Overview ¶
Copyright (c) Acrosync LLC. All rights reserved. Free for personal use and commercial trial Commercial use requires per-user licenses available from
Copyright (c) Acrosync LLC. All rights reserved. Free for personal use and commercial trial Commercial use requires per-user licenses available from
This storage backend is based on the work by Yuri Karamani from, released under the MIT license.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllocateChunkBuffer() (buffer *bytes.Buffer)
- func AppendPattern(patterns []string, new_pattern string) (new_patterns []string)
- func AtoSize(sizeString string) int
- func B2Escape(path string) string
- func Benchmark(localDirectory string, storage Storage, fileSize int64, chunkSize int, ...) bool
- func CatchLogException()
- func CloseSFTPStorage(storage *SFTPStorage)
- func ConfigStorage(storage Storage, iterations int, compressionLevel int, averageChunkSize int, ...) bool
- func CreateShadowCopy(top string, shadowCopy bool, timeoutInSeconds int) (shadowTop string)
- func DeleteShadowCopy()
- func EnableLogHeader()
- func EnableStackTrace()
- func GenerateKeyFromPassword(password string, salt []byte, iterations int) []byte
- func GetDuplicacyPreferencePath() string
- func GetOwner(entry *Entry, fileInfo *os.FileInfo)
- func GetPassword(preference Preference, passwordType string, prompt string, showPassword bool, ...) string
- func GetPasswordFromPreference(preference Preference, passwordType string) string
- func IsDebugging() bool
- func IsEmptyFilter(pattern string) bool
- func IsTracing() bool
- func IsUnspecifiedFilter(pattern string) bool
- func IsValidRegex(pattern string) (valid bool, err error)
- func LOG_ASSERT(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_DEBUG(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_ERROR(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_FATAL(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_INFO(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_TRACE(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LOG_WARN(logID string, format string, v ...interface{})
- func LoadPreferences(repository string) bool
- func MatchPath(filePath string, patterns []string) (included bool)
- func PrettyNumber(number int64) string
- func PrettySize(size int64) string
- func PrettyTime(seconds int64) string
- func ProcessFilterFile(patternFile string, includedFiles []string) (patterns []string)
- func ProcessFilterLines(patternFileLines []string, includedFiles []string) (patterns []string)
- func ProcessFilters(filtersFile string) (patterns []string)
- func RateLimitedCopy(writer io.Writer, reader io.Reader, rate int) (written int64, err error)
- func Readlink(path string) (isRegular bool, s string, err error)
- func ReleaseChunkBuffer(buffer *bytes.Buffer)
- func RemoveIncompleteSnapshot()
- func SaveIncompleteSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
- func SavePassword(preference Preference, passwordType string, password string)
- func SavePreferences() bool
- func SetDuplicacyPreferencePath(p string)
- func SetKeyringFile(path string)
- func SetLoggingLevel(level int)
- func SetOwner(fullPath string, entry *Entry, fileInfo *os.FileInfo) bool
- func SplitDir(fullPath string) (dir string, file string)
- func SuppressLog(id string)
- func UploadConfig(storage Storage, config *Config, password string, iterations int) bool
- type ACDClient
- func (client *ACDClient) CreateDirectory(parentID string, name string) (string, error)
- func (client *ACDClient) DeleteFile(fileID string) error
- func (client *ACDClient) DownloadFile(fileID string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
- func (client *ACDClient) GetEndpoint() (err error)
- func (client *ACDClient) ListByName(parentID string, name string) (string, bool, int64, error)
- func (client *ACDClient) ListEntries(parentID string, listFiles bool, listDirectories bool) ([]ACDEntry, error)
- func (client *ACDClient) MoveFile(fileID string, fromParentID string, toParentID string) error
- func (client *ACDClient) RefreshToken() (err error)
- func (client *ACDClient) UploadFile(parentID string, name string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (fileID string, err error)
- type ACDEntry
- type ACDError
- type ACDGetEndpointOutput
- type ACDListEntriesOutput
- type ACDStorage
- func (storage *ACDStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *ACDStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *ACDStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *ACDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *ACDStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *ACDStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) ([]string, []int64, error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *ACDStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type AzureStorage
- func (storage *AzureStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *AzureStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *AzureStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *AzureStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *AzureStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (azureStorage *AzureStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *AzureStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type B2AuthorizeAccountOutput
- type B2Client
- func (client *B2Client) AuthorizeAccount(threadIndex int) (err error, allowed bool)
- func (client *B2Client) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, fileName string, fileID string) (err error)
- func (client *B2Client) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
- func (client *B2Client) FindBucket(bucketName string) (err error)
- func (client *B2Client) HideFile(threadIndex int, fileName string) (fileID string, err error)
- func (client *B2Client) ListFileNames(threadIndex int, startFileName string, singleFile bool, includeVersions bool) (files []*B2Entry, err error)
- func (client *B2Client) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
- type B2Entry
- type B2Error
- type B2GetUploadArgumentOutput
- type B2HideFileOutput
- type B2ListFileNamesOutput
- type B2Storage
- func (storage *B2Storage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *B2Storage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *B2Storage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *B2Storage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *B2Storage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *B2Storage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *B2Storage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type B2UploadArgument
- type BackupManager
- func (manager *BackupManager) Backup(top string, quickMode bool, threads int, tag string, showStatistics bool, ...) bool
- func (manager *BackupManager) CopySnapshots(otherManager *BackupManager, snapshotID string, revisionsToBeCopied []int, ...) bool
- func (manager *BackupManager) LoadRSAPrivateKey(keyFile string, passphrase string)
- func (manager *BackupManager) Restore(top string, revision int, inPlace bool, quickMode bool, threads int, ...) bool
- func (manager *BackupManager) RestoreFile(chunkDownloader *ChunkDownloader, chunkMaker *ChunkMaker, entry *Entry, ...) bool
- func (manager *BackupManager) SetDryRun(dryRun bool)
- func (manager *BackupManager) SetupSnapshotCache(storageName string) bool
- func (manager *BackupManager) UploadSnapshot(chunkMaker *ChunkMaker, uploader *ChunkUploader, top string, ...) (totalSnapshotChunkSize int64, numberOfNewSnapshotChunks int, ...)
- type ByChunk
- type ByName
- type Chunk
- func (chunk *Chunk) Decrypt(encryptionKey []byte, derivationKey string) (err error)
- func (chunk *Chunk) Encrypt(encryptionKey []byte, derivationKey string, isSnapshot bool) (err error)
- func (chunk *Chunk) GetBytes() []byte
- func (chunk *Chunk) GetHash() string
- func (chunk *Chunk) GetID() string
- func (chunk *Chunk) GetLength() int
- func (chunk *Chunk) Reset(hashNeeded bool)
- func (chunk *Chunk) VerifyID()
- func (chunk *Chunk) Write(p []byte) (int, error)
- type ChunkDownloadCompletion
- type ChunkDownloadTask
- type ChunkDownloader
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) AddChunk(chunkHash string) int
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) AddFiles(snapshot *Snapshot, files []*Entry)
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Download(threadIndex int, task ChunkDownloadTask) bool
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) GetLastDownloadedChunk() (chunk *Chunk, chunkHash string)
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Prefetch(file *Entry)
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Reclaim(chunkIndex int)
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Stop()
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) WaitForChunk(chunkIndex int) (chunk *Chunk)
- func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) WaitForCompletion()
- type ChunkMaker
- type ChunkOperator
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) AddTask(operation int, chunkID string, filePath string)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Delete(chunkID string, filePath string)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Find(chunkID string)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Fossilize(chunkID string, filePath string)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Resurrect(chunkID string, filePath string)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Run(threadIndex int, task ChunkOperatorTask)
- func (operator *ChunkOperator) Stop()
- type ChunkOperatorTask
- type ChunkUploadTask
- type ChunkUploader
- type Config
- func (config *Config) ComputeFileHash(path string, buffer []byte) string
- func (config *Config) GetChunk() (chunk *Chunk)
- func (config *Config) GetChunkIDFromHash(hash string) string
- func (config *Config) IsCompatiableWith(otherConfig *Config) bool
- func (config *Config) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (config *Config) NewFileHasher() hash.Hash
- func (config *Config) NewKeyedHasher(key []byte) hash.Hash
- func (config *Config) Print()
- func (config *Config) PutChunk(chunk *Chunk)
- func (config *Config) UnmarshalJSON(description []byte) (err error)
- type DropboxStorage
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *DropboxStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type DummyHasher
- type Entry
- func (left *Entry) Compare(right *Entry) int
- func (entry *Entry) Diff(chunkHashes []string, chunkLengths []int, otherHashes []string, ...) (modifiedLength int64)
- func (entry *Entry) GetPermissions() os.FileMode
- func (entry *Entry) IsDir() bool
- func (entry *Entry) IsFile() bool
- func (entry *Entry) IsLink() bool
- func (entry *Entry) IsSameAs(other *Entry) bool
- func (entry *Entry) IsSameAsFileInfo(other os.FileInfo) bool
- func (entry *Entry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (entry *Entry) ReadAttributes(top string)
- func (entry *Entry) RestoreMetadata(fullPath string, fileInfo *os.FileInfo, setOwner bool) bool
- func (entry *Entry) SetAttributesToFile(fullPath string)
- func (entry *Entry) String(maxSizeDigits int) string
- func (entry *Entry) UnmarshalJSON(description []byte) (err error)
- type Exception
- type FileFabricFile
- type FileFabricFileList
- type FileFabricResponse
- type FileFabricStorage
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileFabricStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type FileInfoCompare
- type FileReader
- type FileStorage
- func (storage *FileStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *FileStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *FileStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *FileStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *FileStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *FileStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *FileStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type FossilCollection
- func (collection *FossilCollection) AddFossil(hash string)
- func (collection *FossilCollection) AddTemporary(temporary string)
- func (collection *FossilCollection) IsDeletable(isStrongConsistent bool, ignoredIDs []string, ...) (isDeletable bool, newSnapshots []*Snapshot)
- func (collection *FossilCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- type GCDConfig
- type GCDStorage
- func (storage *GCDStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *GCDStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *GCDStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *GCDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *GCDStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *GCDStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) ([]string, []int64, error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCDStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type GCSConfig
- type GCSStorage
- func (storage *GCSStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *GCSStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *GCSStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *GCSStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *GCSStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *GCSStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) ([]string, []int64, error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *GCSStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type HubicClient
- func (client *HubicClient) CreateDirectory(path string) error
- func (client *HubicClient) DeleteFile(path string) error
- func (client *HubicClient) DownloadFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
- func (client *HubicClient) GetCredential() (err error)
- func (client *HubicClient) GetFileInfo(path string) (bool, bool, int64, error)
- func (client *HubicClient) ListEntries(path string) ([]HubicEntry, error)
- func (client *HubicClient) MoveFile(from string, to string) error
- func (client *HubicClient) RefreshToken(force bool) (err error)
- func (client *HubicClient) UploadFile(path string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
- type HubicCredential
- type HubicEntry
- type HubicError
- type HubicStorage
- func (storage *HubicStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *HubicStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *HubicStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *HubicStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *HubicStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *HubicStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) ([]string, []int64, error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *HubicStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type IncompleteSnapshot
- type ListBucketOutput
- type Logger
- type OneDriveClient
- func (client *OneDriveClient) CreateDirectory(path string, name string) error
- func (client *OneDriveClient) CreateUploadSession(path string) (uploadURL string, err error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) DeleteFile(path string) error
- func (client *OneDriveClient) DownloadFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) GetFileInfo(path string) (string, bool, int64, error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) ListEntries(path string) ([]OneDriveEntry, error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) MoveFile(path string, parent string) error
- func (client *OneDriveClient) RefreshToken(force bool) (err error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) UploadFile(path string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
- func (client *OneDriveClient) UploadFileSession(uploadURL string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
- type OneDriveEntry
- type OneDriveError
- type OneDriveErrorResponse
- type OneDriveListEntriesOutput
- type OneDriveStorage
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) ([]string, []int64, error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *OneDriveStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type Preference
- type RateLimitedReader
- type S3CStorage
- func (storage *S3CStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *S3CStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *S3CStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *S3CStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *S3CStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *S3CStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3CStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type S3Storage
- func (storage *S3Storage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *S3Storage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *S3Storage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *S3Storage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *S3Storage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *S3Storage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *S3Storage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type SFTPStorage
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dirPath string) (err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dirPath string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *SFTPStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type Snapshot
- func CreateEmptySnapshot(id string) (snapshto *Snapshot)
- func CreateSnapshotFromDescription(description []byte) (snapshot *Snapshot, err error)
- func CreateSnapshotFromDirectory(id string, top string, nobackupFile string, filtersFile string) (snapshot *Snapshot, skippedDirectories []string, skippedFiles []string, ...)
- func LoadIncompleteSnapshot() (snapshot *Snapshot)
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) ClearChunks()
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) LoadChunks(description []byte) (err error)
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) LoadLengths(description []byte) (err error)
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) MarshalSequence(sequenceType string) ([]byte, error)
- func (snapshot *Snapshot) SetSequence(sequenceType string, sequence []string)
- type SnapshotManager
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) (err error)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshots(snapshotID string, revisionsToCheck []int, tag string, showStatistics bool, ...) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) CleanSnapshotCache(latestSnapshot *Snapshot, allSnapshots map[string][]*Snapshot) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ClearSnapshotContents(snapshot *Snapshot)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ConvertSequence(sequence []string) (result []string)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) CreateChunkDownloader()
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) Diff(top string, snapshotID string, revisions []int, filePath string, ...) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadFile(path string, derivationKey string) (content []byte)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSequence(sequence []string) (content []byte)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshot(snapshotID string, revision int) *Snapshot
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotContents(snapshot *Snapshot, patterns []string, attributesNeeded bool) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotFileSequence(snapshot *Snapshot, patterns []string, attributesNeeded bool) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotSequence(snapshot *Snapshot, sequenceType string) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) FindFile(snapshot *Snapshot, filePath string, suppressError bool) *Entry
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunkHashes(snapshot *Snapshot, chunkHashes *map[string]bool, chunkIDs map[string]bool)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunks(snapshot *Snapshot, keepChunkHashes bool) (chunks []string)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListAllFiles(storage Storage, top string) (allFiles []string, allSizes []int64)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotIDs() (snapshotIDs []string, err error)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotRevisions(snapshotID string) (revisions []int, err error)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshots(snapshotID string, revisionsToList []int, tag string, showFiles bool, ...) int
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) PrintFile(snapshotID string, revision int, path string) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) PrintSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) PruneSnapshots(selfID string, snapshotID string, revisionsToBeDeleted []int, tags []string, ...) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) RetrieveFile(snapshot *Snapshot, file *Entry, output func([]byte)) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowHistory(top string, snapshotID string, revisions []int, filePath string, ...) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowStatistics(snapshotMap map[string][]*Snapshot, chunkSizeMap map[string]int64, ...)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowStatisticsTabular(snapshotMap map[string][]*Snapshot, chunkSizeMap map[string]int64, ...)
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) UploadFile(path string, derivationKey string, content []byte) bool
- func (manager *SnapshotManager) VerifySnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) bool
- type Storage
- type StorageBase
- func (storage *StorageBase) FindChunk(threadIndex int, chunkID string, isFossil bool) (filePath string, exist bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *StorageBase) SetDefaultNestingLevels(readLevels []int, writeLevel int)
- func (storage *StorageBase) SetNestingLevels(config *Config)
- func (storage *StorageBase) SetRateLimits(downloadRateLimit int, uploadRateLimit int)
- type SwiftStorage
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *SwiftStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type WasabiStorage
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *WasabiStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
- type WebDAVMultiStatus
- type WebDAVProp
- type WebDAVPropStat
- type WebDAVPropValue
- type WebDAVProperties
- type WebDAVResponse
- type WebDAVStorage
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) EnableTestMode()
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsFastListing() bool
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
- func (storage *WebDAVStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
Constants ¶
const ( ChunkOperationFind = 0 ChunkOperationDelete = 1 ChunkOperationFossilize = 2 ChunkOperationResurrect = 3 )
These are operations that ChunkOperator will perform.
const ( DEBUG = -2 TRACE = -1 INFO = 0 WARN = 1 ERROR = 2 FATAL = 3 ASSERT = 4 )
Variables ¶
var ( GCDFileMimeType = "application/octet-stream" GCDDirectoryMimeType = "application/" GCDUserDrive = "root" )
var ACDRefreshTokenURL = ""
var B2AuthorizationURL = ""
The default iterations for key derivation
var CONFIG_HEADER = "duplicacy\001"
The new header of the config file (to differentiate from the old format where the salt and iterations are fixed)
The length of the salt used in the new format
The new default compression level is 100. However, in the early versions we use the standard zlib levels of -1 to 9.
var DEFAULT_KEY = []byte("duplicacy")
If encryption is turned off, use this key for HMAC-SHA256 or chunk ID generation etc.
var DUPLICACY_DIRECTORY = ".duplicacy"
This is the hidden directory in the repository for storing various files.
var DUPLICACY_FILE = ".duplicacy"
var DecryptWithHMACSHA256 = false
var ENCRYPTION_HEADER = "duplicacy\000"
Magic word to identify a duplicacy format encrypted file, plus a version number.
RSA encrypted chunks start with "duplicacy\002"
var HubicCredentialURL = ""
var HubicRefreshTokenURL = ""
var LogFunction func(level int, logID string, message string)
var MaskArray = [...]uint64{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
var Preferences []Preference
var RegexMap map[string]*regexp.Regexp
var RunAtError func() = func() {}
This is the function to be called before exiting when an error occurs.
var RunInBackground bool = false
var SkipFileHash = false
Functions ¶
func AllocateChunkBuffer ¶
func AppendPattern ¶
func CatchLogException ¶
func CatchLogException()
func CloseSFTPStorage ¶
func CloseSFTPStorage(storage *SFTPStorage)
func ConfigStorage ¶
func ConfigStorage(storage Storage, iterations int, compressionLevel int, averageChunkSize int, maximumChunkSize int, minimumChunkSize int, password string, copyFrom *Config, bitCopy bool, keyFile string) bool
ConfigStorage makes the general storage space available for storing duplicacy format snapshots. In essence, it simply creates a file named 'config' that stores various parameters as well as a set of keys if encryption is enabled.
func CreateShadowCopy ¶
func DeleteShadowCopy ¶
func DeleteShadowCopy()
func EnableLogHeader ¶
func EnableLogHeader()
func EnableStackTrace ¶
func EnableStackTrace()
func GenerateKeyFromPassword ¶
GenerateKeyFromPassword generates a key from the password.
func GetDuplicacyPreferencePath ¶
func GetDuplicacyPreferencePath() string
func GetPassword ¶
func GetPassword(preference Preference, passwordType string, prompt string, showPassword bool, resetPassword bool) string
GetPassword attempts to get the password from KeyChain/KeyRing, environment variables, or keyboard input.
func GetPasswordFromPreference ¶
func GetPasswordFromPreference(preference Preference, passwordType string) string
Get password from preference, env, but don't start any keyring request
func IsDebugging ¶
func IsDebugging() bool
func IsEmptyFilter ¶
func IsUnspecifiedFilter ¶
func IsValidRegex ¶
func LoadPreferences ¶
func MatchPath ¶
MatchPath returns 'true' if the file 'filePath' is excluded by the specified 'patterns'. Each pattern starts with either '+' or '-', whereas '-' indicates exclusion and '+' indicates inclusion. Wildcards like '*' and '?' may appear in the patterns. In case no matching pattern is found, the file will be excluded if all patterns are include patterns, and included otherwise.
func PrettyNumber ¶
func PrettySize ¶
func PrettyTime ¶
func ProcessFilterFile ¶
func ProcessFilterLines ¶
func ProcessFilters ¶
func RateLimitedCopy ¶
func ReleaseChunkBuffer ¶
func RemoveIncompleteSnapshot ¶
func RemoveIncompleteSnapshot()
func SaveIncompleteSnapshot ¶
func SaveIncompleteSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot)
SaveIncompleteSnapshot saves the incomplete snapshot under the preference directory
func SavePassword ¶
func SavePassword(preference Preference, passwordType string, password string)
SavePassword saves the specified password in the keyring/keychain.
func SavePreferences ¶
func SavePreferences() bool
func SetDuplicacyPreferencePath ¶
func SetDuplicacyPreferencePath(p string)
Normally 'preferencePath' is set in LoadPreferences; however, if LoadPreferences is not called, this function provide another change to set 'preferencePath'
func SetKeyringFile ¶
func SetKeyringFile(path string)
func SetLoggingLevel ¶
func SetLoggingLevel(level int)
func SuppressLog ¶
func SuppressLog(id string)
Types ¶
type ACDClient ¶
type ACDClient struct { HTTPClient *http.Client TokenFile string Token *oauth2.Token TokenLock *sync.Mutex ContentURL string MetadataURL string TestMode bool }
func NewACDClient ¶
func (*ACDClient) CreateDirectory ¶
func (*ACDClient) DeleteFile ¶
func (*ACDClient) DownloadFile ¶
func (*ACDClient) GetEndpoint ¶
func (*ACDClient) ListByName ¶
func (*ACDClient) ListEntries ¶
func (*ACDClient) RefreshToken ¶
type ACDGetEndpointOutput ¶
type ACDListEntriesOutput ¶
type ACDStorage ¶
type ACDStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateACDStorage ¶
func CreateACDStorage(tokenFile string, storagePath string, threads int) (storage *ACDStorage, err error)
CreateACDStorage creates an ACD storage object.
func (*ACDStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*ACDStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*ACDStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*ACDStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*ACDStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*ACDStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*ACDStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*ACDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*ACDStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*ACDStorage) ListFiles ¶
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*ACDStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*ACDStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *ACDStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type AzureStorage ¶
type AzureStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateAzureStorage ¶
func (*AzureStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*AzureStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*AzureStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*AzureStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*AzureStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*AzureStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*AzureStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*AzureStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*AzureStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*AzureStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (azureStorage *AzureStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*AzureStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*AzureStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *AzureStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type B2Client ¶
type B2Client struct { HTTPClient *http.Client AccountID string ApplicationKeyID string ApplicationKey string BucketName string BucketID string StorageDir string Lock sync.Mutex AuthorizationToken string APIURL string DownloadURL string IsAuthorized bool UploadURLs []string UploadTokens []string Threads int MaximumRetries int TestMode bool LastAuthorizationTime int64 }
func NewB2Client ¶
func (*B2Client) AuthorizeAccount ¶
func (*B2Client) DeleteFile ¶
func (*B2Client) DownloadFile ¶
func (*B2Client) FindBucket ¶
func (*B2Client) ListFileNames ¶
type B2HideFileOutput ¶
type B2HideFileOutput struct {
FileID string
type B2ListFileNamesOutput ¶
type B2Storage ¶
type B2Storage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateB2Storage ¶
func CreateB2Storage(accountID string, applicationKey string, downloadURL string, bucket string, storageDir string, threads int) (storage *B2Storage, err error)
CreateB2Storage creates a B2 storage object.
func (*B2Storage) CreateDirectory ¶
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*B2Storage) DeleteFile ¶
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*B2Storage) DownloadFile ¶
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*B2Storage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *B2Storage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*B2Storage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*B2Storage) IsFastListing ¶
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*B2Storage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*B2Storage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*B2Storage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *B2Storage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
type B2UploadArgument ¶
type BackupManager ¶
type BackupManager struct { SnapshotManager *SnapshotManager // the snapshot manager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateBackupManager ¶
func CreateBackupManager(snapshotID string, storage Storage, top string, password string, nobackupFile string, filtersFile string) *BackupManager
CreateBackupManager creates a backup manager using the specified 'storage'. 'snapshotID' is a unique id to identify snapshots created for this repository. 'top' is the top directory of the repository. 'password' is the master key which can be nil if encryption is not enabled.
func (*BackupManager) Backup ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) Backup(top string, quickMode bool, threads int, tag string, showStatistics bool, shadowCopy bool, shadowCopyTimeout int, enumOnly bool) bool
Backup creates a snapshot for the repository 'top'. If 'quickMode' is true, only files with different sizes or timestamps since last backup will be uploaded (however the snapshot is still a full snapshot that shares unmodified files with last backup). Otherwise (or if this is the first backup), the entire repository will be scanned to create the snapshot. 'tag' is the tag assigned to the new snapshot.
func (*BackupManager) CopySnapshots ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) CopySnapshots(otherManager *BackupManager, snapshotID string, revisionsToBeCopied []int, threads int) bool
CopySnapshots copies the specified snapshots from one storage to the other.
func (*BackupManager) LoadRSAPrivateKey ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) LoadRSAPrivateKey(keyFile string, passphrase string)
loadRSAPrivateKey loads the specifed private key file for decrypting file chunks
func (*BackupManager) Restore ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) Restore(top string, revision int, inPlace bool, quickMode bool, threads int, overwrite bool, deleteMode bool, setOwner bool, showStatistics bool, patterns []string) bool
Restore downloads the specified snapshot, compares it with what's on the repository, and then downloads files that are different. 'base' is a directory that contains files at a different revision which can serve as a local cache to avoid download chunks available locally. It is perfectly ok for 'base' to be the same as 'top'. 'quickMode' will bypass files with unchanged sizes and timestamps. 'deleteMode' will remove local files that don't exist in the snapshot. 'patterns' is used to include/exclude certain files.
func (*BackupManager) RestoreFile ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) RestoreFile(chunkDownloader *ChunkDownloader, chunkMaker *ChunkMaker, entry *Entry, top string, inPlace bool, overwrite bool, showStatistics bool, totalFileSize int64, downloadedFileSize int64, startTime int64) bool
Restore downloads a file from the storage. If 'inPlace' is false, the download file is saved first to a temporary file under the .duplicacy directory and then replaces the existing one. Otherwise, the existing file will be overwritten directly.
func (*BackupManager) SetDryRun ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) SetDryRun(dryRun bool)
func (*BackupManager) SetupSnapshotCache ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) SetupSnapshotCache(storageName string) bool
SetupSnapshotCache creates the snapshot cache, which is merely a local storage under the default .duplicacy directory
func (*BackupManager) UploadSnapshot ¶
func (manager *BackupManager) UploadSnapshot(chunkMaker *ChunkMaker, uploader *ChunkUploader, top string, snapshot *Snapshot, chunkCache map[string]bool) (totalSnapshotChunkSize int64, numberOfNewSnapshotChunks int, totalUploadedSnapshotChunkSize int64, totalUploadedSnapshotChunkBytes int64)
UploadSnapshot uploads the specified snapshot to the storage. It turns Files, ChunkHashes, and ChunkLengths into sequences of chunks, and uploads these chunks, and finally the snapshot file.
type ByChunk ¶
type ByChunk []*Entry
This is used to sort entries by their starting chunks (and starting offsets if the starting chunks are the same).
type Chunk ¶
type Chunk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Chunk is the object being passed between the chunk maker, the chunk uploader, and chunk downloader. It can be read and written like a bytes.Buffer, and provides convenient functions to calculate the hash and id of the chunk.
func CreateChunk ¶
CreateChunk creates a new chunk.
func (*Chunk) Decrypt ¶
Decrypt decrypts the encrypted data stored in the chunk buffer. If derivationKey is not nil, the actual encryption key will be HMAC-SHA256(encryptionKey, derivationKey).
func (*Chunk) Encrypt ¶
func (chunk *Chunk) Encrypt(encryptionKey []byte, derivationKey string, isSnapshot bool) (err error)
Encrypt encrypts the plain data stored in the chunk buffer. If derivationKey is not nil, the actual encryption key will be HMAC-SHA256(encryptionKey, derivationKey).
type ChunkDownloadCompletion ¶
type ChunkDownloadCompletion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkDownloadCompletion represents the nofication when a chunk has been downloaded.
type ChunkDownloadTask ¶
type ChunkDownloadTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkDownloadTask encapsulates information need to download a chunk.
type ChunkDownloader ¶
type ChunkDownloader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkDownloader is capable of performing multi-threaded downloading. Chunks to be downloaded are first organized as a list of ChunkDownloadTasks, with only the chunkHash field initialized. When a chunk is needed, the corresponding ChunkDownloadTask is sent to the dowloading goroutine. Once a chunk is downloaded, it will be inserted in the completed task list.
func CreateChunkDownloader ¶
func CreateChunkDownloader(config *Config, storage Storage, snapshotCache *FileStorage, showStatistics bool, threads int) *ChunkDownloader
func (*ChunkDownloader) AddChunk ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) AddChunk(chunkHash string) int
AddChunk adds a single chunk the download list.
func (*ChunkDownloader) AddFiles ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) AddFiles(snapshot *Snapshot, files []*Entry)
AddFiles adds chunks needed by the specified files to the download list.
func (*ChunkDownloader) Download ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Download(threadIndex int, task ChunkDownloadTask) bool
Download downloads a chunk from the storage.
func (*ChunkDownloader) GetLastDownloadedChunk ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) GetLastDownloadedChunk() (chunk *Chunk, chunkHash string)
Return the chunk last downloaded and its hash
func (*ChunkDownloader) Prefetch ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Prefetch(file *Entry)
Prefetch adds up to 'threads' chunks needed by a file to the download list
func (*ChunkDownloader) Reclaim ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Reclaim(chunkIndex int)
Reclaim releases the downloaded chunk to the chunk pool
func (*ChunkDownloader) Stop ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) Stop()
Stop terminates all downloading goroutines
func (*ChunkDownloader) WaitForChunk ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) WaitForChunk(chunkIndex int) (chunk *Chunk)
WaitForChunk waits until the specified chunk is ready
func (*ChunkDownloader) WaitForCompletion ¶
func (downloader *ChunkDownloader) WaitForCompletion()
WaitForCompletion waits until all chunks have been downloaded
type ChunkMaker ¶
type ChunkMaker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkMaker breaks data into chunks using fastcdc. To save memory, the chunk maker only use a circular buffer whose size is double the minimum chunk size.
func CreateChunkMaker ¶
func CreateChunkMaker(config *Config, hashOnly bool) *ChunkMaker
CreateChunkMaker creates a chunk maker. 'randomSeed' is used to generate the character-to-integer table needed by fastcdc.
func (*ChunkMaker) ForEachChunk ¶
func (maker *ChunkMaker) ForEachChunk(reader io.Reader, endOfChunk func(chunk *Chunk, final bool), nextReader func(size int64, hash string) (io.Reader, bool))
ForEachChunk reads data from 'reader'. If EOF is encountered, it will call 'nextReader' to ask for next file. If 'nextReader' returns false, it will process remaining data in the buffer and then quit. When a chunk is identified, it will call 'endOfChunk' to return the chunk size and a boolean flag indicating if it is the last chunk.
type ChunkOperator ¶
type ChunkOperator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkOperator is capable of performing multi-threaded operations on chunks.
func CreateChunkOperator ¶
func CreateChunkOperator(storage Storage, threads int) *ChunkOperator
CreateChunkOperator creates a new ChunkOperator.
func (*ChunkOperator) AddTask ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) AddTask(operation int, chunkID string, filePath string)
func (*ChunkOperator) Delete ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Delete(chunkID string, filePath string)
func (*ChunkOperator) Find ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Find(chunkID string)
func (*ChunkOperator) Fossilize ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Fossilize(chunkID string, filePath string)
func (*ChunkOperator) Resurrect ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Resurrect(chunkID string, filePath string)
func (*ChunkOperator) Run ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Run(threadIndex int, task ChunkOperatorTask)
func (*ChunkOperator) Stop ¶
func (operator *ChunkOperator) Stop()
type ChunkOperatorTask ¶
type ChunkOperatorTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkOperatorTask is used to pass parameters for different kinds of chunk operations.
type ChunkUploadTask ¶
type ChunkUploadTask struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkUploadTask represents a chunk to be uploaded.
type ChunkUploader ¶
type ChunkUploader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChunkUploader uploads chunks to the storage using one or more uploading goroutines. Chunks are added by the call to StartChunk(), and then passed to the uploading goroutines. The completion function is called when the downloading is completed. Note that ChunkUploader does not release chunks to the chunk pool; instead
func CreateChunkUploader ¶
func CreateChunkUploader(config *Config, storage Storage, snapshotCache *FileStorage, threads int, completionFunc func(chunk *Chunk, chunkIndex int, skipped bool, chunkSize int, uploadSize int)) *ChunkUploader
CreateChunkUploader creates a chunk uploader.
func (*ChunkUploader) Start ¶
func (uploader *ChunkUploader) Start()
Starts starts uploading goroutines.
func (*ChunkUploader) StartChunk ¶
func (uploader *ChunkUploader) StartChunk(chunk *Chunk, chunkIndex int)
StartChunk sends a chunk to be uploaded to a waiting uploading goroutine. It may block if all uploading goroutines are busy.
func (*ChunkUploader) Stop ¶
func (uploader *ChunkUploader) Stop()
Stop stops all uploading goroutines.
func (*ChunkUploader) Upload ¶
func (uploader *ChunkUploader) Upload(threadIndex int, task ChunkUploadTask) bool
Upload is called by the uploading goroutines to perform the actual uploading
type Config ¶
type Config struct { CompressionLevel int `json:"compression-level"` AverageChunkSize int `json:"average-chunk-size"` MaximumChunkSize int `json:"max-chunk-size"` MinimumChunkSize int `json:"min-chunk-size"` ChunkSeed []byte `json:"chunk-seed"` FixedNesting bool `json:"fixed-nesting"` // the HMAC-SHA256 key of the chunk data HashKey []byte `json:"-"` // used to generate an id from the chunk hash IDKey []byte `json:"-"` // for encrypting a chunk ChunkKey []byte `json:"-"` // for encrypting a non-chunk file FileKey []byte `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateConfig ¶
func CreateConfig() (config *Config)
func DownloadConfig ¶
func (*Config) ComputeFileHash ¶
Calculate the file hash using the corresponding hasher
func (*Config) GetChunkIDFromHash ¶
GetChunkIDFromHash creates a chunk id from the chunk hash. The chunk id will be used as the name of the chunk file, so it is publicly exposed. The chunk hash is the HMAC-SHA256 of what is contained in the chunk and should never be exposed.
func (*Config) IsCompatiableWith ¶
func (*Config) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Config) NewFileHasher ¶
func (*Config) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DropboxStorage ¶
type DropboxStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateDropboxStorage ¶
func CreateDropboxStorage(accessToken string, storageDir string, minimumNesting int, threads int) (storage *DropboxStorage, err error)
CreateDropboxStorage creates a dropbox storage object.
func (*DropboxStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*DropboxStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*DropboxStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*DropboxStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*DropboxStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*DropboxStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*DropboxStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*DropboxStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*DropboxStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*DropboxStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*DropboxStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*DropboxStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *DropboxStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type DummyHasher ¶
type DummyHasher struct { }
Implement a dummy hasher to be used when SkipFileHash is true.
func (*DummyHasher) BlockSize ¶
func (hasher *DummyHasher) BlockSize() int
func (*DummyHasher) Reset ¶
func (hasher *DummyHasher) Reset()
func (*DummyHasher) Size ¶
func (hasher *DummyHasher) Size() int
func (*DummyHasher) Sum ¶
func (hasher *DummyHasher) Sum(b []byte) []byte
type Entry ¶
type Entry struct { Path string Size int64 Time int64 Mode uint32 Link string Hash string UID int GID int StartChunk int StartOffset int EndChunk int EndOffset int Attributes map[string][]byte }
Entry encapsulates information about a file or directory.
func CreateEntry ¶
CreateEntry creates an entry from file properties.
func CreateEntryFromFileInfo ¶
CreateEntryFromFileInfo creates an entry from a 'FileInfo' object.
func ListEntries ¶
func ListEntries(top string, path string, fileList *[]*Entry, patterns []string, nobackupFile string, discardAttributes bool) (directoryList []*Entry, skippedFiles []string, err error)
ListEntries returns a list of entries representing file and subdirectories under the directory 'path'. Entry paths are normalized as relative to 'top'. 'patterns' are used to exclude or include certain files.
func (*Entry) Compare ¶
Return -1 if 'left' should appear before 'right', 1 if opposite, and 0 if they are the same. Files are always arranged before subdirectories under the same parent directory.
func (*Entry) Diff ¶
func (entry *Entry) Diff(chunkHashes []string, chunkLengths []int, otherHashes []string, otherLengths []int) (modifiedLength int64)
Diff returns how many bytes remain unmodifiled between two files.
func (*Entry) GetPermissions ¶
func (*Entry) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON returns the json description of an entry.
func (*Entry) ReadAttributes ¶
func (*Entry) RestoreMetadata ¶
func (*Entry) SetAttributesToFile ¶
func (*Entry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
CreateEntryFromJSON creates an entry from a json description.
type FileFabricFile ¶
type FileFabricFile struct { XMLName xml.Name ID string `xml:"fi_id"` Path string `xml:"path"` Size int64 `xml:"fi_size"` Type int `xml:"fi_type"` }
The XML element representing a file returned by the File Fabric server
type FileFabricFileList ¶
type FileFabricFileList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"files"` Files []FileFabricFile `xml:",any"` }
The XML element representing a file list returned by the server
type FileFabricResponse ¶
type FileFabricResponse struct { Status string `xml:"status"` Message string `xml:"statusmessage"` }
The general server response
type FileFabricStorage ¶
type FileFabricStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateFileFabricStorage ¶
func CreateFileFabricStorage(endpoint string, token string, storageDir string, threads int) (storage *FileFabricStorage, err error)
Create a File Fabric storage backend
func (*FileFabricStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
func (*FileFabricStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*FileFabricStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*FileFabricStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*FileFabricStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'. This is a function required by the Storage interface.
func (*FileFabricStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*FileFabricStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*FileFabricStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*FileFabricStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*FileFabricStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir'. A subdirectories returned must have a trailing '/', with a size of 0. If 'dir' is 'snapshots', only subdirectories will be returned. If 'dir' is 'snapshots/repository_id', then only files will be returned. If 'dir' is 'chunks', the implementation can return the list either recusively or non-recusively.
func (*FileFabricStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*FileFabricStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *FileFabricStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type FileInfoCompare ¶
This is used to sort FileInfo objects.
func (FileInfoCompare) Len ¶
func (files FileInfoCompare) Len() int
func (FileInfoCompare) Less ¶
func (files FileInfoCompare) Less(i, j int) bool
func (FileInfoCompare) Swap ¶
func (files FileInfoCompare) Swap(i, j int)
type FileReader ¶
type FileReader struct { CurrentFile *os.File CurrentIndex int CurrentEntry *Entry SkippedFiles []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileReader wraps a number of files and turns them into a series of readers.
func CreateFileReader ¶
func CreateFileReader(top string, files []*Entry) *FileReader
CreateFileReader creates a file reader.
func (*FileReader) NextFile ¶
func (reader *FileReader) NextFile() bool
NextFile switches to the next file in the file reader.
type FileStorage ¶
type FileStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileStorage is a local on-disk file storage implementing the Storage interface.
func CreateFileStorage ¶
func CreateFileStorage(storageDir string, isCacheNeeded bool, threads int) (storage *FileStorage, err error)
CreateFileStorage creates a file storage.
func (*FileStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*FileStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*FileStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*FileStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*FileStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*FileStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*FileStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*FileStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*FileStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*FileStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively).
func (*FileStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*FileStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *FileStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'
type FossilCollection ¶
type FossilCollection struct { // At what time the fossil collection was finished EndTime int64 `json:"end_time"` // The lastest revision for each snapshot id when the fossil collection was created. LastRevisions map[string]int `json:"last_revisions"` // Record the set of snapshots that have been removed by the prune command that created this fossil collection DeletedRevisions map[string][]int `json:"deleted_revisions"` // Fossils (i.e., chunks not referenced by any snapshots) Fossils []string `json:"fossils"` // Temporary files. Temporaries []string `json:"temporaries"` }
FossilCollection contains fossils and temporary files found during a snapshot deletions.
func CreateFossilCollection ¶
func CreateFossilCollection(allSnapshots map[string][]*Snapshot) *FossilCollection
CreateFossilCollection creates an empty fossil collection
func (*FossilCollection) AddFossil ¶
func (collection *FossilCollection) AddFossil(hash string)
func (*FossilCollection) AddTemporary ¶
func (collection *FossilCollection) AddTemporary(temporary string)
func (*FossilCollection) IsDeletable ¶
func (collection *FossilCollection) IsDeletable(isStrongConsistent bool, ignoredIDs []string, allSnapshots map[string][]*Snapshot) (isDeletable bool, newSnapshots []*Snapshot)
IsDeletable determines if the previously collected fossils are safe to be permanently removed. If so, it will also returns a number of snapshots that were created during or after these fossils were being collected. Therefore, some fossils may be referenced by these new snapshots and they must be resurrected.
func (*FossilCollection) IsEmpty ¶
func (collection *FossilCollection) IsEmpty() bool
type GCDStorage ¶
type GCDStorage struct { StorageBase TestMode bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateGCDStorage ¶
func CreateGCDStorage(tokenFile string, driveID string, storagePath string, threads int) (storage *GCDStorage, err error)
CreateGCDStorage creates a GCD storage object.
func (*GCDStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
createDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*GCDStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*GCDStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*GCDStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*GCDStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*GCDStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*GCDStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*GCDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*GCDStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*GCDStorage) ListFiles ¶
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*GCDStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*GCDStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *GCDStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type GCSStorage ¶
type GCSStorage struct { StorageBase TestMode bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateGCSStorage ¶
func CreateGCSStorage(tokenFile string, bucketName string, storageDir string, threads int) (storage *GCSStorage, err error)
CreateGCSStorage creates a GCD storage object.
func (*GCSStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*GCSStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*GCSStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*GCSStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*GCSStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*GCSStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*GCSStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*GCSStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*GCSStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*GCSStorage) ListFiles ¶
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*GCSStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*GCSStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *GCSStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type HubicClient ¶
type HubicClient struct { HTTPClient *http.Client TokenFile string Token *oauth2.Token TokenLock *sync.Mutex Credential HubicCredential CredentialLock *sync.Mutex TestMode bool }
func NewHubicClient ¶
func NewHubicClient(tokenFile string) (*HubicClient, error)
func (*HubicClient) CreateDirectory ¶
func (client *HubicClient) CreateDirectory(path string) error
func (*HubicClient) DeleteFile ¶
func (client *HubicClient) DeleteFile(path string) error
func (*HubicClient) DownloadFile ¶
func (client *HubicClient) DownloadFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
func (*HubicClient) GetCredential ¶
func (client *HubicClient) GetCredential() (err error)
func (*HubicClient) GetFileInfo ¶
func (*HubicClient) ListEntries ¶
func (client *HubicClient) ListEntries(path string) ([]HubicEntry, error)
func (*HubicClient) RefreshToken ¶
func (client *HubicClient) RefreshToken(force bool) (err error)
func (*HubicClient) UploadFile ¶
func (client *HubicClient) UploadFile(path string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
type HubicCredential ¶
type HubicEntry ¶
type HubicError ¶
func (HubicError) Error ¶
func (err HubicError) Error() string
type HubicStorage ¶
type HubicStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateHubicStorage ¶
func CreateHubicStorage(tokenFile string, storagePath string, threads int) (storage *HubicStorage, err error)
CreateHubicStorage creates an Hubic storage object.
func (*HubicStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*HubicStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*HubicStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*HubicStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*HubicStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*HubicStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*HubicStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*HubicStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*HubicStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*HubicStorage) ListFiles ¶
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*HubicStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*HubicStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *HubicStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type IncompleteSnapshot ¶
This is the struct used to save/load incomplete snapshots
type ListBucketOutput ¶
type Logger ¶
type Logger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Set up logging for libraries that Duplicacy depends on. They can call 'log.Printf("[ID] message")' to produce logs in Duplicacy's format
type OneDriveClient ¶
type OneDriveClient struct { HTTPClient *http.Client TokenFile string Token *oauth2.Token TokenLock *sync.Mutex IsConnected bool TestMode bool IsBusiness bool RefreshTokenURL string APIURL string }
func NewOneDriveClient ¶
func NewOneDriveClient(tokenFile string, isBusiness bool) (*OneDriveClient, error)
func (*OneDriveClient) CreateDirectory ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) CreateDirectory(path string, name string) error
func (*OneDriveClient) CreateUploadSession ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) CreateUploadSession(path string) (uploadURL string, err error)
func (*OneDriveClient) DeleteFile ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) DeleteFile(path string) error
func (*OneDriveClient) DownloadFile ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) DownloadFile(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
func (*OneDriveClient) GetFileInfo ¶
func (*OneDriveClient) ListEntries ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) ListEntries(path string) ([]OneDriveEntry, error)
func (*OneDriveClient) MoveFile ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) MoveFile(path string, parent string) error
func (*OneDriveClient) RefreshToken ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) RefreshToken(force bool) (err error)
func (*OneDriveClient) UploadFile ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) UploadFile(path string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
func (*OneDriveClient) UploadFileSession ¶
func (client *OneDriveClient) UploadFileSession(uploadURL string, content []byte, rateLimit int) (err error)
type OneDriveEntry ¶
type OneDriveError ¶
func (OneDriveError) Error ¶
func (err OneDriveError) Error() string
type OneDriveErrorResponse ¶
type OneDriveErrorResponse struct {
Error OneDriveError `json:"error"`
type OneDriveListEntriesOutput ¶
type OneDriveListEntriesOutput struct { Entries []OneDriveEntry `json:"value"` NextLink string `json:"@odata.nextLink"` }
type OneDriveStorage ¶
type OneDriveStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateOneDriveStorage ¶
func CreateOneDriveStorage(tokenFile string, isBusiness bool, storagePath string, threads int) (storage *OneDriveStorage, err error)
CreateOneDriveStorage creates an OneDrive storage object.
func (*OneDriveStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*OneDriveStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*OneDriveStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*OneDriveStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*OneDriveStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*OneDriveStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*OneDriveStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*OneDriveStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*OneDriveStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*OneDriveStorage) ListFiles ¶
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*OneDriveStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*OneDriveStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *OneDriveStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type Preference ¶
type Preference struct { Name string `json:"name"` SnapshotID string `json:"id"` RepositoryPath string `json:"repository"` StorageURL string `json:"storage"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` BackupProhibited bool `json:"no_backup"` RestoreProhibited bool `json:"no_restore"` DoNotSavePassword bool `json:"no_save_password"` NobackupFile string `json:"nobackup_file"` Keys map[string]string `json:"keys"` FiltersFile string `json:"filters"` }
Preference stores options for each storage.
func FindPreference ¶
func FindPreference(name string) *Preference
func (*Preference) Equal ¶
func (preference *Preference) Equal(other *Preference) bool
type RateLimitedReader ¶
func CreateRateLimitedReader ¶
func CreateRateLimitedReader(content []byte, rate int) *RateLimitedReader
func (*RateLimitedReader) Length ¶
func (reader *RateLimitedReader) Length() int64
func (*RateLimitedReader) Reset ¶
func (reader *RateLimitedReader) Reset()
type S3CStorage ¶
type S3CStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
S3CStorage is a storage backend for s3 compatible storages that require V2 Signing.
func CreateS3CStorage ¶
func CreateS3CStorage(regionName string, endpoint string, bucketName string, storageDir string, accessKey string, secretKey string, threads int) (storage *S3CStorage, err error)
CreateS3CStorage creates a amazon s3 storage object.
func (*S3CStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*S3CStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*S3CStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*S3CStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*S3CStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*S3CStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*S3CStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*S3CStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*S3CStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*S3CStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*S3CStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*S3CStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *S3CStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type S3Storage ¶
type S3Storage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateS3Storage ¶
func CreateS3Storage(regionName string, endpoint string, bucketName string, storageDir string, accessKey string, secretKey string, threads int, isSSLSupported bool, isMinioCompatible bool) (storage *S3Storage, err error)
CreateS3Storage creates a amazon s3 storage object.
func (*S3Storage) CreateDirectory ¶
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*S3Storage) DeleteFile ¶
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*S3Storage) DownloadFile ¶
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*S3Storage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *S3Storage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*S3Storage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*S3Storage) IsFastListing ¶
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*S3Storage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*S3Storage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*S3Storage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *S3Storage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
type SFTPStorage ¶
type SFTPStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateSFTPStorage ¶
func (*SFTPStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dirPath string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*SFTPStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*SFTPStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*SFTPStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*SFTPStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*SFTPStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*SFTPStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*SFTPStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*SFTPStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*SFTPStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dirPath string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'file' (non-recursively)
func (*SFTPStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*SFTPStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *SFTPStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type Snapshot ¶
type Snapshot struct { ID string // the snapshot id; must be different for different repositories Revision int // the revision number Options string // options used to create this snapshot (some not included) Tag string // user-assigned tag StartTime int64 // at what time the snapshot was created EndTime int64 // at what time the snapshot was done FileSize int64 // total file size NumberOfFiles int64 // number of files // A sequence of chunks whose aggregated content is the json representation of 'Files'. FileSequence []string // A sequence of chunks whose aggregated content is the json representation of 'ChunkHashes'. ChunkSequence []string // A sequence of chunks whose aggregated content is the json representation of 'ChunkLengths'. LengthSequence []string Files []*Entry // list of files and subdirectories ChunkHashes []string // a sequence of chunks representing the file content ChunkLengths []int // the length of each chunk Flag bool // used to mark certain snapshots for deletion or copy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Snapshot represents a backup of the repository.
func CreateEmptySnapshot ¶
CreateEmptySnapshot creates an empty snapshot.
func CreateSnapshotFromDescription ¶
CreateSnapshotFromDescription creates a snapshot from json decription.
func CreateSnapshotFromDirectory ¶
func CreateSnapshotFromDirectory(id string, top string, nobackupFile string, filtersFile string) (snapshot *Snapshot, skippedDirectories []string, skippedFiles []string, err error)
CreateSnapshotFromDirectory creates a snapshot from the local directory 'top'. Only 'Files' will be constructed, while 'ChunkHashes' and 'ChunkLengths' can only be populated after uploading.
func LoadIncompleteSnapshot ¶
func LoadIncompleteSnapshot() (snapshot *Snapshot)
LoadIncompleteSnapshot loads the incomplete snapshot if it exists
func (*Snapshot) ClearChunks ¶
func (snapshot *Snapshot) ClearChunks()
ClearChunks removes loaded chunks from memory
func (*Snapshot) LoadChunks ¶
LoadChunks construct 'ChunkHashes' from the json description.
func (*Snapshot) LoadLengths ¶
LoadLengths construct 'ChunkLengths' from the json description.
func (*Snapshot) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON creates a json representation of the snapshot.
func (*Snapshot) MarshalSequence ¶
MarshalSequence creates a json represetion for the specified chunk sequence.
func (*Snapshot) SetSequence ¶
SetSequence assign a chunk sequence to the specified field.
type SnapshotManager ¶
type SnapshotManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SnapshotManager is mainly responsible for downloading, and deleting snapshots.
func CreateSnapshotManager ¶
func CreateSnapshotManager(config *Config, storage Storage) *SnapshotManager
CreateSnapshotManager creates a snapshot manager
func (*SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshot ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) (err error)
CheckSnapshot performs sanity checks on the given snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshots ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) CheckSnapshots(snapshotID string, revisionsToCheck []int, tag string, showStatistics bool, showTabular bool, checkFiles bool, checkChunks, searchFossils bool, resurrect bool, threads int) bool
ListSnapshots shows the information about a snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) CleanSnapshotCache ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) CleanSnapshotCache(latestSnapshot *Snapshot, allSnapshots map[string][]*Snapshot) bool
CleanSnapshotCache removes all files not referenced by the specified 'snapshot' in the snapshot cache.
func (*SnapshotManager) ClearSnapshotContents ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ClearSnapshotContents(snapshot *Snapshot)
ClearSnapshotContents removes contents loaded by DownloadSnapshotContents
func (*SnapshotManager) ConvertSequence ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ConvertSequence(sequence []string) (result []string)
ConvertSequence converts a sequence of chunk hashes into a sequence of chunk ids.
func (*SnapshotManager) CreateChunkDownloader ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) CreateChunkDownloader()
func (*SnapshotManager) Diff ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) Diff(top string, snapshotID string, revisions []int, filePath string, compareByHash bool, nobackupFile string, filtersFile string) bool
Diff compares two snapshots, or two revision of a file if the file argument is given.
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadFile ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadFile(path string, derivationKey string) (content []byte)
DownloadFile downloads a non-chunk file from the storage. The only non-chunk files in the current implementation are snapshot files.
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadSequence ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSequence(sequence []string) (content []byte)
DownloadSequence returns the content represented by a sequence of chunks.
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshot ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshot(snapshotID string, revision int) *Snapshot
DownloadSnapshot downloads the specified snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotContents ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotContents(snapshot *Snapshot, patterns []string, attributesNeeded bool) bool
DownloadSnapshotContents loads all chunk sequences in a snapshot. A snapshot, when just created, only contains some metadata and theree sequence representing files, chunk hashes, and chunk lengths. This function must be called for the actual content of the snapshot to be usable.
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotFileSequence ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotFileSequence(snapshot *Snapshot, patterns []string, attributesNeeded bool) bool
func (*SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotSequence ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) DownloadSnapshotSequence(snapshot *Snapshot, sequenceType string) bool
DownloadSnapshotSequence downloads the content represented by a sequence of chunks, and then unmarshal the content using the specified 'loadFunction'. It purpose is to decode the chunk sequences representing chunk hashes or chunk lengths in a snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) FindFile ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) FindFile(snapshot *Snapshot, filePath string, suppressError bool) *Entry
FindFile returns the file entry that has the given file name.
func (*SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunkHashes ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunkHashes(snapshot *Snapshot, chunkHashes *map[string]bool, chunkIDs map[string]bool)
GetSnapshotChunkHashes has an option to retrieve chunk hashes in addition to chunk ids.
func (*SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunks ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) GetSnapshotChunks(snapshot *Snapshot, keepChunkHashes bool) (chunks []string)
GetSnapshotChunks returns all chunks referenced by a given snapshot. If keepChunkHashes is true, snapshot.ChunkHashes will be populated.
func (*SnapshotManager) ListAllFiles ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListAllFiles(storage Storage, top string) (allFiles []string, allSizes []int64)
ListAllFiles return all files and subdirectories in the subtree of the 'top' directory in the specified 'storage'.
func (*SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotIDs ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotIDs() (snapshotIDs []string, err error)
ListSnapshotIDs returns all snapshot ids.
func (*SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotRevisions ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshotRevisions(snapshotID string) (revisions []int, err error)
ListSnapshotRevisions returns the list of all revisions given a snapshot id.
func (*SnapshotManager) ListSnapshots ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ListSnapshots(snapshotID string, revisionsToList []int, tag string, showFiles bool, showChunks bool) int
ListSnapshots shows the information about a snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) PrintFile ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) PrintFile(snapshotID string, revision int, path string) bool
PrintFile prints the specified file or the snapshot to stdout.
func (*SnapshotManager) PrintSnapshot ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) PrintSnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) bool
PrintSnapshot prints the snapshot in the json format (with chunk hasher converted into chunk ids)
func (*SnapshotManager) PruneSnapshots ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) PruneSnapshots(selfID string, snapshotID string, revisionsToBeDeleted []int, tags []string, retentions []string, exhaustive bool, exclusive bool, ignoredIDs []string, dryRun bool, deleteOnly bool, collectOnly bool, threads int) bool
PruneSnapshots deletes snapshots by revisions, tags, or a retention policy. The main idea is two-step fossil collection.
- Delete snapshots specified by revision, retention policy, with a tag. Find any resulting unreferenced chunks, and mark them as fossils (by renaming). After that, create a fossil collection file containing fossils collected during current run, and temporary files encountered. Also in the file is the latest revision for each snapshot id. Save this file to a local directory.
- On next run, check if there is any new revision for each snapshot. Or if the lastest revision is too old, for instance, more than 7 days. This step is to identify snapshots that were being created while step 1 is in progress. For each fossil reference by any of these snapshots, move them back to the normal chunk directory.
Note that a snapshot being created when step 2 is in progress may reference a fossil. To avoid this problem, never remove the lastest revision (unless exclusive is true), and only cache chunks referenced by the lastest revision.
func (*SnapshotManager) RetrieveFile ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) RetrieveFile(snapshot *Snapshot, file *Entry, output func([]byte)) bool
RetrieveFile retrieves the file in the specified snapshot.
func (*SnapshotManager) ShowHistory ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowHistory(top string, snapshotID string, revisions []int, filePath string, showLocalHash bool) bool
ShowHistory shows how a file changes over different revisions.
func (*SnapshotManager) ShowStatistics ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowStatistics(snapshotMap map[string][]*Snapshot, chunkSizeMap map[string]int64, chunkUniqueMap map[string]bool, chunkSnapshotMap map[string]int)
Print snapshot and revision statistics
func (*SnapshotManager) ShowStatisticsTabular ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) ShowStatisticsTabular(snapshotMap map[string][]*Snapshot, chunkSizeMap map[string]int64, chunkUniqueMap map[string]bool, chunkSnapshotMap map[string]int)
Print snapshot and revision statistics in tabular format
func (*SnapshotManager) UploadFile ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) UploadFile(path string, derivationKey string, content []byte) bool
UploadFile uploads a non-chunk file from the storage.
func (*SnapshotManager) VerifySnapshot ¶
func (manager *SnapshotManager) VerifySnapshot(snapshot *Snapshot) bool
VerifySnapshot verifies that every file in the snapshot has the correct hash. It does this by downloading chunks and computing the whole file hash for each file.
type Storage ¶
type Storage interface { // ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir'. A subdirectories returned must have a trailing '/', with // a size of 0. If 'dir' is 'snapshots', only subdirectories will be returned. If 'dir' is 'snapshots/repository_id', then only // files will be returned. If 'dir' is 'chunks', the implementation can return the list either recusively or non-recusively. ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error) // DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'. DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error) // MoveFile renames the file. MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error) // CreateDirectory creates a new directory. CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error) // GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'. GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error) // FindChunk finds the chunk with the specified id. If 'isFossil' is true, it will search for chunk files with // the suffix '.fsl'. FindChunk(threadIndex int, chunkID string, isFossil bool) (filePath string, exist bool, size int64, err error) // DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk. DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error) // UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'. UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error) // SetNestingLevels sets up the chunk nesting structure. SetNestingLevels(config *Config) // If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when // managing snapshots. IsCacheNeeded() bool // If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented. IsMoveFileImplemented() bool // If the storage can guarantee strong consistency. IsStrongConsistent() bool // If the storage supports fast listing of files names. IsFastListing() bool // Enable the test mode. EnableTestMode() // Set the maximum transfer speeds. SetRateLimits(downloadRateLimit int, uploadRateLimit int) }
func CreateStorage ¶
func CreateStorage(preference Preference, resetPassword bool, threads int) (storage Storage)
CreateStorage creates a storage object based on the provide storage URL.
type StorageBase ¶
type StorageBase struct { DownloadRateLimit int // Maximum download rate (bytes/seconds) UploadRateLimit int // Maximum upload reate (bytes/seconds) DerivedStorage Storage // Used as the pointer to the derived storage class // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StorageBase is the base struct from which all storages are derived from
func (*StorageBase) FindChunk ¶
func (storage *StorageBase) FindChunk(threadIndex int, chunkID string, isFossil bool) (filePath string, exist bool, size int64, err error)
FindChunk finds the chunk with the specified id at the levels one by one as specified by 'readLevels'.
func (*StorageBase) SetDefaultNestingLevels ¶
func (storage *StorageBase) SetDefaultNestingLevels(readLevels []int, writeLevel int)
SetDefaultNestingLevels sets the default read and write levels. This is usually called by derived storages to set the levels with old values so that storages initialized by earlier versions will continue to work.
func (*StorageBase) SetNestingLevels ¶
func (storage *StorageBase) SetNestingLevels(config *Config)
SetNestingLevels sets the new read and write levels (normally both at 1) if the 'config' file has the 'fixed-nesting' key, or if a file named 'nesting' exists on the storage.
func (*StorageBase) SetRateLimits ¶
func (storage *StorageBase) SetRateLimits(downloadRateLimit int, uploadRateLimit int)
SetRateLimits sets the maximum download and upload rates
type SwiftStorage ¶
type SwiftStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateSwiftStorage ¶
func CreateSwiftStorage(storageURL string, key string, threads int) (storage *SwiftStorage, err error)
CreateSwiftStorage creates an OpenStack Swift storage object. storageURL is in the form of `user@authURL/container/path?arg1=value1&arg2=value2“
func (*SwiftStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*SwiftStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*SwiftStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*SwiftStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*SwiftStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*SwiftStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*SwiftStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*SwiftStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*SwiftStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*SwiftStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir' (non-recursively)
func (*SwiftStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*SwiftStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *SwiftStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
type WasabiStorage ¶
type WasabiStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateWasabiStorage ¶
func (*WasabiStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) CreateDirectory( threadIndex int, dir string, ) (err error)
func (*WasabiStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) DeleteFile( threadIndex int, filePath string, ) (err error)
func (*WasabiStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) DownloadFile( threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk, ) (err error)
func (*WasabiStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) EnableTestMode()
func (*WasabiStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (*WasabiStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
func (*WasabiStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsFastListing() bool
func (*WasabiStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
func (*WasabiStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
func (*WasabiStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
This is a lightweight implementation of a call to Wasabi for a rename. It's designed to get the job done with as few dependencies on other packages as possible rather than being somethng general-purpose and reusable.
func (*WasabiStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *WasabiStorage) UploadFile( threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte, ) (err error)
type WebDAVMultiStatus ¶
type WebDAVMultiStatus struct {
Responses []WebDAVResponse `xml:"response"`
type WebDAVProp ¶
type WebDAVProp struct {
PropList []WebDAVPropValue `xml:",any"`
type WebDAVPropStat ¶
type WebDAVPropStat struct {
Prop *WebDAVProp `xml:"prop"`
type WebDAVPropValue ¶
type WebDAVProperties ¶
type WebDAVResponse ¶
type WebDAVResponse struct { Href string `xml:"href"` PropStat *WebDAVPropStat `xml:"propstat"` }
type WebDAVStorage ¶
type WebDAVStorage struct { StorageBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateWebDAVStorage ¶
func (*WebDAVStorage) CreateDirectory ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) CreateDirectory(threadIndex int, dir string) (err error)
CreateDirectory creates a new directory.
func (*WebDAVStorage) DeleteFile ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) DeleteFile(threadIndex int, filePath string) (err error)
DeleteFile deletes the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*WebDAVStorage) DownloadFile ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) DownloadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, chunk *Chunk) (err error)
DownloadFile reads the file at 'filePath' into the chunk.
func (*WebDAVStorage) EnableTestMode ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) EnableTestMode()
Enable the test mode.
func (*WebDAVStorage) GetFileInfo ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) GetFileInfo(threadIndex int, filePath string) (exist bool, isDir bool, size int64, err error)
GetFileInfo returns the information about the file or directory at 'filePath'.
func (*WebDAVStorage) IsCacheNeeded ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsCacheNeeded() bool
If a local snapshot cache is needed for the storage to avoid downloading/uploading chunks too often when managing snapshots.
func (*WebDAVStorage) IsFastListing ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsFastListing() bool
If the storage supports fast listing of files names.
func (*WebDAVStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsMoveFileImplemented() bool
If the 'MoveFile' method is implemented.
func (*WebDAVStorage) IsStrongConsistent ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) IsStrongConsistent() bool
If the storage can guarantee strong consistency.
func (*WebDAVStorage) ListFiles ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) ListFiles(threadIndex int, dir string) (files []string, sizes []int64, err error)
ListFiles return the list of files and subdirectories under 'dir'. A subdirectories returned must have a trailing '/', with a size of 0. If 'dir' is 'snapshots', only subdirectories will be returned. If 'dir' is 'snapshots/repository_id', then only files will be returned. If 'dir' is 'chunks', the implementation can return the list either recusively or non-recusively.
func (*WebDAVStorage) MoveFile ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) MoveFile(threadIndex int, from string, to string) (err error)
MoveFile renames the file.
func (*WebDAVStorage) UploadFile ¶
func (storage *WebDAVStorage) UploadFile(threadIndex int, filePath string, content []byte) (err error)
UploadFile writes 'content' to the file at 'filePath'.
Source Files
- duplicacy_acdclient.go
- duplicacy_acdstorage.go
- duplicacy_azurestorage.go
- duplicacy_b2client.go
- duplicacy_b2storage.go
- duplicacy_backupmanager.go
- duplicacy_benchmark.go
- duplicacy_chunk.go
- duplicacy_chunkdownloader.go
- duplicacy_chunkmaker.go
- duplicacy_chunkoperator.go
- duplicacy_chunkuploader.go
- duplicacy_config.go
- duplicacy_dropboxstorage.go
- duplicacy_entry.go
- duplicacy_filefabricstorage.go
- duplicacy_filereader.go
- duplicacy_filestorage.go
- duplicacy_gcdstorage.go
- duplicacy_gcsstorage.go
- duplicacy_hubicclient.go
- duplicacy_hubicstorage.go
- duplicacy_keyring.go
- duplicacy_log.go
- duplicacy_oneclient.go
- duplicacy_onestorage.go
- duplicacy_preference.go
- duplicacy_s3cstorage.go
- duplicacy_s3storage.go
- duplicacy_sftpstorage.go
- duplicacy_shadowcopy.go
- duplicacy_snapshot.go
- duplicacy_snapshotmanager.go
- duplicacy_storage.go
- duplicacy_swiftstorage.go
- duplicacy_utils.go
- duplicacy_utils_others.go
- duplicacy_wasabistorage.go
- duplicacy_webdavstorage.go