
Receives Star events from GitHub and posts them to Slack.
Configuring a GitHub App
github-stars is implemented as a GitHub App: rather than the server polling for new stars, a GitHub App will forward
the events to a webhook when they occur.
To configure a GitHub app:
- Go to your GitHub account or organization settings.
- Navigate to Settings > Developer settings > GitHub Apps.
- Click New GitHub App.
- Fill in the details:
- GitHub App Name: Choose a name for your app.
- Homepage URL: Enter a valid URL (e.g., your app’s website or GitHub profile).
- Webhook URL: Add the endpoint where your app will receive event notifications.
- Webhook secret: Add a secure secret string
- In the Repository Permissions section, grant the following permission:
- Metadata: Read-only (required to identify repositories).
- In the Subscribe to Events section, check the Star event.
- Save your app.
- Install the app to your account. You can give access to all repositories, or a subset.
Configuring github-stars
github-stars supports the following commandline options:
-addr string
Prometheus handler address (default ":9091")
Enable debug mode
-directory string
Database directory (default ".")
-github.token string
GitHub API token
-github.webhook.addr string
Address for the webhook server (default ":8080")
-github.webhook.secret string
Secret for the webhook server (default "todo")
Include archived repositories
-slack.webHook string
Slack WebHook URL
-user string
GitHub username
At a minimum, you will need to configure:
- github.token: a GitHub personal access token granting access to your repositories.
- github.webHook.secret: the Webhook secret configured in the GitHub app.
- user: your GitHub account name.
- slack.webHook: the Slack webHook to use to post to your Slack workspace / channel.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.