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Published: Feb 9, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 36 Imported by: 0


REST API Documentation

API default service port is 6869. However, if running the desktop or standalone releases from the website, the port is randomized by default.

The API has two versions, /api/v1 and /api/v2. Previously, there was no /api/vx prefix. Starting in application version v0.24.0, the existing endpoints from v0.23.0 are now prefixed with /api/v1. To retain the old endpoints, run the application with -enable-unversioned-api.

API Version 1

/api/v1 endpoints have no standard format. Most of them accept formdata in POST requests, but a few accept application/json instead. Most of them return JSON but one or two return a plaintext string.

All endpoints will set an appropriate HTTP status code, using 200 for success and codes greater than or equal to 400 for error.

/api/v1 endpoints guarantee backwards compatibility.

API Version 2

Note: API Version 2 is under development, and not stable. The guidelines here are subject to change.

/api/v2 endpoints have a standard format.

All /api/v2 POST endpoints accept only application/json and return application/json.

All /api/v2 GET requires accept data in the query string. In the future we may have choose to have GET requests also accept POST with a JSON body, to support requests with a large query body, such as when requesting data for a large number of addresses or transactions.

/api/v2 responses are always JSON. If there is an error, the JSON object will look like this:

    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "bad arguments",

Response data will be included in a "data" field, which will always be a JSON object (not an array).

Some endpoints may return both "error" and "data". This will be noted in the documentation for that endpoint.

All responses will set an appropriate HTTP status code indicating an error, and it will be equal to the value of response["error"]["code"].

Since /api/v2 is still under development, there are no guarantees for backwards compatibility. However, any changes to the API will be recorded in the changelog.


All POST, PUT and DELETE requests require a CSRF token, obtained with a GET /api/v1/csrf call. The token must be placed in the X-CSRF-Token header. A token is only valid for 30 seconds and it is expected that the client obtains a new CSRF token for each request. Requesting a CSRF token invalidates any previous CSRF token.

A request rejected for invalid or expired CSRF will respond with 403 Forbidden - invalid CSRF token as the response body.

Get current csrf token
URI: /api/v1/csrf
Method: GET




    "csrf_token": "klSgXoMOFTvEnt8KptBvHjhlFnW0OIkzyFVn4i8frDvIus9iLsFukqA9sM9Rxf3pLZHRLr82vBQxTq50vbYA8g"

General system checks

Health check
URI: /api/v1/health
Method: GET




    "blockchain": {
        "head": {
            "seq": 21175,
            "block_hash": "8a3e0aac619551ae009cfb28c2b36bb1300925f74da770d1512072314f6a4c80",
            "previous_block_hash": "001eb7911b6a6ab7c75feb88726dd2bc8b87133aebc82201c4404537eb74f7ac",
            "timestamp": 1523168686,
            "fee": 2,
            "version": 0,
            "tx_body_hash": "36be8d70d1e9f70b340ea7ecf0b247c27086bad10568044c1196fe150f6cea1b"
        "unspents": 14750,
        "unconfirmed": 0,
        "time_since_last_block": "12m6s"
    "version": {
        "version": "0.23.0",
        "commit": "f61b4319c2f146a5ad86f7cbda26a1ba6a09998d",
        "branch": "develop"
    "open_connections": 30,
    "uptime": "13.686460853s"

Simple query APIs

Get node version info
URI: /api/v1/version
Method: GET




    "version": "0.20.0",
    "commit": "cc733e9922d85c359f5f183d3a3a6e42c73ccb16"
Get balance of addresses
URI: /api/v1/balance
Method: GET
    addrs: comma-separated list of addresses. must contain at least one address




    "confirmed": {
        "coins": 21000000,
        "hours": 142744
    "predicted": {
        "coins": 21000000,
        "hours": 142744
    "addresses": {
        "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 9000000,
                "hours": 88075
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 9000000,
                "hours": 88075
        "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 12000000,
                "hours": 54669
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 12000000,
                "hours": 54669
Get unspent output set of address or hash
URI: /api/v1/outputs
Method: GET
    addrs: address list, joined with ","
    hashes: hash list, joined with ","

Addrs and hashes cannot be combined.






    "head_outputs": [
            "hash": "7669ff7350d2c70a88093431a7b30d3e69dda2319dcb048aa80fa0d19e12ebe0",
            "block_seq": 22,
            "time": 1494275011,
            "src_tx": "b51e1933f286c4f03d73e8966186bafb25f64053db8514327291e690ae8aafa5",
            "address": "6dkVxyKFbFKg9Vdg6HPg1UANLByYRqkrdY",
            "coins": "2.000000",
            "hours": 633,
            "calculated_hours": 10023
    "outgoing_outputs": [],
    "incoming_outputs": []
Verify an address
URI: /api/v2/address/verify
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Args: {"address": "<address>"}

Parses and validates a Skycoin/Galtcoin address. Returns the address version in the response.

Error responses:

  • 400 Bad Request: The request body is not valid JSON or the address is missing from the request body
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity: The address is invalid

Example for a valid address:

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{"address":"2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2"}'


    "data": {
        "version": 0,

Example for an invalid address:

curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{"address":"2aTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2"}'


    "error": {
        "message": "Invalid checksum",
        "code": 422

Wallet APIs

Get wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet
Method: GET
    id: Wallet ID [required]




    "meta": {
        "coin": "skycoin",
        "filename": "2017_11_25_e5fb.wlt",
        "label": "test",
        "type": "deterministic",
        "version": "0.2",
        "crypto_type": "",
        "timestamp": 1511640884,
        "encrypted": false
    "entries": [
            "address": "2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2",
            "public_key": "0316ff74a8004adf9c71fa99808ee34c3505ee73c5cf82aa301d17817da3ca33b1"
            "address": "SMnCGfpt7zVXm8BkRSFMLeMRA6LUu3Ewne",
            "public_key": "02539528248a1a2c4f0b73233491103ca83b40249dac3ae9eee9a10b9f9debd9a3"
Get wallet transactions
URI: /api/v1/wallet/transactions
Method: GET
	id: Wallet ID

Returns all pending transaction for all addresses by selected Wallet




    "transactions": [
            "transaction": {
                "length": 317,
                "type": 0,
                "txid": "76ecbabc53ea2a3be46983058433dda6a3cf7ea0b86ba14d90b932fa97385de7",
                "inner_hash": "5d55837bb0cbda9c9323ff9aafd7c3d31d0d38638346172fbe2d9078ebaa892a",
                "sigs": [
                "inputs": [
                "outputs": [
                        "uxid": "bd302ef776efa8548183b89f21e90649f21b90fe2d2e90ecc1b880f2d995f226",
                        "dst": "2UXZTg4ZHF6715b6tRhtaqceuQQ3G79GiZg",
                        "coins": "998.000000",
                        "hours": 247538
                        "uxid": "31058b6bfb30bfd441aec00929e75782bce47c8a75787ba519dbb268f89d2c4b",
                        "dst": "2awsJ2CR5H6QXCF2hwDjcvcAH9SgyfxCxgz",
                        "coins": "1.000000",
                        "hours": 247538
            "received": "2018-03-16T18:03:57.139109904+05:30",
            "checked": "2018-03-16T18:03:57.139109904+05:30",
            "announced": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "is_valid": true
Get wallets
URI: /api/v1/wallets
Method: GET




        "meta": {
            "coin": "skycoin",
            "filename": "2017_11_25_e5fb.wlt",
            "label": "test",
            "type": "deterministic",
            "version": "0.2",
            "crypto_type": "",
            "timestamp": 1511640884,
            "encrypted": false
        "entries": [
                "address": "8C5icxR9zdkYTZZTVV3cCX7QoK4EkLuK4p",
                "public_key": "0316ff74a8004adf9c71fa99808ee34c3505ee73c5cf82aa301d17817da3ca33b1"
                "address": "23A1EWMZopUFLCwtXMe2CU9xTCbi5Gth643",
                "public_key": "02539528248a1a2c4f0b73233491103ca83b40249dac3ae9eee9a10b9f9debd9a3"
Get wallet folder name
URI: /api/v1/wallets/folderName
Method: GET




    "address": "/Users/user/.galtcoin/wallets"
Generate wallet seed
URI: /api/v1/wallet/newSeed
Method: GET
    entropy: seed entropy [optional]
             can either be 128 or 256; 128 = 12 word seed, 256 = 24 word seed
             default: 128




    "seed": "helmet van actor peanut differ icon trial glare member cancel marble rack"
Create a wallet from seed
URI: /api/v1/wallet/create
Method: POST
    seed: wallet seed [required]
    label: wallet label [required]
    scan: the number of addresses to scan ahead for balances [optional, must be > 0]
    encrypt: encrypt wallet [optional, bool value]
    password: wallet password[optional, must be provided if encrypt is true]


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'seed=$seed' \
 -d 'label=$label' \
 -d 'scan=5' \
 -d 'password=$password'


    "meta": {
        "coin": "skycoin",
        "filename": "2017_05_09_d554.wlt",
        "label": "test",
        "type": "deterministic",
        "version": "0.2",
        "crypto_type": "",
        "timestamp": 1511640884,
        "encrypted": false
    "entries": [
            "address": "y2JeYS4RS8L9GYM7UKdjLRyZanKHXumFoH",
            "public_key": "0316ff74a8004adf9c71fa99808ee34c3505ee73c5cf82aa301d17817da3ca33b1"
Generate new address in wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet/newAddress
Method: POST
    id: wallet file name
    num: the number you want to generate
    password: wallet password


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=2017_05_09_d554.wlt' \
 -d 'num=2' \
 -d 'password=$password'


    "addresses": [
Updates wallet label
URI: /api/v1/wallet/update
Method: POST
    id: wallet file name
    label: wallet label


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=$id' \
 -d 'label=$label'


Get wallet balance
URI: /api/v1/wallet/balance
Method: GET
    id: wallet file name




    "confirmed": {
        "coins": 210400000,
        "hours": 1873147
    "predicted": {
        "coins": 210400000,
        "hours": 1873147
    "addresses": {
        "AXrFisGovRhRHipsbGahs4u2hXX7pDRT5p": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 1250000,
                "hours": 941185
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 1250000,
                "hours": 941185
        "AtNorKBpCgkSRL7zES7aAQyNjqjqPp2QJU": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 1150000,
                "hours": 61534
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 1150000,
                "hours": 61534
        "VUv9ehMZWmDvwWV36BQ3eL1ujb4MQ5TGyK": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 208000000,
                "hours": 870428
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 208000000,
                "hours": 870428
        "j4mbF1fTe8jgXbrRARZSBjDpD1hMGSe1E4": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 0,
                "hours": 0
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 0,
                "hours": 0
        "uyqBPcRCWucHXs18e9VZyNEeuNsD5tFDhy": {
            "confirmed": {
                "coins": 0,
                "hours": 0
            "predicted": {
                "coins": 0,
                "hours": 0
Spend coins from wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet/spend
Method: POST
    id: wallet id
    dst: recipient address
    coins: number of coins to send, in droplets. 1 coin equals 1e6 droplets.
    password: wallet password.
    balance: new balance of the wallet
    txn: spent transaction
    error: an error that may have occured after broadcast the transaction to the network
           if this field is not empty, the spend succeeded, but the response data could not be prepared
    200: successful spend. NOTE: the response may include an "error" field. if this occurs, the spend succeeded
         but the response data could not be prepared. The client should NOT spend again.
    400: Invalid query params, wallet lacks enough coin hours, insufficient balance
    403: Wallet api disabled
    404: wallet does not exist
    500: other errors

This endpoint is deprecated, use POST /wallet/transaction

Example, send 1 coin to 2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc from wallet 2017_05_09_ea42.wlt:

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'id=2017_05_09_ea42.wlt' \
  -d 'dst=2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc' \
  -d 'coins=1000000'
  -d 'password=$password'


    "balance": {
        "confirmed": {
            "coins": 61000000,
            "hours": 19667
        "predicted": {
            "coins": 61000000,
            "hours": 19667
    "txn": {
        "length": 317,
        "type": 0,
        "txid": "89578005d8730fe1789288ee7dea036160a9bd43234fb673baa6abd91289a48b",
        "inner_hash": "cac977eee019832245724aa643ceff451b9d8b24612b2f6a58177c79e8a4c26f",
        "sigs": [
        "inputs": [
        "outputs": [
                "uxid": "ec9cf2f6052bab24ec57847c72cfb377c06958a9e04a077d07b6dd5bf23ec106",
                "dst": "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq",
                "coins": "60.000000",
                "hours": 2458
                "uxid": "be40210601829ba8653bac1d6ecc4049955d97fb490a48c310fd912280422bd9",
                "dst": "2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc",
                "coins": "1.000000",
                "hours": 2458
    "error": ""
Create transaction
URI: /api/v1/wallet/transaction
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Args: JSON body, see examples

Creates a transaction, returning the transaction preview and the encoded, serialized transaction. The encoded_transaction can be provided to POST /api/v1/injectTransaction to broadcast it to the network.

The request body includes:

  • An optional change address
  • A wallet to spend from with the optional ability to restrict which addresses or which unspent outputs in the wallet to use
  • A list of destinations with address and coins specified, as well as optionally specifying hours
  • A configuration for how destination hours are distributed, either manual or automatic
  • Additional options

Example request body with manual hours selection type, unencrypted wallet and all wallet addresses may spend:

    "ignore_unconfirmed": false,
    "hours_selection": {
        "type": "manual"
    "wallet": {
        "id": "foo.wlt"
    "change_address": "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq",
    "to": [{
        "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
        "coins": "1.032",
        "hours": 7
    }, {
        "address": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
        "coins": "99.2",
        "hours": 0

Example request body with auto hours selection type, encrypted wallet, specified spending addresses:

    "hours_selection": {
        "type": "auto",
        "mode": "share",
        "share_factor": "0.5"
    "wallet": {
        "id": "foo.wlt",
        "addresses": ["2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc"],
        "password": "foobar",
    "change_address": "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq",
    "to": [{
        "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
        "coins": "1.032"
    }, {
        "address": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
        "coins": "99.2"

Example request body with manual hours selection type, unencrypted wallet and spending specific unspent outputs:

    "hours_selection": {
        "type": "manual"
    "wallet": {
        "id": "foo.wlt",
        "unspents": ["519c069a0593e179f226e87b528f60aea72826ec7f99d51279dd8854889ed7e2", "4e4e41996297511a40e2ef0046bd6b7118a8362c1f4f09a288c5c3ea2f4dfb85"]
    "change_address": "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq",
    "to": [{
        "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
        "coins": "1.032",
        "hours": 7
    }, {
        "address": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
        "coins": "99.2",
        "hours": 0

The hours_selection field has two types: manual or auto.

If manual, all destination hours must be specified.

If auto, the mode field must be set. The only valid value for mode is "share". For the "share" mode, share_factor must also be set. This must be a decimal value greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1. In the auto share mode, the remaining hours after the fee are shared between the destination addresses as a whole, and the change address. Amongst the destination addresses, the shared hours are distributed proportionally.

When using the auto "share" mode, if there are remaining coin hours as change, but no coins are available as change from the wallet (which are needed to retain the coin hours as change), the share_factor will switch to 1.0 so that extra coin hours are distributed to the outputs instead of being burned as an additional fee. For the manual mode, if there are leftover coin hours but no coins to make change with, the leftover coin hours will be burned in addition to the required fee.

All objects in to must be unique; a single transaction cannot create multiple outputs with the same address, coins and hours.

For example, this is a valid value for to, if hours_selection.type is "manual":

    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2",
    "hours": "1"
}, {
    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2",
    "hours": "2"

But this is an invalid value for to, if hours_selection.type is "manual":

    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2",
    "hours": "1"
}, {
    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2",
    "hours": "1"

And this is a valid value for to, if hours_selection.type is "auto":

    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2"
}, {
    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.201"

But this is an invalid value for to, if hours_selection.type is "auto":

    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2"
}, {
    "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
    "coins": "1.2"

To control which addresses to spend from, specify wallet.addresses. A subset of the unspent outputs associated with these addresses will be chosen for spending, based upon an internal selection algorithm.

To control which unspent outputs to spend from, specify wallet.unspents. A subset of these unspent outputs will be chosen for spending, based upon an internal selection algorithm.

wallet.addresses and wallets.uxouts cannot be combined.

If neither wallet.addresses nor wallet.unspents are specified, then all outputs associated with all addresses in the wallet may be chosen from to spend with.

change_address is optional. If set, it is not required to be an address in the wallet. If not set, it will default to one of the addresses associated with the unspent outputs being spent in the transaction.

ignore_unconfirmed is optional and defaults to false. When false, the API will return an error if any of the unspent outputs associated with the wallet addresses or the wallet outputs appear as spent in a transaction in the unconfirmed transaction pool. When true, the API will ignore unspent outputs that appear as spent in a transaction in the unconfirmed transaction pool when building the transaction, but not return an error.


curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{
    "hours_selection": {
        "type": "auto",
        "mode": "share",
        "share_factor": "0.5"
    "wallet": {
        "id": "foo.wlt"
    "change_address": "uvcDrKc8rHTjxLrU4mPN56Hyh2tR6RvCvw",
    "to": [{
        "address": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
        "coins": "1",
    }, {
        "address": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
        "coins": "8.99",


    "transaction": {
        "length": 257,
        "type": 0,
        "txid": "5f060918d2da468a784ff440fbba80674c829caca355a27ae067f465d0a5e43e",
        "inner_hash": "97dd062820314c46da0fc18c8c6c10bfab1d5da80c30adc79bbe72e90bfab11d",
        "fee": "437691",
        "sigs": [
        "inputs": [
                "uxid": "7068bfd0f0f914ea3682d0e5cb3231b75cb9f0776bf9013d79b998d96c93ce2b",
                "address": "g4XmbmVyDnkswsQTSqYRsyoh1YqydDX1wp",
                "coins": "10.000000",
                "hours": "853667",
                "calculated_hours": "862290",
                "timestamp": 1524242826,
                "block": 23575,
                "txid": "ccfbb51e94cb58a619a82502bc986fb028f632df299ce189c2ff2932574a03e7"
        "outputs": [
                "uxid": "519c069a0593e179f226e87b528f60aea72826ec7f99d51279dd8854889ed7e2",
                "address": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
                "coins": "1.000000",
                "hours": "22253"
                "uxid": "4e4e41996297511a40e2ef0046bd6b7118a8362c1f4f09a288c5c3ea2f4dfb85",
                "address": "2Huip6Eizrq1uWYqfQEh4ymibLysJmXnWXS",
                "coins": "8.990000",
                "hours": "200046"
                "uxid": "fdeb3f77408f39e50a8e3b6803ce2347aac2eba8118c494424f9fa4959bab507",
                "address": "uvcDrKc8rHTjxLrU4mPN56Hyh2tR6RvCvw",
                "coins": "0.010000",
                "hours": "222300"
    "encoded_transaction": "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"
Unload wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet/unload
Method: POST
    id: wallet file name


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=2017_05_09_d554.wlt'
Encrypt wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet/encrypt
Method: POST
    id: wallet id
    password: wallet password


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=test.wlt' \
 -d 'password=$password'


    "meta": {
        "coin": "skycoin",
        "filename": "test.wlt",
        "label": "test",
        "type": "deterministic",
        "version": "0.2",
        "crypto_type": "scrypt-chacha20poly1305",
        "timestamp": 1521083044,
        "encrypted": true
    "entries": [
            "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
            "public_key": "0316ff74a8004adf9c71fa99808ee34c3505ee73c5cf82aa301d17817da3ca33b1"
Decrypt wallet
URI: /api/v1/wallet/decrypt
Method: POST
    id: wallet id
    password: wallet password


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=test.wlt' \
 -d 'password=$password'


    "meta": {
        "coin": "skycoin",
        "filename": "test.wlt",
        "label": "test",
        "type": "deterministic",
        "version": "0.2",
        "crypto_type": "",
        "timestamp": 1521083044,
        "encrypted": false
    "entries": [
            "address": "fznGedkc87a8SsW94dBowEv6J7zLGAjT17",
            "public_key": "032a1218cbafc8a93233f363c19c667cf02d42fa5a8a07c0d6feca79e82d72753d"
Get wallet seed

This endpoint is supported only when -enable-seed-api option is enabled and the wallet is encrypted.

URI: /api/v1/wallet/seed
Method: POST
    id: wallet id
    password: wallet password


curl -X POST \
 -H 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
 -d 'id=test.wlt' \
 -d 'password=$password'


    "seed": "your wallet seed"

Transaction APIs

Get unconfirmed transactions
URI: /api/v1/pendingTxs
Method: GET




        "transaction": {
            "length": 317,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "89578005d8730fe1789288ee7dea036160a9bd43234fb673baa6abd91289a48b",
            "inner_hash": "cac977eee019832245724aa643ceff451b9d8b24612b2f6a58177c79e8a4c26f",
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "ec9cf2f6052bab24ec57847c72cfb377c06958a9e04a077d07b6dd5bf23ec106",
                    "dst": "nu7eSpT6hr5P21uzw7bnbxm83B6ywSjHdq",
                    "coins": "60.000000",
                    "hours": 2458
                    "uxid": "be40210601829ba8653bac1d6ecc4049955d97fb490a48c310fd912280422bd9",
                    "dst": "2iVtHS5ye99Km5PonsB42No3pQRGEURmxyc",
                    "coins": "1.000000",
                    "hours": 2458
        "received": "2017-05-09T10:11:57.14303834+02:00",
        "checked": "2017-05-09T10:19:58.801315452+02:00",
        "announced": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "is_valid": true
Get transaction info by id
URI: /api/v1/transaction
Method: GET
    txid: transaction id




    "status": {
        "confirmed": true,
        "unconfirmed": false,
        "height": 1,
        "block_seq": 1178,
        "unknown": false
    "txn": {
        "length": 183,
        "type": 0,
        "txid": "a6446654829a4a844add9f181949d12f8291fdd2c0fcb22200361e90e814e2d3",
        "inner_hash": "075f255d42ddd2fb228fe488b8b468526810db7a144aeed1fd091e3fd404626e",
        "timestamp": 1494275231,
        "sigs": [
        "inputs": [
        "outputs": [
                "uxid": "70fa9dfb887f9ef55beb4e960f60e4703c56f98201acecf2cad729f5d7e84690",
                "dst": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
                "coins": "8.000000",
                "hours": 931
Get raw transaction by id
URI: /api/v1/rawtx
Method: GET




Inject raw transaction
URI: /api/v1/injectTransaction
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"rawtx": "raw transaction"}

Broadcasts an encoded transaction to the network.

If there are no available connections, the API responds with a 503 Service Unavailable error.

Note that in some circumstances the transaction can fail to broadcast but this endpoint will still return successfully. This can happen if the node's network has recently become unavailable but its connections have not timed out yet.


curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{


URI: /api/v1/transactions
Method: GET
	addrs: Comma seperated addresses [optional, returns all transactions if no address is provided]
    confirmed: Whether the transactions should be confirmed [optional, must be 0 or 1; if not provided, returns all]

To get address related confirmed transactions:


To get address related unconfirmed transactions:


To get all addresses related transactions:



        "status": {
            "confirmed": true,
            "unconfirmed": false,
            "height": 10492,
            "block_seq": 1177,
            "unknown": false
        "time": 1494275011,
        "txn": {
            "length": 317,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "b09cd3a8baef6a449848f50a1b97943006ca92747d4e485d0647a3ea74550eca",
            "inner_hash": "2cb370051c92521a04ba5357e229d8ffa90d9d1741ea223b44dd60a1483ee0e5",
            "timestamp": 1494275011,
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "5287f390628909dd8c25fad0feb37859c0c1ddcf90da0c040c837c89fefd9191",
                    "dst": "2K6NuLBBapWndAssUtkxKfCtyjDQDHrEhhT",
                    "coins": "8.000000",
                    "hours": 7454
                    "uxid": "a1268e9bd2033b49b44afa765d20876467254f51e5515626780467267a65c563",
                    "dst": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
                    "coins": "1.000000",
                    "hours": 7454
        "status": {
            "confirmed": true,
            "unconfirmed": false,
            "height": 10491,
            "block_seq": 1178,
            "unknown": false
        "time": 1494275231,
        "txn": {
            "length": 183,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "a6446654829a4a844add9f181949d12f8291fdd2c0fcb22200361e90e814e2d3",
            "inner_hash": "075f255d42ddd2fb228fe488b8b468526810db7a144aeed1fd091e3fd404626e",
            "timestamp": 1494275231,
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "70fa9dfb887f9ef55beb4e960f60e4703c56f98201acecf2cad729f5d7e84690",
                    "dst": "7cpQ7t3PZZXvjTst8G7Uvs7XH4LeM8fBPD",
                    "coins": "8.000000",
                    "hours": 931
        "status": {
            "confirmed": true,
            "unconfirmed": false,
            "height": 8730,
            "block_seq": 2939,
            "unknown": false
        "time": 1505205561,
        "txn": {
            "length": 474,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "b45e571988bc07bd0b623c999655fa878fb9bdd24c8cd24fde179bf4b26ae7b7",
            "inner_hash": "393804eca6afadc05db80cfb9e1024ef5761231c70705c406301bad33161f8bf",
            "timestamp": 1505205561,
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "732e129fc1630aba3f06d833ce0a7a25f05dae5df3e7a135b5f82e99222e8c28",
                    "dst": "2hAjmdPP9R3um9JhKczeVdJUVugY6SPJBDm",
                    "coins": "6.000000",
                    "hours": 204
Resend unconfirmed transactions
URI: /api/v1/resendUnconfirmedTxns
Method: GET




Verify encoded transaction
URI: /api/v2/transaction/verify
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Args: {"encoded_transaction": "<hex encoded serialized transaction>"}

If the transaction can be parsed, passes validation and has not been spent, returns 200 OK with the decoded transaction data, and the "confirmed" field will be false.

If the transaction is structurally valid, passes validation but has been spent, returns 422 Unprocessable Entity with the decoded transaction data, and the "confirmed" field will be true. The "error" "message" will be "transaction has been spent".

If the transaction can be parsed but does not pass validation, returns 422 Unprocessable Entity with the decoded transaction data. The "error" object will be included in the response with the reason why. If the transaction's inputs cannot be found in the unspent pool nor in the historical archive of unspents, the transaction "inputs" metadata will be absent and only "uxid" will be present.

If the transaction can not be parsed, returns 400 Bad Request and the "error" object will be included in the response with the reason why.

Example of valid transaction that has not been spent:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"encoded_transaction": "dc000000004fd024d60939fede67065b36adcaaeaf70fc009e3a5bbb8358940ccc8bbb2074010000007635ce932158ec06d94138adc9c9b19113fa4c2279002e6b13dcd0b65e0359f247e8666aa64d7a55378b9cc9983e252f5877a7cb2671c3568ec36579f8df1581000100000019ad5059a7fffc0369fc24b31db7e92e12a4ee2c134fb00d336d7495dec7354d02000000003f0555073e17ea6e45283f0f1115b520d0698d03a086010000000000010000000000000000b90dc595d102c48d3281b47428670210415f585200f22b0000000000ff01000000000000"}'


    "data": {
        "confirmed": false,
        "transaction": {
            "length": 220,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "82b5fcb182e3d70c285e59332af6b02bf11d8acc0b1407d7d82b82e9eeed94c0",
            "inner_hash": "4fd024d60939fede67065b36adcaaeaf70fc009e3a5bbb8358940ccc8bbb2074",
            "fee": "1042",
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
                    "uxid": "19ad5059a7fffc0369fc24b31db7e92e12a4ee2c134fb00d336d7495dec7354d",
                    "address": "2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2",
                    "coins": "2.980000",
                    "hours": "985",
                    "calculated_hours": "1554",
                    "timestamp": 1527080354,
                    "block": 30074,
                    "txid": "94204347ef52d90b3c5d6c31a3fced56ae3f74fd8f1f5576931aeb60847f0e59"
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "b0911a5fc4dfe4524cdb82f6db9c705f4849af42fcd487a3c4abb2d17573d234",
                    "address": "SMnCGfpt7zVXm8BkRSFMLeMRA6LUu3Ewne",
                    "coins": "0.100000",
                    "hours": "1"
                    "uxid": "a492e6b85a434866be40da7e287bfcf14efce9803ff2fcd9d865c4046e81712a",
                    "address": "2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2",
                    "coins": "2.880000",
                    "hours": "511"

Example of valid transaction that has been spent:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"encoded_transaction": "dc000000004fd024d60939fede67065b36adcaaeaf70fc009e3a5bbb8358940ccc8bbb2074010000007635ce932158ec06d94138adc9c9b19113fa4c2279002e6b13dcd0b65e0359f247e8666aa64d7a55378b9cc9983e252f5877a7cb2671c3568ec36579f8df1581000100000019ad5059a7fffc0369fc24b31db7e92e12a4ee2c134fb00d336d7495dec7354d02000000003f0555073e17ea6e45283f0f1115b520d0698d03a086010000000000010000000000000000b90dc595d102c48d3281b47428670210415f585200f22b0000000000ff01000000000000"}'


    "error": {
        "message": "transaction has been spent",
        "code": 422
    "data": {
        "confirmed": true,
        "transaction": {
            "length": 220,
            "type": 0,
            "txid": "82b5fcb182e3d70c285e59332af6b02bf11d8acc0b1407d7d82b82e9eeed94c0",
            "inner_hash": "4fd024d60939fede67065b36adcaaeaf70fc009e3a5bbb8358940ccc8bbb2074",
            "fee": "1042",
            "sigs": [
            "inputs": [
                    "uxid": "19ad5059a7fffc0369fc24b31db7e92e12a4ee2c134fb00d336d7495dec7354d",
                    "address": "2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2",
                    "coins": "2.980000",
                    "hours": "985",
                    "calculated_hours": "1554",
                    "timestamp": 1527080354,
                    "block": 30074,
                    "txid": "94204347ef52d90b3c5d6c31a3fced56ae3f74fd8f1f5576931aeb60847f0e59"
            "outputs": [
                    "uxid": "b0911a5fc4dfe4524cdb82f6db9c705f4849af42fcd487a3c4abb2d17573d234",
                    "address": "SMnCGfpt7zVXm8BkRSFMLeMRA6LUu3Ewne",
                    "coins": "0.100000",
                    "hours": "1"
                    "uxid": "a492e6b85a434866be40da7e287bfcf14efce9803ff2fcd9d865c4046e81712a",
                    "address": "2HTnQe3ZupkG6k8S81brNC3JycGV2Em71F2",
                    "coins": "2.880000",
                    "hours": "511"

Block APIs

Get blockchain metadata
URI: /api/v1/blockchain/metadata
Method: GET




    "head": {
        "seq": 17936,
        "block_hash": "b91663fa8ff14aab529cd7bfd48bde5bd86e3c2db154d601528801ee0d064d19",
        "previous_block_hash": "b57d3b644898f95c9f7a9281e786a0ae2a567e9dc573654363ffafaa41ab4caf",
        "timestamp": 1520967639,
        "fee": 61662,
        "version": 0,
        "tx_body_hash": "f0e8440f30acf01def3acaa9a88ea91f1fbaea19c0df003726edfe5bd1c7b51d"
    "unspents": 12704,
    "unconfirmed": 0
Get blockchain progress
URI: /api/v1/blockchain/progress
Method: GET




    "current": 2760,
    "highest": 2760,
    "peers": [
        "address": "",
        "height": 2760
        "address": "",
        "height": 2760
Get block by hash or seq
URI: /api/v1/block
Method: GET
    hash: get block by hash
    seq: get block by sequence number




    "header": {
        "seq": 2760,
        "block_hash": "6eafd13ab6823223b714246b32c984b56e0043412950faf17defdbb2cbf3fe30",
        "previous_block_hash": "eaccd527ef263573c29000dbfb3c782ee175153c63f42abb671588b7071e877f",
        "timestamp": 1504220821,
        "fee": 196130,
        "version": 0,
        "tx_body_hash": "825ae95b81ae0ce037cdf9f1cda138bac3f3ed41c51b09e0befb71848e0f3bfd"
    "body": {
        "txns": [
                "length": 220,
                "type": 0,
                "txid": "825ae95b81ae0ce037cdf9f1cda138bac3f3ed41c51b09e0befb71848e0f3bfd",
                "inner_hash": "312e5dd55e06be5f9a0ee43a00d447f2fea47a7f1fb9669ecb477d2768ab04fd",
                "sigs": [
                "inputs": [
                "outputs": [
                        "uxid": "840d0ee483c1dc085e6518e1928c68979af61188b809fc74da9fca982e6a61ba",
                        "dst": "2GgFvqoyk9RjwVzj8tqfcXVXB4orBwoc9qv",
                        "coins": "998.000000",
                        "hours": 35390
                        "uxid": "38177c437ff42f29dc8d682e2f7c278f2203b6b02f42b1a88f9eb6c2392a7f70",
                        "dst": "2YHKP9yH7baLvkum3U6HCBiJjnAUCLS5Z9U",
                        "coins": "2.000000",
                        "hours": 70780
    "size": 220
Get blocks in specific range
URI: /api/v1/blocks
Method: GET
    start: start seq
    end: end seq




    "blocks": [
            "header": {
                "seq": 100,
                "block_hash": "725e76907998485d367a847b0fb49f08536c592247762279fcdbd9907fee5607",
                "previous_block_hash": "5c06896760ace71b02edab01700ff9ca8c32ef1d647e14c3e0d5fa751e47867e",
                "timestamp": 1429274636,
                "fee": 613712,
                "version": 0,
                "tx_body_hash": "9f20b52befed2cbaaa4a066de7119b7fdbff09a83d8e2a82628671f51f3f6551"
            "body": {
                "txns": [
                        "length": 183,
                        "type": 0,
                        "txid": "9f20b52befed2cbaaa4a066de7119b7fdbff09a83d8e2a82628671f51f3f6551",
                        "inner_hash": "c2e60dbb6ad5095985d21391cbeb679fd0787c4a20471340d63f8de437d915df",
                        "sigs": [
                        "inputs": [
                        "outputs": [
                                "uxid": "194cc596d2beda803d8142ddc455872082f84b09a5edd8085082b60d314c1e29",
                                "dst": "qxmeHkwgAMfwXyaQrwv9jq3qt228xMuoT5",
                                "coins": "23000.000000",
                                "hours": 87673
            "size": 183
            "header": {
                "seq": 101,
                "block_hash": "8156057fc823589288f66c91edb60c11ff004465bcbe3a402b1328be7f0d6ce0",
                "previous_block_hash": "725e76907998485d367a847b0fb49f08536c592247762279fcdbd9907fee5607",
                "timestamp": 1429274666,
                "fee": 720335,
                "version": 0,
                "tx_body_hash": "e8fe5290afba3933389fd5860dca2cbcc81821028be9c65d0bb7cf4e8d2c4c18"
            "body": {
                "txns": [
                        "length": 183,
                        "type": 0,
                        "txid": "e8fe5290afba3933389fd5860dca2cbcc81821028be9c65d0bb7cf4e8d2c4c18",
                        "inner_hash": "45da31b68748eafdb08ef8bf1ebd1c07c0f14fcb0d66759d6cf4642adc956d06",
                        "sigs": [
                        "inputs": [
                        "outputs": [
                                "uxid": "f9bffdcbe252acb1c3a8a1e8c99829342ba1963860d5692eebaeb9bcfbcaf274",
                                "dst": "R6aHqKWSQfvpdo2fGSrq4F1RYXkBWR9HHJ",
                                "coins": "27000.000000",
                                "hours": 102905
            "size": 183
Get last N blocks
URI: /api/v1/last_blocks
Method: GET
    num: number of most recent blocks to return




    "blocks": [
            "header": {
                "seq": 21182,
                "block_hash": "a9045e524ff3bef82955198f274a5538ccec3958b3045c396a4b2a591fa1d99c",
                "previous_block_hash": "819b3f83afef7be9c37ab7819e193ad3a55439fb3cda52cb8691aab62bfc3936",
                "timestamp": 1523174576,
                "fee": 34572,
                "version": 0,
                "tx_body_hash": "99548cd7cc0091ce2d324647c20d22616e44424961f098c7fc81be9e9dc90c62"
            "body": {
                "txns": [
                        "length": 220,
                        "type": 0,
                        "txid": "99548cd7cc0091ce2d324647c20d22616e44424961f098c7fc81be9e9dc90c62",
                        "inner_hash": "b283e783a3055c5b9e89449434ebd4f63c88450d48bc0eccd274c39c347a498a",
                        "sigs": [
                        "inputs": [
                        "outputs": [
                                "uxid": "7c061ba81dedcf9046d6f964efea99860dfa0b07a2de80dd24f658b8c12d2ffc",
                                "dst": "2GgFvqoyk9RjwVzj8tqfcXVXB4orBwoc9qv",
                                "coins": "648.000000",
                                "hours": 2
                                "uxid": "89835a170bf7b1d5067c77b84c15ddc9b7d62da213eef34d8c4dbe40ab2b3158",
                                "dst": "2QzAjmkm9UZoYodZLDrDUjEuFCjU3uoNoEm",
                                "coins": "283.000000",
                                "hours": 2
            "size": 220
            "header": {
                "seq": 21183,
                "block_hash": "96a2f810e56545bf819ad76123609e16e4c82b5d14911b0b18368e4347e8b1b5",
                "previous_block_hash": "a9045e524ff3bef82955198f274a5538ccec3958b3045c396a4b2a591fa1d99c",
                "timestamp": 1523174636,
                "fee": 108118,
                "version": 0,
                "tx_body_hash": "c3052a92828873a0594a95a44051a9962f3794b0bcd4948d2d616496f1e06cd7"
            "body": {
                "txns": [
                        "length": 220,
                        "type": 0,
                        "txid": "c3052a92828873a0594a95a44051a9962f3794b0bcd4948d2d616496f1e06cd7",
                        "inner_hash": "a81ae47fdf0a09933576da113ed098b1f8e62b7fdddf318fd5cc70420bad2228",
                        "sigs": [
                        "inputs": [
                        "outputs": [
                                "uxid": "96f14e7e9d024aa49ad7e3e7b55d98bef8601ce9696f09581391eb07cda42ffe",
                                "dst": "2GgFvqoyk9RjwVzj8tqfcXVXB4orBwoc9qv",
                                "coins": "921.000000",
                                "hours": 98
                                "uxid": "5cd59f80656e92961f824a9c65b30f61badd9265069f0a504f5c73a2bea54990",
                                "dst": "CP7tbttW82zNdygJ1UBFhzbhu9bbz8Rcez",
                                "coins": "10.000000",
                                "hours": 98
            "size": 220

Explorer APIs

Get address affected transactions
URI: /api/v1/explorer/address
Method: GET




        "status": {
            "confirmed": true,
            "unconfirmed": false,
            "height": 12639,
            "block_seq": 15493,
            "unknown": false
        "length": 183,
        "type": 0,
        "txid": "6d8e2f8b436a2f38d604b3aa1196ef2176779c5e11e33fbdd09f993fe659c39f",
        "inner_hash": "8da7c64dcedeeb6aa1e0d21fb84a0028dcd68e6801f1a3cc0224fdd50682046f",
        "timestamp": 1518878675,
        "size": 183,
        "fee": 126249,
        "sigs": [
        "inputs": [
                "uxid": "349b06e5707f633fd2d8f048b687b40462d875d968b246831434fb5ab5dcac38",
                "owner": "WzPDgdfL1NzSbX96tscUNXUqtCRLjaBugC",
                "coins": "125.000000",
                "hours": 34596,
                "calculated_hours": 178174
        "outputs": [
                "uxid": "5b4a79c7de2e9099e083bbc8096619ae76ba6fbe34875c61bbe2d3bfa6b18b99",
                "dst": "2NfNKsaGJEndpSajJ6TsKJfsdDjW2gFsjXg",
                "coins": "125.000000",
                "hours": 51925

Uxout APIs

Get uxout
URI: /api/v1/uxout
Method: GET




    "uxid": "8b64d9b058e10472b9457fd2d05a1d89cbbbd78ce1d97b16587d43379271bed1",
    "time": 1502870712,
    "src_block_seq": 2545,
    "src_tx": "ded9e671510ab300a4ea3ee126fe8e2d50b995021e2db4589c6fb4ac000fe7bb",
    "owner_address": "c9zyTYwgR4n89KyzknpmGaaDarUCPEs9mV",
    "coins": 2000000,
    "hours": 5039,
    "spent_block_seq": 2556,
    "spent_tx": "b51e1933f286c4f03d73e8966186bafb25f64053db8514327291e690ae8aafa5"
Get address affected uxouts
URI: /api/v1/address_uxouts
Method: GET




        "uxid": "7669ff7350d2c70a88093431a7b30d3e69dda2319dcb048aa80fa0d19e12ebe0",
        "time": 1502936862,
        "src_block_seq": 2556,
        "src_tx": "b51e1933f286c4f03d73e8966186bafb25f64053db8514327291e690ae8aafa5",
        "owner_address": "6dkVxyKFbFKg9Vdg6HPg1UANLByYRqkrdY",
        "coins": 2000000,
        "hours": 633,
        "spent_block_seq": 0,
        "spent_tx": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Coin supply
URI: /api/v1/coinSupply
Method: GET




    "current_supply": "7187500.000000",
    "total_supply": "25000000.000000",
    "max_supply": "100000000.000000",
    "current_coinhour_supply": "23499025077",
    "total_coinhour_supply": "93679828577",
    "unlocked_distribution_addresses": [
    "locked_distribution_addresses": [
Richlist show top N addresses by uxouts
URI: /api/v1/richlist
Method: GET
    n: top N addresses, [default 20, returns all if <= 0].
    include-distribution: include distribution addresses or not, default false.


curl ""


    "richlist": [
            "address": "zMDywYdGEDtTSvWnCyc3qsYHWwj9ogws74",
            "coins": "1000000.000000",
            "locked": true
            "address": "z6CJZfYLvmd41GRVE8HASjRcy5hqbpHZvE",
            "coins": "1000000.000000",
            "locked": true
            "address": "wyQVmno9aBJZmQ99nDSLoYWwp7YDJCWsrH",
            "coins": "1000000.000000",
            "locked": true
            "address": "tBaeg9zE2sgmw5ZQENaPPYd6jfwpVpGTzS",
            "coins": "1000000.000000",
            "locked": true
Count unique addresses
URI: /api/v1/addresscount
Method: GET


curl ""


    "count": 10103

Network status

Get information for a specific connection
URI: /api/v1/network/connection
Method: GET
    addr: ip:port address of a known connection


curl ''


    "id": 109548,
    "address": "",
    "last_sent": 1520675817,
    "last_received": 1520675817,
    "outgoing": false,
    "introduced": true,
    "mirror": 719118746,
    "height": 181,
    "listen_port": 6868
Get a list of all connections
URI: /api/v1/network/connections
Method: GET


curl ''


    "connections": [
            "id": 99107,
            "address": "",
            "last_sent": 1520675750,
            "last_received": 1520675750,
            "outgoing": false,
            "introduced": true,
            "mirror": 1338939619,
            "height": 180,
            "listen_port": 20002
            "id": 109548,
            "address": "",
            "last_sent": 1520675751,
            "last_received": 1520675751,
            "outgoing": false,
            "introduced": true,
            "mirror": 719118746,
            "height": 182,
            "listen_port": 6868
            "id": 99115,
            "address": "",
            "last_sent": 1520675754,
            "last_received": 1520675754,
            "outgoing": false,
            "introduced": true,
            "mirror": 1931713869,
            "height": 180,
            "listen_port": 6868
Get a list of all default connections
URI: /api/v1/network/defaultConnections
Method: GET


curl ''


Get a list of all trusted connections
URI: /api/v1/network/connections/trust
Method: GET


curl ''


Get a list of all connections discovered through peer exchange
URI: /api/v1/network/connections/exchange
Method: GET


curl ''






View Source
const (
	// CSRFHeaderName is the name of the CSRF header
	CSRFHeaderName = "X-CSRF-Token"

	// CSRFMaxAge is the lifetime of a CSRF token in seconds
	CSRFMaxAge = time.Second * 30
View Source
const HTTP401AuthHeader = "SkycoinWallet"

HTTP401AuthHeader WWW-Authenticate value


This section is empty.


func CSRFCheck

func CSRFCheck(store *CSRFStore, handler http.Handler) http.Handler

CSRFCheck verifies X-CSRF-Token header value

func OriginRefererCheck

func OriginRefererCheck(host string, handler http.Handler) http.Handler

OriginRefererCheck checks the Origin header if present, falling back on Referer. The Origin or Referer hostname must match the configured host. If neither are present, the request is allowed. All major browsers will set at least one of these values. If neither are set, assume it is a request from curl/wget.


type BalanceResponse

type BalanceResponse struct {
	Addresses wallet.AddressBalance `json:"addresses"`

BalanceResponse address balance summary struct

type BlockchainMetadata

type BlockchainMetadata struct {
	TimeSinceLastBlock wh.Duration `json:"time_since_last_block"`

BlockchainMetadata extends visor.BlockchainMetadata to include the time since the last block

type CSRFStore

type CSRFStore struct {
	Enabled bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CSRFStore encapsulates a single CSRFToken

type CSRFToken

type CSRFToken struct {
	Value     []byte
	ExpiresAt time.Time

CSRFToken csrf token

func (*CSRFToken) String

func (c *CSRFToken) String() string

String returns the token in base64 URL-safe encoded format

type Client

type Client struct {
	HTTPClient *http.Client
	Addr       string

Client provides an interface to a remote node's HTTP API

func NewClient

func NewClient(addr string) *Client

NewClient creates a Client

func (*Client) AddressCount

func (c *Client) AddressCount() (uint64, error)

AddressCount makes a request to GET /api/v1/addresscount

func (*Client) AddressTransactions

func (c *Client) AddressTransactions(addr string) ([]daemon.ReadableTransaction, error)

AddressTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/explorer/address

func (*Client) AddressUxOuts

func (c *Client) AddressUxOuts(addr string) ([]*historydb.UxOutJSON, error)

AddressUxOuts makes a request to GET /api/v1/address_uxouts

func (*Client) Balance

func (c *Client) Balance(addrs []string) (*wallet.BalancePair, error)

Balance makes a request to GET /api/v1/balance?addrs=xxx

func (*Client) BlockByHash

func (c *Client) BlockByHash(hash string) (*visor.ReadableBlock, error)

BlockByHash makes a request to GET /api/v1/block?hash=xxx

func (*Client) BlockBySeq

func (c *Client) BlockBySeq(seq uint64) (*visor.ReadableBlock, error)

BlockBySeq makes a request to GET /api/v1/block?seq=xxx

func (*Client) BlockchainMetadata

func (c *Client) BlockchainMetadata() (*visor.BlockchainMetadata, error)

BlockchainMetadata makes a request to GET /api/v1/blockchain/metadata

func (*Client) BlockchainProgress

func (c *Client) BlockchainProgress() (*daemon.BlockchainProgress, error)

BlockchainProgress makes a request to GET /api/v1/blockchain/progress

func (*Client) Blocks

func (c *Client) Blocks(start, end int) (*visor.ReadableBlocks, error)

Blocks makes a request to GET /api/v1/blocks

func (*Client) CSRF

func (c *Client) CSRF() (string, error)

CSRF returns a CSRF token. If CSRF is disabled on the node, returns an empty string and nil error.

func (*Client) CoinSupply

func (c *Client) CoinSupply() (*CoinSupply, error)

CoinSupply makes a request to GET /api/v1/coinSupply

func (*Client) ConfirmedTransactions

func (c *Client) ConfirmedTransactions(addrs []string) (*[]daemon.TransactionResult, error)

ConfirmedTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/transactions?confirmed=true

func (*Client) CreateEncryptedWallet

func (c *Client) CreateEncryptedWallet(seed, label, password string, scanN int) (*WalletResponse, error)

CreateEncryptedWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/create and try to create a wallet with encryption. If scanN is <= 0, the scan number defaults to 1

func (*Client) CreateTransaction

func (c *Client) CreateTransaction(req CreateTransactionRequest) (*CreateTransactionResponse, error)

CreateTransaction makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/transaction

func (*Client) CreateUnencryptedWallet

func (c *Client) CreateUnencryptedWallet(seed, label string, scanN int) (*WalletResponse, error)

CreateUnencryptedWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/create and creates a wallet without encryption. If scanN is <= 0, the scan number defaults to 1

func (*Client) DecryptWallet

func (c *Client) DecryptWallet(id string, password string) (*WalletResponse, error)

DecryptWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/decrypt to decrypt a wallet

func (*Client) EncryptWallet

func (c *Client) EncryptWallet(id string, password string) (*WalletResponse, error)

EncryptWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/encrypt to encrypt a specific wallet with the given password

func (*Client) Get

func (c *Client) Get(endpoint string, obj interface{}) error

Get makes a GET request to an endpoint and unmarshals the response to obj. If the response is not 200 OK, returns an error

func (*Client) GetWalletSeed

func (c *Client) GetWalletSeed(id string, password string) (string, error)

GetWalletSeed makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/seed

func (*Client) Health

func (c *Client) Health() (*HealthResponse, error)

Health makes a request to GET /api/v1/health

func (*Client) InjectTransaction

func (c *Client) InjectTransaction(rawTx string) (string, error)

InjectTransaction makes a request to POST /api/v1/injectTransaction

func (*Client) LastBlocks

func (c *Client) LastBlocks(n int) (*visor.ReadableBlocks, error)

LastBlocks makes a request to GET /api/v1/last_blocks

func (*Client) NetworkConnection

func (c *Client) NetworkConnection(addr string) (*daemon.Connection, error)

NetworkConnection makes a request to GET /api/v1/network/connection

func (*Client) NetworkConnections

func (c *Client) NetworkConnections() (*Connections, error)

NetworkConnections makes a request to GET /api/v1/network/connections

func (*Client) NetworkDefaultConnections

func (c *Client) NetworkDefaultConnections() ([]string, error)

NetworkDefaultConnections makes a request to GET /api/v1/network/defaultConnections

func (*Client) NetworkExchangeableConnections

func (c *Client) NetworkExchangeableConnections() ([]string, error)

NetworkExchangeableConnections makes a request to GET /api/v1/network/connections/exchange

func (*Client) NetworkTrustedConnections

func (c *Client) NetworkTrustedConnections() ([]string, error)

NetworkTrustedConnections makes a request to GET /api/v1/network/connections/trust

func (*Client) NewSeed

func (c *Client) NewSeed(entropy int) (string, error)

NewSeed makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallet/newSeed entropy must be 128 or 256

func (*Client) NewWalletAddress

func (c *Client) NewWalletAddress(id string, n int, password string) ([]string, error)

NewWalletAddress makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/newAddress if n is <= 0, defaults to 1

func (*Client) Outputs

func (c *Client) Outputs() (*visor.ReadableOutputSet, error)

Outputs makes a request to GET /api/v1/outputs

func (*Client) OutputsForAddresses

func (c *Client) OutputsForAddresses(addrs []string) (*visor.ReadableOutputSet, error)

OutputsForAddresses makes a request to GET /api/v1/outputs?addrs=xxx

func (*Client) OutputsForHashes

func (c *Client) OutputsForHashes(hashes []string) (*visor.ReadableOutputSet, error)

OutputsForHashes makes a request to GET /api/v1/outputs?hashes=zzz

func (*Client) PendingTransactions

func (c *Client) PendingTransactions() ([]*visor.ReadableUnconfirmedTxn, error)

PendingTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/pendingTxs

func (*Client) PostForm

func (c *Client) PostForm(endpoint string, body io.Reader, obj interface{}) error

PostForm makes a POST request to an endpoint with body of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" formated data.

func (*Client) PostJSON

func (c *Client) PostJSON(endpoint string, reqObj, respObj interface{}) error

PostJSON makes a POST request to an endpoint with body of json data.

func (*Client) PostJSONV2

func (c *Client) PostJSONV2(endpoint string, reqObj, respObj interface{}) (bool, error)

PostJSONV2 makes a POST request to an endpoint with body of json data, and parses the standard JSON response.

func (*Client) RawTransaction

func (c *Client) RawTransaction(txid string) (string, error)

RawTransaction makes a request to GET /api/v1/rawtx

func (*Client) ResendUnconfirmedTransactions

func (c *Client) ResendUnconfirmedTransactions() (*daemon.ResendResult, error)

ResendUnconfirmedTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/resendUnconfirmedTxns

func (*Client) Richlist

func (c *Client) Richlist(params *RichlistParams) (*Richlist, error)

Richlist makes a request to GET /api/v1/richlist

func (*Client) Spend

func (c *Client) Spend(id, dst string, coins uint64, password string) (*SpendResult, error)

Spend makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/spend

func (*Client) Transaction

func (c *Client) Transaction(txid string) (*daemon.TransactionResult, error)

Transaction makes a request to GET /api/v1/transaction

func (*Client) Transactions

func (c *Client) Transactions(addrs []string) (*[]daemon.TransactionResult, error)

Transactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/transactions

func (*Client) UnconfirmedTransactions

func (c *Client) UnconfirmedTransactions(addrs []string) (*[]daemon.TransactionResult, error)

UnconfirmedTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/transactions?confirmed=false

func (*Client) UnloadWallet

func (c *Client) UnloadWallet(id string) error

UnloadWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/unload

func (*Client) UpdateWallet

func (c *Client) UpdateWallet(id, label string) error

UpdateWallet makes a request to POST /api/v1/wallet/update

func (*Client) UxOut

func (c *Client) UxOut(uxID string) (*historydb.UxOutJSON, error)

UxOut makes a request to GET /api/v1/uxout?uxid=xxx

func (*Client) VerifyAddress

func (c *Client) VerifyAddress(addr string) (*VerifyAddressResponse, error)

VerifyAddress makes a request to POST /api/v2/address/verify The API may respond with an error but include data useful for processing, so both return values may be non-nil.

func (*Client) VerifyTransaction

func (c *Client) VerifyTransaction(encodedTxn string) (*VerifyTxnResponse, error)

VerifyTransaction makes a request to POST /api/v2/transaction/verify.

func (*Client) Version

func (c *Client) Version() (*visor.BuildInfo, error)

Version makes a request to GET /api/v1/version

func (*Client) Wallet

func (c *Client) Wallet(id string) (*WalletResponse, error)

Wallet makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallet

func (*Client) WalletBalance

func (c *Client) WalletBalance(id string) (*BalanceResponse, error)

WalletBalance makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallet/balance

func (*Client) WalletFolderName

func (c *Client) WalletFolderName() (*WalletFolder, error)

WalletFolderName makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallets/folderName

func (*Client) WalletTransactions

func (c *Client) WalletTransactions(id string) (*UnconfirmedTxnsResponse, error)

WalletTransactions makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallet/transactions

func (*Client) Wallets

func (c *Client) Wallets() ([]*WalletResponse, error)

Wallets makes a request to GET /api/v1/wallets

type ClientError

type ClientError struct {
	Status     string
	StatusCode int
	Message    string

ClientError is used for non-200 API responses

func (ClientError) Error

func (e ClientError) Error() string

type CoinSupply

type CoinSupply struct {
	// Coins distributed beyond the project:
	CurrentSupply string `json:"current_supply"`
	// TotalSupply is CurrentSupply plus coins held by the distribution addresses that are spendable
	TotalSupply string `json:"total_supply"`
	// MaxSupply is the maximum number of coins to be distributed ever
	MaxSupply string `json:"max_supply"`
	// CurrentCoinHourSupply is coins hours in non distribution addresses
	CurrentCoinHourSupply string `json:"current_coinhour_supply"`
	// TotalCoinHourSupply is coin hours in all addresses including unlocked distribution addresses
	TotalCoinHourSupply string `json:"total_coinhour_supply"`
	// Distribution addresses which count towards total supply
	UnlockedAddresses []string `json:"unlocked_distribution_addresses"`
	// Distribution addresses which are locked and do not count towards total supply
	LockedAddresses []string `json:"locked_distribution_addresses"`

CoinSupply records the coin supply info

type Config

type Config struct {
	StaticDir            string
	DisableCSRF          bool
	EnableWalletAPI      bool
	EnableJSON20RPC      bool
	EnableGUI            bool
	EnableUnversionedAPI bool
	ReadTimeout          time.Duration
	WriteTimeout         time.Duration
	IdleTimeout          time.Duration

Config configures Server

type Connection

type Connection struct {
	Height uint64 `json:"height"`

Connection wrapper around daemon connection with info about block height added

type Connections

type Connections struct {
	Connections []Connection `json:"connections"`

Connections an array of connections Arrays must be wrapped in structs to avoid certain javascript exploits

type CreateTransactionRequest

type CreateTransactionRequest struct {
	IgnoreUnconfirmed bool                           `json:"ignore_unconfirmed"`
	HoursSelection    HoursSelection                 `json:"hours_selection"`
	Wallet            CreateTransactionRequestWallet `json:"wallet"`
	ChangeAddress     *string                        `json:"change_address,omitempty"`
	To                []Receiver                     `json:"to"`

CreateTransactionRequest is sent to /wallet/transaction

type CreateTransactionRequestWallet

type CreateTransactionRequestWallet struct {
	ID        string   `json:"id"`
	UxOuts    []string `json:"unspents,omitempty"`
	Addresses []string `json:"addresses,omitempty"`
	Password  string   `json:"password"`

CreateTransactionRequestWallet defines a wallet to spend from and optionally which addresses in the wallet

type CreateTransactionResponse

type CreateTransactionResponse struct {
	Transaction        CreatedTransaction `json:"transaction"`
	EncodedTransaction string             `json:"encoded_transaction"`

CreateTransactionResponse is returned by /wallet/transaction

func NewCreateTransactionResponse

func NewCreateTransactionResponse(txn *coin.Transaction, inputs []wallet.UxBalance) (*CreateTransactionResponse, error)

NewCreateTransactionResponse creates a CreateTransactionResponse

type CreatedTransaction

type CreatedTransaction struct {
	Length    uint32 `json:"length"`
	Type      uint8  `json:"type"`
	TxID      string `json:"txid"`
	InnerHash string `json:"inner_hash"`
	Fee       string `json:"fee"`

	Sigs []string                   `json:"sigs"`
	In   []CreatedTransactionInput  `json:"inputs"`
	Out  []CreatedTransactionOutput `json:"outputs"`

CreatedTransaction represents a transaction created by /wallet/transaction

func NewCreatedTransaction

func NewCreatedTransaction(txn *coin.Transaction, inputs []wallet.UxBalance) (*CreatedTransaction, error)

NewCreatedTransaction returns a CreatedTransaction

func (*CreatedTransaction) ToTransaction

func (r *CreatedTransaction) ToTransaction() (*coin.Transaction, error)

ToTransaction converts a CreatedTransaction back to a coin.Transaction

type CreatedTransactionInput

type CreatedTransactionInput struct {
	UxID            string `json:"uxid"`
	Address         string `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Coins           string `json:"coins,omitempty"`
	Hours           string `json:"hours,omitempty"`
	CalculatedHours string `json:"calculated_hours,omitempty"`
	Time            uint64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	Block           uint64 `json:"block,omitempty"`
	TxID            string `json:"txid,omitempty"`

CreatedTransactionInput is a verbose transaction input

func NewCreatedTransactionInput

func NewCreatedTransactionInput(out wallet.UxBalance) (*CreatedTransactionInput, error)

NewCreatedTransactionInput creates CreatedTransactionInput

type CreatedTransactionOutput

type CreatedTransactionOutput struct {
	UxID    string `json:"uxid"`
	Address string `json:"address"`
	Coins   string `json:"coins"`
	Hours   string `json:"hours"`

CreatedTransactionOutput is a transaction output

func NewCreatedTransactionOutput

func NewCreatedTransactionOutput(out coin.TransactionOutput, txid cipher.SHA256) (*CreatedTransactionOutput, error)

NewCreatedTransactionOutput creates CreatedTransactionOutput

type Gatewayer

type Gatewayer interface {
	Spend(wltID string, password []byte, coins uint64, dest cipher.Address) (*coin.Transaction, error)
	CreateTransaction(w wallet.CreateTransactionParams) (*coin.Transaction, []wallet.UxBalance, error)
	GetWalletBalance(wltID string) (wallet.BalancePair, wallet.AddressBalance, error)
	GetWallet(wltID string) (*wallet.Wallet, error)
	GetWallets() (wallet.Wallets, error)
	UpdateWalletLabel(wltID, label string) error
	GetWalletUnconfirmedTxns(wltID string) ([]visor.UnconfirmedTxn, error)
	CreateWallet(wltName string, options wallet.Options) (*wallet.Wallet, error)
	NewAddresses(wltID string, password []byte, n uint64) ([]cipher.Address, error)
	GetWalletDir() (string, error)
	IsWalletAPIEnabled() bool
	EncryptWallet(wltID string, password []byte) (*wallet.Wallet, error)
	DecryptWallet(wltID string, password []byte) (*wallet.Wallet, error)
	GetWalletSeed(wltID string, password []byte) (string, error)
	GetSignedBlockByHash(hash cipher.SHA256) (*coin.SignedBlock, error)
	GetSignedBlockBySeq(seq uint64) (*coin.SignedBlock, error)
	GetBlocks(start, end uint64) (*visor.ReadableBlocks, error)
	GetLastBlocks(num uint64) (*visor.ReadableBlocks, error)
	GetBuildInfo() visor.BuildInfo
	GetUnspentOutputs(filters ...daemon.OutputsFilter) (*visor.ReadableOutputSet, error)
	GetBalanceOfAddrs(addrs []cipher.Address) ([]wallet.BalancePair, error)
	GetBlockchainMetadata() (*visor.BlockchainMetadata, error)
	GetBlockchainProgress() (*daemon.BlockchainProgress, error)
	GetConnection(addr string) *daemon.Connection
	GetConnections() *daemon.Connections
	GetDefaultConnections() []string
	GetTrustConnections() []string
	GetExchgConnection() []string
	GetAllUnconfirmedTxns() ([]visor.UnconfirmedTxn, error)
	GetTransaction(txid cipher.SHA256) (*visor.Transaction, error)
	GetTransactions(flts ...visor.TxFilter) ([]visor.Transaction, error)
	InjectBroadcastTransaction(txn coin.Transaction) error
	ResendUnconfirmedTxns() (*daemon.ResendResult, error)
	GetUxOutByID(id cipher.SHA256) (*historydb.UxOut, error)
	GetAddrUxOuts(addr []cipher.Address) ([]*historydb.UxOut, error)
	GetTransactionsForAddress(a cipher.Address) ([]daemon.ReadableTransaction, error)
	GetRichlist(includeDistribution bool) (visor.Richlist, error)
	GetAddressCount() (uint64, error)
	GetHealth() (*daemon.Health, error)
	UnloadWallet(id string) error
	VerifyTxnVerbose(txn *coin.Transaction) ([]wallet.UxBalance, bool, error)
	IsCSPEnabled() bool

Gatewayer interface for Gateway methods

type HTTPError

type HTTPError struct {
	Message string `json:"message"`
	Code    int    `json:"code"`

HTTPError is included in an HTTPResponse

type HTTPResponse

type HTTPResponse struct {
	Error *HTTPError  `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Data  interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

HTTPResponse represents the http response struct

func NewHTTPErrorResponse

func NewHTTPErrorResponse(code int, msg string) HTTPResponse

NewHTTPErrorResponse returns an HTTPResponse with the Error field populated

type HealthResponse

type HealthResponse struct {
	BlockchainMetadata BlockchainMetadata `json:"blockchain"`
	Version            visor.BuildInfo    `json:"version"`
	OpenConnections    int                `json:"open_connections"`
	Uptime             wh.Duration        `json:"uptime"`

HealthResponse is returned by the /health endpoint

type HoursSelection

type HoursSelection struct {
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	Mode        string `json:"mode"`
	ShareFactor string `json:"share_factor,omitempty"`

HoursSelection defines options for hours distribution

type ReceivedHTTPResponse

type ReceivedHTTPResponse struct {
	Error *HTTPError      `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Data  json.RawMessage `json:"data"`

ReceivedHTTPResponse parsed a HTTPResponse received by the Client, for the V2 API

type Receiver

type Receiver struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`
	Coins   string `json:"coins"`
	Hours   string `json:"hours,omitempty"`

Receiver specifies a spend destination

type Richlist

type Richlist struct {
	Richlist visor.Richlist `json:"richlist"`

Richlist is the API response for /richlist, contains top address balances

type RichlistParams

type RichlistParams struct {
	N                   int
	IncludeDistribution bool

RichlistParams are arguments to the /richlist endpoint

type Server

type Server struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Server exposes an HTTP API

func Create

func Create(host string, c Config, gateway Gatewayer) (*Server, error)

Create creates a new Server instance that listens on HTTP

func CreateHTTPS

func CreateHTTPS(host string, c Config, gateway Gatewayer, certFile, keyFile string) (*Server, error)

CreateHTTPS creates a new Server instance that listens on HTTPS

func (*Server) Addr

func (s *Server) Addr() string

Addr returns the listening address of the Server

func (*Server) Serve

func (s *Server) Serve() error

Serve serves the web interface on the configured host

func (*Server) Shutdown

func (s *Server) Shutdown()

Shutdown closes the HTTP service. This can only be called after Serve or ServeHTTPS has been called.

type SpendResult

type SpendResult struct {
	Balance     *wallet.BalancePair        `json:"balance,omitempty"`
	Transaction *visor.ReadableTransaction `json:"txn,omitempty"`
	Error       string                     `json:"error,omitempty"`

SpendResult represents the result of spending

type UnconfirmedTxnsResponse

type UnconfirmedTxnsResponse struct {
	Transactions []visor.ReadableUnconfirmedTxn `json:"transactions"`

UnconfirmedTxnsResponse contains unconfirmed transaction data

type VerifyAddressRequest

type VerifyAddressRequest struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`

VerifyAddressRequest is the request data for POST /api/v2/address/verify

type VerifyAddressResponse

type VerifyAddressResponse struct {
	Version byte `json:"version"`

VerifyAddressResponse is returned by POST /api/v2/address/verify

type VerifyTxnRequest

type VerifyTxnRequest struct {
	EncodedTransaction string `json:"encoded_transaction"`

VerifyTxnRequest represents the data struct of the request for /api/v2/transaction/verify

type VerifyTxnResponse

type VerifyTxnResponse struct {
	Confirmed   bool               `json:"confirmed"`
	Transaction CreatedTransaction `json:"transaction"`

VerifyTxnResponse the response data struct for /api/v2/transaction/verify

type WalletEntry

type WalletEntry struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`
	Public  string `json:"public_key"`

WalletEntry the wallet entry struct

type WalletFolder

type WalletFolder struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`

WalletFolder struct

type WalletMeta

type WalletMeta struct {
	Coin       string `json:"coin"`
	Filename   string `json:"filename"`
	Label      string `json:"label"`
	Type       string `json:"type"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`
	CryptoType string `json:"crypto_type"`
	Timestamp  int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	Encrypted  bool   `json:"encrypted"`

WalletMeta the wallet meta struct

type WalletResponse

type WalletResponse struct {
	Meta    WalletMeta    `json:"meta"`
	Entries []WalletEntry `json:"entries"`

WalletResponse wallet response struct for http apis

func NewWalletResponse

func NewWalletResponse(w *wallet.Wallet) (*WalletResponse, error)

NewWalletResponse creates WalletResponse struct from *wallet.Wallet


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