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Published: Feb 17, 2017 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 29 Imported by: 0




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const (
	StatusUnknown     = AcmeStatus("unknown")     // Unknown status; the default
	StatusPending     = AcmeStatus("pending")     // In process; client has next action
	StatusProcessing  = AcmeStatus("processing")  // In process; server has next action
	StatusValid       = AcmeStatus("valid")       // Object is valid
	StatusInvalid     = AcmeStatus("invalid")     // Validation failed
	StatusRevoked     = AcmeStatus("revoked")     // Object no longer valid
	StatusDeactivated = AcmeStatus("deactivated") // Object has been deactivated

These statuses are the states of authorizations, challenges, and registrations

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const (
	ResourceNewReg       = AcmeResource("new-reg")
	ResourceNewAuthz     = AcmeResource("new-authz")
	ResourceNewCert      = AcmeResource("new-cert")
	ResourceRevokeCert   = AcmeResource("revoke-cert")
	ResourceRegistration = AcmeResource("reg")
	ResourceChallenge    = AcmeResource("challenge")
	ResourceAuthz        = AcmeResource("authz")
	ResourceKeyChange    = AcmeResource("key-change")

The types of ACME resources

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const (
	OCSPStatusGood    = OCSPStatus("good")
	OCSPStatusRevoked = OCSPStatus("revoked")

These status are the states of OCSP

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const (
	ChallengeTypeHTTP01   = "http-01"
	ChallengeTypeTLSSNI01 = "tls-sni-01"
	ChallengeTypeDNS01    = "dns-01"

These types are the available challenges

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const DNSPrefix = "_acme-challenge"

DNSPrefix is attached to DNS names in DNS challenges

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const (
	IdentifierDNS = IdentifierType("dns")

These types are the available identification mechanisms

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const TLSSNISuffix = "acme.invalid"

TLSSNISuffix is appended to pseudo-domain names in DVSNI challenges


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var BuildHost string

BuildHost is set by the compiler and is used by GetBuildHost

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var BuildID string

BuildID is set by the compiler (using -ldflags "-X core.BuildID $(git rev-parse --short HEAD)") and is used by GetBuildID

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var BuildTime string

BuildTime is set by the compiler and is used by GetBuildTime


func Fingerprint256

func Fingerprint256(data []byte) string

Fingerprint256 produces an unpadded, URL-safe Base64-encoded SHA256 digest of the data.

func GetBuildHost

func GetBuildHost() (retID string)

GetBuildHost identifies the building host

func GetBuildID

func GetBuildID() (retID string)

GetBuildID identifies what build is running.

func GetBuildTime

func GetBuildTime() (retID string)

GetBuildTime identifies when this build was made

func IsASCII

func IsASCII(str string) bool

IsASCII determines if every character in a string is encoded in the ASCII character set.

func KeyDigest

func KeyDigest(key crypto.PublicKey) (string, error)

KeyDigest produces a padded, standard Base64-encoded SHA256 digest of a provided public key.

func KeyDigestEquals

func KeyDigestEquals(j, k crypto.PublicKey) bool

KeyDigestEquals determines whether two public keys have the same digest.

func LoadCert

func LoadCert(filename string) (cert *x509.Certificate, err error)

LoadCert loads a PEM certificate specified by filename or returns an error

func LoadCertBundle

func LoadCertBundle(filename string) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)

LoadCertBundle loads a PEM bundle of certificates from disk

func LooksLikeAToken

func LooksLikeAToken(token string) bool

LooksLikeAToken checks whether a string represents a 32-octet value in the URL-safe base64 alphabet.

func NewToken

func NewToken() string

NewToken produces a random string for Challenges, etc.

func ProblemDetailsForError

func ProblemDetailsForError(err error, msg string) *probs.ProblemDetails

ProblemDetailsForError turns an error into a ProblemDetails with the special case of returning the same error back if its already a ProblemDetails. If the error is of an type unknown to ProblemDetailsForError, it will return a ServerInternal ProblemDetails.

func PublicKeysEqual

func PublicKeysEqual(a, b interface{}) (bool, error)

PublicKeysEqual determines whether two public keys have the same marshalled bytes as one another

func RandomString

func RandomString(byteLength int) string

RandomString returns a randomly generated string of the requested length.

func RetryBackoff

func RetryBackoff(retries int, base, max time.Duration, factor float64) time.Duration

RetryBackoff calculates a backoff time based on number of retries, will always add jitter so requests that start in unison won't fall into lockstep. Because of this the returned duration can always be larger than the maximum by a factor of retryJitter. Adapted from

func SerialToString

func SerialToString(serial *big.Int) string

SerialToString converts a certificate serial number (big.Int) to a String consistently.

func StringToSerial

func StringToSerial(serial string) (*big.Int, error)

StringToSerial converts a string into a certificate serial number (big.Int) consistently.

func UniqueLowerNames

func UniqueLowerNames(names []string) (unique []string)

UniqueLowerNames returns the set of all unique names in the input after all of them are lowercased. The returned names will be in their lowercased form and sorted alphabetically.

func ValidChallenge

func ValidChallenge(name string) bool

ValidChallenge tests whether the provided string names a known challenge

func ValidSerial

func ValidSerial(serial string) bool

ValidSerial tests whether the input string represents a syntactically valid serial number, i.e., that it is a valid hex string between 32 and 36 characters long.


type AcmeIdentifier

type AcmeIdentifier struct {
	Type  IdentifierType `json:"type"`  // The type of identifier being encoded
	Value string         `json:"value"` // The identifier itself

An AcmeIdentifier encodes an identifier that can be validated by ACME. The protocol allows for different types of identifier to be supported (DNS names, IP addresses, etc.), but currently we only support domain names.

type AcmeResource

type AcmeResource string

AcmeResource values identify different types of ACME resources

type AcmeStatus

type AcmeStatus string

AcmeStatus defines the state of a given authorization

type Authorization

type Authorization struct {
	// An identifier for this authorization, unique across
	// authorizations and certificates within this instance.
	ID string `json:"id,omitempty" db:"id"`

	// The identifier for which authorization is being given
	Identifier AcmeIdentifier `json:"identifier,omitempty" db:"identifier"`

	// The registration ID associated with the authorization
	RegistrationID int64 `json:"regId,omitempty" db:"registrationID"`

	// The status of the validation of this authorization
	Status AcmeStatus `json:"status,omitempty" db:"status"`

	// The date after which this authorization will be no
	// longer be considered valid. Note: a certificate may be issued even on the
	// last day of an authorization's lifetime. The last day for which someone can
	// hold a valid certificate based on an authorization is authorization
	// lifetime + certificate lifetime.
	Expires *time.Time `json:"expires,omitempty" db:"expires"`

	// An array of challenges objects used to validate the
	// applicant's control of the identifier.  For authorizations
	// in process, these are challenges to be fulfilled; for
	// final authorizations, they describe the evidence that
	// the server used in support of granting the authorization.
	Challenges []Challenge `json:"challenges,omitempty" db:"-"`

	// The server may suggest combinations of challenges if it
	// requires more than one challenge to be completed.
	Combinations [][]int `json:"combinations,omitempty" db:"combinations"`

Authorization represents the authorization of an account key holder to act on behalf of a domain. This struct is intended to be used both internally and for JSON marshaling on the wire. Any fields that should be suppressed on the wire (e.g., ID, regID) must be made empty before marshaling.

func (*Authorization) FindChallenge

func (authz *Authorization) FindChallenge(challengeID int64) int

FindChallenge will look for the given challenge inside this authorization. If found, it will return the index of that challenge within the Authorization's Challenges array. Otherwise it will return -1.

type BadNonceError

type BadNonceError string

BadNonceError indicates an empty of invalid nonce was provided

func (BadNonceError) Error

func (e BadNonceError) Error() string

type Buffer

type Buffer []byte

Buffer is a variable-length collection of bytes

type CRL

type CRL struct {
	// serial: Same as certificate serial.
	Serial string `db:"serial"`

	// createdAt: The date the CRL was signed.
	CreatedAt time.Time `db:"createdAt"`

	// crl: The encoded and signed CRL.
	CRL string `db:"crl"`

CRL is a large table of signed CRLs. This contains all historical CRLs we've signed, is append-only, and is likely to get quite large. It must be administratively truncated outside of Boulder.

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {
	RegistrationID int64 `db:"registrationID"`

	Serial  string    `db:"serial"`
	Digest  string    `db:"digest"`
	DER     []byte    `db:"der"`
	Issued  time.Time `db:"issued"`
	Expires time.Time `db:"expires"`

Certificate objects are entirely internal to the server. The only thing exposed on the wire is the certificate itself.

type CertificateAuthority

type CertificateAuthority interface {
	// [RegistrationAuthority]
	IssueCertificate(ctx context.Context, csr x509.CertificateRequest, regID int64) (Certificate, error)
	GenerateOCSP(ctx context.Context, ocspReq OCSPSigningRequest) ([]byte, error)

CertificateAuthority defines the public interface for the Boulder CA

type CertificateRequest

type CertificateRequest struct {
	CSR   *x509.CertificateRequest // The CSR
	Bytes []byte                   // The original bytes of the CSR, for logging.

CertificateRequest is just a CSR

This data is unmarshalled from JSON by way of RawCertificateRequest, which represents the actual structure received from the client.

func (CertificateRequest) MarshalJSON

func (cr CertificateRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON provides an implementation for encoding CertificateRequest objects.

func (*CertificateRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (cr *CertificateRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON provides an implementation for decoding CertificateRequest objects.

type CertificateStatus

type CertificateStatus struct {
	Serial string `db:"serial"`

	// subscriberApproved: true iff the subscriber has posted back to the server
	//   that they accept the certificate, otherwise 0.
	SubscriberApproved bool `db:"subscriberApproved"`

	// status: 'good' or 'revoked'. Note that good, expired certificates remain
	//   with status 'good' but don't necessarily get fresh OCSP responses.
	Status OCSPStatus `db:"status"`

	// ocspLastUpdated: The date and time of the last time we generated an OCSP
	//   response. If we have never generated one, this has the zero value of
	//   time.Time, i.e. Jan 1 1970.
	OCSPLastUpdated time.Time `db:"ocspLastUpdated"`

	// revokedDate: If status is 'revoked', this is the date and time it was
	//   revoked. Otherwise it has the zero value of time.Time, i.e. Jan 1 1970.
	RevokedDate time.Time `db:"revokedDate"`

	// revokedReason: If status is 'revoked', this is the reason code for the
	//   revocation. Otherwise it is zero (which happens to be the reason
	//   code for 'unspecified').
	RevokedReason revocation.Reason `db:"revokedReason"`

	LastExpirationNagSent time.Time `db:"lastExpirationNagSent"`

	// The encoded and signed OCSP response.
	OCSPResponse []byte `db:"ocspResponse"`

	// For performance reasons[0] we duplicate the `Expires` field of the
	// `Certificates` object/table in `CertificateStatus` to avoid a costly `JOIN`
	// later on just to retrieve this `Time` value. This helps both the OCSP
	// updater and the expiration-mailer stay performant.
	// Similarly, we add an explicit `IsExpired` boolean to `CertificateStatus`
	// table that the OCSP updater so that the database can create a meaningful
	// index on `(isExpired, ocspLastUpdated)` without a `JOIN` on `certificates`.
	// For more detail see Boulder #1864[0].
	// [0]:
	NotAfter  time.Time `db:"notAfter"`
	IsExpired bool      `db:"isExpired"`

	LockCol int64 `json:"-"`

CertificateStatus structs are internal to the server. They represent the latest data about the status of the certificate, required for OCSP updating and for validating that the subscriber has accepted the certificate.

type Challenge

type Challenge struct {
	ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The type of challenge
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// The status of this challenge
	Status AcmeStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// Contains the error that occurred during challenge validation, if any
	Error *probs.ProblemDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`

	// A URI to which a response can be POSTed
	URI string `json:"uri"`

	// Used by http-01, tls-sni-01, and dns-01 challenges
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Used by http-00, tls-sni-00, and dns-00 challenges

	// The KeyAuthorization provided by the client to start validation of
	// the challenge. Set during
	//   POST /acme/authz/:authzid/:challid
	// Used by http-01, tls-sni-01, and dns-01 challenges
	ProvidedKeyAuthorization string `json:"keyAuthorization,omitempty"`

	// Contains information about URLs used or redirected to and IPs resolved and
	// used
	ValidationRecord []ValidationRecord `json:"validationRecord,omitempty"`

Challenge is an aggregate of all data needed for any challenges.

Rather than define individual types for different types of challenge, we just throw all the elements into one bucket, together with the common metadata elements.

func DNSChallenge01

func DNSChallenge01() Challenge

DNSChallenge01 constructs a random DNS challenge

func HTTPChallenge01

func HTTPChallenge01() Challenge

HTTPChallenge01 constructs a random http-01 challenge

func TLSSNIChallenge01

func TLSSNIChallenge01() Challenge

TLSSNIChallenge01 constructs a random tls-sni-00 challenge

func (Challenge) ExpectedKeyAuthorization

func (ch Challenge) ExpectedKeyAuthorization(key *jose.JsonWebKey) (string, error)

ExpectedKeyAuthorization computes the expected KeyAuthorization value for the challenge.

func (Challenge) IsSane

func (ch Challenge) IsSane(completed bool) bool

IsSane checks the sanity of a challenge object before issued to the client (completed = false) and before validation (completed = true).

func (Challenge) IsSaneForClientOffer

func (ch Challenge) IsSaneForClientOffer() bool

IsSaneForClientOffer checks the fields of a challenge object before it is given to the client.

This function is an alias of Challenge.IsSane(false).

func (Challenge) IsSaneForValidation

func (ch Challenge) IsSaneForValidation() bool

IsSaneForValidation checks the fields of a challenge object before it is given to the VA.

This function is an alias of Challenge.IsSane(false).

func (Challenge) RecordsSane

func (ch Challenge) RecordsSane() bool

RecordsSane checks the sanity of a ValidationRecord object before sending it back to the RA to be stored.

type FQDNSet

type FQDNSet struct {
	ID      int64
	SetHash []byte
	Serial  string
	Issued  time.Time
	Expires time.Time

FQDNSet contains the SHA256 hash of the lowercased, comma joined dNSNames contained in a certificate.

type GPDNSAnswer

type GPDNSAnswer struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Type uint16 `json:"type"`
	TTL  int    `json:"TTL"`
	Data string `json:"data"`

GPDNSAnswer represents a DNS record returned by the Google Public DNS API

type GPDNSResponse

type GPDNSResponse struct {
	// Ignored fields
	//   tc
	//   rd
	//   ra
	//   ad
	//   cd
	//   question
	//   additional
	//   edns_client_subnet
	Status  int           `json:"Status"`
	Answer  []GPDNSAnswer `json:"Answer"`
	Comment string        `json:"Comment"`

GPDNSAnswer represents a DNS record returned by the Google Public DNS API

type IdentifierData

type IdentifierData struct {
	ReversedName string `db:"reversedName"` // The label-wise reverse of an identifier, e.g. com.example or com.example.*
	CertSHA1     string `db:"certSHA1"`     // The hex encoding of the SHA-1 hash of a cert containing the identifier

IdentifierData holds information about what certificates are known for a given identifier. This is used to present Proof of Possession challenges in the case where a certificate already exists. The DB table holding IdentifierData rows contains information about certs issued by Boulder and also information about certs observed from third parties.

type IdentifierType

type IdentifierType string

IdentifierType defines the available identification mechanisms for domains

type InternalServerError

type InternalServerError string

InternalServerError indicates that something has gone wrong unrelated to the user's input, and will be considered by the Load Balancer as an indication that this Boulder instance may be malfunctioning. Minimally, returning this will cause an error page to be generated at the CDN/LB for the client. Consequently, you should only use this error when Boulder's internal constraints have been violated.

func (InternalServerError) Error

func (e InternalServerError) Error() string

type JSONBuffer

type JSONBuffer []byte

JSONBuffer fields get encoded and decoded JOSE-style, in base64url encoding with stripped padding.

func (JSONBuffer) MarshalJSON

func (jb JSONBuffer) MarshalJSON() (result []byte, err error)

MarshalJSON encodes a JSONBuffer for transmission.

func (*JSONBuffer) UnmarshalJSON

func (jb *JSONBuffer) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)

UnmarshalJSON decodes a JSONBuffer to an object.

type LengthRequiredError

type LengthRequiredError string

LengthRequiredError indicates a POST was sent with no Content-Length.

func (LengthRequiredError) Error

func (e LengthRequiredError) Error() string

type MalformedRequestError

type MalformedRequestError string

MalformedRequestError indicates the user data was improper

func (MalformedRequestError) Error

func (e MalformedRequestError) Error() string

type NoSuchRegistrationError

type NoSuchRegistrationError string

NoSuchRegistrationError indicates that a registration could not be found.

func (NoSuchRegistrationError) Error

func (e NoSuchRegistrationError) Error() string

type NotFoundError

type NotFoundError string

NotFoundError indicates the destination was unknown. Whoa oh oh ohhh.

func (NotFoundError) Error

func (e NotFoundError) Error() string

type NotSupportedError

type NotSupportedError string

NotSupportedError indicates a method is not yet supported

func (NotSupportedError) Error

func (e NotSupportedError) Error() string

type OCSPResponse

type OCSPResponse struct {
	ID int `db:"id"`

	// serial: Same as certificate serial.
	Serial string `db:"serial"`

	// createdAt: The date the response was signed.
	CreatedAt time.Time `db:"createdAt"`

	// response: The encoded and signed CRL.
	Response []byte `db:"response"`

OCSPResponse is a (large) table of OCSP responses. This contains all historical OCSP responses we've signed, is append-only, and is likely to get quite large. It must be administratively truncated outside of Boulder.

type OCSPSigningRequest

type OCSPSigningRequest struct {
	CertDER   []byte
	Status    string
	Reason    revocation.Reason
	RevokedAt time.Time

OCSPSigningRequest is a transfer object representing an OCSP Signing Request

type OCSPStatus

type OCSPStatus string

OCSPStatus defines the state of OCSP for a domain

type PolicyAuthority

type PolicyAuthority interface {
	WillingToIssue(domain AcmeIdentifier) error
	ChallengesFor(domain AcmeIdentifier) (challenges []Challenge, validCombinations [][]int)

PolicyAuthority defines the public interface for the Boulder PA

type Publisher

type Publisher interface {
	SubmitToCT(ctx context.Context, der []byte) error
	SubmitToSingleCT(ctx context.Context, logURL, logPublicKey string, der []byte) error

Publisher defines the public interface for the Boulder Publisher

type RateLimitedError

type RateLimitedError string

RateLimitedError indicates the user has hit a rate limit

func (RateLimitedError) Error

func (e RateLimitedError) Error() string

type RawCertificateRequest

type RawCertificateRequest struct {
	CSR JSONBuffer `json:"csr"` // The encoded CSR

type Registration

type Registration struct {
	// Unique identifier
	ID int64 `json:"id" db:"id"`

	// Account key to which the details are attached
	Key *jose.JsonWebKey `json:"key"`

	// Contact URIs
	Contact *[]string `json:"contact,omitempty"`

	// Agreement with terms of service
	Agreement string `json:"agreement,omitempty"`

	// InitialIP is the IP address from which the registration was created
	InitialIP net.IP `json:"initialIp"`

	// CreatedAt is the time the registration was created.
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`

	Status AcmeStatus

Registration objects represent non-public metadata attached to account keys.

type RegistrationAuthority

type RegistrationAuthority interface {
	// [WebFrontEnd]
	NewRegistration(ctx context.Context, reg Registration) (Registration, error)

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	NewAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authz Authorization, regID int64) (Authorization, error)

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	NewCertificate(ctx context.Context, csr CertificateRequest, regID int64) (Certificate, error)

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	UpdateRegistration(ctx context.Context, base, updates Registration) (Registration, error)

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	UpdateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authz Authorization, challengeIndex int, response Challenge) (Authorization, error)

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	RevokeCertificateWithReg(ctx context.Context, cert x509.Certificate, code revocation.Reason, regID int64) error

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	DeactivateRegistration(ctx context.Context, reg Registration) error

	// [WebFrontEnd]
	DeactivateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, auth Authorization) error

	// [AdminRevoker]
	AdministrativelyRevokeCertificate(ctx context.Context, cert x509.Certificate, code revocation.Reason, adminName string) error

RegistrationAuthority defines the public interface for the Boulder RA

type SignatureValidationError

type SignatureValidationError string

SignatureValidationError indicates that the user's signature could not be verified, either through adversarial activity, or misconfiguration of the user client.

func (SignatureValidationError) Error

func (e SignatureValidationError) Error() string

type SignedCertificateTimestamp

type SignedCertificateTimestamp struct {
	ID int `db:"id"`
	// The version of the protocol to which the SCT conforms
	SCTVersion uint8 `db:"sctVersion"`
	// the SHA-256 hash of the log's public key, calculated over
	// the DER encoding of the key represented as SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
	LogID string `db:"logID"`
	// Timestamp (in ms since unix epoc) at which the SCT was issued
	Timestamp uint64 `db:"timestamp"`
	// For future extensions to the protocol
	Extensions []byte `db:"extensions"`
	// The Log's signature for this SCT
	Signature []byte `db:"signature"`

	// The serial of the certificate this SCT is for
	CertificateSerial string `db:"certificateSerial"`

	LockCol int64

SignedCertificateTimestamp is the internal representation of ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp that is used to maintain backwards compatibility with our old CT implementation.

type StorageAdder

type StorageAdder interface {
	NewRegistration(ctx context.Context, reg Registration) (created Registration, err error)
	UpdateRegistration(ctx context.Context, reg Registration) error
	NewPendingAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authz Authorization) (Authorization, error)
	UpdatePendingAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authz Authorization) error
	FinalizeAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authz Authorization) error
	MarkCertificateRevoked(ctx context.Context, serial string, reasonCode revocation.Reason) error
	AddCertificate(ctx context.Context, der []byte, regID int64) (digest string, err error)
	AddSCTReceipt(ctx context.Context, sct SignedCertificateTimestamp) error
	RevokeAuthorizationsByDomain(ctx context.Context, domain AcmeIdentifier) (finalized, pending int64, err error)
	DeactivateRegistration(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
	DeactivateAuthorization(ctx context.Context, id string) error

StorageAdder are the Boulder SA's write/update methods

type StorageAuthority

type StorageAuthority interface {

StorageAuthority interface represents a simple key/value store. It is divided into StorageGetter and StorageUpdater interfaces for privilege separation.

type StorageGetter

type StorageGetter interface {
	GetRegistration(ctx context.Context, regID int64) (Registration, error)
	GetRegistrationByKey(ctx context.Context, jwk *jose.JsonWebKey) (Registration, error)
	GetAuthorization(ctx context.Context, authzID string) (Authorization, error)
	GetValidAuthorizations(ctx context.Context, regID int64, domains []string, now time.Time) (map[string]*Authorization, error)
	GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, serial string) (Certificate, error)
	GetCertificateStatus(ctx context.Context, serial string) (CertificateStatus, error)
	CountCertificatesRange(ctx context.Context, earliest, latest time.Time) (int64, error)
	CountCertificatesByNames(ctx context.Context, domains []string, earliest, latest time.Time) (countByDomain map[string]int, err error)
	CountRegistrationsByIP(ctx context.Context, ip net.IP, earliest, latest time.Time) (int, error)
	CountPendingAuthorizations(ctx context.Context, regID int64) (int, error)
	GetSCTReceipt(ctx context.Context, serial, logID string) (SignedCertificateTimestamp, error)
	CountFQDNSets(ctx context.Context, window time.Duration, domains []string) (count int64, err error)
	FQDNSetExists(ctx context.Context, domains []string) (exists bool, err error)

StorageGetter are the Boulder SA's read-only methods

type TooManyRPCRequestsError

type TooManyRPCRequestsError string

TooManyRPCRequestsError indicates an RPC server has hit it's concurrent request limit

func (TooManyRPCRequestsError) Error

func (e TooManyRPCRequestsError) Error() string

type UnauthorizedError

type UnauthorizedError string

UnauthorizedError indicates the user did not satisfactorily prove identity

func (UnauthorizedError) Error

func (e UnauthorizedError) Error() string

type ValidationAuthority

type ValidationAuthority interface {
	// PerformValidation checks the challenge with the given index in the
	// given Authorization and returns the updated ValidationRecords.
	// A failure to validate the Challenge will result in a error of type
	// *probs.ProblemDetails.
	// TODO(#1626): remove authz parameter
	PerformValidation(ctx context.Context, domain string, challenge Challenge, authz Authorization) ([]ValidationRecord, error)
	IsSafeDomain(ctx context.Context, req *vaPB.IsSafeDomainRequest) (resp *vaPB.IsDomainSafe, err error)

ValidationAuthority defines the public interface for the Boulder VA

type ValidationRecord

type ValidationRecord struct {
	// DNS only
	Authorities []string `json:",omitempty"`

	// SimpleHTTP only
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// Shared
	Hostname          string   `json:"hostname"`
	Port              string   `json:"port"`
	AddressesResolved []net.IP `json:"addressesResolved"`
	AddressUsed       net.IP   `json:"addressUsed"`

ValidationRecord represents a validation attempt against a specific URL/hostname and the IP addresses that were resolved and used

type WebFrontEnd

type WebFrontEnd interface {
	// Set the base URL for authorizations
	SetAuthzBase(ctx context.Context, path string)

	// Set the base URL for certificates
	SetCertBase(ctx context.Context, path string)

	// This method represents the ACME new-registration resource
	NewRegistration(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

	// This method represents the ACME new-authorization resource
	NewAuthz(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

	// This method represents the ACME new-certificate resource
	NewCert(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

	// Provide access to requests for registration resources
	Registration(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

	// Provide access to requests for authorization resources
	Authz(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

	// Provide access to requests for authorization resources
	Cert(ctx context.Context, response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request)

A WebFrontEnd object supplies methods that can be hooked into the Go http module's server functions, principally http.HandleFunc()

It also provides methods to configure the base for authorization and certificate URLs.

It is assumed that the ACME server is laid out as follows: * One URL for new-authorization -> NewAuthz * One URL for new-certificate -> NewCert * One path for authorizations -> Authz * One path for certificates -> Cert


Path Synopsis
Package proto is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package proto is a generated protocol buffer package.

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