Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccessDesc(acces int16) (desc string)
- func AccessState(state int8, access int16) (newState int16)
- func BitDesc(bit uint) (desc string)
- func CfWeightDesc(radio int8) (desc string)
- func CopyrightsDesc(cp int8) (desc string)
- func ForbidBitDesc(name string, bit uint) (desc string)
- func InAttr(attr int32) (ok bool)
- func InCopyrights(cp int8) (ok bool)
- func InOverseaType(typeID int16) (ok bool)
- func IsDispatch(st int8) bool
- func NormalState(state int8) bool
- func NotAllowDelay(state int8) bool
- func Operformat(tagID int8, old, new interface{}, style int8) (cont string)
- func ParseWeightConf(twc *WeightConf, uid int64, uname string) (mcases map[int64]*WCItem, IsTaskID bool, err error)
- func UpFrom(ufID int8) string
- type Addit
- type ArcHistory
- type ArcOper
- type ArcParam
- type ArcStayCount
- type Archive
- type Attr
- type AttrParam
- type AuditDetails
- type AuditSubmit
- type AuthRole
- type BatchTagParam
- type Channel
- type ChannelInfo
- type ChannelReviewInfo
- type Confs
- type ConsumerLog
- type Consumers
- type Delay
- type EditHistory
- type FlowData
- type ForbidAttr
- type InQuit
- type IndexParam
- type Mosaic
- type MultSyncParam
- type Porder
- type PorderConfig
- type QAVideo
- type Recheck
- type RelationVideo
- type SearchLogResult
- type Staff
- type StaffBatchParam
- type StaffParam
- type StatsPoint
- type SyncAction
- type TagParam
- type Task
- type TaskForLog
- type TaskPriority
- type TaskTook
- type TaskWeightLog
- type Type
- type Video
- type VideoHistory
- type VideoInfo
- type VideoOper
- type VideoParam
- type WCItem
- type Watermark
- type WeightConf
- type WeightVC
Constants ¶
const ( //TypeChannelRecheck 频道回查 TypeChannelRecheck = 0 //频道回查 // TypeHotRecheck 热门回查 TypeHotRecheck = 1 // TypeInspireRecheck 激励回查 TypeInspireRecheck = 2 //RecheckStateWait 频道回查待回查 RecheckStateWait = -1 //待回查 //RecheckStateDone 频道回查已回查 RecheckStateDone = 0 //已回查 )
const ( // StateOpen 开放浏览 StateOpen = int8(0) // StateOrange 橙色通过 StateOrange = int8(1) // StateForbidWait 待审 StateForbidWait = int8(-1) // StateForbidRecycle 被打回 StateForbidRecycle = int8(-2) // StateForbidPolice 网警锁定 StateForbidPolice = int8(-3) // StateForbidLock 被锁定 StateForbidLock = int8(-4) // StateForbidFackLock 管理员锁定(可浏览) StateForbidFackLock = int8(-5) // StateForbidFixed 修复待审 StateForbidFixed = int8(-6) // StateForbidLater 暂缓审核 StateForbidLater = int8(-7) // StateForbidPatched 补档待审 StateForbidPatched = int8(-8) // StateForbidWaitXcode 等待转码 StateForbidWaitXcode = int8(-9) // StateForbidAdminDelay 延迟审核 StateForbidAdminDelay = int8(-10) // StateForbidFixing 视频源待修 StateForbidFixing = int8(-11) // StateForbidStorageFail 转储失败 StateForbidStorageFail = int8(-12) // StateForbidOnlyComment 允许评论待审 StateForbidOnlyComment = int8(-13) // StateForbidTmpRecicle 临时回收站 StateForbidTmpRecicle = int8(-14) // StateForbidDispatch 分发中 StateForbidDispatch = int8(-15) // StateForbidXcodeFail 转码失败 StateForbidXcodeFail = int8(-16) // StateForbitUpLoad 创建未提交 StateForbitUpLoad = int8(-20) // NOTE:spell body can judge to change state // StateForbidSubmit 创建已提交 StateForbidSubmit = int8(-30) // StateForbidUserDelay 定时发布 StateForbidUserDelay = int8(-40) // StateForbidUpDelete 用户删除 StateForbidUpDelete = int8(-100) // AttrYes attribute yes AttrYes = int32(1) // AttrNo attribute no AttrNo = int32(0) // AttrBitNoRank 禁止排行 AttrBitNoRank = uint(0) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid // AttrBitNoDynamic 动态禁止 AttrBitNoDynamic = uint(1) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid // AttrBitNoWeb 禁止网页输出 AttrBitNoWeb = uint(2) // AttrBitNoMobile 禁止客户端列表 AttrBitNoMobile = uint(3) // AttrBitNoSearch 搜索禁止 AttrBitNoSearch = uint(4) // AttrBitOverseaLock 海外禁止 AttrBitOverseaLock = uint(5) // AttrBitNoRecommend 禁止推荐 AttrBitNoRecommend = uint(6) // NOTE: double write for archive_forbid // AttrBitNoReprint 禁止转载 AttrBitNoReprint = uint(7) // AttrBitHasHD5 是否高清 AttrBitHasHD5 = uint(8) // AttrBitIsPGC 是否PGC稿件 AttrBitIsPGC = uint(9) // AttrBitAllowBp 允许承包 AttrBitAllowBp = uint(10) // AttrBitIsBangumi 是否番剧 AttrBitIsBangumi = uint(11) // AttrBitIsPorder 是否私单 AttrBitIsPorder = uint(12) // AttrBitLimitArea 是否限制地区 AttrBitLimitArea = uint(13) // AttrBitAllowTag 允许其他人添加tag AttrBitAllowTag = uint(14) // AttrBitIsFromArcAPI useless AttrBitIsFromArcAPI = uint(15) // TODO: delete // AttrBitJumpURL 跳转 AttrBitJumpURL = uint(16) // AttrBitIsMovie 是否影视 AttrBitIsMovie = uint(17) // AttrBitBadgepay 付费 AttrBitBadgepay = uint(18) //AttrBitPushBlog 推送动态 AttrBitPushBlog = uint(20) //AttrBitParentMode 家长模式 AttrBitParentMode = uint(21) //AttrBitUGCPay UGC付费 AttrBitUGCPay = uint(22) // CopyrightUnknow 未知版权类型 CopyrightUnknow = int8(0) // CopyrightOriginal 原创 CopyrightOriginal = int8(1) // CopyrightCopy 转载 CopyrightCopy = int8(2) // UpFromWeb 网页上传 UpFromWeb = int8(0) // UpFromPGC PGC上传 UpFromPGC = int8(1) // UpFromWindows Windows客户端上传 UpFromWindows = int8(2) // UpFromAPP APP上传 UpFromAPP = int8(3) // UpFromMAC Mac客户端上传 UpFromMAC = int8(4) // UpFromSecretPGC 机密PGC上传 UpFromSecretPGC = int8(5) // UpFromCoopera 合作方嵌套 UpFromCoopera = int8(6) // UpFromCreator 创作姬上传 UpFromCreator = int8(7) // UpFromAndroid 安卓上传 UpFromAndroid = int8(8) // UpFromIOS IOS上传 UpFromIOS = int8(9) // DelayTypeForAdmin 管理员定时发布 DelayTypeForAdmin = int8(1) // DelayTypeForUser 用户定时发布 DelayTypeForUser = int8(2) // RoundBegin 一审阶段 RoundBegin = int8(0) // RoundAuditSecond 二审:选定分区的多P稿件 及 PGC/活动的单P多P稿件 RoundAuditSecond = int8(10) // RoundAuditThird 三审:选定分区/PGC/活动 的单P多P稿件 RoundAuditThird = int8(20) // RoundReviewFlow 私单回查:私单ID大于0 RoundReviewFlow = int8(21) //RoundReviewBadgepayFlow 付费审核 RoundAuditUGCPayFlow = int8(24) // RoundReviewFirst 分区回查:粉丝小于配置阈值 如 5000 且 指定分区 RoundReviewFirst = int8(30) // RoundReviewFirstWaitTrigger 点击/粉丝 等待触发中间状态,7天内达到阈值进列表,未达到自动变99 RoundReviewFirstWaitTrigger = int8(31) // RoundReviewSecond 社区回查:粉丝大于配置阈值 如 5000 或 优质高危up RoundReviewSecond = int8(40) // RoundTriggerFans 粉丝回查:粉丝量达到配置阈值 RoundTriggerFans = int8(80) // RoundTriggerClick 点击回查:点击量达到配置阈值 RoundTriggerClick = int8(90) // RoundEnd 结束 RoundEnd = int8(99) // AccessDefault 非会员可见 AccessDefault = int16(0) // AccessMember 会员可见 AccessMember = int16(10000) //LogClientVideo 视频business id LogClientVideo = int(2) //LogClientArchive 稿件business id LogClientArchive = int(3) //LogClientUp up主business id LogClientUp = int(4) //LogClientPorder 私单business id LogClientPorder = int(5) //LogClientArchiveMusic 稿件bgm business id LogClientArchiveMusic = int(6) //LogClientPolicy 策略business id LogClientPolicy = int(7) //稿件策略组 //LogClientConsumer 一审任务 business id LogClientConsumer = int(131) //LogClientTypePorderLog 私单type id LogClientTypePorderLog = int(1) //LogClientTypeVideo 视频 type id LogClientTypeVideo = int(1) //LogClientTypeArchive 稿件 type id LogClientTypeArchive = int(1) //LogClientTypePorder 私单 id LogClientTypePorder = int(14) //LogClientTypePolicy 策略type id LogClientTypePolicy = int(1) //稿件策略组修改记录 //LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMusic 稿件bgm type id LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMusic = int(1) //LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterial 稿件bgm素材 type id LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterial = int(2) //LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategory 稿件bgm分类 type id LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategory = int(3) //LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterialRelation 稿件bgm关联 type id LogClientArchiveMusicTypeMaterialRelation = int(4) //LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategoryRelation 稿件bgm分区关联 type id LogClientArchiveMusicTypeCategoryRelation = int(5) //InnerAttrChannelReview 内部属性-频道回查--已删除 InnerAttrChannelReview = uint(0) //LogClientTypeConsumer 一审任务type id LogClientTypeConsumer = int(1) )
const ( // ConfForClick round limit fans ConfForClick = "round_limit_fans" // ConfForRoundType round limit tids ConfForRoundType = "round_limit_tids" // ConfForThreshold threshold archive type ConfForThreshold = "threshold_arctype" // ConfForWaitAudit wait audit archive type ConfForWaitAudit = "wait_audit_arctype" // ConfForWeightVC 权重配置 ConfForWeightVC = "weight_conf_values" )
const ( PoolArc = int8(0) PoolUp = int8(1) PoolPrivateOrder = int8(2) PoolArticle = int8(3) PoolArcForbid = int8(4) FlowOpen = int8(0) FlowDelete = int8(1) FlowLogAdd = int8(1) FlowLogUpdate = int8(2) FlowLogDel = int8(3) FlowGroupNoChannel = int64(23) FlowGroupNoHot = int64(24) )
pool .
const ( // ForbidRank 禁止排行 ForbidRank = "rank" // ForbidDynamic 动态禁止 ForbidDynamic = "dynamic" // ForbidRecommend 禁止推荐 ForbidRecommend = "recommend" // ForbidShow 禁止展示 ForbidShow = "show" // ForbidRankMain forbid rank main ForbidRankMain = 0 // ForbidRankRecentArc forbid rank recent archive ForbidRankRecentArc = 1 // ForbidRankAllArc forbid rank all archive ForbidRankAllArc = 2 // ForbidDynamicMain forbid dynamic main ForbidDynamicMain = 0 // ForbidRecommendMain forbid recomment main ForbidRecommendMain = 0 // ForbidShowMain forbid show main ForbidShowMain = 0 // ForbidShowMobile forbid show mobile ForbidShowMobile = 1 // ForbidShowWeb forbid show web ForbidShowWeb = 2 // ForbidShowOversea forbid show oversea ForbidShowOversea = 3 // ForbidShowOnline forbid show online ForbidShowOnline = 4 //ForbidAttrChannel forbid channel ForbidAttrChannel = 101 //ForbidAttrHot forbid hot ForbidAttrHot = 102 )
const ( // OperTypeMission 活动id被修改 OperTypeMission = int8(1) // OperTypeTag tag被修改 OperTypeTag = int8(2) // OperTypeCopyright 版权类型被修改 OperTypeCopyright = int8(3) // OperTypeTypeID 分区ID被修改 OperTypeTypeID = int8(4) // OperTypeRejectReason 打回理由被修改 OperTypeRejectReason = int8(5) // OperTypeForwardID 转车跳转被修改 OperTypeForwardID = int8(6) // OperTypeFlowID 私单类型被修改 OperTypeFlowID = int8(7) // OperTypeDelay 定时发布被修改 OperTypeDelay = int8(8) // OperTypePtime 发布时间被修改 OperTypePtime = int8(10) // OperTypeAccess 可见属性被修改 OperTypeAccess = int8(11) // OperTypeAduitReason 审核理由被修改 OperTypeAduitReason = int8(12) // OperTypeRecicleTag 打回理由被修改 OperTypeRecicleTag = int8(13) // OperTypeTaskID 任务ID被修改 OperTypeTaskID = int8(14) // OperTypeOpenTag 通过Tag被修改 OperTypeOpenTag = int8(15) // OperTypeDynamic 动态描述被修改 OperTypeDynamic = int8(16) OperNotify = int8(17) //私单 OperPorderIndustryID = int8(18) OperPorderOfficial = int8(19) OperPorderBrandID = int8(20) OperPorderBrandName = int8(21) OperPorderShowType = int8(22) OperPorderAdvertiser = int8(23) OperPorderAgent = int8(24) OperPorderShowFront = int8(25) //频道回查属性 OperFlowAttrNoChannel = int8(26) OperFlowAttrNoHot = int8(27) // OperStyleOne 操作展示类型1:[%s]从[%v]设为[%v] OperStyleOne = int8(1) // OperStyleTwo 操作展示类型2:[%s]%v:%v OperStyleTwo = int8(2) )
const ( // ActionVideoSubmit 视频提交 ActionVideoSubmit = "videoSubmit" // ActionArchiveSubmit 稿件提交 ActionArchiveSubmit = "archiveSubmit" // ActionArchiveSecondRound 无稿件信息修改的补发二审消息 ActionArchiveSecondRound = "archiveSecondRound" // ActionArchiveAttr 稿件属性修改 ActionArchiveAttr = "archiveAttr" // ActionArchiveTypeID 稿件分区修改 ActionArchiveTypeID = "archiveTypeID" //ActionArchiveTag 保存稿件标签 ActionArchiveTag = "archiveTag" //ActionArchiveTagRecheck 保存稿件标签,并频道回查 ActionArchiveTagRecheck = "archiveTagRecheck" //FromListChannelReview 提交来源列表 频道回查 FromListChannelReview = "channel_review" )
const ( // ActionHandsUP 0签入 ActionHandsUP = int8(0) // ActionHandsOFF 1签出 ActionHandsOFF = int8(1) // ActionSubmit 2提交 ActionSubmit = int8(2) // ActionDelay 3延迟 ActionDelay = int8(3) // ActionClose 4关闭 ActionClose = int8(4) //ActionOldSubmit 5旧一审提交 ActionOldSubmit = int8(5) //ActionTaskDelete 10任务删除 ActionTaskDelete = int8(10) //ActionDispatch 分配 ActionDispatch = int8(6) //ActionRelease 释放(拒审) ActionRelease = int8(7) // WConfMid 按照mid配置权重 WConfMid = int8(0) // WConfTaskID 按照taskid配置权重 WConfTaskID = int8(1) // WConfType 按照分区配置权重 WConfType = int8(2) // WConfUpFrom 按照投稿来源配置权重 WConfUpFrom = int8(3) // WConfRelease 指派任务释放 WConfRelease = int8(4) // TimeFormatSec 时间格式化 TimeFormatSec = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" )
const ( // VideoUploadInfo 视频上传完成 VideoUploadInfo = int8(0) // VideoXcodeSDFail 视频转码失败 VideoXcodeSDFail = int8(1) // VideoXcodeSDFinish 一转完成 VideoXcodeSDFinish = int8(2) // VideoXcodeHDFail 二转失败 VideoXcodeHDFail = int8(3) // VideoXcodeHDFinish 二转完成 VideoXcodeHDFinish = int8(4) // VideoDispatchRunning 正在分发 VideoDispatchRunning = int8(5) // VideoDispatchFinish 分发完成 VideoDispatchFinish = int8(6) // VideoStatusOpen 视频开放浏览 VideoStatusOpen = int16(0) // VideoStatusAccess 视频会员可见 VideoStatusAccess = int16(10000) // VideoStatusWait 视频待审 VideoStatusWait = int16(-1) // VideoStatusRecycle 视频被打回 VideoStatusRecycle = int16(-2) // VideoStatusLock 视频被锁定 VideoStatusLock = int16(-4) // VideoStatusXcodeFail 视频转码失败 VideoStatusXcodeFail = int16(-16) // VideoStatusSubmit 视频创建已提交 VideoStatusSubmit = int16(-30) // VideoStatusDelete 视频被删除 VideoStatusDelete = int16(-100) // XcodeFailZero 转码失败 XcodeFailZero = 0 )
const ( //QATypeVideo 视频质检任务 QATypeVideo = int8(1) )
Variables ¶
var ( // TookTypeMinute 一审耗时每分钟打点 TookTypeMinute = int8(1) // TookTypeHalfHour 一审耗时半小时打点 TookTypeHalfHour = int8(2) // PoolForFirst 一审任务池 PoolForFirst = int8(0) // PoolForSecond 二审任务池 PoolForSecond = int8(1) // TypeRealTime 实时任务 TypeRealTime = int8(0) // TypeDispatched 已分发任务 TypeDispatched = int8(1) // TypeFinished 结束任务 TypeFinished = int8(2) // TypeDelay 延时任务 TypeDelay = int8(3) // TypeClosed 停滞任务 TypeClosed = int8(4) // TypeSpecial 特殊任务 TypeSpecial = int8(5) // TypeUpDelete 已删除任务 TypeUpDelete = int8(6) // TypeSpecialWait 特殊停滞任务 TypeSpecialWait = int8(7) // SubjectForNormal 普通任务 SubjectForNormal = int8(0) //normal task subject // SubjectForTask 指派任务 SubjectForTask = int8(1) //specified task subject // WLVConf 默认值 WLVConf = &WeightVC{ MaxWeight: int64(200000), SubRelease: int64(18), Slv1: int64(8), Slv2: int64(10), Slv3: int64(12), Slv4: int64(15), Slv5: int64(18), Slv6: int64(6), Slv7: int64(0), Nlv1: int64(3), Nlv2: int64(6), Nlv3: int64(9), Nlv4: int64(12), Nlv5: int64(0), Tlv1: int64(3), Tlv2: int64(9), Tlv3: int64(21), Tlv4: int64(0), } )
var ( //FlowAttrMap archive submit with flow attr FlowAttrMap = map[string]int64{ "nochannel": FlowGroupNoChannel, "nohot": FlowGroupNoHot, } )
var ( //FlowOperType flow oper id FlowOperType = map[int64]int8{ FlowGroupNoChannel: OperFlowAttrNoChannel, FlowGroupNoHot: OperFlowAttrNoHot, } )
var ( XcodeStateNames = map[int8]string{ VideoUploadInfo: "上传成功", VideoXcodeSDFail: "一转失败", VideoXcodeSDFinish: "一转成功", VideoXcodeHDFail: "二转失败", VideoXcodeHDFinish: "二转成功", VideoDispatchRunning: "分发中", VideoDispatchFinish: "分发完成", } )
XcodeStateNames xcode name.
Functions ¶
func AccessState ¶
AccessState get orange state
func CopyrightsDesc ¶
CopyrightsDesc return copyrights desc.
func ForbidBitDesc ¶
ForbidBitDesc return bit desc.
func InOverseaType ¶
InOverseaType check in oversea forbid type.
func NotAllowDelay ¶
NotAllowDelay check need delete dtime of state.
func Operformat ¶
Operformat oper format.
func ParseWeightConf ¶
func ParseWeightConf(twc *WeightConf, uid int64, uname string) (mcases map[int64]*WCItem, IsTaskID bool, err error)
ParseWeightConf 解析权重配置
Types ¶
type Addit ¶
type Addit struct { Aid int64 `json:"aid"` MissionID int64 `json:"mission_id"` UpFrom int8 `json:"up_from"` FromIP int64 `json:"from_ip"` Source string `json:"source"` OrderID int64 `json:"order_id"` RecheckReason string `json:"recheck_reason"` RedirectURL string `json:"redirect_url"` FlowID int64 `json:"flow_id"` Advertiser string `json:"advertiser"` DescFormatID int64 `json:"desc_format_id"` Dynamic string `json:"dynamic"` InnerAttr int64 `json:"inner_attr"` }
Addit is archive addit info
func (*Addit) InnerAttrSet ¶
InnerAttrSet set inner_attr
type ArcHistory ¶
type ArcHistory struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` Title string `json:"title"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Content string `json:"content"` Cover string `json:"cover"` MID int64 `json:"mid"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` }
ArcHistory 稿件的用户编辑历史
type ArcOper ¶
type ArcOper struct { ID int64 Aid int64 UID int64 TypeID int16 State int16 Content string Round int8 Attribute int32 LastID int64 Remark string }
ArcOper archive oper.
type ArcParam ¶
type ArcParam struct { Aid int64 `json:"id"` Mid int64 `json:"mid"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` UName string `json:"uname"` CanCelMission bool `json:"cancel_mission"` Cover string `json:"cover"` Source string `json:"source"` URL string `json:"redirecturl"` Forward int64 `json:"forward"` PTime time.Time `json:"pubtime"` DTime time.Time `json:"delaytime"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Delay bool `json:"delay"` Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"` IsUpBind bool `json:"is_up_bind"` SyncHiddenTag bool `json:"sync_hidden_tag"` Copyright int8 `json:"copyright"` FlagCopyright bool `json:"flag_copyright"` Access int16 `json:"access"` State int8 `json:"state"` Round int8 `json:"round"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` TypeID int16 `json:"typeid"` Content string `json:"content"` Note string `json:"note"` Attrs *AttrParam `json:"attrs,omitempty"` Forbid *ForbidAttr `json:"forbid"` Author string `json:"author"` RejectReason string `json:"reject_reason"` ReasonID int64 `json:"reason_id"` ChangeDelay bool `json:"change_delay"` Notify bool `json:"notify"` NoEmail bool `json:"no_email"` ForceSync bool `json:"force_sync"` OnFlowID int64 `json:"on_flow_id"` Dynamic string `json:"dynamic"` Porder UpNote string `json:"highrisk_note"` // AdminChange AdminChange bool `json:"admin_change"` PolicyID int64 `json:"policy_id"` ApplyUID int64 `json:"apply_uid"` FromList string `json:"from_list"` FlowAttribute map[string]int32 `json:"flow_attribute"` }
ArcParam sencond round param
type ArcStayCount ¶
type ArcStayCount struct { Round int8 `json:"round"` State int8 `json:"state"` Count int64 `json:"count"` }
ArcStayCount .
type Archive ¶
type Archive struct { Aid int64 `json:"aid"` Mid int64 `json:"mid"` TypeID int16 `json:"tid"` HumanRank int `json:"-"` Title string `json:"title"` Author string `json:"-"` Cover string `json:"cover"` RejectReason string `json:"reject_reason"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Duration int64 `json:"duration"` Copyright int8 `json:"copyright"` Desc string `json:"desc"` MissionID int64 `json:"mission_id"` Round int8 `json:"-"` Forward int64 `json:"-"` Attribute int32 `json:"attribute"` Access int16 `json:"-"` State int8 `json:"state"` Source string `json:"source"` NoReprint int32 `json:"no_reprint"` OrderID int64 `json:"order_id"` Dynamic string `json:"dynamic"` DTime time.Time `json:"dtime"` PTime time.Time `json:"ptime"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` MTime time.Time `json:"-"` Tnames []string `json:"tid_names"` }
Archive is archive model.
func (*Archive) NotAllowUp ¶
NotAllowUp check archive is or not allow update state.
type AttrParam ¶
type AttrParam struct { NoRank int32 `json:"no_rank,omitempty"` // 0 NoDynamic int32 `json:"no_dynamic,omitempty"` // 1 NoWeb int32 `json:"no_web,omitempty"` // 2 NoMobile int32 `json:"no_mobile,omitempty"` // 3 NoSearch int32 `json:"no_search,omitempty"` // 4 OverseaLock int32 `json:"oversea_block,omitempty"` // 5 NoRecommend int32 `json:"no_recommend,omitempty"` // 6 NoReprint int32 `json:"no_reprint,omitempty"` // 7 HasHD5 int32 `json:"is_hd,omitempty"` // 8 IsPGC int32 `json:"is_pgc,omitempty"` // 9 AllowBp int32 `json:"allow_bp,omitempty"` // 10 IsBangumi int32 `json:"is_bangumi,omitempty"` // 11 IsPorder int32 `json:"is_porder,omitempty"` // 12 LimitArea int32 `json:"limit_area,omitempty"` // 13 AllowTag int32 `json:"allow_tag,omitempty"` // 14 JumpURL int32 `json:"is_jumpurl,omitempty"` // 16 IsMovie int32 `json:"is_movie,omitempty"` // 17 BadgePay int32 `json:"is_pay,omitempty"` // 18 PushBlog int32 `json:"push_blog,omitempty"` // 20 ParentMode int32 `json:"parent_mode,omitempty"` // 21 UGCPay int32 `json:"ugcpay,omitempty"` // 22 }
AttrParam bit
type AuditDetails ¶
type AuditDetails struct { UserInfo map[string]interface{} `json:"user_info"` RelationVideos []*RelationVideo `json:"relation_videos"` Task []*Task `json:"task"` Video *VideoInfo `json:"video"` Watermark []*Watermark `json:"watermark"` Mosaic []*Mosaic `json:"mosaic"` }
AuditDetails 提交详情
type AuditSubmit ¶
type AuditSubmit struct { Encoding string `json:"encoding"` Attribute string `json:"attribute"` ReasonID string `json:"reason_id"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Note string `json:"note"` }
AuditSubmit 提交的审核内容
type AuthRole ¶
type AuthRole struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` Role int8 `json:"role"` UserName string `json:"username"` NickName string `json:"nickname"` Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"` }
AuthRole 一审任务角色
type BatchTagParam ¶
type BatchTagParam struct { AIDs []int64 `form:"aids,split" validate:"gt=0,dive,gt=0"` Action string `form:"action"` Tags string `form:"tags"` Note string `form:"note"` IsUpBind bool `form:"is_up_bind"` SyncHiddenTag bool `form:"sync_hidden_tag"` FromList string `form:"from_list"` }
BatchTagParam update batch archives' tag
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { TID int64 `json:"tid"` //频道id Tname string `json:"tname"` //频道名称 HitRules []string `json:"hit_rules"` //命中的频道规则 HitTagNames []string `json:"hit_tnames"` //命中频道的所有tag名称 }
Channel channe & tag hit rule
type ChannelInfo ¶
type ChannelInfo struct { CheckBack int32 `json:"check_back"` Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"` }
ChannelInfo channel info
type ChannelReviewInfo ¶
ChannelReviewInfo 频道回查检查
type Confs ¶
type Confs struct { Radio int8 `form:"radio" default:"1"` Cid int64 `form:"cid" default:"-1"` Operator string `form:"operator"` Bt utils.FormatTime `form:"bt"` Et utils.FormatTime `form:"et"` Rule int8 `form:"rule" default:"-1"` State int `form:"state"` Pn int `form:"page" default:"1"` Ps int `form:"ps" default:"20"` }
Confs 权重配置筛选参数
type ConsumerLog ¶
type ConsumerLog struct { UID int64 `json:"uid"` Uname string `json:"uname"` Action int8 `json:"action"` Ctime string `json:"ctime"` Desc string `json:"desc"` }
ConsumerLog 组员日志
type Consumers ¶
type Consumers struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` UserName string `json:"username"` State int8 `json:"state"` Ctime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` Mtime utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"` LastOut string `json:"lastout,omitempty"` }
Consumers 组员信息
type EditHistory ¶
type EditHistory struct { ArcHistory *ArcHistory `json:"arc_history"` VHistory []*VideoHistory `json:"v_history"` }
EditHistory 一次完整的用户编辑历史
func (*EditHistory) Diff ¶
func (eh *EditHistory) Diff(one *EditHistory) (res *EditHistory, diff bool)
Diff only show diff between next archive edit history
type FlowData ¶
type FlowData struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Pool int8 `json:"pool"` OID int64 `json:"oid"` GroupID int64 `json:"group_id"` Parent int8 `json:"parent"` State int8 `json:"state"` GroupValue []byte `json:"group_value"` }
FlowData flow_design data
type ForbidAttr ¶
type ForbidAttr struct { Aid int64 `json:"aid"` OnFlowID int64 `json:"on_flow_id"` RankV int32 `json:"-"` DynamicV int32 `json:"-"` RecommendV int32 `json:"-"` ShowV int32 `json:"-"` // specific Rank struct { Main int32 `json:"main"` RecentArc int32 `json:"recent_arc"` AllArc int32 `json:"all_arc"` } `json:"rank_attr"` Dynamic struct { Main int32 `json:"main"` } `json:"dynamic_attr"` Recommend struct { Main int32 `json:"main"` } `json:"recommend_attr"` Show struct { Main int32 `json:"main"` Mobile int32 `json:"mobile"` Web int32 `json:"web"` Oversea int32 `json:"oversea"` Online int32 `json:"online"` } `json:"show_attr"` }
ForbidAttr forbid attribute
type InQuit ¶
type InQuit struct { Date string `json:"date"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` Uname string `json:"uname"` InTime string `json:"inTime"` OutTime string `json:"quitTime"` }
InQuit 组员日志
type IndexParam ¶
type IndexParam struct { Aid int64 `json:"aid"` ListOrder []*struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Index int `json:"index"` } `json:"list_order"` }
IndexParam index_order.
type Mosaic ¶
type Mosaic struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` CID int64 `json:"cid"` Coordinate string `json:"coordinate"` CTime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` }
Mosaic 马赛克
type MultSyncParam ¶
type MultSyncParam struct { Action string `json:"action"` VideoParam *VideoParam `json:"videoParam,omitempty"` ArcParam *ArcParam `json:"archiveParam,omitempty"` }
MultSyncParam bath sync.
type Porder ¶
type Porder struct { IndustryID int64 `json:"industry_id"` BrandID int64 `json:"brand_id"` BrandName string `json:"brand_name"` Official int8 `json:"official"` ShowType string `json:"show_type"` ShowFront int8 `json:"show_front"` Advertiser string `json:"advertiser"` Agent string `json:"agent"` GroupID int64 `json:"group_id"` State int8 `json:"state"` PorderAction string `json:"porder_action"` }
Porder table
type PorderConfig ¶
type PorderConfig struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Type int8 `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` State int8 `json:"state"` Code string `json:"code"` Rank int8 `json:"rank"` }
PorderConfig table
type QAVideo ¶
type QAVideo struct { UID int64 `json:"uid"` Oname string `json:"username"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` CID int64 `json:"cid"` TaskID int64 `json:"task_id"` TaskUTime int64 `json:"task_utime"` Attribute int32 `json:"attribute"` TagID int64 `json:"tag_id"` ArcTitle string `json:"arc_title"` ArcTypeid int64 `json:"arc_typeid"` AuditStatus int16 `json:"audit_status"` AuditSubmit string `json:"audit_submit"` AuditDetails string `json:"audit_details"` MID int64 `json:"mid"` UPGroups []int64 `json:"up_groups"` Fans int64 `json:"fans"` }
QAVideo 质检视频详情
type Recheck ¶
type Recheck struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Type int `json:"type"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` State int8 `json:"state"` Remark string `json:"remark"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` MTime time.Time `json:"mtime"` }
Recheck archive recheck
type RelationVideo ¶
type RelationVideo struct { Filename string `json:"filename"` Status int16 `json:"status"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` IndexOrder int `json:"index_order"` Title string `json:"title"` Ctime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` }
RelationVideo related video
type SearchLogResult ¶
type SearchLogResult struct { Code int `json:"code"` Data struct { Order string `json:"order"` Sort string `json:"sort"` Result []struct { UID int64 `json:"uid"` Uname string `json:"uname"` OID int64 `json:"oid"` Type int8 `json:"type"` Action string `json:"action"` Str0 string `json:"str_0"` Str1 string `json:"str_1"` Str2 string `json:"str_2"` Int0 int `json:"int_0"` Int1 int `json:"int_1"` Int2 int `json:"int_2"` Ctime string `json:"ctime"` Extra string `json:"extra_data"` } `json:"result"` Page struct { Num int `json:"num"` Size int `json:"size"` Total int `json:"total"` } `json:"page"` } `json:"data"` }
SearchLogResult is.
type Staff ¶
type Staff struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` MID int64 `json:"mid"` StaffMID int64 `json:"staff_mid"` StaffTitle string `json:"staff_title"` StaffName string `json:"staff_name"` StaffTitleID int64 `json:"staff_title_id"` State int8 `json:"state"` }
Staff .
type StaffBatchParam ¶
type StaffBatchParam struct { AID int64 `json:"aid"` SyncAttr bool `json:"sync_attr"` Staffs []*StaffParam `json:"staffs"` }
StaffBatchParam 批量提交的staff参数
type StaffParam ¶
StaffParam .
type StatsPoint ¶
type StatsPoint struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Type int8 `json:"type"` Content string `json:"content"` Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"` }
StatsPoint points struct for stats
type TagParam ¶
type TagParam struct { AID int64 `form:"aid" validate:"required"` Tags string `form:"tags"` FromChannelReview string `form:"channel_review"` }
TagParam update archive tag
type Task ¶
type Task struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Pool int8 `json:"pool"` Subject int8 `json:"subject"` AdminID int64 `json:"adminid"` Aid int64 `json:"aid"` Cid int64 `json:"cid"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` State int8 `json:"state"` UTime int64 `json:"utime"` CTime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` MTime utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"` DTime utils.FormatTime `json:"dtime"` GTime utils.FormatTime `json:"gtime"` PTime utils.FormatTime `json:"ptime"` Weight int64 `json:"weight"` Mid int64 `json:"mid"` }
Task 审核任务
type TaskForLog ¶
TaskForLog 释放任务
type TaskPriority ¶
type TaskPriority struct { TaskID int64 `json:"taskid"` Weight int64 `json:"weight"` //权重总值 State int8 `json:"state"` //任务状态 Mid int64 `json:"mid"` Special int8 `json:"special"` //特殊任务 Ctime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` //任务生成时间 Ptime utils.FormatTime `json:"ptime"` //定时发布时间 CfItems []*WCItem `json:"cfitems,omitempty"` // 兼容videoup-task-admin 用于判断复审的参数 /* TODO: 目前前端v1版本使用videoup-admin接口 v2版本使用videoup-task-admin接口 待前端迁移完成,再将videoup-admin中任务代码删除 */ Fans int64 `json:"fans"` //粉丝数 AccFailed bool `json:"accfaild"` //账号查询是否失败 UpGroups []int8 `json:"ugs"` //分组 UpFrom int8 `json:"upfrom"` //来源 TypeID int16 `json:"typeid"` //分区 }
TaskPriority 审核任务权重的相关参数
type TaskTook ¶
type TaskTook struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` M90 int `json:"m90"` M80 int `json:"m80"` M60 int `json:"m60"` M50 int `json:"m50"` TypeID int8 `json:"type"` Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Mtime time.Time `json:"-"` }
TaskTook 一审耗时
type TaskWeightLog ¶
type TaskWeightLog struct { TaskID int64 `json:"taskid"` Mid int64 `json:"mid"` Weight int64 `json:"weight"` CWeight int64 `json:"cweight"` NWeight int64 `json:"nweight"` SWeight int64 `json:"sweight"` TWeight int64 `json:"tweight"` Uptime utils.FormatTime `json:"uptime"` Creator string `json:"creator"` //创作者 UpSpecial []int8 `json:"upspecial"` //标记是否优质,劣质用户 Fans int64 `json:"fans"` //粉丝数 Wait float64 `json:"wait"` //等待时长 Ptime string `json:"ptime,omitempty"` CfItems []*WCItem `json:"cfitems,omitempty"` Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"` // 配置描述 }
TaskWeightLog 权重变更日志
type Type ¶
type Type struct { ID int16 `json:"id"` PID int16 `json:"pid"` Name string `json:"name"` Desc string `json:"description"` }
Type is archive type info
type Video ¶
type Video struct { ID int64 `json:"-"` Aid int64 `json:"aid"` Title string `json:"title"` Desc string `json:"desc"` Filename string `json:"filename"` SrcType string `json:"-"` Cid int64 `json:"cid"` Duration int64 `json:"-"` Filesize int64 `json:"-"` Resolutions string `json:"-"` Index int `json:"index"` Playurl string `json:"-"` Status int16 `json:"status"` StatusDesc string `json:"status_desc"` FailCode int8 `json:"fail_code"` FailDesc string `json:"fail_desc"` XcodeState int8 `json:"xcode"` Attribute int32 `json:"-"` RejectReason string `json:"reject_reason"` WebLink string `json:"weblink"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` MTime time.Time `json:"-"` }
Video is archive_video model.
type VideoHistory ¶
type VideoHistory struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` CID int64 `json:"cid"` EpTitle string `json:"eptitle"` Description string `json:"description"` Filename string `json:"filename"` SRCType string `json:"src_type"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` }
VideoHistory 视频的用户编辑历史
type VideoInfo ¶
type VideoInfo struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` MID int64 `json:"mid"` CID int64 `json:"cid"` Eptitle string `json:"eptitle"` Filename string `json:"filename"` Epctime utils.FormatTime `json:"epctime"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` Ctime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` Description string `json:"description"` Title string `json:"-"` Tag string `json:"tag"` Content string `json:"content"` Dynamic string `json:"dynamic"` Author string `json:"author"` Copyright string `json:"copyright"` Source string `json:"source"` Typename string `json:"typename"` Cover string `json:"cover"` XcodeState int8 `json:"xcode_state"` XcodeStateName string `json:"xcode_state_name"` Playurl string `json:"playurl"` Typeid int64 `json:"-"` }
VideoInfo video info
type VideoOper ¶
type VideoOper struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` AID int64 `json:"aid"` UID int64 `json:"uid"` VID int64 `json:"vid"` Status int16 `json:"status"` Content string `json:"content"` Attribute int32 `json:"attribute"` LastID int64 `json:"last_id"` Remark string `json:"remark"` CTime utils.FormatTime `json:"ctime"` }
VideoOper video oper.
type VideoParam ¶
type VideoParam struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Filename string `json:"filename"` Aid int64 `json:"aid"` Mid int64 `json:"mid"` RegionID int16 `json:"region_id"` VideoDesign *message.VideoDesign `json:"video_design,omitempty"` Status int16 `json:"status"` CTime time.Time `json:"ctime"` Cid int64 `json:"cid,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"` Index int `json:"index,omitempty"` SrcType string `json:"src_type,omitempty"` Playurl string `json:"playurl,omitempty"` FailCode int8 `json:"failinfo,omitempty"` Duration int64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` XcodeState int8 `json:"xcode_state,omitempty"` Attribute int32 `json:"attribute,omitempty"` Filesize int64 `json:"filesize,omitempty"` WebLink string `json:"weblink,omitempty"` Resolutions string `json:"resolutions,omitempty"` Encoding int8 `json:"encoding"` EncodePurpose string `json:"encode_purpose,omitempty"` UID int64 `json:"uid,omitempty"` TaskID int64 `json:"task_id,omitempty"` Oname string `json:"oname,omitempty"` TagID int64 `json:"tag_id,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReasonID int64 `json:"reject_reason_id,omitempty"` Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` Attrs *AttrParam `json:"attrs,omitempty"` }
VideoParam video struct
type WCItem ¶
type WCItem struct { Radio int8 `json:"radio"` ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` CID int64 `json:"cid"` // config id 四种配置通用 UID int64 `json:"uid,omitempty"` Uname string `json:"user,omitempty"` TypeName string `json:"typename,omitempty"` UpFrom string `json:"upfrom,omitempty"` Rule int8 `json:"rule"` State int8 `json:"state"` Weight int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` Mtime utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime,omitempty"` Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"` FileName string `json:"filename,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Vid int64 `json:"vid,omitempty"` Creator string `json:"creator,omitempty"` Fans int64 `json:"fans,omitempty"` Bt utils.FormatTime `json:"bt,omitempty"` Et utils.FormatTime `json:"et,omitempty"` }
WCItem task weight config item
type Watermark ¶
type Watermark struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Info string `json:"info"` MD5 string `json:"m5"` MID string `json:"mid"` Position string `json:"position"` Type string `json:"type"` Uname string `json:"uname"` URL string `json:"url"` State string `json:"state"` MTime utils.FormatTime `json:"mtime"` }
Watermark 水印
type WeightConf ¶
type WeightConf struct { Radio int8 `form:"radio"` // 0,mid,1,taskid,2,分区, 3, 投稿来源 Ids string `form:"ids" validate:"required"` // id列表,逗号分隔 Rule int8 `form:"rule"` // 0,动态权重,1,静态权重 Weight int64 `form:"weight" validate:"required"` // 配置的权重 Desc string `form:"desc" validate:"required"` // 描述信息 Bt utils.FormatTime `form:"bt"` //配置生效开始时间 Et utils.FormatTime `form:"et"` //配置生效结束时间 }
WeightConf 任务权重配置
type WeightVC ¶
type WeightVC struct { MaxWeight int64 `json:"maxweight" form:"maxweight" default:"20000"` SubRelease int64 `json:"subrelease" form:"subrelease" default:"18"` Slv1 int64 `json:"slv1" form:"slv1" default:"8"` Slv2 int64 `json:"slv2" form:"slv2" default:"10"` Slv3 int64 `json:"slv3" form:"slv3" default:"12"` Slv4 int64 `json:"slv4" form:"slv4" default:"15"` Slv5 int64 `json:"slv5" form:"slv5" default:"18"` Slv6 int64 `json:"slv6" form:"slv6" default:"6"` Slv7 int64 `json:"slv7" form:"slv7" default:"0"` Nlv1 int64 `json:"nlv1" form:"nlv1" default:"3"` Nlv2 int64 `json:"nlv2" form:"nlv2" default:"6"` Nlv3 int64 `json:"nlv3" form:"nlv3" default:"9"` Nlv4 int64 `json:"nlv4" form:"nlv4" default:"12"` Nlv5 int64 `json:"nlv5" form:"nlv5" default:"0"` Tlv1 int64 `json:"tlv1" form:"tlv1" default:"3"` Tlv2 int64 `json:"tlv2" form:"tlv2" default:"9"` Tlv3 int64 `json:"tlv3" form:"tlv3" default:"21"` Tlv4 int64 `json:"tlv4" form:"tlv4" default:"0"` }
WeightVC Weight Value Config 权重分值配置