Overview ¶
Package document provides creation, reading, and writing of ECMA 376 Open Office XML documents.
doc := document.New() para := doc.AddParagraph() run := para.AddRun() run.SetText("foo") doc.SaveToFile("foo.docx")
Index ¶
- Constants
- type AnchoredDrawing
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) GetImage() (common.ImageRef, bool)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetAlignment(h wml.WdST_AlignH, v wml.WdST_AlignV)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetHAlignment(h wml.WdST_AlignH)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetName(name string)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetOffset(x, y measurement.Distance)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetOrigin(h wml.WdST_RelFromH, v wml.WdST_RelFromV)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetSize(w, h measurement.Distance)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapNone()
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapSquare(t wml.WdST_WrapText)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetVAlignment(v wml.WdST_AlignV)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetXOffset(x measurement.Distance)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetYOffset(y measurement.Distance)
- func (a AnchoredDrawing) X() *wml.WdAnchor
- type Bookmark
- type Cell
- type CellBorders
- func (b CellBorders) SetAll(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetBottom(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetInsideHorizontal(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetInsideVertical(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetLeft(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetRight(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) SetTop(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b CellBorders) X() *wml.CT_TcBorders
- type CellMargins
- func (c CellMargins) SetBottom(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellMargins) SetBottomPct(pct float64)
- func (c CellMargins) SetLeft(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellMargins) SetLeftPct(pct float64)
- func (c CellMargins) SetRight(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellMargins) SetRightPct(pct float64)
- func (c CellMargins) SetStart(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellMargins) SetStartPct(pct float64)
- func (c CellMargins) SetTop(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellMargins) SetTopPct(pct float64)
- type CellProperties
- func (c CellProperties) Borders() CellBorders
- func (c CellProperties) Margins() CellMargins
- func (c CellProperties) SetColumnSpan(cols int)
- func (c CellProperties) SetShading(shd wml.ST_Shd, foreground, fill color.Color)
- func (c CellProperties) SetVerticalAlignment(align wml.ST_VerticalJc)
- func (c CellProperties) SetVerticalMerge(mergeVal wml.ST_Merge)
- func (c CellProperties) SetWidth(d measurement.Distance)
- func (c CellProperties) SetWidthAuto()
- func (c CellProperties) SetWidthPercent(pct float64)
- func (c CellProperties) X() *wml.CT_TcPr
- type Color
- type Document
- func (d *Document) AddFooter() Footer
- func (d *Document) AddHeader() Header
- func (d Document) AddHyperlink(url string) common.Hyperlink
- func (d *Document) AddImage(i common.Image) (common.ImageRef, error)
- func (d *Document) AddParagraph() Paragraph
- func (d *Document) AddTable() Table
- func (d *Document) BodySection() Section
- func (d Document) Bookmarks() []Bookmark
- func (d *Document) Footers() []Footer
- func (d *Document) FormFields() []FormField
- func (d *Document) GetImageByRelID(relID string) (common.ImageRef, bool)
- func (d *Document) Headers() []Header
- func (d *Document) InsertParagraphAfter(relativeTo Paragraph) Paragraph
- func (d *Document) InsertParagraphBefore(relativeTo Paragraph) Paragraph
- func (d *Document) InsertTableAfter(relativeTo Paragraph) Table
- func (d *Document) InsertTableBefore(relativeTo Paragraph) Table
- func (d *Document) MailMerge(mergeContent map[string]string)
- func (d Document) MergeFields() []string
- func (d *Document) Paragraphs() []Paragraph
- func (d *Document) RemoveParagraph(p Paragraph)
- func (d *Document) Save(w io.Writer) error
- func (d *Document) SaveToFile(path string) error
- func (d *Document) StructuredDocumentTags() []StructuredDocumentTag
- func (d *Document) Tables() []Table
- func (d *Document) Validate() error
- func (d *Document) X() *wml.Document
- type Fonts
- type Footer
- type FormField
- type FormFieldType
- type Header
- type HyperLink
- type InlineDrawing
- type Numbering
- type NumberingDefinition
- func (n NumberingDefinition) AbstractNumberID() int64
- func (n NumberingDefinition) AddLevel() NumberingLevel
- func (n NumberingDefinition) Levels() []NumberingLevel
- func (n NumberingDefinition) MultiLevelType() wml.ST_MultiLevelType
- func (n NumberingDefinition) SetMultiLevelType(t wml.ST_MultiLevelType)
- func (n NumberingDefinition) X() *wml.CT_AbstractNum
- type NumberingLevel
- func (n NumberingLevel) Properties() ParagraphStyleProperties
- func (n NumberingLevel) RunProperties() RunProperties
- func (n NumberingLevel) SetAlignment(j wml.ST_Jc)
- func (n NumberingLevel) SetFormat(f wml.ST_NumberFormat)
- func (n NumberingLevel) SetText(t string)
- func (n NumberingLevel) X() *wml.CT_Lvl
- type OnOffValue
- type Paragraph
- func (p Paragraph) AddBookmark(name string) Bookmark
- func (p Paragraph) AddHyperLink() HyperLink
- func (p Paragraph) AddRun() Run
- func (p Paragraph) InsertRunAfter(relativeTo Run) Run
- func (p Paragraph) InsertRunBefore(relativeTo Run) Run
- func (p Paragraph) Properties() ParagraphProperties
- func (p Paragraph) RemoveRun(r Run)
- func (p Paragraph) Runs() []Run
- func (p Paragraph) SetNumberingDefinition(nd NumberingDefinition)
- func (p Paragraph) SetNumberingDefinitionByID(abstractNumberID int64)
- func (p Paragraph) SetNumberingLevel(listLevel int)
- func (p Paragraph) SetStyle(s string)
- func (p Paragraph) Style() string
- func (p Paragraph) X() *wml.CT_P
- type ParagraphProperties
- func (p ParagraphProperties) AddSection(t wml.ST_SectionMark) Section
- func (p ParagraphProperties) AddTabStop(position measurement.Distance, justificaton wml.ST_TabJc, leader wml.ST_TabTlc)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_Jc)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetEndIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetFirstLineIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetHangingIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetHeadingLevel(idx int)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetKeepWithNext(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetPageBreakBefore(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetSpacing(before, after measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetStartIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetStyle(s string)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) SetWindowControl(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphProperties) Spacing() ParagraphSpacing
- func (p ParagraphProperties) Style() string
- func (p ParagraphProperties) X() *wml.CT_PPr
- type ParagraphSpacing
- func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetAfter(after measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetAfterAuto(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetBefore(before measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetBeforeAuto(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetLineSpacing(d measurement.Distance, rule wml.ST_LineSpacingRule)
- type ParagraphStyleProperties
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) AddTabStop(position measurement.Distance, justificaton wml.ST_TabJc, leader wml.ST_TabTlc)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_Jc)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetContextualSpacing(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetHangingIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepNext(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage(b bool)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetLeftIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetOutlineLevel(lvl int)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetSpacing(before, after measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetStartIndent(m measurement.Distance)
- func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) X() *wml.CT_PPrGeneral
- type Row
- type RowProperties
- type Run
- func (r Run) AddBreak()
- func (r Run) AddDrawingAnchored(img common.ImageRef) (AnchoredDrawing, error)
- func (r Run) AddDrawingInline(img common.ImageRef) (InlineDrawing, error)
- func (r Run) AddField(code string)
- func (r Run) AddFieldWithFormatting(code string, fmt string, isDirty bool)
- func (r Run) AddPageBreak()
- func (r Run) AddTab()
- func (r Run) AddText(s string)
- func (r Run) Clear()
- func (r Run) ClearContent()
- func (r Run) DrawingAnchored() []AnchoredDrawing
- func (r Run) Properties() RunProperties
- func (r Run) Text() string
- func (r Run) X() *wml.CT_R
- type RunProperties
- func (r RunProperties) BoldValue() OnOffValue
- func (r RunProperties) ClearColor()
- func (r RunProperties) Color() Color
- func (r RunProperties) Fonts() Fonts
- func (r RunProperties) IsBold() bool
- func (r RunProperties) IsItalic() bool
- func (r RunProperties) ItalicValue() OnOffValue
- func (r RunProperties) SetAllCaps(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetBold(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetCharacterSpacing(size measurement.Distance)
- func (r RunProperties) SetColor(c color.Color)
- func (r RunProperties) SetDoubleStrikeThrough(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetEffect(e wml.ST_TextEffect)
- func (r RunProperties) SetEmboss(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetFontFamily(family string)
- func (r RunProperties) SetHighlight(c wml.ST_HighlightColor)
- func (r RunProperties) SetImprint(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetItalic(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetKerning(size measurement.Distance)
- func (r RunProperties) SetOutline(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetShadow(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetSize(size measurement.Distance)
- func (r RunProperties) SetSmallCaps(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetStrikeThrough(b bool)
- func (r RunProperties) SetStyle(style string)
- func (r RunProperties) SetUnderline(style wml.ST_Underline, c color.Color)
- func (r RunProperties) SetVerticalAlignment(v sharedTypes.ST_VerticalAlignRun)
- func (r RunProperties) X() *wml.CT_RPr
- type Section
- type Settings
- type StructuredDocumentTag
- type Style
- func (s Style) Name() string
- func (s Style) ParagraphProperties() ParagraphStyleProperties
- func (s Style) RunProperties() RunProperties
- func (s Style) SetBasedOn(name string)
- func (s Style) SetLinkedStyle(name string)
- func (s Style) SetName(name string)
- func (s Style) SetNextStyle(name string)
- func (s Style) SetPrimaryStyle(b bool)
- func (s Style) SetSemiHidden(b bool)
- func (s Style) SetUISortOrder(order int)
- func (s Style) SetUnhideWhenUsed(b bool)
- func (s Style) StyleID() string
- func (s Style) TableConditionalFormatting(typ wml.ST_TblStyleOverrideType) TableConditionalFormatting
- func (s Style) TableProperties() TableStyleProperties
- func (s Style) Type() wml.ST_StyleType
- func (s Style) X() *wml.CT_Style
- type Styles
- type Table
- type TableBorders
- func (b TableBorders) SetAll(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetBottom(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetInsideHorizontal(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetInsideVertical(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetLeft(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetRight(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) SetTop(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
- func (b TableBorders) X() *wml.CT_TblBorders
- type TableConditionalFormatting
- type TableLook
- type TableProperties
- func (t TableProperties) Borders() TableBorders
- func (t TableProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_JcTable)
- func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacing(m measurement.Distance)
- func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto()
- func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent(pct float64)
- func (t TableProperties) SetLayout(l wml.ST_TblLayoutType)
- func (t TableProperties) SetStyle(name string)
- func (t TableProperties) SetWidth(d measurement.Distance)
- func (t TableProperties) SetWidthAuto()
- func (t TableProperties) SetWidthPercent(pct float64)
- func (t TableProperties) TableLook() TableLook
- func (t TableProperties) X() *wml.CT_TblPr
- type TableStyleProperties
- func (t TableStyleProperties) Borders() TableBorders
- func (t TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto()
- func (t TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent(pct float64)
- func (t TableStyleProperties) SetColumnBandSize(cols int64)
- func (t TableStyleProperties) SetRowBandSize(rows int64)
- func (t TableStyleProperties) SetTableIndent(ind measurement.Distance)
- func (t TableStyleProperties) X() *wml.CT_TblPrBase
- type TableWidth
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( FieldCurrentPage = "PAGE" FieldNumberOfPages = "NUMPAGES" FieldDate = "DATE" FieldCreateDate = "CREATEDATE" FieldEditTime = "EDITTIME" FieldPrintDate = "PRINTDATE" FieldSaveDate = "SAVEDATE" FieldTIme = "TIME" FieldTOC = "TOC" )
Field constants
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AnchoredDrawing ¶
type AnchoredDrawing struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AnchoredDrawing is an absolutely positioned image within a document page.
func (AnchoredDrawing) GetImage ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) GetImage() (common.ImageRef, bool)
GetImage returns the ImageRef associated with an AnchoredDrawing.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetAlignment ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetAlignment(h wml.WdST_AlignH, v wml.WdST_AlignV)
SetAlignment positions an anchored image via alignment. Offset is incompatible with SetOffset, whichever is called last is applied.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetHAlignment ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetHAlignment(h wml.WdST_AlignH)
SetHAlignment sets the horizontal alignment for an anchored image.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetName ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetName(name string)
SetName sets the name of the image, visible in the properties of the image within Word.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetOffset ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetOffset(x, y measurement.Distance)
SetOffset sets the offset of the image relative to the origin, which by default this is the top-left corner of the page. Offset is incompatible with SetAlignment, whichever is called last is applied.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetOrigin ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetOrigin(h wml.WdST_RelFromH, v wml.WdST_RelFromV)
SetOrigin sets the origin of the image. It defaults to ST_RelFromHPage and ST_RelFromVPage
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetSize ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetSize(w, h measurement.Distance)
SetSize sets the size of the displayed image on the page.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapNone ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapNone()
SetTextWrapNone unsets text wrapping so the image can float on top of the text. When used in conjunction with X/Y Offset relative to the page it can be used to place a logo at the top of a page at an absolute position that doesn't interfere with text.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapSquare ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetTextWrapSquare(t wml.WdST_WrapText)
SetTextWrapSquare sets the text wrap to square with a given wrap type.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetVAlignment ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetVAlignment(v wml.WdST_AlignV)
SetVAlignment sets the vertical alignment for an anchored image.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetXOffset ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetXOffset(x measurement.Distance)
SetXOffset sets the X offset for an image relative to the origin.
func (AnchoredDrawing) SetYOffset ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) SetYOffset(y measurement.Distance)
SetYOffset sets the Y offset for an image relative to the origin.
func (AnchoredDrawing) X ¶
func (a AnchoredDrawing) X() *wml.WdAnchor
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type Bookmark ¶
type Bookmark struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Bookmark is a bookmarked location within a document that can be referenced with a hyperlink.
func (Bookmark) Name ¶
Name returns the name of the bookmark whcih is the document unique ID that identifies the bookmark.
type Cell ¶
type Cell struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cell is a table cell within a document (not a spreadsheet)
func (Cell) AddParagraph ¶
AddParagraph adds a paragraph to the table cell.
func (Cell) Paragraphs ¶
Paragraphs returns the paragraphs defined in the cell.
func (Cell) Properties ¶
func (c Cell) Properties() CellProperties
Properties returns the cell properties.
type CellBorders ¶
type CellBorders struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CellBorders are the borders for an individual
func (CellBorders) SetAll ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetAll(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetAll sets all of the borders to a given value.
func (CellBorders) SetBottom ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetBottom(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetBottom sets the bottom border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (CellBorders) SetInsideHorizontal ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetInsideHorizontal(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetInsideHorizontal sets the interior horizontal borders to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (CellBorders) SetInsideVertical ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetInsideVertical(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetInsideVertical sets the interior vertical borders to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (CellBorders) SetLeft ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetLeft(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetLeft sets the left border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (CellBorders) SetRight ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetRight(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetRight sets the right border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (CellBorders) SetTop ¶
func (b CellBorders) SetTop(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetTop sets the top border to a specified type, color and thickness.
type CellMargins ¶
type CellMargins struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CellMargins are the margins for an individual cell.
func (CellMargins) SetBottom ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetBottom(d measurement.Distance)
SetBottom sets the cell bottom margin
func (CellMargins) SetBottomPct ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetBottomPct(pct float64)
SetBottomPct sets the cell bottom margin
func (CellMargins) SetLeft ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetLeft(d measurement.Distance)
SetLeft sets the cell left margin
func (CellMargins) SetLeftPct ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetLeftPct(pct float64)
SetLeftPct sets the cell left margin
func (CellMargins) SetRight ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetRight(d measurement.Distance)
SetRight sets the cell right margin
func (CellMargins) SetRightPct ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetRightPct(pct float64)
SetRightPct sets the cell right margin
func (CellMargins) SetStart ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetStart(d measurement.Distance)
SetStart sets the cell start margin
func (CellMargins) SetStartPct ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetStartPct(pct float64)
SetStartPct sets the cell start margin
func (CellMargins) SetTop ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetTop(d measurement.Distance)
SetTop sets the cell top margin
func (CellMargins) SetTopPct ¶
func (c CellMargins) SetTopPct(pct float64)
SetTopPct sets the cell top margin
type CellProperties ¶
type CellProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CellProperties are a table cells properties within a document.
func (CellProperties) Borders ¶
func (c CellProperties) Borders() CellBorders
Borders allows controlling individual cell borders.
func (CellProperties) Margins ¶
func (c CellProperties) Margins() CellMargins
Margins allows controlling individual cell margins.
func (CellProperties) SetColumnSpan ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetColumnSpan(cols int)
SetColumnSpan sets the number of Grid Columns Spanned by the Cell. This is used to give the appearance of merged cells.
func (CellProperties) SetShading ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetShading(shd wml.ST_Shd, foreground, fill color.Color)
SetShading controls the cell shading.
func (CellProperties) SetVerticalAlignment ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetVerticalAlignment(align wml.ST_VerticalJc)
SetVerticalAlignment sets the vertical alignment of content within a table cell.
func (CellProperties) SetVerticalMerge ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetVerticalMerge(mergeVal wml.ST_Merge)
SetVerticalMerge controls the vertical merging of cells.
func (CellProperties) SetWidth ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetWidth(d measurement.Distance)
SetWidth sets the cell width to a specified width.
func (CellProperties) SetWidthAuto ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetWidthAuto()
SetWidthAuto sets the the cell width to automatic.
func (CellProperties) SetWidthPercent ¶
func (c CellProperties) SetWidthPercent(pct float64)
SetWidthPercent sets the cell to a width percentage.
func (CellProperties) X ¶
func (c CellProperties) X() *wml.CT_TcPr
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type Color ¶
type Color struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Color controls the run or styles color.
func (Color) SetThemeColor ¶
func (c Color) SetThemeColor(t wml.ST_ThemeColor)
SetThemeColor sets the color from the theme.
func (Color) SetThemeShade ¶
SetThemeShade sets the shade based off the theme color.
type Document ¶
type Document struct { common.DocBase Settings Settings // document settings Numbering Numbering // numbering styles within the doucment Styles Styles // styles that are use and can be used within the document // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Document is a text document that can be written out in the OOXML .docx format. It can be opened from a file on disk and modified, or created from scratch.
func New ¶
func New() *Document
New constructs an empty document that content can be added to.
Example ¶
package main import ( "" ) func main() { doc := document.New() doc.AddParagraph().AddRun().AddText("Hello World!") doc.SaveToFile("document.docx") }
func Open ¶
Open opens and reads a document from a file (.docx).
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "" ) func main() { doc, err := document.Open("existing.docx") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error opening document: %s", err) } for _, para := range doc.Paragraphs() { for _, run := range para.Runs() { fmt.Print(run.Text()) } fmt.Println() } }
func OpenTemplate ¶
OpenTemplate opens a document, removing all content so it can be used as a template. Since Word removes unused styles from a document upon save, to create a template in Word add a paragraph with every style of interest. When opened with OpenTemplate the document's styles will be available but the content will be gone.
Example ¶
package main import ( "log" "" ) func main() { doc, err := document.OpenTemplate("existing.docx") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error opening document template: %s", err) } para := doc.AddParagraph() para.SetStyle("Title") para.AddRun().AddText("My Document Title") para = doc.AddParagraph() para.SetStyle("Subtitle") para.AddRun().AddText("Document Subtitle") para = doc.AddParagraph() para.SetStyle("Heading1") para.AddRun().AddText("Major Section") doc.SaveToFile("ouput.docx") }
func (*Document) AddFooter ¶
AddFooter creates a Footer associated with the document, but doesn't add it to the document for display.
func (*Document) AddHeader ¶
AddHeader creates a header associated with the document, but doesn't add it to the document for display.
func (Document) AddHyperlink ¶
AddHyperlink adds a hyperlink to a document. Adding the hyperlink to a document and setting it on a cell is more efficient than setting hyperlinks directly on a cell.
func (*Document) AddImage ¶
AddImage adds an image to the document package, returning a reference that can be used to add the image to a run and place it in the document contents.
func (*Document) AddParagraph ¶
AddParagraph adds a new paragraph to the document body.
func (*Document) BodySection ¶
BodySection returns the default body section used for all preceding paragraphs until the previous Section. If there is no previous sections, the body section applies to the entire document.
func (*Document) FormFields ¶
FormFields extracts all of the fields from a document. They can then be manipulated via the methods on the field and the document saved.
Example ¶
package main import ( "log" "" ) func main() { doc, err := document.Open("invitation.docx") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("error opening document form: %s", err) } for _, field := range doc.FormFields() { switch field.Name() { case "attendingEvent": if field.Type() == document.FormFieldTypeCheckBox { field.SetChecked(true) } case "name": if field.Type() == document.FormFieldTypeText { field.SetValue("John Smith") } } } doc.SaveToFile("invitation-respoonse.docx") }
func (*Document) GetImageByRelID ¶
GetImageByRelID returns an ImageRef with the associated relation ID in the document.
func (*Document) InsertParagraphAfter ¶
InsertParagraphAfter adds a new empty paragraph after the relativeTo paragraph.
func (*Document) InsertParagraphBefore ¶
InsertParagraphBefore adds a new empty paragraph before the relativeTo paragraph.
func (*Document) InsertTableAfter ¶
func (*Document) InsertTableBefore ¶
func (*Document) MailMerge ¶
MailMerge finds mail merge fields and replaces them with the text provided. It also removes the mail merge source info from the document settings.
func (Document) MergeFields ¶
MergeFields returns the list of all mail merge fields found in the document.
func (*Document) Paragraphs ¶
Paragraphs returns all of the paragraphs in the document body.
func (*Document) RemoveParagraph ¶
RemoveParagraph removes a paragraph from a document.
func (*Document) SaveToFile ¶
SaveToFile writes the document out to a file.
func (*Document) StructuredDocumentTags ¶
func (d *Document) StructuredDocumentTags() []StructuredDocumentTag
StructuredDocumentTags returns the structured document tags in the document which are commonly used in document templates.
type Fonts ¶
type Fonts struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Fonts allows manipulating a style or run's fonts.
func (Fonts) SetASCIITheme ¶
SetASCIITheme sets the font ASCII Theme.
func (Fonts) SetCSTheme ¶
SetCSTheme sets the font complex script theme.
func (Fonts) SetEastAsiaTheme ¶
SetEastAsiaTheme sets the font East Asia Theme.
func (Fonts) SetHANSITheme ¶
SetHANSITheme sets the font H ANSI Theme.
type Footer ¶
type Footer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Footer is a footer for a document section.
func (Footer) AddImage ¶
AddImage adds an image to the document package, returning a reference that can be used to add the image to a run and place it in the document contents.
func (Footer) AddParagraph ¶
AddParagraph adds a paragraph to the footer.
func (Footer) Index ¶
Index returns the index of the footer within the document. This is used to form its zip packaged filename as well as to match it with its relationship ID.
func (Footer) Paragraphs ¶
Paragraphs returns the paragraphs defined in a footer.
func (Footer) RemoveParagraph ¶
RemoveParagraph removes a paragraph from a footer.
type FormField ¶
type FormField struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FormField is a form within a document. It references the document, so changes to the form field wil be reflected in the document if it is saved.
func (FormField) PossibleValues ¶
PossibleValues returns the possible values for a FormFieldTypeDropDown.
func (FormField) SetChecked ¶
SetChecked marks a FormFieldTypeCheckBox as checked or unchecked.
type FormFieldType ¶
type FormFieldType byte
FormFieldType is the type of the form field.
const ( FormFieldTypeUnknown FormFieldType = iota FormFieldTypeText FormFieldTypeCheckBox FormFieldTypeDropDown )
Form Field Type constants
func (FormFieldType) String ¶
func (i FormFieldType) String() string
type Header ¶
type Header struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Header is a header for a document section.
func (Header) AddImage ¶
AddImage adds an image to the document package, returning a reference that can be used to add the image to a run and place it in the document contents.
func (Header) AddParagraph ¶
AddParagraph adds a paragraph to the header.
func (Header) Index ¶
Index returns the index of the header within the document. This is used to form its zip packaged filename as well as to match it with its relationship ID.
func (Header) Paragraphs ¶
Paragraphs returns the paragraphs defined in a header.
func (Header) RemoveParagraph ¶
RemoveParagraph removes a paragraph from a footer.
type HyperLink ¶
type HyperLink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HyperLink is a link within a document.
func (HyperLink) AddRun ¶
AddRun adds a run of text to a hyperlink. This is the text that will be linked.
func (HyperLink) SetTargetBookmark ¶
SetTargetBookmark sets the bookmark target of the hyperlink.
func (HyperLink) SetTargetByRef ¶
SetTargetByRef sets the URL target of the hyperlink and is more efficient if a link destination will be used many times.
func (HyperLink) SetToolTip ¶
SetToolTip sets the tooltip text for a hyperlink.
type InlineDrawing ¶
type InlineDrawing struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InlineDrawing is an inlined image within a run.
func (InlineDrawing) GetImage ¶
func (i InlineDrawing) GetImage() (common.ImageRef, bool)
GetImage returns the ImageRef associated with an InlineDrawing.
func (InlineDrawing) SetSize ¶
func (i InlineDrawing) SetSize(w, h measurement.Distance)
SetSize sets the size of the displayed image on the page.
func (InlineDrawing) X ¶
func (i InlineDrawing) X() *wml.WdInline
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type Numbering ¶
type Numbering struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Numbering is the document wide numbering styles contained in numbering.xml.
func (Numbering) AddDefinition ¶
func (n Numbering) AddDefinition() NumberingDefinition
AddDefinition adds a new numbering definition.
func (Numbering) Definitions ¶
func (n Numbering) Definitions() []NumberingDefinition
Definitions returns the defined numbering definitions.
func (Numbering) InitializeDefault ¶
func (n Numbering) InitializeDefault()
InitializeDefault constructs a default numbering.
type NumberingDefinition ¶
type NumberingDefinition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NumberingDefinition defines a numbering definition for a list of pragraphs.
func (NumberingDefinition) AbstractNumberID ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) AbstractNumberID() int64
AbstractNumberID returns the ID that is unique within all numbering definitions that is used to assign the definition to a paragraph.
func (NumberingDefinition) AddLevel ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) AddLevel() NumberingLevel
AddLevel adds a new numbering level to a NumberingDefinition.
func (NumberingDefinition) Levels ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) Levels() []NumberingLevel
Levels returns all of the numbering levels defined in the definition.
func (NumberingDefinition) MultiLevelType ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) MultiLevelType() wml.ST_MultiLevelType
MultiLevelType returns the multilevel type, or ST_MultiLevelTypeUnset if not set.
func (NumberingDefinition) SetMultiLevelType ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) SetMultiLevelType(t wml.ST_MultiLevelType)
SetMultiLevelType sets the multilevel type.
func (NumberingDefinition) X ¶
func (n NumberingDefinition) X() *wml.CT_AbstractNum
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type NumberingLevel ¶
type NumberingLevel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NumberingLevel is the definition for numbering for a particular level within a NumberingDefinition.
func (NumberingLevel) Properties ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) Properties() ParagraphStyleProperties
Properties returns the numbering level paragraph properties.
func (NumberingLevel) RunProperties ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) RunProperties() RunProperties
RunProperties returns the RunProperties controlling numbering level font, etc.
func (NumberingLevel) SetAlignment ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) SetAlignment(j wml.ST_Jc)
SetAlignment sets the paragraph alignment
func (NumberingLevel) SetFormat ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) SetFormat(f wml.ST_NumberFormat)
SetFormat sets the numbering format.
func (NumberingLevel) SetText ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) SetText(t string)
SetText sets the text to be used in bullet mode.
func (NumberingLevel) X ¶
func (n NumberingLevel) X() *wml.CT_Lvl
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type OnOffValue ¶
type OnOffValue byte
OnOffValue represents an on/off value that can also be unset
const ( OnOffValueUnset OnOffValue = iota OnOffValueOff OnOffValueOn )
OnOffValue constants
type Paragraph ¶
type Paragraph struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Paragraph is a paragraph within a document.
func (Paragraph) AddBookmark ¶
AddBookmark adds a bookmark to a document that can then be used from a hyperlink. Name is a document unique name that identifies the bookmark so it can be referenced from hyperlinks.
func (Paragraph) AddHyperLink ¶
AddHyperLink adds a new hyperlink to a parapgraph.
func (Paragraph) InsertRunAfter ¶
InsertRunAfter inserts a run in the paragraph after the relative run.
func (Paragraph) InsertRunBefore ¶
InsertRunBefore inserts a run in the paragraph before the relative run.
func (Paragraph) Properties ¶
func (p Paragraph) Properties() ParagraphProperties
Properties returns the paragraph properties.
func (Paragraph) SetNumberingDefinition ¶
func (p Paragraph) SetNumberingDefinition(nd NumberingDefinition)
SetNumberingDefinition sets the numbering definition ID via a NumberingDefinition defined in numbering.xml
func (Paragraph) SetNumberingDefinitionByID ¶
SetNumberingDefinitionByID sets the numbering definition ID directly, which must match an ID defined in numbering.xml
func (Paragraph) SetNumberingLevel ¶
SetNumberingLevel sets the numbering level of a paragraph. If used, then the NumberingDefinition must also be set via SetNumberingDefinition or SetNumberingDefinitionByID.
func (Paragraph) SetStyle ¶
SetStyle sets the style of a paragraph and is identical to setting it on the paragraph's Properties()
type ParagraphProperties ¶
type ParagraphProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParagraphProperties are the properties for a paragraph.
func (ParagraphProperties) AddSection ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) AddSection(t wml.ST_SectionMark) Section
AddSection adds a new document section with an optional section break. If t is ST_SectionMarkUnset, then no break will be inserted.
func (ParagraphProperties) AddTabStop ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) AddTabStop(position measurement.Distance, justificaton wml.ST_TabJc, leader wml.ST_TabTlc)
AddTabStop adds a tab stop to the paragraph. It controls the position of text when using Run.AddTab()
func (ParagraphProperties) SetAlignment ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_Jc)
SetAlignment controls the paragraph alignment
func (ParagraphProperties) SetEndIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetEndIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetEndIndent controls the end indentation.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetFirstLineIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetFirstLineIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetFirstLineIndent controls the indentation of the first line in a paragraph.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetHangingIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetHangingIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetHangingIndent controls the indentation of the non-first lines in a paragraph.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetHeadingLevel ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetHeadingLevel(idx int)
SetHeadingLevel sets a heading level and style based on the level to a paragraph. The default styles for a new gooxml document support headings from level 1 to 8.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage(b bool)
SetKeepOnOnePage controls if all lines in a paragraph are kept on the same page.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetKeepWithNext ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetKeepWithNext(b bool)
SetKeepWithNext controls if this paragraph should be kept with the next.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetPageBreakBefore ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetPageBreakBefore(b bool)
SetPageBreakBefore controls if there is a page break before this paragraph.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetSpacing ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetSpacing(before, after measurement.Distance)
SetSpacing sets the spacing that comes before and after the paragraph. Deprecated: See Spacing() instead which allows finer control.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetStartIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetStartIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetStartIndent controls the start indentation.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetStyle ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetStyle(s string)
SetStyle sets the style of a paragraph.
func (ParagraphProperties) SetWindowControl ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) SetWindowControl(b bool)
SetWindowControl controls if the first or last line of the paragraph is allowed to dispay on a separate page.
func (ParagraphProperties) Spacing ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) Spacing() ParagraphSpacing
Spacing returns the paragraph spacing settings.
func (ParagraphProperties) Style ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) Style() string
Style returns the style for a paragraph, or an empty string if it is unset.
func (ParagraphProperties) X ¶
func (p ParagraphProperties) X() *wml.CT_PPr
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type ParagraphSpacing ¶
type ParagraphSpacing struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParagraphSpacing controls the spacing for a paragraph and its lines.
func (ParagraphSpacing) SetAfter ¶
func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetAfter(after measurement.Distance)
SetAfter sets the spacing that comes after the paragraph.
func (ParagraphSpacing) SetAfterAuto ¶
func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetAfterAuto(b bool)
SetAfterAuto controls if spacing after a paragraph is automatically determined.
func (ParagraphSpacing) SetBefore ¶
func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetBefore(before measurement.Distance)
SetBefore sets the spacing that comes before the paragraph.
func (ParagraphSpacing) SetBeforeAuto ¶
func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetBeforeAuto(b bool)
SetBeforeAuto controls if spacing before a paragraph is automatically determined.
func (ParagraphSpacing) SetLineSpacing ¶
func (p ParagraphSpacing) SetLineSpacing(d measurement.Distance, rule wml.ST_LineSpacingRule)
SetLineSpacing sets the spacing between lines in a paragraph.
type ParagraphStyleProperties ¶
type ParagraphStyleProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParagraphStyleProperties is the styling information for a paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) AddTabStop ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) AddTabStop(position measurement.Distance, justificaton wml.ST_TabJc, leader wml.ST_TabTlc)
AddTabStop adds a tab stop to the paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetAlignment ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_Jc)
SetAlignment controls the paragraph alignment
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetContextualSpacing ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetContextualSpacing(b bool)
SetContextualSpacing controls whether to Ignore Spacing Above and Below When Using Identical Styles
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetHangingIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetHangingIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetHangingIndent controls the hanging indent of the paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepNext ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepNext(b bool)
SetKeepNext controls if the paragraph is kept with the next paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetKeepOnOnePage(b bool)
SetKeepOnOnePage controls if all lines in a paragraph are kept on the same page.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetLeftIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetLeftIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetLeftIndent controls the left indent of the paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetOutlineLevel ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetOutlineLevel(lvl int)
SetOutlineLevel sets the outline level of this style.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetSpacing ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetSpacing(before, after measurement.Distance)
SetSpacing sets the spacing that comes before and after the paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) SetStartIndent ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) SetStartIndent(m measurement.Distance)
SetStartIndent controls the start indent of the paragraph.
func (ParagraphStyleProperties) X ¶
func (p ParagraphStyleProperties) X() *wml.CT_PPrGeneral
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type Row ¶
type Row struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Row is a row within a table within a document.
func (Row) Properties ¶
func (r Row) Properties() RowProperties
Properties returns the row properties.
type RowProperties ¶
type RowProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RowProperties are the properties for a row within a table
func (RowProperties) SetHeight ¶
func (r RowProperties) SetHeight(ht measurement.Distance, rule wml.ST_HeightRule)
SetHeight allows controlling the height of a row within a table.
type Run ¶
type Run struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Run is a run of text within a paragraph that shares the same formatting.
func (Run) AddDrawingAnchored ¶
func (r Run) AddDrawingAnchored(img common.ImageRef) (AnchoredDrawing, error)
AddDrawingAnchored adds an anchored (floating) drawing from an ImageRef.
func (Run) AddDrawingInline ¶
func (r Run) AddDrawingInline(img common.ImageRef) (InlineDrawing, error)
AddDrawingInline adds an inline drawing from an ImageRef.
func (Run) AddFieldWithFormatting ¶
AddFieldWithFormatting adds a field (automatically computed text) to the document with field specifc formatting.
func (Run) AddTab ¶
func (r Run) AddTab()
AddTab adds tab to a run and can be used with the the Paragraph's tab stops.
func (Run) ClearContent ¶
func (r Run) ClearContent()
ClearContent clears any content in the run (text, tabs, breaks, etc.)
func (Run) DrawingAnchored ¶
func (r Run) DrawingAnchored() []AnchoredDrawing
DrawingAnchored returns a slice of AnchoredDrawings.
func (Run) Properties ¶
func (r Run) Properties() RunProperties
Properties returns the run properties.
type RunProperties ¶
type RunProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RunProperties controls run styling properties
func (RunProperties) BoldValue ¶
func (r RunProperties) BoldValue() OnOffValue
BoldValue returns the precise nature of the bold setting (unset, off or on).
func (RunProperties) ClearColor ¶
func (r RunProperties) ClearColor()
ClearColor clears the text color.
func (RunProperties) IsBold ¶
func (r RunProperties) IsBold() bool
IsBold returns true if the run has been set to bold.
func (RunProperties) IsItalic ¶
func (r RunProperties) IsItalic() bool
IsItalic returns true if the run has been set to italics.
func (RunProperties) ItalicValue ¶
func (r RunProperties) ItalicValue() OnOffValue
ItalicValue returns the precise nature of the italic setting (unset, off or on).
func (RunProperties) SetAllCaps ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetAllCaps(b bool)
SetAllCaps sets the run to all caps.
func (RunProperties) SetCharacterSpacing ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetCharacterSpacing(size measurement.Distance)
SetCharacterSpacing sets the run's Character Spacing Adjustment.
func (RunProperties) SetColor ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetColor(c color.Color)
SetColor sets the text color.
func (RunProperties) SetDoubleStrikeThrough ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetDoubleStrikeThrough(b bool)
SetDoubleStrikeThrough sets the run to double strike-through.
func (RunProperties) SetEffect ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetEffect(e wml.ST_TextEffect)
SetEffect sets a text effect on the run.
func (RunProperties) SetEmboss ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetEmboss(b bool)
SetEmboss sets the run to embossed text.
func (RunProperties) SetFontFamily ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetFontFamily(family string)
SetFontFamily sets the Ascii & HAnsi fonly family for a run.
func (RunProperties) SetHighlight ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetHighlight(c wml.ST_HighlightColor)
SetHighlight highlights text in a specified color.
func (RunProperties) SetImprint ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetImprint(b bool)
SetImprint sets the run to imprinted text.
func (RunProperties) SetItalic ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetItalic(b bool)
SetItalic sets the run to italic.
func (RunProperties) SetKerning ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetKerning(size measurement.Distance)
SetKerning sets the run's font kerning.
func (RunProperties) SetOutline ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetOutline(b bool)
SetOutline sets the run to outlined text.
func (RunProperties) SetShadow ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetShadow(b bool)
SetShadow sets the run to shadowed text.
func (RunProperties) SetSize ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetSize(size measurement.Distance)
SetSize sets the font size for a run.
func (RunProperties) SetSmallCaps ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetSmallCaps(b bool)
SetSmallCaps sets the run to small caps.
func (RunProperties) SetStrikeThrough ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetStrikeThrough(b bool)
SetStrikeThrough sets the run to strike-through.
func (RunProperties) SetStyle ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetStyle(style string)
SetStyle sets the font size.
func (RunProperties) SetUnderline ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetUnderline(style wml.ST_Underline, c color.Color)
SetUnderline controls underline for a run style.
func (RunProperties) SetVerticalAlignment ¶
func (r RunProperties) SetVerticalAlignment(v sharedTypes.ST_VerticalAlignRun)
SetVerticalAlignment controls the vertical alignment of the run, this is used to control if text is superscript/subscript.
func (RunProperties) X ¶
func (r RunProperties) X() *wml.CT_RPr
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type Section ¶
type Section struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Section is the beginning of a new section.
func (Section) SetPageMargins ¶
func (s Section) SetPageMargins(top, right, bottom, left, header, footer, gutter measurement.Distance)
SetPageMargins sets the page margins for a section
type Settings ¶
type Settings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Settings controls the document settings.
func (Settings) RemoveMailMerge ¶
func (s Settings) RemoveMailMerge()
RemoveMailMerge removes any mail merge settings
func (Settings) SetUpdateFieldsOnOpen ¶
SetUpdateFieldsOnOpen controls if fields are recalculated upon opening the document. This is useful for things like a table of contents as the library only adds the field code and relies on Word/LibreOffice to actually compute the content.
type StructuredDocumentTag ¶
type StructuredDocumentTag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructuredDocumentTag are a tagged bit of content in a document.
func (StructuredDocumentTag) Paragraphs ¶
func (s StructuredDocumentTag) Paragraphs() []Paragraph
Paragraphs returns the paragraphs within a structured document tag.
type Style ¶
type Style struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Style is a style within the styles.xml file.
func (Style) ParagraphProperties ¶
func (s Style) ParagraphProperties() ParagraphStyleProperties
ParagraphProperties returns the paragraph style properties.
func (Style) RunProperties ¶
func (s Style) RunProperties() RunProperties
RunProperties returns the run style properties.
func (Style) SetBasedOn ¶
SetBasedOn sets the style that this style is based on.
func (Style) SetLinkedStyle ¶
SetLinkedStyle sets the style that this style is linked to.
func (Style) SetNextStyle ¶
SetNextStyle sets the style that the next paragraph will use.
func (Style) SetPrimaryStyle ¶
SetPrimaryStyle marks the style as a primary style.
func (Style) SetSemiHidden ¶
SetSemiHidden controls if the style is hidden in the UI.
func (Style) SetUISortOrder ¶
SetUISortOrder controls the order the style is displayed in the UI.
func (Style) SetUnhideWhenUsed ¶
SetUnhideWhenUsed controls if a semi hidden style becomes visible when used.
func (Style) TableConditionalFormatting ¶
func (s Style) TableConditionalFormatting(typ wml.ST_TblStyleOverrideType) TableConditionalFormatting
TableConditionalFormatting returns a conditional formatting object of a given type. Calling this method repeatedly will return the same object.
func (Style) TableProperties ¶
func (s Style) TableProperties() TableStyleProperties
TableProperties returns the table style properties.
type Styles ¶
type Styles struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Styles is the document wide styles contained in styles.xml.
func (Styles) InitializeDefault ¶
func (s Styles) InitializeDefault()
InitializeDefault constructs the default styles.
func (Styles) ParagraphStyles ¶
ParagraphStyles returns only the paragraph styles.
type Table ¶
type Table struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Table is a table within a document.
func (Table) InsertRowAfter ¶
InsertRowAfter inserts a row after another row
func (Table) InsertRowBefore ¶
InsertRowBefore inserts a row before another row
func (Table) Properties ¶
func (t Table) Properties() TableProperties
Properties returns the table properties.
type TableBorders ¶
type TableBorders struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableBorders allows manipulation of borders on a table.
func (TableBorders) SetAll ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetAll(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetAll sets all of the borders to a given value.
func (TableBorders) SetBottom ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetBottom(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetBottom sets the bottom border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) SetInsideHorizontal ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetInsideHorizontal(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetInsideHorizontal sets the interior horizontal borders to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) SetInsideVertical ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetInsideVertical(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetInsideVertical sets the interior vertical borders to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) SetLeft ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetLeft(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetLeft sets the left border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) SetRight ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetRight(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetRight sets the right border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) SetTop ¶
func (b TableBorders) SetTop(t wml.ST_Border, c color.Color, thickness measurement.Distance)
SetTop sets the top border to a specified type, color and thickness.
func (TableBorders) X ¶
func (b TableBorders) X() *wml.CT_TblBorders
X returns the inner wml.CT_TblBorders
type TableConditionalFormatting ¶
type TableConditionalFormatting struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableConditionalFormatting controls the conditional formatting within a table style.
func (TableConditionalFormatting) CellProperties ¶
func (t TableConditionalFormatting) CellProperties() CellProperties
CellProperties returns the cell properties.
func (TableConditionalFormatting) ParagraphProperties ¶
func (t TableConditionalFormatting) ParagraphProperties() ParagraphStyleProperties
ParagraphProperties returns the paragraph properties controlling text formatting within the table.
func (TableConditionalFormatting) RunProperties ¶
func (t TableConditionalFormatting) RunProperties() RunProperties
RunProperties returns the run properties controlling text formatting within the table.
func (TableConditionalFormatting) X ¶
func (t TableConditionalFormatting) X() *wml.CT_TblStylePr
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type TableLook ¶
type TableLook struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableLook is the conditional formatting associated with a table style that has been assigned to a table.
func (TableLook) SetFirstColumn ¶
SetFirstColumn controls the conditional formatting for the first column in a table.
func (TableLook) SetFirstRow ¶
SetFirstRow controls the conditional formatting for the first row in a table.
func (TableLook) SetHorizontalBanding ¶
SetHorizontalBanding controls the conditional formatting for horizontal banding.
func (TableLook) SetLastColumn ¶
SetLastColumn controls the conditional formatting for the last column in a table.
func (TableLook) SetLastRow ¶
SetLastRow controls the conditional formatting for the last row in a table. This is called the 'Total' row within Word.
func (TableLook) SetVerticalBanding ¶
SetVerticalBanding controls the conditional formatting for vertical banding.
type TableProperties ¶
type TableProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableProperties are the properties for a table within a document
func (TableProperties) Borders ¶
func (t TableProperties) Borders() TableBorders
Borders allows manipulation of the table borders.
func (TableProperties) SetAlignment ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetAlignment(align wml.ST_JcTable)
SetAlignment sets the alignment of a table within the page.
func (TableProperties) SetCellSpacing ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacing(m measurement.Distance)
SetCellSpacing sets the cell spacing within a table.
func (TableProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto()
SetCellSpacingAuto sets the cell spacing within a table to automatic.
func (TableProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent(pct float64)
SetCellSpacingPercent sets the cell spacing within a table to a percent width.
func (TableProperties) SetLayout ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetLayout(l wml.ST_TblLayoutType)
SetLayout controls the table layout. wml.ST_TblLayoutTypeAutofit corresponds to "Automatically resize to fit contents" being checked, while wml.ST_TblLayoutTypeFixed corresponds to it being unchecked.
func (TableProperties) SetStyle ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetStyle(name string)
SetStyle sets the table style name.
func (TableProperties) SetWidth ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetWidth(d measurement.Distance)
SetWidth sets the table with to a specified width.
func (TableProperties) SetWidthAuto ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetWidthAuto()
SetWidthAuto sets the the table width to automatic.
func (TableProperties) SetWidthPercent ¶
func (t TableProperties) SetWidthPercent(pct float64)
SetWidthPercent sets the table to a width percentage.
func (TableProperties) TableLook ¶
func (t TableProperties) TableLook() TableLook
TableLook returns the table look, or conditional formatting applied to a table style.
func (TableProperties) X ¶
func (t TableProperties) X() *wml.CT_TblPr
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type TableStyleProperties ¶
type TableStyleProperties struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableStyleProperties are table properties as defined in a style.
func (TableStyleProperties) Borders ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) Borders() TableBorders
Borders allows manipulation of the table borders.
func (TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingAuto()
SetCellSpacingAuto sets the cell spacing within a table to automatic.
func (TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) SetCellSpacingPercent(pct float64)
SetCellSpacingPercent sets the cell spacing within a table to a percent width.
func (TableStyleProperties) SetColumnBandSize ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) SetColumnBandSize(cols int64)
SetColumnBandSize sets the number of Columns in the column band
func (TableStyleProperties) SetRowBandSize ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) SetRowBandSize(rows int64)
SetRowBandSize sets the number of Rows in the row band
func (TableStyleProperties) SetTableIndent ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) SetTableIndent(ind measurement.Distance)
SetTableIndent sets the Table Indent from the Leading Margin
func (TableStyleProperties) X ¶
func (t TableStyleProperties) X() *wml.CT_TblPrBase
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
type TableWidth ¶
type TableWidth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TableWidth controls width values in table settings.
func NewTableWidth ¶
func NewTableWidth() TableWidth
NewTableWidth returns a newly intialized TableWidth
func (TableWidth) SetValue ¶
func (s TableWidth) SetValue(m measurement.Distance)
SetValue sets the width value.
func (TableWidth) X ¶
func (s TableWidth) X() *wml.CT_TblWidth
X returns the inner wrapped XML type.
Source Files
- anchoreddrawing.go
- bookmark.go
- cell.go
- cellborders.go
- cellmargins.go
- cellproperties.go
- color.go
- doc.go
- document.go
- fonts.go
- footer.go
- formfield.go
- formfieldtype_string.go
- header.go
- hyperlink.go
- inlinedrawing.go
- knownfields.go
- mailmerge.go
- numbering.go
- numberingdefinition.go
- numberinglevel.go
- onoffvalue.go
- paragraph.go
- paragraphproperties.go
- paragraphspacing.go
- paragraphstyleproperties.go
- row.go
- rowproperties.go
- run.go
- runproperties.go
- section.go
- settings.go
- structuredocumenttag.go
- style.go
- styles.go
- table.go
- tableborders.go
- tableconditionalformatting.go
- tableproperties.go
- tablestyleproperties.go
- tablewidth.go
- tbllook.go