Cubern Launcher
Cubern is an online sandbox where the creativity never ends. Users can customize their avatars as they want. Players can also make there own games using our editor built in Godot game Engine! But, to run these a client is required which also requires a URL Protocol!
Helping the tool become more optimizations could earn your name being here, open a pull request if you want to suggest a change!
Running Locally
As this project is available for you to use for your sandbox or even your game, here is a detailed and a easy guide on setting it up:
1 - We first install golang from the official website
2 - Run the installer and then clone or download the repository
3 - Open the extracted repository in visual studio code
4 - Now open the terminal and run:
go version
if it successfully returns the version, go is installed on your computer!
5 - now we install Gowin which is required to run the essential part, building the protocols. We do that by running this into the visual studio code's console:
go get
6 - We have now installed the dependencies! Now we edit the code to make it work with your project! At line 478 we check if the client is installed, replace Cubern.exe with your .exe's name such as: mygame.exe
7 - Now we install the file from online server at line 485 replace it with your url!
8 - Now you are to configure your registry which is done at line 504 to 505! Such as instead of:
KeyString := "\"" + filepath.Join(cwd, "Cubern.exe") + "\" \"%1\""
you make it to:
KeyString := "\"" + filepath.Join(cwd, "MyGame.exe") + "\" \"%1\""
please remember to make sure that the .exe is same as the exe name in the online zip!
And at line 505, you replace Cubern with yourgame and after configuring, save the file and using visual studio code's terminal, build it using:
go build
- Install client and unzip it from server
- Install custom url protocols
- Standalone build
The installer uses Gowin in order to create or modify windows registry files, it could be installed by simply running:
go get
API Reference
• downloadFile(url, string)
Gets a online file and downloads on the computer using the "net/http" package
• unzipFile(src string, dest string)
Unzips a local file
The reason behind making the installer open source is none other then to prevent suspicious activities. But how this would help refrain you may ask. Well, as the installer requires administrative permissions to do its things, it can look sketchy like a virus.
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