
v0.0.0-...-83adff0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 6, 2020 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




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const (
	//TypeChannelRecheck 频道回查
	TypeChannelRecheck = 0 //频道回查
	// TypeHotRecheck 热门回查
	TypeHotRecheck = 1
	// TypeInspireRecheck 激励回查
	TypeInspireRecheck = 2
	//RecheckStateWait 频道回查待回查
	RecheckStateWait = -1 //待回查
	//RecheckStateDone 频道回查已回查
	RecheckStateDone = 0 //已回查
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const (
	// StateOpen 开放浏览
	StateOpen = int8(0)
	// StateOrange 橙色通过
	StateOrange = int8(1)
	// StateForbidWait 待审
	StateForbidWait = int8(-1)
	// StateForbidRecycle 被打回
	StateForbidRecycle = int8(-2)
	// StateForbidPolice 网警锁定
	StateForbidPolice = int8(-3)
	// StateForbidLock 被锁定
	StateForbidLock = int8(-4)
	// StateForbidFackLock 管理员锁定(可浏览)
	StateForbidFackLock = int8(-5)
	// StateForbidFixed 修复待审
	StateForbidFixed = int8(-6)
	// StateForbidLater 暂缓审核
	StateForbidLater = int8(-7)
	// StateForbidPatched 补档待审
	StateForbidPatched = int8(-8)
	// StateForbidWaitXcode 等待转码
	StateForbidWaitXcode = int8(-9)
	// StateForbidAdminDelay 延迟审核
	StateForbidAdminDelay = int8(-10)
	// StateForbidFixing 视频源待修
	StateForbidFixing = int8(-11)
	// StateForbidStorageFail 转储失败
	StateForbidStorageFail = int8(-12)
	// StateForbidOnlyComment 允许评论待审
	StateForbidOnlyComment = int8(-13)
	// StateForbidTmpRecicle 临时回收站
	StateForbidTmpRecicle = int8(-14)
	// StateForbidDispatch 分发中
	StateForbidDispatch = int8(-15)
	// StateForbidXcodeFail 转码失败
	StateForbidXcodeFail = int8(-16)
	// StateForbitUpLoad 创建未提交
	StateForbitUpLoad = int8(-20) // NOTE:spell body can judge to change state
	// StateForbidSubmit 创建已提交
	StateForbidSubmit = int8(-30)
	// StateForbidUserDelay 定时发布
	StateForbidUserDelay = int8(-40)
	// StateForbidUpDelete 用户删除
	StateForbidUpDelete = int8(-100)
	// AttrYes attribute yes
	AttrYes = int32(1)
	// AttrNo attribute no
	AttrNo = int32(0)
	// AttrBitNoRank 禁止排行
	AttrBitNoRank = uint(0) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid
	// AttrBitNoDynamic 动态禁止
	AttrBitNoDynamic = uint(1) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid
	// AttrBitNoWeb 禁止网页输出
	AttrBitNoWeb = uint(2)
	// AttrBitNoMobile 禁止客户端列表
	AttrBitNoMobile = uint(3)
	// AttrBitNoSearch 搜索禁止
	AttrBitNoSearch = uint(4)
	// AttrBitOverseaLock 海外禁止
	AttrBitOverseaLock = uint(5)
	// AttrBitNoRecommend 禁止推荐
	AttrBitNoRecommend = uint(6) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid
	// AttrBitNoReprint 禁止转载
	AttrBitNoReprint = uint(7)
	// AttrBitHasHD5 是否高清
	AttrBitHasHD5 = uint(8)
	// AttrBitIsPGC 是否PGC稿件
	AttrBitIsPGC = uint(9)
	// AttrBitAllowBp 允许承包
	AttrBitAllowBp = uint(10)
	// AttrBitIsBangumi 是否番剧
	AttrBitIsBangumi = uint(11)
	// AttrBitIsPorder 是否私单
	AttrBitIsPorder = uint(12)
	// AttrBitLimitArea 是否限制地区
	AttrBitLimitArea = uint(13)
	// AttrBitAllowTag 允许其他人添加tag
	AttrBitAllowTag = uint(14)
	// AttrBitIsFromArcAPI useless
	AttrBitIsFromArcAPI = uint(15) // TODO: delete
	// AttrBitJumpURL 跳转
	AttrBitJumpURL = uint(16)
	// AttrBitIsMovie 是否影视
	AttrBitIsMovie = uint(17)
	// AttrBitBadgepay 付费
	AttrBitBadgepay = uint(18)
	//AttrBitPushBlog 推送动态
	AttrBitPushBlog = uint(20)
	//AttrBitParentMode 家长模式
	AttrBitParentMode = uint(21)
	//AttrBitUGCPay UGC付费
	AttrBitUGCPay = uint(22)

	// CopyrightUnknow 未知版权类型
	CopyrightUnknow = int8(0)
	// CopyrightOriginal 原创
	CopyrightOriginal = int8(1)
	// CopyrightCopy 转载
	CopyrightCopy = int8(2)
	// UpFromWeb 网页上传
	UpFromWeb = int8(0)
	// UpFromPGC PGC上传
	UpFromPGC = int8(1)
	// UpFromWindows Windows客户端上传
	UpFromWindows = int8(2)
	// UpFromAPP APP上传
	UpFromAPP = int8(3)
	// UpFromMAC Mac客户端上传
	UpFromMAC = int8(4)
	// UpFromSecretPGC 机密PGC上传
	UpFromSecretPGC = int8(5)
	// UpFromCoopera 合作方嵌套
	UpFromCoopera = int8(6)
	// UpFromCreator 创作姬上传
	UpFromCreator = int8(7)
	// UpFromAndroid 安卓上传
	UpFromAndroid = int8(8)
	// UpFromIOS IOS上传
	UpFromIOS = int8(9)
	// DelayTypeForAdmin 管理员定时发布
	DelayTypeForAdmin = int8(1)
	// DelayTypeForUser 用户定时发布
	DelayTypeForUser = int8(2)
	// RoundBegin 一审阶段
	RoundBegin = int8(0)
	// RoundAuditSecond 二审:选定分区的多P稿件 及 PGC/活动的单P多P稿件
	RoundAuditSecond = int8(10)
	// RoundAuditThird 三审:选定分区/PGC/活动 的单P多P稿件
	RoundAuditThird = int8(20)
	// RoundReviewFlow 私单回查:私单ID大于0
	RoundReviewFlow = int8(21)
	//RoundReviewBadgepayFlow 付费审核
	RoundAuditUGCPayFlow = int8(24)
	// RoundReviewFirst 分区回查:粉丝小于配置阈值 如 5000 且 指定分区
	RoundReviewFirst = int8(30)
	// RoundReviewFirstWaitTrigger 点击/粉丝 等待触发中间状态,7天内达到阈值进列表,未达到自动变99
	RoundReviewFirstWaitTrigger = int8(31)
	// RoundReviewSecond 社区回查:粉丝大于配置阈值 如 5000 或 优质高危up
	RoundReviewSecond = int8(40)
	// RoundTriggerFans 粉丝回查:粉丝量达到配置阈值
	RoundTriggerFans = int8(80)
	// RoundTriggerClick 点击回查:点击量达到配置阈值
	RoundTriggerClick = int8(90)
	// RoundEnd 结束
	RoundEnd = int8(99)
	// AccessDefault 非会员可见
	AccessDefault = int16(0)
	// AccessMember 会员可见
	AccessMember = int16(10000)

	//LogClientVideo 视频business id
	LogClientVideo = int(2)
	//LogClientArchive 稿件business id
	LogClientArchive = int(3)
	//LogClientUp up主business id
	LogClientUp = int(4)
	//LogClientPorder 私单business id
	LogClientPorder = int(5)
	//LogClientArchiveMusic 稿件bgm business id
	LogClientArchiveMusic = int(6)
	//LogClientPolicy 策略business id
	LogClientPolicy = int(7) //稿件策略组
	//LogClientConsumer 一审任务 business id
	LogClientConsumer = int(131)

	//LogClientTypePorderLog 私单type id
	LogClientTypePorderLog = int(1)
	//LogClientTypeVideo 视频 type id
	LogClientTypeVideo = int(1)
	//LogClientTypeArchive 稿件 type id
	LogClientTypeArchive = int(1)
	//LogClientTypePorder 私单 id
	LogClientTypePorder = int(14)
	//LogClientTypePolicy 策略type id
	LogClientTypePolicy = int(1) //稿件策略组修改记录

	//LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMusic 稿件bgm type id
	LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMusic = int(1)
	//LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterial 稿件bgm素材 type id
	LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterial = int(2)
	//LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategory 稿件bgm分类 type id
	LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategory = int(3)
	//LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterialRelation 稿件bgm关联 type id
	LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterialRelation = int(4)
	//LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategoryRelation 稿件bgm分区关联 type id
	LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategoryRelation = int(5)

	//InnerAttrChannelReview 内部属性-频道回查--已删除
	InnerAttrChannelReview = uint(0)

	//LogClientTypeConsumer 一审任务type id
	LogClientTypeConsumer = int(1)
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const (
	// ConfForClick round limit fans
	ConfForClick = "round_limit_fans"
	// ConfForRoundType round limit tids
	ConfForRoundType = "round_limit_tids"
	// ConfForThreshold threshold archive type
	ConfForThreshold = "threshold_arctype"
	// ConfForWaitAudit wait audit archive type
	ConfForWaitAudit = "wait_audit_arctype"
	// ConfForWeightVC 权重配置
	ConfForWeightVC = "weight_conf_values"
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const (
	PoolArc          = int8(0)
	PoolUp           = int8(1)
	PoolPrivateOrder = int8(2)
	PoolArticle      = int8(3)
	PoolArcForbid    = int8(4)

	FlowOpen   = int8(0)
	FlowDelete = int8(1)

	FlowLogAdd    = int8(1)
	FlowLogUpdate = int8(2)
	FlowLogDel    = int8(3)

	FlowGroupNoChannel = int64(23)
	FlowGroupNoHot     = int64(24)

pool .

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const (
	// ForbidRank 禁止排行
	ForbidRank = "rank"
	// ForbidDynamic 动态禁止
	ForbidDynamic = "dynamic"
	// ForbidRecommend 禁止推荐
	ForbidRecommend = "recommend"
	// ForbidShow 禁止展示
	ForbidShow = "show"
	// ForbidRankMain forbid rank main
	ForbidRankMain = 0
	// ForbidRankRecentArc forbid rank recent archive
	ForbidRankRecentArc = 1
	// ForbidRankAllArc forbid rank all archive
	ForbidRankAllArc = 2
	// ForbidDynamicMain forbid dynamic main
	ForbidDynamicMain = 0
	// ForbidRecommendMain forbid recomment main
	ForbidRecommendMain = 0
	// ForbidShowMain forbid show main
	ForbidShowMain = 0
	// ForbidShowMobile forbid show mobile
	ForbidShowMobile = 1
	// ForbidShowWeb forbid show web
	ForbidShowWeb = 2
	// ForbidShowOversea forbid show oversea
	ForbidShowOversea = 3
	// ForbidShowOnline forbid show online
	ForbidShowOnline = 4
	//ForbidAttrChannel   forbid channel
	ForbidAttrChannel = 101
	//ForbidAttrHot  forbid hot
	ForbidAttrHot = 102
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const (
	// OperTypeMission 活动id被修改
	OperTypeMission = int8(1)
	// OperTypeTag tag被修改
	OperTypeTag = int8(2)
	// OperTypeCopyright 版权类型被修改
	OperTypeCopyright = int8(3)
	// OperTypeTypeID 分区ID被修改
	OperTypeTypeID = int8(4)
	// OperTypeRejectReason 打回理由被修改
	OperTypeRejectReason = int8(5)
	// OperTypeForwardID 转车跳转被修改
	OperTypeForwardID = int8(6)
	// OperTypeFlowID 私单类型被修改
	OperTypeFlowID = int8(7)
	// OperTypeDelay 定时发布被修改
	OperTypeDelay = int8(8)
	// OperTypePtime 发布时间被修改
	OperTypePtime = int8(10)
	// OperTypeAccess 可见属性被修改
	OperTypeAccess = int8(11)
	// OperTypeAduitReason 审核理由被修改
	OperTypeAduitReason = int8(12)
	// OperTypeRecicleTag 打回理由被修改
	OperTypeRecicleTag = int8(13)
	// OperTypeTaskID 任务ID被修改
	OperTypeTaskID = int8(14)
	// OperTypeOpenTag 通过Tag被修改
	OperTypeOpenTag = int8(15)
	// OperTypeDynamic 动态描述被修改
	OperTypeDynamic = int8(16)
	OperNotify      = int8(17)
	OperPorderIndustryID = int8(18)
	OperPorderOfficial   = int8(19)
	OperPorderBrandID    = int8(20)
	OperPorderBrandName  = int8(21)
	OperPorderShowType   = int8(22)
	OperPorderAdvertiser = int8(23)
	OperPorderAgent      = int8(24)
	OperPorderShowFront  = int8(25)
	OperFlowAttrNoChannel = int8(26)
	OperFlowAttrNoHot     = int8(27)

	// OperStyleOne 操作展示类型1:[%s]从[%v]设为[%v]
	OperStyleOne = int8(1)
	// OperStyleTwo 操作展示类型2:[%s]%v:%v
	OperStyleTwo = int8(2)


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const (
	// ActionVideoSubmit 视频提交
	ActionVideoSubmit = "videoSubmit"
	// ActionArchiveSubmit 稿件提交
	ActionArchiveSubmit = "archiveSubmit"
	// ActionArchiveSecondRound 无稿件信息修改的补发二审消息
	ActionArchiveSecondRound = "archiveSecondRound"
	// ActionArchiveAttr 稿件属性修改
	ActionArchiveAttr = "archiveAttr"
	// ActionArchiveTypeID 稿件分区修改
	ActionArchiveTypeID = "archiveTypeID"
	//ActionArchiveTag 保存稿件标签
	ActionArchiveTag = "archiveTag"
	//ActionArchiveTagRecheck 保存稿件标签,并频道回查
	ActionArchiveTagRecheck = "archiveTagRecheck"
	//FromListChannelReview 提交来源列表 频道回查
	FromListChannelReview = "channel_review"
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const (
	// ActionHandsUP 0签入
	ActionHandsUP = int8(0)
	// ActionHandsOFF 1签出
	ActionHandsOFF = int8(1)
	// ActionSubmit 2提交
	ActionSubmit = int8(2)
	// ActionDelay  3延迟
	ActionDelay = int8(3)
	// ActionClose  4关闭
	ActionClose = int8(4)
	//ActionOldSubmit 5旧一审提交
	ActionOldSubmit = int8(5)
	//ActionTaskDelete 10任务删除
	ActionTaskDelete = int8(10)
	//ActionDispatch 分配
	ActionDispatch = int8(6)
	//ActionRelease 释放(拒审)
	ActionRelease = int8(7)

	// WConfMid 按照mid配置权重
	WConfMid = int8(0)
	// WConfTaskID 按照taskid配置权重
	WConfTaskID = int8(1)
	// WConfType 按照分区配置权重
	WConfType = int8(2)
	// WConfUpFrom 按照投稿来源配置权重
	WConfUpFrom = int8(3)
	// WConfRelease 指派任务释放
	WConfRelease = int8(4)
	// TimeFormatSec 时间格式化
	TimeFormatSec = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
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const (
	// VideoUploadInfo 视频上传完成
	VideoUploadInfo = int8(0)
	// VideoXcodeSDFail 视频转码失败
	VideoXcodeSDFail = int8(1)
	// VideoXcodeSDFinish 一转完成
	VideoXcodeSDFinish = int8(2)
	// VideoXcodeHDFail 二转失败
	VideoXcodeHDFail = int8(3)
	// VideoXcodeHDFinish 二转完成
	VideoXcodeHDFinish = int8(4)
	// VideoDispatchRunning 正在分发
	VideoDispatchRunning = int8(5)
	// VideoDispatchFinish 分发完成
	VideoDispatchFinish = int8(6)
	// VideoStatusOpen 视频开放浏览
	VideoStatusOpen = int16(0)
	// VideoStatusAccess 视频会员可见
	VideoStatusAccess = int16(10000)
	// VideoStatusWait 视频待审
	VideoStatusWait = int16(-1)
	// VideoStatusRecycle 视频被打回
	VideoStatusRecycle = int16(-2)
	// VideoStatusLock 视频被锁定
	VideoStatusLock = int16(-4)
	// VideoStatusXcodeFail 视频转码失败
	VideoStatusXcodeFail = int16(-16)
	// VideoStatusSubmit 视频创建已提交
	VideoStatusSubmit = int16(-30)
	// VideoStatusDelete 视频被删除
	VideoStatusDelete = int16(-100)
	// XcodeFailZero 转码失败
	XcodeFailZero = 0
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const (
	//QATypeVideo 视频质检任务
	QATypeVideo = int8(1)


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var (
	// TookTypeMinute 一审耗时每分钟打点
	TookTypeMinute = int8(1)
	// TookTypeHalfHour 一审耗时半小时打点
	TookTypeHalfHour = int8(2)
	// PoolForFirst 一审任务池
	PoolForFirst = int8(0)
	// PoolForSecond 二审任务池
	PoolForSecond = int8(1)

	// TypeRealTime 实时任务
	TypeRealTime = int8(0)
	// TypeDispatched 已分发任务
	TypeDispatched = int8(1)
	// TypeFinished 结束任务
	TypeFinished = int8(2)
	// TypeDelay 延时任务
	TypeDelay = int8(3)
	// TypeClosed 停滞任务
	TypeClosed = int8(4)
	// TypeSpecial 特殊任务
	TypeSpecial = int8(5)
	// TypeUpDelete 已删除任务
	TypeUpDelete = int8(6)
	// TypeSpecialWait 特殊停滞任务
	TypeSpecialWait = int8(7)

	// SubjectForNormal 普通任务
	SubjectForNormal = int8(0) //normal task subject
	// SubjectForTask 指派任务
	SubjectForTask = int8(1) //specified task subject

	// WLVConf 默认值
	WLVConf = &WeightVC{
		MaxWeight:  int64(200000),
		SubRelease: int64(18),

		Slv1: int64(8),
		Slv2: int64(10),
		Slv3: int64(12),
		Slv4: int64(15),
		Slv5: int64(18),
		Slv6: int64(6),
		Slv7: int64(0),

		Nlv1: int64(3),
		Nlv2: int64(6),
		Nlv3: int64(9),
		Nlv4: int64(12),
		Nlv5: int64(0),

		Tlv1: int64(3),
		Tlv2: int64(9),
		Tlv3: int64(21),
		Tlv4: int64(0),
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var (
	//FlowAttrMap archive submit with flow attr
	FlowAttrMap = map[string]int64{
		"nochannel": FlowGroupNoChannel,
		"nohot":     FlowGroupNoHot,
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var (
	//FlowOperType flow oper id
	FlowOperType = map[int64]int8{
		FlowGroupNoChannel: OperFlowAttrNoChannel,
		FlowGroupNoHot:     OperFlowAttrNoHot,
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var (
	XcodeStateNames = map[int8]string{
		VideoUploadInfo:      "上传成功",
		VideoXcodeSDFail:     "一转失败",
		VideoXcodeSDFinish:   "一转成功",
		VideoXcodeHDFail:     "二转失败",
		VideoXcodeHDFinish:   "二转成功",
		VideoDispatchRunning: "分发中",
		VideoDispatchFinish:  "分发完成",

XcodeStateNames xcode name.


func AccessDesc

func AccessDesc(acces int16) (desc string)

AccessDesc return acces desc.

func AccessState

func AccessState(state int8, access int16) (newState int16)

AccessState get orange state

func BitDesc

func BitDesc(bit uint) (desc string)

BitDesc return bit desc.

func CfWeightDesc

func CfWeightDesc(radio int8) (desc string)

CfWeightDesc 权重配置文字描述

func CopyrightsDesc

func CopyrightsDesc(cp int8) (desc string)

CopyrightsDesc return copyrights desc.

func ForbidBitDesc

func ForbidBitDesc(name string, bit uint) (desc string)

ForbidBitDesc return bit desc.

func InAttr

func InAttr(attr int32) (ok bool)

InAttr in correct attrs.

func InCopyrights

func InCopyrights(cp int8) (ok bool)

InCopyrights in correct copyrights.

func InOverseaType

func InOverseaType(typeID int16) (ok bool)

InOverseaType check in oversea forbid type.

func IsDispatch

func IsDispatch(st int8) bool

IsDispatch 判断任务状态

func NormalState

func NormalState(state int8) bool

NormalState check state.

func NotAllowDelay

func NotAllowDelay(state int8) bool

NotAllowDelay check need delete dtime of state.

func Operformat

func Operformat(tagID int8, old, new interface{}, style int8) (cont string)

Operformat oper format.

func ParseWeightConf

func ParseWeightConf(twc *WeightConf, uid int64, uname string) (mcases map[int64]*WCItem, IsTaskID bool, err error)

ParseWeightConf 解析权重配置

func UpFrom

func UpFrom(ufID int8) string

UpFrom get upfrom desc


type Addit

type Addit struct {
	Aid           int64  `json:"aid"`
	MissionID     int64  `json:"mission_id"`
	UpFrom        int8   `json:"up_from"`
	FromIP        int64  `json:"from_ip"`
	Source        string `json:"source"`
	OrderID       int64  `json:"order_id"`
	RecheckReason string `json:"recheck_reason"`
	RedirectURL   string `json:"redirect_url"`
	FlowID        int64  `json:"flow_id"`
	Advertiser    string `json:"advertiser"`
	DescFormatID  int64  `json:"desc_format_id"`
	Dynamic       string `json:"dynamic"`
	InnerAttr     int64  `json:"inner_attr"`

Addit is archive addit info

func (*Addit) InnerAttrSet

func (addit *Addit) InnerAttrSet(v int64, bit uint)

InnerAttrSet set inner_attr

type ArcHistory

type ArcHistory struct {
	ID      int64     `json:"id"`
	AID     int64     `json:"aid"`
	Title   string    `json:"title"`
	Tag     string    `json:"tag"`
	Content string    `json:"content"`
	Cover   string    `json:"cover"`
	MID     int64     `json:"mid"`
	CTime   time.Time `json:"ctime"`

ArcHistory 稿件的用户编辑历史

type ArcOper

type ArcOper struct {
	ID        int64
	Aid       int64
	UID       int64
	TypeID    int16
	State     int16
	Content   string
	Round     int8
	Attribute int32
	LastID    int64
	Remark    string

ArcOper archive oper.

type ArcParam

type ArcParam struct {
	Aid           int64       `json:"id"`
	Mid           int64       `json:"mid"`
	UID           int64       `json:"uid"`
	UName         string      `json:"uname"`
	CanCelMission bool        `json:"cancel_mission"`
	Cover         string      `json:"cover"`
	Source        string      `json:"source"`
	URL           string      `json:"redirecturl"`
	Forward       int64       `json:"forward"`
	PTime         time.Time   `json:"pubtime"`
	DTime         time.Time   `json:"delaytime"`
	CTime         time.Time   `json:"ctime"`
	Delay         bool        `json:"delay"`
	Tag           string      `json:"tag,omitempty"`
	IsUpBind      bool        `json:"is_up_bind"`
	SyncHiddenTag bool        `json:"sync_hidden_tag"`
	Copyright     int8        `json:"copyright"`
	FlagCopyright bool        `json:"flag_copyright"`
	Access        int16       `json:"access"`
	State         int8        `json:"state"`
	Round         int8        `json:"round"`
	Title         string      `json:"title,omitempty"`
	TypeID        int16       `json:"typeid"`
	Content       string      `json:"content"`
	Note          string      `json:"note"`
	Attrs         *AttrParam  `json:"attrs,omitempty"`
	Forbid        *ForbidAttr `json:"forbid"`
	Author        string      `json:"author"`
	RejectReason  string      `json:"reject_reason"`
	ReasonID      int64       `json:"reason_id"`
	ChangeDelay   bool        `json:"change_delay"`
	Notify        bool        `json:"notify"`
	NoEmail       bool        `json:"no_email"`
	ForceSync     bool        `json:"force_sync"`
	OnFlowID      int64       `json:"on_flow_id"`
	Dynamic       string      `json:"dynamic"`
	UpNote string `json:"highrisk_note"`
	// AdminChange
	AdminChange   bool             `json:"admin_change"`
	PolicyID      int64            `json:"policy_id"`
	ApplyUID      int64            `json:"apply_uid"`
	FromList      string           `json:"from_list"`
	FlowAttribute map[string]int32 `json:"flow_attribute"`

ArcParam sencond round param

type ArcStayCount

type ArcStayCount struct {
	Round int8  `json:"round"`
	State int8  `json:"state"`
	Count int64 `json:"count"`

ArcStayCount .

type Archive

type Archive struct {
	Aid          int64     `json:"aid"`
	Mid          int64     `json:"mid"`
	TypeID       int16     `json:"tid"`
	HumanRank    int       `json:"-"`
	Title        string    `json:"title"`
	Author       string    `json:"-"`
	Cover        string    `json:"cover"`
	RejectReason string    `json:"reject_reason"`
	Tag          string    `json:"tag"`
	Duration     int64     `json:"duration"`
	Copyright    int8      `json:"copyright"`
	Desc         string    `json:"desc"`
	MissionID    int64     `json:"mission_id"`
	Round        int8      `json:"-"`
	Forward      int64     `json:"-"`
	Attribute    int32     `json:"attribute"`
	Access       int16     `json:"-"`
	State        int8      `json:"state"`
	Source       string    `json:"source"`
	NoReprint    int32     `json:"no_reprint"`
	OrderID      int64     `json:"order_id"`
	Dynamic      string    `json:"dynamic"`
	DTime        time.Time `json:"dtime"`
	PTime        time.Time `json:"ptime"`
	CTime        time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime        time.Time `json:"-"`
	Tnames       []string  `json:"tid_names"`

Archive is archive model.

func (*Archive) AttrSet

func (arc *Archive) AttrSet(v int32, bit uint)

AttrSet set attribute.

func (*Archive) AttrVal

func (arc *Archive) AttrVal(bit uint) int32

AttrVal get attribute.

func (*Archive) NotAllowUp

func (arc *Archive) NotAllowUp() bool

NotAllowUp check archive is or not allow update state.

func (*Archive) WithAttr

func (arc *Archive) WithAttr(attr Attr)

WithAttr set attribute value with a attr value.

type Attr

type Attr int32

Attr attribute

type AttrParam

type AttrParam struct {
	NoRank      int32 `json:"no_rank,omitempty"`       // 0
	NoDynamic   int32 `json:"no_dynamic,omitempty"`    // 1
	NoWeb       int32 `json:"no_web,omitempty"`        // 2
	NoMobile    int32 `json:"no_mobile,omitempty"`     // 3
	NoSearch    int32 `json:"no_search,omitempty"`     // 4
	OverseaLock int32 `json:"oversea_block,omitempty"` // 5
	NoRecommend int32 `json:"no_recommend,omitempty"`  // 6
	NoReprint   int32 `json:"no_reprint,omitempty"`    // 7
	HasHD5      int32 `json:"is_hd,omitempty"`         // 8
	IsPGC       int32 `json:"is_pgc,omitempty"`        // 9
	AllowBp     int32 `json:"allow_bp,omitempty"`      // 10
	IsBangumi   int32 `json:"is_bangumi,omitempty"`    // 11
	IsPorder    int32 `json:"is_porder,omitempty"`     // 12
	LimitArea   int32 `json:"limit_area,omitempty"`    // 13
	AllowTag    int32 `json:"allow_tag,omitempty"`     // 14
	JumpURL     int32 `json:"is_jumpurl,omitempty"`    // 16
	IsMovie     int32 `json:"is_movie,omitempty"`      // 17
	BadgePay    int32 `json:"is_pay,omitempty"`        // 18
	PushBlog    int32 `json:"push_blog,omitempty"`     // 20
	ParentMode  int32 `json:"parent_mode,omitempty"`   // 21
	UGCPay      int32 `json:"ugcpay,omitempty"`        // 22

AttrParam bit

type AuditDetails

type AuditDetails struct {
	UserInfo       map[string]interface{} `json:"user_info"`
	RelationVideos []*RelationVideo       `json:"relation_videos"`
	Task           []*Task                `json:"task"`
	Video          *VideoInfo             `json:"video"`
	Watermark      []*Watermark           `json:"watermark"`
	Mosaic         []*Mosaic              `json:"mosaic"`

AuditDetails 提交详情

type AuditSubmit

type AuditSubmit struct {
	Encoding  string `json:"encoding"`
	Attribute string `json:"attribute"`
	ReasonID  string `json:"reason_id"`
	Reason    string `json:"reason"`
	Note      string `json:"note"`

AuditSubmit 提交的审核内容

type AuthRole

type AuthRole struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"id"`
	UID      int64     `json:"uid"`
	Role     int8      `json:"role"`
	UserName string    `json:"username"`
	NickName string    `json:"nickname"`
	Ctime    time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime    time.Time `json:"mtime"`

AuthRole 一审任务角色

type BatchTagParam

type BatchTagParam struct {
	AIDs          []int64 `form:"aids,split" validate:"gt=0,dive,gt=0"`
	Action        string  `form:"action"`
	Tags          string  `form:"tags"`
	Note          string  `form:"note"`
	IsUpBind      bool    `form:"is_up_bind"`
	SyncHiddenTag bool    `form:"sync_hidden_tag"`
	FromList      string  `form:"from_list"`

BatchTagParam update batch archives' tag

type Channel

type Channel struct {
	TID         int64    `json:"tid"`        //频道id
	Tname       string   `json:"tname"`      //频道名称
	HitRules    []string `json:"hit_rules"`  //命中的频道规则
	HitTagNames []string `json:"hit_tnames"` //命中频道的所有tag名称

Channel channe & tag hit rule

type ChannelInfo

type ChannelInfo struct {
	CheckBack int32      `json:"check_back"`
	Channels  []*Channel `json:"channels"`

ChannelInfo channel info

type ChannelReviewInfo

type ChannelReviewInfo struct {
	AID            int64
	ChannelIDs     string
	NeedReview     bool
	CanOperRecheck bool

ChannelReviewInfo 频道回查检查

type Confs

type Confs struct {
	Radio    int8             `form:"radio" default:"1"`
	Cid      int64            `form:"cid" default:"-1"`
	Operator string           `form:"operator"`
	Bt       utils.FormatTime `form:"bt"`
	Et       utils.FormatTime `form:"et"`
	Rule     int8             `form:"rule" default:"-1"`
	State    int              `form:"state"`
	Pn       int              `form:"page" default:"1"`
	Ps       int              `form:"ps" default:"20"`

Confs 权重配置筛选参数

type ConsumerLog

type ConsumerLog struct {
	UID    int64  `json:"uid"`
	Uname  string `json:"uname"`
	Action int8   `json:"action"`
	Ctime  string `json:"ctime"`
	Desc   string `json:"desc"`

ConsumerLog 组员日志

type Consumers

type Consumers struct {
	ID       int64            `json:"id"`
	UID      int64            `json:"uid"`
	UserName string           `json:"username"`
	State    int8             `json:"state"`
	Ctime    utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime    utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"`
	LastOut  string           `json:"lastout,omitempty"`

Consumers 组员信息

type Delay

type Delay struct {
	Aid   int64
	Mid   int64
	State int16
	DTime time.Time

Delay is archive delay info

type EditHistory

type EditHistory struct {
	ArcHistory *ArcHistory     `json:"arc_history"`
	VHistory   []*VideoHistory `json:"v_history"`

EditHistory 一次完整的用户编辑历史

func (*EditHistory) Diff

func (eh *EditHistory) Diff(one *EditHistory) (res *EditHistory, diff bool)

Diff only show diff between next archive edit history

type FlowData

type FlowData struct {
	ID         int64  `json:"id"`
	Pool       int8   `json:"pool"`
	OID        int64  `json:"oid"`
	GroupID    int64  `json:"group_id"`
	Parent     int8   `json:"parent"`
	State      int8   `json:"state"`
	GroupValue []byte `json:"group_value"`

FlowData flow_design data

type ForbidAttr

type ForbidAttr struct {
	Aid        int64 `json:"aid"`
	OnFlowID   int64 `json:"on_flow_id"`
	RankV      int32 `json:"-"`
	DynamicV   int32 `json:"-"`
	RecommendV int32 `json:"-"`
	ShowV      int32 `json:"-"`
	// specific
	Rank struct {
		Main      int32 `json:"main"`
		RecentArc int32 `json:"recent_arc"`
		AllArc    int32 `json:"all_arc"`
	} `json:"rank_attr"`
	Dynamic struct {
		Main int32 `json:"main"`
	} `json:"dynamic_attr"`
	Recommend struct {
		Main int32 `json:"main"`
	} `json:"recommend_attr"`
	Show struct {
		Main    int32 `json:"main"`
		Mobile  int32 `json:"mobile"`
		Web     int32 `json:"web"`
		Oversea int32 `json:"oversea"`
		Online  int32 `json:"online"`
	} `json:"show_attr"`

ForbidAttr forbid attribute

func (*ForbidAttr) Convert

func (f *ForbidAttr) Convert()

Convert convert db value into attr.

func (*ForbidAttr) SetAttr

func (f *ForbidAttr) SetAttr(name string, v int32, bit uint) (change bool)

SetAttr set forbid attr.

type InQuit

type InQuit struct {
	Date    string `json:"date"`
	UID     int64  `json:"uid"`
	Uname   string `json:"uname"`
	InTime  string `json:"inTime"`
	OutTime string `json:"quitTime"`

InQuit 组员日志

type IndexParam

type IndexParam struct {
	Aid       int64 `json:"aid"`
	ListOrder []*struct {
		ID    int64 `json:"id"`
		Index int   `json:"index"`
	} `json:"list_order"`

IndexParam index_order.

type Mosaic

type Mosaic struct {
	ID         int64            `json:"id"`
	AID        int64            `json:"aid"`
	CID        int64            `json:"cid"`
	Coordinate string           `json:"coordinate"`
	CTime      utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`

Mosaic 马赛克

type MultSyncParam

type MultSyncParam struct {
	Action     string      `json:"action"`
	VideoParam *VideoParam `json:"videoParam,omitempty"`
	ArcParam   *ArcParam   `json:"archiveParam,omitempty"`

MultSyncParam bath sync.

type Porder

type Porder struct {
	IndustryID   int64  `json:"industry_id"`
	BrandID      int64  `json:"brand_id"`
	BrandName    string `json:"brand_name"`
	Official     int8   `json:"official"`
	ShowType     string `json:"show_type"`
	ShowFront    int8   `json:"show_front"`
	Advertiser   string `json:"advertiser"`
	Agent        string `json:"agent"`
	GroupID      int64  `json:"group_id"`
	State        int8   `json:"state"`
	PorderAction string `json:"porder_action"`

Porder table

type PorderConfig

type PorderConfig struct {
	ID    int64  `json:"id"`
	Type  int8   `json:"type"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	State int8   `json:"state"`
	Code  string `json:"code"`
	Rank  int8   `json:"rank"`

PorderConfig table

type QAVideo

type QAVideo struct {
	UID          int64   `json:"uid"`
	Oname        string  `json:"username"`
	AID          int64   `json:"aid"`
	CID          int64   `json:"cid"`
	TaskID       int64   `json:"task_id"`
	TaskUTime    int64   `json:"task_utime"`
	Attribute    int32   `json:"attribute"`
	TagID        int64   `json:"tag_id"`
	ArcTitle     string  `json:"arc_title"`
	ArcTypeid    int64   `json:"arc_typeid"`
	AuditStatus  int16   `json:"audit_status"`
	AuditSubmit  string  `json:"audit_submit"`
	AuditDetails string  `json:"audit_details"`
	MID          int64   `json:"mid"`
	UPGroups     []int64 `json:"up_groups"`
	Fans         int64   `json:"fans"`

QAVideo 质检视频详情

type Recheck

type Recheck struct {
	ID     int64     `json:"id"`
	Type   int       `json:"type"`
	AID    int64     `json:"aid"`
	UID    int64     `json:"uid"`
	State  int8      `json:"state"`
	Remark string    `json:"remark"`
	CTime  time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime  time.Time `json:"mtime"`

Recheck archive recheck

type RelationVideo

type RelationVideo struct {
	Filename   string           `json:"filename"`
	Status     int16            `json:"status"`
	AID        int64            `json:"aid"`
	IndexOrder int              `json:"index_order"`
	Title      string           `json:"title"`
	Ctime      utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`

RelationVideo related video

type SearchLogResult

type SearchLogResult struct {
	Code int `json:"code"`
	Data struct {
		Order  string `json:"order"`
		Sort   string `json:"sort"`
		Result []struct {
			UID    int64  `json:"uid"`
			Uname  string `json:"uname"`
			OID    int64  `json:"oid"`
			Type   int8   `json:"type"`
			Action string `json:"action"`
			Str0   string `json:"str_0"`
			Str1   string `json:"str_1"`
			Str2   string `json:"str_2"`
			Int0   int    `json:"int_0"`
			Int1   int    `json:"int_1"`
			Int2   int    `json:"int_2"`
			Ctime  string `json:"ctime"`
			Extra  string `json:"extra_data"`
		} `json:"result"`
		Page struct {
			Num   int `json:"num"`
			Size  int `json:"size"`
			Total int `json:"total"`
		} `json:"page"`
	} `json:"data"`

SearchLogResult is.

type Staff

type Staff struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	AID          int64  `json:"aid"`
	MID          int64  `json:"mid"`
	StaffMID     int64  `json:"staff_mid"`
	StaffTitle   string `json:"staff_title"`
	StaffName    string `json:"staff_name"`
	StaffTitleID int64  `json:"staff_title_id"`
	State        int8   `json:"state"`

Staff .

type StaffBatchParam

type StaffBatchParam struct {
	AID      int64         `json:"aid"`
	SyncAttr bool          `json:"sync_attr"`
	Staffs   []*StaffParam `json:"staffs"`

StaffBatchParam 批量提交的staff参数

type StaffParam

type StaffParam struct {
	MID   int64  `json:"mid"`
	Title string `json:"title"`

StaffParam .

type StatsPoint

type StatsPoint struct {
	ID      int64     `json:"id"`
	Type    int8      `json:"type"`
	Content string    `json:"content"`
	Ctime   time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime   time.Time `json:"mtime"`

StatsPoint points struct for stats

type SyncAction

type SyncAction struct {
	Action string `json:"action"`

SyncAction sync action.

type TagParam

type TagParam struct {
	AID               int64  `form:"aid"  validate:"required"`
	Tags              string `form:"tags"`
	FromChannelReview string `form:"channel_review"`

TagParam update archive tag

type Task

type Task struct {
	ID      int64            `json:"id"`
	Pool    int8             `json:"pool"`
	Subject int8             `json:"subject"`
	AdminID int64            `json:"adminid"`
	Aid     int64            `json:"aid"`
	Cid     int64            `json:"cid"`
	UID     int64            `json:"uid"`
	State   int8             `json:"state"`
	UTime   int64            `json:"utime"`
	CTime   utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`
	MTime   utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"`
	DTime   utils.FormatTime `json:"dtime"`
	GTime   utils.FormatTime `json:"gtime"`
	PTime   utils.FormatTime `json:"ptime"`
	Weight  int64            `json:"weight"`
	Mid     int64            `json:"mid"`

Task 审核任务

type TaskForLog

type TaskForLog struct {
	ID      int64
	Cid     int64
	Subject int8
	Mtime   time.Time

TaskForLog 释放任务

type TaskPriority

type TaskPriority struct {
	TaskID  int64            `json:"taskid"`
	Weight  int64            `json:"weight"` //权重总值
	State   int8             `json:"state"`  //任务状态
	Mid     int64            `json:"mid"`
	Special int8             `json:"special"` //特殊任务
	Ctime   utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`   //任务生成时间
	Ptime   utils.FormatTime `json:"ptime"`   //定时发布时间
	CfItems []*WCItem        `json:"cfitems,omitempty"`

	// 兼容videoup-task-admin 用于判断复审的参数
		目前前端v1版本使用videoup-admin接口 v2版本使用videoup-task-admin接口
	Fans      int64  `json:"fans"`     //粉丝数
	AccFailed bool   `json:"accfaild"` //账号查询是否失败
	UpGroups  []int8 `json:"ugs"`      //分组
	UpFrom    int8   `json:"upfrom"`   //来源
	TypeID    int16  `json:"typeid"`   //分区

TaskPriority 审核任务权重的相关参数

type TaskTook

type TaskTook struct {
	ID     int64     `json:"id"`
	M90    int       `json:"m90"`
	M80    int       `json:"m80"`
	M60    int       `json:"m60"`
	M50    int       `json:"m50"`
	TypeID int8      `json:"type"`
	Ctime  time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	Mtime  time.Time `json:"-"`

TaskTook 一审耗时

type TaskWeightLog

type TaskWeightLog struct {
	TaskID    int64            `json:"taskid"`
	Mid       int64            `json:"mid"`
	Weight    int64            `json:"weight"`
	CWeight   int64            `json:"cweight"`
	NWeight   int64            `json:"nweight"`
	SWeight   int64            `json:"sweight"`
	TWeight   int64            `json:"tweight"`
	Uptime    utils.FormatTime `json:"uptime"`
	Creator   string           `json:"creator"`   //创作者
	UpSpecial []int8           `json:"upspecial"` //标记是否优质,劣质用户
	Fans      int64            `json:"fans"`      //粉丝数
	Wait      float64          `json:"wait"`      //等待时长
	Ptime     string           `json:"ptime,omitempty"`
	CfItems   []*WCItem        `json:"cfitems,omitempty"`
	Desc      string           `json:"desc,omitempty"` // 配置描述

TaskWeightLog 权重变更日志

type Type

type Type struct {
	ID   int16  `json:"id"`
	PID  int16  `json:"pid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Desc string `json:"description"`

Type is archive type info

type Video

type Video struct {
	ID           int64     `json:"-"`
	Aid          int64     `json:"aid"`
	Title        string    `json:"title"`
	Desc         string    `json:"desc"`
	Filename     string    `json:"filename"`
	SrcType      string    `json:"-"`
	Cid          int64     `json:"cid"`
	Duration     int64     `json:"-"`
	Filesize     int64     `json:"-"`
	Resolutions  string    `json:"-"`
	Index        int       `json:"index"`
	Playurl      string    `json:"-"`
	Status       int16     `json:"status"`
	StatusDesc   string    `json:"status_desc"`
	FailCode     int8      `json:"fail_code"`
	FailDesc     string    `json:"fail_desc"`
	XcodeState   int8      `json:"xcode"`
	Attribute    int32     `json:"-"`
	RejectReason string    `json:"reject_reason"`
	WebLink      string    `json:"weblink"`
	CTime        time.Time `json:"ctime"`
	MTime        time.Time `json:"-"`

Video is archive_video model.

func (*Video) AttrSet

func (v *Video) AttrSet(attr int32, bit uint)

AttrSet video Attr set

type VideoHistory

type VideoHistory struct {
	ID          int64     `json:"id"`
	CID         int64     `json:"cid"`
	EpTitle     string    `json:"eptitle"`
	Description string    `json:"description"`
	Filename    string    `json:"filename"`
	SRCType     string    `json:"src_type"`
	CTime       time.Time `json:"ctime"`

VideoHistory 视频的用户编辑历史

type VideoInfo

type VideoInfo struct {
	ID             int64            `json:"id"`
	MID            int64            `json:"mid"`
	CID            int64            `json:"cid"`
	Eptitle        string           `json:"eptitle"`
	Filename       string           `json:"filename"`
	Epctime        utils.FormatTime `json:"epctime"`
	AID            int64            `json:"aid"`
	Ctime          utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`
	Description    string           `json:"description"`
	Title          string           `json:"-"`
	Tag            string           `json:"tag"`
	Content        string           `json:"content"`
	Dynamic        string           `json:"dynamic"`
	Author         string           `json:"author"`
	Copyright      string           `json:"copyright"`
	Source         string           `json:"source"`
	Typename       string           `json:"typename"`
	Cover          string           `json:"cover"`
	XcodeState     int8             `json:"xcode_state"`
	XcodeStateName string           `json:"xcode_state_name"`
	Playurl        string           `json:"playurl"`
	Typeid         int64            `json:"-"`

VideoInfo video info

type VideoOper

type VideoOper struct {
	ID        int64            `json:"id"`
	AID       int64            `json:"aid"`
	UID       int64            `json:"uid"`
	VID       int64            `json:"vid"`
	Status    int16            `json:"status"`
	Content   string           `json:"content"`
	Attribute int32            `json:"attribute"`
	LastID    int64            `json:"last_id"`
	Remark    string           `json:"remark"`
	CTime     utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"`

VideoOper video oper.

type VideoParam

type VideoParam struct {
	ID            int64                `json:"id"`
	Filename      string               `json:"filename"`
	Aid           int64                `json:"aid"`
	Mid           int64                `json:"mid"`
	RegionID      int16                `json:"region_id"`
	VideoDesign   *message.VideoDesign `json:"video_design,omitempty"`
	Status        int16                `json:"status"`
	CTime         time.Time            `json:"ctime"`
	Cid           int64                `json:"cid,omitempty"`
	Title         string               `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Desc          string               `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	Index         int                  `json:"index,omitempty"`
	SrcType       string               `json:"src_type,omitempty"`
	Playurl       string               `json:"playurl,omitempty"`
	FailCode      int8                 `json:"failinfo,omitempty"`
	Duration      int64                `json:"duration,omitempty"`
	XcodeState    int8                 `json:"xcode_state,omitempty"`
	Attribute     int32                `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	Filesize      int64                `json:"filesize,omitempty"`
	WebLink       string               `json:"weblink,omitempty"`
	Resolutions   string               `json:"resolutions,omitempty"`
	Encoding      int8                 `json:"encoding"`
	EncodePurpose string               `json:"encode_purpose,omitempty"`
	UID           int64                `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	TaskID        int64                `json:"task_id,omitempty"`
	Oname         string               `json:"oname,omitempty"`
	TagID         int64                `json:"tag_id,omitempty"`
	Reason        string               `json:"reason,omitempty"`
	ReasonID      int64                `json:"reject_reason_id,omitempty"`
	Note          string               `json:"note,omitempty"`
	Attrs         *AttrParam           `json:"attrs,omitempty"`

VideoParam video struct

type WCItem

type WCItem struct {
	Radio    int8             `json:"radio"`
	ID       int64            `json:"id,omitempty"`
	CID      int64            `json:"cid"` // config id 四种配置通用
	UID      int64            `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	Uname    string           `json:"user,omitempty"`
	TypeName string           `json:"typename,omitempty"`
	UpFrom   string           `json:"upfrom,omitempty"`
	Rule     int8             `json:"rule"`
	State    int8             `json:"state"`
	Weight   int64            `json:"weight,omitempty"`
	Mtime    utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime,omitempty"`
	Desc     string           `json:"desc,omitempty"`
	FileName string           `json:"filename,omitempty"`
	Title    string           `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Vid      int64            `json:"vid,omitempty"`
	Creator  string           `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	Fans     int64            `json:"fans,omitempty"`
	Bt       utils.FormatTime `json:"bt,omitempty"`
	Et       utils.FormatTime `json:"et,omitempty"`

WCItem task weight config item

type Watermark

type Watermark struct {
	ID       int64            `json:"id"`
	Info     string           `json:"info"`
	MD5      string           `json:"m5"`
	MID      string           `json:"mid"`
	Position string           `json:"position"`
	Type     string           `json:"type"`
	Uname    string           `json:"uname"`
	URL      string           `json:"url"`
	State    string           `json:"state"`
	MTime    utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"`

Watermark 水印

type WeightConf

type WeightConf struct {
	Radio  int8             `form:"radio"`                       // 0,mid,1,taskid,2,分区, 3, 投稿来源
	Ids    string           `form:"ids"  validate:"required"`    // id列表,逗号分隔
	Rule   int8             `form:"rule"`                        // 0,动态权重,1,静态权重
	Weight int64            `form:"weight"  validate:"required"` // 配置的权重
	Desc   string           `form:"desc"  validate:"required"`   // 描述信息
	Bt     utils.FormatTime `form:"bt"`                          //配置生效开始时间
	Et     utils.FormatTime `form:"et"`                          //配置生效结束时间

WeightConf 任务权重配置

type WeightVC

type WeightVC struct {
	MaxWeight  int64 `json:"maxweight" form:"maxweight" default:"20000"`
	SubRelease int64 `json:"subrelease" form:"subrelease" default:"18"`
	Slv1       int64 `json:"slv1" form:"slv1" default:"8"`
	Slv2       int64 `json:"slv2" form:"slv2" default:"10"`
	Slv3       int64 `json:"slv3" form:"slv3" default:"12"`
	Slv4       int64 `json:"slv4" form:"slv4" default:"15"`
	Slv5       int64 `json:"slv5" form:"slv5" default:"18"`
	Slv6       int64 `json:"slv6" form:"slv6" default:"6"`
	Slv7       int64 `json:"slv7" form:"slv7" default:"0"`
	Nlv1       int64 `json:"nlv1" form:"nlv1" default:"3"`
	Nlv2       int64 `json:"nlv2" form:"nlv2" default:"6"`
	Nlv3       int64 `json:"nlv3" form:"nlv3" default:"9"`
	Nlv4       int64 `json:"nlv4" form:"nlv4" default:"12"`
	Nlv5       int64 `json:"nlv5" form:"nlv5" default:"0"`
	Tlv1       int64 `json:"tlv1" form:"tlv1" default:"3"`
	Tlv2       int64 `json:"tlv2" form:"tlv2" default:"9"`
	Tlv3       int64 `json:"tlv3" form:"tlv3" default:"21"`
	Tlv4       int64 `json:"tlv4" form:"tlv4" default:"0"`

WeightVC Weight Value Config 权重分值配置

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