTransaction) From(raw interface{}) (result PreviousTransaction, ok bool)
From creates an instance of PreviousTransaction with values from a generic type.
type PricePoint ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PricePoint struct { // BuyRate is the string representation of a per transaction minimum. BuyRate string `json:"buyRate"` // Current is the string representation of the current fee per transaction. Current string `json:"current"` // Limit is the string representation of a per transaction gouge limit. Limit string `json:"limit"` }
PricePoint models a single set of pricing values for a pricing policy.
type PricingPolicyRequest ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PricingPolicyRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // ID is an optional id used to retrieve a specific pricing policy. ID string `json:"id"` // MerchantID is an optional merchant id if this request is submitted via // partner credentials. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` }
PricingPolicyRequest models a request to retrieve pricing policy information. The default policy for the merchant is returned if no idea is provided.
type PricingPolicyResponse ¶ added in v2.17.3
type PricingPolicyResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID is the id owner of the pricing policy. ID string `json:"id"` // PartnerID is the id of the partner associated with this pricing policy. PartnerID string `json:"partnerId"` // MerchantID is the id of the merchant associated with this pricing policy. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // Enabled indicates whether or not a pricing policy is enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Timestamp is the date and time when the pricing policy was created. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // Description is the description of the pricing policy. Description string `json:"description"` // PolicyType is type of pricing policy (flat vs interchange). PolicyType string `json:"policyType"` // PartnerMarkupSplit is the percentage split of the of buy rate markup with // BlockChyp. PartnerMarkupSplit string `json:"partnerMarkupSplit"` // StandardFlatRate is the flat rate percentage for standard card present // transactions. StandardFlatRate PricePoint `json:"standardFlatRate"` // DebitFlatRate is the flat rate percentage for debit card transactions. DebitFlatRate PricePoint `json:"debitFlatRate"` // EcommerceFlatRate is the flat rate percentage for ecommerce transactions. EcommerceFlatRate PricePoint `json:"ecommerceFlatRate"` // KeyedFlatRate is the flat rate percentage for keyed/manual transactions. KeyedFlatRate PricePoint `json:"keyedFlatRate"` // PremiumFlatRate is the flat rate percentage for premium (high rewards) // card transactions. PremiumFlatRate PricePoint `json:"premiumFlatRate"` // StandardInterchangeMarkup is the interchange markup percentage for // standard card present transactions. StandardInterchangeMarkup PricePoint `json:"standardInterchangeMarkup"` // DebitInterchangeMarkup is the interchange markup percentage for debit card // transactions. DebitInterchangeMarkup PricePoint `json:"debitInterchangeMarkup"` // EcommerceInterchangeMarkup is the interchange markup percentage for // ecommerce transactions. EcommerceInterchangeMarkup PricePoint `json:"ecommerceInterchangeMarkup"` // KeyedInterchangeMarkup is the interchange markup percentage for // keyed/manual transactions. KeyedInterchangeMarkup PricePoint `json:"keyedInterchangeMarkup"` // PremiumInterchangeMarkup is the interchange markup percentage for premium // (high rewards) card transactions. PremiumInterchangeMarkup PricePoint `json:"premiumInterchangeMarkup"` // StandardTransactionFee is the transaction fee for standard card present // transactions. StandardTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"standardTransactionFee"` // DebitTransactionFee is the transaction fee for debit card transactions. DebitTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"debitTransactionFee"` // EcommerceTransactionFee is the transaction fee for ecommerce transactions. EcommerceTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"ecommerceTransactionFee"` // KeyedTransactionFee is the transaction fee for keyed/manual transactions. KeyedTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"keyedTransactionFee"` // PremiumTransactionFee is the transaction fee for premium (high rewards) // card transactions. PremiumTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"premiumTransactionFee"` // EBTTransactionFee is the transaction fee for EBT card transactions. EBTTransactionFee PricePoint `json:"ebtTransactionFee"` // MonthlyFee is a flat fee charged per month. MonthlyFee PricePoint `json:"monthlyFee"` // AnnualFee is a flat fee charged per year. AnnualFee PricePoint `json:"annualFee"` // ChargebackFee is the fee per dispute or chargeback. ChargebackFee PricePoint `json:"chargebackFee"` // AVSFee is the fee per address verification operation. AVSFee PricePoint `json:"avsFee"` // BatchFee is the fee per batch. BatchFee PricePoint `json:"batchFee"` // VoiceAuthFee is the voice authorization fee. VoiceAuthFee PricePoint `json:"voiceAuthFee"` // AccountSetupFee is the one time account setup fee. AccountSetupFee PricePoint `json:"accountSetupFee"` }
PricingPolicyResponse models a the response to a pricing policy request.
type PromptType ¶
type PromptType string
PromptType is used to specify the type of text input data being requested from a customer.
type RawPublicKey ¶
RawPublicKey models the primitive form of an ECC public key. A little simpler than X509, ASN and the usual nonsense.
type ReceiptSuggestions ¶
type ReceiptSuggestions struct { // AID is the EMV Application Identifier. AID string `json:"aid,omitempty"` // ARQC is the EMV Application Request Cryptogram. ARQC string `json:"arqc,omitempty"` // IAD is the EMV Issuer Application Data. IAD string `json:"iad,omitempty"` // ARC is the EMV Authorization Response Code. ARC string `json:"arc,omitempty"` // TC is the EMV Transaction Certificate. TC string `json:"tc,omitempty"` // TVR is the EMV Terminal Verification Response. TVR string `json:"tvr,omitempty"` // TSI is the EMV Transaction Status Indicator. TSI string `json:"tsi,omitempty"` // TerminalID is the ID of the payment terminal. TerminalID string `json:"terminalId,omitempty"` // MerchantName is the name of the merchant's business. MerchantName string `json:"merchantName,omitempty"` // MerchantID is the ID of the merchant. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId,omitempty"` // MerchantKey is the partially masked merchant key required on EMV receipts. MerchantKey string `json:"merchantKey,omitempty"` // ApplicationLabel is a description of the selected AID. ApplicationLabel string `json:"applicationLabel,omitempty"` // RequestSignature indicates that the receipt should contain a signature // line. RequestSignature bool `json:"requestSignature"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number of the payment card, as // required. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // AuthorizedAmount is the amount authorized by the payment network. Could be // less than the requested amount for partial auth. AuthorizedAmount string `json:"authorizedAmount"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction performed (CHARGE, PREAUTH, // REFUND, etc). TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // EntryMethod is the method by which the payment card was entered (MSR, // CHIP, KEYED, etc.). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PINVerified indicates that PIN verification was performed. PINVerified bool `json:"pinVerified,omitempty"` // CVMUsed indicates the customer verification method used for the // transaction. CVMUsed CVMType `json:"cvmUsed,omitempty"` // Fallback indicates that a chip read failure caused the transaction to fall // back to the magstripe. Fallback bool `json:"fallback,omitempty"` // BatchSequence is the sequence of the transaction in the batch. BatchSequence int `json:"batchSequence,omitempty"` // CashBackAmount is the amount of cash back that was approved. CashBackAmount string `json:"cashBackAmount,omitempty"` // Surcharge is the amount added to the transaction to cover eligible credit // card fees. Surcharge string `json:"surcharge,omitempty"` // CashDiscount is the discount applied to the transaction for payment // methods ineligible for surcharges. CashDiscount string `json:"cashDiscount,omitempty"` }
ReceiptSuggestions contains EMV fields we recommend developers put on their receipts.
type RefundRequest ¶
type RefundRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token to be used for this transaction. This should be // used for recurring transactions. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Track1 contains track 1 magnetic stripe data. Track1 string `json:"track1,omitempty"` // Track2 contains track 2 magnetic stripe data. Track2 string `json:"track2,omitempty"` // PAN contains the primary account number. We recommend using the terminal // or e-commerce tokenization libraries instead of passing account numbers in // directly, as this would put your application in PCI scope. PAN string `json:"pan,omitempty"` // RoutingNumber is the ACH routing number for ACH transactions. RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"` // CardholderName is the cardholder name. Only required if the request // includes a primary account number or track data. CardholderName string `json:"cardholderName,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month for use with PAN based transactions. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year for use with PAN based transactions. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // CVV is the card CVV for use with PAN based transactions. CVV string `json:"cvv,omitempty"` // Address is the cardholder address for use with address verification. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // PostalCode is the cardholder postal code for use with address // verification. PostalCode string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"` // ManualEntry specifies that the payment entry method is a manual keyed // transaction. If this is true, no other payment method will be accepted. ManualEntry bool `json:"manualEntry,omitempty"` // KSN is the key serial number used for DUKPT encryption. KSN string `json:"ksn,omitempty"` // PINBlock is the encrypted pin block. PINBlock string `json:"pinBlock,omitempty"` // CardType designates categories of cards: credit, debit, EBT. CardType CardType `json:"cardType,omitempty"` // PaymentType designates brands of payment methods: Visa, Discover, etc. PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID of the previous transaction being referenced. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string `json:"amount"` // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool `json:"taxExempt"` // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool `json:"surcharge"` // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool `json:"cashDiscount"` // SigFile is a location on the filesystem which a customer signature should // be written to. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat `json:"sigFormat,omitempty"` // SigWidth is the width that the signature image should be scaled to, // preserving the aspect ratio. If not provided, the signature is returned in // the terminal's max resolution. SigWidth int `json:"sigWidth,omitempty"` // DisableSignature specifies whether or not signature prompt should be // skipped on the terminal. The terminal will indicate whether or not a // signature is required by the card in the receipt suggestions response. DisableSignature bool `json:"disableSignature,omitempty"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount,omitempty"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // HealthcareMetadata contains details for HSA/FSA transactions. HealthcareMetadata *HealthcareMetadata `json:"healthcareMetadata,omitempty"` // SimulateChipRejection instructs the terminal to simulate a post auth chip // rejection that would trigger an automatic reversal. SimulateChipRejection bool `json:"simulateChipRejection,omitempty"` // SimulateOutOfOrderReversal instructs the terminal to simulate an out of // order automatic reversal. SimulateOutOfOrderReversal bool `json:"simulateOutOfOrderReversal,omitempty"` // AsyncReversals causes auto-reversals on the terminal to be executed // asyncronously. Use with caution and in conjunction with the transaction // status API. AsyncReversals bool `json:"asyncReversals,omitempty"` // Cit manually sets the CIT (Customer Initiated Transaction) flag. Cit bool `json:"cit,omitempty"` // Mit manually sets the MIT (Merchant Initiated Transaction) flag. Mit bool `json:"mit,omitempty"` // CardMetadataLookup indicates that this transaction will include a card // metadata lookup. CardMetadataLookup bool `json:"cardMetadataLookup,omitempty"` }
RefundRequest contains a refund request.
type RequestAmount ¶
type RequestAmount struct { // CurrencyCode indicates the transaction currency code. CurrencyCode string // Amount is the requested amount. Amount string // TaxExempt indicates that the request is tax exempt. Only required for tax // exempt level 2 processing. TaxExempt bool // Surcharge is a flag to add a surcharge to the transaction to cover credit // card fees, if permitted. Surcharge bool // CashDiscount is a flag that applies a discount to negate the surcharge for // debit transactions or other surcharge ineligible payment methods. CashDiscount bool }
RequestAmount contains request details about tender amounts.
func (RequestAmount) From ¶
func (r RequestAmount) From(raw interface{}) (result RequestAmount, ok bool)
From creates an instance of RequestAmount with values from a generic type.
type ResendPaymentLinkRequest ¶ added in v2.15.26
type ResendPaymentLinkRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // LinkCode is the payment link code to cancel. LinkCode string `json:"linkCode"` }
ResendPaymentLinkRequest resends a pending payment link. Payment links that have already been used or cancelled cannot be resent and the request will be rejected.
type ResendPaymentLinkResponse ¶ added in v2.15.26
type ResendPaymentLinkResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` }
ResendPaymentLinkResponse indicates success or failure of a payment link resend operation.
type RoundingMode ¶
type RoundingMode string
RoundingMode indicates how partial penny rounding operations should work
type RouteCache ¶
type RouteCache struct {
Routes map[string]routeCacheEntry `json:"routes"`
RouteCache models offline route cache information.
type SideLoadRequest ¶
type SideLoadRequest struct { Terminal string Channel string Full bool HTTPS bool Incremental bool Archive string TempDir string Dist string PlatformMap map[string][]Archive BlockChypClient *Client HTTPClient *http.Client }
SideLoadRequest models a request to sideload software onto a terminal
type SideLogger ¶
type SideLogger interface { // Infoln wraps the logrus Infoln function Infoln(args ...interface{}) // Infof wraps the logrus Infof function Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) }
SideLogger is a simple interface to handle sideloader process logging
type SignatureFormat ¶
type SignatureFormat string
SignatureFormat is used to specify the output format for customer signature images.
type SignatureRequest ¶
type SignatureRequest struct { // SigFile is a location on the filesystem which a customer signature should // be written to. SigFile string // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat // SigWidth is the width that the signature image should be scaled to, // preserving the aspect ratio. If not provided, the signature is returned in // the terminal's max resolution. SigWidth int // DisableSignature specifies whether or not signature prompt should be // skipped on the terminal. The terminal will indicate whether or not a // signature is required by the card in the receipt suggestions response. DisableSignature bool }
SignatureRequest contains a request for customer signature data.
func (SignatureRequest) From ¶
func (r SignatureRequest) From(raw interface{}) (result SignatureRequest, ok bool)
From creates an instance of SignatureRequest with values from a generic type.
type SignatureResponse ¶
type SignatureResponse struct { // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string }
SignatureResponse contains customer signature data.
func (SignatureResponse) From ¶
func (r SignatureResponse) From(raw interface{}) (result SignatureResponse, ok bool)
From creates an instance of SignatureResponse with values from a generic type.
type Slide ¶
type Slide struct { // MediaID is the id for the media asset to be used for this slide. Must be // an image. MediaID string `json:"mediaId"` // Ordinal position of the slide within the slide show. Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"` // ThumbnailURL is the fully qualified thumbnail url for the slide. ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnailUrl"` }
Slide models a slide within a slide show.
type SlideShow ¶
type SlideShow struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID is the primary id for the slide show. ID string `json:"id"` // Name is the name of the slide show. Name string `json:"name"` // Delay time between slides in seconds. Delay int `json:"delay"` // Slides enumerates all slides in the display sequence. Slides []*Slide `json:"slides"` }
SlideShow models a media library response.
type SlideShowRequest ¶
type SlideShowRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // SlideShowID id used to track a slide show. SlideShowID string `json:"slideShowId"` }
SlideShowRequest models a request to retrieve or manipulate terminal slide shows.
type SlideShowResponse ¶
type SlideShowResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // ResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` // Results enumerates all slide shows responsive to the original query. Results []SlideShow `json:"results"` }
SlideShowResponse models a slide show response.
type StatementDeposit ¶ added in v2.17.3
type StatementDeposit struct { // ID is the line item id. ID string `json:"id"` // TransactionCount is the number of transactions in the batch for which // funds were deposited. TransactionCount int64 `json:"transactionCount"` // BatchID is the batch id associated with the deposit. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` // FeesPaid is the prepaid fees associated with the batch. FeesPaid float64 `json:"feesPaid"` // FeesPaidFormatted is the currency formatted form of prepaid fees. FeesPaidFormatted string `json:"feesPaidFormatted"` // NetDeposit is the net deposit released to the merchant. NetDeposit float64 `json:"netDeposit"` // NetDepositFormatted is the currency formatted net deposit released to the // merchant. NetDepositFormatted string `json:"netDepositFormatted"` // TotalSales is the total sales in the batch. TotalSales float64 `json:"totalSales"` // TotalSalesFormatted is the currency formatted total sales in the batch. TotalSalesFormatted string `json:"totalSalesFormatted"` // TotalRefunds is the total refunds in the batch. TotalRefunds float64 `json:"totalRefunds"` // TotalRefundsFormatted is the currency formatted total refunds in the // batch. TotalRefundsFormatted string `json:"totalRefundsFormatted"` }
StatementDeposit models information about merchant deposits during a statement period.
type SubmitApplicationRequest ¶ added in v2.20.1
type SubmitApplicationRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // InviteCode is the invite code for the merchant. InviteCode string `json:"inviteCode"` // DBAName is the business name your customers know you by (DBA Name). DBAName string `json:"dbaName"` // CorporateName is the name of the legal entity you file your taxes under. CorporateName string `json:"corporateName"` // WebSite is the business website. WebSite string `json:"webSite"` // TaxIDNumber is the business tax identification number (EIN). TaxIDNumber string `json:"taxIdNumber"` // EntityType is the type of business entity. EntityType string `json:"entityType"` // StateOfIncorporation is the state where the business is incorporated. StateOfIncorporation string `json:"stateOfIncorporation"` // MerchantType is the primary type of business (e.g., Retail, Service, // etc.). MerchantType string `json:"merchantType"` // BusinessDescription A short description of the products and services sold. BusinessDescription string `json:"businessDescription"` // YearsInBusiness is the number of years the business has been operating. YearsInBusiness string `json:"yearsInBusiness"` // BusinessPhoneNumber is the business telephone number. BusinessPhoneNumber string `json:"businessPhoneNumber"` // PhysicalAddress is the physical address of the business. PhysicalAddress Address `json:"physicalAddress"` // MailingAddress is the mailing address of the business. MailingAddress Address `json:"mailingAddress"` // ContactFirstName is the first name of the primary contact. ContactFirstName string `json:"contactFirstName"` // ContactLastName is the last name of the primary contact. ContactLastName string `json:"contactLastName"` // ContactPhoneNumber is the phone number of the primary contact. ContactPhoneNumber string `json:"contactPhoneNumber"` // ContactEmail is the email address of the primary contact. ContactEmail string `json:"contactEmail"` // ContactTitle is the job title of the primary contact. ContactTitle string `json:"contactTitle"` // ContactTaxIDNumber is the tax identification number (SSN) of the primary // contact. ContactTaxIDNumber string `json:"contactTaxIdNumber"` // ContactDob is the date of birth of the primary contact. ContactDob string `json:"contactDOB"` // ContactDlNumber is the driver's license number of the primary contact. ContactDlNumber string `json:"contactDlNumber"` // ContactDlStateOrProvince is the state that issued the primary contact's // driver's license. ContactDlStateOrProvince string `json:"contactDlStateOrProvince"` // ContactDlExpiration is the expiration date of the primary contact's // driver's license. ContactDlExpiration string `json:"contactDlExpiration"` // ContactHomeAddress is the home address of the primary contact. ContactHomeAddress Address `json:"contactHomeAddress"` // ContactRole is the role of the primary contact in the business. ContactRole string `json:"contactRole"` // Owners List of individuals with 25% or more ownership in the company. Owners []*Owner `json:"owners"` // ManualAccount is the bank account information for the business. ManualAccount ApplicationAccount `json:"manualAccount"` // AverageTransaction is the average transaction amount. AverageTransaction string `json:"averageTransaction"` // HighTransaction is the highest expected transaction amount. HighTransaction string `json:"highTransaction"` // AverageMonth is the average monthly transaction volume. AverageMonth string `json:"averageMonth"` // HighMonth is the highest expected monthly transaction volume. HighMonth string `json:"highMonth"` // RefundPolicy is the refund policy of the business. RefundPolicy string `json:"refundPolicy"` // RefundDays is the number of days after purchase that refunds can be // issued. RefundDays string `json:"refundDays"` // TimeZone is the time zone of the business. TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"` // BatchCloseTime is the time when the daily batch should close. BatchCloseTime string `json:"batchCloseTime"` // MultipleLocations Indicates if the business has multiple locations. MultipleLocations string `json:"multipleLocations"` // LocationName is the name of this specific business location. LocationName string `json:"locationName"` // StoreNumber is the store number for this location. StoreNumber string `json:"storeNumber"` // EBTRequested Indicates if the business wants to accept EBT cards. EBTRequested string `json:"ebtRequested"` // FnsNumber is the FNS number issued by the USDA for EBT processing. FnsNumber string `json:"fnsNumber"` // Ecommerce Indicates if the business plans to accept payments through a // website. Ecommerce string `json:"ecommerce"` // DropShipping Indicates if suppliers ship products directly to customers. DropShipping bool `json:"dropShipping"` // CardPresentPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be chip // or swipe. CardPresentPercentage string `json:"cardPresentPercentage"` // PhoneOrderPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be phone // orders. PhoneOrderPercentage string `json:"phoneOrderPercentage"` // EcomPercentage is the percentage of transactions that will be e-commerce. EcomPercentage string `json:"ecomPercentage"` // BillBeforeShipmentDays is the number of days before shipment that // customers are charged. BillBeforeShipmentDays string `json:"billBeforeShipmentDays"` // SubscriptionsSupported Indicates if the business plans to process // recurring payments. SubscriptionsSupported string `json:"subscriptionsSupported"` // SubscriptionFrequency is the frequency of recurring payments (if // applicable). SubscriptionFrequency string `json:"subscriptionFrequency"` // SignerName is the full legal name of the person signing the application. SignerName string `json:"signerName"` }
SubmitApplicationRequest models a merchant application submission request to add a new merchant account.
type Subtotals ¶
type Subtotals struct { // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string }
Subtotals contains request subtotals.
type SurveyDataPoint ¶
type SurveyDataPoint struct { // AnswerKey is a unique identifier for a specific answer type. AnswerKey string `json:"answerKey"` // AnswerDescription is a narrative description of the answer. AnswerDescription string `json:"answerDescription"` // ResponseCount is the number of responses. ResponseCount int `json:"responseCount"` // ResponsePercentage is response rate as a percentage of total transactions. ResponsePercentage float64 `json:"responsePercentage"` // AverageTransaction is the average transaction amount for a given answer. AverageTransaction float64 `json:"averageTransaction"` }
SurveyDataPoint models a request to retrieve or manipulate survey questions.
type SurveyQuestion ¶
type SurveyQuestion struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID internal id for a survey question. ID string `json:"id"` // Ordinal ordinal number indicating the position of the survey question in // the post transaction sequence. Ordinal int `json:"ordinal"` // Enabled determines whether or not the question will be presented post // transaction. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // QuestionText is the full text of the transaction. QuestionText string `json:"questionText"` // QuestionType indicates the type of question. Valid values are 'yes_no' and // 'scaled'. QuestionType string `json:"questionType"` // TransactionCount is the total number of transactions processed during the // query period if results are requested. TransactionCount int `json:"transactionCount,omitempty"` // ResponseCount is the total number of responses during the query period if // results are requested. ResponseCount int `json:"responseCount,omitempty"` // ResponseRate is the response rate, expressed as a ratio, if results are // requested. ResponseRate float64 `json:"responseRate,omitempty"` // Responses is the set of response data points. Responses []SurveyDataPoint `json:"responses"` }
SurveyQuestion models a survey question.
type SurveyQuestionRequest ¶
type SurveyQuestionRequest struct { // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // QuestionID id of a single question. QuestionID string `json:"questionId"` // Timeout is an optional timeout override. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` }
SurveyQuestionRequest models a request to retrieve or manipulate survey questions.
type SurveyQuestionResponse ¶
type SurveyQuestionResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Results is the full result set responsive to the original request. Results []SurveyQuestion `json:"results"` }
SurveyQuestionResponse models a survey question response.
type SurveyResultsRequest ¶
type SurveyResultsRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // QuestionID id of a single question. QuestionID string `json:"questionId"` // StartDate is an optional start date for filtering response data. StartDate string `json:"startDate"` // EndDate is an optional end date for filtering response data. EndDate string `json:"endDate"` }
SurveyResultsRequest models a request to retrieve survey results.
type TerminalActivationRequest ¶
type TerminalActivationRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // MerchantID is the optional merchant id. MerchantID string `json:"merchantId"` // ActivationCode is the terminal activation code displayed on the terminal. ActivationCode string `json:"activationCode"` // TerminalName is the name to be assigned to the terminal. Must be unique // for the merchant account. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // CloudRelay indicates that the terminal should be activated in cloud relay // mode. CloudRelay bool `json:"cloudRelay"` }
TerminalActivationRequest models a terminal activation request.
type TerminalAuthorizationRequest ¶
type TerminalAuthorizationRequest struct { APICredentials Request AuthorizationRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalAuthorizationRequest contains an authorization request for a charge, preauth, or reverse transaction.
type TerminalBalanceRequest ¶
type TerminalBalanceRequest struct { APICredentials Request BalanceRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalBalanceRequest contains a request for the remaining balance on a payment type.
type TerminalBooleanPromptRequest ¶
type TerminalBooleanPromptRequest struct { APICredentials Request BooleanPromptRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalBooleanPromptRequest contains a simple yes no prompt request.
type TerminalCaptureSignatureRequest ¶
type TerminalCaptureSignatureRequest struct { APICredentials Request CaptureSignatureRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalCaptureSignatureRequest contains a request for customer signature data.
type TerminalCardMetadataRequest ¶ added in v2.20.1
type TerminalCardMetadataRequest struct { APICredentials Request CardMetadataRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalCardMetadataRequest retrieves card metadata.
type TerminalClearTerminalRequest ¶
type TerminalClearTerminalRequest struct { APICredentials Request ClearTerminalRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalClearTerminalRequest contains the information needed to enroll a new payment method in the token vault.
type TerminalDeactivationRequest ¶
type TerminalDeactivationRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TerminalName is the terminal name assigned to the terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // TerminalID is the id assigned by BlockChyp to the terminal. TerminalID string `json:"terminalId"` }
TerminalDeactivationRequest models a terminal deactivation request.
type TerminalDeleteQueuedTransactionRequest ¶
type TerminalDeleteQueuedTransactionRequest struct { APICredentials Request DeleteQueuedTransactionRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalDeleteQueuedTransactionRequest deletes one or all transactions from a terminal queue.
type TerminalEnrollRequest ¶
type TerminalEnrollRequest struct { APICredentials Request EnrollRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalEnrollRequest contains the information needed to enroll a new payment method in the token vault.
type TerminalGiftActivateRequest ¶
type TerminalGiftActivateRequest struct { APICredentials Request GiftActivateRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalGiftActivateRequest contains the information needed to activate or recharge a gift card.
type TerminalListQueuedTransactionsRequest ¶
type TerminalListQueuedTransactionsRequest struct { APICredentials Request ListQueuedTransactionsRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalListQueuedTransactionsRequest returns a list of queued transactions on a terminal.
type TerminalLocateRequest ¶
type TerminalLocateRequest struct { APICredentials Request LocateRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalLocateRequest contains information needed to retrieve location information for a terminal.
type TerminalMessageRequest ¶
type TerminalMessageRequest struct { APICredentials Request MessageRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalMessageRequest contains a message to be displayed on the terminal screen.
type TerminalPingRequest ¶
type TerminalPingRequest struct { APICredentials Request PingRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalPingRequest contains information needed to test connectivity with a terminal.
type TerminalProfile ¶
type TerminalProfile struct { // ID primary identifier for a given terminal. ID string `json:"id"` // IPAddress is the terminal's local IP address. IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"` // TerminalName is the name assigned to the terminal during activation. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // TerminalType is the terminal type. TerminalType string `json:"terminalType"` // TerminalTypeDisplayString is the terminal type display string. TerminalTypeDisplayString string `json:"terminalTypeDisplayString"` // BlockChypFirmwareVersion is the current firmware version deployed on the // terminal. BlockChypFirmwareVersion string `json:"blockChypFirmwareVersion"` // CloudBased indicates whether or not the terminal is configured for cloud // relay. CloudBased bool `json:"cloudBased"` // PublicKey is the terminal's elliptic curve public key. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // SerialNumber is the manufacturer's serial number. SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` // Online indicates whether or not the terminal is currently online. Online bool `json:"online"` // Since the date and time the terminal was first brought online. Since string `json:"since"` // TotalMemory is the total memory on the terminal. TotalMemory int `json:"totalMemory"` // TotalStorage is the storage on the terminal. TotalStorage int `json:"totalStorage"` // AvailableMemory is the available (unused) memory on the terminal. AvailableMemory int `json:"availableMemory"` // AvailableStorage is the available (unused) storage on the terminal. AvailableStorage int `json:"availableStorage"` // UsedMemory is the memory currently in use on the terminal. UsedMemory int `json:"usedMemory"` // UsedStorage is the storage currently in use on the terminal. UsedStorage int `json:"usedStorage"` // BrandingPreview is the branding asset currently displayed on the terminal. BrandingPreview string `json:"brandingPreview"` // GroupID the id of the terminal group to which the terminal belongs, if // any. GroupID string `json:"groupId"` // GroupName the name of the terminal group to which the terminal belongs, if // any. GroupName string `json:"groupName"` }
TerminalProfile contains details about a merchant board platform configuration.
type TerminalProfileRequest ¶
type TerminalProfileRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` }
TerminalProfileRequest models a terminal profile request.
type TerminalProfileResponse ¶
type TerminalProfileResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Results enumerates all terminal profiles in the response. Results []TerminalProfile `json:"results"` }
TerminalProfileResponse models a terminal profile response.
type TerminalReference ¶
type TerminalReference struct { // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool }
TerminalReference contains a reference to a terminal name.
func (TerminalReference) From ¶
func (r TerminalReference) From(raw interface{}) (result TerminalReference, ok bool)
From creates an instance of TerminalReference with values from a generic type.
type TerminalRefundRequest ¶
type TerminalRefundRequest struct { APICredentials Request RefundRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalRefundRequest contains a refund request.
type TerminalRoute ¶
type TerminalRoute struct { Exists bool `json:"exists"` TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"` CloudRelayEnabled bool `json:"cloudRelayEnabled"` TransientCredentials APICredentials `json:"transientCredentials,omitempty"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` RawKey RawPublicKey `json:"rawKey"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` HTTPS bool `json:"https"` }
TerminalRoute models route information for a payment terminal.
type TerminalRouteResponse ¶
type TerminalRouteResponse struct { TerminalRoute Success bool `json:"success"` Error string `json:"error"` }
TerminalRouteResponse models a terminal route response from the gateway.
type TerminalStatusRequest ¶
type TerminalStatusRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` }
TerminalStatusRequest contains a request for the status of a terminal.
type TerminalStatusResponse ¶
type TerminalStatusResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Idle indicates that the terminal is idle. Idle bool `json:"idle"` // CardInSlot indicates whether or not a card is currently in the card slot. CardInSlot bool `json:"cardInSlot"` // Status contains the operation that the terminal is performing. Status string `json:"status"` // TransactionRef contains the transaction reference for an ongoing // transaction, if one was specified at request time. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef"` // Since is the timestamp of the last status change. Since time.Time `json:"since"` }
TerminalStatusResponse contains the current status of a terminal.
type TerminalTerminalStatusRequest ¶
type TerminalTerminalStatusRequest struct { APICredentials Request TerminalStatusRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalTerminalStatusRequest contains a request for the status of a terminal.
type TerminalTermsAndConditionsRequest ¶
type TerminalTermsAndConditionsRequest struct { APICredentials Request TermsAndConditionsRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalTermsAndConditionsRequest contains the fields needed for custom Terms and Conditions prompts.
type TerminalTermsAndConditionsResponse ¶
type TerminalTermsAndConditionsResponse struct { APICredentials Request TermsAndConditionsResponse `json:"request"` }
TerminalTermsAndConditionsResponse contains a signature capture response for Terms and Conditions.
type TerminalTextPromptRequest ¶
type TerminalTextPromptRequest struct { APICredentials Request TextPromptRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalTextPromptRequest contains a text prompt request.
type TerminalTransactionDisplayRequest ¶
type TerminalTransactionDisplayRequest struct { APICredentials Request TransactionDisplayRequest `json:"request"` }
TerminalTransactionDisplayRequest is used to start or update a transaction line item display on a terminal.
type TerminalVolume ¶
type TerminalVolume struct { // TerminalName is the terminal name assigned during activation. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // SerialNumber is the manufacturer's serial number. SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"` // TerminalType is the terminal type. TerminalType string `json:"terminalType"` // CapturedAmount is the captured amount. CapturedAmount string `json:"capturedAmount"` // TransactionCount is the number of transactions run on this terminal. TransactionCount int `json:"transactionCount"` }
TerminalVolume models transaction volume for a single terminal.
type TermsAndConditionsLogEntry ¶
type TermsAndConditionsLogEntry struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID internal id for a Terms and Conditions entry. ID string `json:"id"` // TerminalID id of the terminal that captured this terms and conditions // entry. TerminalID string `json:"terminalId"` // TerminalName name of the terminal that captured this terms and conditions // entry. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // Test is a flag indicating whether or not the terminal was a test terminal. Test bool `json:"test"` // Timestamp date and time the terms and conditions acceptance occurred. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TransactionRef optional transaction ref if the terms and conditions was // associated with a transaction. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef"` // TransactionID optional transaction id if only log entries related to a // transaction should be returned. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // Alias alias of the terms and conditions template used for this entry, if // any. Alias string `json:"alias"` // Name title of the document displayed on the terminal at the time of // capture. Name string `json:"name"` // Content full text of the document agreed to at the time of signature // capture. Content string `json:"content"` // ContentLeader first 32 characters of the full text. Used to support user // interfaces that show summaries. ContentLeader string `json:"contentLeader"` // HasSignature is a flag that indicates whether or not a signature has been // captured. HasSignature bool `json:"hasSignature"` // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat `json:"sigFormat,omitempty"` // Signature is the base 64 encoded signature image if the format requested. Signature string `json:"signature"` }
TermsAndConditionsLogEntry models a Terms and Conditions log entry.
type TermsAndConditionsLogRequest ¶
type TermsAndConditionsLogRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // LogEntryID is the identifier of the log entry to be returned for single // result requests. LogEntryID string `json:"logEntryId"` // TransactionID optional transaction id if only log entries related to a // transaction should be returned. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // StartDate is an optional start date for filtering response data. StartDate string `json:"startDate"` // EndDate is an optional end date for filtering response data. EndDate string `json:"endDate"` }
TermsAndConditionsLogRequest models a Terms and Conditions history request.
type TermsAndConditionsLogResponse ¶
type TermsAndConditionsLogResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID optional transaction id if only log entries related to a // transaction should be returned. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // MaxResults max to be returned in a single page. Defaults to the system max // of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for paged results. Defaults to zero. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // ResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` // Results is the full result set responsive to the original request, subject // to pagination limits. Results []TermsAndConditionsLogEntry `json:"results"` }
TermsAndConditionsLogResponse models a Terms and Conditions history request.
type TermsAndConditionsRequest ¶
type TermsAndConditionsRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID of the previous transaction being referenced. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // SigFile is a location on the filesystem which a customer signature should // be written to. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // SigFormat specifies the image format to be used for returning signatures. SigFormat SignatureFormat `json:"sigFormat,omitempty"` // SigWidth is the width that the signature image should be scaled to, // preserving the aspect ratio. If not provided, the signature is returned in // the terminal's max resolution. SigWidth int `json:"sigWidth,omitempty"` // DisableSignature specifies whether or not signature prompt should be // skipped on the terminal. The terminal will indicate whether or not a // signature is required by the card in the receipt suggestions response. DisableSignature bool `json:"disableSignature,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // TCAlias is an alias for a Terms and Conditions template configured in the // BlockChyp dashboard. TCAlias string `json:"tcAlias"` // TCName contains the name of the Terms and Conditions the user is // accepting. TCName string `json:"tcName"` // TCContent is the content of the terms and conditions that will be // presented to the user. TCContent string `json:"tcContent"` // ContentHash is a hash of the terms and conditions content that can be used // for caching. ContentHash string `json:"contentHash"` // SigRequired indicates that a signature should be requested. SigRequired bool `json:"sigRequired"` }
TermsAndConditionsRequest contains the fields needed for custom Terms and Conditions prompts.
type TermsAndConditionsResponse ¶
type TermsAndConditionsResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` }
TermsAndConditionsResponse contains a signature capture response for Terms and Conditions.
type TermsAndConditionsTemplate ¶
type TermsAndConditionsTemplate struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID primary identifier for a given template. ID string `json:"id"` // Alias is an alias or code used to refer to a template. Alias string `json:"alias"` // Name is the name of the template. Displayed as the agreement title on the // terminal. Name string `json:"name"` // Content is the full text of the agreement template. Content string `json:"content"` }
TermsAndConditionsTemplate models a full terms and conditions template.
type TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest ¶
type TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TemplateID id of a single template. TemplateID string `json:"templateId"` }
TermsAndConditionsTemplateRequest models a request to retrieve or manipulate terms and conditions data.
type TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse ¶
type TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Results results responsive to a request. Results []TermsAndConditionsTemplate `json:"results"` // Timeout is an optional timeout override. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` }
TermsAndConditionsTemplateResponse models a set of templates responsive to a request.
type TextPromptRequest ¶
type TextPromptRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // PromptType is the prompt type (email, phone, etc). PromptType PromptType `json:"promptType"` }
TextPromptRequest contains a text prompt request.
type TextPromptResponse ¶
type TextPromptResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Response is the text prompt response. Response string `json:"response"` }
TextPromptResponse contains the response to a text prompt request.
type TimeoutRequest ¶
type TimeoutRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool }
TimeoutRequest models a low level request with a timeout and test flag.
func (TimeoutRequest) From ¶
func (r TimeoutRequest) From(raw interface{}) (result TimeoutRequest, ok bool)
From creates an instance of TimeoutRequest with values from a generic type.
type TokenMetadataRequest ¶
type TokenMetadataRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token the token to retrieve. Token string `json:"token"` }
TokenMetadataRequest retrieves token metadata.
type TokenMetadataResponse ¶
type TokenMetadataResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Token the token metadata for a given query. Token CustomerToken `json:"token"` // CardMetadata contains details about a payment card derived from its // BIN/IIN. CardMetadata *CardMetadata `json:"cardMetadata,omitempty"` }
TokenMetadataResponse models a payment token metadata response.
type TransactionDisplayDiscount ¶
type TransactionDisplayDiscount struct { // Description is the discount description. Description string `json:"description"` // Amount is the amount of the discount. Amount string `json:"amount"` }
TransactionDisplayDiscount is an item level discount for transaction display. Discounts never combine.
type TransactionDisplayItem ¶
type TransactionDisplayItem struct { // ID is a unique value identifying the item. This is not required, but // recommended since it is required to update or delete line items. ID string `json:"id"` // Description is a description of the line item. Description string `json:"description"` // Price is the price of the line item. Price string `json:"price"` // Quantity is the quantity of the line item. Quantity float64 `json:"quantity"` // Extended is an item category in a transaction display. Groups combine if // their descriptions match. Calculated subtotal amounts are rounded to two // decimal places of precision. Quantity is a floating point number that is // not rounded at all. Extended string `json:"extended"` // UnitCode is an alphanumeric code for units of measurement as used in // international trade. UnitCode string `json:"unitCode"` // CommodityCode is an international description code of the item. CommodityCode string `json:"commodityCode"` // ProductCode is a merchant-defined description code of the item. ProductCode string `json:"productCode"` // Discounts are displayed under their corresponding item. Discounts []*TransactionDisplayDiscount `json:"discounts"` }
TransactionDisplayItem is an item category in a transaction display. Groups combine if their descriptions match. Calculated subtotal amounts are rounded to two decimal places of precision. Quantity is a floating point number that is not rounded at all.
type TransactionDisplayRequest ¶
type TransactionDisplayRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TerminalName is the name of the target payment terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName,omitempty"` // ResetConnection forces the terminal cloud connection to be reset while a // transactions is in flight. This is a diagnostic settings that can be used // only for test transactions. ResetConnection bool `json:"resetConnection"` // Transaction transaction to display on the terminal. Transaction *TransactionDisplayTransaction `json:"transaction"` }
TransactionDisplayRequest is used to start or update a transaction line item display on a terminal.
type TransactionDisplayTransaction ¶
type TransactionDisplayTransaction struct { // Subtotal is the subtotal to display. Subtotal string `json:"subtotal"` // Tax is the tax to display. Tax string `json:"tax"` // Total is the total to display. Total string `json:"total"` // Items is an item to display. Can be overwritten or appended, based on the // request type. Items []*TransactionDisplayItem `json:"items"` }
TransactionDisplayTransaction contains the items to display on a terminal.
type TransactionHistoryRequest ¶
type TransactionHistoryRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Query optional search query. Will match amount, last 4 and customer name. // batchId and terminalName are not supported with this option. Query string `json:"query"` // BatchID optional batch id. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` // TerminalName optional terminal name. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // StartDate optional start date filter for batch history. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate optional end date filter for batch history. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // MaxResults max results to be returned by this request. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index for results to be returned. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` }
TransactionHistoryRequest models a batch history request.
type TransactionHistoryResponse ¶
type TransactionHistoryResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Test indicates that the response came from the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // BatchID batch identifier if filtered by batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId"` // TerminalName terminal name if filtered by terminal. TerminalName string `json:"terminalName"` // StartDate start date if filtered by start date. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` // EndDate end date if filtered by end date. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // MaxResults max results from the original request echoed back. Defaults to // the system max of 250. MaxResults int `json:"maxResults"` // StartIndex starting index from the original request echoed back. StartIndex int `json:"startIndex"` // TotalResultCount total number of results accessible through paging. TotalResultCount int `json:"totalResultCount"` // Transactions matching transaction history. Transactions []AuthorizationResponse `json:"transactions"` }
TransactionHistoryResponse models response to a batch history request.
type TransactionStatus ¶
type TransactionStatus struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string `json:"authCode,omitempty"` // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string `json:"authResponseCode,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // PartialAuth indicates whether or not the transaction was approved for a // partial amount. PartialAuth bool `json:"partialAuth"` // AltCurrency indicates whether or not an alternate currency was used. AltCurrency bool `json:"altCurrency"` // FSAAuth indicates whether or not a request was settled on an FSA card. FSAAuth bool `json:"fsaAuth"` // CurrencyCode is the currency code used for the transaction. CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // RequestedAmount is the requested amount. RequestedAmount string `json:"requestedAmount"` // AuthorizedAmount is the authorized amount. May not match the requested // amount in the event of a partial auth. AuthorizedAmount string `json:"authorizedAmount"` // RemainingBalance is the remaining balance on the payment method. RemainingBalance string `json:"remainingBalance"` // TipAmount is the tip amount. TipAmount string `json:"tipAmount"` // TaxAmount is the tax amount. TaxAmount string `json:"taxAmount"` // RequestedCashBackAmount is the cash back amount the customer requested // during the transaction. RequestedCashBackAmount string `json:"requestedCashBackAmount"` // AuthorizedCashBackAmount is the amount of cash back authorized by the // gateway. This amount will be the entire amount requested, or zero. AuthorizedCashBackAmount string `json:"authorizedCashBackAmount"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` // StoreAndForward indicates that the transaction was flagged for store and // forward due to network problems. StoreAndForward bool `json:"storeAndForward"` }
TransactionStatus models the status of a transaction.
type TransactionStatusRequest ¶
type TransactionStatusRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the BlockChyp assigned transaction id. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId,omitempty"` }
TransactionStatusRequest models the request for updated information about a transaction.
type UnlinkTokenRequest ¶
type UnlinkTokenRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Token the token to delete. Token string `json:"token"` // CustomerID BlockChyp assigned customer id. CustomerID string `json:"customerId"` }
UnlinkTokenRequest removes a link between a payment token with a customer record, if one exists.
type UpdateCustomerRequest ¶
type UpdateCustomerRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // Customer models a customer update request. Customer Customer `json:"customer"` }
UpdateCustomerRequest models a customer data search request.
type UpdateMerchantPlatformRequest ¶ added in v2.19.0
type UpdateMerchantPlatformRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // Platform is the merchant platform configuration. Platform MerchantPlatform `json:"platform"` }
UpdateMerchantPlatformRequest is used to up platform configuration for gateway merchants.
type UpdateMerchantPlatformResponse ¶ added in v2.19.0
type UpdateMerchantPlatformResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Platform is the current platform configuration. Platform MerchantPlatform `json:"platform"` }
UpdateMerchantPlatformResponse echoes back the state of the current platform configuration after a change.
type UploadMetadata ¶
type UploadMetadata struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // UploadID optional id used to track status and progress of an upload while // in progress. UploadID string `json:"uploadId"` // FileSize is the size of the file to be uploaded in bytes. FileSize int64 `json:"fileSize"` // FileName is the name of file to be uploaded. FileName string `json:"fileName"` }
UploadMetadata models information needed to process a file upload.
type UploadStatus ¶
type UploadStatus struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // ID id used to track status and progress of an upload while in progress. ID string `json:"id"` // MediaID is the media id assigned to the result. MediaID string `json:"mediaId"` // FileSize is the size of the file to be uploaded in bytes. FileSize int64 `json:"fileSize"` // UploadedAmount is the amount of the file already uploaded. UploadedAmount int64 `json:"uploadedAmount"` // Status is the current status of a file upload. Status string `json:"status"` // Complete indicates whether or not the upload and associated file // processing is complete. Complete bool `json:"complete"` // Processing indicates whether or not the file is processing. This normally // applied to video files undergoing format transcoding. Processing bool `json:"processing"` // Percentage current upload progress rounded to the nearest integer. Percentage int `json:"percentage"` // ThumbnailLocation is the url of a thumbnail for the file, if available. ThumbnailLocation string `json:"thumbnailLocation"` }
UploadStatus models the current status of a file upload.
type UploadStatusRequest ¶
type UploadStatusRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // UploadID id used to track status and progress of an upload while in // progress. UploadID string `json:"uploadId"` }
UploadStatusRequest is used to request the status of a file upload.
type VoidRequest ¶
type VoidRequest struct { // Timeout is the request timeout in seconds. Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // Test specifies whether or not to route transaction to the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // TransactionRef contains a user-assigned reference that can be used to // recall or reverse transactions. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // AutogeneratedRef indicates that the transaction reference was // autogenerated and should be ignored for the purposes of duplicate // detection. AutogeneratedRef bool `json:"autogeneratedRef"` // Async defers the response to the transaction and returns immediately. // Callers should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status // API. Async bool `json:"async"` // Queue adds the transaction to the queue and returns immediately. Callers // should retrive the transaction result using the Transaction Status API. Queue bool `json:"queue"` // WaitForRemovedCard specifies whether or not the request should block until // all cards have been removed from the card reader. WaitForRemovedCard bool `json:"waitForRemovedCard,omitempty"` // Force causes a transaction to override any in-progress transactions. Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` // OrderRef is an identifier from an external point of sale system. OrderRef string `json:"orderRef,omitempty"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // TestCase can include a code used to trigger simulated conditions for the // purposes of testing and certification. Valid for test merchant accounts // only. TestCase string `json:"testCase,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID of the previous transaction being referenced. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` }
VoidRequest contains a void request.
type VoidResponse ¶
type VoidResponse struct { // Success indicates whether or not the request succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` // Error is the error, if an error occurred. Error string `json:"error"` // ResponseDescription contains a narrative description of the transaction // result. ResponseDescription string `json:"responseDescription"` // Approved indicates that the transaction was approved. Approved bool `json:"approved"` // AuthCode is the auth code from the payment network. AuthCode string `json:"authCode,omitempty"` // AuthResponseCode is the code returned by the terminal or the card issuer // to indicate the disposition of the message. AuthResponseCode string `json:"authResponseCode,omitempty"` // TransactionID is the ID assigned to the transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionId"` // BatchID is the ID assigned to the batch. BatchID string `json:"batchId,omitempty"` // TransactionRef is the transaction reference string assigned to the // transaction request. If no transaction ref was assiged on the request, // then the gateway will randomly generate one. TransactionRef string `json:"transactionRef,omitempty"` // TransactionType is the type of transaction. TransactionType string `json:"transactionType"` // Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction. Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` // TickBlock is the hash of the last tick block. TickBlock string `json:"tickBlock"` // Test indicates that the transaction was processed on the test gateway. Test bool `json:"test"` // DestinationAccount is the settlement account for merchants with split // settlements. DestinationAccount string `json:"destinationAccount,omitempty"` // Sig is the ECC signature of the response. Can be used to ensure that it // was signed by the terminal and detect man-in-the middle attacks. Sig string `json:"sig,omitempty"` // Token is the payment token, if the payment was enrolled in the vault. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // EntryMethod is the entry method for the transaction (CHIP, MSR, KEYED, // etc). EntryMethod string `json:"entryMethod,omitempty"` // PaymentType is the card brand (VISA, MC, AMEX, DEBIT, etc). PaymentType string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"` // Network provides network level detail on how a transaction was routed, // especially for debit transactions. Network string `json:"network,omitempty"` // Logo identifies the card association based on bin number. Used primarily // used to indicate the major logo on a card, even when debit transactions // are routed on a different network. Logo string `json:"logo,omitempty"` // MaskedPAN is the masked primary account number. MaskedPAN string `json:"maskedPan,omitempty"` // PublicKey is the BlockChyp public key if the user presented a BlockChyp // payment card. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` // ScopeAlert indicates that the transaction did something that would put the // system in PCI scope. ScopeAlert bool `json:"ScopeAlert,omitempty"` // CardHolder is the cardholder name. CardHolder string `json:"cardHolder,omitempty"` // ExpMonth is the card expiration month in MM format. ExpMonth string `json:"expMonth,omitempty"` // ExpYear is the card expiration year in YY format. ExpYear string `json:"expYear,omitempty"` // AVSResponse contains address verification results if address information // was submitted. AVSResponse AVSResponse `json:"avsResponse"` // ReceiptSuggestions contains suggested receipt fields. ReceiptSuggestions ReceiptSuggestions `json:"receiptSuggestions"` // Customer contains customer data, if any. Preserved for reverse // compatibility. Customer *Customer `json:"customer"` // Customers contains customer data, if any. Customers []Customer `json:"customers"` // SigFile contains the hex encoded signature data. SigFile string `json:"sigFile,omitempty"` }
VoidResponse contains the response to a void request.
type WhiteListedCard ¶
type WhiteListedCard struct { // Bin is the card BIN. Bin string `json:"bin"` // Track1 is the track 1 data from the card. Track1 string `json:"track1"` // Track2 is the track 2 data from the card. Track2 string `json:"track2"` // PAN is the card primary account number. PAN string `json:"pan"` }
WhiteListedCard shows details about a white listed card.