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v0.23.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 10, 2025 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 23 Imported by: 0


Go API client for mfa

The PingOne Platform API covering the PingOne MFA service


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2023-06-29
  • Package version: 0.23.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import mfa ""

To use a proxy, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY:

os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")

Configuration of Server URL

Default configuration comes with Servers field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.

Select Server Configuration

For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value sw.ContextServerIndex of type int.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), mfa.ContextServerIndex, 1)
Templated Server URL

Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value sw.ContextServerVariables of type map[string]string.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), mfa.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
	"basePath": "v2",

Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.

URLs Configuration per Operation

Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers map in the Configuration. An operation is uniquely identified by "{classname}Service.{nickname}" string. Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using sw.ContextOperationServerIndices and sw.ContextOperationServerVariables context maps.

ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), mfa.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
	"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), mfa.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
	"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
		"port": "8443",

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi CreateMFAPushCredential Post /environments/{environmentID}/applications/{applicationID}/pushCredentials CREATE MFA Push Credential
ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi DeleteMFAPushCredential Delete /environments/{environmentID}/applications/{applicationID}/pushCredentials/{pushCredentialID} DELETE MFA Push Credential
ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi ReadAllMFAPushCredentials Get /environments/{environmentID}/applications/{applicationID}/pushCredentials READ All MFA Push Credentials
ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi ReadOneMFAPushCredential Get /environments/{environmentID}/applications/{applicationID}/pushCredentials/{pushCredentialID} READ One MFA Push Credential
ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi UpdateMFAPushCredential Put /environments/{environmentID}/applications/{applicationID}/pushCredentials/{pushCredentialID} UPDATE MFA Push Credential
DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi CreateDeviceAuthenticationPolicies Post /environments/{environmentID}/deviceAuthenticationPolicies CREATE Device Authentication Policy
DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi DeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicy Delete /environments/{environmentID}/deviceAuthenticationPolicies/{deviceAuthenticationPolicyID} DELETE Device Authentication Policy
DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi ReadDeviceAuthenticationPolicies Get /environments/{environmentID}/deviceAuthenticationPolicies READ Device Authentication Policies
DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi ReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicy Get /environments/{environmentID}/deviceAuthenticationPolicies/{deviceAuthenticationPolicyID} READ One Device Authentication Policy
DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi UpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicy Put /environments/{environmentID}/deviceAuthenticationPolicies/{deviceAuthenticationPolicyID} UPDATE Device Authentication Policy
EnableUsersMFAApi ReadUserMFAEnabled Get /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/mfaEnabled READ User MFA Enabled
EnableUsersMFAApi UpdateUserMFAEnabled Put /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/mfaEnabled UPDATE User MFA Enabled
FIDO2PolicyApi CreateFIDO2Policy Post /environments/{environmentID}/fido2Policies CREATE FIDO2 Policy
FIDO2PolicyApi DeleteFIDO2Policy Delete /environments/{environmentID}/fido2Policies/{fido2PolicyID} DELETE FIDO2 Policy
FIDO2PolicyApi ReadFIDO2Policies Get /environments/{environmentID}/fido2Policies READ FIDO2 Policies
FIDO2PolicyApi ReadOneFIDO2Policy Get /environments/{environmentID}/fido2Policies/{fido2PolicyID} READ One FIDO2 Policy
FIDO2PolicyApi UpdateFIDO2Policy Put /environments/{environmentID}/fido2Policies/{fido2PolicyID} UPDATE FIDO2 Policy
FIDODeviceApi CreateFidoDevice Post /environments/{environmentID}/fidoDevicesMetadata CREATE FIDO Device
FIDODeviceApi DeleteFidoDevice Delete /environments/{environmentID}/fidoDevicesMetadata/{fidoDeviceID} DELETE FIDO Device
FIDODeviceApi ReadFidoDevices Get /environments/{environmentID}/fidoDevicesMetadata READ All FIDO Devices
FIDODeviceApi ReadOneFidoDevice Get /environments/{environmentID}/fidoDevicesMetadata/{fidoDeviceID} READ One FIDO Device
FIDOPolicyApi CreateFidoPolicy Post /environments/{environmentID}/fidoPolicies CREATE FIDO Policy
FIDOPolicyApi DeleteFidoPolicy Delete /environments/{environmentID}/fidoPolicies/{fidoPolicyID} DELETE FIDO Policy
FIDOPolicyApi ReadFidoPolicies Get /environments/{environmentID}/fidoPolicies READ FIDO Policies
FIDOPolicyApi ReadOneFidoPolicy Get /environments/{environmentID}/fidoPolicies/{fidoPolicyID} READ One FIDO Policy
FIDOPolicyApi UpdateFIDOPolicy Put /environments/{environmentID}/fidoPolicies/{fidoPolicyID} UPDATE FIDO Policy
MFASettingsApi ReadMFASettings Get /environments/{environmentID}/mfaSettings READ MFA Settings
MFASettingsApi ResetMFASettings Delete /environments/{environmentID}/mfaSettings RESET MFA Settings
MFASettingsApi UpdateMFASettings Put /environments/{environmentID}/mfaSettings UPDATE MFA Settings
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDelete Delete /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices DELETE Device Order
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDelete Delete /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices/{deviceID} DELETE MFA User Device
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGet Get /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices/{deviceID} READ One MFA User Device
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPut Put /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices/{deviceID}/logs SEND MFA Device Logs
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePut Put /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices/{deviceID}/nickname UPDATE Device Nickname
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPost Post /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices/{deviceID} ACTIVATE MFA User Device
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGet Get /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices READ All MFA User Devices
UserMFADevicesApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPost Post /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/devices SET Device Order
UserMFAPairingKeysApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDelete Delete /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/pairingKeys/{pairingKeyID} DELETE MFA Pairing Key
UserMFAPairingKeysApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGet Get /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/pairingKeys/{pairingKeyID} READ One MFA Pairing Key
UserMFAPairingKeysApi EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPost Post /environments/{environmentID}/users/{userID}/pairingKeys CREATE MFA Pairing Key

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:

  • Type: HTTP Bearer token authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "BEARER_TOKEN_STRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Documentation for Utility Methods

Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:

  • PtrBool
  • PtrInt
  • PtrInt32
  • PtrInt64
  • PtrFloat
  • PtrFloat32
  • PtrFloat64
  • PtrString
  • PtrTime





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const (


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var (
	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextServerIndex uses a server configuration from the index.
	ContextServerIndex = contextKey("serverIndex")

	// ContextOperationServerIndices uses a server configuration from the index mapping.
	ContextOperationServerIndices = contextKey("serverOperationIndices")

	// ContextServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables.
	ContextServerVariables = contextKey("serverVariables")

	// ContextOperationServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables using operation specific values.
	ContextOperationServerVariables = contextKey("serverOperationVariables")
View Source
var AllowedEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentTypeEnumValues = []EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType{

All allowed values of EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType enum

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var AllowedEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirementsEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachmentEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentialsEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOptionEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOptionEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHintEnumValues = []EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint{

All allowed values of EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDOAttestationRequirementsEnumValues = []EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements{

All allowed values of EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirementEnumValues = []EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement{

All allowed values of EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement enum

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var AllowedEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerificationEnumValues = []EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification{

All allowed values of EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetectionEnumValues = []EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection{

All allowed values of EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotificationEnumValues = []EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification{

All allowed values of EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFADevicePolicySelectionEnumValues = []EnumMFADevicePolicySelection{

All allowed values of EnumMFADevicePolicySelection enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrTypeEnumValues = []EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType{

All allowed values of EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelectionEnumValues = []EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection{

All allowed values of EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormatEnumValues = []EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat{

All allowed values of EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumTimeUnitEnumValues = []EnumTimeUnit{

All allowed values of EnumTimeUnit enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetimeEnumValues = []EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime{

All allowed values of EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime enum

View Source
var AllowedEnumTimeUnitPushTimeoutEnumValues = []EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout{

All allowed values of EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout enum


func CacheExpires

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.

func IsNil added in v0.9.0

func IsNil(i interface{}) bool

IsNil checks if an input is nil

func PtrBool

func PtrBool(v bool) *bool

PtrBool is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given boolean value.

func PtrFloat32

func PtrFloat32(v float32) *float32

PtrFloat32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.

func PtrFloat64

func PtrFloat64(v float64) *float64

PtrFloat64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given float value.

func PtrInt

func PtrInt(v int) *int

PtrInt is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given integer value.

func PtrInt32

func PtrInt32(v int32) *int32

PtrInt32 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given integer value.

func PtrInt64

func PtrInt64(v int64) *int64

PtrInt64 is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given integer value.

func PtrString

func PtrString(v string) *string

PtrString is a helper routine that returns a pointer to given string value.

func PtrTime

func PtrTime(v time.Time) *time.Time

PtrTime is helper routine that returns a pointer to given Time value.


type APIClient

type APIClient struct {
	ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService

	DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService

	EnableUsersMFAApi *EnableUsersMFAApiService

	FIDODeviceApi *FIDODeviceApiService

	FIDOPolicyApi *FIDOPolicyApiService

	FIDO2PolicyApi *FIDO2PolicyApiService

	HALApi *HALApiService

	MFASettingsApi *MFASettingsApiService

	UserMFADevicesApi *UserMFADevicesApiService

	UserMFAPairingKeysApi *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the PingOne Platform API - PingOne MFA API v2021-10-17 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) GetConfig

func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration

Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior

type APIKey

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.

func NewAPIResponse

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResponse object.

func NewAPIResponseWithError

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.

type ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest added in v0.3.0

type ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest struct {
	ApiService *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) ContentType added in v0.14.0

func (ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

func (ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) Execute added in v0.3.0

func (ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDO2PolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) FIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDODeviceApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) Body added in v0.7.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) Body(body map[string]interface{}) ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest

func (ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) Execute() (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDOPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) FIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

type ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	ApiService *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) Execute

func (ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) MFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func (r ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) MFAPushCredentialRequest(mFAPushCredentialRequest MFAPushCredentialRequest) ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest added in v0.3.0

type ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.3.0

func (ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDO2PolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDODeviceApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDOPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest

type ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	ApiService *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) Authorization

func (ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) Execute

func (ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest) ContentType added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest) Body added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest) Body added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) Body added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) ContentType added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFADevicesApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) Body added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) ContentType added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest struct {
	ApiService *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest) Body added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest

type ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest struct {
	ApiService *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) Execute

func (ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) ExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (r ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) ExecuteInitialPage() (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest added in v0.3.0

type ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest struct {
	ApiService *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) Execute added in v0.3.0

func (ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDO2PolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (r ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage() (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDODeviceApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (r ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage() (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDOPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (r ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) ExecuteInitialPage() (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadHALLinkRequest added in v0.20.0

type ApiReadHALLinkRequest struct {
	ApiService *HALApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadHALLinkRequest) Execute added in v0.20.0

func (r ApiReadHALLinkRequest) Execute() (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadHALLinkRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadHALLinkRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadHALLinkRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadHALLinkRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadHALLinkRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadHALLinkRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadMFASettingsRequest added in v0.5.0

type ApiReadMFASettingsRequest struct {
	ApiService *MFASettingsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadMFASettingsRequest) Execute added in v0.5.0

func (ApiReadMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest added in v0.3.0

type ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.3.0

func (ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDO2PolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) Expand added in v0.13.0

func (ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDODeviceApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (r ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) Execute() (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

func (ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDOPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest

type ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	ApiService *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest) Execute

func (ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest added in v0.9.0

type ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest struct {
	ApiService *EnableUsersMFAApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest) Execute added in v0.9.0

func (ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiResetMFASettingsRequest added in v0.5.0

type ApiResetMFASettingsRequest struct {
	ApiService *MFASettingsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) Execute added in v0.5.0

func (ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiResetMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiResetMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest added in v0.6.0

type ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) DeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.6.0

func (ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.6.0

func (ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest added in v0.13.0

type ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDO2PolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.13.0

func (ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) FIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest added in v0.7.0

type ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest struct {
	ApiService *FIDOPolicyApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) Execute added in v0.7.0

func (ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) FIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

type ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	ApiService *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) Execute

func (ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) MFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func (r ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) MFAPushCredentialRequest(mFAPushCredentialRequest MFAPushCredentialRequest) ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest added in v0.5.0

type ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest struct {
	ApiService *MFASettingsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) Execute added in v0.5.0

func (ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) MFASettings added in v0.5.0

func (ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest added in v0.9.0

type ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest struct {
	ApiService *EnableUsersMFAApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) Execute added in v0.9.0

func (ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) UserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

func (ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalSessionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalSessionID(xPingExternalSessionID string) ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate sessions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

func (ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID added in v0.23.0

func (r ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest) XPingExternalTransactionID(xPingExternalTransactionID string) ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest

An ID for telemetry purposes to correlate transactions with client systems through PingOne products. This may be a user defined value. If a value isn't provided on the API request, a unique value will be generated in the API response. See [External transaction and session IDs]( for more information. Any invalid characters will be converted to underscores. The following characters are allowed: Unicode letters, combining marks, numeric characters, dots, underscores, dashes `/`, `@`, `=`, `#`, `+`

type ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService

type ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService service

ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApi service

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) CreateMFAPushCredential

func (a *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) CreateMFAPushCredential(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, applicationID string) ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

CreateMFAPushCredential CREATE MFA Push Credential

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param applicationID
@return ApiCreateMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) CreateMFAPushCredentialExecute

Execute executes the request

@return MFAPushCredentialResponse

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) DeleteMFAPushCredential

func (a *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) DeleteMFAPushCredential(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, applicationID string, pushCredentialID string) ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest

DeleteMFAPushCredential DELETE MFA Push Credential

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param applicationID
@param pushCredentialID
@return ApiDeleteMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) DeleteMFAPushCredentialExecute

Execute executes the request

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadAllMFAPushCredentials

func (a *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadAllMFAPushCredentials(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, applicationID string) ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest

ReadAllMFAPushCredentials READ All MFA Push Credentials

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param applicationID
@return ApiReadAllMFAPushCredentialsRequest

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadAllMFAPushCredentialsExecute

Execute executes the request

@return EntityArray

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadAllMFAPushCredentialsExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadOneMFAPushCredential

func (a *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadOneMFAPushCredential(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, applicationID string, pushCredentialID string) ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest

ReadOneMFAPushCredential READ One MFA Push Credential

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param applicationID
@param pushCredentialID
@return ApiReadOneMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) ReadOneMFAPushCredentialExecute

Execute executes the request

@return MFAPushCredentialResponse

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) UpdateMFAPushCredential

func (a *ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) UpdateMFAPushCredential(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, applicationID string, pushCredentialID string) ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

UpdateMFAPushCredential UPDATE MFA Push Credential

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param applicationID
@param pushCredentialID
@return ApiUpdateMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (*ApplicationsApplicationMFAPushCredentialsApiService) UpdateMFAPushCredentialExecute

Execute executes the request

@return MFAPushCredentialResponse

type BasicAuth

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	Host               string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme             string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader      map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent          string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	Debug              bool              `json:"debug,omitempty"`
	DefaultServerIndex int               `json:"defaultServerIndex,omitempty"`
	ProxyURL           *string           `json:"proxyURL,omitempty"`
	Servers            ServerConfigurations
	OperationServers   map[string]ServerConfigurations
	HTTPClient         *http.Client

Configuration stores the configuration of the API client

func NewConfiguration

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request

func (*Configuration) AppendUserAgent added in v0.18.3

func (c *Configuration) AppendUserAgent(userAgent string)

func (*Configuration) ServerURL

func (c *Configuration) ServerURL(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error)

ServerURL returns URL based on server settings

func (*Configuration) ServerURLWithContext

func (c *Configuration) ServerURLWithContext(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (string, error)

ServerURLWithContext returns a new server URL given an endpoint

func (*Configuration) SetDebug added in v0.13.0

func (c *Configuration) SetDebug(debug bool)

func (*Configuration) SetDefaultServerIndex added in v0.13.0

func (c *Configuration) SetDefaultServerIndex(defaultServerIndex int)

func (*Configuration) SetDefaultServerVariableDefaultValue added in v0.13.0

func (c *Configuration) SetDefaultServerVariableDefaultValue(variable string, value string) error

func (*Configuration) SetServerVariableDefaultValue added in v0.13.0

func (c *Configuration) SetServerVariableDefaultValue(serverIndex int, variable string, value string) error

func (*Configuration) SetUserAgent added in v0.15.0

func (c *Configuration) SetUserAgent(userAgent string)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicy struct {
	Links       *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	Environment *ObjectEnvironment            `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// Device authentication policy's UUID.
	Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Device authentication policy's name.
	Name                  string                                    `json:"name"`
	NewDeviceNotification *EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification `json:"newDeviceNotification,omitempty"`
	Authentication        *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication `json:"authentication,omitempty"`
	Sms                   DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice   `json:"sms"`
	Voice                 DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice   `json:"voice"`
	Email                 DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice   `json:"email"`
	Fido2                 *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2          `json:"fido2,omitempty"`
	Mobile                DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile          `json:"mobile"`
	Totp                  DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp            `json:"totp"`
	// Deprecated
	SecurityKey *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice `json:"securityKey,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated
	Platform *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice `json:"platform,omitempty"`
	// A boolean that specifies whether the policy is the default for the environment.
	Default bool `json:"default"`
	// Deprecated
	ForSignOnPolicy bool `json:"forSignOnPolicy"`
	// The time the resource was last updated.
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicy struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicy

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicy instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicy object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicy object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetAuthentication added in v0.7.2

GetAuthentication returns the Authentication field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetAuthenticationOk added in v0.7.2

GetAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the Authentication field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetDefault added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetDefault() bool

GetDefault returns the Default field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetDefaultOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetDefaultOk() (*bool, bool)

GetDefaultOk returns a tuple with the Default field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEmail added in v0.3.0

GetEmail returns the Email field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEmailOk added in v0.3.0

GetEmailOk returns a tuple with the Email field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEnvironment added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEnvironment() ObjectEnvironment

GetEnvironment returns the Environment field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEnvironmentOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetEnvironmentOk() (*ObjectEnvironment, bool)

GetEnvironmentOk returns a tuple with the Environment field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetFido2 added in v0.13.0

GetFido2 returns the Fido2 field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetFido2Ok added in v0.13.0

GetFido2Ok returns a tuple with the Fido2 field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetForSignOnPolicy added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetForSignOnPolicy() bool

GetForSignOnPolicy returns the ForSignOnPolicy field value Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetForSignOnPolicyOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetForSignOnPolicyOk() (*bool, bool)

GetForSignOnPolicyOk returns a tuple with the ForSignOnPolicy field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetId added in v0.3.0

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetIdOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetMobile added in v0.3.0

GetMobile returns the Mobile field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetMobileOk added in v0.3.0

GetMobileOk returns a tuple with the Mobile field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetName added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetName() string

GetName returns the Name field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetNameOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetNewDeviceNotification added in v0.15.0

GetNewDeviceNotification returns the NewDeviceNotification field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetNewDeviceNotificationOk added in v0.15.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetNewDeviceNotificationOk() (*EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification, bool)

GetNewDeviceNotificationOk returns a tuple with the NewDeviceNotification field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetPlatform added in v0.3.0

GetPlatform returns the Platform field value if set, zero value otherwise. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetPlatformOk added in v0.3.0

GetPlatformOk returns a tuple with the Platform field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetSecurityKey added in v0.3.0

GetSecurityKey returns the SecurityKey field value if set, zero value otherwise. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetSecurityKeyOk added in v0.3.0

GetSecurityKeyOk returns a tuple with the SecurityKey field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetSms added in v0.3.0

GetSms returns the Sms field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetSmsOk added in v0.3.0

GetSmsOk returns a tuple with the Sms field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetTotp added in v0.3.0

GetTotp returns the Totp field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetTotpOk added in v0.3.0

GetTotpOk returns a tuple with the Totp field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetUpdatedAt added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time

GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetUpdatedAtOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetVoice added in v0.3.0

GetVoice returns the Voice field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) GetVoiceOk added in v0.3.0

GetVoiceOk returns a tuple with the Voice field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasAuthentication added in v0.7.2

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasAuthentication() bool

HasAuthentication returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasEnvironment added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasEnvironment() bool

HasEnvironment returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasFido2 added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasFido2() bool

HasFido2 returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasId added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasNewDeviceNotification added in v0.15.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasNewDeviceNotification() bool

HasNewDeviceNotification returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasPlatform added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasPlatform() bool

HasPlatform returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasSecurityKey added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasSecurityKey() bool

HasSecurityKey returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasUpdatedAt added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) HasUpdatedAt() bool

HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetAuthentication added in v0.7.2

SetAuthentication gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication and assigns it to the Authentication field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetDefault added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetDefault(v bool)

SetDefault sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetEmail added in v0.3.0

SetEmail sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetEnvironment added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetEnvironment(v ObjectEnvironment)

SetEnvironment gets a reference to the given ObjectEnvironment and assigns it to the Environment field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetFido2 added in v0.13.0

SetFido2 gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 and assigns it to the Fido2 field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetForSignOnPolicy added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetForSignOnPolicy(v bool)

SetForSignOnPolicy sets field value Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetId added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetMobile added in v0.3.0

SetMobile sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetName added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetName(v string)

SetName sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetNewDeviceNotification added in v0.15.0

SetNewDeviceNotification gets a reference to the given EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification and assigns it to the NewDeviceNotification field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetPlatform added in v0.3.0

SetPlatform gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice and assigns it to the Platform field. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetSecurityKey added in v0.3.0

SetSecurityKey gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice and assigns it to the SecurityKey field. Deprecated

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetSms added in v0.3.0

SetSms sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetTotp added in v0.3.0

SetTotp sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetUpdatedAt added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time)

SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) SetVoice added in v0.3.0

SetVoice sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService service

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApi service

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) CreateDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.3.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) CreateDeviceAuthenticationPolicies(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

CreateDeviceAuthenticationPolicies CREATE Device Authentication Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiCreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) CreateDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesExecute added in v0.3.0

Execute executes the request

@return DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) DeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) DeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, deviceAuthenticationPolicyID string) ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

DeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicy DELETE Device Authentication Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param deviceAuthenticationPolicyID
@return ApiDeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) DeleteDeviceAuthenticationPolicyExecute added in v0.3.0

Execute executes the request

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.3.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadDeviceAuthenticationPolicies(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

ReadDeviceAuthenticationPolicies READ Device Authentication Policies

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesExecute added in v0.3.0

Execute executes the request

@return EntityArray

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesExecuteInitialPage(r ApiReadDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesRequest) (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, deviceAuthenticationPolicyID string) ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

ReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicy READ One Device Authentication Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param deviceAuthenticationPolicyID
@return ApiReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) ReadOneDeviceAuthenticationPolicyExecute added in v0.3.0

Execute executes the request

@return DeviceAuthenticationPolicy

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) UpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.6.0

func (a *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) UpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, deviceAuthenticationPolicyID string) ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

UpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicy UPDATE Device Authentication Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param deviceAuthenticationPolicyID
@return ApiUpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyRequest

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyApiService) UpdateDeviceAuthenticationPolicyExecute added in v0.6.0

Execute executes the request

@return DeviceAuthenticationPolicy

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication added in v0.7.2

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication struct {
	DeviceSelection EnumMFADevicePolicySelection `json:"deviceSelection"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication An object that contains the device selection settings.

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication added in v0.7.2

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication(deviceSelection EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthenticationWithDefaults added in v0.7.2

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthenticationWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthenticationWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) GetDeviceSelection added in v0.7.2

GetDeviceSelection returns the DeviceSelection field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) GetDeviceSelectionOk added in v0.7.2

GetDeviceSelectionOk returns a tuple with the DeviceSelection field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) SetDeviceSelection added in v0.7.2

SetDeviceSelection sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice added in v0.6.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice struct {
	// Enabled or disabled in the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// You can set `pairingDisabled` to true to prevent users from pairing new devices with the relevant method. You can use this option if you want to phase out an existing authentication method but want to allow users to continue using the method for authentication for existing devices.
	PairingDisabled *bool `json:"pairingDisabled,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the FIDO policy UUID. This property can be null. When null, the environment's default FIDO Policy is used.
	FidoPolicyId *string `json:"fidoPolicyId,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODeviceWithDefaults added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODeviceWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODeviceWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetEnabled added in v0.6.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetEnabledOk added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetFidoPolicyId added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetFidoPolicyId() string

GetFidoPolicyId returns the FidoPolicyId field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetFidoPolicyIdOk added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetFidoPolicyIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetFidoPolicyIdOk returns a tuple with the FidoPolicyId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetPairingDisabled() bool

GetPairingDisabled returns the PairingDisabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetPairingDisabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) GetPairingDisabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPairingDisabledOk returns a tuple with the PairingDisabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) HasFidoPolicyId added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) HasFidoPolicyId() bool

HasFidoPolicyId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) HasPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) HasPairingDisabled() bool

HasPairingDisabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetEnabled added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetFidoPolicyId added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetFidoPolicyId(v string)

SetFidoPolicyId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the FidoPolicyId field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) SetPairingDisabled(v bool)

SetPairingDisabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PairingDisabled field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 added in v0.13.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 struct {
	// A boolean that specifies whether the method is enabled or disabled in the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// You can set `pairingDisabled` to true to prevent users from pairing new devices with the relevant method. You can use this option if you want to phase out an existing authentication method but want to allow users to continue using the method for authentication for existing devices.
	PairingDisabled *bool `json:"pairingDisabled,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the UUID that represents the FIDO2 policy in PingOne. This property can be null. When null, the environment's default FIDO2 Policy is used.
	Fido2PolicyId *string `json:"fido2PolicyId,omitempty"`
	// Set to `true` if you want to allow users to provide nicknames for devices during pairing.
	PromptForNicknameOnPairing *bool `json:"promptForNicknameOnPairing,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2WithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2WithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2WithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetEnabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetEnabled() bool

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetEnabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetFido2PolicyId() string

GetFido2PolicyId returns the Fido2PolicyId field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetFido2PolicyIdOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetFido2PolicyIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetFido2PolicyIdOk returns a tuple with the Fido2PolicyId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPairingDisabled() bool

GetPairingDisabled returns the PairingDisabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPairingDisabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPairingDisabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPairingDisabledOk returns a tuple with the PairingDisabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk returns a tuple with the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasFido2PolicyId() bool

HasFido2PolicyId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasPairingDisabled() bool

HasPairingDisabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetEnabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetFido2PolicyId(v string)

SetFido2PolicyId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Fido2PolicyId field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetPairingDisabled(v bool)

SetPairingDisabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PairingDisabled field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing(v bool)

SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate added in v0.13.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate struct {
	MigrationData []DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData `json:"migrationData"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate(migrationData []DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) GetMigrationData added in v0.13.0

GetMigrationData returns the MigrationData field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) GetMigrationDataOk added in v0.13.0

GetMigrationDataOk returns a tuple with the MigrationData field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) SetMigrationData added in v0.13.0

SetMigrationData sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData added in v0.13.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData struct {
	// The ID of the device authentication policy.
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicyId string `json:"deviceAuthenticationPolicyId"`
	// The ID of the FIDO2 policy.
	Fido2PolicyId *string `json:"fido2PolicyId,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData(deviceAuthenticationPolicyId string) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateDataWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateDataWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateDataWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId() string

GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId returns the DeviceAuthenticationPolicyId field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyIdOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyIdOk returns a tuple with the DeviceAuthenticationPolicyId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetFido2PolicyId() string

GetFido2PolicyId returns the Fido2PolicyId field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetFido2PolicyIdOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) GetFido2PolicyIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetFido2PolicyIdOk returns a tuple with the Fido2PolicyId field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) HasFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) HasFido2PolicyId() bool

HasFido2PolicyId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId(v string)

SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicyId sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) SetFido2PolicyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) SetFido2PolicyId(v string)

SetFido2PolicyId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Fido2PolicyId field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile struct {
	// A boolean that specifies whether the method is enabled or disabled in the policy.
	Enabled      bool                                                `json:"enabled"`
	Otp          DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp                 `json:"otp"`
	Applications []DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner `json:"applications,omitempty"`
	// Set to `true` if you want to allow users to provide nicknames for devices during pairing.
	PromptForNicknameOnPairing *bool `json:"promptForNicknameOnPairing,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile Mobile device authentication policy settings.

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile(enabled bool, otp DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetApplications added in v0.3.0

GetApplications returns the Applications field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetApplicationsOk added in v0.3.0

GetApplicationsOk returns a tuple with the Applications field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetEnabled() bool

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetOtp added in v0.3.0

GetOtp returns the Otp field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetOtpOk added in v0.3.0

GetOtpOk returns a tuple with the Otp field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk returns a tuple with the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) HasApplications added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) HasApplications() bool

HasApplications returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetApplications added in v0.3.0

SetApplications gets a reference to the given []DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner and assigns it to the Applications field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetOtp added in v0.3.0

SetOtp sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing(v bool)

SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner struct {
	// The application's ID.
	Id                  string                                                                `json:"id"`
	Push                *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush                `json:"push,omitempty"`
	PushTimeout         *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout         `json:"pushTimeout,omitempty"`
	PairingKeyLifetime  *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime  `json:"pairingKeyLifetime,omitempty"`
	PushLimit           *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit           `json:"pushLimit,omitempty"`
	Otp                 *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp                 `json:"otp,omitempty"`
	DeviceAuthorization *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization `json:"deviceAuthorization,omitempty"`
	AutoEnrollment      *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment      `json:"autoEnrollment,omitempty"`
	// You can set `pairingDisabled` to true to prevent users from pairing new devices with the relevant method. You can use this option if you want to phase out an existing authentication method but want to allow users to continue using the method for authentication for existing devices.
	PairingDisabled    *bool                                        `json:"pairingDisabled,omitempty"`
	IntegrityDetection *EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection `json:"integrityDetection,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner(id string) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

GetAutoEnrollment returns the AutoEnrollment field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetAutoEnrollmentOk added in v0.3.0

GetAutoEnrollmentOk returns a tuple with the AutoEnrollment field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

GetDeviceAuthorization returns the DeviceAuthorization field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetDeviceAuthorizationOk added in v0.3.0

GetDeviceAuthorizationOk returns a tuple with the DeviceAuthorization field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetId added in v0.3.0

GetId returns the Id field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetIdOk added in v0.3.0

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetIntegrityDetection added in v0.6.0

GetIntegrityDetection returns the IntegrityDetection field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetIntegrityDetectionOk added in v0.6.0

GetIntegrityDetectionOk returns a tuple with the IntegrityDetection field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetOtp added in v0.3.0

GetOtp returns the Otp field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetOtpOk added in v0.3.0

GetOtpOk returns a tuple with the Otp field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

GetPairingDisabled returns the PairingDisabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPairingDisabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPairingDisabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPairingDisabledOk returns a tuple with the PairingDisabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

GetPairingKeyLifetime returns the PairingKeyLifetime field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPairingKeyLifetimeOk added in v0.10.0

GetPairingKeyLifetimeOk returns a tuple with the PairingKeyLifetime field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPush added in v0.3.0

GetPush returns the Push field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPushLimit added in v0.10.0

GetPushLimit returns the PushLimit field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPushLimitOk added in v0.10.0

GetPushLimitOk returns a tuple with the PushLimit field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPushOk added in v0.3.0

GetPushOk returns a tuple with the Push field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

GetPushTimeout returns the PushTimeout field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) GetPushTimeoutOk added in v0.7.2

GetPushTimeoutOk returns a tuple with the PushTimeout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

HasAutoEnrollment returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasDeviceAuthorization() bool

HasDeviceAuthorization returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasIntegrityDetection added in v0.6.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasIntegrityDetection() bool

HasIntegrityDetection returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasOtp added in v0.3.0

HasOtp returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

HasPairingDisabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPairingKeyLifetime() bool

HasPairingKeyLifetime returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPush added in v0.3.0

HasPush returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPushLimit added in v0.10.0

HasPushLimit returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) HasPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

HasPushTimeout returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

SetAutoEnrollment gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment and assigns it to the AutoEnrollment field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

SetDeviceAuthorization gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization and assigns it to the DeviceAuthorization field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetId added in v0.3.0

SetId sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetIntegrityDetection added in v0.6.0

SetIntegrityDetection gets a reference to the given EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection and assigns it to the IntegrityDetection field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetOtp added in v0.3.0

SetOtp gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp and assigns it to the Otp field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

SetPairingDisabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PairingDisabled field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

SetPairingKeyLifetime gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime and assigns it to the PairingKeyLifetime field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetPush added in v0.3.0

SetPush gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush and assigns it to the Push field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetPushLimit added in v0.10.0

SetPushLimit gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit and assigns it to the PushLimit field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) SetPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

SetPushTimeout gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout and assigns it to the PushTimeout field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment struct {
	// Set to true if you want the application to allow Auto Enrollment. Auto Enrollment means that the user can authenticate for the first time from an unpaired device, and the successful authentication will result in the pairing of the device for MFA.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollmentWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollmentWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollmentWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

SetEnabled sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization struct {
	// Specifies the enabled or disabled state of automatic MFA for native devices paired with the user, for the specified application.
	Enabled           bool                                        `json:"enabled"`
	ExtraVerification *EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification `json:"extraVerification,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorizationWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorizationWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorizationWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) GetExtraVerification added in v0.3.0

GetExtraVerification returns the ExtraVerification field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) GetExtraVerificationOk added in v0.3.0

GetExtraVerificationOk returns a tuple with the ExtraVerification field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) HasExtraVerification added in v0.3.0

HasExtraVerification returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) SetExtraVerification added in v0.3.0

SetExtraVerification gets a reference to the given EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification and assigns it to the ExtraVerification field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp struct {
	// Specifies whether OTP authentication is enabled or disabled for the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtpWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtpWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtpWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

SetEnabled sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime struct {
	// The amount of time an issued pairing key can be used until it expires. Minimum is 1 minute and maximum is 48 hours. If this parameter is not provided, the duration is set to 10 minutes.
	Duration int32                          `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetimeWithDefaults added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetimeWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetimeWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) GetDuration added in v0.10.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) GetDurationOk added in v0.10.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) GetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) SetDuration added in v0.10.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) SetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) ToMap added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush struct {
	// Specifies whether push notification is enabled or disabled for the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush(enabled bool) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

SetEnabled sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit struct {
	// The number of consecutive push notifications that can be ignored or rejected by a user within a defined period before push notifications are blocked for the application. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 50. If this parameter is not provided, the default value is 5.
	Count        *int32                                                                  `json:"count,omitempty"`
	LockDuration *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration `json:"lockDuration,omitempty"`
	TimePeriod   *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod   `json:"timePeriod,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitWithDefaults added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetCount added in v0.10.0

GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetCountOk added in v0.10.0

GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetLockDuration added in v0.10.0

GetLockDuration returns the LockDuration field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetLockDurationOk added in v0.10.0

GetLockDurationOk returns a tuple with the LockDuration field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

GetTimePeriod returns the TimePeriod field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) GetTimePeriodOk added in v0.10.0

GetTimePeriodOk returns a tuple with the TimePeriod field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) HasCount added in v0.10.0

HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) HasLockDuration added in v0.10.0

HasLockDuration returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) HasTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

HasTimePeriod returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) SetCount added in v0.10.0

SetCount gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Count field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) SetLockDuration added in v0.10.0

SetLockDuration gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration and assigns it to the LockDuration field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) SetTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

SetTimePeriod gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod and assigns it to the TimePeriod field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) ToMap added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration struct {
	// The length of time that push notifications should be blocked for the application if the defined limit has been reached. The minimum value is 1 minute and the maximum value is 120 minutes. If this parameter is not provided, the default value is 30 minutes.
	Duration int32        `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnit) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDurationWithDefaults added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDurationWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDurationWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) GetDuration added in v0.10.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) GetDurationOk added in v0.10.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) GetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) SetDuration added in v0.10.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) SetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) ToMap added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod struct {
	// The time period in which the push notifications are counted towards the defined limit. The minimum value is 1 minute and the maximum value is 120 minutes. If this parameter is not provided, the default value is 10 minutes.
	Duration int32        `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnit) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriodWithDefaults added in v0.10.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriodWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriodWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) GetDuration added in v0.10.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) GetDurationOk added in v0.10.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) GetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.10.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) SetDuration added in v0.10.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) SetTimeUnit added in v0.10.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) ToMap added in v0.10.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout struct {
	// The amount of time a user has to respond to a push notification before it expires. Minimum is 40 seconds and maximum is 150 seconds. If this parameter is not provided, the duration is set to 40 seconds.
	Duration int32                   `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeoutWithDefaults added in v0.7.2

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeoutWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeoutWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) GetDuration added in v0.7.2

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) GetDurationOk added in v0.7.2

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) GetTimeUnit added in v0.7.2

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.7.2

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) SetDuration added in v0.7.2

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) SetTimeUnit added in v0.7.2

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp struct {
	Failure DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure `json:"failure"`
	Window  *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow        `json:"window,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp(failure DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) GetFailure added in v0.6.0

GetFailure returns the Failure field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) GetFailureOk added in v0.6.0

GetFailureOk returns a tuple with the Failure field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) GetWindow added in v0.3.0

GetWindow returns the Window field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) GetWindowOk added in v0.3.0

GetWindowOk returns a tuple with the Window field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) HasWindow added in v0.3.0

HasWindow returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) SetFailure added in v0.6.0

SetFailure sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) SetWindow added in v0.3.0

SetWindow gets a reference to the given DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow and assigns it to the Window field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow struct {
	StepSize DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize `json:"stepSize"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow(stepSize DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) GetStepSize added in v0.6.0

GetStepSize returns the StepSize field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) GetStepSizeOk added in v0.6.0

GetStepSizeOk returns a tuple with the StepSize field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) SetStepSize added in v0.6.0

SetStepSize sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize added in v0.6.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize struct {
	Duration int32        `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnit) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSizeWithDefaults added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSizeWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSizeWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) GetDuration added in v0.6.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) GetDurationOk added in v0.6.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) GetTimeUnit added in v0.6.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.6.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) SetDuration added in v0.6.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) SetTimeUnit added in v0.6.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice struct {
	// Enabled or disabled in the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// You can set `pairingDisabled` to true to prevent users from pairing new devices with the relevant method. You can use this option if you want to phase out an existing authentication method but want to allow users to continue using the method for authentication for existing devices.
	PairingDisabled *bool                                      `json:"pairingDisabled,omitempty"`
	Otp             DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp `json:"otp"`
	// Set to `true` if you want to allow users to provide nicknames for devices during pairing.
	PromptForNicknameOnPairing *bool `json:"promptForNicknameOnPairing,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice(enabled bool, otp DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetOtp added in v0.3.0

GetOtp returns the Otp field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetOtpOk added in v0.3.0

GetOtpOk returns a tuple with the Otp field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPairingDisabled() bool

GetPairingDisabled returns the PairingDisabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPairingDisabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPairingDisabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPairingDisabledOk returns a tuple with the PairingDisabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk returns a tuple with the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) HasPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) HasPairingDisabled() bool

HasPairingDisabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetOtp added in v0.3.0

SetOtp sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetPairingDisabled(v bool)

SetPairingDisabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PairingDisabled field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing(v bool)

SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp struct {
	LifeTime DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime `json:"lifeTime"`
	Failure  DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure  `json:"failure"`
	// Used to specify the length of the OTP that is shown to users. Minimum length is `6` digits and maximum is `10` digits. If the parameter is not provided, the default is `6` digits.
	OtpLength *int32 `json:"otpLength,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp added in v0.3.0

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetFailure added in v0.3.0

GetFailure returns the Failure field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetFailureOk added in v0.3.0

GetFailureOk returns a tuple with the Failure field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetLifeTime added in v0.6.0

GetLifeTime returns the LifeTime field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetLifeTimeOk added in v0.6.0

GetLifeTimeOk returns a tuple with the LifeTime field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetOtpLength added in v0.21.0

GetOtpLength returns the OtpLength field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetOtpLengthOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) GetOtpLengthOk() (*int32, bool)

GetOtpLengthOk returns a tuple with the OtpLength field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) HasOtpLength added in v0.21.0

HasOtpLength returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) SetFailure added in v0.3.0

SetFailure sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) SetLifeTime added in v0.6.0

SetLifeTime sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) SetOtpLength added in v0.21.0

SetOtpLength gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the OtpLength field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure struct {
	// The maximum number of times that the OTP entry can fail for a user, before they are blocked.
	Count    int32                                                     `json:"count"`
	CoolDown DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown `json:"coolDown"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure(count int32, coolDown DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) GetCoolDown added in v0.3.0

GetCoolDown returns the CoolDown field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) GetCoolDownOk added in v0.3.0

GetCoolDownOk returns a tuple with the CoolDown field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) GetCount added in v0.3.0

GetCount returns the Count field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) GetCountOk added in v0.3.0

GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) SetCoolDown added in v0.3.0

SetCoolDown sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) SetCount added in v0.3.0

SetCount sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown struct {
	// The duration (number of time units) the user is blocked after reaching the maximum number of passcode failures.
	Duration int32        `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnit) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDownWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDownWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDownWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) GetDuration added in v0.3.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) GetDurationOk added in v0.3.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) GetTimeUnit added in v0.3.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.3.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) SetDuration added in v0.3.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) SetTimeUnit added in v0.3.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime added in v0.6.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime struct {
	// The duration (number of time units) that the passcode is valid before it expires.
	Duration int32        `json:"duration"`
	TimeUnit EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime(duration int32, timeUnit EnumTimeUnit) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTimeWithDefaults added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTimeWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTimeWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) GetDuration added in v0.6.0

GetDuration returns the Duration field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) GetDurationOk added in v0.6.0

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) GetTimeUnit added in v0.6.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.6.0

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) SetDuration added in v0.6.0

SetDuration sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) SetTimeUnit added in v0.6.0

SetTimeUnit sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) ToMap added in v0.9.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost struct {
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicy        *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost - struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost(v *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost is a convenience function that returns DeviceAuthenticationPolicy wrapped in DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost(v *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost is a convenience function that returns DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate wrapped in DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) GetActualInstance added in v0.13.0

func (obj *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) GetActualInstance() interface{}

Get the actual instance

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (src DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (dst *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

Unmarshal JSON data into one of the pointers in the struct

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse added in v0.14.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse struct {
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicy *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy
	EntityArray                *EntityArray

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse - struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse added in v0.14.0

func DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse(v *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse is a convenience function that returns DeviceAuthenticationPolicy wrapped in DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

func EntityArrayAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse added in v0.14.0

func EntityArrayAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse(v *EntityArray) DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

EntityArrayAsDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse is a convenience function that returns EntityArray wrapped in DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) GetActualInstance added in v0.14.0

func (obj *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) GetActualInstance() interface{}

Get the actual instance

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) MarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (src DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (dst *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

Unmarshal JSON data into one of the pointers in the struct

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp added in v0.3.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp struct {
	// Enabled or disabled in the policy.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// You can set `pairingDisabled` to true to prevent users from pairing new devices with the relevant method. You can use this option if you want to phase out an existing authentication method but want to allow users to continue using the method for authentication for existing devices.
	PairingDisabled *bool                             `json:"pairingDisabled,omitempty"`
	Otp             DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp `json:"otp"`
	// Set to `true` if you want to allow users to provide nicknames for devices during pairing.
	PromptForNicknameOnPairing *bool `json:"promptForNicknameOnPairing,omitempty"`
	// Object that you can use to provide key:value pairs for `otpauth` URI parameters. For example, if you provide a value for the `issuer` parameter, then authenticators that support that parameter will display the text you specify together with the OTP (in addition to the username). This can help users recognize which application the OTP is for. If you intend on using the same MFA policy for multiple applications, choose a name that reflects the group of applications.
	UriParameters *map[string]string `json:"uriParameters,omitempty"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp TOTP device authentication policy settings.

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp(enabled bool, otp DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpWithDefaults added in v0.3.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetEnabled added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetEnabled() bool

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetEnabledOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetOtp added in v0.3.0

GetOtp returns the Otp field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetOtpOk added in v0.3.0

GetOtpOk returns a tuple with the Otp field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPairingDisabled() bool

GetPairingDisabled returns the PairingDisabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPairingDisabledOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPairingDisabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPairingDisabledOk returns a tuple with the PairingDisabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk() (*bool, bool)

GetPromptForNicknameOnPairingOk returns a tuple with the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetUriParameters added in v0.21.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetUriParameters() map[string]string

GetUriParameters returns the UriParameters field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetUriParametersOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) GetUriParametersOk() (*map[string]string, bool)

GetUriParametersOk returns a tuple with the UriParameters field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasPairingDisabled() bool

HasPairingDisabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing() bool

HasPromptForNicknameOnPairing returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasUriParameters added in v0.21.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) HasUriParameters() bool

HasUriParameters returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetEnabled added in v0.3.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetOtp added in v0.3.0

SetOtp sets field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetPairingDisabled added in v0.13.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetPairingDisabled(v bool)

SetPairingDisabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PairingDisabled field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing added in v0.19.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing(v bool)

SetPromptForNicknameOnPairing gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the PromptForNicknameOnPairing field.

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetUriParameters added in v0.21.0

func (o *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) SetUriParameters(v map[string]string)

SetUriParameters gets a reference to the given map[string]string and assigns it to the UriParameters field.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp added in v0.6.0

type DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp struct {
	Failure DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure `json:"failure"`

DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp struct for DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp(failure DeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtpWithDefaults added in v0.6.0

func NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtpWithDefaults() *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp

NewDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtpWithDefaults instantiates a new DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) GetFailure added in v0.6.0

GetFailure returns the Failure field value

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) GetFailureOk added in v0.6.0

GetFailureOk returns a tuple with the Failure field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) SetFailure added in v0.6.0

SetFailure sets field value

func (DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type EnableUsersMFAApiService added in v0.9.0

type EnableUsersMFAApiService service

EnableUsersMFAApiService EnableUsersMFAApi service

func (*EnableUsersMFAApiService) ReadUserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

func (a *EnableUsersMFAApiService) ReadUserMFAEnabled(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest

ReadUserMFAEnabled READ User MFA Enabled

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiReadUserMFAEnabledRequest

func (*EnableUsersMFAApiService) ReadUserMFAEnabledExecute added in v0.9.0

Execute executes the request

@return UserMFAEnabled

func (*EnableUsersMFAApiService) UpdateUserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

func (a *EnableUsersMFAApiService) UpdateUserMFAEnabled(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest

UpdateUserMFAEnabled UPDATE User MFA Enabled

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiUpdateUserMFAEnabledRequest

func (*EnableUsersMFAApiService) UpdateUserMFAEnabledExecute added in v0.9.0

Execute executes the request

@return UserMFAEnabled

type EntityArray

type EntityArray struct {
	Links    *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	Embedded *EntityArrayEmbedded          `json:"_embedded,omitempty"`
	Count    *float32                      `json:"count,omitempty"`
	Size     *float32                      `json:"size,omitempty"`

EntityArray struct for EntityArray

func NewEntityArray

func NewEntityArray() *EntityArray

NewEntityArray instantiates a new EntityArray object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewEntityArrayWithDefaults

func NewEntityArrayWithDefaults() *EntityArray

NewEntityArrayWithDefaults instantiates a new EntityArray object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*EntityArray) GetCount

func (o *EntityArray) GetCount() float32

GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArray) GetCountOk

func (o *EntityArray) GetCountOk() (*float32, bool)

GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArray) GetEmbedded

func (o *EntityArray) GetEmbedded() EntityArrayEmbedded

GetEmbedded returns the Embedded field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArray) GetEmbeddedOk

func (o *EntityArray) GetEmbeddedOk() (*EntityArrayEmbedded, bool)

GetEmbeddedOk returns a tuple with the Embedded field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *EntityArray) GetLinks() map[string]LinksHATEOASValue

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArray) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *EntityArray) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationNextLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*EntityArray) GetPaginationNextLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationNextLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)
func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationPreviousLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*EntityArray) GetPaginationPreviousLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationPreviousLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)
func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationSelfLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*EntityArray) GetPaginationSelfLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) GetPaginationSelfLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

func (*EntityArray) GetSize

func (o *EntityArray) GetSize() float32

GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArray) GetSizeOk

func (o *EntityArray) GetSizeOk() (*float32, bool)

GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArray) HasCount

func (o *EntityArray) HasCount() bool

HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArray) HasEmbedded

func (o *EntityArray) HasEmbedded() bool

HasEmbedded returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *EntityArray) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArray) HasPaginationNext added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) HasPaginationNext() bool

func (*EntityArray) HasPaginationPrevious added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) HasPaginationPrevious() bool

func (*EntityArray) HasPaginationSelf added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) HasPaginationSelf() bool

func (*EntityArray) HasSize

func (o *EntityArray) HasSize() bool

HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArray) IsPaginated added in v0.21.0

func (o *EntityArray) IsPaginated() bool

func (EntityArray) MarshalJSON

func (o EntityArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*EntityArray) SetCount

func (o *EntityArray) SetCount(v float32)

SetCount gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Count field.

func (*EntityArray) SetEmbedded

func (o *EntityArray) SetEmbedded(v EntityArrayEmbedded)

SetEmbedded gets a reference to the given EntityArrayEmbedded and assigns it to the Embedded field.

func (o *EntityArray) SetLinks(v map[string]LinksHATEOASValue)

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*EntityArray) SetSize

func (o *EntityArray) SetSize(v float32)

SetSize gets a reference to the given float32 and assigns it to the Size field.

func (EntityArray) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o EntityArray) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type EntityArrayEmbedded

type EntityArrayEmbedded struct {
	PushCredentials              []MFAPushCredentialResponse  `json:"pushCredentials,omitempty"`
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicies []DeviceAuthenticationPolicy `json:"deviceAuthenticationPolicies,omitempty"`
	FidoDevicesMetadata          []map[string]interface{}     `json:"fidoDevicesMetadata,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated
	FidoPolicies  []FIDOPolicy  `json:"fidoPolicies,omitempty"`
	Fido2Policies []FIDO2Policy `json:"fido2Policies,omitempty"`

EntityArrayEmbedded struct for EntityArrayEmbedded

func NewEntityArrayEmbedded

func NewEntityArrayEmbedded() *EntityArrayEmbedded

NewEntityArrayEmbedded instantiates a new EntityArrayEmbedded object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewEntityArrayEmbeddedWithDefaults

func NewEntityArrayEmbeddedWithDefaults() *EntityArrayEmbedded

NewEntityArrayEmbeddedWithDefaults instantiates a new EntityArrayEmbedded object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.3.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies() []DeviceAuthenticationPolicy

GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies returns the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk added in v0.3.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk() ([]DeviceAuthenticationPolicy, bool)

GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk returns a tuple with the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFido2Policies added in v0.13.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFido2Policies() []FIDO2Policy

GetFido2Policies returns the Fido2Policies field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFido2PoliciesOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFido2PoliciesOk() ([]FIDO2Policy, bool)

GetFido2PoliciesOk returns a tuple with the Fido2Policies field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoDevicesMetadata added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoDevicesMetadata() []map[string]interface{}

GetFidoDevicesMetadata returns the FidoDevicesMetadata field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoDevicesMetadataOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoDevicesMetadataOk() ([]map[string]interface{}, bool)

GetFidoDevicesMetadataOk returns a tuple with the FidoDevicesMetadata field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoPolicies added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoPolicies() []FIDOPolicy

GetFidoPolicies returns the FidoPolicies field value if set, zero value otherwise. Deprecated

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoPoliciesOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetFidoPoliciesOk() ([]FIDOPolicy, bool)

GetFidoPoliciesOk returns a tuple with the FidoPolicies field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetPushCredentials

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetPushCredentials() []MFAPushCredentialResponse

GetPushCredentials returns the PushCredentials field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) GetPushCredentialsOk

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) GetPushCredentialsOk() ([]MFAPushCredentialResponse, bool)

GetPushCredentialsOk returns a tuple with the PushCredentials field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.3.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies() bool

HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFido2Policies added in v0.13.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFido2Policies() bool

HasFido2Policies returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFidoDevicesMetadata added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFidoDevicesMetadata() bool

HasFidoDevicesMetadata returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFidoPolicies added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) HasFidoPolicies() bool

HasFidoPolicies returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) HasPushCredentials

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) HasPushCredentials() bool

HasPushCredentials returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (EntityArrayEmbedded) MarshalJSON

func (o EntityArrayEmbedded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.3.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies(v []DeviceAuthenticationPolicy)

SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies gets a reference to the given []DeviceAuthenticationPolicy and assigns it to the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFido2Policies added in v0.13.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFido2Policies(v []FIDO2Policy)

SetFido2Policies gets a reference to the given []FIDO2Policy and assigns it to the Fido2Policies field.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFidoDevicesMetadata added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFidoDevicesMetadata(v []map[string]interface{})

SetFidoDevicesMetadata gets a reference to the given []map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the FidoDevicesMetadata field.

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFidoPolicies added in v0.7.0

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) SetFidoPolicies(v []FIDOPolicy)

SetFidoPolicies gets a reference to the given []FIDOPolicy and assigns it to the FidoPolicies field. Deprecated

func (*EntityArrayEmbedded) SetPushCredentials

func (o *EntityArrayEmbedded) SetPushCredentials(v []MFAPushCredentialResponse)

SetPushCredentials gets a reference to the given []MFAPushCredentialResponse and assigns it to the PushCredentials field.

func (EntityArrayEmbedded) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o EntityArrayEmbedded) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type EntityArrayPagedIterator added in v0.21.0

type EntityArrayPagedIterator iter.Seq2[PagedCursor, error]

type EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType added in v0.14.0

type EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType string

EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType the model 'EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType'

const (
	ENUMDEVICEAUTHENTICATIONPOLICYPOSTCONTENTTYPE_JSON                                                            EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType = "application/json"
	ENUMDEVICEAUTHENTICATIONPOLICYPOSTCONTENTTYPE_VND_PINGIDENTITY_DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION_POLICY_FIDO2_MIGRATEJSON EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType = "application/vnd.pingidentity.deviceAuthenticationPolicy.fido2.migrate+json"

List of EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType

func NewEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentTypeFromValue added in v0.14.0

func NewEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentTypeFromValue(v string) (*EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType, error)

NewEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentTypeFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) IsValid added in v0.14.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) Ptr added in v0.14.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType value

func (*EnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements added in v0.13.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements string

EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements Set to `DIRECT` if you want to require attestation. Set to `NONE` if you don't want to require attestation. If you set `attestationRequirements` to `NONE`, you should also set `mdsAuthenticatorsRequirements.option` to `NONE`.

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirementsFromValue added in v0.13.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirementsFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirementsFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) IsValid added in v0.13.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) Ptr added in v0.13.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements value

func (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment added in v0.13.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment string

EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment Used to control the type of authenticators that are allowed. Can be one of the following values: - `PLATFORM` - only allow the use of FIDO device authenticators that contain an internal authenticator (such as a face or fingerprint scanner) - `CROSS_PLATFORM` - allow use of cross-platform authenticators, which are external to the accessing device (such as a security key) - `BOTH` - allow both categories of authenticators

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachmentFromValue added in v0.13.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachmentFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachmentFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) IsValid added in v0.13.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) Ptr added in v0.13.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment value

func (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials added in v0.13.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials string

EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials Use this field to specify when registered users can authenticate without providing credentials. The possible values are: - `DISCOURAGED` - discoverable credentials are not used, even when supported by the FIDO device. In cases where use of discoverable credentials is required by the FIDO device itself, this setting does not override the device setting. - `REQUIRED` - require the use of discoverable credentials. This option is required for usernameless authentication. - `PREFERRED` - use discoverable credentials where possible.

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentialsFromValue added in v0.13.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentialsFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentialsFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) IsValid added in v0.13.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) Ptr added in v0.13.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials value

func (*EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption added in v0.13.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption string

EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption Use `option` to specify the types of devices you want to allow on the basis of the attestation provided. Can be one of the following values: - `NONE` - do not request attestation, allow all FIDO devices - `AUDIT_ONLY` - attestation is requested and the information is used for logging purposes, but the information is not used for filtering authenticators - `GLOBAL` - allow use of all FIDO authenticators listed in the Global Authenticators table. - `CERTIFIED` - allow only FIDO Certified authenticators - `SPECIFIC` - allow only the authenticators specified with the `mdsAuthenticatorsRequirements.allowedAuthenticators` parameter.

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOptionFromValue added in v0.13.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOptionFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOptionFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) IsValid added in v0.13.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) Ptr added in v0.13.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption value

func (*EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption added in v0.13.0

type EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption string

EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption Can be one of the following values: - `REQUIRED` - only FIDO devices supporting user verification can be used - `DISCOURAGED` - user verification is not required, even when supported by the FIDO device. In cases where user verification is required by the FIDO device itself, this setting does not override the device setting. - `PREFERRED` - user verification is required if the user's FIDO device supports it, but is not required if the user's device does not support it. For usernameless flows, only FIDO devices supporting user verification can be used, regardless of the value you set for `userVerification.option`.

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOptionFromValue added in v0.13.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOptionFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOptionFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) IsValid added in v0.13.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) Ptr added in v0.13.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption value

func (*EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint added in v0.22.0

type EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint string

EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint the model 'EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint'

const (

List of EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint

func NewEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHintFromValue added in v0.22.0

func NewEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHintFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint, error)

NewEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHintFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) IsValid added in v0.22.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) Ptr added in v0.22.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint value

func (*EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (v *EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements added in v0.7.0

type EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements string

EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements Determines whether attestation is requested from the authenticator, and whether this information is used to restrict authenticator usage. Can take one of these values: `NONE` - attestation is not requested `AUDIT_ONLY` - Attestation is requested and the information is used for logging purposes, but the information is not used for filtering authenticators `GLOBAL` - all entries in the MDS table can be used for authentication `CERTIFIED` - only FIDO-certified authenticators can be used `SPECIFIC` - only specific authenticators can be used. Used in conjunction with `allowedAuthenticators`.

const (

List of EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements

func NewEnumFIDOAttestationRequirementsFromValue added in v0.7.0

func NewEnumFIDOAttestationRequirementsFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements, error)

NewEnumFIDOAttestationRequirementsFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) IsValid added in v0.7.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) Ptr added in v0.7.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements value

func (*EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v *EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement added in v0.7.0

type EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement string

EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement Used to enable resident keys. Value can be `DISCOURAGED` or `REQUIRED`.

const (

List of EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement

func NewEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirementFromValue added in v0.7.0

func NewEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirementFromValue(v string) (*EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement, error)

NewEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirementFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) IsValid added in v0.7.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) Ptr added in v0.7.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement value

func (*EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v *EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification added in v0.6.0

type EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification string

EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification Specifies the level of further verification when deviceAuthorization is enabled. The PingOne platform performs an extra verification check by sending a “silent” push notification to the customer native application, and receives a confirmation in return.

const (

List of EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerificationFromValue added in v0.6.0

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerificationFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification, error)

NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerificationFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) IsValid added in v0.6.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) Ptr added in v0.6.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification value

func (*EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (v *EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection added in v0.6.0

type EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection string

EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection Controls how authentication or registration attempts should proceed if a device integrity check does not receive a response. Set the value to `permissive` if you want to allow the process to continue. Set the value to `restrictive` if you want to block the user in such situations.

const (

List of EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetectionFromValue added in v0.6.0

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetectionFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection, error)

NewEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetectionFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) IsValid added in v0.6.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) Ptr added in v0.6.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection value

func (*EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (v *EnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification added in v0.15.0

type EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification string

EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification Use `newDeviceNotification` to control whether a user should be notified if a new authentication method has been added to their account. Can take one of the following values: - `NONE` - don't notify the user when a new authentication method is added. - `EMAIL_THEN_SMS` - notify the user by email. If there is no email address in the user profile, notify the user by SMS. If there is no phone number either, don't notify the user. - `SMS_THEN_EMAIL` - notify the user by SMS. If there is no phone number in the user profile, notify the user by email. If there is no email address either, don't notify the user. If the parameter is not provided, the default value is `EMAIL_THEN_SMS`.

const (

List of EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotificationFromValue added in v0.15.0

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotificationFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification, error)

NewEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotificationFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) IsValid added in v0.15.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) Ptr added in v0.15.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification value

func (*EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.15.0

func (v *EnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFADevicePolicySelection added in v0.7.2

type EnumMFADevicePolicySelection string

EnumMFADevicePolicySelection The default method that should be used for authentication. Can take one of the following values: * `DEFAULT_TO_FIRST` - use the method that the user set as their default * `PROMPT_TO_SELECT` - always have the user select the method to use if there is more than one method available * `ALWAYS_DISPLAY_DEVICES` - always have the user select the method to use even if there is only one method available If this parameter is not provided, the `DEFAULT_TO_FIRST` option is used.

const (

List of EnumMFADevicePolicySelection

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicySelectionFromValue added in v0.7.2

func NewEnumMFADevicePolicySelectionFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFADevicePolicySelection, error)

NewEnumMFADevicePolicySelectionFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFADevicePolicySelection for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) IsValid added in v0.7.2

func (v EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) IsValid() bool

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) Ptr added in v0.7.2

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFADevicePolicySelection value

func (*EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v *EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType

type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType string

EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType Specifies the push credential type. Valid values: * APNS (for Apple) * FCM_HTTP_V1 (for Google) * FCM (deprecated, used previously for Google) * HMS (for Huawei)

const (

List of EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType

func NewEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrTypeFromValue

func NewEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrTypeFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType, error)

NewEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrTypeFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) IsValid

func (v EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) IsValid() bool

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) Ptr

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType value

func (*EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection added in v0.5.0

type EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection string

EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection A string that defines the device selection method. Options are DEFAULT_TO_FIRST (this is the default setting) and PROMPT_TO_SELECT.

const (

List of EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection

func NewEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelectionFromValue added in v0.5.0

func NewEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelectionFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection, error)

NewEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelectionFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) IsValid added in v0.5.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) Ptr added in v0.5.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection value

func (*EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat added in v0.5.0

type EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat string

EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat String that controls the type of pairing key issued. The valid values are NUMERIC (12-digit key) and ALPHANUMERIC (16-character alphanumeric key).

const (

List of EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat

func NewEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormatFromValue added in v0.5.0

func NewEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormatFromValue(v string) (*EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat, error)

NewEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormatFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) IsValid added in v0.5.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) Ptr added in v0.5.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat value

func (*EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumTimeUnit added in v0.3.0

type EnumTimeUnit string

EnumTimeUnit The type of time unit

const (

List of EnumTimeUnit

func NewEnumTimeUnitFromValue added in v0.3.0

func NewEnumTimeUnitFromValue(v string) (*EnumTimeUnit, error)

NewEnumTimeUnitFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumTimeUnit for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumTimeUnit) IsValid added in v0.3.0

func (v EnumTimeUnit) IsValid() bool

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumTimeUnit) Ptr added in v0.3.0

func (v EnumTimeUnit) Ptr() *EnumTimeUnit

Ptr returns reference to EnumTimeUnit value

func (*EnumTimeUnit) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *EnumTimeUnit) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.12.0

type EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime string

EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime The time unit for the `pairingKeyLifetime.duration` parameter.

const (

List of EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime

func NewEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetimeFromValue added in v0.12.0

func NewEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetimeFromValue(v string) (*EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime, error)

NewEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetimeFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) IsValid added in v0.12.0

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) Ptr added in v0.12.0

Ptr returns reference to EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime value

func (*EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (v *EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

type EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout string

EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout The time unit for the `pushTimeout.duration` parameter. Currently, the only permitted value is `SECONDS`.

const (

List of EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout

func NewEnumTimeUnitPushTimeoutFromValue added in v0.7.2

func NewEnumTimeUnitPushTimeoutFromValue(v string) (*EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout, error)

NewEnumTimeUnitPushTimeoutFromValue returns a pointer to a valid EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout for the value passed as argument, or an error if the value passed is not allowed by the enum

func (EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) IsValid added in v0.7.2

func (v EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) IsValid() bool

IsValid return true if the value is valid for the enum, false otherwise

func (EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) Ptr added in v0.7.2

Ptr returns reference to EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout value

func (*EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v *EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

type FIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2Policy struct {
	Links *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	// FIDO policy's UUID.
	Id          *string            `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Environment *ObjectEnvironment `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was created.
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was last updated.
	UpdatedAt               *time.Time                             `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	AttestationRequirements EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements `json:"attestationRequirements"`
	AuthenticatorAttachment EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment `json:"authenticatorAttachment"`
	BackupEligibility       FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility           `json:"backupEligibility"`
	// Whether this policy should serve as the default FIDO policy.
	Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
	// Description of the FIDO policy.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The device authentication policies that use the relevant FIDO policy. If you include the parameter `expand=deviceAuthenticationPolicies` in the URL of the request, this array is included in the response when reading FIDO policies. Each object in the array contains the ID and the name of the device authentication policy.
	DeviceAuthenticationPolicies []string `json:"deviceAuthenticationPolicies,omitempty"`
	// The name to display for the device in registration and authentication windows. Can be up to 100 characters. If you want to use translatable text, you can use any of the keys listed on the *FIDO Policy* page of the *Self-Service* module and the *Sign On Policy* module. The value of the parameter should include only the part of the key name that comes after the module name, for example, `fidoPolicy.deviceDisplayName01` or `fidoPolicy.deviceDisplayName07`. See the pages in the UI for the full list of keys. For more information on translatable keys, see [Modifying translatable keys]( in the PingOne documentation.
	DeviceDisplayName             string                                   `json:"deviceDisplayName"`
	DiscoverableCredentials       EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials   `json:"discoverableCredentials"`
	MdsAuthenticatorsRequirements FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements `json:"mdsAuthenticatorsRequirements"`
	// The name to use for the FIDO policy. Can be up to 256 characters.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The `publicKeyCredentialHints` array is used to indicate that you want to provide public key credential hints to the browser to help give priority to the authentication method that the user is most likely to use. You can include in the array one or more of the following values `SECURITY_KEY`, `CLIENT_DEVICE`, `HYBRID`.
	PublicKeyCredentialHints []EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint `json:"publicKeyCredentialHints,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the relying party. The value should be a domain name, such as `` (in lower-case characters).
	RelyingPartyId            string                               `json:"relyingPartyId"`
	UserDisplayNameAttributes FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes `json:"userDisplayNameAttributes"`
	UserPresenceTimeout       *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout      `json:"userPresenceTimeout,omitempty"`
	UserVerification          FIDO2PolicyUserVerification          `json:"userVerification"`

FIDO2Policy struct for FIDO2Policy

func NewFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2Policy(attestationRequirements EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements, authenticatorAttachment EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment, backupEligibility FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility, deviceDisplayName string, discoverableCredentials EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials, mdsAuthenticatorsRequirements FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements, name string, relyingPartyId string, userDisplayNameAttributes FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes, userVerification FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) *FIDO2Policy

NewFIDO2Policy instantiates a new FIDO2Policy object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyWithDefaults() *FIDO2Policy

NewFIDO2PolicyWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2Policy object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetAttestationRequirements added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetAttestationRequirements() EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements

GetAttestationRequirements returns the AttestationRequirements field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetAttestationRequirementsOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetAttestationRequirementsOk() (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements, bool)

GetAttestationRequirementsOk returns a tuple with the AttestationRequirements field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetAuthenticatorAttachment added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetAuthenticatorAttachment() EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment

GetAuthenticatorAttachment returns the AuthenticatorAttachment field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetAuthenticatorAttachmentOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetAuthenticatorAttachmentOk() (*EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment, bool)

GetAuthenticatorAttachmentOk returns a tuple with the AuthenticatorAttachment field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetBackupEligibility() FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility

GetBackupEligibility returns the BackupEligibility field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetBackupEligibilityOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetBackupEligibilityOk() (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility, bool)

GetBackupEligibilityOk returns a tuple with the BackupEligibility field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetCreatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetCreatedAt() time.Time

GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetCreatedAtOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDefault added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDefault() bool

GetDefault returns the Default field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDefaultOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDefaultOk() (*bool, bool)

GetDefaultOk returns a tuple with the Default field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDescription added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDescription() string

GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDescriptionOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)

GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies() []string

GetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies returns the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk() ([]string, bool)

GetDeviceAuthenticationPoliciesOk returns a tuple with the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceDisplayName added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceDisplayName() string

GetDeviceDisplayName returns the DeviceDisplayName field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceDisplayNameOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDeviceDisplayNameOk() (*string, bool)

GetDeviceDisplayNameOk returns a tuple with the DeviceDisplayName field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDiscoverableCredentials added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDiscoverableCredentials() EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials

GetDiscoverableCredentials returns the DiscoverableCredentials field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetDiscoverableCredentialsOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetDiscoverableCredentialsOk() (*EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials, bool)

GetDiscoverableCredentialsOk returns a tuple with the DiscoverableCredentials field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetEnvironment added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetEnvironment() ObjectEnvironment

GetEnvironment returns the Environment field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetEnvironmentOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetEnvironmentOk() (*ObjectEnvironment, bool)

GetEnvironmentOk returns a tuple with the Environment field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetId added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetIdOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetLinks() map[string]LinksHATEOASValue

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements() FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements

GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements returns the MdsAuthenticatorsRequirements field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsOk() (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements, bool)

GetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsOk returns a tuple with the MdsAuthenticatorsRequirements field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetName added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetName() string

GetName returns the Name field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetNameOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetPublicKeyCredentialHints added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetPublicKeyCredentialHints() []EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint

GetPublicKeyCredentialHints returns the PublicKeyCredentialHints field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetPublicKeyCredentialHintsOk added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetPublicKeyCredentialHintsOk() ([]EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint, bool)

GetPublicKeyCredentialHintsOk returns a tuple with the PublicKeyCredentialHints field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetRelyingPartyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetRelyingPartyId() string

GetRelyingPartyId returns the RelyingPartyId field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetRelyingPartyIdOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetRelyingPartyIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetRelyingPartyIdOk returns a tuple with the RelyingPartyId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUpdatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time

GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUpdatedAtOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserDisplayNameAttributes() FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes

GetUserDisplayNameAttributes returns the UserDisplayNameAttributes field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserDisplayNameAttributesOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserDisplayNameAttributesOk() (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes, bool)

GetUserDisplayNameAttributesOk returns a tuple with the UserDisplayNameAttributes field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserPresenceTimeout() FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout

GetUserPresenceTimeout returns the UserPresenceTimeout field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserPresenceTimeoutOk added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserPresenceTimeoutOk() (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout, bool)

GetUserPresenceTimeoutOk returns a tuple with the UserPresenceTimeout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserVerification added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserVerification() FIDO2PolicyUserVerification

GetUserVerification returns the UserVerification field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) GetUserVerificationOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) GetUserVerificationOk() (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification, bool)

GetUserVerificationOk returns a tuple with the UserVerification field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasCreatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasCreatedAt() bool

HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasDefault added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasDefault() bool

HasDefault returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasDescription added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasDescription() bool

HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies() bool

HasDeviceAuthenticationPolicies returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasEnvironment added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasEnvironment() bool

HasEnvironment returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasId added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasPublicKeyCredentialHints added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasPublicKeyCredentialHints() bool

HasPublicKeyCredentialHints returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasUpdatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasUpdatedAt() bool

HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2Policy) HasUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) HasUserPresenceTimeout() bool

HasUserPresenceTimeout returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (FIDO2Policy) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2Policy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetAttestationRequirements added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetAttestationRequirements(v EnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements)

SetAttestationRequirements sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetAuthenticatorAttachment added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetAuthenticatorAttachment(v EnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment)

SetAuthenticatorAttachment sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetBackupEligibility(v FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility)

SetBackupEligibility sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetCreatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time)

SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetDefault added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetDefault(v bool)

SetDefault gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Default field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetDescription added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetDescription(v string)

SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies(v []string)

SetDeviceAuthenticationPolicies gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the DeviceAuthenticationPolicies field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetDeviceDisplayName added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetDeviceDisplayName(v string)

SetDeviceDisplayName sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetDiscoverableCredentials added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetDiscoverableCredentials(v EnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials)

SetDiscoverableCredentials sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetEnvironment added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetEnvironment(v ObjectEnvironment)

SetEnvironment gets a reference to the given ObjectEnvironment and assigns it to the Environment field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetId added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetLinks(v map[string]LinksHATEOASValue)

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements(v FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements)

SetMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetName added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetName(v string)

SetName sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetPublicKeyCredentialHints added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetPublicKeyCredentialHints(v []EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint)

SetPublicKeyCredentialHints gets a reference to the given []EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint and assigns it to the PublicKeyCredentialHints field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetRelyingPartyId added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetRelyingPartyId(v string)

SetRelyingPartyId sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetUpdatedAt added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time)

SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetUserDisplayNameAttributes(v FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes)

SetUserDisplayNameAttributes sets field value

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetUserPresenceTimeout(v FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout)

SetUserPresenceTimeout gets a reference to the given FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout and assigns it to the UserPresenceTimeout field.

func (*FIDO2Policy) SetUserVerification added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2Policy) SetUserVerification(v FIDO2PolicyUserVerification)

SetUserVerification sets field value

func (FIDO2Policy) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2Policy) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDO2PolicyApiService added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyApiService service

FIDO2PolicyApiService FIDO2PolicyApi service

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) CreateFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) CreateFIDO2Policy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest

CreateFIDO2Policy CREATE FIDO2 Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) CreateFIDO2PolicyExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) CreateFIDO2PolicyExecute(r ApiCreateFIDO2PolicyRequest) (*FIDO2Policy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDO2Policy

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) DeleteFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) DeleteFIDO2Policy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fido2PolicyID string) ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest

DeleteFIDO2Policy DELETE FIDO2 Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fido2PolicyID
@return ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) DeleteFIDO2PolicyExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) DeleteFIDO2PolicyExecute(r ApiDeleteFIDO2PolicyRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadFIDO2Policies added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadFIDO2Policies(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest

ReadFIDO2Policies READ FIDO2 Policies

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadFIDO2PoliciesExecute added in v0.13.0

Execute executes the request

@return EntityArray

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadFIDO2PoliciesExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadFIDO2PoliciesExecuteInitialPage(r ApiReadFIDO2PoliciesRequest) (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadOneFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadOneFIDO2Policy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fido2PolicyID string) ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest

ReadOneFIDO2Policy READ One FIDO2 Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fido2PolicyID
@return ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadOneFIDO2PolicyExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) ReadOneFIDO2PolicyExecute(r ApiReadOneFIDO2PolicyRequest) (*FIDO2Policy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDO2Policy

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) UpdateFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) UpdateFIDO2Policy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fido2PolicyID string) ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest

UpdateFIDO2Policy UPDATE FIDO2 Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fido2PolicyID
@return ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest

func (*FIDO2PolicyApiService) UpdateFIDO2PolicyExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *FIDO2PolicyApiService) UpdateFIDO2PolicyExecute(r ApiUpdateFIDO2PolicyRequest) (*FIDO2Policy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDO2Policy

type FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility struct {
	// Set to `true` if you want to let users register and authenticate with a device that uses cloud-synced credentials. Set to `false` if you don't want to allow this.
	Allow bool `json:"allow"`
	// Set to `true` if you want the backup eligibility of the device to be checked again at each authentication attempt and not just once during registration. Set to `false` to have it checked only at registration.
	EnforceDuringAuthentication bool `json:"enforceDuringAuthentication"`

FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility Used to control whether users should be allowed to register and authenticate with a device that uses cloud-synced credentials, such as a passkey.

func NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility(allow bool, enforceDuringAuthentication bool) *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility

NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibilityWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibilityWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility

NewFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibilityWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetAllow added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetAllow() bool

GetAllow returns the Allow field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetAllowOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetAllowOk() (*bool, bool)

GetAllowOk returns a tuple with the Allow field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication() bool

GetEnforceDuringAuthentication returns the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) SetAllow added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) SetAllow(v bool)

SetAllow sets field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication(v bool)

SetEnforceDuringAuthentication sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements struct {
	// If you set `mdsAuthenticatorsRequirements.option` to `SPECIFIC`, use this array to specify the authenticators that you want to allow.
	AllowedAuthenticators []FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner `json:"allowedAuthenticators,omitempty"`
	// Set to true if you want the device characteristics related to attestation to be checked again at each authentication attempt and not just once during registration. Set to false to have them checked only at registration.
	EnforceDuringAuthentication bool                                  `json:"enforceDuringAuthentication"`
	Option                      EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption `json:"option"`

FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements Used to specify whether attestation is requested from the authenticator, and whether this information is used to restrict authenticator usage.

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements(enforceDuringAuthentication bool, option EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements

NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements

NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.13.0

GetAllowedAuthenticators returns the AllowedAuthenticators field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetAllowedAuthenticatorsOk added in v0.13.0

GetAllowedAuthenticatorsOk returns a tuple with the AllowedAuthenticators field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication() bool

GetEnforceDuringAuthentication returns the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetOption added in v0.13.0

GetOption returns the Option field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) GetOptionOk added in v0.13.0

GetOptionOk returns a tuple with the Option field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) HasAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) HasAllowedAuthenticators() bool

HasAllowedAuthenticators returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) SetAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.13.0

SetAllowedAuthenticators gets a reference to the given []FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner and assigns it to the AllowedAuthenticators field.

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication(v bool)

SetEnforceDuringAuthentication sets field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) SetOption added in v0.13.0

SetOption sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct {
	// The mdsIdentitfer of the authenticator to allow.
	Id string `json:"id"`

FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct for FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner(id string) *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

NewFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) GetId added in v0.13.0

GetId returns the Id field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) GetIdOk added in v0.13.0

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) SetId added in v0.13.0

SetId sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) ToMap added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes struct {
	// List of strings associated with the users's account that can be displayed during registration and authentication. Each object in the array is a name:value pair where the first part is \"name\" and the second is the name of the user attribute, for example, `{\"name\": \"username\"}`, `{\"name\": \"email\"}`. If you want to use the \"name\" attribute for the user, you must also specify the \"subAttributes\", which can be either the \"given\" and \"family\" user attributes or the \"formatted\" user attribute. For example, `{\"name\": “name”, “subAttributes”:[{“name”: “given”}, {“name”: “family”}]}, {\"name\": \"email\"}` or `{\"name\": “name”, “subAttributes”:[{“name”: “formatted”}]}, {\"name\": \"email\"}`. - The content of the list should reflect the preferred order. - If the first attribute is empty for the user, PingOne will continue through the list until a non-empty attribute is found. - You can specify any user attribute (including custom attributes) that meet the following criteria: attribute type must be String, validation cannot be set to enumerated values. - The array must contain the user attribute \"username\" - to ensure that there is at least one non-empty attribute. - You can have a maximum of six user attributes in the list.
	Attributes []FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner `json:"attributes"`

FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes Used to specify the string associated with the users's account that is displayed during registration and authentication.

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes(attributes []FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) GetAttributes added in v0.13.0

GetAttributes returns the Attributes field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) GetAttributesOk added in v0.13.0

GetAttributesOk returns a tuple with the Attributes field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) SetAttributes added in v0.13.0

SetAttributes sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner struct {
	// The name of the attribute to use for the user display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The sub-attributes to use for the user display name.
	SubAttributes []FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner `json:"subAttributes,omitempty"`

FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner struct for FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner(name string) *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) GetName added in v0.13.0

GetName returns the Name field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) GetNameOk added in v0.13.0

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) GetSubAttributes added in v0.13.0

GetSubAttributes returns the SubAttributes field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) GetSubAttributesOk added in v0.13.0

GetSubAttributesOk returns a tuple with the SubAttributes field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) HasSubAttributes added in v0.13.0

HasSubAttributes returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) SetName added in v0.13.0

SetName sets field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) SetSubAttributes added in v0.13.0

SetSubAttributes gets a reference to the given []FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner and assigns it to the SubAttributes field.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) ToMap added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner struct {
	// The name of the sub-attribute to use for the user display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`

FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner struct for FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner(name string) *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInnerWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInnerWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner

NewFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) GetName added in v0.13.0

GetName returns the Name field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) GetNameOk added in v0.13.0

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) SetName added in v0.13.0

SetName sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) ToMap added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout struct {
	// The amount of time a user presence gesture will be accepted for the authentication request. Minimum is one minute, maximum is ten minutes. Can be set in minutes or seconds.
	Duration *int32        `json:"duration,omitempty"`
	TimeUnit *EnumTimeUnit `json:"timeUnit,omitempty"`

FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout Used to specify the amount of time the user has to perform a user presence gesture with their FIDO device before the request expires. The defined timeout applies also to the pairing of the device. Note that the information is provided as a hint to the authenticator so the actual time given may differ from what you defined.

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout() *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout

NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeoutWithDefaults added in v0.22.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeoutWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout

NewFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeoutWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetDuration added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetDuration() int32

GetDuration returns the Duration field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetDurationOk added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetDurationOk() (*int32, bool)

GetDurationOk returns a tuple with the Duration field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetTimeUnit added in v0.22.0

GetTimeUnit returns the TimeUnit field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetTimeUnitOk added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) GetTimeUnitOk() (*EnumTimeUnit, bool)

GetTimeUnitOk returns a tuple with the TimeUnit field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) HasDuration added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) HasDuration() bool

HasDuration returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) HasTimeUnit added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) HasTimeUnit() bool

HasTimeUnit returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) MarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) SetDuration added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) SetDuration(v int32)

SetDuration gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Duration field.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) SetTimeUnit added in v0.22.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) SetTimeUnit(v EnumTimeUnit)

SetTimeUnit gets a reference to the given EnumTimeUnit and assigns it to the TimeUnit field.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) ToMap added in v0.22.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDO2PolicyUserVerification added in v0.13.0

type FIDO2PolicyUserVerification struct {
	// Set to `true` if you want the device characteristics related to user verification to be checked again at each authentication attempt and not just once during registration. Set to `false` to have them checked only at registration.
	EnforceDuringAuthentication bool                                  `json:"enforceDuringAuthentication"`
	Option                      EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption `json:"option"`

FIDO2PolicyUserVerification Used to control whether the user must perform a gesture (such as a public key credential, fingerprint scan, or a PIN code) when registering or authenticating with their FIDO device.

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerification added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerification(enforceDuringAuthentication bool, option EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification

NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerification instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserVerification object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationWithDefaults added in v0.13.0

func NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationWithDefaults() *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification

NewFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDO2PolicyUserVerification object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication() bool

GetEnforceDuringAuthentication returns the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetOption added in v0.13.0

GetOption returns the Option field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) GetOptionOk added in v0.13.0

GetOptionOk returns a tuple with the Option field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.13.0

func (o *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication(v bool)

SetEnforceDuringAuthentication sets field value

func (*FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) SetOption added in v0.13.0

SetOption sets field value

func (FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) ToMap added in v0.13.0

func (o FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDODeviceApiService added in v0.7.0

type FIDODeviceApiService service

FIDODeviceApiService FIDODeviceApi service

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) CreateFidoDevice added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) CreateFidoDevice(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest

CreateFidoDevice CREATE FIDO Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) CreateFidoDeviceExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) CreateFidoDeviceExecute(r ApiCreateFidoDeviceRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) DeleteFidoDevice added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) DeleteFidoDevice(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fidoDeviceID string) ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest

DeleteFidoDevice DELETE FIDO Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fidoDeviceID
@return ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) DeleteFidoDeviceExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) DeleteFidoDeviceExecute(r ApiDeleteFidoDeviceRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) ReadFidoDevices added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) ReadFidoDevices(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest

ReadFidoDevices READ All FIDO Devices

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) ReadFidoDevicesExecute added in v0.7.0

Execute executes the request

@return EntityArray

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) ReadFidoDevicesExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) ReadFidoDevicesExecuteInitialPage(r ApiReadFidoDevicesRequest) (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) ReadOneFidoDevice added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) ReadOneFidoDevice(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fidoDeviceID string) ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest

ReadOneFidoDevice READ One FIDO Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fidoDeviceID
@return ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest

func (*FIDODeviceApiService) ReadOneFidoDeviceExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDODeviceApiService) ReadOneFidoDeviceExecute(r ApiReadOneFidoDeviceRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return map[string]interface{}

type FIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

type FIDOPolicy struct {
	Links *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	// FIDO policy's UUID.
	Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was created.
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was last updated.
	UpdatedAt   *time.Time             `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	Embedded    map[string]interface{} `json:"_embedded,omitempty"`
	Environment *ObjectEnvironment     `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// The name to use for the FIDO policy.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description of the FIDO policy.
	Description             *string                         `json:"description,omitempty"`
	AttestationRequirements EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements `json:"attestationRequirements"`
	// If `attestationRequirements` is set to `SPECIFIC`, this array is used to specify the authenticators that you want to allow.
	AllowedAuthenticators []FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner `json:"allowedAuthenticators,omitempty"`
	// This parameter is relevant only if you have set `attestationRequirements` to `SPECIFIC` in order to restrict usage to only certain authenticators. If set to `true`, the policy will be applied both during registration and during each authentication attempt. If set to `false`, the policy is applied only during registration. Default is `false`.
	EnforceDuringAuthentication *bool `json:"enforceDuringAuthentication,omitempty"`
	// Whether this policy should serve as the default FIDO policy.
	Default                *bool                          `json:"default,omitempty"`
	ResidentKeyRequirement EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement `json:"residentKeyRequirement"`

FIDOPolicy struct for FIDOPolicy

func NewFIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

func NewFIDOPolicy(name string, attestationRequirements EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements, residentKeyRequirement EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) *FIDOPolicy

NewFIDOPolicy instantiates a new FIDOPolicy object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDOPolicyWithDefaults added in v0.7.0

func NewFIDOPolicyWithDefaults() *FIDOPolicy

NewFIDOPolicyWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDOPolicy object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetAllowedAuthenticators() []FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

GetAllowedAuthenticators returns the AllowedAuthenticators field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetAllowedAuthenticatorsOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetAllowedAuthenticatorsOk() ([]FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner, bool)

GetAllowedAuthenticatorsOk returns a tuple with the AllowedAuthenticators field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetAttestationRequirements added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetAttestationRequirements() EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements

GetAttestationRequirements returns the AttestationRequirements field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetAttestationRequirementsOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetAttestationRequirementsOk() (*EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements, bool)

GetAttestationRequirementsOk returns a tuple with the AttestationRequirements field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetCreatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetCreatedAt() time.Time

GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetCreatedAtOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetDefault added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetDefault() bool

GetDefault returns the Default field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetDefaultOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetDefaultOk() (*bool, bool)

GetDefaultOk returns a tuple with the Default field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetDescription added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetDescription() string

GetDescription returns the Description field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetDescriptionOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetDescriptionOk() (*string, bool)

GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEmbedded added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEmbedded() map[string]interface{}

GetEmbedded returns the Embedded field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEmbeddedOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEmbeddedOk() (map[string]interface{}, bool)

GetEmbeddedOk returns a tuple with the Embedded field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEnforceDuringAuthentication() bool

GetEnforceDuringAuthentication returns the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnforceDuringAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the EnforceDuringAuthentication field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEnvironment added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEnvironment() ObjectEnvironment

GetEnvironment returns the Environment field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetEnvironmentOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetEnvironmentOk() (*ObjectEnvironment, bool)

GetEnvironmentOk returns a tuple with the Environment field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetId added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetIdOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetLinks() map[string]LinksHATEOASValue

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetName added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetName() string

GetName returns the Name field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetNameOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetNameOk() (*string, bool)

GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetResidentKeyRequirement added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetResidentKeyRequirement() EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement

GetResidentKeyRequirement returns the ResidentKeyRequirement field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetResidentKeyRequirementOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetResidentKeyRequirementOk() (*EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement, bool)

GetResidentKeyRequirementOk returns a tuple with the ResidentKeyRequirement field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetUpdatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time

GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*FIDOPolicy) GetUpdatedAtOk added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasAllowedAuthenticators() bool

HasAllowedAuthenticators returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasCreatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasCreatedAt() bool

HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasDefault added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasDefault() bool

HasDefault returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasDescription added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasDescription() bool

HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasEmbedded added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasEmbedded() bool

HasEmbedded returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasEnforceDuringAuthentication() bool

HasEnforceDuringAuthentication returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasEnvironment added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasEnvironment() bool

HasEnvironment returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasId added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*FIDOPolicy) HasUpdatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) HasUpdatedAt() bool

HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (FIDOPolicy) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (o FIDOPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetAllowedAuthenticators added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetAllowedAuthenticators(v []FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner)

SetAllowedAuthenticators gets a reference to the given []FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner and assigns it to the AllowedAuthenticators field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetAttestationRequirements added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetAttestationRequirements(v EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements)

SetAttestationRequirements sets field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetCreatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time)

SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetDefault added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetDefault(v bool)

SetDefault gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Default field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetDescription added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetDescription(v string)

SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetEmbedded added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetEmbedded(v map[string]interface{})

SetEmbedded gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Embedded field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetEnforceDuringAuthentication(v bool)

SetEnforceDuringAuthentication gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the EnforceDuringAuthentication field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetEnvironment added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetEnvironment(v ObjectEnvironment)

SetEnvironment gets a reference to the given ObjectEnvironment and assigns it to the Environment field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetId added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetLinks(v map[string]LinksHATEOASValue)

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetName added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetName(v string)

SetName sets field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetResidentKeyRequirement added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetResidentKeyRequirement(v EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement)

SetResidentKeyRequirement sets field value

func (*FIDOPolicy) SetUpdatedAt added in v0.7.0

func (o *FIDOPolicy) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time)

SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.

func (FIDOPolicy) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o FIDOPolicy) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.7.0

type FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct {
	// The identifier of the authenticator to allow.
	Id string `json:"id"`

FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct for FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

func NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.7.0

func NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner(id string) *FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner instantiates a new FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults added in v0.7.0

func NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults() *FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

NewFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) GetId added in v0.7.0

GetId returns the Id field value

func (*FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) GetIdOk added in v0.7.0

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (o FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) SetId added in v0.7.0

SetId sets field value

func (FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type FIDOPolicyApiService added in v0.7.0

type FIDOPolicyApiService service

FIDOPolicyApiService FIDOPolicyApi service

func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) CreateFidoPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) CreateFidoPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest

CreateFidoPolicy CREATE FIDO Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) CreateFidoPolicyExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) CreateFidoPolicyExecute(r ApiCreateFidoPolicyRequest) (*FIDOPolicy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDOPolicy


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) DeleteFidoPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) DeleteFidoPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fidoPolicyID string) ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest

DeleteFidoPolicy DELETE FIDO Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fidoPolicyID
@return ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) DeleteFidoPolicyExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) DeleteFidoPolicyExecute(r ApiDeleteFidoPolicyRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request Deprecated

func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadFidoPolicies added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadFidoPolicies(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest

ReadFidoPolicies READ FIDO Policies

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadFidoPoliciesExecute added in v0.7.0

Execute executes the request

@return EntityArray


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadFidoPoliciesExecuteInitialPage added in v0.21.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadFidoPoliciesExecuteInitialPage(r ApiReadFidoPoliciesRequest) (*EntityArray, *http.Response, error)

func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadOneFidoPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadOneFidoPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fidoPolicyID string) ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest

ReadOneFidoPolicy READ One FIDO Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fidoPolicyID
@return ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadOneFidoPolicyExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) ReadOneFidoPolicyExecute(r ApiReadOneFidoPolicyRequest) (*FIDOPolicy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDOPolicy


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) UpdateFIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) UpdateFIDOPolicy(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, fidoPolicyID string) ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest

UpdateFIDOPolicy UPDATE FIDO Policy

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param fidoPolicyID
@return ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest


func (*FIDOPolicyApiService) UpdateFIDOPolicyExecute added in v0.7.0

func (a *FIDOPolicyApiService) UpdateFIDOPolicyExecute(r ApiUpdateFIDOPolicyRequest) (*FIDOPolicy, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return FIDOPolicy


type GenericOpenAPIError

type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte

Body returns the raw bytes of the response

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string

Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}

Model returns the unpacked model of the error

type HALApiService added in v0.20.0

type HALApiService service

HALApiService HALApi service


@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param halLink
@param returnType
@return ApiReadHALLinkRequest

func (*HALApiService) ReadHALLinkExecute added in v0.20.0

func (a *HALApiService) ReadHALLinkExecute(r ApiReadHALLinkRequest) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return any

type LinksHATEOAS added in v0.16.0

type LinksHATEOAS struct {
	Self                 *LinksHATEOASSelf `json:"self,omitempty"`
	Next                 *LinksHATEOASNext `json:"next,omitempty"`
	AdditionalProperties map[string]interface{}

LinksHATEOAS struct for LinksHATEOAS

func NewLinksHATEOAS added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOAS() *LinksHATEOAS

NewLinksHATEOAS instantiates a new LinksHATEOAS object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewLinksHATEOASWithDefaults added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOASWithDefaults() *LinksHATEOAS

NewLinksHATEOASWithDefaults instantiates a new LinksHATEOAS object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*LinksHATEOAS) GetNext added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) GetNext() LinksHATEOASNext

GetNext returns the Next field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) GetNextOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) GetNextOk() (*LinksHATEOASNext, bool)

GetNextOk returns a tuple with the Next field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) GetSelf added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) GetSelf() LinksHATEOASSelf

GetSelf returns the Self field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) GetSelfOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) GetSelfOk() (*LinksHATEOASSelf, bool)

GetSelfOk returns a tuple with the Self field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) HasNext added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) HasNext() bool

HasNext returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) HasSelf added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) HasSelf() bool

HasSelf returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (LinksHATEOAS) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOAS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*LinksHATEOAS) SetNext added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) SetNext(v LinksHATEOASNext)

SetNext gets a reference to the given LinksHATEOASNext and assigns it to the Next field.

func (*LinksHATEOAS) SetSelf added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) SetSelf(v LinksHATEOASSelf)

SetSelf gets a reference to the given LinksHATEOASSelf and assigns it to the Self field.

func (LinksHATEOAS) ToMap added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOAS) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

func (*LinksHATEOAS) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOAS) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) (err error)

type LinksHATEOASNext added in v0.16.0

type LinksHATEOASNext struct {
	// The URI of the resource.
	Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"`

LinksHATEOASNext An object that describes the next page of results. This property is present only if there is a next page of results and the `limit` parameter is used.

func NewLinksHATEOASNext added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOASNext() *LinksHATEOASNext

NewLinksHATEOASNext instantiates a new LinksHATEOASNext object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewLinksHATEOASNextWithDefaults added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOASNextWithDefaults() *LinksHATEOASNext

NewLinksHATEOASNextWithDefaults instantiates a new LinksHATEOASNext object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*LinksHATEOASNext) GetHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASNext) GetHref() string

GetHref returns the Href field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*LinksHATEOASNext) GetHrefOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASNext) GetHrefOk() (*string, bool)

GetHrefOk returns a tuple with the Href field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*LinksHATEOASNext) HasHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASNext) HasHref() bool

HasHref returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (LinksHATEOASNext) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOASNext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*LinksHATEOASNext) SetHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASNext) SetHref(v string)

SetHref gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Href field.

func (LinksHATEOASNext) ToMap added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOASNext) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type LinksHATEOASSelf added in v0.16.0

type LinksHATEOASSelf struct {
	// The URI of the resource.
	Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"`

LinksHATEOASSelf An object that describes the current resource.

func NewLinksHATEOASSelf added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOASSelf() *LinksHATEOASSelf

NewLinksHATEOASSelf instantiates a new LinksHATEOASSelf object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewLinksHATEOASSelfWithDefaults added in v0.16.0

func NewLinksHATEOASSelfWithDefaults() *LinksHATEOASSelf

NewLinksHATEOASSelfWithDefaults instantiates a new LinksHATEOASSelf object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*LinksHATEOASSelf) GetHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASSelf) GetHref() string

GetHref returns the Href field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*LinksHATEOASSelf) GetHrefOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASSelf) GetHrefOk() (*string, bool)

GetHrefOk returns a tuple with the Href field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*LinksHATEOASSelf) HasHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASSelf) HasHref() bool

HasHref returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (LinksHATEOASSelf) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOASSelf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*LinksHATEOASSelf) SetHref added in v0.16.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASSelf) SetHref(v string)

SetHref gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Href field.

func (LinksHATEOASSelf) ToMap added in v0.16.0

func (o LinksHATEOASSelf) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type LinksHATEOASValue added in v0.20.0

type LinksHATEOASValue struct {
	// The HREF of the link.
	Href string `json:"href"`

LinksHATEOASValue struct for LinksHATEOASValue

func NewLinksHATEOASValue added in v0.20.0

func NewLinksHATEOASValue(href string) *LinksHATEOASValue

NewLinksHATEOASValue instantiates a new LinksHATEOASValue object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewLinksHATEOASValueWithDefaults added in v0.20.0

func NewLinksHATEOASValueWithDefaults() *LinksHATEOASValue

NewLinksHATEOASValueWithDefaults instantiates a new LinksHATEOASValue object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*LinksHATEOASValue) GetHref added in v0.20.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASValue) GetHref() string

GetHref returns the Href field value

func (*LinksHATEOASValue) GetHrefOk added in v0.20.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASValue) GetHrefOk() (*string, bool)

GetHrefOk returns a tuple with the Href field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (LinksHATEOASValue) MarshalJSON added in v0.20.0

func (o LinksHATEOASValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*LinksHATEOASValue) SetHref added in v0.20.0

func (o *LinksHATEOASValue) SetHref(v string)

SetHref sets field value

func (LinksHATEOASValue) ToMap added in v0.20.0

func (o LinksHATEOASValue) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredential

type MFAPushCredential struct {
	Type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type"`

MFAPushCredential struct for MFAPushCredential

func NewMFAPushCredential

func NewMFAPushCredential(type_ EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) *MFAPushCredential

NewMFAPushCredential instantiates a new MFAPushCredential object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialWithDefaults

func NewMFAPushCredentialWithDefaults() *MFAPushCredential

NewMFAPushCredentialWithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredential object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredential) GetType

GetType returns the Type field value

func (*MFAPushCredential) GetTypeOk

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFAPushCredential) MarshalJSON

func (o MFAPushCredential) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredential) SetType

SetType sets field value

func (MFAPushCredential) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFAPushCredential) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredentialAPNS

type MFAPushCredentialAPNS struct {
	Type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type"`
	// A string that Apple uses as an identifier to identify an authentication key.  Mandatory.
	Key string `json:"key"`
	// A string that Apple uses as an identifier to identify teams.
	TeamId string `json:"teamId"`
	// A string that Apple uses as the authentication token signing key to securely connect to APNS. This is a p8 file with a private key format.
	Token string `json:"token"`

MFAPushCredentialAPNS struct for MFAPushCredentialAPNS

func NewMFAPushCredentialAPNS

func NewMFAPushCredentialAPNS(type_ EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType, key string, teamId string, token string) *MFAPushCredentialAPNS

NewMFAPushCredentialAPNS instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialAPNS object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialAPNSWithDefaults

func NewMFAPushCredentialAPNSWithDefaults() *MFAPushCredentialAPNS

NewMFAPushCredentialAPNSWithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialAPNS object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetKey

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetKey() string

GetKey returns the Key field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetKeyOk

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)

GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTeamId

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTeamId() string

GetTeamId returns the TeamId field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTeamIdOk

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTeamIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetTeamIdOk returns a tuple with the TeamId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetToken

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetToken() string

GetToken returns the Token field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTokenOk

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTokenOk() (*string, bool)

GetTokenOk returns a tuple with the Token field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetType

GetType returns the Type field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) GetTypeOk

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFAPushCredentialAPNS) MarshalJSON

func (o MFAPushCredentialAPNS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetKey

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetKey(v string)

SetKey sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetTeamId

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetTeamId(v string)

SetTeamId sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetToken

func (o *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetToken(v string)

SetToken sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialAPNS) SetType

SetType sets field value

func (MFAPushCredentialAPNS) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialAPNS) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredentialFCM added in v0.8.0

type MFAPushCredentialFCM struct {
	Type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type"`
	// A string that Apple uses as an identifier to identify an authentication key.  Mandatory.
	// Deprecated
	Key string `json:"key"`

MFAPushCredentialFCM struct for MFAPushCredentialFCM

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCM added in v0.8.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCM(type_ EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType, key string) *MFAPushCredentialFCM

NewMFAPushCredentialFCM instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialFCM object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMWithDefaults added in v0.8.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMWithDefaults() *MFAPushCredentialFCM

NewMFAPushCredentialFCMWithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialFCM object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetKey added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetKey() string

GetKey returns the Key field value Deprecated

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetKeyOk added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetKeyOk() (*string, bool)

GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetType added in v0.8.0

GetType returns the Type field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) GetTypeOk added in v0.8.0

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFAPushCredentialFCM) MarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialFCM) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) SetKey added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCM) SetKey(v string)

SetKey sets field value Deprecated

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCM) SetType added in v0.8.0

SetType sets field value

func (MFAPushCredentialFCM) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialFCM) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 added in v0.12.0

type MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 struct {
	Type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type"`
	// Used when `type` is set to `FCM_HTTP_V1`. The value should be the contents of the JSON file that represents your Service Account Credentials.
	GoogleServiceAccountCredentials string `json:"googleServiceAccountCredentials"`

MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 struct for MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 added in v0.12.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1(type_ EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType, googleServiceAccountCredentials string) *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1

NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1WithDefaults added in v0.12.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1WithDefaults() *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1

NewMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1WithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials added in v0.12.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials() string

GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials returns the GoogleServiceAccountCredentials field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentialsOk added in v0.12.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentialsOk() (*string, bool)

GetGoogleServiceAccountCredentialsOk returns a tuple with the GoogleServiceAccountCredentials field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetType added in v0.12.0

GetType returns the Type field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) GetTypeOk added in v0.12.0

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) MarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) SetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials added in v0.12.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) SetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials(v string)

SetGoogleServiceAccountCredentials sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) SetType added in v0.12.0

SetType sets field value

func (MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) ToMap added in v0.12.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredentialHMS added in v0.8.0

type MFAPushCredentialHMS struct {
	Type EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type"`
	// Used only if type is set to HMS. OAuth 2.0 Client ID from the Huawei Developers API console.
	ClientId string `json:"clientId"`
	// Used only if type is set to HMS. The client secret associated with the OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
	ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"`

MFAPushCredentialHMS struct for MFAPushCredentialHMS

func NewMFAPushCredentialHMS added in v0.8.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialHMS(type_ EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType, clientId string, clientSecret string) *MFAPushCredentialHMS

NewMFAPushCredentialHMS instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialHMS object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialHMSWithDefaults added in v0.8.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialHMSWithDefaults() *MFAPushCredentialHMS

NewMFAPushCredentialHMSWithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialHMS object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientId added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientId() string

GetClientId returns the ClientId field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientIdOk added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetClientIdOk returns a tuple with the ClientId field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientSecret added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientSecret() string

GetClientSecret returns the ClientSecret field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientSecretOk added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetClientSecretOk() (*string, bool)

GetClientSecretOk returns a tuple with the ClientSecret field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetType added in v0.8.0

GetType returns the Type field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) GetTypeOk added in v0.8.0

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFAPushCredentialHMS) MarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialHMS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) SetClientId added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) SetClientId(v string)

SetClientId sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) SetClientSecret added in v0.8.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialHMS) SetClientSecret(v string)

SetClientSecret sets field value

func (*MFAPushCredentialHMS) SetType added in v0.8.0

SetType sets field value

func (MFAPushCredentialHMS) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialHMS) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

type MFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	MFAPushCredentialAPNS      *MFAPushCredentialAPNS
	MFAPushCredentialFCM       *MFAPushCredentialFCM
	MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1
	MFAPushCredentialHMS       *MFAPushCredentialHMS

MFAPushCredentialRequest - struct for MFAPushCredentialRequest

func MFAPushCredentialAPNSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func MFAPushCredentialAPNSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest(v *MFAPushCredentialAPNS) MFAPushCredentialRequest

MFAPushCredentialAPNSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest is a convenience function that returns MFAPushCredentialAPNS wrapped in MFAPushCredentialRequest

func MFAPushCredentialFCMAsMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func MFAPushCredentialFCMAsMFAPushCredentialRequest(v *MFAPushCredentialFCM) MFAPushCredentialRequest

MFAPushCredentialFCMAsMFAPushCredentialRequest is a convenience function that returns MFAPushCredentialFCM wrapped in MFAPushCredentialRequest

func MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1AsMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1AsMFAPushCredentialRequest(v *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) MFAPushCredentialRequest

MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1AsMFAPushCredentialRequest is a convenience function that returns MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 wrapped in MFAPushCredentialRequest

func MFAPushCredentialHMSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func MFAPushCredentialHMSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest(v *MFAPushCredentialHMS) MFAPushCredentialRequest

MFAPushCredentialHMSAsMFAPushCredentialRequest is a convenience function that returns MFAPushCredentialHMS wrapped in MFAPushCredentialRequest

func (*MFAPushCredentialRequest) GetActualInstance added in v0.13.0

func (obj *MFAPushCredentialRequest) GetActualInstance() interface{}

Get the actual instance

func (MFAPushCredentialRequest) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (src MFAPushCredentialRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

Marshal data from the first non-nil pointers in the struct to JSON

func (*MFAPushCredentialRequest) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (dst *MFAPushCredentialRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

Unmarshal JSON data into one of the pointers in the struct

type MFAPushCredentialResponse added in v0.6.0

type MFAPushCredentialResponse struct {
	Links *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	// A string that specifies the push credential ID.
	Id   *string                        `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Type *EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was created.
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was last updated.
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`

MFAPushCredentialResponse struct for MFAPushCredentialResponse

func NewMFAPushCredentialResponse added in v0.6.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialResponse() *MFAPushCredentialResponse

NewMFAPushCredentialResponse instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialResponse object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFAPushCredentialResponseWithDefaults added in v0.6.0

func NewMFAPushCredentialResponseWithDefaults() *MFAPushCredentialResponse

NewMFAPushCredentialResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new MFAPushCredentialResponse object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetCreatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetCreatedAt() time.Time

GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetCreatedAtOk added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetId added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetIdOk added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetType added in v0.6.0

GetType returns the Type field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetTypeOk added in v0.6.0

GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetUpdatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time

GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetUpdatedAtOk added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasCreatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasCreatedAt() bool

HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasId added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasType added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasType() bool

HasType returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasUpdatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) HasUpdatedAt() bool

HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (MFAPushCredentialResponse) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetCreatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time)

SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetId added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetType added in v0.6.0

SetType gets a reference to the given EnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType and assigns it to the Type field.

func (*MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetUpdatedAt added in v0.6.0

func (o *MFAPushCredentialResponse) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time)

SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.

func (MFAPushCredentialResponse) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFAPushCredentialResponse) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettings added in v0.5.0

type MFASettings struct {
	Links       *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	Environment *ObjectEnvironment            `json:"environment,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated
	Authentication  *MFASettingsAuthentication  `json:"authentication,omitempty"`
	Lockout         *MFASettingsLockout         `json:"lockout,omitempty"`
	Pairing         MFASettingsPairing          `json:"pairing"`
	PhoneExtensions *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions `json:"phoneExtensions,omitempty"`
	// The time the resource was last updated.
	UpdatedAt *time.Time        `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"`
	Users     *MFASettingsUsers `json:"users,omitempty"`

MFASettings struct for MFASettings

func NewMFASettings added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettings(pairing MFASettingsPairing) *MFASettings

NewMFASettings instantiates a new MFASettings object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsWithDefaults added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsWithDefaults() *MFASettings

NewMFASettingsWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettings object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettings) GetAuthentication added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetAuthentication() MFASettingsAuthentication

GetAuthentication returns the Authentication field value if set, zero value otherwise. Deprecated

func (*MFASettings) GetAuthenticationOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetAuthenticationOk() (*MFASettingsAuthentication, bool)

GetAuthenticationOk returns a tuple with the Authentication field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (*MFASettings) GetEnvironment added in v0.5.1

func (o *MFASettings) GetEnvironment() ObjectEnvironment

GetEnvironment returns the Environment field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetEnvironmentOk added in v0.5.1

func (o *MFASettings) GetEnvironmentOk() (*ObjectEnvironment, bool)

GetEnvironmentOk returns a tuple with the Environment field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *MFASettings) GetLinks() map[string]LinksHATEOASValue

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) GetLockout added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetLockout() MFASettingsLockout

GetLockout returns the Lockout field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetLockoutOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetLockoutOk() (*MFASettingsLockout, bool)

GetLockoutOk returns a tuple with the Lockout field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) GetPairing added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetPairing() MFASettingsPairing

GetPairing returns the Pairing field value

func (*MFASettings) GetPairingOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetPairingOk() (*MFASettingsPairing, bool)

GetPairingOk returns a tuple with the Pairing field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) GetPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetPhoneExtensions() MFASettingsPhoneExtensions

GetPhoneExtensions returns the PhoneExtensions field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetPhoneExtensionsOk added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetPhoneExtensionsOk() (*MFASettingsPhoneExtensions, bool)

GetPhoneExtensionsOk returns a tuple with the PhoneExtensions field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) GetUpdatedAt added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time

GetUpdatedAt returns the UpdatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetUpdatedAtOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetUpdatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool)

GetUpdatedAtOk returns a tuple with the UpdatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) GetUsers added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetUsers() MFASettingsUsers

GetUsers returns the Users field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettings) GetUsersOk added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettings) GetUsersOk() (*MFASettingsUsers, bool)

GetUsersOk returns a tuple with the Users field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasAuthentication added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) HasAuthentication() bool

HasAuthentication returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasEnvironment added in v0.5.1

func (o *MFASettings) HasEnvironment() bool

HasEnvironment returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (o *MFASettings) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasLockout added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) HasLockout() bool

HasLockout returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettings) HasPhoneExtensions() bool

HasPhoneExtensions returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasUpdatedAt added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) HasUpdatedAt() bool

HasUpdatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*MFASettings) HasUsers added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettings) HasUsers() bool

HasUsers returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (MFASettings) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o MFASettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettings) SetAuthentication added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetAuthentication(v MFASettingsAuthentication)

SetAuthentication gets a reference to the given MFASettingsAuthentication and assigns it to the Authentication field. Deprecated

func (*MFASettings) SetEnvironment added in v0.5.1

func (o *MFASettings) SetEnvironment(v ObjectEnvironment)

SetEnvironment gets a reference to the given ObjectEnvironment and assigns it to the Environment field.

func (o *MFASettings) SetLinks(v map[string]LinksHATEOASValue)

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*MFASettings) SetLockout added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetLockout(v MFASettingsLockout)

SetLockout gets a reference to the given MFASettingsLockout and assigns it to the Lockout field.

func (*MFASettings) SetPairing added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetPairing(v MFASettingsPairing)

SetPairing sets field value

func (*MFASettings) SetPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetPhoneExtensions(v MFASettingsPhoneExtensions)

SetPhoneExtensions gets a reference to the given MFASettingsPhoneExtensions and assigns it to the PhoneExtensions field.

func (*MFASettings) SetUpdatedAt added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetUpdatedAt(v time.Time)

SetUpdatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the UpdatedAt field.

func (*MFASettings) SetUsers added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettings) SetUsers(v MFASettingsUsers)

SetUsers gets a reference to the given MFASettingsUsers and assigns it to the Users field.

func (MFASettings) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFASettings) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettingsApiService

type MFASettingsApiService service

MFASettingsApiService MFASettingsApi service

func (*MFASettingsApiService) ReadMFASettings added in v0.5.0

func (a *MFASettingsApiService) ReadMFASettings(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiReadMFASettingsRequest

ReadMFASettings READ MFA Settings

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiReadMFASettingsRequest

func (*MFASettingsApiService) ReadMFASettingsExecute added in v0.5.0

Execute executes the request

@return MFASettings

func (*MFASettingsApiService) ResetMFASettings added in v0.5.0

func (a *MFASettingsApiService) ResetMFASettings(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiResetMFASettingsRequest

ResetMFASettings RESET MFA Settings

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiResetMFASettingsRequest

func (*MFASettingsApiService) ResetMFASettingsExecute added in v0.5.0

func (a *MFASettingsApiService) ResetMFASettingsExecute(r ApiResetMFASettingsRequest) (*MFASettings, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return MFASettings

func (*MFASettingsApiService) UpdateMFASettings added in v0.5.0

func (a *MFASettingsApiService) UpdateMFASettings(ctx context.Context, environmentID string) ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest

UpdateMFASettings UPDATE MFA Settings

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@return ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest

func (*MFASettingsApiService) UpdateMFASettingsExecute added in v0.5.0

func (a *MFASettingsApiService) UpdateMFASettingsExecute(r ApiUpdateMFASettingsRequest) (*MFASettings, *http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

@return MFASettings

type MFASettingsAuthentication added in v0.5.0

type MFASettingsAuthentication struct {
	// Deprecated
	DeviceSelection EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection `json:"deviceSelection"`

MFASettingsAuthentication An object that contains the device selection settings.

func NewMFASettingsAuthentication added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsAuthentication(deviceSelection EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) *MFASettingsAuthentication

NewMFASettingsAuthentication instantiates a new MFASettingsAuthentication object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsAuthenticationWithDefaults added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsAuthenticationWithDefaults() *MFASettingsAuthentication

NewMFASettingsAuthenticationWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettingsAuthentication object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettingsAuthentication) GetDeviceSelection added in v0.5.0

GetDeviceSelection returns the DeviceSelection field value Deprecated

func (*MFASettingsAuthentication) GetDeviceSelectionOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsAuthentication) GetDeviceSelectionOk() (*EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection, bool)

GetDeviceSelectionOk returns a tuple with the DeviceSelection field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set. Deprecated

func (MFASettingsAuthentication) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o MFASettingsAuthentication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettingsAuthentication) SetDeviceSelection added in v0.5.0

SetDeviceSelection sets field value Deprecated

func (MFASettingsAuthentication) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFASettingsAuthentication) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettingsLockout added in v0.5.0

type MFASettingsLockout struct {
	// An integer that defines the maximum number of incorrect authentication attempts before the account is locked.
	FailureCount int32 `json:"failureCount"`
	// An integer that defines the number of seconds to keep the account in a locked state.
	DurationSeconds *int32 `json:"durationSeconds,omitempty"`

MFASettingsLockout An object that contains lockout settings.

func NewMFASettingsLockout added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsLockout(failureCount int32) *MFASettingsLockout

NewMFASettingsLockout instantiates a new MFASettingsLockout object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsLockoutWithDefaults added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsLockoutWithDefaults() *MFASettingsLockout

NewMFASettingsLockoutWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettingsLockout object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettingsLockout) GetDurationSeconds added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) GetDurationSeconds() int32

GetDurationSeconds returns the DurationSeconds field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettingsLockout) GetDurationSecondsOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) GetDurationSecondsOk() (*int32, bool)

GetDurationSecondsOk returns a tuple with the DurationSeconds field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettingsLockout) GetFailureCount added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) GetFailureCount() int32

GetFailureCount returns the FailureCount field value

func (*MFASettingsLockout) GetFailureCountOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) GetFailureCountOk() (*int32, bool)

GetFailureCountOk returns a tuple with the FailureCount field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettingsLockout) HasDurationSeconds added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) HasDurationSeconds() bool

HasDurationSeconds returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (MFASettingsLockout) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o MFASettingsLockout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettingsLockout) SetDurationSeconds added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) SetDurationSeconds(v int32)

SetDurationSeconds gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the DurationSeconds field.

func (*MFASettingsLockout) SetFailureCount added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsLockout) SetFailureCount(v int32)

SetFailureCount sets field value

func (MFASettingsLockout) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFASettingsLockout) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettingsPairing added in v0.5.0

type MFASettingsPairing struct {
	// An integer that defines the maximum number of MFA devices each user can have. This can be any number up to 15. The default value is 5.
	MaxAllowedDevices int32                           `json:"maxAllowedDevices"`
	PairingKeyFormat  EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat `json:"pairingKeyFormat"`

MFASettingsPairing An object that contains pairing settings.

func NewMFASettingsPairing added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsPairing(maxAllowedDevices int32, pairingKeyFormat EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) *MFASettingsPairing

NewMFASettingsPairing instantiates a new MFASettingsPairing object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsPairingWithDefaults added in v0.5.0

func NewMFASettingsPairingWithDefaults() *MFASettingsPairing

NewMFASettingsPairingWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettingsPairing object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettingsPairing) GetMaxAllowedDevices added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) GetMaxAllowedDevices() int32

GetMaxAllowedDevices returns the MaxAllowedDevices field value

func (*MFASettingsPairing) GetMaxAllowedDevicesOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) GetMaxAllowedDevicesOk() (*int32, bool)

GetMaxAllowedDevicesOk returns a tuple with the MaxAllowedDevices field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettingsPairing) GetPairingKeyFormat added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) GetPairingKeyFormat() EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat

GetPairingKeyFormat returns the PairingKeyFormat field value

func (*MFASettingsPairing) GetPairingKeyFormatOk added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) GetPairingKeyFormatOk() (*EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat, bool)

GetPairingKeyFormatOk returns a tuple with the PairingKeyFormat field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (MFASettingsPairing) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (o MFASettingsPairing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettingsPairing) SetMaxAllowedDevices added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) SetMaxAllowedDevices(v int32)

SetMaxAllowedDevices sets field value

func (*MFASettingsPairing) SetPairingKeyFormat added in v0.5.0

func (o *MFASettingsPairing) SetPairingKeyFormat(v EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat)

SetPairingKeyFormat sets field value

func (MFASettingsPairing) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o MFASettingsPairing) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettingsPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

type MFASettingsPhoneExtensions struct {
	// Set to `true` to allow one-time passwords to be delivered via voice to phone numbers that include extensions. Set to `false` to disable support for phone numbers with extensions. By default, support for extensions is disabled.
	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

MFASettingsPhoneExtensions Contains settings for phone extension support.

func NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

func NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensions() *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions

NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensions instantiates a new MFASettingsPhoneExtensions object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensionsWithDefaults added in v0.11.0

func NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensionsWithDefaults() *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions

NewMFASettingsPhoneExtensionsWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettingsPhoneExtensions object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) GetEnabled added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) GetEnabled() bool

GetEnabled returns the Enabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) GetEnabledOk added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) GetEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetEnabledOk returns a tuple with the Enabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) HasEnabled added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) HasEnabled() bool

HasEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) MarshalJSON added in v0.11.0

func (o MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) SetEnabled added in v0.11.0

func (o *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) SetEnabled(v bool)

SetEnabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Enabled field.

func (MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) ToMap added in v0.11.0

func (o MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MFASettingsUsers added in v0.17.0

type MFASettingsUsers struct {
	// Set `mfaEnabled` to `true` if you want MFA to be enabled by default for new users.
	MfaEnabled *bool `json:"mfaEnabled,omitempty"`

MFASettingsUsers Contains information about the default settings for new users.

func NewMFASettingsUsers added in v0.17.0

func NewMFASettingsUsers() *MFASettingsUsers

NewMFASettingsUsers instantiates a new MFASettingsUsers object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewMFASettingsUsersWithDefaults added in v0.17.0

func NewMFASettingsUsersWithDefaults() *MFASettingsUsers

NewMFASettingsUsersWithDefaults instantiates a new MFASettingsUsers object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*MFASettingsUsers) GetMfaEnabled added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettingsUsers) GetMfaEnabled() bool

GetMfaEnabled returns the MfaEnabled field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*MFASettingsUsers) GetMfaEnabledOk added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettingsUsers) GetMfaEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetMfaEnabledOk returns a tuple with the MfaEnabled field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*MFASettingsUsers) HasMfaEnabled added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettingsUsers) HasMfaEnabled() bool

HasMfaEnabled returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (MFASettingsUsers) MarshalJSON added in v0.17.0

func (o MFASettingsUsers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*MFASettingsUsers) SetMfaEnabled added in v0.17.0

func (o *MFASettingsUsers) SetMfaEnabled(v bool)

SetMfaEnabled gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the MfaEnabled field.

func (MFASettingsUsers) ToMap added in v0.17.0

func (o MFASettingsUsers) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type MappedNullable added in v0.9.0

type MappedNullable interface {
	ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type NullableBool

type NullableBool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableBool

func NewNullableBool(val *bool) *NullableBool

func (NullableBool) Get

func (v NullableBool) Get() *bool

func (NullableBool) IsSet

func (v NullableBool) IsSet() bool

func (NullableBool) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableBool) Set

func (v *NullableBool) Set(val *bool)

func (*NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableBool) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableBool) Unset

func (v *NullableBool) Unset()

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy added in v0.3.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicy) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicy) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication added in v0.7.2

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) Get added in v0.7.2

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) IsSet added in v0.7.2

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) Set added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyAuthentication) Unset added in v0.7.2

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice added in v0.6.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFIDODevice) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2 added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyFido2) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrate) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMigrateData) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile added in v0.3.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobile) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInner) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerAutoEnrollment) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerDeviceAuthorization) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerOtp) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) Get added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) IsSet added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) Set added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPairingKeyLifetime) Unset added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPush) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) Get added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) IsSet added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) Set added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimit) Unset added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) Get added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) IsSet added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) Set added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitLockDuration) Unset added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) Get added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) IsSet added in v0.10.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) MarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) Set added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.10.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushLimitTimePeriod) Unset added in v0.10.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) Get added in v0.7.2

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) IsSet added in v0.7.2

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) Set added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileApplicationsInnerPushTimeout) Unset added in v0.7.2

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp added in v0.3.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtp) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindow) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyMobileOtpWindowStepSize) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDevice) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtp) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailure) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpFailureCoolDown) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyOfflineDeviceOtpLifeTime) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPost) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse added in v0.14.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) Get added in v0.14.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) IsSet added in v0.14.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) MarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) Set added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostResponse) Unset added in v0.14.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp added in v0.3.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) Set added in v0.3.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotp) Unset added in v0.3.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp added in v0.6.0

type NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp added in v0.6.0

func NewNullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp(val *DeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (v *NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableDeviceAuthenticationPolicyTotpOtp) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableEntityArray

type NullableEntityArray struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEntityArray

func NewNullableEntityArray(val *EntityArray) *NullableEntityArray

func (NullableEntityArray) Get

func (NullableEntityArray) IsSet

func (v NullableEntityArray) IsSet() bool

func (NullableEntityArray) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableEntityArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEntityArray) Set

func (v *NullableEntityArray) Set(val *EntityArray)

func (*NullableEntityArray) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableEntityArray) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEntityArray) Unset

func (v *NullableEntityArray) Unset()

type NullableEntityArrayEmbedded

type NullableEntityArrayEmbedded struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEntityArrayEmbedded

func NewNullableEntityArrayEmbedded(val *EntityArrayEmbedded) *NullableEntityArrayEmbedded

func (NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) Get

func (NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) IsSet

func (NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) Set

func (*NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) Unset

func (v *NullableEntityArrayEmbedded) Unset()

type NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType added in v0.14.0

type NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) Get added in v0.14.0

func (NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) IsSet added in v0.14.0

func (NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) MarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) Set added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.14.0

func (*NullableEnumDeviceAuthenticationPolicyPostContentType) Unset added in v0.14.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAttestationRequirements) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyAuthenticatorAttachment) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyDiscoverableCredentials) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption(val *EnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) *NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyMDSAuthenticatorOption) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption(val *EnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) *NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PolicyUserVerificationOption) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint added in v0.22.0

type NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint added in v0.22.0

func NewNullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint(val *EnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) *NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) Get added in v0.22.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) IsSet added in v0.22.0

func (NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) MarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) Set added in v0.22.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (v *NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumFIDO2PublicKeyCredentialHint) Unset added in v0.22.0

type NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements added in v0.7.0

type NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements added in v0.7.0

func NewNullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements(val *EnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) *NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements

func (NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) Get added in v0.7.0

func (NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) IsSet added in v0.7.0

func (NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) Set added in v0.7.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v *NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumFIDOAttestationRequirements) Unset added in v0.7.0

type NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement added in v0.7.0

type NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement added in v0.7.0

func NewNullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement(val *EnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) *NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement

func (NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) Get added in v0.7.0

func (NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) IsSet added in v0.7.0

func (NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) Set added in v0.7.0

func (*NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v *NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumFIDOResidentKeyRequirement) Unset added in v0.7.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification added in v0.6.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileExtraVerification) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection added in v0.6.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyMobileIntegrityDetection) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification added in v0.15.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) Get added in v0.15.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) IsSet added in v0.15.0

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) MarshalJSON added in v0.15.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) Set added in v0.15.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.15.0

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicyNewDeviceNotification) Unset added in v0.15.0

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection added in v0.7.2

type NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection added in v0.7.2

func NewNullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection(val *EnumMFADevicePolicySelection) *NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) Get added in v0.7.2

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) IsSet added in v0.7.2

func (NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) Set added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v *NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumMFADevicePolicySelection) Unset added in v0.7.2

type NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType

type NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) Get

func (NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) IsSet

func (NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) Set

func (*NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumMFAPushCredentialAttrType) Unset

type NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection added in v0.5.0

type NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection(val *EnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) *NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) Set added in v0.5.0

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsDeviceSelection) Unset added in v0.5.0

type NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat added in v0.5.0

type NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat(val *EnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) *NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) Set added in v0.5.0

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumMFASettingsPairingKeyFormat) Unset added in v0.5.0

type NullableEnumTimeUnit added in v0.3.0

type NullableEnumTimeUnit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnit added in v0.3.0

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnit(val *EnumTimeUnit) *NullableEnumTimeUnit

func (NullableEnumTimeUnit) Get added in v0.3.0

func (NullableEnumTimeUnit) IsSet added in v0.3.0

func (v NullableEnumTimeUnit) IsSet() bool

func (NullableEnumTimeUnit) MarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v NullableEnumTimeUnit) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnit) Set added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableEnumTimeUnit) Set(val *EnumTimeUnit)

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnit) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableEnumTimeUnit) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnit) Unset added in v0.3.0

func (v *NullableEnumTimeUnit) Unset()

type NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.12.0

type NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime added in v0.12.0

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime(val *EnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) *NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) Get added in v0.12.0

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) IsSet added in v0.12.0

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) MarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (v NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) Set added in v0.12.0

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (v *NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPairingKeyLifetime) Unset added in v0.12.0

type NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

type NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout added in v0.7.2

func NewNullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout(val *EnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) *NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) Get added in v0.7.2

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) IsSet added in v0.7.2

func (NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) Set added in v0.7.2

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.2

func (v *NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableEnumTimeUnitPushTimeout) Unset added in v0.7.2

type NullableFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2Policy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDO2Policy added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableFIDO2Policy(val *FIDO2Policy) *NullableFIDO2Policy

func (NullableFIDO2Policy) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2Policy) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableFIDO2Policy) IsSet() bool

func (NullableFIDO2Policy) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableFIDO2Policy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFIDO2Policy) Set added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2Policy) Set(val *FIDO2Policy)

func (*NullableFIDO2Policy) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2Policy) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFIDO2Policy) Unset added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2Policy) Unset()

type NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility(val *FIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) *NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyBackupEligibility) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirements) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyMdsAuthenticatorsRequirementsAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes(val *FIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) *NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributes) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInner) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserDisplayNameAttributesAttributesInnerSubAttributesInner) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout added in v0.22.0

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout(val *FIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) *NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) Get added in v0.22.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) IsSet added in v0.22.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) MarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (v NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) Set added in v0.22.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.22.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserPresenceTimeout) Unset added in v0.22.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification(val *FIDO2PolicyUserVerification) *NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFIDO2PolicyUserVerification) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableFIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

type NullableFIDOPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDOPolicy added in v0.7.0

func NewNullableFIDOPolicy(val *FIDOPolicy) *NullableFIDOPolicy

func (NullableFIDOPolicy) Get added in v0.7.0

func (v NullableFIDOPolicy) Get() *FIDOPolicy

func (NullableFIDOPolicy) IsSet added in v0.7.0

func (v NullableFIDOPolicy) IsSet() bool

func (NullableFIDOPolicy) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v NullableFIDOPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFIDOPolicy) Set added in v0.7.0

func (v *NullableFIDOPolicy) Set(val *FIDOPolicy)

func (*NullableFIDOPolicy) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (v *NullableFIDOPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFIDOPolicy) Unset added in v0.7.0

func (v *NullableFIDOPolicy) Unset()

type NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.7.0

type NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner added in v0.7.0

func NewNullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner(val *FIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) *NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner

func (NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Get added in v0.7.0

func (NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) IsSet added in v0.7.0

func (NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) MarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (*NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Set added in v0.7.0

func (*NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.7.0

func (*NullableFIDOPolicyAllowedAuthenticatorsInner) Unset added in v0.7.0

type NullableFloat32

type NullableFloat32 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFloat32

func NewNullableFloat32(val *float32) *NullableFloat32

func (NullableFloat32) Get

func (v NullableFloat32) Get() *float32

func (NullableFloat32) IsSet

func (v NullableFloat32) IsSet() bool

func (NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableFloat32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFloat32) Set

func (v *NullableFloat32) Set(val *float32)

func (*NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableFloat32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFloat32) Unset

func (v *NullableFloat32) Unset()

type NullableFloat64

type NullableFloat64 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableFloat64

func NewNullableFloat64(val *float64) *NullableFloat64

func (NullableFloat64) Get

func (v NullableFloat64) Get() *float64

func (NullableFloat64) IsSet

func (v NullableFloat64) IsSet() bool

func (NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableFloat64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableFloat64) Set

func (v *NullableFloat64) Set(val *float64)

func (*NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableFloat64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableFloat64) Unset

func (v *NullableFloat64) Unset()

type NullableInt

type NullableInt struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableInt

func NewNullableInt(val *int) *NullableInt

func (NullableInt) Get

func (v NullableInt) Get() *int

func (NullableInt) IsSet

func (v NullableInt) IsSet() bool

func (NullableInt) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableInt) Set

func (v *NullableInt) Set(val *int)

func (*NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableInt) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableInt) Unset

func (v *NullableInt) Unset()

type NullableInt32

type NullableInt32 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableInt32

func NewNullableInt32(val *int32) *NullableInt32

func (NullableInt32) Get

func (v NullableInt32) Get() *int32

func (NullableInt32) IsSet

func (v NullableInt32) IsSet() bool

func (NullableInt32) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableInt32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableInt32) Set

func (v *NullableInt32) Set(val *int32)

func (*NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableInt32) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableInt32) Unset

func (v *NullableInt32) Unset()

type NullableInt64

type NullableInt64 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableInt64

func NewNullableInt64(val *int64) *NullableInt64

func (NullableInt64) Get

func (v NullableInt64) Get() *int64

func (NullableInt64) IsSet

func (v NullableInt64) IsSet() bool

func (NullableInt64) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableInt64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableInt64) Set

func (v *NullableInt64) Set(val *int64)

func (*NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableInt64) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableInt64) Unset

func (v *NullableInt64) Unset()

type NullableLinksHATEOAS added in v0.16.0

type NullableLinksHATEOAS struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableLinksHATEOAS added in v0.16.0

func NewNullableLinksHATEOAS(val *LinksHATEOAS) *NullableLinksHATEOAS

func (NullableLinksHATEOAS) Get added in v0.16.0

func (NullableLinksHATEOAS) IsSet added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOAS) IsSet() bool

func (NullableLinksHATEOAS) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOAS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableLinksHATEOAS) Set added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOAS) Set(val *LinksHATEOAS)

func (*NullableLinksHATEOAS) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOAS) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableLinksHATEOAS) Unset added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOAS) Unset()

type NullableLinksHATEOASNext added in v0.16.0

type NullableLinksHATEOASNext struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASNext added in v0.16.0

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASNext(val *LinksHATEOASNext) *NullableLinksHATEOASNext

func (NullableLinksHATEOASNext) Get added in v0.16.0

func (NullableLinksHATEOASNext) IsSet added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASNext) IsSet() bool

func (NullableLinksHATEOASNext) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASNext) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASNext) Set added in v0.16.0

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASNext) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASNext) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASNext) Unset added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASNext) Unset()

type NullableLinksHATEOASSelf added in v0.16.0

type NullableLinksHATEOASSelf struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASSelf added in v0.16.0

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASSelf(val *LinksHATEOASSelf) *NullableLinksHATEOASSelf

func (NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) Get added in v0.16.0

func (NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) IsSet added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) IsSet() bool

func (NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) MarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) Set added in v0.16.0

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) Unset added in v0.16.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASSelf) Unset()

type NullableLinksHATEOASValue added in v0.20.0

type NullableLinksHATEOASValue struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASValue added in v0.20.0

func NewNullableLinksHATEOASValue(val *LinksHATEOASValue) *NullableLinksHATEOASValue

func (NullableLinksHATEOASValue) Get added in v0.20.0

func (NullableLinksHATEOASValue) IsSet added in v0.20.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASValue) IsSet() bool

func (NullableLinksHATEOASValue) MarshalJSON added in v0.20.0

func (v NullableLinksHATEOASValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASValue) Set added in v0.20.0

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASValue) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.20.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASValue) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableLinksHATEOASValue) Unset added in v0.20.0

func (v *NullableLinksHATEOASValue) Unset()

type NullableMFAPushCredential

type NullableMFAPushCredential struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredential

func NewNullableMFAPushCredential(val *MFAPushCredential) *NullableMFAPushCredential

func (NullableMFAPushCredential) Get

func (NullableMFAPushCredential) IsSet

func (v NullableMFAPushCredential) IsSet() bool

func (NullableMFAPushCredential) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableMFAPushCredential) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredential) Set

func (*NullableMFAPushCredential) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredential) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredential) Unset

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredential) Unset()

type NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS

type NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) Get

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) IsSet

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) Set

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) Unset

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialAPNS) Unset()

type NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM added in v0.8.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialFCM added in v0.8.0

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialFCM(val *MFAPushCredentialFCM) *NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) Get added in v0.8.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) IsSet added in v0.8.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) MarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) Set added in v0.8.0

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) Unset added in v0.8.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialFCM) Unset()

type NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 added in v0.12.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1 added in v0.12.0

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1(val *MFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) *NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) Get added in v0.12.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) IsSet added in v0.12.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) MarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) Set added in v0.12.0

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.12.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialFCMHTTPV1) Unset added in v0.12.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS added in v0.8.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialHMS added in v0.8.0

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialHMS(val *MFAPushCredentialHMS) *NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) Get added in v0.8.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) IsSet added in v0.8.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) MarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) Set added in v0.8.0

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.8.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) Unset added in v0.8.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialHMS) Unset()

type NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialRequest added in v0.13.0

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialRequest(val *MFAPushCredentialRequest) *NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) Get added in v0.13.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) IsSet added in v0.13.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) MarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) Set added in v0.13.0

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.13.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialRequest) Unset added in v0.13.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse added in v0.6.0

type NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialResponse added in v0.6.0

func NewNullableMFAPushCredentialResponse(val *MFAPushCredentialResponse) *NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) Get added in v0.6.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) IsSet added in v0.6.0

func (NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) MarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (v NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) Set added in v0.6.0

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.6.0

func (v *NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFAPushCredentialResponse) Unset added in v0.6.0

type NullableMFASettings added in v0.5.0

type NullableMFASettings struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettings added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableMFASettings(val *MFASettings) *NullableMFASettings

func (NullableMFASettings) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableMFASettings) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettings) IsSet() bool

func (NullableMFASettings) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettings) Set added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettings) Set(val *MFASettings)

func (*NullableMFASettings) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettings) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettings) Unset added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettings) Unset()

type NullableMFASettingsAuthentication added in v0.5.0

type NullableMFASettingsAuthentication struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettingsAuthentication added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableMFASettingsAuthentication(val *MFASettingsAuthentication) *NullableMFASettingsAuthentication

func (NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) Set added in v0.5.0

func (*NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettingsAuthentication) Unset added in v0.5.0

type NullableMFASettingsLockout added in v0.5.0

type NullableMFASettingsLockout struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettingsLockout added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableMFASettingsLockout(val *MFASettingsLockout) *NullableMFASettingsLockout

func (NullableMFASettingsLockout) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableMFASettingsLockout) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsLockout) IsSet() bool

func (NullableMFASettingsLockout) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsLockout) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettingsLockout) Set added in v0.5.0

func (*NullableMFASettingsLockout) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsLockout) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettingsLockout) Unset added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsLockout) Unset()

type NullableMFASettingsPairing added in v0.5.0

type NullableMFASettingsPairing struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettingsPairing added in v0.5.0

func NewNullableMFASettingsPairing(val *MFASettingsPairing) *NullableMFASettingsPairing

func (NullableMFASettingsPairing) Get added in v0.5.0

func (NullableMFASettingsPairing) IsSet added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsPairing) IsSet() bool

func (NullableMFASettingsPairing) MarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsPairing) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettingsPairing) Set added in v0.5.0

func (*NullableMFASettingsPairing) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsPairing) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettingsPairing) Unset added in v0.5.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsPairing) Unset()

type NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

type NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions added in v0.11.0

func NewNullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions(val *MFASettingsPhoneExtensions) *NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions

func (NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) Get added in v0.11.0

func (NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) IsSet added in v0.11.0

func (NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) MarshalJSON added in v0.11.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) Set added in v0.11.0

func (*NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.11.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettingsPhoneExtensions) Unset added in v0.11.0

type NullableMFASettingsUsers added in v0.17.0

type NullableMFASettingsUsers struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableMFASettingsUsers added in v0.17.0

func NewNullableMFASettingsUsers(val *MFASettingsUsers) *NullableMFASettingsUsers

func (NullableMFASettingsUsers) Get added in v0.17.0

func (NullableMFASettingsUsers) IsSet added in v0.17.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsUsers) IsSet() bool

func (NullableMFASettingsUsers) MarshalJSON added in v0.17.0

func (v NullableMFASettingsUsers) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableMFASettingsUsers) Set added in v0.17.0

func (*NullableMFASettingsUsers) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.17.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsUsers) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableMFASettingsUsers) Unset added in v0.17.0

func (v *NullableMFASettingsUsers) Unset()

type NullableObjectEnvironment

type NullableObjectEnvironment struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableObjectEnvironment

func NewNullableObjectEnvironment(val *ObjectEnvironment) *NullableObjectEnvironment

func (NullableObjectEnvironment) Get

func (NullableObjectEnvironment) IsSet

func (v NullableObjectEnvironment) IsSet() bool

func (NullableObjectEnvironment) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableObjectEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableObjectEnvironment) Set

func (*NullableObjectEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableObjectEnvironment) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableObjectEnvironment) Unset

func (v *NullableObjectEnvironment) Unset()

type NullableP1Error

type NullableP1Error struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableP1Error

func NewNullableP1Error(val *P1Error) *NullableP1Error

func (NullableP1Error) Get

func (v NullableP1Error) Get() *P1Error

func (NullableP1Error) IsSet

func (v NullableP1Error) IsSet() bool

func (NullableP1Error) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableP1Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableP1Error) Set

func (v *NullableP1Error) Set(val *P1Error)

func (*NullableP1Error) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableP1Error) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableP1Error) Unset

func (v *NullableP1Error) Unset()

type NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner

type NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableP1ErrorDetailsInner

func NewNullableP1ErrorDetailsInner(val *P1ErrorDetailsInner) *NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) Get

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) IsSet

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) Set

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) Unset

func (v *NullableP1ErrorDetailsInner) Unset()

type NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError

type NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) Get

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) IsSet

func (NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) Set

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) Unset

type NullableString

type NullableString struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableString

func NewNullableString(val *string) *NullableString

func (NullableString) Get

func (v NullableString) Get() *string

func (NullableString) IsSet

func (v NullableString) IsSet() bool

func (NullableString) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableString) Set

func (v *NullableString) Set(val *string)

func (*NullableString) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableString) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableString) Unset

func (v *NullableString) Unset()

type NullableTime

type NullableTime struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableTime

func NewNullableTime(val *time.Time) *NullableTime

func (NullableTime) Get

func (v NullableTime) Get() *time.Time

func (NullableTime) IsSet

func (v NullableTime) IsSet() bool

func (NullableTime) MarshalJSON

func (v NullableTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableTime) Set

func (v *NullableTime) Set(val *time.Time)

func (*NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *NullableTime) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableTime) Unset

func (v *NullableTime) Unset()

type NullableUserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

type NullableUserMFAEnabled struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNullableUserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

func NewNullableUserMFAEnabled(val *UserMFAEnabled) *NullableUserMFAEnabled

func (NullableUserMFAEnabled) Get added in v0.9.0

func (NullableUserMFAEnabled) IsSet added in v0.9.0

func (v NullableUserMFAEnabled) IsSet() bool

func (NullableUserMFAEnabled) MarshalJSON added in v0.9.0

func (v NullableUserMFAEnabled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*NullableUserMFAEnabled) Set added in v0.9.0

func (*NullableUserMFAEnabled) UnmarshalJSON added in v0.9.0

func (v *NullableUserMFAEnabled) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error

func (*NullableUserMFAEnabled) Unset added in v0.9.0

func (v *NullableUserMFAEnabled) Unset()

type ObjectEnvironment

type ObjectEnvironment struct {
	// A string that specifies the environment associated with the object.
	Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`

ObjectEnvironment struct for ObjectEnvironment

func NewObjectEnvironment

func NewObjectEnvironment() *ObjectEnvironment

NewObjectEnvironment instantiates a new ObjectEnvironment object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewObjectEnvironmentWithDefaults

func NewObjectEnvironmentWithDefaults() *ObjectEnvironment

NewObjectEnvironmentWithDefaults instantiates a new ObjectEnvironment object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*ObjectEnvironment) GetId

func (o *ObjectEnvironment) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*ObjectEnvironment) GetIdOk

func (o *ObjectEnvironment) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*ObjectEnvironment) HasId

func (o *ObjectEnvironment) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (ObjectEnvironment) MarshalJSON

func (o ObjectEnvironment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*ObjectEnvironment) SetId

func (o *ObjectEnvironment) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

func (ObjectEnvironment) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o ObjectEnvironment) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type P1Error

type P1Error struct {
	// A unique identifier that is stored in log files and always included in an error response. This value can be used to track the error received by the client, with server-side activity included for troubleshooting purposes.
	Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// A general fault code which the client must handle to provide all exception handling routines and to localize messages for users. This code is common across all PingOne services and is human readable (such as a defined constant rather than a number).
	Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
	// A short description of the error. This message is intended to assist with debugging and is returned in English only.
	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Additional details about the error. Optional information to help resolve the error and to display to users.
	Details []P1ErrorDetailsInner `json:"details,omitempty"`

P1Error struct for P1Error

func NewP1Error

func NewP1Error() *P1Error

NewP1Error instantiates a new P1Error object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewP1ErrorWithDefaults

func NewP1ErrorWithDefaults() *P1Error

NewP1ErrorWithDefaults instantiates a new P1Error object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*P1Error) GetCode

func (o *P1Error) GetCode() string

GetCode returns the Code field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1Error) GetCodeOk

func (o *P1Error) GetCodeOk() (*string, bool)

GetCodeOk returns a tuple with the Code field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1Error) GetDetails

func (o *P1Error) GetDetails() []P1ErrorDetailsInner

GetDetails returns the Details field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1Error) GetDetailsOk

func (o *P1Error) GetDetailsOk() ([]P1ErrorDetailsInner, bool)

GetDetailsOk returns a tuple with the Details field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1Error) GetId

func (o *P1Error) GetId() string

GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1Error) GetIdOk

func (o *P1Error) GetIdOk() (*string, bool)

GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1Error) GetMessage

func (o *P1Error) GetMessage() string

GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1Error) GetMessageOk

func (o *P1Error) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)

GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1Error) HasCode

func (o *P1Error) HasCode() bool

HasCode returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1Error) HasDetails

func (o *P1Error) HasDetails() bool

HasDetails returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1Error) HasId

func (o *P1Error) HasId() bool

HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1Error) HasMessage

func (o *P1Error) HasMessage() bool

HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (P1Error) MarshalJSON

func (o P1Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*P1Error) SetCode

func (o *P1Error) SetCode(v string)

SetCode gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Code field.

func (*P1Error) SetDetails

func (o *P1Error) SetDetails(v []P1ErrorDetailsInner)

SetDetails gets a reference to the given []P1ErrorDetailsInner and assigns it to the Details field.

func (*P1Error) SetId

func (o *P1Error) SetId(v string)

SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.

func (*P1Error) SetMessage

func (o *P1Error) SetMessage(v string)

SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.

func (P1Error) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o P1Error) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type P1ErrorDetailsInner

type P1ErrorDetailsInner struct {
	// A general fault code which the client must handle to provide all exception handling routines and to localize messages for users. This code is common across all PingOne services and is human readable (such as a defined constant rather than a number).
	Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
	// The item that caused the error (such as a form field ID or an attribute inside a JSON object).
	Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"`
	// A short description of the error. This message is intended to assist with debugging and is returned in English only.
	Message    *string                        `json:"message,omitempty"`
	InnerError *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError `json:"innerError,omitempty"`

P1ErrorDetailsInner struct for P1ErrorDetailsInner

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInner

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInner() *P1ErrorDetailsInner

NewP1ErrorDetailsInner instantiates a new P1ErrorDetailsInner object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerWithDefaults

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerWithDefaults() *P1ErrorDetailsInner

NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerWithDefaults instantiates a new P1ErrorDetailsInner object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetCode

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetCode() string

GetCode returns the Code field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetCodeOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetCodeOk() (*string, bool)

GetCodeOk returns a tuple with the Code field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetInnerError

GetInnerError returns the InnerError field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetInnerErrorOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetInnerErrorOk() (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError, bool)

GetInnerErrorOk returns a tuple with the InnerError field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetMessage

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetMessage() string

GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetMessageOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool)

GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetTarget

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetTarget() string

GetTarget returns the Target field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetTargetOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) GetTargetOk() (*string, bool)

GetTargetOk returns a tuple with the Target field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasCode

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasCode() bool

HasCode returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasInnerError

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasInnerError() bool

HasInnerError returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasMessage

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasMessage() bool

HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasTarget

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) HasTarget() bool

HasTarget returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (P1ErrorDetailsInner) MarshalJSON

func (o P1ErrorDetailsInner) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetCode

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetCode(v string)

SetCode gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Code field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetInnerError

SetInnerError gets a reference to the given P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError and assigns it to the InnerError field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetMessage

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetMessage(v string)

SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetTarget

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInner) SetTarget(v string)

SetTarget gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Target field.

func (P1ErrorDetailsInner) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o P1ErrorDetailsInner) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError

type P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError struct {
	// Errors that failed due to range violation. This attribute represents the minimum value of the range.
	RangeMinimumValue *int32 `json:"rangeMinimumValue,omitempty"`
	// The maximum range or value of an attribute.
	RangeMaximumValue *int32 `json:"rangeMaximumValue,omitempty"`
	// A regex pattern describing an acceptable input pattern.
	AllowedPattern *string `json:"allowedPattern,omitempty"`
	// A list describing acceptable values.
	AllowedValues []string `json:"allowedValues,omitempty"`
	// The maximum value allowed for the request.
	MaximumValue     *int32   `json:"maximumValue,omitempty"`
	ReferencedValues []string `json:"referencedValues,omitempty"`

P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError Additional details to help the client developer resolve the fault (primarily for UI validation reasons).

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError() *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError

NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError instantiates a new P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerErrorWithDefaults

func NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerErrorWithDefaults() *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError

NewP1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerErrorWithDefaults instantiates a new P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedPattern

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedPattern() string

GetAllowedPattern returns the AllowedPattern field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedPatternOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedPatternOk() (*string, bool)

GetAllowedPatternOk returns a tuple with the AllowedPattern field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedValues

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedValues() []string

GetAllowedValues returns the AllowedValues field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedValuesOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetAllowedValuesOk() ([]string, bool)

GetAllowedValuesOk returns a tuple with the AllowedValues field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetMaximumValue() int32

GetMaximumValue returns the MaximumValue field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetMaximumValueOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetMaximumValueOk() (*int32, bool)

GetMaximumValueOk returns a tuple with the MaximumValue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMaximumValue() int32

GetRangeMaximumValue returns the RangeMaximumValue field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMaximumValueOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMaximumValueOk() (*int32, bool)

GetRangeMaximumValueOk returns a tuple with the RangeMaximumValue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMinimumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMinimumValue() int32

GetRangeMinimumValue returns the RangeMinimumValue field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMinimumValueOk

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetRangeMinimumValueOk() (*int32, bool)

GetRangeMinimumValueOk returns a tuple with the RangeMinimumValue field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetReferencedValues added in v0.18.0

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetReferencedValues() []string

GetReferencedValues returns the ReferencedValues field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetReferencedValuesOk added in v0.18.0

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) GetReferencedValuesOk() ([]string, bool)

GetReferencedValuesOk returns a tuple with the ReferencedValues field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasAllowedPattern

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasAllowedPattern() bool

HasAllowedPattern returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasAllowedValues

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasAllowedValues() bool

HasAllowedValues returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasMaximumValue() bool

HasMaximumValue returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasRangeMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasRangeMaximumValue() bool

HasRangeMaximumValue returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasRangeMinimumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasRangeMinimumValue() bool

HasRangeMinimumValue returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasReferencedValues added in v0.18.0

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) HasReferencedValues() bool

HasReferencedValues returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) MarshalJSON

func (o P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetAllowedPattern

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetAllowedPattern(v string)

SetAllowedPattern gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the AllowedPattern field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetAllowedValues

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetAllowedValues(v []string)

SetAllowedValues gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the AllowedValues field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetMaximumValue(v int32)

SetMaximumValue gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the MaximumValue field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetRangeMaximumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetRangeMaximumValue(v int32)

SetRangeMaximumValue gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the RangeMaximumValue field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetRangeMinimumValue

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetRangeMinimumValue(v int32)

SetRangeMinimumValue gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the RangeMinimumValue field.

func (*P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetReferencedValues added in v0.18.0

func (o *P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) SetReferencedValues(v []string)

SetReferencedValues gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the ReferencedValues field.

func (P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o P1ErrorDetailsInnerInnerError) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type PagedCursor added in v0.21.0

type PagedCursor struct {
	EntityArray  *EntityArray
	HTTPResponse *http.Response
func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationNextLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*PagedCursor) GetPaginationNextLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationNextLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)
func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationPreviousLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*PagedCursor) GetPaginationPreviousLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationPreviousLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)
func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationSelfLink() LinksHATEOASValue

func (*PagedCursor) GetPaginationSelfLinkOk added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) GetPaginationSelfLinkOk() (*LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

func (*PagedCursor) HasPaginationNext added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) HasPaginationNext() bool

func (*PagedCursor) HasPaginationPrevious added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) HasPaginationPrevious() bool

func (*PagedCursor) HasPaginationSelf added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) HasPaginationSelf() bool

func (*PagedCursor) IsPaginated added in v0.21.0

func (o *PagedCursor) IsPaginated() bool

type SDKInterfaceFunc added in v0.9.2

type SDKInterfaceFunc func() (any, *http.Response, error)

type ServerConfiguration

type ServerConfiguration struct {
	URL         string
	Description string
	Variables   map[string]ServerVariable

ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server

type ServerConfigurations

type ServerConfigurations []ServerConfiguration

ServerConfigurations stores multiple ServerConfiguration items

func (ServerConfigurations) URL

func (sc ServerConfigurations) URL(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error)

URL formats template on a index using given variables

type ServerVariable

type ServerVariable struct {
	Description  string
	DefaultValue string
	EnumValues   []string

ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable

type UserMFADevicesApiService added in v0.9.0

type UserMFADevicesApiService service

UserMFADevicesApiService UserMFADevicesApi service

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDelete added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDelete(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDelete DELETE Device Order

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeleteRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDelete added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDelete(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, deviceID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDelete DELETE MFA User Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param deviceID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDDeleteRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGet added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGet(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, deviceID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGet READ One MFA User Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param deviceID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDGetRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPut added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPut(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, deviceID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPut SEND MFA Device Logs

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param deviceID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDLogsPutRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePut added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePut(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, deviceID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePut UPDATE Device Nickname

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param deviceID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDNicknamePutRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPost added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPost(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, deviceID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPost ACTIVATE MFA User Device

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param deviceID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesDeviceIDPostRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGet added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGet(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGet READ All MFA User Devices

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesGetRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPost added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPost(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPost SET Device Order

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest

func (*UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFADevicesApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDDevicesPostRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

type UserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

type UserMFAEnabled struct {
	Links *map[string]LinksHATEOASValue `json:"_links,omitempty"`
	// Whether multi-factor authentication is enabled. This attribute is set to `false` by default when the user is created.
	MfaEnabled bool `json:"mfaEnabled"`

UserMFAEnabled struct for UserMFAEnabled

func NewUserMFAEnabled added in v0.9.0

func NewUserMFAEnabled(mfaEnabled bool) *UserMFAEnabled

NewUserMFAEnabled instantiates a new UserMFAEnabled object This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined, and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments will change when the set of required properties is changed

func NewUserMFAEnabledWithDefaults added in v0.9.0

func NewUserMFAEnabledWithDefaults() *UserMFAEnabled

NewUserMFAEnabledWithDefaults instantiates a new UserMFAEnabled object This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined, but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) GetLinks() map[string]LinksHATEOASValue

GetLinks returns the Links field value if set, zero value otherwise.

func (*UserMFAEnabled) GetLinksOk added in v0.16.0

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) GetLinksOk() (*map[string]LinksHATEOASValue, bool)

GetLinksOk returns a tuple with the Links field value if set, nil otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (*UserMFAEnabled) GetMfaEnabled added in v0.9.0

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) GetMfaEnabled() bool

GetMfaEnabled returns the MfaEnabled field value

func (*UserMFAEnabled) GetMfaEnabledOk added in v0.9.0

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) GetMfaEnabledOk() (*bool, bool)

GetMfaEnabledOk returns a tuple with the MfaEnabled field value and a boolean to check if the value has been set.

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) HasLinks() bool

HasLinks returns a boolean if a field has been set.

func (UserMFAEnabled) MarshalJSON added in v0.9.0

func (o UserMFAEnabled) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (o *UserMFAEnabled) SetLinks(v map[string]LinksHATEOASValue)

SetLinks gets a reference to the given map[string]LinksHATEOASValue and assigns it to the Links field.

func (*UserMFAEnabled) SetMfaEnabled added in v0.9.0

func (o *UserMFAEnabled) SetMfaEnabled(v bool)

SetMfaEnabled sets field value

func (UserMFAEnabled) ToMap added in v0.9.0

func (o UserMFAEnabled) ToMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)

type UserMFAPairingKeysApiService added in v0.9.0

type UserMFAPairingKeysApiService service

UserMFAPairingKeysApiService UserMFAPairingKeysApi service

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDelete added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDelete(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, pairingKeyID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDelete DELETE MFA Pairing Key

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param pairingKeyID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDDeleteRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGet added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGet(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string, pairingKeyID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGet READ One MFA Pairing Key

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@param pairingKeyID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPairingKeyIDGetRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPost added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPost(ctx context.Context, environmentID string, userID string) ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest

EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPost CREATE MFA Pairing Key

@param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@param environmentID
@param userID
@return ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest

func (*UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostExecute added in v0.13.0

func (a *UserMFAPairingKeysApiService) EnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostExecute(r ApiEnvironmentsEnvironmentIDUsersUserIDPairingKeysPostRequest) (*http.Response, error)

Execute executes the request

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