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const ( // owner: @aojea // Deprecated: v1.31 // // Allow kubelet to request a certificate without any Node IP available, only // with DNS names. AllowDNSOnlyNodeCSR featuregate.Feature = "AllowDNSOnlyNodeCSR" // owner: @HirazawaUi // Deprecated: v1.32 // // Allow spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds to be overridden by MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds in soft evictions. AllowOverwriteTerminationGracePeriodSeconds featuregate.Feature = "AllowOverwriteTerminationGracePeriodSeconds" // owner: @thockin // Deprecated: v1.29 // // Enables Service.status.ingress.loadBanace to be set on // services of types other than LoadBalancer. AllowServiceLBStatusOnNonLB featuregate.Feature = "AllowServiceLBStatusOnNonLB" // owner: @bswartz // // Enables usage of any object for volume data source in PVCs AnyVolumeDataSource featuregate.Feature = "AnyVolumeDataSource" // owner: @tallclair AppArmor featuregate.Feature = "AppArmor" // owner: @tallclair AppArmorFields featuregate.Feature = "AppArmorFields" // owner: @liggitt // kep: // // Make the Node authorizer use fine-grained selector authorization. // Requires AuthorizeWithSelectors to be enabled. AuthorizeNodeWithSelectors featuregate.Feature = "AuthorizeNodeWithSelectors" // owner: @ahmedtd // // Enable ClusterTrustBundle objects and Kubelet integration. ClusterTrustBundle featuregate.Feature = "ClusterTrustBundle" // owner: @ahmedtd // // Enable ClusterTrustBundle Kubelet projected volumes. Depends on ClusterTrustBundle. ClusterTrustBundleProjection featuregate.Feature = "ClusterTrustBundleProjection" // owner: @szuecs // // Enable nodes to change CPUCFSQuotaPeriod CPUCFSQuotaPeriod featuregate.Feature = "CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod" // owner: @ConnorDoyle, @fromanirh (only for GA graduation) // // Alternative container-level CPU affinity policies. CPUManager featuregate.Feature = "CPUManager" // owner: @fromanirh // beta: see below. // // Allow fine-tuning of cpumanager policies, experimental, alpha-quality options // Per // We want to avoid a proliferation of feature gates. This feature gate: // - will guard *a group* of cpumanager options whose quality level is alpha. // - will never graduate to beta or stable. // See // for details about the removal of this feature gate. CPUManagerPolicyAlphaOptions featuregate.Feature = "CPUManagerPolicyAlphaOptions" // owner: @fromanirh // beta: see below. // // Allow fine-tuning of cpumanager policies, experimental, beta-quality options // Per // We want to avoid a proliferation of feature gates. This feature gate: // - will guard *a group* of cpumanager options whose quality level is beta. // - is thus *introduced* as beta // - will never graduate to stable. // See // for details about the removal of this feature gate. CPUManagerPolicyBetaOptions featuregate.Feature = "CPUManagerPolicyBetaOptions" // owner: @fromanirh // // Allow the usage of options to fine-tune the cpumanager policies. CPUManagerPolicyOptions featuregate.Feature = "CPUManagerPolicyOptions" // owner: @jefftree // kep: // // Enables coordinated leader election in the API server CoordinatedLeaderElection featuregate.Feature = "CoordinatedLeaderElection" // owner: @trierra // kep: // // Enables the Portworx in-tree driver to Portworx migration feature. CSIMigrationPortworx featuregate.Feature = "CSIMigrationPortworx" // owner: @fengzixu // // Enables kubelet to detect CSI volume condition and send the event of the abnormal volume to the corresponding pod that is using it. CSIVolumeHealth featuregate.Feature = "CSIVolumeHealth" // owner: @adrianreber // kep: // // Enables container Checkpoint support in the kubelet ContainerCheckpoint featuregate.Feature = "ContainerCheckpoint" // owner: @helayoty // kep: // // Set the scheduled time as an annotation in the job. CronJobsScheduledAnnotation featuregate.Feature = "CronJobsScheduledAnnotation" // owner: @ttakahashi21 @mkimuram // kep: // // Enable usage of Provision of PVCs from snapshots in other namespaces CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource featuregate.Feature = "CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource" // owner: @elezar // kep: // // Add support for CDI Device IDs in the Device Plugin API. DevicePluginCDIDevices featuregate.Feature = "DevicePluginCDIDevices" // owner: @aojea // // The apiservers with the MultiCIDRServiceAllocator feature enable, in order to support live migration from the old bitmap ClusterIP // allocators to the new IPAddress allocators introduced by the MultiCIDRServiceAllocator feature, performs a dual-write on // both allocators. This feature gate disables the dual write on the new Cluster IP allocators. DisableAllocatorDualWrite featuregate.Feature = "DisableAllocatorDualWrite" // owner: @andrewsykim // // Disable any functionality in kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kubelet related to the `--cloud-provider` component flag. DisableCloudProviders featuregate.Feature = "DisableCloudProviders" // owner: @andrewsykim // // Disable in-tree functionality in kubelet to authenticate to cloud provider container registries for image pull credentials. DisableKubeletCloudCredentialProviders featuregate.Feature = "DisableKubeletCloudCredentialProviders" // owner: @micahhausler // Deprecated: v1.31 // // Setting AllowInsecureKubeletCertificateSigningRequests to true disables node admission validation of CSRs // for kubelet signers where CN=system:node:$nodeName. // Remove in v1.33 AllowInsecureKubeletCertificateSigningRequests featuregate.Feature = "AllowInsecureKubeletCertificateSigningRequests" // owner: @hoskeri // Deprecated: v1.32 // // Restores previous behavior where Kubelet fails self registration if node create returns 403 Forbidden. // Remove in v1.34 KubeletRegistrationGetOnExistsOnly featuregate.Feature = "KubeletRegistrationGetOnExistsOnly" // owner: @HirazawaUi // kep: // Deprecated: v1.31 (default off) // // DisableNodeKubeProxyVersion disable the status.nodeInfo.kubeProxyVersion field of v1.Node DisableNodeKubeProxyVersion featuregate.Feature = "DisableNodeKubeProxyVersion" // owner: @pohly // kep: // // Enables support for requesting admin access in a ResourceClaim. // Admin access is granted even if a device is already in use and, // depending on the DRA driver, may enable additional permissions // when a container uses the allocated device. // // This feature gate is currently defined in KEP #4381. The intent // is to move it into a separate KEP. DRAAdminAccess featuregate.Feature = "DRAAdminAccess" // owner: @pohly // kep: // // Enables support for resources with custom parameters and a lifecycle // that is independent of a Pod. Resource allocation is done by the scheduler // based on "structured parameters". DynamicResourceAllocation featuregate.Feature = "DynamicResourceAllocation" // owner: @harche // kep: // // Allows using event-driven PLEG (pod lifecycle event generator) through kubelet // which avoids frequent relisting of containers which helps optimize performance. EventedPLEG featuregate.Feature = "EventedPLEG" // owner: @andrewsykim @SergeyKanzhelev // // Ensure kubelet respects exec probe timeouts. Feature gate exists in-case existing workloads // may depend on old behavior where exec probe timeouts were ignored. // Lock to default and remove after v1.22 based on user feedback that should be reflected in KEP #1972 update ExecProbeTimeout featuregate.Feature = "ExecProbeTimeout" // owner: @bobbypage // Adds support for kubelet to detect node shutdown and gracefully terminate pods prior to the node being shutdown. GracefulNodeShutdown featuregate.Feature = "GracefulNodeShutdown" // owner: @wzshiming // Make the kubelet use shutdown configuration based on pod priority values for graceful shutdown. GracefulNodeShutdownBasedOnPodPriority featuregate.Feature = "GracefulNodeShutdownBasedOnPodPriority" // owner: @dxist // // Enables support of HPA scaling to zero pods when an object or custom metric is configured. HPAScaleToZero featuregate.Feature = "HPAScaleToZero" // owner: @deepakkinni @xing-yang // kep: // // Honor Persistent Volume Reclaim Policy when it is "Delete" irrespective of PV-PVC // deletion ordering. HonorPVReclaimPolicy featuregate.Feature = "HonorPVReclaimPolicy" // owner: @trierra // // Disables the Portworx in-tree driver. InTreePluginPortworxUnregister featuregate.Feature = "InTreePluginPortworxUnregister" // owner: @mimowo // kep: // // Allows users to specify counting of failed pods per index. JobBackoffLimitPerIndex featuregate.Feature = "JobBackoffLimitPerIndex" // owner: @mimowo // kep: // alpha: v1.30 // beta: v1.32 // // Allows to delegate reconciliation of a Job object to an external controller. JobManagedBy featuregate.Feature = "JobManagedBy" // owner: @mimowo // kep: // // Allow users to specify handling of pod failures based on container exit codes // and pod conditions. JobPodFailurePolicy featuregate.Feature = "JobPodFailurePolicy" // owner: @kannon92 // kep : // // Allow users to specify recreating pods of a job only when // pods have fully terminated. JobPodReplacementPolicy featuregate.Feature = "JobPodReplacementPolicy" // owner: @tenzen-y // kep: // // Allow users to specify when a Job can be declared as succeeded // based on the set of succeeded pods. JobSuccessPolicy featuregate.Feature = "JobSuccessPolicy" // owner: @marquiz // kep: // // Enable detection of the kubelet cgroup driver configuration option from // the CRI. The CRI runtime also needs to support this feature in which // case the kubelet will ignore the cgroupDriver (--cgroup-driver) // configuration option. If runtime doesn't support it, the kubelet will // fallback to using it's cgroupDriver option. KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI featuregate.Feature = "KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI" // owner: @vinayakankugoyal // kep: // // Enable fine-grained kubelet API authorization for webhook based // authorization. KubeletFineGrainedAuthz featuregate.Feature = "KubeletFineGrainedAuthz" // owner: @AkihiroSuda // // Enables support for running kubelet in a user namespace. // The user namespace has to be created before running kubelet. // All the node components such as CRI need to be running in the same user namespace. KubeletInUserNamespace featuregate.Feature = "KubeletInUserNamespace" // owner: @moshe010 // // Enable POD resources API to return resources allocated by Dynamic Resource Allocation KubeletPodResourcesDynamicResources featuregate.Feature = "KubeletPodResourcesDynamicResources" // owner: @moshe010 // // Enable POD resources API with Get method KubeletPodResourcesGet featuregate.Feature = "KubeletPodResourcesGet" // owner: @kannon92 // kep: // // The split image filesystem feature enables kubelet to perform garbage collection // of images (read-only layers) and/or containers (writeable layers) deployed on // separate filesystems. KubeletSeparateDiskGC featuregate.Feature = "KubeletSeparateDiskGC" // owner: @sallyom // kep: // // Add support for distributed tracing in the kubelet KubeletTracing featuregate.Feature = "KubeletTracing" // owner: @alexanderConstantinescu // kep: // // Implement connection draining for terminating nodes for // `externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster` services. KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes featuregate.Feature = "KubeProxyDrainingTerminatingNodes" // owner: @RobertKrawitz // // Allow use of filesystems for ephemeral storage monitoring. // Only applies if LocalStorageCapacityIsolation is set. // Relies on UserNamespacesSupport feature, and thus should follow it when setting defaults. LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring featuregate.Feature = "LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring" // owner: @damemi // // Enables scaling down replicas via logarithmic comparison of creation/ready timestamps LogarithmicScaleDown featuregate.Feature = "LogarithmicScaleDown" // owner: @sanposhiho // kep: // // Enables the MatchLabelKeys and MismatchLabelKeys in PodAffinity and PodAntiAffinity. MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity featuregate.Feature = "MatchLabelKeysInPodAffinity" // owner: @denkensk // kep: // // Enable MatchLabelKeys in PodTopologySpread. MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread featuregate.Feature = "MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread" // // Enables maxUnavailable for StatefulSet MaxUnavailableStatefulSet featuregate.Feature = "MaxUnavailableStatefulSet" // owner: @cynepco3hahue(alukiano) @cezaryzukowski @k-wiatrzyk, @Tal-or (only for GA graduation) // // Allows setting memory affinity for a container based on NUMA topology MemoryManager featuregate.Feature = "MemoryManager" // owner: @xiaoxubeii // kep: // // Enables kubelet to support memory QoS with cgroups v2. MemoryQoS featuregate.Feature = "MemoryQoS" // owner: @aojea // kep: // // Enables the dynamic configuration of Service IP ranges MultiCIDRServiceAllocator featuregate.Feature = "MultiCIDRServiceAllocator" // owner: @danwinship // kep: // // Allows running kube-proxy with `--mode nftables`. NFTablesProxyMode featuregate.Feature = "NFTablesProxyMode" // owner: @aravindhp @LorbusChris // kep: // // Enables querying logs of node services using the /logs endpoint NodeLogQuery featuregate.Feature = "NodeLogQuery" // Permits kubelet to run with swap enabled. NodeSwap featuregate.Feature = "NodeSwap" // owner: @mortent, @atiratree, @ravig // kep: // // Enables PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy for PodDisruptionBudgets PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy featuregate.Feature = "PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy" // owner: @RomanBednar // kep: // // Adds a new field to persistent volumes which holds a timestamp of when the volume last transitioned its phase. PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime featuregate.Feature = "PersistentVolumeLastPhaseTransitionTime" // owner: @haircommander // kep: // // Configures the Kubelet to use the CRI to populate pod and container stats, instead of supplimenting with stats from cAdvisor. // Requires the CRI implementation supports supplying the required stats. PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI featuregate.Feature = "PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI" // owner: @ahg-g // // Enables controlling pod ranking on replicaset scale-down. PodDeletionCost featuregate.Feature = "PodDeletionCost" // owner: @mimowo // kep: // // Enables support for appending a dedicated pod condition indicating that // the pod is being deleted due to a disruption. PodDisruptionConditions featuregate.Feature = "PodDisruptionConditions" // owner: @danielvegamyhre // kep: // // Set pod completion index as a pod label for Indexed Jobs. PodIndexLabel featuregate.Feature = "PodIndexLabel" // owner: @ddebroy, @kannon92 // // Enables reporting of PodReadyToStartContainersCondition condition in pod status after pod // sandbox creation and network configuration completes successfully PodReadyToStartContainersCondition featuregate.Feature = "PodReadyToStartContainersCondition" // owner: @wzshiming // kep: // // Adds pod.status.hostIPs and downward API PodHostIPs featuregate.Feature = "PodHostIPs" // owner: @AxeZhan // kep: // // Enables SleepAction in container lifecycle hooks PodLifecycleSleepAction featuregate.Feature = "PodLifecycleSleepAction" // owner: @sreeram-venkitesh // kep: // // Allows zero value for sleep duration in SleepAction in container lifecycle hooks PodLifecycleSleepActionAllowZero featuregate.Feature = "PodLifecycleSleepActionAllowZero" // owner: @Huang-Wei // kep: // // Enable users to specify when a Pod is ready for scheduling. PodSchedulingReadiness featuregate.Feature = "PodSchedulingReadiness" // owner: @seans3 // kep: // // Enables PortForward to be proxied with a websocket client PortForwardWebsockets featuregate.Feature = "PortForwardWebsockets" // owner: @jessfraz // // Enables control over ProcMountType for containers. ProcMountType featuregate.Feature = "ProcMountType" // owner: @sjenning // // Allows resource reservations at the QoS level preventing pods at lower QoS levels from // bursting into resources requested at higher QoS levels (memory only for now) QOSReserved featuregate.Feature = "QOSReserved" // owner: @gnufied // kep: // beta - v1.32 // // Allow users to recover from volume expansion failure RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure featuregate.Feature = "RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure" // owner: @AkihiroSuda // kep: // // Allows recursive read-only mounts. RecursiveReadOnlyMounts featuregate.Feature = "RecursiveReadOnlyMounts" // owner: @adrianmoisey // kep: // // Relaxed DNS search string validation. RelaxedDNSSearchValidation featuregate.Feature = "RelaxedDNSSearchValidation" // owner: @HirazawaUi // kep: // // Allow almost all printable ASCII characters in environment variables RelaxedEnvironmentVariableValidation featuregate.Feature = "RelaxedEnvironmentVariableValidation" // owner: @zhangweikop // // Enable kubelet tls server to update certificate if the specified certificate files are changed. // This feature is useful when specifying tlsCertFile & tlsPrivateKeyFile in kubelet Configuration. // No effect for other cases such as using serverTLSbootstap. ReloadKubeletServerCertificateFile featuregate.Feature = "ReloadKubeletServerCertificateFile" // owner: @SergeyKanzhelev // kep: // // Adds the AllocatedResourcesStatus to the container status. ResourceHealthStatus featuregate.Feature = "ResourceHealthStatus" // owner: @mikedanese // // Gets a server certificate for the kubelet from the Certificate Signing // Request API instead of generating one self signed and auto rotates the // certificate as expiration approaches. RotateKubeletServerCertificate featuregate.Feature = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate" // owner: @kiashok // kep: // // Adds support to pull images based on the runtime class specified. RuntimeClassInImageCriAPI featuregate.Feature = "RuntimeClassInImageCriApi" // owner: @danielvegamyhre // kep: // // Allows mutating spec.completions for Indexed job when done in tandem with // spec.parallelism. Specifically, spec.completions is mutable iff spec.completions // equals to spec.parallelism before and after the update. ElasticIndexedJob featuregate.Feature = "ElasticIndexedJob" // owner: @sanposhiho // kep: // // Enables the scheduler's enhancement called QueueingHints, // which benefits to reduce the useless requeueing. SchedulerQueueingHints featuregate.Feature = "SchedulerQueueingHints" // owner: @atosatto @yuanchen8911 // kep: // // Decouples Taint Eviction Controller, performing taint-based Pod eviction, from Node Lifecycle Controller. SeparateTaintEvictionController featuregate.Feature = "SeparateTaintEvictionController" // owner: @munnerz // kep: // // Controls whether JTIs (UUIDs) are embedded into generated service account tokens, and whether these JTIs are // recorded into the audit log for future requests made by these tokens. ServiceAccountTokenJTI featuregate.Feature = "ServiceAccountTokenJTI" // owner: @munnerz // kep: // // Controls whether the apiserver supports binding service account tokens to Node objects. ServiceAccountTokenNodeBinding featuregate.Feature = "ServiceAccountTokenNodeBinding" // owner: @munnerz // kep: // // Controls whether the apiserver will validate Node claims in service account tokens. ServiceAccountTokenNodeBindingValidation featuregate.Feature = "ServiceAccountTokenNodeBindingValidation" // owner: @munnerz // kep: // // Controls whether the apiserver embeds the node name and uid for the associated node when issuing // service account tokens bound to Pod objects. ServiceAccountTokenPodNodeInfo featuregate.Feature = "ServiceAccountTokenPodNodeInfo" // owner: @gauravkghildiyal @robscott // kep: // // Enables trafficDistribution field on Services. ServiceTrafficDistribution featuregate.Feature = "ServiceTrafficDistribution" // owner: @gjkim42 @SergeyKanzhelev @matthyx @tzneal // kep: // // Introduces sidecar containers, a new type of init container that starts // before other containers but remains running for the full duration of the // pod's lifecycle and will not block pod termination. SidecarContainers featuregate.Feature = "SidecarContainers" // owner: @derekwaynecarr // // Enables kubelet support to size memory backed volumes // This is a kubelet only feature gate. // Code can be removed in 1.35 without any consideration for emulated versions. SizeMemoryBackedVolumes featuregate.Feature = "SizeMemoryBackedVolumes" // owner: @mattcary // // Enables policies controlling deletion of PVCs created by a StatefulSet. StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC featuregate.Feature = "StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC" // owner: @psch // // Enables a StatefulSet to start from an arbitrary non zero ordinal StatefulSetStartOrdinal featuregate.Feature = "StatefulSetStartOrdinal" // owner: @ahutsunshine // // Allows namespace indexer for namespace scope resources in apiserver cache to accelerate list operations. StorageNamespaceIndex featuregate.Feature = "StorageNamespaceIndex" // Enables support for the StorageVersionMigrator controller. StorageVersionMigrator featuregate.Feature = "StorageVersionMigrator" // owner: @robscott // kep: // // Enables topology aware hints for EndpointSlices TopologyAwareHints featuregate.Feature = "TopologyAwareHints" // owner: @PiotrProkop // kep: // // Allow fine-tuning of topology manager policies with alpha options. // This feature gate: // - will guard *a group* of topology manager options whose quality level is alpha. // - will never graduate to beta or stable. TopologyManagerPolicyAlphaOptions featuregate.Feature = "TopologyManagerPolicyAlphaOptions" // owner: @PiotrProkop // kep: // // Allow fine-tuning of topology manager policies with beta options. // This feature gate: // - will guard *a group* of topology manager options whose quality level is beta. // - is thus *introduced* as beta // - will never graduate to stable. TopologyManagerPolicyBetaOptions featuregate.Feature = "TopologyManagerPolicyBetaOptions" // owner: @PiotrProkop // kep: // // Allow the usage of options to fine-tune the topology manager policies. TopologyManagerPolicyOptions featuregate.Feature = "TopologyManagerPolicyOptions" // owner: @seans3 // kep: // // Enables StreamTranslator proxy to handle WebSockets upgrade requests for the // version of the RemoteCommand subprotocol that supports the "close" signal. TranslateStreamCloseWebsocketRequests featuregate.Feature = "TranslateStreamCloseWebsocketRequests" // owner: @richabanker // // Proxies client to an apiserver capable of serving the request in the event of version skew. UnknownVersionInteroperabilityProxy featuregate.Feature = "UnknownVersionInteroperabilityProxy" // owner: @rata, @giuseppe // kep: // // Enables user namespace support for stateless pods. UserNamespacesSupport featuregate.Feature = "UserNamespacesSupport" // owner: @mattcarry, @sunnylovestiramisu // kep: // // Enables user specified volume attributes for persistent volumes, like iops and throughput. VolumeAttributesClass featuregate.Feature = "VolumeAttributesClass" // owner: @cofyc VolumeCapacityPriority featuregate.Feature = "VolumeCapacityPriority" // owner: @ksubrmnn // // Allows kube-proxy to create DSR loadbalancers for Windows WinDSR featuregate.Feature = "WinDSR" // owner: @ksubrmnn // // Allows kube-proxy to run in Overlay mode for Windows WinOverlay featuregate.Feature = "WinOverlay" // owner: @jsturtevant // kep: // // Add CPU and Memory Affinity support to Windows nodes with CPUManager, MemoryManager and Topology manager WindowsCPUAndMemoryAffinity featuregate.Feature = "WindowsCPUAndMemoryAffinity" // owner: @marosset // kep: // // Enables support for joining Windows containers to a hosts' network namespace. WindowsHostNetwork featuregate.Feature = "WindowsHostNetwork" // owner: @kerthcet // kep: // // Allow users to specify whether to take nodeAffinity/nodeTaint into consideration when // calculating pod topology spread skew. NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread featuregate.Feature = "NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread" // owner: @jsafrane // kep: // Speed up container startup by mounting volumes with the correct SELinux label // instead of changing each file on the volumes recursively. // Initial implementation focused on ReadWriteOncePod volumes. SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod featuregate.Feature = "SELinuxMountReadWriteOncePod" // owner: @vinaykul // kep: // // Enables In-Place Pod Vertical Scaling InPlacePodVerticalScaling featuregate.Feature = "InPlacePodVerticalScaling" // owner: @Sh4d1,@RyanAoh,@rikatz // kep: // LoadBalancerIPMode enables the IPMode field in the LoadBalancerIngress status of a Service LoadBalancerIPMode featuregate.Feature = "LoadBalancerIPMode" // owner: @haircommander // kep: // ImageMaximumGCAge enables the Kubelet configuration field of the same name, allowing an admin // to specify the age after which an image will be garbage collected. ImageMaximumGCAge featuregate.Feature = "ImageMaximumGCAge" // owner: @saschagrunert // // Enables user namespace support for Pod Security Standards. Enabling this // feature will modify all Pod Security Standard rules to allow setting: // spec[.*].securityContext.[runAsNonRoot,runAsUser] // This feature gate should only be enabled if all nodes in the cluster // support the user namespace feature and have it enabled. The feature gate // will not graduate or be enabled by default in future Kubernetes // releases. UserNamespacesPodSecurityStandards featuregate.Feature = "UserNamespacesPodSecurityStandards" // owner: @jsafrane // kep: // Speed up container startup by mounting volumes with the correct SELinux label // instead of changing each file on the volumes recursively. SELinuxMount featuregate.Feature = "SELinuxMount" // owner: @everpeace // kep: // // Enable SupplementalGroupsPolicy feature in PodSecurityContext SupplementalGroupsPolicy featuregate.Feature = "SupplementalGroupsPolicy" // owner: @saschagrunert // kep: // // Enables the image volume source. ImageVolume featuregate.Feature = "ImageVolume" // owner: @zhifei92 // beta: v1.32 // // Enables the systemd watchdog for the kubelet. When enabled, the kubelet will // periodically notify the systemd watchdog to indicate that it is still alive. // This can help prevent the system from restarting the kubelet if it becomes // unresponsive. The feature gate is enabled by default, but should only be used // if the system supports the systemd watchdog feature and has it configured properly. SystemdWatchdog = featuregate.Feature("SystemdWatchdog") // owner: @jsafrane // kep: // alpha: v1.32 // // Speed up container startup by mounting volumes with the correct SELinux label // instead of changing each file on the volumes recursively. // Enables the SELinuxChangePolicy field in PodSecurityContext before SELinuxMount featgure gate is enabled. SELinuxChangePolicy featuregate.Feature = "SELinuxChangePolicy" )
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